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/lit/ - Literature

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9790825 No.9790825 [Reply] [Original]

Is there anything more Lit than living in New York City?

Why haven't you moved there?

>> No.9790868

I don't have enough money to live a decent life there

>> No.9790880

can confirm it's pretty /lit/, but i think it's becoming less so

people don't read good as much as they used to, just riding on the subway nowadays, you don't see as many books. Only phones and facebook

>> No.9790885

New York is a fucking degenerate third world hive city that is only "exciting" if you find smelly dirty street hot dog vendors exciting

It's too big to be a real city, so it's just a garbage heap of ugly people shoving each other around. Totally pointless to live there.

>> No.9791080

>what haven't you moved to the third world
Because I like civilization. Enjoy your shithole, nigger.

>> No.9791153
File: 99 KB, 650x473, country.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Is there anything more Lit than living in New York City?
Living in the country.

>> No.9791167

>puts down a toni morrison novel
>cracks open the latest new yorker
>downloads an npr podcast
>goes to a free summer concert series
>gets hair cut at place that serves whiskey, like back when real men shaved with straight razors
>wears an untucked gingham shirt not over a t-shirt and catholic-colored topsiders or over-polished menswear wingtips
>waits three hours for a text from the new small plates pop-up restaurant
>orders the second least-expensive malbec
>tries to watch all the oscar nominees each year
>cannot believe how good the new rap album is
>goes to a coffee tasting
>orders a kindle and hard copy of the latest kwame ngobongo novel but listens to it on audiobook during his commute
>goes to four spinning classes a week
>talks about how busy life as a creative is
>buys a groupon for hamilton
>lives in new york city

i know op was bait, but nyc is middlebrow: the place

>> No.9791199

Hint: all cities are like this. There's no such thing as a highbrow area, there are only places with certain scenes that are worth visiting.

>> No.9791219

I actually lived in NYC for almost two years. Generally it was a blast. It actually is a pretty literary city: there are tons of small bookstores everywhere, and as that guy above said, you do see people reading in public.

I even got to take a creative writing class with a somewhat-accomplished novelist who'd been living on the Lower East Side for years. In addition to the group being really good for my writing, he'd often regale us of tales of New York in the 70s and 80s, when it was a real jungle.

The trouble is that the rent is too high. I was never able to maintain a steady job, and when things really dried up and I ran out of money, I had to leave. You need something consistently well-paying to live in the city itself, or even in some of the boroughs (especially Brooklyn these days).

>> No.9791255

>>orders the second least-expensive malbec

>> No.9791266

NYC can't be romanticized anymore, it's all the same gentrified shit now.

>> No.9791268

Are there any "romantic" cities left in America? Any cities with some character left? Maybe Chicago?

>> No.9791269

>anything outside eurasia

>> No.9791402

Mexico City is like 19th century london or paris

>> No.9791414

Yeah, go to Chiraq, it's so romantic

>> No.9791484

Los Angeles isn't quite as romantic as it once was but it still maintains lots of its old character. That is, until the New York transplants get their way and have the entire city upzoned to be like the place they just left.

>> No.9791515

Who was the novelist? If you don't want to say, what was the school?

>> No.9791532
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Denver is pretty lit. Having housed Ginsberg and Kerouac, and a few other beatniks I'm sure. Not to mention Dr. Thompson.

>> No.9791562

This dude: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Arthur_Nersesian

He was super cool. He wound up liking my writing a lot, too. And, as I said, I learned a great deal from his group. There was no school, we just met in his apartment.

>> No.9791564

Nor do I. And yet I do live here. For now. I will go back to Detroit soon. Needless to say OP is a moron >>9790825.

>> No.9791572


>> No.9791600

Los Angeles never had a romantic period, it was always a shithole

>> No.9791899

Ayyo Detroit whatup

>> No.9791925

Ew. Fucking gross.
>live in giant city
>shit social system
>literal retard is president
>shit public transport
>way too many people
>two party system
I might as well move to fucking Chechnya.

>> No.9791968

I've kinda fetishized NYC for 4 or 5 years. Came very close to getting into a PhD program in NYC, but received my rejection letter about an hour before the deadline for decisions. I'll be going out to Boston this fall instead. Anyone know if Boston is very Lit?

>> No.9792036

too many niggers

>> No.9792165

Sorry to hear that man. I hear Boston's fantastic though.

>> No.9792173

You should probably just kill yourself at this point.

>> No.9792177

A patrician appears.

>> No.9792183

Clearly you've never been there. Several of those things are nonsense.

You're retarded.

>> No.9792186

>Is there anything more Lit than [...] New York City?
most of them

>> No.9792189

I'm a moron because you aren't good enough for New York, and have to return to literally the worst city in North America?

Sounds good.

>> No.9792190

I don't think so. There's no set place for intellectuals to blossom in the USA anymore

>> No.9792195

well, I think you're both morons

>> No.9792197

Then get a better job.

>> No.9792393


>> No.9792591

Apparently more people read in DC, SF and Seattle than in New York nowadays. But all the major publishing is still in NYC. I would if I could OP.

>> No.9792695

the weather in nyc is shit, at first you don't care cuz its fucking nyc, then after the novelty wears off you're like dude it's 85 degrees and rains every day right up until it's 25 degrees and windy every day, too bad the fucking techbros made san francisco too expensive for people who aren't venture capitalists to live there

>> No.9792800

New York smells of piss, gasoline and marinara sauce

>> No.9792907

Yeah, SF is the ideal city but for the ungodly rent.

>> No.9792915
File: 61 KB, 350x335, 1477144246423.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

dude sf is hell on earth, literally post-gentrified


>> No.9792929


oh god you're fucking killing me man, shit

>> No.9792990

Spotted the hillbilly hick.

>> No.9793228

This. People like OP who want to move to NYC because "it's NYC" are brainlets.

>Is there anything more Lit than living in New York City?

Chestertown, MD
San Francisco, CA
New Orleans, LA
Washington D.C.

>> No.9793234

>New Orleans, LA

yeah i want to live somewhere that has a murder rate equal to detroit and literal 3rd world countries

>> No.9793242

OP asked if there was something more lit. NOLA has a history that will curdle your spermies. Baltimore, MD is lit too believe me or not. Check out their libraries and museums.

>> No.9793245

Living in some shithole where nobody understands you is the most /lit/ thing on Earth. Living in NYC is for status obsessed faggot who want nothing more than to get in bed with the sycophant-filled literary and publishing establishment.

