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9801503 No.9801503 [Reply] [Original]

Hey /lit/, I was just given the 1952 whole 54 volume set of "The Great Books of the Western World" by Mortimer Adler by my college library for free.

Students have been complaining that they want more siting space so the library is pressured in getting rid of the books that are rarely borrowed. Ive checked some of the books in the collection, some of them have last been borrowed in 1967...

Anybody has experience with the set or attempted the 10 year reading plan? How have the translations aged? The set seems to have unanimously rave reviews online but I bet nobody has actually read the whole thing or even a fraction of it. Its a show off set that people like to have for mental masturbation's sake.

I wont complain since I got the whole thing for a bit of sweat and they go for 150-500$ online plus shipping (which is a shit ton for 54 volumes). I might actually read one or two books from it, there's a good selection of writers.

Theyre in pretty bad shape so I might try and restore them. Anybody knows a good source? Pic is the full collection, I posted on friday with half the collection also.

Anybody else has them or has anything to say about them?

>> No.9801626

Why are you reposting this?

>> No.9801648


Only got 3-4 answers last time, I wanna hear more people's opinion

>> No.9801657

Did you get my comment regarding the problem with their translations and notation?

>> No.9801715

Oh that was you, yeah I did and Ive read similar criticism on review sites. Thanks for that. Some of these books can be read without notations but you're saying I'll get much more out of say Plutarch if it is given context and a scholar's interpretation?

What I did like about the collection are the first 3 volumes, which are the actual body of work of Adler and co. during those years preceding the publication. It's basically over 3000 topics divided into 102 general ideas (War and peace, Mind, Nature, history, Liberty, Eternity, etc..). Each idea gets an introductory chapter that traces how the perception of that idea has changed over 30 centuries, who said what, when and in relation to who, based on what previous conclusions. So in a way, the first two books can perhaps be seen as notation grouped in themes.

>> No.9801824

>. Some of these books can be read without notations but you're saying I'll get much more out of say Plutarch if it is given context and a scholar's interpretation?

Its more the context than a scholars interpretation. For instance with a the Greek works they will be making references to tons of Gods and specific individuals, religious practices, places and events which were effectively assumed knowledge for that time.

Accordingly you have to either plow through and ignore this aspect or have to break your flow by constantly putting the book down to google things.

For Plutarch scim parts of this and take a look a the kind of information they have in the footnotes and see if this is the kind of information you think would be beneficial or necessary.

http://penelope.uchicago.edu/Thayer/e/roman/texts/plutarch/lives/home.html (not the same translation I know)

As for restoring them given how cheap they are would it not make more sense just to buy new ones to replace the particularly ratty?

>What I did like about the collection are the first 3 volumes, which are the actual body of work of Adler and co. during those years preceding the publication. It's basically over 3000 topics divided into 102 general ideas

Have you found them helpful?

>> No.9801838

>there's more Aquinas than Shakespeare
My keks.

>> No.9801913
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Aquinas wrote more than Shakespeare, why is that funny?

>> No.9801966
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I guess googling things as I read along will be necessary for some works. The notation don't seem to be that important to the general idea of the text, at least in the case of the link you posted.
I can't read Shakespeare without an annotated version or a "No Fear Shakespeare translation" though.

Yeah Ive found the reading guide organized by topic in chronological order pretty interesting. Im a student so its perfect for research and references. It seems this collection wasnt made to be read cover to cover but, although more power to you if you do, but as a collection of ideas organized and ready to be accessed.

Theres 2 books dedicated to Aquinas, same as Shakespeare. One of the Aquinas is just slightly bigger but the selection of Shakespeare works is pretty extensive, pic related.

>> No.9801970
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>> No.9801975
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and the last part

>> No.9802000

Also Mortimer Adler had a huge hard on for Christian Theologians, Aquinas being one of the big daddies Im not surprised he included so much of him. He seemed to be relatively secular in his work but he would be right to say that Christian theology was a major influence in the western world.

>> No.9802011

This is great information, I've been meaning to start a thread on Plutarch because I want to read his Parallel Lives but I still have a lot of reading to do before I can get into him. What would you generally recommend as a reading list for this. I'm mostly done with the Greeks flowchart but still have to read Anabasis and Plato. I've also read the Aeneid but I'm sure there will be loads of other Roman author's I have to get through.

>> No.9802510
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>> No.9802879

Adler was received into the Catholic Church late in life.
