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File: 93 KB, 512x288, jordan-peterson (1).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
9781748 No.9781748 [Reply] [Original]

Truly the greatest intellectual of our generation.

>> No.9781750

le beyond 150 IQ man strikes again. truly a great thinker

>> No.9781755

>God is not just an axiom, but the only possible axiom

>> No.9781779

yeah but unlike Jo[k]e Rogan and other reactionary and/or alt-right pseuds like him, I bet Peterson would recant that if you confronted him with it. Don't get so caught up in the /pol/ memes that you forget he's a respected and accomplished academic.

>> No.9781790

When did rogan become an """intellectual"""? I've only ever known him for being an insecure manlet who comments on MMA fights. Now he's doing podcasts talking about high brow shit. What the fuck happened?

>> No.9781804

More pseudointellectualism from a pol level hack.

>> No.9781807

WTF, he doesn't want to get his nation raped and killed by non-whites, what is wrong with that guy

>> No.9781828

For some reason stand-up comics nowadays seem to feel entitled to talk about serious intellectual things. It's a sweeping trend. Maybe it started with Louis CK. Rogan isn't even the worst one though imo, Chris Gethard pisses me off way more.

>> No.9781837
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>> No.9781841

I was a University of Toronto student in the late 2000s when he was just a revered psychology professor. I miss that time. Now everybody has heard his name and it's just people from all sides attacking/worshiping different straw men.

>> No.9781854

10 bucks say that you are a mongrel

>> No.9781863

This guy is just proof that "intro" videos and shit don't turn people into good readers. People like Peterson and School of Life don't open doors to critical thinking.

If you want to know about Jung. Just fucking read Jung. If you want to know about Post Modern thinkers, fucking read them. If you want to shit post online just watch Peteron's lectures.

>> No.9781906

>I go to Jordan Peterson for my mathematics and Stephen Hawking for psychology.

He does not understand Godel.

>> No.9781908

What I have noticed about the JP haters on lit is that they are all Christlet atheists whose contempt for the man stems from the fact that they simply refuse to confront the fact that anything is beyond the understanding of their little peanut brains. When faced with the debate on whether God in some shape exists they resort to childish debate tactics that expose their dogmatic hypocrisy, given their self-proclaimed open-mindedness and praise of debating ideas through dialectic.

>> No.9781913

One thing I notice about the JP cult is that they are all illiterate.

>> No.9781924


>> No.9781934

One thing I've noticed about pseuds who hate JP on /lit/ is that they're all illiterate.

>> No.9781943
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>> No.9781946

what the hell

>> No.9781949

Wew, settle down lads, you might hurt eachothers feelings.

>> No.9781950

Ugggggh what he's saying is so stupid, it actually makes me cringe. I really question the validity of philosophy teachers after learning about Peterson.

>> No.9781951

How does this even make sense? He's saying that God is the axiom, and without him we can't even define 'proof'? Think I'm misinterpreting this...

>> No.9781956

he is not a philosophy teacher, just a second rate shirnk

>> No.9781958

>prove he's wrong

>> No.9781959

Dogmatic atheists or dogmatic Christians, makes no difference at all. Both argue the factual evidence of myths and stories.


>> No.9781970

Anything we can't prove should automatically be taken as fact.

>> No.9781982

Is that what he teaches in his university professorship?

>> No.9781991

Memes aside, he's right. Proof hinges on at least one knowable Noumenon.

>> No.9781999

And that thing MUST be god?

>> No.9782006

Fractal patterns, anon. Fractal patterns.

>> No.9782008
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>mfw the one JBP hater who makes all these threads is living out the resentful adversary archetype

>> No.9782020

The irony in the JP cult calling anyone resentful, a bunch of fags who got memed into becoming conservatives in their early 20s because they think their inability to get a gf is living proof of the decline of western civilization.

>> No.9782024


Kind of, at least relative to the definitions that people who put so much stock in proof use to describe everything that this Noumenon is not and everything that is not this Noumenon. If not by deducing other Noumena from said Noumenon and being pulled towards the ultimate Noumenon.

>> No.9782031

t. liberal 'refugees welcome' sjw

>> No.9782036


>> No.9782040

What's the deal fuckboy, too mad those evil feminists are out there going to parties and having sex with people who aren't you?

>> No.9782042

What else is both the minimum and maximum single explanation for everything?
>"Big Bang"
>Laws of physics
>Scale and size
>Animals, plants etc.
>Other people
>Potential realities
This all had a single origin by our current knowledge. It's absurd to claim that the origin did not have these qualities in any fashion.

We Christians believe that all this is a small droplet against the vast endless God; the source of all this. What do you believe?

>> No.9782045
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>> No.9782049

That characterizes some of the clueless /pol/tards who follow him. If you are in a high position and you speak out against social justice or political correctness you are hailed by them as a hero. They lick the ground these people walk on.

I like JBP but I keep /pol/tards far away from me.

