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/lit/ - Literature

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9810419 No.9810419 [Reply] [Original]

Can I get some examples of pseudo intellectualism?

>> No.9810428

Making this thread
Posting on /lit/
Reading in public
Being poor

>> No.9810429

jordan peterson
sam harris

>> No.9810760
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>> No.9810794


>> No.9810803

>t. Pseud

>> No.9810804

everything ever written by Nietzsche

>> No.9810807
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>being poor

>> No.9811023

People who read Nietzsche very badly.

>> No.9811143

my diary desu

>> No.9811422

noam chomsky

>> No.9811429


>> No.9811456


Jordan Peterson
Sam Harris
Scott Adams
Christopher Hitchens
Richard Dawkins
Slavoj Zizek
Noam Chomsky
William Buckley
Gore Vidal

>> No.9811459

The /lit/ catalog

>> No.9811488
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>> No.9811491


>> No.9811500

anyone have the latest IGNORE pic?

>> No.9811809

Reading on public transport

>> No.9811811

I suppose that depends on how you define intellectualism, doesn't it?

>> No.9811818

That wannabe anarchists

>> No.9811825

Honestly, and I don't mean this to even be snarky, but pointing out who is an "pseudo" intellectual like this >>9811456
Is the most pseud thing there is. It reeks of bottom dog defensiveness and tall poppy mouth breeders.

People who are genuinely smart and confident in that will be able to see the gold in many educated ideas, even if they don't agree with them, they would not make it their mission to "out" others for being dumb because they wouldnt imagine that process as being able to give them anything they don't already have.

>> No.9811858


>pointing out pseuds is pseuds

You did the exact same thing you pseud.

>getting trapped in your own paradox

Plain dumb

>> No.9811898
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>> No.9811922

If everyone is a pseud, who isn't?

>> No.9811923

No, I didn't point out any pseuds, I named the criteria for pseuds, and demonstrated an example. Not the same as naming a specific celebrity that I'm "better than."

According to /lit/, only absolute nobodies and unknowns. Makes them feel better about themselves.

>> No.9811926

ITT: pseuds are people I don't like

>> No.9811927

lmao papa franku

>> No.9811930

whenever someone spells it out instead of just casually calling someone a pseud desu

>> No.9811935


Lol dat dishonest reasoning.
You weren't calling that anon a pseud when you said that what he did is "the most pseud thing there is?"

What exactly is the fucking difference? You think these semantic games make you sophisticated? They're a fucking joke.

And he never said he was better than anyone, that's 100% projection on your part.

>> No.9812058
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Listen, man, I don't know what you want me to say and I don't really care. I stand by the fact that a usual giveaway for pseuds is that they like to tear down thinkers more than they like to enjoy engaging with their ideas, AND I don't think pointing that out is a pseudo-intellectual thing to do. Maybe you just need to get over it?

>> No.9812075

>that random fucking soros photo

>> No.9812236

was Plato a pseud?
he didn't have tenure and just wrote sloppy fanfiction

>> No.9812249

>my man molyneux aint't on that list


>> No.9812262
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basically people who dont read a lot but say they do like pic related

>> No.9812320

John Green is one of the biggest pseuds I've ever seen

>> No.9812361

anyone have this in full?

>> No.9812596

Thinking the bible is the word of god

>> No.9812641

not even pseudo.

>> No.9812791

Intellectual vapourwave is not vapourwave.

>> No.9812815

But he's an historian. Haven't you seen all the videos of him summarizing Wikipedia articles?

>> No.9812828


>> No.9812836
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what did he mean by this?

>> No.9813036

Historian and cancer profiteer

>> No.9813111

>Reading in public
Why aren't you reading at any given chance, you pleb?

>> No.9813120

I'm surprised aurini wasn't posted there. He is the literal definition of a pseud and takes him self so serious too.

>> No.9813155

Molyneaux is the biggest pseud. His arguments are pure sophistry.

>> No.9813298
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>reading on the train

Is there anything more pretentious, more attention-seeking?

>> No.9813674

What do you do on the train?

