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9776571 No.9776571 [Reply] [Original]


>> No.9776575

Sora no Woto was so good

>> No.9776838
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>WHEN music affects us to tears, seemingly causless, we weep not, as Gravina supposes, from'excess of pleasure' ; but through excess of an impatient, petulent sorrow that, as mere mortals, we are as yet in no condition to banquet upon those supernal ecstasies of which the music affords us merely a suggestive and indefinite glimpse.

You can't recreate the feeling you get from music because it is the paramount source of true joy we can feel.
You can't recreate this "feel" in any other form.

>> No.9776857


>> No.9776981
File: 843 KB, 1280x720, Ep42_-_Kurapika_and_Melody.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Books for this feel?


>> No.9776987

lmao brainlet

>> No.9777732

The Peregrine by J. A. Baker

>> No.9778878


>> No.9779033

You mean the music or the show?

>> No.9779078

read your garbage cartoons for japanese girls

>> No.9780252
File: 976 KB, 350x263, whynotboth?.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

pic related
>4chan was started in 2003 in the bedroom of Christopher Poole, a then-15-year-old student from New York City whose 4chan handle is "moot". Prior to starting 4chan, Poole had been a regular participant on the Something Awful forums. He intended 4chan to be an American counterpart to the popular Japanese Futaba Channel ("2chan") imageboard and a place to discuss manga and anime.
How will they ever recover?

>> No.9780271

not >>9779078 meant >>9779033

>> No.9780731

I wish more people knew of this show, genuinely warmed my heart. I expected Strike Witches levels of moe shit and I got Studio Ghibli-tier levels of comfy.

>> No.9780903
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>> No.9780918

100 years of soiltude maybe. If you don't mind all the sex going on.

If you are looking for anti-war message, then Remarque's western front is an obvious one. It is very comfy by the way even with the battles raging on sometimes.

>> No.9782326

my diary.

>> No.9783179

see >>9780252