Aside from that, I find that many of the people on /pol/ dislike him because, despite what people might like to think, JBP is a rather liberal and moderate person. There's even a straight up left-wing side of him.

>> No.9782056
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You are clearly just another paid shill, and not even a good one at that.

>> No.9782057

There might be two

>> No.9782071
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I do wonder which side is getting memed.

>> No.9782074

You see, I think when he's in he's talking about his Jung / Campbell shit, he's rather innofensive, and I even like that kind of idea (as a thought experiment, as much as I love Campbell I can't take him seriously), but when he starts talking about "postmodernists" and "neomarxists" he I lose all my respect.

See, this is resentment, thinking people are being PAID to disagree with you.
maybe idk clean your room faggot

>> No.9782077

What the hell is wrong with communists?
This is your utopia.

>> No.9782083

Official humanitard misunderstanding power ranking
1. Well quantum entanglement exists, so maybe we're all connected
2. Dark matter and dark energy are basically made up. Cosmologists have just as much faith as any religious person.
3. Well if you were familiar with Goh-dell, you'd know that you can't prove anything.

>> No.9782084
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>> No.9782095

What's the relevance of this to anything?

>> No.9782103

I believe in the singularity, the Big Bang, the primordial soup, and that anything and everything that exists today could only have done so under certain conditions which happened to be true/correct at the time.

Everything else is supplementary.

>> No.9782114

Watching /lit/ discuss Godel's theorems is always a funny experience.

Also, you forgot
>wave function collapse means souls exist

>> No.9782116

I do think he draws too much of a link between Foucault and Derrida and SJWs. There is some link (contra /lit/), but I know those guys would not really like SJWs if they were around to see them. And I don't think they were out to destroy Western civilization. But Peterson has a huge focus on resentment (this might be partly the influence of Nietzsche).

>> No.9782151

If we turn off a certain portion of your brain, you become more atheistic and more welcoming to refugees.
What's the importance of your beliefs? Why shouldn't people ignore your views, especially if they are taken seriously? What gives truth its value? You?
You're not eternal, are you? You just might be, though.

I think you believe in memes and ideas, anon.
Let us use a simpler world to explain the situation a bit. Let's take a video game, or 3D/2D simulation approach. After all, those models operate in our reality, and those models operate on their own.
Your approach is to see the pixels, see the algorithms. Yet you refuse to see the simulation, you refuse to see the game. You refuse to see the developer. Pixels are no proof. After all, we all believe that they exist.

>> No.9782157

>>wave function collapse means souls exist
Who perceives the perceiver?

>> No.9782172

>Memes aside, he's right.
Are you sure you understand Godel's theorems?

>> No.9782180

Not him but it's true, whenever any of those topics come up here or in non-science circles they are severely misunderstood and used to further unrelated agendas.

>> No.9782189

Sure, but why bring them up here? Unless the intention was to derail.

>> No.9782268

What else is there but shitposting?

>> No.9782325

What I don't get is, Derrida and the other post-structuralists are generally disliked or at least heavily critiqued by most contemporary theorists that would fall into social justice or identity politics. I get that post-structuralists are a good boogieman, and they threaten our sense of confidence in knowledge or whatever, but the toolbox they unleashed has been used by all sides of the political spectrum since. The right-wing's internet trolls inherited just as much from Derrida and post-structuralism as Spivak and Butler.

>> No.9782336


> What's the importance of your beliefs?

Nothing in particular. It's up to the individual to sort their ideals/beliefs into a hierarchy of importance.

> Why shouldn't people ignore your views, especially if they are taken seriously?

People are free to ignore me if they deem my views in opposition to their own.

> What gives truth its value? You?

Silly question, it's dependent on the current society and place of the time. What is true now may not be true in other places of the world today, or even here tomorrow.

> You're not eternal, are you? You just might be, though.

Nothing is eternal.

> Your approach is to see the pixels, see the algorithms. Yet you refuse to see the simulation, you refuse to see the game. You refuse to see the developer. Pixels are no proof. After all, we all believe that they exist.

Not comparable. In your scenario, a god or some sort of higher being would be in the sim himself, and would've had to have been developed. If nothing can be made from nothing, than neither can god have been made from nothing.

Ironically, if life itself were a sim - without a creator, but say we're being controlled by a child - then nothing would have changed. We'd be in the same situation, with no god, and setting our own morals and ethics.

What would you do if you discovered that life was a game? A lot of people claim they would turn to anarchy, because nothing would matter anymore. But nothing would have changed. We'd be in near enough the same situation as now.

>> No.9782350
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>Don't get so caught up in the /pol/ memes that you forget he's a respected and accomplished academic.
...in psychology. He's as much of an authority in matters of philosophy and religion as someone like Dawkins.

>> No.9782352

Pretty clear that he doesn't actually read them. He prob just looks at some sjw publication and sees Foucault or Derrida as sources and thinks they are behind it all.

>> No.9782363
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worst zeitgeist "academic" ever.

but what do you expect from the preferences of a bunch of neck-beards.