>> No.9793256

well if we're going to talk about majority black shitholes with warzone tier violence then why not Newark, NJ? their public library just got picked to host Philip Roth's papers when he finally kicks the bucket, and some other fags like Amiri Baraka are from there too

>> No.9793283


Baltimore is great what are you talking about. The streets in some neighborhoods have special light poles that turn on to let people know not to go in there because police will not rescue you. Also its the former home of Dr. Hannibal Lecter.

Never been to Newark.

>> No.9793319

>buys a groupon for hamilton

>> No.9793326

what if the tupac musical was actually brilliant and it was just 2deep4tourists

>> No.9793328

>Chestertown, MD

What? Not even the most /lit/ place in Maryland by a long shot. Not even the most /lit/ place on the Eastern Shore.

>> No.9793331

It's small, quaint, historical and has a liberal arts college. It's /lit/.

>> No.9793338

i live in dc never heard of it.

vote is for nola or providence

>> No.9793339

Yeah, decades ago. Not anymore, unless you think Disneyworld is /lit/ too.

>> No.9793345
File: 460 KB, 1936x1296, NYPL-Rose-Reading-Room.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I lived in NYC for 6 years. I had the time of my life. The publishing houses are there, the best collection of museums, you meet people there from all over the world, it's /lit/ as fuck.

of course there's gentrification but the poorer people are still there. they get pushed out to the deeper parts of the outer boroughs.

>because "it's NYC"
NYC is a capital of the world. The only cities you could possibly compare it to are Rome, Paris, Tokyo, and so on.

>> No.9793347

>NYC is a capital of the world. The only cities you could possibly compare it to are Rome, Paris, Tokyo, and so on.

those cities don't compare u mong, only other options are London and Hong Kong

>> No.9793352

A shit college.

A smaller, more quaint, and vastly more historical town with a better liberal arts college in Maryland would be St. Mary's City. Much more /lit/.

>> No.9793354

wtf is that on the second floor walkway on the left? i-is that... a wall of Loebs???

>NYC is a capital of the world.
You are wrong. NYC is Piraeus. Sacred D.C. is Nova Roma.

>> No.9793356

mexico city > all those places except tokyo

>> No.9793362

>mexico city

underrated, but don't get carried away

>> No.9793368

Everyone in NYC acts like NYC is capital of the world.

Everyone in DC acts like DC is capital of the world.

Both fucking suck.

>> No.9793372

this actually sounds nice

>> No.9793389

I got stopped there and fined once because it was the wrong day to have the certain license plate numbers/letters

>> No.9793465

> There's no such thing as a highbrow area
sure there are, they just won't let anyone on this board inside

>> No.9793467



>> No.9793474

Honolulu, Hawaii. Lived there for years. Ignore the overpriced Waikiki disney club scene. Go to Dixie Grill and mosh. Go to local spots for loco moco and pho. Enjoy the surf. Culturally it's pretty dead unless you're native or a filthy hippie, but it is romantic.

>> No.9793511
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Spring and Fall are the best times to be in NYC.

>> No.9793528

NYC is most definitely overrated in a lot of regards, but it undoubtedly has some of the world's finest cultural institutions. The library system is world class, as are the museums, music scene, cuisine and architecture.

I'm a native son, born and raised with a stint in PR for 7 years between the ages of 5 and 12. Left when I was 18, haven't lived there since.

Moving to NYC for the experience is most definitely a meme. It used to be that people went there from all over the world to make a better life for themselves. A ton of NYers have left because they got priced out by the people who fall for the allure of it all that's propagated through pop culture. Too expensive, too crowded, too dirty, culturally exhausted from the commodification of its status and a prime example of a police state in a pressure cooker about to burst.

Not worth it IMO.

Pittsburgh on the other hand is heavily slept on and a true gem of Americana. Lived there for about 8 years and left due to extenuating circumstances. It still has a lot of its original grit and character, yet it's in that sweet spot of being on the upswing due to new blood and investment. Also has very good library and museums, decent cost of living, great educational institutions and values. The people are a cross between NE attitude and Midwestern/Southern decency and charm. Multicultural but not too much. Infrastructure and government is shit though. All in all a pretty /lit/ city that deserves more attention.

>> No.9793572
File: 1.43 MB, 3200x1680, 635604524477085629-AP-NYC-Aerials-Winter-Weather.2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They only last a month.

Winter is the best season for NYC. There's the store windows, lights go up everywhere, the tree in Rockefeller center, ice skating, Christmas shopping, snowball fights. I love the huge snowfalls that shut everything down. And it isn't hot and humid as fuck anymore and it's easier to stay warm than it is to cool down.

>> No.9793581

Yeah, I'm from Pittsburgh and live here now. I fervently wish people would stop moving here. Any culture we had is being lost and converted into a bland amalgam of liberal cosmopolitan America.

>> No.9793593

I honestly don't understand how anyone in Pittsburgh could possibly feel like too many people are moving THERE considering how many people from around there flee Pennsylvania and come to Maryland and Virginia.

Enough Steelers shit. Go the fuck home.

>> No.9793604


Sounds to me like you live close to Oakland/East Liberty/Lawrenceville maybe?

I was living in Squirrel Hill when I left, on the very edges though, closer to Greenfield/Homestead Bridge.

I agree with you though. I met a lot of people from out of Pgh that just didn't get it and wanted to change it. If you don't feel comfy there then stay the fuck out. Cultural homogenization kills the essence of any distinct culture or society.

>> No.9793606

Pittsburgh is one of the most intentionally segregated cities in America. It's designed to separate the proles from the owners, not to mention Poles from Italians from Blacks from Jews. I grew up in one of the upper middle class, urban neighborhoods. I never see real GO STILLERS Pittsburghers around here and I too fucking hate them.

>> No.9793614

I grew up in Point Breeze and (((Squirrel Hill))) (jew), and now I live in Polish Hill.

>> No.9793620

''boring average'' kino

>> No.9793621


The Steelers are beloved all across America. I live in Spokane, WA now and aside from the Seahawks I see more people rocking Steelers gear than anything else, after that it's the Raiders and 49rs probably.

When I lived in Ft. Lauderdale, FL there was a house painted all black and gold with a giant Steelers logo on the side with the lettering. There was also a Steelers bar around the way too.

There's no escaping it, no matter where you go. Same thing with the Penguins to an extent. The Pirates, not so much.

>> No.9793630

Did you know Victor Navarro? I liked this city when it was small enough to feel like how people talked about Haight Ashbury in 1967. Buildings were abandoned and you knew everyone with a face. All poets and musicians and burnouts. Nobody with a future and everyone willing to spot you your disgusting drugs. It was a good place to burn out writing. Pittsburgh Rich was making 30,000 dollars a year because our rents were all 100-200 dollars. This is even 10 years ago I'm talking about.

