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/lit/ - Literature

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9783992 No.9783992 [Reply] [Original]

>factoid about yourself
>current book you're reading, etc.

>> No.9784067

>Early 30s
>I enjoy writing articles that consist of edgy claims buried in pseudo-philosophical jargon
>Reading David Irving's "Hitler's War"

>> No.9784299
File: 3.91 MB, 4640x2610, IMG_20170713_192019.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Kissless handholdless virgin
>Reading Kim Stanley Robinson's "Blue Mars", Sean Carroll's "The Big Picture", and Dale Carnegie's "How to Win Friends and Influence People"

>> No.9784332

>google scholar says I have an h-factor of 3
>The Red ad the Black

>> No.9784335
File: 616 KB, 1142x1142, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>haven't read anything in a while and feel bad for spending more time playing video games than reading
>Ubik by Philip K. Dick

>> No.9784393

i masturbate elusively to crossdress porn
maps of meaning

>> No.9784426

>I am pretty slick at drawing
>JR by William Gaddis

>> No.9784489
File: 118 KB, 1015x808, 1481078700114.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>i have never drank any form of softdrink
>Confronting the Classics by Mary Beard

>> No.9784549

>routinely go to supermarket bathrooms on hot days, wipe my swamp ass/gooch/balls/thigh pit sludge all over my hands and touch as much fresh produce as possible
>Meditations by Marcus Aurelius

>> No.9784640

>I have a tick in my eyes that makes me roll my eyes back into my head. I've had this since I was a kid and nobody ever fucking bothered to figure out why. Even doctors were just like "eh, anon'll grow out of it".
>John Dies at the End (for the 3rd time)

>> No.9784645

pretty sure that's an actual crime

>> No.9784666

>I'm kinda good at hacky sack
>Crime & Punishment

>> No.9784671

crime THIS homo

>> No.9784707


>> No.9784716

>I bought a kindle a few days ago
>spring snow

>> No.9784726
File: 46 KB, 640x640, 1499947687241.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I'm a drunk
>Reading Beyond Good & Evil by Nietzsche

>> No.9784854

>Diagnosed Obsessive Compulsive Disorder and Antisocial Personality Disorder
>Slaughterhouse Five

>> No.9784901

>Collect antique danger sticks
>Moby Dick

>> No.9784935


What's a danger stick?

>> No.9784942

>Inherent Vice

>> No.9784951

>I have an identical twin brother
>Goethe's Diwan

>> No.9784958

> 30
> /fitlit/ stallion
> Gates of Fire- Steven Pressfield.

>> No.9784965


I have an identical twin brother


>> No.9784973

I collect novelty fish pillows

>> No.9784976

you define yourself by your brother?

>> No.9784980

Raifus and such

>> No.9784982

it's not the only interesting thing about me, just one of them.

>> No.9784989

You got sum pics bb?

>> No.9785015
File: 165 KB, 1250x764, $_57.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

sure. this is my fav, but I also got a wels catfish, a mackerel and a wolffish. They have to be photoprint, that's why I don't have more. Also, I have a butterfly fish bag, which is my favorite bag. The tail swishes when I walk.

>> No.9785040

That's actually pretty neat

>> No.9785047

>I wanna be a knight
>Brothers Karamazov (or at least I should be but I have stopped somewhere in the middle of the book)

>> No.9785069

>haven't drunk any alcohol for two years
>history of western philosophy by bertrand russell

>> No.9785091

im better than all of you
barry strauss, the trojan war a new history

>i have never drank any form of softdrink
i dont believe you


>> No.9785094
File: 86 KB, 698x827, img60254835.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

thank you! here's my bag.