>> No.9782373

He's not wrong. If the universe was created in accord with rational rules by a perfect, rational creator, then it ought to yield its secrets to reason and observation. This is the foundation for science, this is what drove the west (and early pre-Asharite Muslims) to seek out and discover. Most religions do not posit a creation at all. The universe is said to be eternal, without beginning or purpose, and never having been created, it has no creator. From this view, the universe is a supreme mystery, inconsistent, unpredictable, and (perhaps) arbitrary. For those holding this view, the only paths to wisdom are meditation or inspiration--there being nothing to reason about.

>> No.9782383

effortposting, but we try not to talk about it too much here

>> No.9782413


To add to this, science works on the presupposition that the universe is consistent and predictable. You have to suppose this is true otherwise there's no point in doing experiments and looking at the results because the universe and the laws of physics can change at random, thus invalidating your results. The only good reason that I've found to justify this presupposition is that the universe actually was created by a rational creator with a purpose. If God isn't real and we aren't created then why shouldn't we believe that the universe is unpredictable?

If somebody does have an answer for this I am genuinely interested.

>> No.9782419

This has nothing to do with Gödel

>> No.9782424


So? I'm responding specifically to his statement that God is the prerequisite for all truth.

>> No.9782431
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>They lick the ground these people walk on
You don't really know what you're talking about. You're assuming a whole lot of things about this /pol/ boogeyman collective you've fabricated for yourself.

>JBP is a rather liberal and moderate person. There's even a straight up left-wing side of him
I can tell that by this part of your post that your understanding of anybody's politics in particular and politics in general is incredibly juvenile. Where on the economic-axis do you think National Socialism fell?

lurk more or head on back to redd*t if you can't handle unsafe opinions

>> No.9782432

So JBP's wrong about Gödel saying anything like that. What you're talking about is different (yet still retarded although for entirely other reasons)

>> No.9782439


I don't care how he got to that statement, it's simply what I'm responding to. Could you explain how I'm wrong? I don't pretend to be the smartest person but when faulty thinking is pointed out I do make an effort to correct myself.

>> No.9782441

>Where on the economic-axis do you think National Socialism fell?
Extreme right, dumb /pol/tard.

>> No.9782450
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>national SOCIALISM
Nice try, kike

>> No.9782452
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>lurk more or head on back to redd*t if you can't handle unsafe opinions

>> No.9782456

>literally prosecuted and murdered communists
>but they were left wing I swear

the absolute state of capitalists, everyone

>> No.9782458

>all those retards commenting
>all the retards itt

Obviously the use of the word God there was going to go over everyone's head. He uses the word symbolically to refer to the notion of what is objective to us, something that is in-itself and outside of us. He is really saying that thought requires a presupposition that is regarded as being the case, but you can never know for sure that all presuppositions are the case, so to think and to be in the world requires a little bit of faith in something or other outside your grasp.

>> No.9782460

Only incels hate capitalism

>> No.9782467

Mental gymnastics. Consider the possibility that Peterson is actually talking out of his ass and that's why nobody but his internet cult take him seriously.

>> No.9782472
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>nazis hated communists so they must have been diametrically opposed on everything
this is the level of sophistication possessed by the crowd that pisses their pants over le /pol/ boogeyman

>> No.9782477

>let me post this political compass, this will surely convince everyone of my political knowledge!

>> No.9782479

My gf hates capitalism too, but you hardly see ancaps with their fingerless gloves getting any action

It's not that I think they were diametrically opposed, is that they thought so, you fucking dolt.
>political compass
>accuses anyone else of not being sophisticated enough


>> No.9782480

Consider the possibility that you're literally too retarded to grasp anything anybody is saying but you're like 14 so you won't even consider that.

>> No.9782485

Hey, I'm not the one making excuses for retarded tweets. Tell me, how does Gödel connect to this "metaphor"?

>> No.9782493

It stems from Jon Stewart and the foundation laid by the alt-scene. Many open micers have this delusion that the modern stand-up comedian is an orator rather than a comic and the pleasure of the form should extend from commenting on politics and social milieu rather than creating laughter with jokes. It's less of a conscious choice and a result of unfunny wannabes flooding open mics set up in bars that have no barrier for entry. If you're not getting laughs, you can hit low hanging fruit that the audience is guaranteed to cheer for. Couple that with the fact that bookers only care about social media followers and you can make a successful career in comedy without ever writing a joke.

Rogan is a bit older though. He's one of those guys that doesn't have to fight for a laugh anymore and has gotten more obsessed with the development of his "voice" rather than his comedic ability.

>> No.9782497

Harvard took him seriously.

>> No.9782498

>peterson has some left-wing ideas
>/pol/ BTFO!!
meanwhile the actual nazis merged the state and corporations, had incredibly high taxes, etc.

>> No.9782502

Not in religion, mathematics or philosophy.

