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9786336 No.9786336 [Reply] [Original]

How did the Soviet Union produce two of the greatest artists that ever lived?

>> No.9786343


pic unrelated?

Tolstoy and Nabokov are indeed very great

>> No.9786349

The USSR goverment had a budget for culture. Tarkovsky is from a state institute of film and funding to art programs where decided by a board of reknowned art critics and not like american films today in which the broader the audience -> more money -> lets produce more shit films about marvel heroes.

ALSO Russia used to have a great intellectual tradition.

>> No.9786354

Because culture benefits from socialism/communism.
USSR wasn't communist though.

>> No.9786472

Hasn't to do with the ussr per se but more with the radical transformation of russia in the early 20th century
They went from a medieval serve society into moderinity in a span of a decade or so (whereas in the 'west' it was a more gradual change over almost a century)

>> No.9786487

>soviet union

hold on....

>> No.9786497

Shitty bait.

>> No.9786915

>implying it was because of the Soviet Union

One of Tarkovsky's movies was actually destroyed before the film could all be edited into it's final cut because the script criticized the USSR's promotion of atheism.

I hate communism so much. Luckily Tarkovsky was able to get out of the USSR eventually.

>> No.9786923

>I hate communism so much.
No one cares about you.

>> No.9786950

t. gender-queer Muslim convert

>> No.9786953

Why do Americans have to go out of their way to regurgitate their anti-socialist propaganda garbage?
Keep this shit in /pol/.

>> No.9786970

Well, even if you think that communism works, can you at least agree that it was fucked up for the USSR to destroy one of their best artist's films?

>> No.9786976

>can you at least agree that it was fucked up for the USSR to destroy one of their best artist's films?

>> No.9786983

Why don't you think that OP has to keep his pro-Bolshevik propaganda to himself? Is it because you secretly admire the political system that lead to the deaths of tens of millions of people?

>> No.9786996

OP's post is much more likely to be intended to be anti-bolshevik if anything.
And I don't support the USSR nor do I see any reason why I should, but I know better than equating it with communism.
Now can this thread die? We've had these boring discussions so often.

>> No.9786997

Kill you're self

>> No.9787000


My argument is that it would be much harder to for the government to destroy someone's works of art if the government was a liberal democracy rather than a communist regime.

>> No.9787005

>It wasn't real communism!
A term like that is defined by how it's used, and both the USSR and everyone else used the term "communist" to refer to its particular political system.

>> No.9787007

Could you die instead? We've had these boring pseudo-intellectual communist posts so often.

We understand that USSR wasn't real communism, and that only you could show the world what communism really is.

>> No.9787014

Vodka is brain juice.

>> No.9787015

It was communism's fault though. UUSR wasn't real communism but it was an attempt and every attempt ends up the same.

>> No.9787022


I've read a decent amount of Russian of fiction, but I'm interested in the background/historical aspect of it. Does anyone have some recs? Something akin to the starting with the greeks chart.

>> No.9787568

but thats not joyce

>> No.9787582

Joyce isn't Russian, you retard.

>> No.9787616


>> No.9787622

>all lower case

You're one to talk.

>> No.9787627

using greentext? two can play this game, buddy

>> No.9787845

Reading his diary, one might to come to conclusion Tarkovsky became that despite USSR, not because of.

>reknowned art critics
strange codephrase for apparatchiks constantly bitching your films are not understandable enough for muh common prole

>> No.9787853
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>> No.9787864


lol Tarkovsky BTFO his own dad in Mirror.

>> No.9787867

i got like 100 bucks in itunes, recommend me some artsy bullshit that's french and philosophical and black and white but not goddard cuz i already torrented all his shit

>> No.9787970
File: 45 KB, 468x621, andrei-and-arseny-tarkovsky-father-son-L-g_668U.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Arseny was a cute

a cute

he looks like the drummer from Joy Division

>> No.9788015
File: 310 KB, 600x400, andrei.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

True Christianity

>> No.9788070

>the political system that lead to the deaths of tens of millions of people

rofl, back to /pol/ kid
capitalism brutality have produced the same (not to say MUCH MORE) amount of deaths, they just aren't registered in the history books the same way URSS crimes are.

Both systems are shit, get your head out of your ass dumb frogposter

>> No.9788282

Tarkovsky fucking left the USSR. You think he would have stayed if he loved socialism so much?

>> No.9788293


>> No.9788294


>> No.9788314

This is what commies actually believe.
But it's okay when they write "both systems are shit" at the end.

>> No.9789003

>How did the Soviet Union produce two of the greatest artists that ever lived?

op didn't say the greatest russian artists mongoloid, just said that those 2 happened to be born in russia

>> No.9789102
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>Because culture benefits from socialism/communism.

>> No.9789123

You're right, but OP also said "of the," which doesn't preclude Joyce as also one of the greatest artists that ever lived.

>> No.9789156

Communism killed Russian culture, that's an undeniable fact.

>before communism

Alexander Pushkin, Nikolai Gogol, Ivan Turgenev, Fyodor Dostoevsky, Leo Tolstoy, Anton Chekhov, Mikhail Bulgakov (wrote under the communist regime, but was born and raised under Tsarism and despised the commies), Pyotr Ilyich Tchaikovsky, Nikolai Rimsky-Korsakov, Sergei Rachmaninoff, Igor Stravinsky, Ilya Repin, Vasily Surikov, Viktor Vasnetsov, Sergei Diaghilev, Anna Akhmatova (wrote under the communist regime, but was born and raised under Tsarism and despised the commies), Alexander Blok, Nikolai Berdyaev, Vladimir Solovyov...

>after communism

Dunno, Boris Pasternak, maybe? But he was Jewish, so it doesn't really count. Nabokov? He was an exile. Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn? He had his right in the right place, but he wasn't really a good writer, he won the Nobel for political reasons.

Andrei Tarkovsky was talented, but he was an Orthodox Christian, not really an example of communist culture. That leaves us with Sergei Prokofiev and Dmitri Shostakovich, who were born and lived their early lives under tsarism, but had their education under Soviet communism and supported it with their art. Oh, and Vladimir Mayakovsky, but not even the commies liked that shit.

>> No.9789172

what's wrong with communism?

>> No.9789189

It goes directly against human nature. It isn't attainable, meaning any "experiment" with the goal of communism inevitably just gets stuck in perpetual miserable socialism. Like the USSR.

>> No.9789234

>after communism
There was Sergei Eisenstein... But he was probably Jewish too

>> No.9789278


My Night with Maud.

>> No.9789282

Read Das kapital and the communist manifesto and form your own opinion, instead of listening to Americans who don't know what they're talking about like >>9789189

>> No.9789461
File: 45 KB, 559x562, raymond aron.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What's with this meme that only Americans are anti-communist? Is this /leftypol/ trying to associate anti-communism with "dumb Americans", and communism with European high culture?

If so, that's quite ridiculous. There is a good tradition of anti-communism in Europe that, if anything, is more radical than in America. If the United States had McCarthyism, Europe had right-wing death squads.