>> No.9785111

>Began taking piracetam yesterday, 3x700mg daily. Bought a 4chan pass the day before that. Shitposting prowess has reached unprecedented heights. Is this what a meaningful life feels like? s
>Ulysses, at Circe, smd

>> No.9785157

>my dog kind of killed someone

>> No.9785180

>I'm bad at committing to things, and read too much at once
>Ars Amatoria (in Latin, Ovid), Maurice (EM Forster), Mythology (Edith Hamilton), Literary Theory: A Very Short Introduction (J Culler), forallx (PD Magnus), Logic: A Very Short Introduction (Graham Priest), Literature in the Greek and Roman Worlds (Oliver Taplin), Phaedo (in English, Plato)

>> No.9785185

i was homeless, like on the streets homeless, for six months earlier this year
Cancer Ward

>> No.9785212

>the most I've masturbated in a day was 12 times
>The Gay Science

>> No.9785230

>12 times
you're like a little baby

>> No.9785231

>i write satirical catholic/reactionary articles and publish them on fake-rightwing website to see how many people take them seriously. I have 500 likes on facebook so far
> Petersburg

>> No.9785248

>brainlet probably tism as well
>reading Kokoro and Democracy: the God that Failed
I need to just finish Kokoro already, it's short as fuck but the part I'm at now is so damn boring, also brainlet so I read like a page every 5 minutes

>> No.9785596
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>I have never been to the dentist
>The Pale King

>> No.9785618


>> No.9785643

>I am perhaps the most important unknown person of the current year and political clime, and I don't want to be, but have to
>Paradise Lost

>> No.9785704

Story on dog

>> No.9785779

>Recently moved countries
>Jack Kerouac's "On the Road"

>> No.9785805

>First time I post an interesting factoid
>Adolphe by Benjamin Constant

>> No.9785827
File: 1.56 MB, 3264x2448, IMG_7065.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>summer 2015
>at my family's beach house that sits on a river
>there's a little public shore perpendicular to it
>have guests over
>they let our dog outside
>my dog spots another dog on the little beach
>beach dog happens to be a fat, cancer ridden pitbull going through chemo
>it's in one of those radio flyer wagons because it can barely walk
>my dog is incapable of minding his own business and jumps onto the beach to see what this wagon dog's deal is
>wagon dog is clearly not in the best of moods
>fight breaks out
>owner tries to separate them and during this moment I guess he is grazed by my dog
>it's not a big wound or anything, not even sure if he drew blood
>my dog got his leg pretty fucked up and had to be lifted and taken back to our home
>a couple of days later the wagon dog owner has a heart attack and dies
>in the autopsy later they find animal (dog) bacteria in his blood, along with some other drugs
>family being sued now
>mfw my dog killed someone indirectly through biological warfare
>mfw I have a komodo dragon for a dog
>mfw I can never listen to "who let the dogs out" again
Pic related. Does that look like the face of a murderer to you??

>> No.9785832

>Have never left the US

>> No.9785939

>I've been teaching myself Russian for the past year
>Sartre's Being and Nothingness

>> No.9785944

Assuming you're American, you shouldn't have had any alcohol in the past 19 years

>> No.9785955

>I speak Farsi but have never travelled to the Middle East and am White British
>The Transparency of Evil, Baudrillard

>> No.9785987

>everyone is american
I mean, in germany you can drink beer at 16, legally. Everything over 18% is for 18+ but come the fuck on.

>visit my father in the states
>be 20
>go into a restaurant
>what would you like to drink
>lady looks at my father
>anon's from germany, he says
>lady's head snaps around to me
>oh my god! I'm so sorry! that's awful! I'm so sorry! I'd give you some, but y'know-

Sometimes I miss the states. But it's like- the pros and cons are so fucking polarized how is that possible?
>strangers are super nice
>politics are still in the 1900s
>community is really sweet
>still lynch black people
>real comfy americana
>people die because they can't afford medication
Like, goddammit.