>> No.9782506

Yeah and my gf is a Slovenian super model.
I know you're lying because all leftists are also faggots

>> No.9782515

My country has done both things more than once while having a immense hate boner for communism.

>> No.9782516

You might want to read Nietzsche, because he made the same argument, albeit in a much more sophisticated and clearer way. JP is really just rehashing Nietzsche but in a non-genius fashion (since he isn't one just like none of us are).

>> No.9782522

I think its more heretical to interpret the entire bible, even the gospels as mythology and call yourself a Christian than to write if off entirely

>> No.9782524

everyone on this board is illiterate

>> No.9782531

A more abstract God :^)

>> No.9782537

>My country has done both things more than once while having a immense hate boner for communism.
So did the nazis. That's my point you fucking illiterate retard.

>> No.9782541

He's not paid, he does it for free

>> No.9782545

My opinion of the JBP cult would be significantly higher if they could admit that JBP says some stupid fucking shit instead of going through insane mental gymnastics every time someone points it out.

Then again, when the guy thinks that anything with a political message can not be art (this includes the movie Frozen for some reason), maybe that's too much to ask from the people who take him seriously.

>> No.9782558

desu the movie Frozen is something even /pol/ could get behind. The characters are all white. Its about a relationship between a hard working middle-class white man and a perfect white woman.

>> No.9782564

>Frozen served a political purpose: to demonstrate that a woman did not need a man to be successful. Anything written to serve a political purpose (rather than to explore and create) is propaganda, not art.
>Frozen was propaganda, pure and simple.
It's apparently too feminist for him. I'd like to see the cult defend this.

>> No.9782578

>JBP said a dumb thing about Frozen
>/pol/, JBP, Jung, Freud, and every single drumpf voter BTFO!!
you're literally 14

you should ask yourself why it even matters to you

>> No.9782591

He's a respected academic, look into his resume.

That's a factually wrong assumption you're doing there, it's disproven by this : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jOZ94iMlEdY&list=PLBcYM0KFnb07NxahmlXm-qRJmTDOE5GqM , rest assured it's a more than safe assumption that more people are doing the same thing he is.

This, I'm passing by this board to pose a question, I mainly browse /sci and /fit if you wanna know, fighting on an online board is beyond pathetic, I fucked my blue eyed swedish girlfriend I met while on Erasmus today and then went to the beach, back home now, gonna make a healthy dinner, get a bj and watch a movie (we're gonna watch baby driver), sorry for the blog, but this is what a normal human does, achieve this for a minimum.

>> No.9782592

He also said dumb things about the nature of proofs and Gödel, yet none of the JBP cultists in this thread want to admit it. We're all just "misinterpreting" him and it's just a "metaphor". The only reason he even got famous was because he said some dumb things about Canadian law and pronouns.

>> No.9782608

>Silly question, it's dependent on the current society and place of the time
Is that always true?
>Nothing is eternal.
You believe in singularity but not in eternity? Are you not a miraculous product of random chance? It loops forever if these are all the pieces of the puzzle. The singularity did explode once. You think that is a one-time event? You don't find it peculiar?
>Not comparable.
Wrong. It very much is comparable as we can very well be the players here and now. Even this text field isn't all that separate from me right now. Unless I make it. Your mind, conscious and subconscious, is linked to everything you know, claim to know, memorize etc. We can divide things into smaller pieces until we find the 'smallest'. These are quarks for now. They are the 'bits' of the comparison. They behave according to us (as well as many other things).
>Ironically, if life itself were a sim - without a creator, but say we're being controlled by a child - then nothing would have changed.
We are players or NPCs. I'm on the player camp.
>setting our own morals and ethics.
Humans have never done that. Never will. There are clear lines that humans won't trespass on that field. You will never have a society where it is morally right to betray one another.
> In your scenario, a god or some sort of higher being would be in the sim himself,
Who is Christ / What is Logos / Cogito ergo Sum

>> No.9782617

That would only imply that you can comprehend more abstract things.

>> No.9782626

>he said some dumb things about Canadian law and pronouns.
The English language and you sick fucks are all retarded. There is only one personal pronoun.

>> No.9782634

>There is only one personal pronoun.
For the third person.*

>> No.9783553
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> Guyz clean your room and read orwel and solzenitsin, thats when u will become free like pinochio and not a puppet to those postmodernists who will create a dystopian future !

>> No.9783607
File: 122 KB, 1200x800, Peterson.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hey guys it's me ya boy JP haha ;) make sure to like, share and subscribe! If you like my videos, SMASH DAT fuggin follow button on Twitter. If you want to be an OFFICIAL Peter-son, give me a few bucks on patreon. Every dollar helps and every cent goes toward freeing Kekistan! That's it from me this week boys. Stay safe and remember:
JP out.

