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/lit/ - Literature

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9775286 No.9775286 [Reply] [Original]

Pynchon is grossly overrated

>> No.9775289


>> No.9775302
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>> No.9775354
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>> No.9775362


It is possible to simultaneously enjoy genre fiction and classical works of literature.

>> No.9775416

Analytic philosophy is more interesting than continental philosophy. Continental philosophy is just revered for the name recognition of its philosophers and their popularity. I can name all the detestable qualities and philosophical dispositions of a pleb continental

>reads heraclitus but doesn't read Parmenides
>prefers Plato to Aristotle
>his first exposure to philosophy was trying to read Nietzsche in high school
>thinks the determinism/indeterminism debate is the most philosophically relevant aspect of quantum mechanics
>believes in the science/philosophy divide
>hasn't read Husserl despite a professed affinity to continentals

If any of these apply to you then you should never be allowed anywhere near a serious discussion regarding philosophy

>> No.9775435

/lit/ is the awesome

>> No.9775437

Too many Christians around here, this is getting tiresome. Some threads are directly off topic

>> No.9775441

You're projecting too hard.
t. Continental who doesn't apply to not even one of those points you listed

>> No.9775445

Great, then you're just a misguided heretic as opposed to a complete pseud

>> No.9775449

Not an argument. Back up your point with at least 5 citations and no less than seven paragraphs of well written analysis.

>> No.9775450

deal with it, faggot

>> No.9775511

Well you know, the division you don't see between science and philosophy, i don't really see between continentals and analytics, at least to some extent. I'm quite sure the main difference between the two current of thoughts is in the method rather than the contents itself, at least to some extent since the themes treated vary from philosopher to philosopher. But hey, Wittgenstein often said that the philosopher which had the most affinity with his ideas was Martin Heidegger, and they're considered respectively the main exponents of the two parties.

>> No.9775539

The chasm between continentals and analytics is much greater than the divide between science and philosophy. Continentals have a victim complex and think they are constantly under attack by analytics, even though they quite literally control the public perception of philosophy. Everyone has heard of Nietzsche and Camus and Sartre. Who's heard of Quine and Kripke? Continentals constantly level flat out wrongheaded charges against analytics and there is a widespread perception that they're all soulless positivists. You know how incensed people here get when someone calls Nietzsche a nihilist? That's how it feels for analytics when they're called positivists. Analytics have made a thousand times more progress in bridging the gap between philosophy and science while maintaining their respective boundaries and Continentals sit in their circle jerk and abuse both of them

>> No.9775551

The christposters are here often just contain themselves to threads involving religion and don't even respond to threads in which degeneracy goes unchecked. Just noticed this when observing the thread on trans characters. Christposters come out of the woodwork and do your fucking job better if anything.

>> No.9775556

Go to bed Stephen Molyneux.

>> No.9775589

Fucking Aristotleplebs at it again. If your only argument against Plato is either a:
>forms are weird/naive lmao
or b:
>he was a proto-totalitarian lmao
you have no right to talk about serious discussions of philosophy. Come on. Just try to make a case for yourself without making some shitty reference to Popper or something.

>> No.9775596

Oh sorry i didn't get your point. I was talking about the division in content. I sympathize with you though, despite being a continental. One should study carefully the currents of thought he isn't really fond of as well if he wants to have a more complete viewpoint and achieve useful considerations. And surprisingly, one can get inspired by what seems "boring" as well. One of my main influences is Wittgenstein. And that's something most continentals don't get, i have to admit it, they pretty much label analytics as "maths" and disregard it completely either because they don't fancy it or don't get it. Philosophy should be about searching for the truth whatever that is, not just sticking to your idea of what the truth should be like.

>> No.9775600

Analytics are less well known because the general public is more interested in practical reflection on life than autistic metaphysics

>> No.9775608

Are you jewish?