>> No.9785990

>I used to steal stuff all the time as a kid. Be it toys, video games, pokemon cards or food (candy and whatnot) I never needed the stuff but I stole for the thrill and needed attention
>War of the End of the World

>> No.9786042

>I chain smoke rolled cigarettes
>The thousand Autumns of Jaboc De Zoet

>> No.9786072

What anon should have done has no link with what is legal for anon to have done

>> No.9786177

What is this, in the States it is illegal for minors (21 and under) to purchase and consume alcohol. That being said, in some states implying paternal constent, a minor may be allowed to consume alcohol. Since it was not purcahse by them, they may consume since not consuming is conditional upon not buying, or is it?

But what SHOULD a minor do? Let alone an adult? I'm not going to go that in depth but I will say that a being that belongs to a soverign state should do what is legally expected of them as according to the laws that govern over them.

Back to the question, SHOULD a minor consume alcohol? A minor is free to be "free", but only to a certain extent. They are not given the rights of adults, that is what being a minor means.

An adult, in the United States, is anyone over 18 years of age. So can a 19 year old purchase and consume alcohol? No longer constrained by the moniker "minor" they are free to do as they please without parental constent. So can they so in those states where underage drinking is allowed, can the 19 year old consume alcohol without parental constent?

>> No.9786184

Morelike "How to Lick Ass and Give Handjobs to People"

>> No.9787155
File: 249 KB, 248x459, Bugs...EasyOnTheCarrots.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I'm An Animation
>I like carrots
>Graphic Novels

>> No.9788157

>I feel ancient
>Getting ready apply to Law School
>Le End of History Man and some psychology articles for a paper I'm working on.

>> No.9789133

>Have a good memory, so peple assume that I'm smarter than I really am
>The Myth of Sisyphus by Camus

>> No.9789153

that clothes is ugly. put him some gucci stuff damn

>> No.9789184

betrayed horribly by people, disappointed beyond consolation
deep work, myth of sisyphus, man and his symbols

>> No.9789195



recently diagnosed with heart murmur, I met a noted garage band's lead singer once.

Witty's PI, just finished David Anfam's Catalogue Raisonne about Mark Rothko, expect to start reading The Federalist soon during work breaks for the next few months.

>> No.9789229
File: 18 KB, 250x255, 1436645033630.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>planning on moving away after college and cutting off all my friends if I don't kill myself before then
>just finished Thus Spoke Zarathustra

>> No.9789232

>i have herpes
>I don't read

>> No.9789236

are you black? why do you have a black persons dog?

>> No.9789240

I was just gonna say the dog looks black.

>> No.9789271



>> No.9789279


I tought I had overcome some crush I had but yesterday I had a very emotional intense dream with her.
Tristes tropiques

>> No.9789518

You're 24, for goodness' sake, man. Men your age, all over the world, are having families, and you have "a crush".
Pull yourself together.

>> No.9789581

I met a stripper at a bar outside of her work, she told me where she works, so I went in there and we've chatted for like 10 hours. seemed to have a great time, she seems into me, tells me her real name, I check her on facebook and she just doesn't seem like catching up outside of work hours so now I feel like I've been duped.
>Steppenwolf - and not enjoying it too much

>> No.9789600


>> No.9789605

>early twenties
>although I have a lifelong love for cats, I was once forced to shoot a kitten, which still haunts me to this day, more than other things.
>The Trial by Kafka, among others. I have a bad habit of reading multiple books at once.

>> No.9789624

Wtf my dog is a pure bred boxer with perfect aryan genes and a symmetrical face

>> No.9789646

>Scared of student loans and regretting choosing computer science as my major
>The Way of Kings

>> No.9789650

>I have an extra half rib on my left side, and my left leg is about 8mm shorter than my right
>The Bone People by Keri Hulme and re-reading Catcher in the Rye by J.D Salinger (Read it when i was much younger and didn't really get it)

>> No.9789655

Stop watching porn
watch this

>> No.9789682

>the most I've masturbated in a day was 12 times
those are rookie numbers, you've got to pump those numbers up

>> No.9789707

>Finished uni last November, been a reclusive NEET since.
>Dr Zhivago. Just started. Its aight. Haven't been blown away yet.