>> No.9783614
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>this assmad

>> No.9783629
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>Jordan "clean your room and save your father" Peterson
>Joe "weed-encrusted kettlebells and DMT isolation tanks" Rogan
y'all get startled and shout /pol/ at shadows

>> No.9783637

>We're all just "misinterpreting" him and it's just a "metaphor".
Hey man, I think he's a pseud too, but in this case you really are misinterpreting. Considering he's surrounded himself with the works of Nietzsche and Jung for a very long time, even if he's a pseud, he will be above the level of making a tweet like that and intending the commoner's level of understanding with the words he chose.

>> No.9783639
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Thanks for the (you)!

>> No.9783640

Jordan.... easy on the carrots

>> No.9783653

Why is everyone so asshurt about him, nobody ever even rebuts shit he says, they just call it retarded. It's as bad as /pol/ calling any disagreement a shill post

>> No.9783668

He delivered his maps of meaning class at Harvard, which is philosophy heavy. You are not smarter than this guy. Get. The. Fuck. Over it.

>> No.9783675

Godel showed that any logical system would either be incomplete OR include something that couldn't be proved by the axioms of that system. So if we extend that to any system of belief, we either need to accept that our system is incomplete, or we are willing to include something in it that cannot be proved by the laws of that system.

>> No.9783676

Look at his stupid fucking face

>> No.9783685

They are so fucking jealous because, unlike the pseuds on this site, peterson actually does read. Not only that, he remembers things. Not only that, when people ask him, he can draw his readings into the conversation in a way that expresses his values.

Not only THAT, he has been practising this for about 30 years and now he is able to make a very good living from it.

Anons are jealous as fuck.

>> No.9783707

It's far too complicated to write in a single post why. But it boils down to how much of a melting pot of stupidity this site and the internet in general is. Various different sides of the argument, both his haters and supporters, come in and misinterpret everything from each of their different angles and they all try to argue with each other with this gigantic mangled mess of half-assed half-baked thought. You can teach people to read and write, but you can't teach them to think and be literate.

Also, for the record, I find it funny that people think this guy has anything to do with the political right or left in America. Applying that binary model to everything is one of the most repulsive things I witness these days.

>> No.9783710


> Is that always true?

No, it will be true until it's untrue. At which point new variables come into place, before a likely cycle.

> You believe in singularity but not in eternity? ... (comment too long) The singularity did explode once. You think that is a one-time event?

Not so much a one-time event. There may have been many that failed, and ours was the only 'right' one (under the conditions) that could have allowed for us to exist etc etc. However, I don't believe that it can be eternal. Only under certain conditions could everything have worked out the way that it did, and therefore without certain other conditions everything could once more turn to 'nothing'. Basically the same concept as death (that being that you enter into a before birth-like period of nothingness), the universe and everything else can become nothing, and therefore cannot be eternal.

Regardless of this, one can argue that without our existence, and thus without our acknowledgment of things happening, nothing can actually happen - even if it does.

> You don't find it peculiar?

Oh, I find everything peculiar. I have been so close to being won over by the creationist argument, but always find myself with too many doubts.

> We are players or NPCs. I'm on the player camp.

Then you're a free individual, if that is the case? In a creationists world, how can that be? Theoretically everything you are is preprogrammed into this simulation, if you define yourself as the player. You must be the NPC in your argument.

> Humans have never done that. Never will. There are clear lines that humans won't trespass on that field. You will never have a society where it is morally right to betray one another.

I suppose this comes down to a debate of where we originally got our morals and ethics from. Yes, a lot originally from Christianity and related religions, but those religions were founded by man.

What irks me about this side of the argument is that it suggests that Jesus was indeed the son of god, died, and came back (if we're going the whole 'the bible came from the world of god' route). My problem with this is that it proves that a creator at one point didn't fall foul to deism, but actually intervened and tried to make the best for us. In which case, what has happened since? It can be argued forever that there have been times since Jesus' death that would have suited the occasion far more. Why has the creator abandoned us since? Why does he not intervene?

If you don't wish to go this route with that sort of creator, or Jesus being the son of god... then how do you explain your view on how we came to respect current morals and ethics?

> Who is Christ / What is Logos / Cogito ergo Sum

The one thing that always brings me back to the creationist side is consciousness, which I don't think has been explained adequately by science. But as I've said, I have doubts about far too many aspects

>> No.9783711


>> No.9783713

The question isnt whether or not he is smart, or stupid. He is obviously quite intelligent and well read, its just that there are hundreds of intellectuals like him in every university worldwide who arent getting this much attention.

>> No.9783722

Then they are not like him. Why do you want to imagine that they are?

>> No.9783746

Because they don't get attention, they can't be like him?

Wow, no wonder public intellectuals are such a meme. You do realise that JBP became popular over the outrage surrounding that stupid Canadian bill? Without that, we wouldn't be talking about him.

>> No.9783748

I ve had professors with as much knowledge if not more. I dont see them on tv and youtube everyday. Maybe its because they didnt badmouth trannies and get exposure.

>> No.9783757

yes, most professor don't pay viral marketing firms to make threads about them on social media everyday, fuck off faggot

>> No.9783759

Why don't they then if it's that easy?