Now, rents are standard across the country and programmers stalk the streets. Young families pollute the parks. It's the same boring scene you see everywhere else.

>> No.9793667

I just moved to Chicago. 2 bedroom apartment, full kitchen, bath, and 2 living rooms for $950/month. 15 minute train ride to downtown. I came here to study comedy and I'm stunned by the level of creative options here. I've got enough room to have my own office space and enough places to practice and perform throughout the day and night. Only need to work 30 hours a week.

Chicago seems to have resisted the urge of genetrifcafion when compared to an SF or NYC but that oppressive feeling that anything good is on its way out stays in the air. I grew up in a shitty town in Ohio, that was one of the best places to be. It took leaving to realize that accidentally doing meth isn't a universal life story. The drug addiction and suffocation that so many of us where formed in is going to build artists.

>> No.9793732

>buys a groupon for hamilton

>> No.9793821


Yo Boston is actually quite /lit/. The entertainment/nightlife isn't as good and diverse as NYC but it has its moments

>> No.9793859

Because Chicago is just as good but cheaper and the people don't seem like they're always mad at each other. Also deep dish pizza.

>in b4 gun violence jokes

>> No.9793871

>Chicago seems to have resisted the urge of genetrifcafion
The residents of Pilsen and Avondale respectfully disagree

>> No.9793873

i'm chicago-curious but i'm scared the weather will suck even more than nyc

>> No.9793874

air pollution, noise pollution, light pollution, soul pollution

>> No.9793997

>when compared to an SF or NYC
I didn't say Chicago was doing a magnificent job. Pilsen does still cater largely to the Hispanic population. Take the Pink Line, the ride is full of working-class Mexicans. The train into Brooklyn was shocking: the entire burrough is composed of sensitive rich kids. Chicago is far from becoming nothing but the playground of foreign aristocrats that Thebes's Bay Area and New York have descended into.

>> No.9794003

the has been autocorrecting Thebe's when I'm on my phone

>> No.9794037


Just finished undergrad in Boston. Pretty /lit/ city; I've never seen so many people reading on public transportation. Some good bookstores as well.

Nightlife isn't as good as NYC probably, but it still exists. But its an intellectual city, for sure.

>> No.9794051

>San Francisco, CA
Is just a hill-ier, white collar-ier Berkeley, CA where everything is more expensive.

t. Bay Area native.

>> No.9794055

Romanticized isn't the right word but Compton has definitely been given a mythology these past thirty years.

>> No.9794056
File: 527 KB, 3000x1660, Shanghai_Aug_2017.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fantastic city, was born there. Moved out and lived in NYC for awhile, now I'm deep in the middle of the country. Sometimes I wish I were back in Pittsburgh, though I'm worried about all the new stuff moving in. I remember discovering Garfield Artworks when I was 16, blew my mind.
Go back to Fox Chapel, bougie.
Chicago is indeed a fantastic city, I hope I end up there. I imagine it as if Pittsburgh and New York had a kid. More /lit/ than Pittsburgh but isn't a hyper-capitalist, image-obsessed hellscape like NYC.
>Thebes' Bay Are
Fantastic autocorrect, don't fix your phone.

>> No.9794730

sam hyde is that you?

>> No.9794875

no one here in dc believes they live in the capital of the world. there is a new class of americans that graduated from the bottom of the top-tier colleges, or the top second tier colleges (think brown, duke, georgetown, etc.) that all take jobs as 'analysts' analyzing things for companies straight out of college. they nearly all live in SF, DC, NY or Boston. when it comes time to move or get a second job, they go to b school or one of those other cities. it's like its own little america inside america. anyways, these people desire 'cosmopolitanism' and make just enough money to play adult, but not enough to stop working. better tasting, cornier restaurants, young patrons arts nights at museums, etc. are all geared toward these people. if you read a NYT 36 hours thing, it's written for these people; they are a kind of unironic yuppie that despite the class they grew up in, all conform to new status strictures within this yuppie class including travel, amount of time worked (these people will often brag about how many hours they work), how much they have to travel for work, their abilities on case studies, etc. anyways, i started this post to say that all the american cities that people formerly thought were cool have been destroyed. all the ones people didnt think were cool will never recover. cities that are left:
>portland (both)
>new orleans
>mexico city

>> No.9794884

what happened to that dude

>> No.9794911

>Portland (both)
Portland, ME is the patrician choice. Also, the term you're looking for is the aspirational 14%: http://thelastpsychiatrist.com/2011/11/luxury_branding_the_future_lea.html

>> No.9794926

Isn't a huge section of DC basically a ghetto?

>> No.9794934

Not really; there are some sketchy places but places that used to be ghetto (anacostia) are becoming gentrific. All in all D.C. has been my favorite city to live in.

>> No.9794950

It's as expensive as NYC but a quarter as much fun, how was it your favorite city to live in? The only thing that DC has going for it is that if you live there, you probably work in government, so you get to feel like you're at the center of the universe all the time. I guess U Street and Adams Morgan are okay for yuppie drinking, and there are some good jazz bars in the northeast.

>> No.9794961

not that poster, but 'fun-ness' has nothing to do with cities and almost everything to do with your friends who live nearby

>> No.9794975

Adams Morgan and Georgetown are fun; the museums are fun; no buildings taller than the monument is nice, less claustrophobic; probably the most bike friendly city ever; beautiful countryside is a short train ride away; multicultural and a lot of literary events.

>> No.9794987
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>Is there anything more Lit than living in New York City?

Living in London.

>> No.9794998

your brain on symbols

>> No.9795429


>> No.9795435

I live in New York City. I'm also Thomas Pynchon.

Ask me anything, friends.

>> No.9795438

Not at all, most of the ghetto has been pushed out to Maryland.

You'll see Audis and BMWs driving around/parked in even the "bad" neighborhoods.

>> No.9795447

Maybe they don't *believe* they live in the capital of the world, but they sure as hell act like it.

>> No.9795452


Lol. Austin is a shell of a city nowadays. The entire city is like the most gentrified part of Brooklyn.

>> No.9795498

What? I'm talking about DC, nigga.

>> No.9795510

this thread makes me hate /lit/ now

>> No.9795530


enjoy your brake dust

>> No.9795551

Whoops wrong bloke.

>> No.9795555

Why? Do you live in a cultureless, flyover shithole?

>> No.9796680

What are you even talking about

>> No.9796687

NYC is fucking riveting. Been there three times and life endgame is to live there successfully.

