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9770391 No.9770391 [Reply] [Original]

Could someone translate this into layman terms for me. English isn't my first language and my professor hasn't been responding to anyones emails asking about the question.

"How does each painting establish a connection with the world it depicts beyond mere visual resemblance?

In what ways does the painting emphasize the physical and spatial qualities of the objects depicted, the physical and spatial qualities of the paint on canvas or some combination of both?"

I know this board is mainly about books but I figure since everyone is into writing and reading you could explain what he means the best. Thank you so much...

>> No.9770416

>"How does each painting establish a connection with the world it depicts beyond mere visual resemblance?

How does a painting make meaning? Why do some paintings seem to be more than just the objects they depict?

>In what ways does the painting emphasize the physical and spatial qualities of the objects depicted, the physical and spatial qualities of the paint on canvas or some combination of both?

How does a painting draw focus to particular points about what it depicts? How does a painting make a point about the fact that it is a painting? How does it emphasize the ability it has as a painting?

I'm trying to make this as simple as possible but you can tell me whether any of this helps.

>> No.9770443

what are you reading? it seems like claptrap. they're asking questions that should be far more sensible as it is!
first question, "how is this painting of a boat mpre than just a simple copy of a boat on a wall?"
second question is "what is the placement of the boat? how about the water the boat is on? and the frame? how does the placement effect this painting of a boat?"
the questions when simplified seem rather to give an opportunity to be a hopeless artfag, "well the boat's placement on the lower left corner implies that it's pregnant". honestly symbolism plays a large part in the whole process of interpreting paintings. as well as the history of the painting, its provenance, the painter, and his biography, those and symbols interpreted within are far moremapt to reveal information than the fucking placement of the damn boat in the frame.

>> No.9770467


Thank you so much, you actually helped more than you know.


Our assignment was to look at two paintings we saw at a museum today. The assigned paintings were:

"Portrait of a Peasant(Patience Escalier)" by Vincent van Gogh 1888


"Still Life with a Poem" by Juan Gris 1915

if that helps any.

Thank you for giving examples on how to tackle the question.

>> No.9770504

boy, i dunno how i'd answer these questions looking at the paintings, a connection with the world? some colorful guy's portrait? it's a fucking picture using more colors than necessary to show some guy looking forward. it's just a silly fucking question to me. i mean it just forces you to pull bullshit directly out of your ass. "well, the varied lights represented by the colours used to represent the man's chin implies a connection with the world that chins can sometimes be quite colorful"
or, for the second fucking question "well, his face is all fucked up, so i'd say the positioning and angling effect the painting by making it look like trash, and i really sure do hope they didn't pay a lot of money for this portrait"

>> No.9770545

all i'm saying, is that i bet you ten million dollars that the professor that asked couldn't come up with a cohesive answer that doesn't sound like total horse suot.

>> No.9770567

>le profanity is funny
go away and never come back

>> No.9770573

i wasn't trying to be funny, dipshit. the questions are trash.

>> No.9770588

you may be dumb

>> No.9770594

all right, interpret the questions and give your own answers. i'd really like to see what you come up with, i'm attracted to intelligence.

>> No.9770605

How much will you bet, this time?

>> No.9770610
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one hundred billion.

>> No.9770680

you must be a really good writer.

>> No.9770708

i'm not bad. i get a few compliments here from time to time. this was not an example of me trying to impress anyone with my authorship. it was me expressing frustration in such inane questions that serve to do nothing but create critics who contribute absolutely nothing to their respective fields because they were forced to answer dumbass questions like this.

still waiting for answers to OP's questions. or do you admit that you couldn't come up with anything sensible to say in response to them either?

>> No.9770852

>How does each painting establish a connection with the world it depicts beyond mere visual resemblance?
How does each painting make itself resemble the world* that it shows, in ways other than the basic visual representation?

>In what ways does the painting emphasize the physical and spatial qualities of the objects depicted, the physical and spatial qualities of the paint on canvas or some combination of both?

How does the painting bring attention to, and show the importance of
1. the physical and spatial** qualities of what it is depicting
2. the physical and spatial** qualities of the paint itself on the painting
or 3. Some combination of the physical and spatial** qualities of what is depicted, and the paint itself?

*world here could mean the scenario, lifestyle, place, or other things. If your picture was a painting you could talk about how girl looking sadly away, and the uneaten food imply that she is waiting for someone.

**spatial here means how the objects relate to the other objects depicted, in the physical sense. If your picture was a painting you could talk about the plate in front of the girl is being crowded by other plates.

Basically the first part is asking about how the painting does what it does on an emotional level, and the second part is asking about how the painting does what it does on a physical level.
Your professor is a dick.