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9811695 No.9811695[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Do Robot Waifus violate machine ethics

>> No.9811704

What machine ethics?

>> No.9811765
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Sorry, I meant robot ethics.

To clarify, If robot waifus were to exist, they will undoubtedly demolish any notions of attraction towards women, which is sex and companionship. To say this were to happen, would violate the Zeroth law of Robotics:

>0. A robot may not harm humanity, or, by inaction, allow humanity to come to harm.

This violates the zeroth law due to actively setting humanity on a path towards extinction since the "betas" would all flock towards the waifus. The women, as per usual, would flock towards the "alphas" as a state of mutual attraction but not symbiotic relationship. After hitting the wall and realizing the need a man to marry, they would pursue the now displaced "beta" population. This huge displacement of now, men being occupied by robowaifus, would mean that a lot of women wouldn't have anyone to child-bare with. Causing a huge reduction in the birth rate. This will continue until humanity decides to put a stop on the production of robowaifus or die as a result.

Sorry for a lot of psuedoscience but I tried to use pack mentality and /r9k/ tier science to clarify my post

>> No.9811773

I feel stupid for only just realizing that SJW's are going to destroy the future where I have a totally submissive 10/10 qt robot waifu.

Feminists will probably make sure men get locked up for owning one. FUUUUUUUCCKING REEEEEEEEEEEEEEE

>> No.9811776

Who's zeroth, what's his jurisdiction in Australia and how big is his army?

Also assuming that breeding can be taken care of in farms or whatever and given 5 men can inseminate 500 women what's the direct harm?

>> No.9811785

Women won't be needed in the future to bear children. Never heard of artificial wombs? Women will be irrelevant soon

>> No.9811797

This is the real reason that feminists are worried about it. It isn't because it objectifies women, but because it completely obsoletes them.

>> No.9811813
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What the fuck is this plebian shit go fuck yourself

>> No.9811829
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>Also assuming that breeding can be taken care of in farms or whatever and given 5 men can inseminate 500 women what's the direct harm?

Because most would recognize that as unethical.

Unless you're talking about sperm banks, then I would assume that we would soon recognize a psychological epidemic of the disadvantages of being raised by a collective of disillusioned single mothers. Effeminate men would become gay, pursue robowaifus, or turn to crime (emotional development problems).

>Women won't be needed in the future to bear children. Never heard of artificial wombs? Women will be irrelevant soon

Women would be irrelevant , yes. But this also violates MAJOR ethical establishments. Is it morally just to completely disassemble the entire function of women for our own self desire? What would come of it? And how does this impact the future of humanity?

Also whose to say that inter-governmental political forums and united councils like G8 would argue against the ethics of artificial wombs, and deem them illegal in most countries?

>not laying the groundwork for robot ethics or the concern for ethics of robots in the future
fuck off you pseud

>> No.9811834

citing the three laws of robotics in any serious conversation just shows how little you know about artificial intelligence. please find a tall building and then kill yourself

>> No.9811852
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Eh its not direct harm.

Should a robot steal my smokes because not stealing them is harming me?

>> No.9811859
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Do you want me to cite someone like Joseph Weizenbaum you fucking mong? The three laws of robotics are equally viable because the discuss the ethical order that robots should abide by.

>Asimov is a science fiction writer therefore ; he is not an accredited source on the discussion on the ethics on robots

Please listen to me when I say this, DO NOT BREED, just drink bleach my man

>> No.9811864
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How's scientology going?

>> No.9811872

I always think about people like OP as having a Religious hangover and being afraid of God.

>> No.9811878

It's almost as if you haven't read Asimov you fucking nigger. The laws were completely fucking useless even in theory, It's a shitty framework and you know it.

>> No.9811883
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Robo loli waifu when? I wanna take her for strolls through scenic parks, dress her in the finest and frilliest frocks, shower her with all the sweets and trinkets she desires, wine and dine her on the finest fare, and love her from the bottom of my heart, and her to love me.

>> No.9811885

I think that law is supposed to be direct -- it's about robots' direct actions/inactions as moral agents. If it was indirect, there's no reason to separate robots from AI in general, and the harmful effects AI has/will have on humanity is not really quantifiable.

>> No.9811891

This basically. Is unemployment because robots harm? Or is the wealth of resources and goods that create abundance enough to outweigh the virtue that employment can bring?

How can it be quantified?

>> No.9811919

we will be able to make embryos from two eggs as well

>> No.9811969

Not all care about ethnic, hence it doesn't matter.

>> No.9811981

>Not all care about ethnic
Its true. What does it matter if your robot waifu is pale as snow or delicious brown? Ethnic don't matter! Love is love!
Hear hear anon!