>> No.9783763

ah, monsieur, you are right!!!! now i must tell you my story... my own journey to this truth. for years, maybe even a generation, monsieur, i was obese, and addicted to video gaming, lost in a miasma of ressentiment, shame, hatred. originally i had planned to imitate the great Eliot Rodgers, who described himself proudly as a Supreme Gentleman, which, no doubt, he was not. and by turns, through various youtube sessions, hours of research on anti-feminism, i had come to similar conclusions. and though i am still an anti-feminist, on the basis that "nice guys is what woman say they want, but what they really want, is a chad", in the year 2016 a lonely canadian intellectual voice came to me, in the ongoing culture war between SJWs and MRAs - the voice of Jordan Peterson. his was a quietly rational voice. he did not have the booming stentorianism of Alex Jones, with the natural improvisateur's rhythm. but a bookishness, almost shy and refined manner of speaking, which by all accounts he shared with the greatest european legal minds, who were not classical or tub-thumping orators.

my descent into the youtube and patreon world of jordan peterson has transformed my life. while i have not changed my ways as of yet, he has vindicated my world-view in all too profound universe of aryan intellectual greatness: Jung and Freud, the secret dwarven cave miners of the human psyche. one might even say, that youtube had to be invented, for Freud and Jung to have been discovered by the video gaming community. now i can watch livestreams on twitch and youtube, and alternate between jordan peterson videos, where, in a kind of soft, learned effeminate voice, he condenses the lessons of the greatest sages of psychology in a profound reactionary science, which allows me to constitute my social surroundings in the metaphors of evolutionary sociology. here stands the dominance hierarchy of human society, and the great deviant hierarchies, like some enormous, monolithic and invisible caste system, in which we are all inserted by evolutionary science.

this conceptualisation of society, far from being an oversimplification and an out-of-date, cant social darwinism, is proudly borne in long-form quotations on the aegis of my tinder profile. to any ladies who wish to date "me", they must first see that the scales have fallen from my eyes - i have taken the canadian zarathustra's pilule, and deserted the social space of warring camps for the towers of scientific masculinity.

>> No.9783775

Rogan was the one who made podcasts popular. Rogan started it by bringing on his retard friends, getting high, and talking about stupid shit; it was entertaining. Then he got older, hates his friends now, and just brings on "le epik trendy person #6969" to prepare for his inevitable run for President. He brings on """"""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""intellectuals""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""''' and then just listens to them rant for 3 hours, occasionally butting in with common sense that makes the "intellectual" look retarded.

>> No.9783776

Peterson is popular among directionless North American teens and twenty-somethings of both genders due to the general malaise of global Neoliberalism coupled with the spiritual bankruptcy that has arisen from postmodernism and "deconstruction". So when some guy comes along actually telling them "do this to fix things in your life" they suck his cock like no tomorrow. The fact that "Clean your room" is one of the most profound statements of philosophy in recent years is incredibly telling. Not because it actually has any significant depth (It's literally just his response to "I don't even know where to begin fixing things, what's something small I can do to start with?"), people have known what this actually means for thousands of years and we've only become so cluttered recently that we've forgotten it; rather, it shows just how fucking meaningless philosophy (and political discourse) has gotten that "clean your room" is legitimately groundbreaking. Peterson's not even a philosopher, he's a fucking psychiatrist.

But popularity makes people dislike you. Not because they disagree with you, but simply because they want to lash out at something popular. This comes from people who hear him say "Marxism and Post Modernism aren't good" and simply jump on the "I hate Peterson!" bandwagon despite never actually having listened to him speak, or from people like >>9783707 who think that being the "lol both sides are stupid I'm SO smart!" guy makes you anything but a boring coward.

>> No.9783779

If you read his book and/or were familiar with his biblical lectures you would know that he thinks God is a representation of the collective unconcious' manifestation of a caricature of the unknown.

>> No.9783783

>he thinks God is a representation of the collective unconcious' manifestation of a caricature of the unknown.

Fucking protestants.

>> No.9783787

>tall poppy syndrome
This guy is passionate and idealistic, something that most professors have had drilled out of them after years of monotony and fear about what they can and can't say in their role. Peterson had been thinking about this stuff for about 30 to 40 years, as his friends and family have attested. He had considered going into politics for a long time with these thoughts and a personal vision that he truly believed in and had backed up with years of research. He chose a public policy as his time to take a stand and move into a public direction. You are seriously deluded if you think most academics have these kind of traits and commitments. There are a few public academics who do, and a lot of them are awesome as well.

>> No.9783804

you never went to college did you?

>> No.9783808

Good post, aside from the fact you referred to me when I didn't lash out at him. I also don't see how recognizing the right and left witch hunts as a product of ignorance makes one a coward.

>> No.9783820


What? I like JBP... my comment was refuting the "no other professor can be like him, otherwise I would know of them" retardation comment.

