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9779807 No.9779807 [Reply] [Original]

I need a book that gives me an insight on how to stop being a pussy ass bitch and become a real man.

I started reading Iron John, but what does /lit/ recommend?

>> No.9780223

nice quote

i have no fucking clue though

>> No.9780248

Check out Gender Trouble by Judith Butler.

>> No.9780316

read meditations by marcus aurelius and gtfo of /lit/

>> No.9780321

Start working out

>> No.9780323

I meant >off
my bad, typo

>> No.9780325

Also read 'sun and steel'

>> No.9780340
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>> No.9780346

You don't need a book. Stop intellectualizing it and do what you need to do.

>> No.9780414
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Well, OP, the first thing is to avoid anything written by a woman since they know fuck all about what it means to be a man. In addition, anything written by a feminist (or anyone espousing gender theory) can go in the trash outright since that will just multiply your pussybitchness. If you want to be a man, you need to walk into this whole shebang with the assumption that gender is not a social construct.

More importantly, becoming a man is more about doing things rather than just reading about them. Go to /fit/ and start lifting to get that testosterone pumping. Behaving like a proper man relies heavily on your hormone levels, so you gotta get that shit sorted out: get your micronutrients (vit D, magnesium, zinc, omega 3s) and macros (enough protein) and start lifting at least three times a week with a full body barbell routine. Then go to /diy/ and learn how to do basic maintenance shit - try it out in your own home. Simple things like replacing outlets, fixing drywall, repairing a chainsaw, etc.

>Iron John
Bly is a good starting point. If you like it, try these:

>The Hero with a Thousand Faces
>Myths to Live By
>Starting Strength 3rd ed. (start lifting, faggot)
>The Alchemist

I'm going to catch a lot of flak for that last one. I know Coelho is a chode IRL, but one of the main points of the book is that you shouldn't abandon your goals just for a chance at some pussy. Unless you want to turn out like 90% of /r9k/, you need to learn how to put girls on the back burner of your life and focus on more important things like your career and getting fucking swole as fuck. Women are a side dish, not the main course.

>> No.9780453
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>you need to learn how to put girls on the back burner of your life and focus on more important things like your career and getting fucking swole as fuck. Women are a side dish, not the main course.

Listen to this man OP. He speaks like a true Greek of old.

>> No.9780487
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When they where not doing philosophy, ancient Greeks were boxing

>> No.9780546

Read Homer.

>> No.9780597

Superfudge by Judy Blume taught me how to be an Alpha Male and made me into the man I am today.

>> No.9780619

>The Alchemist


>> No.9780653

>real man
The fact that you buy this meme shows you are and will always be weaker than anyone you consider a real man

>> No.9780706
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>> No.9780725

Infinite Jest

>> No.9780768

So inspiring. Why should I exercise? Why get a job, clean my room? I must exceed my current threshold of staying indoors for almost four weeks. Why should there be a limit to how long I can go without washing? Just because self-disgust overwhelms me at no more than three weeks? Cannot I go beyond my current weight? Am I so weak willed that I cannot masturbate at least once more today? Two more times tomorrow, four more the day after that? Caring for what others think and believing so much in your own limits that they become real? Not for me anymore. That is what being a man is all about: being larger than life, ever augmenting, olfactory agnostic, brimming with testosterone to the tip of my manhood, always at least half-erect in spite of the soreness. If it kills me, so be it; when the time comes, countless creatures of the loam shall partake of the bounty that is I.

>> No.9780776

>always at least half-erect in spite of the soreness

reminds me of the time i developed priapism

scariest day of my life

>> No.9780779

You can tell she's wet but hating her pussy for it at the same time.

>> No.9780796


imagine being such a boring stronk womyn that she takes amusement park characters at face value and refuses to engage with them for political reasons. the funny part is that she's the bigger cartoon caricature in that pic and she doesn't see it.

>> No.9780802

Mo more mr nice guy maybe

>> No.9780810

ah, monsieur, i know the very text for dealing with such male insecurities, it is Tractatus's (not the homosexual Wittgenstein), which will begin to prompt the redevelopment of your baseline masculinity eroded by jewish influences. thank you, and remember monsieur, enjoy the read :)

>> No.9780821

I think she's doing it to be funny.
I hope she's doing it to be funny...

>> No.9780842

>Women are a side dish, not the main course.
My rational mind tends to agree, but I just can't find anything in life as "entertaining" (roughly speaking) as pretty girls. I get distracted with other things occasionally (sports, funny things, a good read...), but overall in life I don't have anything that would drive me and take over the focus, away from "wanting pretty girls".

>> No.9780849
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Here we come to the difference between wisdom and knowledge. One can be taught, the other can only be learned.

>> No.9780855

Speaking from experience, becoming a real man doesn't exactly mean being a super masculine gymrat that tries to simulate a "tough as nails" attitude. Being a real man means disciplining one's self and assuming responsibility.

I recommend getting a job first, OP.

>> No.9780889 [DELETED] 
File: 52 KB, 500x261, Epictetus1[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What is the ideal of a real man in Western society? Isn't it that what people mean when they say "You're the man"?

