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9779307 No.9779307 [Reply] [Original]

How chilling is this? Do you understand what he says?


>> No.9779310

I don't listen to anti-Stalinists

>> No.9779316

>he blinked when he said "don't let it happen"

what did he mean by that

>> No.9779327

He knew there was no stopping it

There is a documentary about him on a two hour interview in perfect quality, his discussion was terrifying to see since he is talking about these things in a much much younger time

We are in 2017 already, people like him who saw it coming would have nothing to say except they have seen this before, they knew what was coming one day

>> No.9779338

That sounds like the ideal world desu

>> No.9779344 [SPOILER] 
File: 46 KB, 641x530, 1500514515324.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>A post modernist enters your thread

>> No.9779357
File: 26 KB, 620x412, elliot_rodger3-620x412.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>sex instinct eliminated
>only emotions are triumph, self abasement and fear


>> No.9779379

>no orgasm
>the left doesn't already rule us through our animistic sex impulse

>> No.9779384

I love what this man has done. I don't know much about him but fucking hell

>> No.9779385

i never noticed orwell rocked that really faggy mustache before, now i won't be able to read any of his shit without scanning for homosexual subtext

>> No.9779394
File: 23 KB, 450x413, 1468841780213.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw the future will be a post-hedonic, authoritarian utopia
>tfw the bets uprising will be successful
Normies btfo

>> No.9779415

That is an actor, not actually Orwell btw

>> No.9779419

oh ok cuz i was like i didn't know he did an interview

>> No.9779420

I know :)

There isn't a lot of videos/voice recording of him
Most people didn't know him well at all

>> No.9779435

sorry trump already whipped isis ass in iraq and just cancelled obama's cia program of sending weapons to isis in syria, beta uprising cancelled

>> No.9779546

I have a similar but more terrifying image. But I also have another images, of God's plan, of the Internet. I don't like any of them. They are too slow, too karmic.

Every person acts on (at least) two realities at all times. One is the reality where fairy tales are not real. The other is where you read them.

The terrifying image is the mutual victory and defeat of the masses and the elites. A machine is created to control humans. It's a smart machine. It's a blind machine. It uses every aspect of humanity it can find, to control humanity. With all layers present, without the Good, without the Beautiful, without the Just. No, it is enough for people to agree that it is with them - or rather, to state that it is so and continue as if it were so.
This machine erases memories. Eternal amnesia. Lack of history. It takes men and creates Jews. Names? Take your pick, it won't last. Past horrors that need to be righted? Manufactured, just for you. Example? Circumcision is the base, propaganda the filling, imagination the spice and powerlessness the oven. Justice is the sales speech. People buy; they have been manufactured to do so.
Alas, the Internet. The sea of forgotten and forbidden knowledge - open. Outside the factory.
But the mice, the mice can't survive. They've been grown in the machine. They're not fit to the nature. They can't stand each other. But unlike the drunken harlot, we see its end. We know the story.