>> No.9783824

Ad hominim bullshit, just like the "arguments" against peterson. I have a PhD. You're clearly salty as fuck.

>> No.9783826

>But popularity makes people dislike you.

so maybe peterson hates post-modernism because it's popular? this is a stupid argument, and i've tried listening to his crap a few times, and it's always so empty, he never actually gets to anything substantial, but his followers can't tell the difference...there was some interview with joe "my wife's kid" rogan where he all but says "now foucault, i actually read him!" which implies he did not in fact read any of the other dudes he's talking shit about, and then he only read "birth of the clinic" which is foucault's most accessible pleb shit and least rigorous work

>> No.9783830

I just have to ask at this point, who the fuck is this guy and why is he suddenly as discussed on /lit/ as the meme trio when two years ago no one ever mentioned him?

>> No.9783832

>i have phd

cool, in what? from what school?

>> No.9783835

because he pays viral marketers to hype him up in an attempt to be the latest alt-right celebrity

>> No.9783840

This isn't about me, you slimy fuck. Don't think I can't see through your trolololololol nonsense.

>> No.9783843

Only cucks pay for marketing

>> No.9783845

He actually was discussed here awhile ago. I was watching his lectures and reading Maps of Meaning before he became so infamous. He spoke out against a piece of Canadian legislature and now he's everywhere.

He's an existentialist/Jungian research and clinical psychologist who talks about religion and the meaning of life and evolutionary psychology and whatnot.

>> No.9783851

>being this much of a tinfoil

>> No.9783854

Agreed. I had a brilliant professor who taught philosophy and mathematics but opted out of teaching philosophy because it's hard to say what you really mean in Commifornia.

>> No.9783856

I enjoy the frequency at which these threads pop up. Every time the professor posts another video a new batch of nihilistic commies flood the internet with their whining. The problem is that since you fuckwits never watch the videos or read his work you have no idea how insane your "arguments" and hatred of his new found attention comes off. He is literally mocking you, mocking the shilling you are doing right now, in that material. He's literally predicted your response and that you would make the response despite having less than zero information beyond what your cultist humanities professors drilled in to your affirmative action brains. This thread is like a quick rundown of everything he's said you stupid fucks are going to say.

Nothing he is saying is "new" (and he is certainly not claiming it to be any kind of new found revelations, but you don't know the material so I guess I could claim whatever I want, no? lol) to me but I can appreciate that many of his new fans grew up in a world of single mothers and drunk fathers who have never heard any of it. That's the point. Duh.

Your knee-jerk reaction to him is a tell. You got rused.

>> No.9783857

You mean incels with single mothers and internet addictions.

>> No.9783860


being this naive


>> No.9783868

Congrats on having irrelevant "evidence"

>> No.9783870

congrats on being an uneducated rube

>> No.9783880

I'm sorry I don't buy into wild speculation about how everything that /lit/ doesn't like is somehow connected to capital.

>> No.9783883

the zizek stuff is most likely paid for by zizek's publisher and lit likes that, it's not about who likes it or not, it's about how forced it is, i mean why would anyone come on lit and post a link to some canadian faggots twitter for free? reevaluate your fucking life

>> No.9783893

so you're just insane or a troll

>> No.9783904

you can see peterson already had entrepreneurial pretensions before he hit paydirt bashing trannies


>> No.9783908

> why would anyone come on lit and post a link to some canadian faggots twitter for free

A lot of people enjoy getting a rise out of others. Also, you have to keep in mind the ages of people who visit this board. Immaturity is much part and parcel with many of these posters. I can't say much myself, I fall foul to it now and again.

>> No.9783913

the problem is the guy is such a fucking pseud, at least zizek isn't a total retard

>> No.9783917

I know right? Neechees publishers are paying viral pushers through the roof for attention on lit.

>> No.9783937

what kind a cuck would do social media marketing work for someone for free though? reevaluate your life

>> No.9783941

I know! Every thread on lit that talks about a book or thinker that someone else has already talked about is clearly being paid good money.

>> No.9783945

they aren't getting paid good money, the guy who made this thread is probably doing a internship at some marketing firm in brooklyn for ten bucks an hour


>> No.9783956

OK? So?

>> No.9783962

so i'm bored of looking at jordan peterson ads

>> No.9783975
File: 135 KB, 460x504, 8e5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Then filter them.

>> No.9784054

I don't get what he says? Without God there would not be proof?

>> No.9784072

God represents the fundamental, presuppositional core of your belief system, and this is always a leap of faith because it can never be proven by the laws that stem from that foundation. All belief systems require an unprovable act of faith.

>> No.9784075


>> No.9784131

>planned economy

>> No.9784148

>bashing trannies
wew lad

>> No.9784161


I don't know how people got it into their head that fascism and communism are radically different or that they're on different ends of political spectrum. Hell, most fascists during WW2 were former communists. They're different flavors of socialism. Fascism is national socialism and communism and international socialism.