>> No.9789730

>Halfway finished my book but worried that everyone and their uncle fucking hates genre fiction by now
>Dante's Inferno

>> No.9789786

well you should believe me. My parents are dentists and all they used to talk about growing up was the evils of fizzy drinks and i've maintained that habit ever since.

>> No.9789787

>I enjoy wood carving as a form of meditiation
>Marcus Aurelius

>> No.9789795

How yeez findin it?

>> No.9789799

i am a genius if i have access to amphetamines. my iq goes up some 20-25 points.
Gravity's Rainbow

>> No.9791220

Keep telling yourself bucko.

>> No.9791227

the -oid suffix means "resembling"

a factoid is something that resembles a fact but is actually false

>> No.9791236

>i was married to a minor celebrity's daughter (briefly)
>I've been listening to WS Burroughs' lectures more than reading lately t b h

>> No.9791243

>cheated once
>Brief Interviews with Hideous Men

>> No.9791455

>I work at a factory and have to go to work tomorrow for a 12 hour shift
> Reading Crown and country.

>> No.9791482

>beta AF, have had like 15 crushes in 3 years, some were so quick i dont even know why i count them as actual crushes
>nothing lel im a fucking lurker

>> No.9791508

>Stoner in Colorado
>The Book of the New Sun

>> No.9791859

>I haven't had a girlfriend
>The Wayfinders: Why Ancient Wisdom Matters in the Modern World by Wade Davis

>> No.9791874

>every girl i've been with thought i was a virgin
>starting with the greeks finally

>> No.9791876

What the hell man, why were you forced to kill a kitten?

>> No.9791889

sorry i lold anon

>> No.9791898

i have an anchovy pillow.

>> No.9791905

>I was born with one testicle and now have a prosthetic replacement for the other
>The making of modern japan

>> No.9791937

so the 2nd one is just for show? doesn't do anything?

pretty cool anon probably hurts less if you get kicked in the nads

>> No.9791962

>>every girl i've been with thought i was a virgin
I understand you bro

>> No.9791978


>> No.9791983
File: 13 KB, 500x259, cat13.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

tfw my mother miscarried my twin brother in first trimester

>> No.9791990

no, if he jumps and down it lights up.

>> No.9791991

Yeah my mother though it would weird girls out
It feels kinda funny, I can apply quite a lot of pressure and shrink it a bit

>> No.9792032

>its been a while since ive felt so pretty (ive cut and treated my hair), it would be nice if i could finally get a girlfriend
>tchekhov short stories

>> No.9792293

>sitting home 24/7 and reading because of introverty and it's killing me, basically just waiting for my end
>For Whom the Bell Tolls

>> No.9793951
File: 475 KB, 680x474, NickLandBird.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>What does it matter since we all die in the end
>Nothing worth noting
>Nick Land.

>> No.9794061

>Have recently come to the realisation that I'm possibly one of the few genuinely anti-social normies
>Consider the lobster

>> No.9794084

27, I'm about to ride my bike 3,000+ miles, the poetics of space

>> No.9794087

your aphex twin

>> No.9794100

Kek this lectures are amazing, especially the QnA where he btfos a heckler.

>> No.9794121

>My drunk classmate got my full name tattooed on his ass, with a love heart above the i (no homo)
>Kings of the Wyld

>> No.9794130

eyy good book don't kys tho.

>> No.9794145


>i've just fucked virgin women
>"Paradise Lost" and "Purgatorio (Divine Comedy)"

>> No.9794156

Good looking or ham planet/uggo? Most virgin women are the latter.

>> No.9794167

>hates children and teenagers and is practically an old man despite his age
>The Illuminatus! Trilogy
>next book is gonna be The Magic Mountain

>> No.9794182

Pretty good looking, to be honest. I am the one who's ugly.

