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9777122 No.9777122[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

So the other thread got deleted, but a guy posted something interesting there

He wrote:

>Most Chads / charming player guys go through a pretty painful mental process

>Their attractiveness allows them to see a "dark side" of women that most men don't even know about
These are the guys that girls will go to behind their BFs backs, these are the guys that girls will get impregnated by, only to have some poor sod raise the kid

>What's sad is, most of these guys end up emotionally broken and unable to relate to others
They've seen so much shit they develop trust issues with all women, they have to pump and dump, they can't commit or show feelings

>Then they end up drowning in a sea of meaningless pussy, as the ones they love slowly drift away
They've fucked so many hot bitches it means nothing to them anymore

>Kinda sad, really

What excactly did he mean by this?
What "Dark Side"?

Can someone versed in women explain

>> No.9777128

Wrong board

>> No.9777406

Read Hamlet. Gertrude loves the man that murdered her husband. And Ophelia loves the man who murders her father. Women are neutralized. Only the women of the play think Hamlet is mad. The men know better. Gertrude wept bitterly for her husband for about a week before she began fucking Claudius. Of course she doesn't know Claudius is killed her husband. Ophelia almost certainly does. That's why she goes mad. Women are weak. They exist entirely outside the system that governs honor and conscience. Hamlet kills because his conscience requires him to avenge his father's death. The same is true of Laertes. Hamlet once loved Ophelia but by the end he feels nothing. He understands that were he to be murdered she would submit to her new lord, and after a short grieving, she'd be as happy as before. Men are disposable. Women will go to the strongest man. And when you grow too weak to serve her ends, you are killed off by a strong male and replaced. That's life. We aren't any different from animals for all are pretensions to being "civilized."

>> No.9777413

both sides are sad, the beta male who obsesses over women and develops strange fetishes without ever actually having any sex is equally as sad to me. sex is just kinda a sad thing in general with a lot of people.

>> No.9777486

Can't find a warosu thread archiving any of the shit you were just talking about. You're making it up in an attempt to /pol/ troll this board.


>> No.9777617

In that context, the story of Antigone is an interesting exception. Probably the exception that confirms the rule, as she, in contrast with her sister, is determined to realize her duty as a member of her family, burying her brother.

>> No.9777632

>Can someone versed in women explain
You are not being serious, but if you were I suggest going over at r/theredpill because this shit sounds just like the shit they talk about.

Usually these kind of posts get the go back to /r9k/ response, but that shithole isn't as bad as /lit/ thinks it is - it is a shithole however

>> No.9777648

zizek had some retarded theory were Antigone was fucking his dead brother that's why she wanted to make an exception for him

>> No.9777663

Gtfo of lit with this shit. Women are nothing but wet holes, no doubt, but if you want to bitch about it do it in r9k or pol.

>> No.9777687

Wow very scheckshist *sniff*

>> No.9777754

I'd say you're right, but a novel by an intelligent and self-aware Chad on the subject could be a good read. I'm sure it already exists though. If not then I'm sure some insightful Beta has written something that captures it. Anyone?

>> No.9777768
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>> No.9777774

Just read The Sun Also Rises or something.

>> No.9777782
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>> No.9777792

>bohoo I'm so sad because everybody likes me because of my superior facial genetics bohoooo :{(((((
Chad lives life on easy mode and makes 20k a month by posting a selfie every day on Instagram. Chad will never know the pain of sitting in front of his computer until 4am everyday because of massive social isolation.

Chad and Women can't be depressed, they all live life on easy mode

>> No.9777804

This is not all true. Attractive men have the choice to settle on a nice woman at any time. Of course, they will run into a lot of women who want to use and manipulate them, and they may fall into traps and become cynical toward women. However, after 'sowing his oats' a high status man can either choose a good woman who will treat him well. It is always better to be attractive and strong in life as it affords you more options and people generally treat you better.

