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9782722 No.9782722 [Reply] [Original]

ITT: books you will never read

>> No.9782732

other honorary mentions:
>to kill a mockingbird
>great gatsby
>john steinbeck
>george saunders
sorry burgers

>> No.9782733

It's like a three-hour read, man.
Why not?

>> No.9782742

infinite jest
because is trash memed my dumb american college kids
finnegan wake
i am too stupid for it

>> No.9782745

from here on out i will be avoiding:
- "the great american novel" as a genre
- anything pre-1900
- purple bullshit

>> No.9782749

That's the most absurd thing I have ever heard. One needs to read books that he doesn't agree with and even books he considers 'bad'. That's how a man learns to appreciate any literary merit and artifice instead of blindly depending on what other readers/critics have read and judged before him.

>> No.9782763

it is extremely unappealing
why ever pick that for light reading when you can spend those three hours on all your favorite Borges stories or even the funniest passages from Catch-22?

>> No.9782820

>99% of female "authors"
>anything from current century

>> No.9782840

Das kapital.

>> No.9782853

just fucking read it.

>> No.9782855

Why do you fucking care you dumb burger?

>> No.9782885
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>> No.9782948


>> No.9782975

Anything by Dostoevsky, he's so over memed.

>> No.9783002

Nothing, unless it's normie tier like Harry Potter or John Green. I'm not gonna limit myself because of what some pretentious autists say online.

>> No.9783011

Anything by Murakami and Knausgard.

>> No.9783012
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>> No.9783033

Your loss.

>> No.9783099

Steinbeck is great

>> No.9783190

>not rereading it twice every year since you got it at 15
Your loss, numbnuts.

>> No.9783539

I dont think I ll read anything by the Romans..

>> No.9783547

I'd reconsider if I were you.

>> No.9783554
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>> No.9783571

>you're not stalking your celebrity crush with this book in your jacket pocket next to your revolver


>> No.9783572


>> No.9783695

Infinite Jest
Murakami anything (tried him twice)
Jane Eyre
The vast majority of victorian/realist novels for that matter (many exceptions, though)
Phenomenology of the Spirit (too dumb)
Margaret Atwood
any genre fiction (unless it has some literary merit)

I want to read In Search of Lost Time & Man Without Qualities but they are both so fucking long and I can never bring myself to start them.

>lumping in Steinbeck with those

>Don Quixote
>Tristram Shandy
your loss.

>> No.9783700

I have all of Jane Austen's books. I've read one (Pride & Prejudice) and am now reading Sense & Sensibility.

This is awful. I regret it all.

>> No.9783731

good response, m8. I was just shitposting. Dostoevsky is amazing.

>> No.9783750

Nothing wrong with Saunders, but he really does write for Americans

>> No.9783772


You're missing out fgt.

>> No.9783785

Probably Mark Twain.

>> No.9784153

At this point in my life:
>High Modernism
>Contemporary realism
>Speculative fiction
>Anything over 400 pages

>> No.9784169

I swore I never would read Infinite Jest because so many hipsters liked it. But now feminists are starting to really hate it and I hate feminists even more than I hate hipsters. I might still not read it but tell feminists that they should read it.

>> No.9784180

Not if he's over 14 years old

>> No.9784187

So which translation do you read?

>> No.9784205
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Ignoring the Romantics and anything over 400 pages is a massive, massive loss.

>> No.9784212
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Everyone who ever told me they read this had dreadlocks

>> No.9784250

He has a collection of essays, can't say most of them were terribly decent, but there is one where he's in Vienna talking to the devil about log stoves, would recommend.

>> No.9784269

Disagree. I read broadly when I was an undergrad, but I found my niche a long time ago and I'm very comfortable in it.

>> No.9784602

finally, a reasonable anon among you retards

>> No.9784610

And the Edgiest Post Award goes to...

>> No.9784667

Good post, King james version is the only one to read.

>> No.9784692
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>> No.9784706

So is a lot of furfiction. I'm not going to go and read every book about sexual degeneracy, so why read this one?

>> No.9784708

Finnegan's Wake is also trash unless you are Joyce then its the purest form of gnosis and spiritual enlightenment probably

>> No.9784717

Is it called In Search of Lost Time because I'm wondering how I can get my 600 hours back?