>> No.9813710

If you want some hardcore pseudo check out a feels thread on >>>/r9k/ shit gets wild their.

>> No.9813717


>> No.9813741


woah bugs... easy on the carrots

>> No.9813745


i read on the train. reading in public is spectacle if you see the person looking around to see if theyre being seen.

id rather read a book than stare at other people reading or swiping away on their smartphone.

>> No.9813748

Actual good answer here. The guy and his crew are not particularly intelligent or talented, but they make plenty of money regurgitating already commonplace ideas, facts and themes in a simplistic manner intended for the lowest common denominator (both in their web content and in John's books).
Good examples would be most of the "educational" youtubers, as well as many of the political ones though I'd argue that many of them aren't pushing any intellectual narrative. The ones that are, are probably pseuds.

Pseud does not equal "guy better educated and more famous than me whom I disagree with". There are highly educated pseuds, like that woman who teaches philosophy at Harvard and had that pants-on-head retarded abortion justification discussion with James Franco, but you tend not to hear about them as often since they stay in their echo chambers.

>> No.9813878


>> No.9813884

>jesus christ is a pseudo intellectual

I fucking hate this board and everyone on it

>> No.9813899

you seriously replied to that post seriously... god, is this board autistic

>> No.9813919

i listened to one of petersons podcasts called on religion myth, science, and truth, and it was basically him babbling from one subject to the other for 2 hours straight.

>> No.9813935
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Almost everything this guy has ever done.

>> No.9813953

The sheer volume of research he did makes up for it though

>> No.9814019

just browse /lit/

>> No.9814066

I'm actually not even willing to call Peterson a pseud even as a joke.
That man is literally saving western civilization.

>> No.9814078


>no reviewbrah

>> No.9814486
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Someone voiced an opinion that made me feel uncomfortable.

>> No.9814507

Ehhh pas mal pas mal...

>> No.9814566

Dostoevsky too? This chart is bait, m8.

>> No.9814591

I, myself, prefer to read on the beach. On a chair

>> No.9814607

>Slavoj Zizek
>Noam Chomsky

Please, Chomsky is one of the greatest erudites of our time, and Zizek's public commentary does not really reflect his actual philosophical career. He started telling jokes on tv only in his 50s, before that there are 40 years of intensely productive academic career. Generally reading his books will just show you that he really dumbs down lectures and interviews for uneducated people to understand him.

>> No.9814620

>"That's not fair" guy from Twilight Zone

>> No.9814624

C. H. Jung
Ain Rand
Slavoj Zizek
Peterson etc

Homsky is good guy, but only in linguistics' area.

>> No.9814644

Just look in the mirror, OP.

>> No.9814654

>but only in linguistics' area.

eeeeek wrong.

his linguistics are intimately linked to his politics. remember political ideologies rely on assumptions on human nature. chomsky views people as structurally social, creative producers....as seen in peoples use of language and his theories on linguistics.

ha ha newb

why is /lit/ full of brainlets these days?

you're annoying. go away

>> No.9814667

Chomsky is respected in political science and foreign politics studies, and his works are read almost worldwide by students and scholars.
I genuinely can't see how Chomsky is not qualified in political sciences. Have you ever checked on his sources? The guy is a walking encyclopedia.

>> No.9814693

How cynical do you have to be to assume someone else reading is a show for you? That others only exist inasmuch as you perceive them? You're projecting your egotism.

>> No.9814717

Did you ever read his writings? I did.

Students and scholars can read everything. And that doesn't make some bullshit more scientific.

>> No.9814849

Everyone's theories about everything is linked to their politics you fucking hack.

>> No.9814857

You're an idiot.

>> No.9814882

Tell your arguments please.

>> No.9815099


>> No.9815304

Is anything for kids or teenagers pseud

>> No.9815736

Well you seen to think that scientific is better than scholarly for some reason. But the only difference at that point is actually conducting a scientific experiment. So do you think that to have a good knowledge of a field (e.g., politics) you must conduct experiments?