>> No.9775618


>> No.9775632

Wrong, it's obvious who's shitting things up all the time (you)

>> No.9775637

Then why would they pick continentals? That's contraddictory

>> No.9775651

Both of them are essentialists. But Forms cannot account for priority and posteriority in a single subject, so there cannot possibly be an Idea for the set of all goods, some of which supervene on the others. They dont account for composites and incomposites, which is why you have to split up the "number" with a collection of things that make up number. Also a genus admits of the account of its species, which includes differential, and so can't be a Form. You can still believe in spooky essences, but they exist within the subject, not outside. Otherwise in what sense is it an essence? Aristotle's system is just better equipped to deal with these problems

>> No.9775663
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Film is a far superior medium, not just narratively but artistically.

>> No.9775666

>lumping European philosophy in with jewish marxism

>> No.9775669

You're either trolling or legitimately retarded

>> No.9775684

>practical reflexion on life
>continental philosophy
pick one

>autistic metaphysics
>not literally Heidegger

>> No.9775694

Althusser did nothing wrong

>believes in the science/philosophy divide
r u sure ur not thinking of analytic 'philosophers' here?

>> No.9775707

Poetry is a reactionary pseudoscience

>> No.9775710

Morality is objective, and can be derived rationally.

>> No.9775712

Confirmed for dumb continental who hasn't read any philosophy of science or even just basic Quine. Just stop posting

>> No.9775720

The bible is really not that interesting if you aren't religious daysoo

>> No.9775731

Confirmed for dumb continental who hasn't even read enough Heidegger to know how he defended the divide

>> No.9775831

Hate speech laws, vigorously and publicly enforced, are probably the best non-violent tool for stabilizing society in the social media age and reorienting debate back to important issues

Mass surveillance is not only inevitable but, in the case of law enforcement, morally preferable to a thuggish police force and an ineffectual tax collection system. Children should be raised knowing that omnipresent algorithms will catch them committing crimes within seconds

I believe both of these things will occur and benefit my country within my lifetime

>> No.9775840

Shit I forgot:

Singapore is a model society where a prosperous, orderly nation thrives within the managed freedom guarded by a technocratic elite and should be emulated

>> No.9776031

How so? Speaking as an atheist, I really believe the only way morality can be objective is by assuming the existence of a god

>> No.9776218

The existence of abstract objects is not contingent upon the existence of a God. All it takes for physicalism to fail is to have moral statements take on truth values. Don't need a deity for that

>> No.9776270


>> No.9776279

Be the change you want to see etc.

Why do you want to bridge the gap between science and philosophy so bad? Heidegger and Witty already did it anyways.

>> No.9776294

God doesn't want you to swear!

>> No.9776307

But what if I don't care, I know it sounds stupid but you know what I mean.

>> No.9776344

It's orderly but sterile. If you have the most well-oiled shopping mall in the world it won't matter if your citizens seek to end their lives due to boredom and lack of meaning.

>> No.9776346

If you speak of objectivity and subjectivity with regards to morality you are already making a subjective moral judgment

>> No.9776355

Literature is trash, anime is better.
There is no such thing as 'good' secular art.
Philosophy is garbage.
Science is garbage.

>> No.9776359

Science is garbage, philosophy is garbage. However, there needs to be a gap between them to prevent science from making philosophy unredeemable garbage.
Truth doesn't exist. Philosophy that searches for truth is absolute garbage.

>> No.9776361

Ontology isn't metaphysics.

>> No.9776364

That's only because you're a heretic that cannot comprehend it, dechu~

>> No.9776366

/lit/ is simultaneously the smartest board and the most pretentious one.

>> No.9776370

>he types comments on a computer but thinks science is garbage

well played friendo

>> No.9776375

John Green weaves the most complex narratives in modern fiction available today

>> No.9776377

How is that relevant?
Computers don't exist, science is wrong, and so on. Also, do you actually believe nonobjects are somehow contingent on 'it just werks dont worry about the axioms' nonsense?
Computers would exist with or without that nonsense.

Damn, you really need to go back to /r/eddit

>> No.9776427
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>Computers don't exist, science is wrong,

>> No.9776431

this ARMS the redditor

>> No.9776435
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They could go back to /pol/ and let us discuss literature

>> No.9776440

This is your fucking brain on subjectivism.

>> No.9776443

>smartest board

That would be /sci/

>> No.9776444
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You read too many books my friend, it is time to stop. It won't do you any good.