>> No.9796717
File: 52 KB, 640x450, If+there+s+one+thing+this+state+does+right+it+s+knowing+_fe18348433edeb9d65dda0351d5ee76e.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw I live in Dallas nowadays
>tfw it's actually getting more culture the bigger and richer it gets

It's been interesting watching people in Dallas essentially try to conduct a literary scene, through a cool independent bookstore or two and a few small presses. It's better than it was a while ago, or at least that's what I've heard.

Anyway, I'm not complaining. We have a sweet opera and symphony, which isn't bad. Good museums, too.

>> No.9796719
File: 279 KB, 392x554, zarnubius.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Right now he puts out monthly, hour-long ramble-videos on his channel Hydewars. MDE published a book called How to Bomb the US Government. Last week the released a new 20 minute video called Smocaine 3.

They had an actual TV show on Adult Swim called World Peace. They made six episodes before being cancelled earlier this year. Sam blames Tim Heidecker and others. The show was pretty good.


>> No.9796720

Rather take the comforts of secluded life surrounded by woods in new england. Why would I want to be around people I don't like in squalor?

>> No.9796722
File: 6 KB, 275x183, cosmos.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>be 22
>live in Brooklyn
>studying lit at NYU while working part-time at a library
>dating a qt sensitive arts major
>both vegan
>regularly attend readings by local poets and authors
>have met tao lin two times
>take xanax and lean almost every weekend
>about to publish my first chapbook with a small independent publisher
>semi-ironically autistic

Q: Could I be any more contemporary? I seriously think I've reached the peak of contemporary culture in terms of my lifestyle.

>> No.9796723
File: 382 KB, 1600x1191, Dallas-Xvisionx_Dallas_Stemmons.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

*construct, not conduct. Essentially Dallas has had no literary scene at all, and now people are trying to build one.

>> No.9796737

Hes recording himself slowly going mad. Since his show got canceled I think hes lost hope and his loose grip on reality, hes become rather angry towards it

>> No.9796744

How mad are we talking here? Just a little paranoid and delusional, or is he starting to rant and drool?

>> No.9796757

>wants to live in a soft play area with no struggle
not very /lit/

>> No.9796777

Can Canada be /lit/?
I want to move to Vancouver

>> No.9796781

shit, meant to post this one, not Jews Rock


"I want to be a marketing executive, like my mom"

>> No.9796807

It's hard to know which cities are /lit/ until after they stop being /lit/.

That is, assuming there's even such a thing as a /lit/ city anymore. Culture happens on the Internet; it doesn't really matter where you live. If anything 4chan is (or was) the equivalent of a /lit/ city.

>> No.9796820

Its sad that kids have nothing to be excited about anymore I think its part of the reason why people are turning to nationalism

>> No.9796839

Why doesn't lit feel the need to over emphasize the influence of 4chan? This site never held any special power. At best it's a relic of a long gone age of the Internet. At worst it was and will always be nothing but a porn site.

>> No.9796845

Can mostly confirm, although there are some parts of the city that are actually nice. But most of it is this bourgeois dog eat dog mentality kind of place. What you see in films is the best it has to offer period. And you'd be paying out the ass for it.

Put it this way, if you're an up and coming writer, it's really not the city for you. Maybe once you've gotten a novel or two published and want to waste that money for a false sense of inspiration. Unless of course, that's what you're going for

>> No.9796849


I hope you're being ironic.

>> No.9796851

>with a stint in PR for 7 years between the ages of 5 and 12.
How did you get a public relations gig so young, anon? What made you quit?

>> No.9796856


>> No.9796861

That's just patently untrue. 4chan is the birthplace of meme culture.

>> No.9796870

Vancouver is not lit so much as just hipster kids playing with communism. Nice weather though.

>> No.9796871

I think your underestimating the power of 4chan. Look at the political landscape
new nationalist uprising
anonymously is where people take chances and purge out complacent sheep thinking

>> No.9796883


You've obviously never been there before, you cucked faggot. Quit larping. This place is a shithole and needs to be nuked off the face of the earth.


>> No.9796884

>Is there anything more Lit than living in New York City?

Isn't it almost completely gentrified?

>> No.9796887


this is my question. Halifax was fine for undergrad but i've since graduated with two degrees and need to get out of the Maritimes and away from campus life.

moving to Brampton rent-free for a few months come September but plan on spending a couple years in Toronto after that. Then most likely graduate school in Montreal/Van/Boston/NYC i just have to decide which, and get an acceptance letter.

>> No.9796891

That's influence of /pol/, the influence of 4chan as a whole is dying.

>> No.9796899

but was 4chan ever that influental or was it just b/?
Pol is the new b/ but more weponized

>> No.9796906

Good post. Poignant af.

>> No.9796917

Get the fuck out my home city, you transplant fuck. Reeeee

>> No.9796927

I see a lot of what mu/ likes bleed out into general opinion

>> No.9796933

4chan (though not /lit/) literally is and continues to influence so much of the modern political and extra-academic intellectual landscape. The last US presidential election was heavily influenced by groups and individuals speaking "Chan" lingo. Jordan Petersen, who is quickly becoming the pop-philosopher of the hour following Sam Harris and Zizek, owes his current popularity to alt-intellectuals thriving on a 4chan-influenced subculture.

Its true that 4chan itself never accomplished much in the way of world events, but its had an unmistakeable impact on Western populist culture.

>> No.9796935


wew, laddie

>> No.9796993

Moscow is much more Lit.
>Get in the metro
> Everyone is reading

>> No.9797001

/pol/ peaked in value during and after the election. actual journalists would read pol all day looking for tips to investigate and hunting for scoops.

4chan is a pretty sweet place, and /lit/ is my favorite board. y'all hobos are sharp and don't tolerate pseuds. there's no place like it on the open internet.

boards i never go to and maybe why i value 4chan highly: /b/ /r9k/ /soc/ and so on.

>> No.9797010

New York fucking blows. God you people are insufferable cunts.

>Isn't it so unique bro? Some homeless guy coughed blood on me on the metro today, then I stepped in human feces on my way to work after being pushed by short Jewish bald men in oversized jackets calling me a goy, and then I got to pay 11$ for a cafe latte! What a grand place to be!

>> No.9797045

Shut the fuck up, boot.

>> No.9797047

Vancouver is a good place to go if you want to be dirt poor surrounded by a bunch of 20/30 somethings that still live on daddy's dime or inheritance while larping as communists and anitfa.

You also get to be surrounded by thousands of Asians who treat you like garbage.

But great scenery.

The only parts of Canada that hold any real culture are the Quebecois regions. And those fuckers don't even consider themselves Canadian.

>> No.9797052

You're an actual retard.

>> No.9797057

Boston is a confluence obnoxiously rich/ugly asians and frat culture. Philly is more Lit than Boston.

