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/lit/ - Literature

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9810226 No.9810226 [Reply] [Original]

What book actually improved your life?

>> No.9810233


>> No.9810236
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>> No.9810247

Unironically Infinite Jest.

>> No.9810250

I'd love to cave this person's skull in

>> No.9810278

Dank for Dummies

>> No.9810283

I'd love for you to leave this board

>> No.9810292

except nothing in my post indicates what you greentexted at all. Could you be more triggered?

>> No.9810304


>> No.9810311

Oh, you were only pretending to be a retarded and edgy memeboy, and only alluding at your smug delusions of superiority, merely pretending to defend your intelligence with a desperate reply

got it

>> No.9810315

>hehe you thought 80 IQ wasn't enough to make a joint over this book? Think again...

>> No.9810316

Brown skin.

>> No.9810318
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>being this personally offended by a greentext

>> No.9810323

Edgar Allan Poe's storys.

>> No.9810328
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>> No.9810330


>> No.9810333

When I was a teenager I used to think that readng was for nerds and virgins until I read The Great Gatsby and actually enjoyed it. That lead me into harder and better stuff. I haven't had sex since then. Fuck books.

>> No.9810335

this is what happens when a master troll gets completely BTFO
they pretend they are beyond the entire debate, and their mistake to be a tiny thing not worthy of others attentions

too bad I haven't been playing this game since yesterday, kiddo

>> No.9810361

Unironically, Tropic of Cancer. Henry Miller's prose is a shot of pure adrenaline.

>> No.9810401

Right there with you, though I actually like capricorn more

>> No.9810409

what the fuck is wrong with you

>> No.9810430

Miller is the best thing that's happened to me lately. I can't wait to read his essay on Rimbaud.

>> No.9810440


>> No.9810441

i unironically agree with you and find weedlord "intelligentsia" to pseuds every single time

>> No.9810445

He's right you are butthurt as fuck.
Maybe because you're a nigger:)

>> No.9810447
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Ook ook ook Ook Ook ook Ook ook ook Ook ook ook Ook Ook ook Ook ook ook Ook ook ook Ook Ook ook Ook ook ook Ook ook ook Ook Ook ook Ook ook ook Ook ook ook Ook Ook ook Ook ook ook Ook ook ook Ook Ook ook Ook ook ook Ook ook ook Ook Ook ook Ook ook ook Ook ook ook Ook Ook ook Ook ook ook

>> No.9810457



>> No.9810461

the daodejing desu senpai

>> No.9810462


>> No.9810521

In what way? For me it did 2 things: Get me on that "Nothing is unendurable" philosophy, and got me into reading for fun

>> No.9810548

This. Made me realize I was way too addicted to videogames.

>> No.9810586

The Phenomenology of Spirit.

>> No.9810601

theory of the subject by alain badiou

>> No.9810667


Also, Crapalachia

>> No.9810898

The New Testament

>> No.9810916

You're a spaz but I agree with you more or less. There's something slimy about people who try flaunt (or atleast inwardly adore themselves for) their versatility.

>> No.9810931
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>> No.9810933
File: 75 KB, 600x800, Duke of Bedford - Three Graces.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>The Bible
>Republic, Plato
>Irrational Man, William Barret
>The Complete Works of W. B. Yeats
>The Complete Works of Alfred, Lord Tennyson
>The Complete Works of T. S. Eliot
>The Collected Poems of John Ashbury
>An Introduction to Mathematics, Alfred North Whitehead
>An Introduction to Mathematical Philosophy, Bertrand Russell
>Atlas Shrugged, Ayn Rand
>Symbolic Logic, Lewis Carroll
>and many, many others

>> No.9811116


>gettin offended at a person who got offended at your greentext
>the greentext is about getting offended at a picture


>> No.9811167
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dude... you gotta be stoned to read pynchon... read the way it was written ;o)

>> No.9811208

Pathetic. 0/10

>> No.9811216

Not who you were responding to, but Wallace became a kind of sponsor for me while I was going through withdrawal from meth and Heroin. That book is unbelievably accurate when it comes to substance abuse, mental illness, and addiction in general. There are parts I read almost daily to remind myself of the shit I went through to get where I am today. It'd also the Nobel that showed me what literature was capable of, and sparked a long time obsession with reading. It's not the greatest book I've ever read, but it's had the most impact on me, and it led me to all of my favorite authors. It might be my all time favorite for that reason.

>> No.9811307

kys you disgusting junkies

>> No.9811326


>> No.9811344

Oblomov did a bit. It made it harder to stay in the lazy rut I was in.

also what >>9810233 said

>> No.9811943

>implying he knows what that book is

>> No.9811964

t. 80 IQ demihuman

>> No.9812132


>> No.9812133

Meditations actually

not super profound but it helped me get through a rough year, helped me be calm and get focused on goals. A year later I got back into school

>> No.9812161
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I grew up in a non religious house and I never really cared about religion. So when the internet was filled with atheists constantly repeating to each other that there's "no evidence" I actually believed them, I had no reason not to. When I read this book I discovered there actually were reasons to believe and I kind of felt deceived, and so I started to read more books about theism. It created a desire in me to learn more about philosophy.