>> No.9811987
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>> No.9811990

>not shopping the 2 into a 3

>> No.9811993

Although I am religious. I'm no God fearing SJW, and I would happily have a submissive robot waifu. I'm just discussing the ethics of it

I've fucking read Asimov you retard.

>The laws were completely fucking useless even in theory
Maybe the laws and the order they're in makes the whole set of rules useless. But still, the fundamental principle of allowing AI to not become a existential risk is still a viable question

> It's a shitty framework and you know it.
Except its not. The sheer broad and ineffective nature of the laws allows us to think about the human-robot relationship in a more realistic manner.

I honestly don't know how it would be quantified, but I do think we should take existential risk into account for robots actions as moral agents.

hopefully soon....

>> No.9812000

Nah be grey goo apocalypse for the win I reckon

>> No.9812007

Asimov is for reddit trogodytes who think that Terminator is a good depiction of AI. Asimov's laws fail at every corner. It's about as useful as Aristotles' biology notes.

>> No.9812020

God funding dammit this phone correction bullfuckingshitasscocksuckingfuck

>> No.9812027

He's talking about the "ethics" of the robots not the humans man

>> No.9812031

Women can't be robots.

t. /r9k/

>> No.9812033


>all these desperate lowlifes dreaming about their submissive robot waifu

if you cannot get a real woman to love you then you might aswell just take your life. if your personality is THAT uninteresting, why wouldnt you be the first victim of any eugenics program? Having a submissive wife is an embarrassing power fantasy for omega males, a true patrician will always strive for a woman that brings out the best of him.

You could, theoretically, breed with the next Mary Shelley or Jane Austen, but all you do is jerk off all day and fantasize. You construct a perfect boogeyman (muh feminazi women are all shite nowadays :'( ) to justify your lazy, subhuman attitude and whenever you realize this you just wallow in self pity until you forget.

I hope yall choke on your tendies you worthless faggots :^)

t. Numale Cuckold SJW

>> No.9812037

Jerome's go tonight then? Don't take it out on us

>> No.9812047

>if you cannot get a real woman to love you
Why didn't you consider that perhaps it is women who are unloveable?

>> No.9812057

I agree that Asimov's laws aren't accurate depictions or guidelines that robots should adhere to; maybe I should've just stated that SJWs may interpret that they pose an existential risk towards humanity, but to completely disregard them? Why not use them to create a more coherent interpretation of "friendly AI".

>> No.9812098

I'd rather just have a robot waifu.

>> No.9812166

Women can't love, towards men they only feel lust and greed.

>> No.9812182

Don't be ridiculous. They can also feel hatred, disgust, and jealousy.

>> No.9812189

wtf man i just want to f*ck a robot loli
is thta too much to ask

>> No.9812194

Some day anon, some day.

>> No.9812195


>> No.9812204

Morality is a spook, so what's it matter?

>> No.9813039
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can I buy a Robot Waifu even though I already have a wife? The real thing is pretty shit, in case people didn't know already.

>> No.9814459
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>> No.9814465

>implying i ever stopped fucking my hand

jokes on u, ho

>> No.9814497

truth right there. 1.5-2 weeks /month either bleeding or pre-bleeding, has to be in the "mood". lucky if you get in there 3 times a month.

>> No.9814502

>After hitting the wall and realizing the need a man to marry, they would pursue the now displaced "beta" population.

Is this how you think things are currently working? Why would women settle for betas for companionship when alphas probably offer companionship too?

>> No.9814511

I'll gladly continue to fuck my hand.

>> No.9814515

alphas don't fuck with used up 30 year olds, they fuck hot chicks

>> No.9814519
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So..fuckhole is the only valuable feature of females? God job, girl.

>> No.9814542

Physical waifus in any form violate waifu ethics.

>> No.9815452

Interesting thread.

>> No.9815505
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>> No.9815524

>f you cannot get a real woman to love you then you might aswell just take your life. if your personality is THAT uninteresting, why wouldnt you be the first victim of any eugenics program?

i first realized this when i watched Paths Of Glory by Kubrick and they pick that sniveling beta guy to get executed, and i thought "damn normies picking on the autismo kid as usually" but then you realize the reason they picked him is he had no family, if he died no one would care, so why not sacrifice him instead of someone with a wife and kids?

most ppl who watch that movie just think the message is "war is bad" but there's a lot more in there than that

>> No.9816289

Because starting with a clean slate is better than starting with a weak framework.

>> No.9816429
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good thing you don't have to give an actual answer because he's an inferior male.