>> No.9797061

You sound like a faggot.

contemporaryloser/10, would not drink with.

Also call your dad and tell him you want off the gravy train. See how long you go before you decide you are too hungry to pass on a chemically loaded fattening burger.

>> No.9797067

What does /mu/ like anyway?

>Its true that 4chan itself never accomplished much in the way of world events, but its had an unmistakeable impact on Western populist culture.

I think the main reason it had such an impact is because of today's clickbait and social media searching out crap in the most remote corners of the internet.

>> No.9797069

Frat culture is pretty much much all of Southie now. What a twist eh?

I remember going into Southie about 10 years back and walking around at night actually kept you on your toes.

Now it's just a bunch of kids I knew growing up who got corporate gigs getting wasted and doing coke until 4 in the AM.

>> No.9797085

Sharing funny images and developing inside jokes was not restricted to a single internet community.
Trump was not held up by a nascent group of pol-posters. When Hillary told that alt-right speech, she was tying together a loose collection of ideologues in order to associate Trump with a broader movement for racism and fascism in America. She was overstating the power of /pol/ and places like it to scare middle America out of associating with Trump. 4chan started believing its own jokes because being a cutting edge culture warrior sound better than realizing this place is just a useless time sink in the same way a video game or Facebook is.
This is the kind of self-aggrandizement I don't like. Nothing you said is impactful even outside of this board.

>> No.9797089

The entire Eastern half of it was but PG county now houses those people

>> No.9797094

kek there's barely any ice on the Hudson in winter anymore

>> No.9797103

Underrated post

The internet today is the Paris of the 20s

>> No.9797112

>I never go outside
DC is great you fucking child

>> No.9797736

Ayyo, I live in Detroit too. NYC is kinda shitty desu.

>> No.9797770
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If you're not in East-Asia you might as well stay in your suburb.

>> No.9797789
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>The trouble is that the rent is too high

>> No.9797796

Well I mean, he was right. Everybody should have voted for him. Fuck Andrew Cuomo.

>> No.9797921

>anons still fighting over what city is the most /lit/
>They refuse to recognize that the internet has made moving to a specific city for their purposes pointless

>> No.9797935

yeah, living "somewhere" is basically just vanity at this point, but old memes die hard

>> No.9798112

>This is the kind of self-aggrandizement I don't like
It's not self-aggrandizement you mong. 4chan culture is factually having an effect on Western subcultures and is starting to bleed more and more into the mainstream. It's foolish to think I or anyone else is assigning that to ourselves or any other individual - the anonymous nature of 4chan itself prevents that.

>> No.9798116

you need to go back to r/books

>> No.9798123

>live in detroit
>nyc is shitty

is this cognitive dissonance? delusion? ptsd?

dont get me wrong iharbor no special feelings towards nyc but you sound mad jealous of nycfags

>> No.9798151

I actually hate you.

>> No.9798165

You say this like it's a bad thing

>> No.9798177

That's what I thought the first time I read it too.

>> No.9798181

Are your parents paying your rent or something?

>> No.9798196

What's your favorite part about it? Seriously?

The power-hungry assholes? The broken metro system? The astronomical cost of living? The eternally gridlocked beltway/every other road? The majority of the people not even being from the area and having no real connection to it other than their job?

>> No.9798224

it's a meme u dip

>> No.9798291

I know people who actually live that life though. How can I be so sure it's a meme?

>> No.9798350

Is Austin Texas reddit the place?

>> No.9798409

Northern Virginia is Reddit the place.

>> No.9798641

>New Orleans
finally a good fucking answer

>> No.9798650

there is nothing romantic in mexico city

>> No.9798655

NYC is a humanist shithole.

>> No.9798666

America as a whole is an irrelevant shithole. Rome is irrelevant. Paris is irrelevant. Tokyo is irrelevant.

>> No.9798918


>> No.9799008

I have no desire to live there nor do I have American citizenship

>> No.9799018
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>Tfw québécois master race

>> No.9799055
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the rest of Canada is a godless secular shithole of apostasy

>> No.9799081
File: 398 KB, 1600x1067, montmartre.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Paris is literally the most literary place to live on Earth. There is no competition.

>> No.9799127

yes I agree, Islamic literature is flourishing there.

>> No.9799137


>> No.9799647

Maybe 100 years ago, even then it was only the art city we know today because artists were there and made it so. They didn't go there because it was the artist city but because it was cheap and there was opportunity. You could certainly say it had Bohemian qualities but that doesn't inherently make it /lit/.

>> No.9799719


Proust died 95 years ago m8.

>> No.9799793

How do you like NYU?
I might try to transfer there for film since it has such a good program (the best probably), but I feel like everyone would be like you kinda. And I would have to live in NYC

>> No.9799811

>going to film school

>> No.9799824

are you one of the people that believes people should only do STEM or something?
If you arent I would love to hear what you say since I am filled with anxiety about pursuing film

>> No.9799835
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not the greentext guy, but curious where you land on this image:

>> No.9799856

Manny closed Garfart :(

>> No.9799857


> Is there anything more /lit/ than living in London?


>> No.9799864

seen stuff up to level 4 I guess. Still very much on the early part of my film education. Of course there is still so much to learn and there is so much I probably missed from films on all those levels. Also that list is kinda bad because there is stuff at all of those levels (even 1) that can teach you a lot about cinema.

>> No.9799875

If you have money to go to film school you have money to just make films.

You can find all relevant film theory and criticism online, you can find essentially all important films online or at a library or at arthouse theaters in any major city.

You can learn things like editing online, since it isn't like you're gonna be actually cutting literal film anymore.

And nobody gives a shit about your film degree since film schools churn out thousands of graduates who never get a job in film or tv or anything related to the industry.

>> No.9799886


I know the list isn't great, but it's useful in sorting out what type of 'going to film school' person I'm talking to.

>> No.9799890

Oh and also literally more than half of people at film schools (even like NYU) are film plebs who think Star Wars is the best film ever made. No joke. You might go in thinking everyone wants to discuss Tarkovsky and Bergman, but a huge percentage of your classmates will have zero interest in that kind of cinema and just dream of making Hollywood blockbusters.

>> No.9799898

yea I was wondering that. People who think they are above plebs for having seen Fincher, Nolan, etc

hmm. wee will see. I still have time to figure it out.
does getting a job in the industry become really hard without a degree and the connections you make though? or can i show them work I have made in free time (if it is good)?

>> No.9799923

Why haven't I moved to New York City?

