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/lit/ - Literature

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9816398 No.9816398 [Reply] [Original]

So did the author tell us the truth about this book? Was it really supposed to be browsed "like a child"? Or is there, in fact, hidden meaning within it, which reveals something? Something he never wanted to tell the reader in person but in secret, within the book itself? Or is it, according to the naked eye: bullshit?

Let's decide, /lit/.

>> No.9816404

Sorry what is it?

>> No.9816409
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It's apparently a book, specifically an encyclopedia an artist made in the 1980s, which depicts an imaginary world described in an imaginary language with imaginary words.

>> No.9816415

So its basically just gibberish nonsense?

Is the language coherent and is there a translation? Or just some nutjob who may as well be scrawling in his own shit on a padded wall?

>> No.9816417

And that's not all, cryptographers decided on a whim to study this and it does in fact, have a writing system that is coherent and understandable.

>> No.9816419

Did they bother to translate it?

>> No.9816438

No, because, like the Voynich Manuscript, it's extremely difficult to comprehend. I speculate that this man actually transformed his own imagination and thought processes completely onto paper in an orderly fashion. It's as if the encyclopedia itself is a map of the world of this man's mind.

>> No.9816447
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So mainly just nonsense?

>> No.9816455

Could be nonsense/bullshit or it could have hidden meaning to it that the author wasn't or was secretly aware of. The human mind is a very expressionable thing.

>> No.9816460

Why don't people just ask him?

>> No.9816469

They do, and he gave them an answer but it was a very simple answer for a very strange book. I don't believe for one second, that this book was supposed to be read like a child. I mean, it's too complicated for a child. Why would he tell the questioners that?

>> No.9816508
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To sell more books

>> No.9816515
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>you will never be this insecure

>> No.9816542
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All authors want money from their book, that is perhaps the most basest reason any author would have. He could have other reasons too you know.

>> No.9816549
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Like what? I wouldn't buy his book because idk wtf its about

>> No.9816562
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And because you don't know what it's about, it's all the more reason you should buy it, to delve into what it is truly about. I mean, the clergy never let the commoners truly know about the Bible until they themselves read it. They'd be none the wiser if they never read it at all.

>> No.9816573

Yeah I mean true. But equally well I could go for a walk and look at stuff because I don't really understand that either.

Or read some Heidegger desu

>> No.9816583

I think Serafini once said in an interview that the language in the book was completely asemic

>> No.9816585
File: 21 KB, 706x594, IMG_0817.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ugh, just buy my book-- I mean, uhm, this book! Heh.. This book is wonderful. Trust me you won't regret it..

>> No.9816596
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summer is on full force, i see.

>> No.9816598

das rite bich, time to succ my big summerboi kock

>> No.9816665
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Pretty much.

Did it sell well?

Just seems like Munchausen with extra steps

>> No.9816683

No, which is why I'm telling you to buy it. Give me moneyyyyy. It's only 500 dollars! :^)

>> No.9816716

Do you have a link to their findings?

>> No.9816723
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No, why would I give sources? This isn't /his/, silly bookreader! Look it up on the Internet.

>> No.9816725

How would he get published if he was just some unknown nutjob? Do you even know how publishing works, and if so, why on earth are you posting your ridiculous questions in a literature forum?

>> No.9816731

Who is he?

>> No.9816735

Oh so you're full of shit, in other words. Why are you trying to deceive people here?

>> No.9816739

>Luigi Serafini (born 4 August 1949 in Rome) is an Italian artist and designer. He is best known for creating the Codex Seraphinianus, an illustrated encyclopedia of imaginary things in what is believed to be a constructed language. This work was published in 1981 by Franco Maria Ricci, out of Milan.

>> No.9816748

>the clergy never let the commoners truly know about the Bible
BS dude you can read the bible, and read the Church Fathers and how they interpreted it into doctrine and dogma, and they explain their reasoning. So if you are trained in formal logic you can know all the "secrets" too and all you need is you faculties of reason!

>> No.9816758
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Why would I deceive you? I have no clear reason to. All I said was look it up on the Internet which is fairly simple to do, yet you bookreaders are incapable of doing such a task. We on /his/ are much smarter, you see, and we are able to do this and look for sources on our own.

But I have provided you with proof from a Wikipedia source, you incredibly. lazy, stupid bookreader. >>9816739

You know, /lit/, if you weren't so absentminded we could've been friends. It's a shame your board and mine can't get along. Just a bunch of pathetic, litel fuccbois sitting in their studyroom achieving barely anything of note.

>> No.9816770
File: 107 KB, 254x280, 4chan guide.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yes that's right mate. Let it all out

>> No.9816773

From Wikipedia:
>In a talk at the Oxford University Society of Bibliophiles held on 11 May 2009, Serafini stated that there is no meaning hidden behind the script of the Codex, which is asemic; that his own experience in writing it was closely similar to automatic writing; and that what he wanted his alphabet to convey to the reader is the sensation that children feel in front of books they cannot yet understand, although they see that the writing does make sense for adults
Seems pretty straight forward to me. When he says to read it like a child, he doesn't mean that will help you understand it. It's clearly not meant to be understood. It's just supposed to be very well-structured gibberish; simulating what children experience when they try to read adult books.
Kind of reminds me of this video:

I think it's a really interesting concept for a book. To write something that reads like a completely foreign language to any reader, regardless of background. But I think he is actually being honest when he says there isn't anything beyond that to 'get'.

>> No.9816784
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>> No.9816788
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>> No.9816794
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>> No.9816797
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>> No.9816807

Why are you mocking the greatest irony that all of us have in common on this website? This also makes you subject to it.

>> No.9816821
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I'm at peace with my failure

>> No.9816828

It's a mistake to assume most of 4chan is /r9k/ tier

>> No.9816831

Why tf is he speaking at the Oxford University Society of Bibliophiles for his cartoon book with a fake automatic-writing language? If he exercised no volition in its creation wtf of interest would he have to talk about? Why is he even renowned enough to speak at Oxford?

>> No.9816839

None of it makes any sense.

>> No.9816843
File: 31 KB, 657x527, IMG_0628.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I wish we weren't failures. Why did we have to take the easy route? We have so much potential to do things but something impedes us from ever crossing the difficult route, the one that was worth it all along. We'll never be able to cross it, Bruce, not in this postmodern world.

>> No.9816859
File: 10 KB, 200x131, 1423785811774.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Eh just don't die and keep putting one foot in front of the other man.

Its the downtime I don't like. Fallen back into my 4chan ways this week. Not good. Nothing to do until monday unless you count shopping or watching ufc

>> No.9817000

>BS dude you can read the bible,
yeah we can now
before it was translated into english (or other languages) the populace had to depend on the word of the educated elite that could read and speak latin

the book is awesome anyway. i have the edition shown in >>9816398
fun fact, first editions sell for $5000+

>> No.9817115

>We have so much potential
Speak for yourself.