>> No.9784208

No incidentally those things he said about Candian Law and gender pronouns were right and moderately clever

>> No.9785637

Soviet communism was incredibly nationalistic. Read more books before you post your trite political opinions, swine.

>> No.9785646


Oh is Stalinism "real communism" now?

>> No.9785655


The Soviet Union was nationalistic?

>> No.9785665

>le not real communism maymay

>The Soviet Union was nationalistic?
yes you imbecile

>> No.9785673


How do you define nationalism to include a globalist union of various nations and cultures?

>> No.9785681

Acting in the nation's best interest, which is what the Soviet Union was doing by aiding the spread of communism around the world.

The fact that Soviet Russia was nationalistic isn't even a contention.

>> No.9785687


So the definition of nationalism, according to you, is merely "acting in the nation's best interest." Is there any nation in the world that isn't nationalist from their perspective?

This is such an arbitrary and useless definition. Where did you get this idea? You told me to read more books. What book teaches this?

>> No.9785692

itt: brainlets who can't comprehensively understand the concept of 'God'

>> No.9785694

>Is there any nation in the world that isn't nationalist from their perspective?
Yes, almost every single white-majority country today.

>> No.9785703


But these radical leftist legitimately think they're working in the nations best interest. They're nationalist by your definition.

>> No.9785714

>"clean your room" is legitimately groundbreaking
It's not. It's pop philosophy of the worst possible kind.

>This comes from people who hear him say "Marxism and Post Modernism aren't good" and simply jump on the "I hate Peterson!" bandwagon
He constructs a strawman he calls "post modernism" by cherry picking arguments from specific authors.

>> No.9785730

>But these radical leftist legitimately think they're working in the nations best interest
No they don't. They explicitly state they're trying to punish whitey. They're actively and knowingly harming their own countries to help other nations.

>> No.9785740

>It's not. It's pop philosophy of the worst possible kind.
Do you promote order in your world?

>> No.9785744

Nationalism, statism, patriotism. They are different things. Soviet Union was not nationalistic, not even for the Jews. It was patriotic.

>> No.9785750

>Soviet Union was not nationalistic
yes it was. you are objectively incorrect.

>> No.9785831

For which nation? Not the Russians, not the Ukrainians, not the...

>> No.9785836

>For which nation? Not the Russians
Yes the Russian.

>> No.9785843

Post-Stalinist era Soviet Union perhaps, but not before that.

>> No.9785859

>right-wing internet trolls descended from derrida and post-structuralism

Tell me more

>> No.9785868


rather greatest attention whore

Dedekindian infinity

>> No.9785875

nick land

>> No.9785922

You are not.

His statement about Gödel is complete nonsense, as anybody with even the slimmest understanding of what Gödel was trying to say must see (it's sufficient to read Gödel Escher Bach to understand that). I think maybe even the wikipedia article could be enough.

>> No.9785929
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>> No.9785937


>> No.9785959
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I don't care what anyone says, I think that both the Jordan Peterson threads and the Sam Harris threads yield consistently the most interesting posts on /lit/, and I hope that the societal trends that these two figures represent continue duking it out publically so as more people get roped in and hopefully reading a bit more.

>> No.9786073

babbies are also racist

now what jordo?

>> No.9786094

Holy shit, that guy's pina colada is fucking huge.

>> No.9786113

My favorite in a while

>> No.9786137
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Nice straw-man, and "groundbreaking" research.

>> No.9786163

>What is Monster Girl Island?
It's a 3D 'game' with monster girls, lewd and barely any gameplay.

>per month

>> No.9786187
File: 52 KB, 1187x383, SUCC.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

He is like a little baby. Watch this.

>> No.9786480

What's this

>> No.9786545

>surely in excess of 150

>> No.9786621

>dude lmao christianity is king

>> No.9787222

Uuuuum, he would be accepting of this fact.

>> No.9787236

I really like this post.

>> No.9787238
File: 28 KB, 657x527, a34.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9787259

by tricking uneducated alt-right retards, the same way jews have done for centuries

>> No.9787439

1+1=2, therefore all my opinions are objective truth

>> No.9787608


They offer a service in return anon, this isn't neetbux.

>> No.9787646

Peterson is Kek. According to cabala Peterson is a product of divine intervention. No capitulating to the toxic, avante gucci left. KEK is a palindrome. NOTLOB is BOLTON therefore the hermetical mixes with Jungian esoteric scrabble. This is because David Foster Wallace is satan, subverted by Moloch the grand Postmodernist! How else would Joe Rogan be BALD: big ass licking douche.

>> No.9787656

2+2+2=222 which is trips

>> No.9787923

This. It's obvious a lot of people haven't actually went into his hundreds of hours of lecturing, and only know him by some clips and memes.

>> No.9787980

No mention of Christianity in the tweet though?

>> No.9788044

He's basically a wimpy TLP, I love him though

Check him out, even though he's inactive for years now.

>> No.9788066

The fact that JBP threads are thriving really proves the point that lit is filled with brainlets