>Too crowded
>Too loud
>Too polluted
>Too much crime (thanks gun control)
>The accent is kind of obnoxious
>I hear it's expensive to live there unless you live in a rat-infested Hell-hole
>Prime target for (totally not Islamic-fuelled) terrorist attacks (dumb fucking Liberals)

I prefer to be in my nice, clean city that has less than 15% the population of New York City and probably 1% or less the amount of crime. Certainly less than 1% as many homicides. Much better city for writing, in my opinion. Very low non-Caucasian population from what I've seen, and quite a large Christian population. Can't go wrong with that.

>> No.9800003


Not the person you're responding to, but this is why I posted that list.

>> No.9800049


This is true but the other half is made up of pretentious arseholes who only like difficult, foreign movies and won't ever be able to tell you why without alienating you within 20 seconds if you haven't seen the film they're discussing.

t. literally me when I was at college.

>> No.9800056


I know you're joking but London is the opposite of /lit/. It's what Nick Land would describe as an IQ shredder.

>> No.9800099

>IQ shredder
Londonistan is the complete opposite of it unless you mean that you really get your IQ shreded to zero by the moderates

>> No.9800792
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There is only one right answer.
The birthplace of civilization
Thats how you start with the greeks

>> No.9800881

Folks, it's a cliché but Paris is /lit/. Slip into the cosy Abbey Bookshop, which is near Notre Dame (avoid Shakespeare & Co since it's full of tryhards and tourists), then grab a coffee and sit at a café reading. You won't be the only one because cafés are always full of Parisians sitting alone, reading, or at least doing some sort of written work in the true stereotypical style. If you read French, you could grab a book from one of the stalls on the Seine, which also sell many heterosexual porno magazines. Whatever your literary passion - it's all there! It is better to go to a normal book shop though rather than the stalls, since the stalls are quickly becoming tourist sites and now sell magnets and other souvenirs. Just, for the love of god, don't go to Gibert Jeune bookshop - it's depressing, chaotic, and grimy. Apparently it's historic but it feels like a cheap pop-up poundworld. Instead, head to some secondhand bookshop or, better a market, where you can find tables piled with old books that you can buy for absolute bargains. I've gotten some gems there before.

>> No.9800887

>New York City
It's disgusting, that's why.

>> No.9801139

>Pittsburgh on the other hand is heavily slept on and a true gem of Americana
Fuck that I've lived here my entire life and it sucks dick.

>> No.9801181

I've always been meaning to visit Montreal. It's nice, then?

>> No.9801209

ITT: mad love for new orleans

>> No.9801211

lets all buy cheap houses in detroit and make it the next literary mecca

>> No.9801215


Of course. It's home to the most /lit/ band of all time.


>> No.9801225

i just visited. its cool to see, but some corny billionaire who unironically owns a sports team has bought up downtown and is turning it into an aloft hotel by the second. there are also simply too many blacks to make it work

>> No.9801230

Well, I mean, that's the whole reason Paris became a mecca for artists and writers, right? It had a combination of very cheap living and a strong sense of culture. Detroit might ironically be the 21st Century version of that. It's got a surprisingly deep well of culture, particularly in music.

>> No.9801238

couple miles north of downtown and they are practically giving houses away. but yeah the niggers are a problem

>> No.9801241

>Why haven't you moved there?

its not the 1950's/60s anymore

>> No.9801254

yeah everything's cheap, i just mean he is turning abandoned buildings into some of the corniest shit i've ever seen. he has horrible taste. just makes it less appealing in terms of some romantic abandoned and faded city

>> No.9801303

Gibert Jeune is admittedly pretty shit, but I've always liked Gibert Joseph for all the years I lived in Paris. Too bad about all the bookstores closing in the city. For English books The City Voice in St-Germain-des-Prés was a real treasure, where lots of famous writers and intellectuals from around the world gave lectures, but it's since shut down as of a few years ago. It's a depressing thought for the future.

>> No.9801313

paris seems like annoyingly big. what about rome? i wish venice wasnt so touristy

>> No.9801321

I've never been to Rome, but of the cities in Italy I have visited, the only ones I'd actually want to live in are Milan and Florence.

>> No.9801327

been to florence a few times. when the weather is nice, you literally cannot walk on the street there are so many tourists—it's worse than venice. siena is a nice less touristy smaller version. dont really like milan. rome is incredible, but it might be too much to actually live there

>> No.9801337


I live in NYC. I've been here my whole life (I'm 19, you can ask me any questions you want.)

New York is not /lit/. Even though Im not really sure what the fuck /lit/ is even supposed to mean (is it a meme? Does something being /lit/ mean that it has some sort of deeper meaning, or literary atmosphere?), I don't really believe that NYC has any /lit/ potential anymore.

If you think of /lit/ as the potential for artists to have come ups in a city, a place to thrive in artistic communities, I don't see that anymore in this city. It's too commercialized, and any art is instantly packaged. It's too expensive for young artists to live in this city anymore with out being trust fund babies, which is why artists are ditching to Detroit and Philly, which is what I hear.

All the consumer culture in the city makes it so that people don't actually read books. The Strand is super popular, but that's for the pseudo-intellectual hipster population of Williamsburg and Bushwick, LES and even those who are trust funded into living in Greenwhich Village or Gramarcy (Grammercy? whatever) Park. For the most part no one reads on the train, and if it is they are best sellers. The public libraries are mostly used by poor high school students and the homeless.

I grew up in this city my whole life and I'm tired of it. It's going to die soon. The MTA is literally falling apart. Pathetic.

>> No.9801344

mexico city is easily top city in north america

>> No.9801362

It's sad about bookstore closures, yes, but I felt a real sense of literary interest in Paris when I was there. In the U.K, it's rare to find a bookshop that isn't a big chain store like Waterstones or that isn't a charity shop selling crap. Only places you get real good bookshops are cities like Oxford and Cambridge, and some arty/historical places in London. In Paris, bookshops seem to be dotted all over and frequented by loyal customers. It's nice. Mad, mad queues at Gibert Jeune, young people included. You never get anything like that in the U.K.

>> No.9801416

>drown yourself in a leftist cesspool
>why not???

>> No.9801448

All major cities are inherently IQ shredders since the ambitious intelligent people that move their have less than 2.2 children.

>> No.9801484

what does land say an iq shredder is

>> No.9801498

Hhahhahaha great one anooooonn totally cool edgy humor I expect from the eh 4ccchann. Wwurope is muslim right hahahahhah XDXDXD

>> No.9801499

Uppsala in Sweden is pretty /lit/ and comfy.
Whole city is technically and historically a university/college.

Maybe not if you're antisocial autist.