>> No.9794262

>I don't care about anyone and can cut someone out of my life without looking back easily. Except my sister
I go through months of being introverted and not leaving the house, but then I'll have a few months where Im overly hyper all the time and sociable. I end up eventually annoying everybody and then I isolate myself again.
>hates children and teenagers and is practically an old man despite his age

>> No.9794510

>Frequently go through bouts of cold showers and no-fap to improve masculinity and get a girlfriend, even though I don't believe it will help. It never helps.
>The Divine Comedy
Fuck school and work, I can bearly find a chance to study without falling asleep. Haven't read in half a week.

>> No.9794540

>I'm in therapy for depression and a lack of self confidence
>The Lord of the Rings trilogy. I'm no fantasy reader, but it's been on my shelf for years and I can't stand owning books I haven't read.

>> No.9794552
File: 8 KB, 267x291, The-Prince-of-Zi-Dan[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>factoid about yourself
I'm atheist
>current book you're reading, etc.
Shakespeare tadegies

>> No.9794557

>tim hortons hash browns are like crack to me
>A Set of Six

>> No.9794573

Don't worry, it's okay to be retarded when you're 18.

>> No.9794578

I feel like your factoid is a copy pasta.

or everyone on this website says the same shit, i cant decide.

>> No.9794639

Thanks. I hope I get better.
Probably the second one. Thanks for reminding me I'm a mediocre person.

>> No.9795173

>tfw no gf is really bothering me
>Neuromancer isn't very good

>> No.9795185

but those are all pros, anon

>> No.9795199

>Lost virginity at the tender age of 12

>> No.9795237

Turned 18 yesterday
Already Norwood 2 balding, author of a new trilogy of fantasy books
The Bible by God

>> No.9795391

>i think mf doom is the greatest artist in the last 100 years
>the bros k

>> No.9796430

Go back to /mu/

>> No.9797163

didn't ever expect to say this but those are very nice fish pillows

>> No.9798028

>I'm learning to fight while struggling to find the root of my boredom outside of the gym
>Night School by Lee Child

>> No.9798144

>Today I learned to play "Exit music for a film" on the guitar with a shitty homemade capo I made with a pen and a shoelace
>Voyage au bout de la nuit (or Journey to the End of the Night, for the plebs), by Celine

>> No.9798593
File: 22 KB, 328x499, oblomov.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Sleep is my favourite pastime

>> No.9798603

>Casual sex makes me feel awkward
>The Tin Drum

>> No.9798612

>still lynch black people
yeah that's a big hobby, we sure do that a whole lot over here.

>> No.9798617

How have you done it? Tips/advice please.

>> No.9799409

>I'm trying to break into designing toys and am learning moon partially so I can one day visit wonfes or AKGarden as a circle.
>Kafka's short stories The Terror will be next if you want an actual book.

>> No.9799711

>Mathematics student, curious snowflake
>The Republic by Plato

>> No.9799732
File: 879 KB, 1533x1033, RAVENS 3-4.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mexican intellectual that went to med school
>Ryu Murakami's Almost Transparent Blue

>> No.9799739

3 kids, 2 babymoms-- do what's expected in terms of time and money but will NEVER share space with a woman again. Like being a dad, all boys. I'm basically always broke though I work my ass off.
Addison and Steele's Spectator, vol.3
Foresters' Hornblower series-- now finishing Beat to Quarters.

>> No.9799878

How old are the boys? Do they respect you or take you for granted?

>> No.9799924

>Have performed in the Royal Albert Hall
>Don Quixote

>> No.9799947

>6.5 inches BPEL
>A Thousand Plateaus

>> No.9800137
File: 141 KB, 317x475, bloom_republic.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> 25
> I once dated a girl that told me she had cerebral palsy and some form of parkinson's disease, later she told me she cheated on me 3 times during the relationship xD.
> pic related

>> No.9800154
File: 184 KB, 480x480, DSC_0539.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>diagnosed anhedoniac and i live alone with my doggo and catto

>> No.9800381

>Thinking, Fast and Slow|The Circle|The Republic

Wew lads.