>> No.9776449

I'm not a subjectivist, moron
I don't read much at all. Most reading is done by people essentially stroking their braincocks. Intellectualism is a disease.

>> No.9776450

There's nothing wrong with giving up on books.

Enjoyment / fun is more important than pseudo intellectual allusions or half assed inserted philosophical "insights"

>> No.9776457

>I don't read much at all.
That explains a lot.

>> No.9776459

>Truth does not exist
You literally cannot get more epistemologically subjectivist than this.

>> No.9777762
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I don't think this has aged very well.
The interesting moral conflict and subsequent character development is undermined by the ending; and I found the informal prose and phonetic spelling (apparently revolutionary at its time) difficult to read.

>> No.9777828

The Invention of Morel has a somewhat interesting concept but a horrible execution. Seriously overhyped by Bioy Casares' attachment to Borges. Borges also has equal parts shit in his oeuvre as he does genuinely good stories.

I don't particularly enjoy him, but saying he's overrated is a bit of a stretch. He might be overrated on this board, at least, or by Bloom, but not in the general sphere of things.

This is not an unpopular opinion at all. Your first point is legitimate and examined in a number of critical essays, the second is more a personal nitpick.

>> No.9777936

>he likes throwing big words around without knowing what they mean
Ontology is literally a branch of metaphysics

>> No.9778031

Reading fiction is a giant waste of time. You won't develop any skills worth having by reading through the history of white men who masturbated onto paper while wishing they were as good at masturbating onto paper as all the other white men who masturbated onto paper.

>> No.9778249

Reading is for pseuds, revelation is far better.
/lit/ brainletlets actually believe this
I'm doing no such thing, you're the one with no understanding.

>> No.9778318

There's a difference between bridging a perceived divide and subordinating one field to another , hence "maintaining respective boundaries". The thing I find cool about Quine is that he showed that there is always an element of aesthetic judgement in our scientific theories. Parsing questions regarding "what there is" in the world remains a question of ontology and not physics, even if we get our ontological commitments from our best physical theories. This may, in any event, necessitate the existence of metaphysical entities like abstract objects. Metaphysics and science are inseparable, but one does not consume the other and they are free to pursue their respective inquiries

>> No.9778385

Are you pulling some kind of Parmenidean "becoming does not exist" or some kind of Gorgian "being does not exist" shit?

>> No.9778397
File: 30 KB, 600x946, IntroductionTometaphysics_medium.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Might want to read this book, friendo :~)

>> No.9778528

I found gravity's rainbow extremely hard to follow and overall not very enjoyable.

>> No.9778564

The majority of these post-modern titty twisters are worthless pieces of literature that will only be read in the future purely as novelty.

>> No.9778710

Henry Miller is the greatest american author.

>> No.9778760

You know this says more about you than it does about the book, right?

>> No.9778769

Science is irrelevant, it has no role in anything besides itself. It's masturbation.
How is that relevant?

>> No.9778783

I don't even want to argue with you, I'm just genuinely interested to know how you reject the possibility of objective truth without recourse to either some form of subjectivism or the wholesale rejection of reality itself.

>> No.9778785

4 out of 6 senpai

>> No.9778793

Are you the one that said that I should read more? Because you should read more.

>> No.9778801

No, I'm not that guy

>> No.9778809

>“Heidegger commended [Introduction to Metaphysics] [...] as summarising his views at that time (1953) on ontology.”

>> No.9778997

Still not relevant, sorry.

>> No.9779000

Regardless, you should read more. You have incredibly Newtonian logic.

>> No.9779065

Well, I was hoping you could at least give me a brief overview of your convictions. I can't even claim that you're wrong or right, because I don't understand where you're coming from to begin with.

>> No.9779102

Trump is a socialist

>> No.9779247

dumb stefposter

>> No.9779588

"Genre fiction" is literature

>> No.9779809

Stephen Crane's The Monster is the best novella written in the U.S. Period.

>> No.9779825

Blood Meridian was an awful book.

Why is it only Christlets and atheists who get so ass blasted at the discussion of religious topics?