>> No.9784721

Wat did he mean by this?

>> No.9784732
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>not reading the greatest work of erotica ever written

>> No.9785226

I mean that the only one Finnegans Wake could possibly have any meaning to is Joyce himself. Other people are just "reading" it for pseudcred

>> No.9785322

There's no classic I don't want to read, pretty sure all of them are worth.

Care to elaborate why you won't read Steinbeck? I really can't imagine a single reason.

>> No.9785416

>tfw paranoid /lit/ will meme the amazon trash you wrote for booze money

>> No.9785562

You're not missing out on much. Not bad but grossly overrated.

>> No.9785590
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>> No.9785624

Man Without Qualities has short chapters. Everyday a chapter and you'll finish it in half a year.

>> No.9785684

>retards actually believe this.

you don't need to understand 100%, or even 20% of the book to enjoy it, and people who tackle it don't even try to understand everything, moron

>> No.9785708



>> No.9786491
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>translated poetry

>> No.9786506

>my niche
what is it?

>> No.9786563

don't bother, it's not worth your time

>> No.9788194

good choice

i wish i had read something else instead

>> No.9788308


>not reading steinbeck

Your loss, faggot, Grapes of Wrath and East of Eden are fucking masterpieces.

>> No.9788340

Why Jane Eyre?

>> No.9788355

dont call me fucking american ever again

>> No.9788611

ITT: edgy contrarians trying to score that (You)

>> No.9789701

>Anything the government encourages people to read to reverse literary discrimination

These books are all shit because they're chosen for reasons that are inherently discriminatory by people with no self-awareness.

The most inexplicable is how the government pretends contemporary fiction written by natives is any good. They haven't been writing for very long. They haven't really had the time to produce writing worth fuck all.

>> No.9789703
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Good writing means clarity and ease of reading.

>> No.9789752


me desu

>> No.9789760
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>> No.9789770

not necessarily. that's a bias for your comfort. besides, you're just being a fucking pleb.
I will never read the tunnel. I gave Gass a genuine chance with Omensetter's Luck, and the man's unpleasantness seeps through his rotten milk prose. He's clearly a pervert, and not in a jovial and impersonal way, but a deeply individual sort of perversity, an autobiographical allusion interspersed throughout the text, the little gremlin is clearly a predator untrusted enough to capture some unsuspecting victim to be.
Also, there is no joy or urgency in his writing, but rather a bitchiness. Like he says, "I write because I hate. A lot. Hard." what an interminable little faggot he is. He should be ashamed that he forced himself into being an author. Never going to read another word by the man.

>> No.9790016

I've tried to read this piece of shite twice in me 'tire life
Ne'er again

>> No.9790021

Never read the Bible but I'm learning Latin. Is the Vulgate worth a read?

>> No.9790024

any book by a woman or by a minority. i tried it once

>> No.9790037

I don't understand in what universe a hot 21 year old CANADIAN girl a /pol/ book.

>> No.9791586

Why there aren't more opporunists of that sort is what I find more puzzling

>> No.9792588

Gass huh?

>> No.9792739

Wuthering Heights
To Kill a Mockingbird
Heart of Darkness
Game of Thrones
Finnegan's Wake (least not all the way through)
Bill Bryson
Chuck Palahniuk
Neal Stephenson

Ps John Steinbeck and to a lesser extent George Saunders are fucking great

>> No.9792773

Some of Bill Bryson is good. I can agree with everything else on that list though

>> No.9793473

Postwar American lit, from 1945 to about 1973. I'd like to do work in postwar studies, which is getting more popular all the time. I'm interested in a few other areas as well.

>> No.9793492

Atlas Shrugged

>> No.9793843

Harry Potter
Nicholas Sparks
Fifty Shades of Grey

>> No.9793876

Of Mice and Men is like 120 pages it's worth a read

>> No.9794874

Outside from the obvious ones (genre fiction), I will never read anything by Paul Auster again. I read the New York Trilogy and holy shit this guy is a wack. I read some Pynch right afterwards and Auster is just ridiculous compared to him. City of Glass was okay tho

Also, I will probably avoid:
>Most of Nietzsche

>> No.9795024
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shut yer imperthnthn thnthnthn

>> No.9795030
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>Heart of Darkness
nigga that shit is basically a short story the fuck outta here