>> No.9800382
File: 404 KB, 1200x1628, nietzsche.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>EE masterrace with a high-paying job lined up after graduation
>just finished Beyond Good and Evil

You didn't have to tell us you're a teenager with taste like that- it shows. MF Doom is pretty good lyrically, though.

>> No.9800416

> 26
> I don't have friends anymore.
> Dune, Frank Herbert

>> No.9800420

I'll be your friend. Just promise to read the first four Dune books and stop there.

>> No.9800431

But Bertrand Russell is a pseud when it comes to anything other than logic. He is so biased it is unreal.

>> No.9800450

>I'm really clingy and like my gf too much.
>Erich Fromm - The Art of Loving

>> No.9800457
File: 18 KB, 409x393, fqtfk.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9800488

Thanks, anon! That's a promise I'll definitely keep!

>> No.9800499

Glad to hear it.

>> No.9800517

>I don't know how to talk to girls
how do I into being a social person with females?

>> No.9800530

make eye contact and take a shower once in a while

>> No.9800552

stop reading

>> No.9800569

>I'm about to quit my job and go all in on writing
>Modern poetry books, Bukowski mostly.

>> No.9800593

Write conversation topics on your palm to avoid awkward silences.

>> No.9800613

11, 10, 4. They're too young to give full-on dis, but certainly take me for granted. I cook and clean and have been bad at assigning tasks, or chores. On the other hand no tv either here or at their mothers', no phones for the two older, computer severely limited, lots of outdoor stuff, board games, cards and of course reading (or being read to). We skywatch, fish, and got Eclipse glasses yesterday....

>> No.9800635

That sounds nice, you should assign some chores though.

>> No.9800738

> I want to be dead but am terrified of not existing anymore
>Capital Volume 1

>> No.9800750

Should I read? I've been one year without reading at all.

>> No.9800795

Why are you here?

>> No.9800800

just out of boredom, /r9k/ bored me.

should I? I want to change my life.

>> No.9800824

can't hurt

>> No.9800827

Replacing /r9k/ with /lit/ is probably one of the better life decisions you could make right now. Replacing /r9k/ with actually reading, even moreso.
Just get the hell out of /r9k/.

>> No.9800831

>Ithink it's rather pitiful how hard you all work to pretend your ideas are novel, new and/or important.
>The politics of law

>> No.9800847

ok, then I'm going to read some shit right now. Thanks!

>> No.9800992

>Struggling to find the vocabulary for emotional honesty; shouldn't this be intuitive?
>The Compass of Zen

>> No.9801034

>I was the "first white guy" for all but one of the black girls I've ever slept with
>The vegetarian

>> No.9801053

Filthy degenerate

>> No.9801132

>about to switch from a STEM major to Russian lit
>Huysmans - Against Nature

You're right that it's pitiful but you sound pretty arrogant yourself when you phrase it that way

This, /r9k/ is not a place anyone should go regularly.

>> No.9801143

Hello friend

I'm also
>kissless handholdless virgin

but im reading

>> No.9801151

You two should kiss and fuck. Problem solved.

>> No.9801156

No doubt.

>> No.9802118

>My left pinkie toenail is held on by super glue
>A Japanese text book

>> No.9802144

OP picked up the term from DFW and has been using it incorrectly ever since.

>> No.9802167

>I'm a highschool tutor and regularly do coke on schoolnights
>Jorge Luis Borges - Ficciones

>> No.9802732

go see a good podiatrist man

>> No.9803470

>i write a serial
>Book of the New Sun

>> No.9803521

>Play the bagpipes
>Origin of Consciousness in the Breakdown of the Bicameral Mind

>> No.9803642

>Reading is my only hobby and I have no friends, so I spend all day from like 12AM to 10PM reading
>Against the Day

>> No.9803664

>I once fingered a girl outside of a mosque
>The Trail by Kafka

>> No.9803675


>Retired drug smuggler
>Reading the runes of the earth by stephen R donaldson.

Read the first and second series when I was a kid. I was stoked when these came out, though the plot holes are often too big to ignore.