>> No.9777842
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My experience is a bit like that. I went from outlier chad between the ages of 16 to 23 to increasingly indoors social retard over the past couple years (bad break up), and am now getting back into the game.

I don't have a complete grip on how it all works. All I can sense is that there's something wrong with how pretty much every person from any perspective views this mess.

If you have questions for a guy who has slept with over 50 (Not player territory I know, but with about 7 of them becoming girlfriends who I didn't cheat on, until I did of course, I think it's high enough to suggest an experienced perspective) ask away.

To try and respond to the question you asked in the OP; the "dark side" is an effective externalization of underlying anxiety. As a man it's easy and often necessary to see women as a homogeneous blob, which then becomes a perfect receptacle for profound anxiety to try and resolve itself into an attitude. But my take is in the vein of "possibility once equals a necessity forever". Basically, I don't hold it against women that they're often shit, because I never presumed otherwise. They can be good too. When men see the vices of other men, they are (in general) much faster to have a little sympathy for the devil and be interested in the nuance and complexity of the man, and not reduce him to his evil.

>> No.9777864

> over 50 and wonders why he had a bad break up and can't keep a relationship
What's even the point, its things like this that make me realize how useless and retarded most people are. Its a tough pill to swallow for a lot of people but eugenetics and genocide are the only things that actually work

>> No.9777872

monogamy truly is the best option

>> No.9777878

I can't really speak to a "dark side" of women, but I can give you my anecdotal explanation of how living as a "player" pretty much destroyed any feeling of intimacy for me for a considerable amount of time. I understand the point he's going for, when you have sex with women who are cheating on their boyfriends it can develop trust issues within yourself, but I think it's missing the bigger picture.

In high school, when it came to courting women, I was an all around nice guy (respectful, cautious, a tiny bit timid, and mostly interested in meaningful relationships). This persisted until about the end of my senior year when my girlfriend of one year cheated on me. I forgave her, tried to do long distance as I moved away to college, and she cheated on me again. Needless to say we broke up and I changed my attitude about relationships and intimacy. It was around this time, my freshman year of college, that I matured into an attractive young man. It's hard to call yourself attractive without coming across as conceited or self-absorbed, as people tend to feel threatened by the idea of physical attractiveness AND self-confidence in a man, but I can safely say that I was both. I was hot and I knew it, and so I used that to pick up girls basically every weekend for about 2 years. It was fun, but shallow and self destructive, and looking back now I wish I had reacted a little more calmly.

Ultimately all of those meaningless hookups took a toll on me emotionally. I always knew when I'd bring these girls home that I wasn't looking for anything significant and that the exchange would be purely carnal. Because of this, I would shut myself off emotionally and it got to the point that I could no longer associate sex with feelings of intimacy or emotion, it became just a physical act and nothing more. Sex was something that I would do to someone, subjugate them in a way to my needs, but never would I have sex WITH the person. When I finally found a girl that I wanted to be in a relationship with it took me months to get aroused around her because I couldn't make the connection between intimacy and sex, I loved this girl and couldn't attach a feeling of love to sex. Sex had become a degrading act in my eyes, and the last thing I wanted to do was degrade her. Once I finally got aroused around her it took me another few months before I could even maintain an erection during sex. It was humiliating for both of us - she thought that she was too ugly for me to be aroused, and I thought that I was basically half a man. Eventually it put a huge strain on the relationship and we broke it off. I fell into a depression because for the first time I realized that my years of sexual deviancy resulted in me becoming an emotionless husk of a human who was incapable of feeling any form of genuine intimacy.

It took me another year of celibacy before I felt normal again and I missed out on many important relationships and emotional developments.

>> No.9777895

This was insightful, thanks for posting.

>> No.9777899

I agree with your first statements, but disagree with the last one. Sex can be a beautiful, zesty enterprise, especially if there's trust and intimacy between the partners - if it's used as a bonding 'tool'.

