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/lit/ - Literature

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9773111 No.9773111 [Reply] [Original]

>A current ran through my corpus, spongiosum to cavernosa, as the peak of her wet love language swathed the slit with electric spit, grateful smacks and French smooches, as I, flooding to the basest form of life, vibrated in the dual tone of "Ah!" and "Hoh!", as from the grips of an incurable disease, felt my soul leave my body and into the mouth of my unholy sacrifice.

How's my prose

>> No.9773158

This is a blue board, you fucker.

>> No.9773173
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It's fucking lit bro

>> No.9773193

> How's my prose
Trite, banal, pedestrian, mundane.

>> No.9773203

Woah don't go using up ur vocabulary

>> No.9773206

I don't like it. Alternates beween the extremely ordinary and unforcused and - frankly - bad imagery ("the peak of her wet love language swathed the slit with electric spit")

Just my opinion though, do your thing

>> No.9773211

Suck it and see

>> No.9773221
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>> No.9773223

I physically recoiled. Consider solitaire, or maybe Rubik's cube.

>> No.9773229

The only reason I clicked on the last thread was because of the image. Post stuff like that again nerd.

>> No.9773260
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Consider this dick

>> No.9773267


>> No.9773272

They deleted it cuz it's a "blue board" which explains all blue balls threads

>how do u get over being depressed

Hm, maybe get ur dick sucked

>> No.9773279


>> No.9773299

try harder try hard

>> No.9773305

K dad

>> No.9773731

I would love to hear som1 post their pose with a description to how it is better than OP

Wood love

>> No.9773789

I don't have to write to be able to read. Or else how can anyone criticize any writer? Maybe we shouldn't. I guess E.L. James is just as good as Shakespeare, since I'm not qualified to distinguish anything to the contrary.

>> No.9774023
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Yea maybe not you

>> No.9774027


>a current ran through my corpus

I stopped reading right at this line.

It's not good.

>> No.9774035
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Great contribution

>> No.9774044

>It's not good.
>can't read it

I'll take ur word for it

>> No.9774052

But the corpus spongiosum and corpus cavernosa are part of the penis.
Not OP but I think it works.

>> No.9774069

unironically think this is great and wondering who really wrote it

>> No.9774093


It's just tasteless. You're trotting out latin in english prose just so you can have two words start with the same letter? I don't see why. There's no real music between these two words, and body has the same amount of syllables, so it's the same meter. I immediately had you pegged for a show-off pseudo-author.

Anyway, I probably read for different reasons than you do. I'm interested in literature of a storytelling tradition, and when I see prose that's meant to be appreciated on levels of meter and word choice, I'm automatically cynical of the author's imagination. Don't let me tell you how to do your art.

>> No.9774121
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>First real response

I know it's good. Here to get stroked
I have no one to show my writing talents cuz everyone is a boring idiot

And cuz I suffer from theiamania

>> No.9774149

It tastes like sperm, and if, after a length of tug of war, you had not wondered the taste of Polyphemus's pearly ghoulish blood, you would be somebody (get it?) who wouldn't get it, it Penelope and not the killer clown of your childhood nightmares. King me, kys

>> No.9774175
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Don't forget to tie-in a science or math reference cribbed from the first chapter of your calculus/physics text so people can feel even smarter reading you, lol

Seriously though, do you have a plot in mind? Even erotic literature needs a plot.

>> No.9774183

All of that to say
>I got a rim job
Great job op, very intellectual of you.

>> No.9774196

No plot, just a lot of points

>> No.9774204

A rim job is ass licking
update your dictionary

>> No.9774248

Honestly, the primordial milkshake of the plot looks like this

A boy whose mother is dead, she killed herself with a rope, but while she was alive she molested him, and whose father is basically not around, he works a lot and travels, so the boy is alone at home and he has friends come over, he has hookers come over, all his needs are satisfied and because of his privledge anything he can think up he can do i.e. All his desires can be fufilled. And so the fact that he's rich and privileged, he lives happily ever after. And this is just the plot. But the real story is how I am the greatest writer to have ever lived on planet gaia. The story, if I get around to writing it, will function as my cumrag. It will be sticky, long shelf life, and be the home for militiaman and millions of future children

>> No.9774269

>vibrated in the dual tone of "Ah!" and "Hoh!"

you made me expel fluid through my nose
where can I read the full novella?

>> No.9774277
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It feels like you're throwing around lit-fic tropes. Ambigous ending, industrial strength novelist life-musin's, child abuse, daddy issues (actually probably the most unique element imo), prostitutes... these things just seem to be in every piece of literary fiction.

But maybe there's some relationship in there you really want to detail and think will make the whole story. It's hard to judge from just a tagline; these aren't fucking movies.

Ask yourself, though, if you really want to say what you're trying to say. Is it fucking bursting out of you? Then why fuck with all this language bullshit? Why risk having the diamond of your imagination be misunderstood?

You need to put down this posturing and realize that the best novels are written by writers who have transcended the self, i.e. the ego

>> No.9774284


well, if it's really you, don't get too stoked. if that's the best sentence you've ever written i'm not blown away. do that for a hundred and twenty pages and come back.

>> No.9774351
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>> No.9774408

Honestly I only write when I feel the magnet, know what I mean
I dont want to say anything at all
But when I get horny with words
What comes out is an invention of the muses. I don't want to be an author. I just love reading over the work I make in a state of madness. It's pleasure. It's not decaffinated, which is what I think attracts people, which is why I post it. I find it terribly satisfying breaking the stereotype that a man of letters, a real scholar, can't be a dirty dog. And you know, what, im tired of laying on this dirty couch of yours, I wanna look at you when I speak. Btw, why do you have all these relics around your office. Like that minature Buddha between the minature sphinx and minature Krishna? You some kind of witch doctor? And your teeth smell. Maybe quit the stand-in-penis in your mouth, those things cause cancer u know. You'll never replace it for the real thing. So why not cut out the metaphor and get to it u know

>> No.9774424


>> No.9774458

Nabokov still alive??? Click here to know tge truth!!!!

>> No.9775292

Op is an oversensitive fag

>> No.9775383

so what

>> No.9776163

Aw man. This is bad and you should feel bad

>> No.9776177

it's great would read a short novel of about a hundred pages of this

>> No.9776541
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I concur with you brethren

>> No.9776552


>> No.9776592

'as' too many times

>> No.9777258
File: 32 KB, 500x370, narcissist_nation.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You're getting a lot of flak from everyone about your prose, but I think it's quite nice, actually.

However, seeing as you're "intelligent" enough to be using such vernacular, you must already know that your prose will never gain any traction in the real world. That being said, keep writing this way if it fills you with content; though, if you ever want to make it out there, you need to drop the haughtiness. I suffer from the same disease, my friend.

>> No.9777286

Maybe your right
Maybe your wrong
Let me play you a song

Dear in the meadow
lies perspirations shadow
Retired after twenty years
servicing ghosts of past years
Dear near the water
lies perspirations body
Retired after twenty years
belonging to nobody
Dear against the forest floor
lies perspirations voice
Whispering sweet truths
to the worms of the earth

>> No.9777294