>> No.9801504
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>> No.9801511

>I'm a racist who knows nothing about NYC crime the post

>> No.9801515

>birthplace of civilization
>not Iraq

uneducated poser detected

>> No.9801517

is sweden /scandinavia welcoming to americans (white)?

>> No.9801531

What's the judgment on Atlanta as a /lit/ city?

>> No.9801536

love to read on the marta

>> No.9801541

I was born and raised in Sonoma County but I want out. It's too damn expensive to live here and even attempting to move into SF just seems laughable. No other city in the country feels like a good place to move, it's either a generic boring city, a shithole, or an expensive millionaires playground. How difficult is it to move to to Rome as a US citizen? I'm about to finish my Architecture schooling, what's the jobs on demand?

>> No.9801549

If you say you're from New York, and don't have an "off putting" accent (like a strong southern accent)... you'd drown in pussy.
And as I said, entire Uppsala is technically a university. Shit ton of people under 30.

>> No.9801558

damn. why does sweden give a fuck about NY

>> No.9801559

Europeans actually like Americans? I always thought it was the opposite

>> No.9801562

can someone answer this please

>> No.9801565

>a white man that shows signs of possible conservatism is the only type of person that wouldn't be able to get laid in sweden

p. sad

>> No.9801576


>> No.9801577

Depends on the country. UK, France, Germany don't like America. The further east countries that don't have their noses up America's ass for political hegemony usually like America more.

>> No.9801578

oh. missed that part. so like new york city?

>> No.9801581

NYC is glorified by millennial women. (cause of shit like Sex in the city)
Southern Accents sound stupid/redneck, blame your media.
London is also glorified. Swedes love anglo dick. And it's conservative looking men they want, like that gay guy Matt Boomer in a suite. (Before they knew he was gay)

>> No.9801583

land is fun to read, no matter what you think of his ideas

fuck the UK, but france should turn their noses up

>> No.9801589

From what I've been told, Frogs actually like Americans, they're just incredibly tsundere about it. English is a very common second language in France, abd evidently American movies and other cultural output are very competitive with native stuff.

>> No.9801594
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The real question is what city has the best chance of providing a /lit/ gf

>> No.9801602

is there a more /lit/ country than italy?

>> No.9801611

it was a bit more complex than i pretended so i give you a link instead

>> No.9801615

Are there even any Italians that are read globally aside from Dante?

>> No.9801620

I've got an internship in wallstreet.
It's fucking lit senpai.

>> No.9801627

not sure that's a pre-requisite at all, but yes—calvino, eco, lampedusa, Sciascia, etc.

>> No.9801655

Maybe Cicero and Lucretius

>> No.9801665

if you count romans and magna graecia, then the list is huge, yeah

>> No.9801668

>not sure that's a pre-requisite at all
Well, without it you just get a few chauvinists screeching about how they're the best but nobody knows it. Especially in the case of Italians who are notorious for overestimating themselves.

Sort of the 'smart but lazy' highschooler of /lit by nationality rankings.

I don't think Calvino and Eco and those literally whos rank up there with people like Tolstoy and Shakespeare and Joyce and Proust and such.

>> No.9801680

They're neither Italian nor write in Italian.

>> No.9801681

im not saying they rank up there. but before i was just saying a place doesnt need to have authors to be a lit spot to live, like a cabin in the woods

>> No.9801693

Eco is absolutely not a "literally who," his scholarly work alone ensures his immortality.

>> No.9801702

>to study comedy
Make me laugh, pony boy

>> No.9801706

Then Italy is historically literally nonexistent.

>> No.9801711

Well in that case Italy does have a lot of pretty places to prance around in, but I think it's charm is too well accepted to really be bohemian. It's to mainstream for true /lit/ cred, old American couples go there to take pictures.

It would be way more interestingly bohemian to like in Yerevan or Baku for example.

>> No.9801722

yeah, but those places suck dick compared w/ italy

>> No.9801723

I didn't claim he was. I said:

>Calvino and Eco and those literally whos
Referring to Lampedusa and Sciascia as literally whos.

>> No.9801726

You're basically making the case for Eastern Europe in this post.

>> No.9801743

>My parents are rich
O I am laffin

>> No.9801745
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It is very /lit/ to live in places that suck dick.

Artists go to shitty places that are cheap and shitty and make them cool with their own presence. Then come the 'hip' people with money who want to live in such a place as well after the bohemian types made it cool and they drive prices up and make the interesting poor people move out. Then the era has become so pedestrian that normal people with money move in and the charm of the place goes and the hip people chase the bohemians to the next shithole to make that normie tier as well.

It's a cycle.

>> No.9801789

Eastern Europe has the ingredients for I think. It's cheap but culturally interesting and different enough to attract Westerners who want to be interesting without being completely 'tame'.

Given how easily global travel is the most obvious and quite popular thing to stretch your money is working in the first world and then travelling to the third world though. Eastern Europe is cheap but it's not SEA or South America tier cheap. But that kind of thing has become pretty banal in itself with every gap year kid going backpacking.

I think the only places that are still truly edgy now are the places you really don't want to be. Maybe Black Africa is the new Latin Quarter.

>> No.9801792

Can anyone comment on the /lit/ status of Vienna?

>> No.9801810

If a city has /lit/ history then it is almost always not currently /lit/ unless there is some grand current revival, and if the revival is widely known it's probably already over.

>> No.9801814

where in SA is cheap

>> No.9801857

I don't know the specifics, haven't been on the continent at all. But I've heard of people just renting cheap rooms in some second rate city there and living well for not a lot of money.

I think the trick in the third world is not finding somewhere cheap but finding that sweet spot between cheap and not a total shithole where you will get killed or drown in sewage.

>> No.9801870
File: 168 KB, 1023x680, depositphotos_45718333-Beautiful-view-of-Buenos-Aires-capital-of-Argentina.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Argentina has been and still is pretty cheap, due to the neverending mess their government and economy seem to be in. Even Buenos Aires is fairly cheap. Actually, Argentina could be primed for renewed literary status, because it is, again, cheap, but it actually has a lot of accumulated culture. I could see a new Lost Generation basing themselves out of Buenos Aires.

>> No.9801874

weird, i was actually just in BA, it's fucking gay. it's just a huge poor european city where everyone stays up mad late. havent spent that much time in latin america but i like mexico city and lima a lot more

>> No.9801893

That's because Argentina is white.

>> No.9801906

>Artists go to shitty places that are cheap and shitty and make them cool with their own presence.

I'm sure you're missing a step here. You know, the actual poor people that live there and have stories to tell before these "poor" artists come in?

>> No.9801908

haha no

>> No.9801915
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Sorry, Thiago, but it isn't.