>> No.9777905
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Girls and Boys are the same (socially). What I mean by this is, all human social reactions are the same, it's our environment and experiences that shape who we become and how we take part in future interactions.

If a guy has a x-bad experience with a girl, he thinks 'all girls must have this x in them' I gotta watch out.

If a girl has a x-bad experience with a guy, she thinks 'all guys must have this x in them, i gotta watch out'.

This is called gaining experience, but the smarter ones don't attribute those negative (can be positive) experiences to a single gender, and know that all people are different and not the same.
By swapping out genders and putting race, we can make the same argument.

This thread is stupid and so is the OP

>> No.9777906

Robots don't belong on this board take this shit elsewhere.

>> No.9777919

This post should be a novel, teaches a good lesson

>> No.9777993
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I've been blessed with some decent genetics (height + good features), so women naturally pay attention to me.
>inb4 artistic work of falsehood and fiction

It's a completely different world for an attractive male. I can't walk around downtown in my city without getting compliments from women (and sometimes men) on my appearance. If it's night time, drunk girls will yell out of their cars at me. It's not anymore challenging to sleep with a girl who has a BF than one who does. Many girls try to pretend like everything else is normal. This one girl would send texts to her boyfriend only a few minutes after we stopped fucking. I was in hawaii with another girl and during the week-long trip, she called her boyfriend to congratulate him on their 6 year anniversary.

I think women are taught by society that being both impulsive and ambitious is a good thing. But when these traits are combined in women, in my experience, they lead to this rash kind of infidelity. Women don't "need" to be ambitious. They get a slice of the pie from the get go, so usually their ambition involves "trading" their given slice for a bigger one. Even this would be fine if there wasn't so much "just do what you feel girl" kind of advice floating around. I think most of the women who cheat, "feel" like they're upgrading socially when in fact that's not at all what happens.

There's no reason to distrust ALL women. If you want a good girlfriend, find someone that's either unambitious(not looking to really move up socially) or not impulsive.

>> No.9778033

>I think most of the women who cheat, "feel" like they're upgrading socially when in fact that's not at all what happens.
well, they might be upgrading if they know what they are doing. but most of them don't know what they are doing and keep "upgrading" until they are past their prime (>30). at which point they find they have to start downgrading if they want to even get a relationship.

for society it would be better if they knew when to stop, probably we would have more proper families now if that was the case. on the other side it would be kind of scary to have that kind of calculating creature around, so i guess god filled them with hubris to compensate

>> No.9778040
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I encountered your problem too, but all you had to do was stop masturbating
>the last thing I wanted to do was degrade her.
just degrade her in bed by being rough.

t. captain hindsight

>> No.9778042

Jesus dude, you are a presumptuous person. We loved each other very much, she lived in my country til she couldn't anymore, I can't move there. We tried long distance, but after being sexually assaulted over there and not having me to take care of her in person an irrevocable schism was created. It's more complicated than that, but it's certainly not what you're thinking.

>> No.9778065

To be fair you guys are prescribing these qualities to women, that is ambition and impulsiveness, but is it not ambitious and impulsive men who go and do the exact same thing that you're condemning women for? Men cheat too, it's not a different kind of infidelity just because I have a dick and not a pussy.

What we're really discussing is a lack of moral integrity, and there's a lot more involved with that then juvenile chauvinistic interpretations of sexuality and gender.

>> No.9778081
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>> No.9778093
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I'd like to see more social encouragement of families too, but we just kind of take it for granted now.

On the other hand, buying a house and having an okay job to support yourself seems like a pipe dream for myself and everyone else in their mid 20's that I know

>> No.9778107

How many men do you know that go around sleeping with women because they feel it will satisfy their sense of ambition?

It's definitely true that impulsiveness isn't great for either gender, but ambition manifests itself in different ways in men and women

>> No.9778140

I enjoy this thread's relevance to literature

>> No.9778155

Infidelity is a problem of impulsiveness for both sexes. Only one sex typically commits infidelity out of ambition.