>> No.9812296
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the books i read in childhood shaped my mindset, but the one that actually improved my life most in a practical way was probably pic related

>> No.9812407
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Looking for Alaska literally got me laid once

>> No.9812416

Books made everything worse and there's no going back

>> No.9812518

Ineluctable modality of dis dank.

>> No.9812609

There is nothing about that picture that insinuates that person said anything close to that.

>> No.9813052

Do tell.

>> No.9813098

Best post I've read all year

>> No.9813513

>read the book and pretend to like John Greene to impress some dumb bitch
>fuck her
about that simple desu

>> No.9813518

I can think of hundred ways that a neckbeard would get that wrong. I have a girlfriend, but I still want to know.

>> No.9813541

The Bell Jar

It made me realize my ""depression"" was a temporary funk instead of an outright mental illness like Plath's and it made me be less of a bitch

>> No.9813556

Weed is so fucking gay
You can pick between adderal, psychedelics, alcohol, opis, whatever and people choose the one with the most lame effect. If you are going to play with your brain at least play something worth the danger

The book would be Don Quixote, since it was a gateway to literature

>> No.9813572


fucking lol is that the same guy as the one reading akimbo while standing?

>> No.9813585

Too much energy
I'm too autistic for that
Seems nice but too dangerous imo

Weed gives a nice relaxing high, what's the big deal?

>> No.9813606
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Made me accept the life I am bound to lead.

>> No.9813626

I just ordered this after seeing it around here often for years. Is it going to make me depressed and/or autistic

>> No.9813654

Only if you read it wrong. Stoner lead a better life than most of us could ever hope for.
It's still very brutal though

>> No.9813707

None because I'm not easily persuaded leftist.

>> No.9813876

What is this even supposed to mean

>> No.9813933

It means he doesn't read books for anything other than showing off

>> No.9814556

Madame Bovary, Lolita

>> No.9814569


>> No.9814573

F U C K you got him you got him good my man

>> No.9814580

Herman Hesse
C. G. Jung
Mircea Eliade
Rene Guenon
Ernst Junger

>> No.9814584

stopped reading right there, buddy.

>> No.9814715

>get cucked
>be a pedo

>> No.9814737

The Mysterious Island

>> No.9814748

those aren't books nigga
u ok?

>> No.9814756

They are. I am Jew. I am Law. I am Giant. I am Song. I am Water. I am Stone. I am Book. I am OK.

>> No.9814823
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also: the art of war
the prince
and confession of a mask

>> No.9815000

the bible and the iliad

>> No.9815508
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>> No.9815770


I just picked up Tropic of Cancer at a used book store and read Miller for the first time.

I was blown away, his writing is amazing. Even just his descriptions of walking through Paris are beautiful.

>> No.9816526
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The Holy Bible

>> No.9816565

Sirens of Titan by Vonnegut

>> No.9816620

Marijuana dependency fucked my life up more than any other substance that the other guy listed. I've smoked weed almost every single day for the past 4 years and I'm currently on my longest break in about a year. It's a fucking black hole that just makes you keep coming back for more day after day.

I've OD'd on amphetamines, I've gotten black out drunk and ruined very important relationships, I've had bad psychedelic trips and gone through the most horrifying experience of my life, I've dealt with opi withdrawals. None of those have fucked up my life anywhere near as bad as marijuana. It was getting to the point where I'd be smoking a bowl every hour on the fucking hour because the thought of not having a high to get me through the day was such a horrifying concept. I treated it like reapplying a shitty bandaid to deep psychological wounds and it got less and less effective as time went on. I can read a textbook and remember its entire concepts but I can't fucking remember what I'm in the middle of doing half the time anymore. It never really dulled my cognition, but it was always the one thing I'd falter back to whenever I encountered any sort of life issue that could better be solved by me buckling up and dealing with it like a man.

Fuck weed

>> No.9816679

Human all too human

>> No.9816700

I just do em all

>> No.9816701

Maps of Meming.

>> No.9816703

Same man

>> No.9816710

The only thing to 'improve' me was an anime series.
I want everybody posting 'Meditations' to fuck off back to /r/eddit with their LARPing.

>> No.9816736

this, it got to the point where doing anything not stoned seemed like a waste of whatever it was that i was doing.

>> No.9816745

Alcohol only gives hangovers if you're fucking 12. You can drink a bottle of rye in a day and not get hungover.

>> No.9816771
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Doesn't get more life changing than this 2beehon'st

>> No.9816776

You find them everytime you what?

>> No.9816790

David Benatar - Better Never to Have Been

>> No.9816808

Humans are creatures of habit and addiction. The way to handle it is to make nearly every pleasurable thing a reward for legitimately hard work.

>> No.9816981
File: 34 KB, 314x475, Wolfe_shadow_&_claw.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Gene Wolfe re-kindled my love for reading. My attention span is shot and have a hard time focusing on any one thing to completion. This is the best shit I've ever read though.

>> No.9816986

>starting strength

/fit/ here. that book is pure meme. If it changed your life, im sorry.

>> No.9817790


>> No.9818133

Machiavelli's "The Prince" taught how to be a better manager than any "How to be a team leader" book.

>> No.9818433

>monkey mindset
go back to /pol/ you fucking Nazi