>> No.9801916

>Why haven't you moved there
Because I am as /out/ as I am /lit/

>> No.9801920

Not necessarily. Sometimes artist communities spawn where there was no one living in the first places, or at least where the local population isn't instrumental in the creation of their art.

You don't always need to full prole worshipping beatnik.

>> No.9802026

rats, decay

>> No.9802985

500k-1mil is the best size for city.
Action going on, places to go out, cultural activitie while still living in decent conditions and not spending one commuting morning and night.
I lived in LA, London, and Paris, and in those cities, life is good for the wealthy.
for the vast majority, making friends and family envious on Facebook, life in those megapolis is a constant grind, even having fun is scheduled and comes at the detriment of much needed rest.
The big city life is an optical illusion for most, making 150% salary compared to back home, while cost of life is 180%.

>> No.9802992

maybe 50 years ago
today its full of hipsters who suck all the life out of the air like well dressed mosquitoes, or povo wogs who feast on the corpses

I'm living in Saigon atm and its pretty /lit/ though my writing is still a mess of incomplete rubbish

>> No.9802998

old mid-sized city with a developed yet compact core is best

>> No.9803026

Live near Pittsburgh, go to school near NYC. NYC is lit if you're into dirty fucking hipster lit. I know plenty of filthy rich liberal arts college kids who move to Brooklyn or Manhattan after graduating, trying their best to be artists-which means, they aren't artists at fucking all.

Pittsburgh on the other hand is cheap as shit and has an evolving arts scene. I'm sure there are some places in NYC that are still legit, but far and few between-and sure to cost twice as much as living in Pittsburgh.

Hard mode: Move to an Eastern European country where you can get plenty of art culture and city life for cheap as fucking hell. See: St. Petersburg, Warsaw, Budapest.

>> No.9803056

Your comedy is just as bland

>> No.9803066

The former

>> No.9803121

Hate living in cities. I can't even stand driving down to Sydney let alone live in an actually crowded city like New York.

>> No.9803841

>lives in a city

You know, we already have 4G internet

>> No.9803857

>plenty of art culture

nope man, warsaw is fucking dead, and if not, its wasted millenial corporation workers thinking about opposite sex during intense gym training
its so dead lad

>> No.9803868

>Wwurope is muslim right hahahahhah XDXDXD

>> No.9803883


>> No.9803896

dirty provinciano

>> No.9804229

Guys should I move to Prague? It seems like it might be pretty /lit/

>> No.9804810

Enjoy writing your book about being a cuck in Paris.It will be non-fiction.

>> No.9804829

I used to live above a book store and now I live in a brownstone in Brooklyn. Lit af and just as pretentious and full of pseuds.

>> No.9804951

I have been to and love Montreal, but the band Of Montreal is from Athens, Georgia, USA.

>> No.9804983

first person i ever had a convo with in NYC was some kike in Central Park that recommended reading a book about the Holocaust called the extermination years or something of that sort. He did it right after a spiel of how persecuted Jews are in our society, I literally could not believe it, some guy I just met instantly starts talking about this shit it was like a /pol/ meme irl. But, yeah NYC is pretty /lit/

>> No.9805010

lol, perfect. I love the city, but some of the people are so fucking annoying. It's becoming a fantasy world for trust fund kids.

Ever live in Montreal, or just visit?

>> No.9805843
File: 177 KB, 995x746, Shimokitazawa.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What about Tokyo? I'm moving there in little over a year for two years and I've seen some of the more bohemian neighbourhoods/districts and they look /lit/ as hell

>> No.9805874

Dallasfag here

Where are the literary hotspots? I want to read some of my poetry somewhere or attend some kind of workshop but I have no idea where to go. I feel like a pariah because most of the people I met in university repudiate any kind of contemplative life, so I spend most of my time in isolation reading, writing and playing guitar.

>> No.9805880



>> No.9805886
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Right you are, my dear man.

>> No.9806066

>all this talk of moving
the answer is leave america
That's the best move to make. Go to Europe, you retards
>tfw lived in germany
>tfw all i want to do is go back
was the most lit time of my life, highly recommend

>> No.9806077

I've lived in NYC for my whole life and this is incredibly accurate, especially for my friends and parents.

>new yorker magazine
>free concerts
>watching oscar movies
>kwame books

>> No.9806085

>most of the people I met in university repudiate any kind of contemplative life,

The whole thread, I've been trying to determine what does it even mean to be /lit/?
It's this.
Where do people most embrace the contemplative life?

>> No.9806092

>Winter is the best season for NYC.
How many winters have you spent here? Fuck you. Winter and summer are both shit most of the time here

>> No.9806104
File: 107 KB, 700x467, downtown_asheville_0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

After reading this entire thread, I've come to this conclusion.

The most /lit/ city is Asheville.

>> No.9806112

All you have to do now is kill yourself

>> No.9806147

>living on the east coast

>> No.9806153

>missing the point this thoroughly
New York's literary presence is composed of the people who came to New York from elsewhere, not the silver-spoon second generation and onwards. Of course they're no different from Portland or San Francisco.

>> No.9806383

This is true. I've seen it happen in my city.

Shit place to live > cheap rent > poor creatives > more creatives > hip location > gentrification > higher rent > hip people move out

>> No.9806740

Man, the irony of this post

>> No.9806850

What's ironic about it?

>> No.9806891
File: 249 KB, 1500x1000, Degraves-Lane.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm from Melbourne and it is a very /lit/ city.

We still have tons bookshops, libraries, coffee culture, universities, large public transport network, tons cultural institutions and arts centres.

Unfortunately it's starting to follow the bad parts of NYC:
>ridiculously expensive
>creative suburbs rapidly gentrifying
>irresponsible development leading to too many skyscrapers
>nouveau riche Asians everywhere

>> No.9807156

>> poor creatives > more creatives > hip location > gentrification
there's your slam poem mate

>> No.9807157
File: 39 KB, 640x633, 234523.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


a fucking wasteland in every sense of the word lad

>> No.9807162

Most pointless thread ever. I seriously doubt a bunch of 4chan posters have ever seen anything outside of their own town, and yet here they sit arguing over which city is the most lit in the world, comparing cities they have likely never seen. Still, makes a change from posting about books they have never read.

>> No.9807472

Melbs is comfortable and cultured, can confirm I live here.

>> No.9807515

>tfw i actually envy this meme

>> No.9807890

I went there and saw:
a church with a big "accept refugees" sign
a group of homeless people with dreads in front of the train station
lots of people trying to appear homosexual (also happened to be a gay pride parade that day)
someone handing out papers explaining how we can stop trump
and a lot of fucking hipsters

your city is awful and not /lit/