>> No.9815784

>Jesus Christ, Bertrand Russell, Kafka, Chomsky

This isn't funny this is just embarrassing

>> No.9816144

>Tolstoy next to OnisionSpeaks

>> No.9816222

Damn, you beat me to it.
This entire board is an example.

>> No.9816262
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>browses reddit
>unironically talks about Bill Nye as if he has any credibility.
>continually uses buzzwords and obscure language to make a point in an "argument"
>gets offended from differing point of views
>thinks he's always right, incredibly pompous and arrogant,
>talks with the mannerisms of a stereotypical Londoner
>will dismiss you if you fail to recall his vague quotes from trashy "enlightenment" (((philosophers)))
>memorizes tons of pointless quotes that he googled, favorite quotist is fucking Winston Churchill
>quick to call others pseudo-intellectuals with a lack of basis for reasoning

That's all folks, if two or more of these correlate to you, you may be in threat of being a pseudo-intellectual.

>> No.9816285

>uses buzzwords and obscure language
>correlate to you
I hate it when people misuse the term corralate. Which reminds me, you forgot:
>anyone who reads "I fucking love science"

>> No.9816470

t. plebs

>> No.9816513

You just misspelled correlate you fucking twit.

Also, what the fuck are you even attempting to say?

>> No.9816522

This entire board, mah dude. /sci/ is pretty bad, too. People who actually study and apply their knowledge in real life aren't as eager to show off how smart or educated they are.

>> No.9816537

The problem we have here is that people perpetually browse this board and get a bloated sense of value from it.

They continue to discuss the same topics they've discussed a thousand times and in doing so minutely refine their understanding of these topics.

In refining these topics they resort to continually come up with arbitrary and abstract philosophies as a result, which is portrayed as complete gibberish to the layman.

Also, to all you /lit/ilectuals here, reading books doesn't make you smart.

>> No.9816601

How can you not understand?

People who overuse or misuse the term correlate are pseuds.

People who browse I fucking love science are pseuds.


>> No.9816605

This thread.

>> No.9816610

>show off how smart or educated they are.

On an anonymous image board. This isn't leddit. There are no upvotes to tickle people's vanity.

I can find /lit/ to be a decently tolerable place to discuss countercultural ideas, but there's plenty of dross and garbage posts to be had.

The one thing I can appreciate is that people who come here just enjoy discussing ideas and books and shit, because they enjoy it. There is no need to stroke your ego because it's anonymous.

>> No.9816649

And yet it's by far the most hostile and insufferable board.

>> No.9816652

The definition of it desu

>> No.9816658

Guess I don't linger here too often, thank goodness. /his/ is way better most of the time, and there is a decent amount of overlap in subject matter.

>> No.9816715

>the wealthy in our society aren't idiotic
etymologically speaking

>> No.9816781

this is the fake one. I asked for the latest legitimate one, thanks.

>> No.9816805

None of them are legitimate you autist.

>> No.9817264
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Armoured Skeptic


>> No.9817366

Who on there isnt a pseud

>> No.9817373

>greatest erudites

How can I be a great erudite one day

>> No.9818964

Speaking of which, James Franco has got to be one.

>be an elite
>Use status to take writing classes at a bunch of prestigious universities
>Release one of the worst poetry books of the decade
>On top of that, continually pump out moronic drivel posing as "comedy" with your secret butt buddy, Seth Rogen.

>> No.9819004


>> No.9819012

>>continually uses buzzwords and obscure language to make a point in an "argument"
>>gets offended from differing point of views
>>thinks he's always right, incredibly pompous and arrogant
So everyone on /lit/ is a pseudo-intellectual?

>> No.9819020
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Jakron of Akbar


>> No.9819044
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>brain dead fraud
>saving western civilization

suicide yourself

>> No.9819086

>Cheech and Chong

>> No.9819110

Just about yeah.

>> No.9819152

You're browsing in it!

>> No.9819154

Nice ad hominem, smuggly

>> No.9819979

Ironically those who call others pseuds tend to be pseudo i intellectuals in the vast majority of cases