You guys are supposed to be """"""""enlightened"""""""" but you're more closed minded than people who believe in God.

>> No.9779849

>T. never been to Singapore.

I felt the same until I went there. It is one of the most soulless cities in the world dude. I couldn't wait to get home when I was there. The people are like robots; they were rude, short when you interacted with them, and extremely materialistic. The entire country is just an endless maze of shopping malls with the exact same retail stores inside them.

Materialism is one of the biggest diseases resulting from super capitalist societies. Its degeneracy.

>> No.9779865

most of you are off topic:

this is a popular opinion

this popular opinion outside of US universities

this is a popular opinion

opinion held by every girl i've ever met

this is the consensus internationally


and back to topic:
selecting street signs is better proof of humanity than selecting store fronts

i found only two exceptions:
this is indeed unpopular, but also wrong
also unpopular and wrong

>> No.9779881

Faulkner is one of the five greatest writers in the history of the English language.

>> No.9779896

this is a popular opinion.

evidently an unpopular opinion around here is "antonyms mean opposite things"

>> No.9780169

Ayn Rand's philosophy is actually agreeable. The people who tend to disagree either haven't bothered to read her material, or are bleeding heart libcucks.

>> No.9780174

>her material
clever one
you fucking marxist

>> No.9780324

>right and wrong

>> No.9780335

>cannot comprehend it

Come on that's just silly even Jesus himself said a literal retard would be able to comprehend it

>> No.9780342

A literal retard with the Spirit of God within him, dechu~

>> No.9780345

Whatever. This is hopeless.

>> No.9780366

Yes, for you. You're still trapped in Newtonian logic. For me, each day is my own design.

>> No.9780372

Even if you need the spirit of God that doesn't make it a fantastic piece of literature until it becomes a divine revelation. All you basically said is what I said in the first place.

>> No.9780376

I don't understand why you're so averse to elaborating on what you apparently strongly believe. I just want to hear you out but you are intent on being vague and hostile to inquiry.

>> No.9780379

I have been elaborating. Have you considered that maybe it's your fault?

>> No.9780392

I asked you why you believe objective truth doesn't exist while still rejecting subjectivism and accepting the existence of being/becoming. At least point me to where in this thread you've explicitly answered that question.

>> No.9780396

Again, maybe it's (you)r fault?

>> No.9780419

Agreed. Aside from CoL49 he's a goddamn used cars salesman, and the piece of junk he's trying to hock on you is a skeleton he stole from William S. Burroughs and one too many tokes.

Theory: GR is actually just a fuck ton of vignettes he wrote because he was too insecure and autistic to complete a large project and then one day he realized he could just sew them all together quickly, fill in some gaps, and blow people's minds.

>> No.9780424

Alright, then treat me like the idiot that I am. Help me out.

>> No.9780444

There is nothing to help you with.

>> No.9781418

The Crying of Lot 49 is his worst book besides Bleeding Edge. You've obviously never read anything else he's written.

>> No.9781439

>Theory: GR is actually just a fuck ton of vignettes he wrote because he was too insecure and autistic to complete a large project and then one day he realized he could just sew them all together quickly, fill in some gaps, and blow people's minds.
I've read it 2 and a half times, and this simply isn't true. It's actually a mind-blowingly coherent and tied together plot once you begin to understand it, and Slothrop's searches run like a red thread through it for the reader to orient himself; the practically incomprehensible Part 4, however, where the actually pretty gripping plot if you understand it and remember the characters, falls apart, I somewhat object to, lol

>> No.9781447

Even though I hate to say it because I'm in many ways a Romantic, and in many ways a Modernist, we do live in a postmodern society.

And it annoys me that I can't escape its ambiguity.

>> No.9781491


so your theory is based on either never having read GR or dropping it before the end of Part 1, yeah? thanks for your contribution, buddy

>> No.9782436

Some next level bait all over this thread, bro, nice!

>> No.9782496

This is so fucking stupid. You're so fucking stupid.
Why are you even bringing Burroughs into this?

You're projecting your own scatterbrain and lack of understanding onto things.

You're really stupid.