According to urban dict: "Cooler way of saying "you rock". Involves comparing your friend to "the man", ex: God, Jesus, Allah, Buddah, Chuck Norris".

In other words (when it is not said in jest but in admiration): You are in control. You are all action. I liken you to the great men of history.

Being in control of what? The weather, other people's actions and expressed emotions and reactions? No, being in control of your own actions and reactions and so on. That makes you cool, but to be the man you also need to be active.

Being hyperactive and all over the place? Directed purposeful action, teleological, demiurgical in the things under your control. Utter lack of ego. Giving yourself over to --the-- highest cause which lies within yourself.

Here the chaff separates itself from the wheat. Depending on your reading the highest cause is either everything or nothing that Nietzsche and Ghostbuster were all about. You must create your own truth, reality, myth, ideology so that it serves your cause. But it must be the truth to you at the end, something that infringes on and ultimately supercedes your ego. The man doesn't backpedal and rationalize and make excuses.

So dwell on that and read the memelords. And if that all sounds delusional as fuck, you start with the stoics and a weekly dose of 500ml of pure testosterone injected directly into the bloodstream.

>> No.9780895
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/fitlit/ is certainly a thing.
The change of diet and sleep schedule changes everything. If you want to feel immediate results (that is a day to a week), increase the amount of water you drink, increase the amount of protein you eat, decrease the amount of sugar you eat, and eliminate alcohol or tobacco for one week - you'll feel radically different. Adding working out on top of that adds fuel to the fire.

The Hero of a Thousand Faces is an interesting recommend; decent read.

As other people have suggested, Mishama's Sun and Steel and Aurelius' Meditations are also good reading.

>> No.9780898

No book ever made a pussy a man. Only deeds.
At best you can hope to get some instruction on what to start doing, instead of reading.
Reading instead of doing is procrastination.

Seriously, the birds fly without reading any instructions, the moles dig holes without learning about local geography, and toddlers start walking without reading how to walk. Nobody learned to ride a bike by reading a book.

Go practice manhood. Manhood is control, honor and excellence.

>> No.9780929

can you imagine, monsieur, the soul of this man, who comes to us crestfallen, unsure of himself, unable to hold his arm out in a proud roman salute, to bed the woman that he likes, perhaps he is obese, or has lost weight and now has 20 pounds of loose skin hanging to his toes, and drapes himself in this carnal cloak, wrapped in loose skin, ashamed of himself, ashamed of his browser history, he looks down at his pee pee and he says to it "why can't you be big and black, little pee pee?" and the best you can do for this man, the best you can offer him, is a bunch of Jewish Trash?

brother, i feel your pain. i know the dark places you have been. i too have been there, friend. i too have considered shooting up my school. i too, friend, have watched anime.

but that all changed, monsieur. one day, in the depths of an 8 hour internet session, whilst i obesely lounged over the 9 layers of myself, i discovered a story of a man who picked himself up from effeminacy, from being a loser, to put it bluntly, a failure, and he changed the world, and he got revenge.

he wasn't a superhero, or a youtuber, or a twitch streamer, or the guy who invented fidget spinners. he was a little german boy, named Adolf Hitler. and not only did he wrote books, but he wrote history - with his mind and his will. now let's be earnest with each other. i give you my word, a solemn promise, that if you only read one book in your life, let it be Mein Kampf. each page will raise your testosterone level, like intellectual trenbolone. you will become leaner, meaner, more defined, with masculine striations between your neck and your neckbeard calving out a valley of pale skin and pubes. before long, you'll start to see the changes. girls will begin to notice you like they didn't before. you'll receive emails from even from men - homosexuals - wanting to lie down with you. monsieur, by the end of this journey, you will look back on this post and laugh and say to yourself, a simple genuflecting sentence of thanks, only

Fourteen words


Fourteen words

>> No.9781205

Responsibility is important. Read the bible and find a few good history books/biographies.

>> No.9781257

So the Greeks were ultimately gay?

>> No.9781303


>> No.9781343

Suttree is a book I'd wished I read earlier in my life.

>> No.9781355

The last paragraph is incomplete advice. You must also directly learn how to actually interact with girls smoothly. There are plenty of slobs and so-called manlets who are extremely adept at seducing women and have no need of careers and being swole.You know this to be true since we've all met a few of those over the course of our lives.
Improving your circumstances can certainly be helpful in developing the behavioral traits you need to be successful, but it's not the most important thing.

>> No.9781361

If you really want something that will drive you to toughen up, read Bad: The Autobiography of James Carr and Soledad Brother, the letters of George Jackson. They were two criminals who served years in some of the shittiest jails of the entire country and, from inside, became Marxist revolutionaries, while regularly engaging in criminal activities that turned them into two of the most notorious criminals in the systems. Bad, in particular, is some real shit, because of how unapologetic and somewhat righteous he is about everything he did.

I think the only way literature helps you becoming a man is by conveying the real experiences of real men, and how they react to bad circumstances. Don't real overglorified motivational quotes just because the author has statues of him, and don't read fat white dudes waxing poetic about warriors and tradition. And don't read Mishima.

>> No.9781376

nice pasta I'm takin it

>> No.9781452

thanks for these suggestions anon, opening libgen in another tab as we speak