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9769287 No.9769287 [Reply] [Original]

This is the greatest and most important organization of thought in the history of the human species.

>> No.9769391


Preface- Understanding the necessity of working with subjectivity.

Introduction- The Question: Should I continue to exist? Basis of philosophical thought in creating an existence that allows humanity to thrive.

Section 1: Welcome to Not Nothing- The duality of human nature- rejection and destruction, or acceptance and building given the
inherent structure of existence which is- "We have free will, we are not all powerful, we are not all knowing, and we experience the
universe with a biological framework and consciousness."

Section 2: Destruction and Building- Cultivating power, facing powerlessness. Path of destruction involves a lack of self-control,
courage, wonder, and/or humor, with the person succumbing to powerlessness through either wrath, depression, madness, hedonism, or
ignorance due to the lack. Path of building involves self-control, courage, wonder, and a sense of humor.

Section 3: Power, Biology and Society- Maintaining a strong society (and individual) through a balancing of the pursuance of our
animalistic nature completely with a complete rejection, and a balancing of the desire to obtain all-power and the desire to relinquish
all power from oneself. A society comprised of men and women pursuing an animalistic/hedonistic sexual nature will crumble. The polar
nature of masculinity in men and femininity in women must be upheld.

Section 4: A World Completely Off the Mark- Application of the philosophy into the areas of Government, Politics, Economics,
Agriculture, Environment, Science, Crime and Punishment, Mental Illness, The Media/Entertainment/TV/Internet/Porn/Advertising, Lack of
Freedom/Technology/Overpopulation/Overcomplication/Globalism, and The Exploration of Outer Space. Focus is in creating a society in
which people feel the most power, connection with one another, and connection with the universe.

>> No.9769428

You shilled your shitty book yesterday, unnotable author. Give it a rest. This is not what /lit/ is for. sage & reported

>> No.9769433

read the book cuck, you need it

>> No.9769499


Our inherent meaningless existence produces mental and physical suffering. Other people or society as a whole can exacerbate suffering
produced by existing. The source of this mental and physical suffering is powerlessness. An individual that feels powerless may
reject the conditions that produce the powerlessness and retaliate through wrath as an attempt to gain power. The attempt to gain
power through wrath is either the attempt to supersede the powerlessness by trying to obtain all the power one can get (which
indirectly creates destructiveness in the individual and society), or the direct destruction of anything that creates powerlessness.

Wrath is destruction and destruction is power.
Wrath is extreme power and extreme power is destruction."

I dare someone to try and refute this statement. Think of the endless applications of this statement in people's lives and in people's behavior in all areas.

>> No.9769541
File: 567 KB, 1377x1545, Bloch-SermonOnTheMount.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Wrath is extreme power and extreme power is destruction.

Wrath has no agency, dummy, and is not even a good means of acquiring power under our system of self-interested altruism called capitalism. And "power" does not imply destruction. Extreme power can be regenerative. Go find a shittier board to advertise your pseud book. Try /x/ or /his/.

Pic related is Jesus, telling you to get the fuck off his mountain.

>> No.9769553


Our inherent meaningless existence produces mental and physical suffering. Other people or society as a whole can exacerbate suffering
produced by existing. The source of this mental and physical suffering is powerlessness. An individual that feels powerless may
reject the conditions that produce the powerlessness and retaliate through wrath as an attempt to gain power. The attempt to gain
power through wrath is either the attempt to supersede the powerlessness by trying to obtain all the power one can get (which
indirectly creates destructiveness in the individual and society), or the direct destruction of anything that creates powerlessness.

Wrath is destruction and destruction is power.
Wrath is extreme power and extreme power is destruction.

A loss of self-control is the primary reason for acting in wrath, but deficiencies in courage, wonder, and humor play major roles
as well. People may consciously or unconsciously be wrathful.

Wrath is not anger. Anger is a powerful tool and emotion that should be used in the path of building. Anger becomes wrath and
becomes destructive when one loses control, loses focus, and steps outside of what is productive and necessary for the preservation
of society and life.

If wrath occurs naturally in someone when exploring the true nature of their existence, or if it occurs naturally in someone due to
outside influences from society and other people, why not be wrathful? One must resist being wrathful because being wrathful is
being destructive towards life. Wrath is destructive because it deteriorates the mind, destroys bonds between people, destroys the
bond between the individual and the universe that makes life worth living, destroys ideas that preserve and provide a foundation
for an enjoyable life, and it directly inflicts unnecessary damage on other people and society. There are consequences for all
thoughts, all states of being, and all actions. These internalities and externalitites, or things that occur, influence the
collective and subjective planes of existence, which are in constant change. Wrath produces negative consequences for the planes of

When feeling powerless, the choice can be made to relinquish all self-control and act in wrath. This path is chosen to alleviate
the suffering because the individual feels backed into a corner with no other options. Any attempt to bargain with others or
oneself about the situation is seen as digging oneself further into weakness and despair. Wrath is seen as necessary, Right,
effective, and a cathartic release of built up pressure and rage. The danger and destructiveness of wrath is its absoluteness,
insatiability, and extremeness.

>> No.9769561

People are naturally averse to powerlessness. The form of this aversion determines if the individual is in a state of building or
destruction. Building is remaining in control of the anger, determining its source, and taking controlled action in deconstructing
the source of powerlessness if necessary. The wrathful person loses control over the anger and unleashes destruction. The wrathful
individual begins to develop a sense of absoluteness and insatiability in eradicating the powerlessness. The individual may be
completely justified in feeling angry and may be justified in venturing a little into a wrathful state, but if that person allows
that wrath to take hold then they are down the path of destruction. A person must manage their anger in the initial short term and
take short and long term steps in alleviating their suffering. There is no future in wrath.

An individual will naturally feel angry towards feelings of powerlessness, but it is how the individual then deals with the
scenario after the feeling of anger that determines if they are destructive or building.

Some forms of powerlessness are natural and unchanging.
The individual must recognize and understand the nature of this powerlessness.
Attempts to eradicate this form of powerlessness are completely useless and instead it must be worked with.
Some forms of powerlessness are non-existent or blown out of proportion and therefore incorrectly perceived by a person that is
hostile towards their feeling of powerlessness.
The individual must seek to understand the situation better.
Attempts to eradicate this powerlessness are completely or partially misguided and destructive and may upset power structures. The
individual is excessively hostile towards the powerlessness and is automatically wrathful.
Some forms of powerlessness are unnatural and destructive and perceived correctly for what they are in form and magnitude.
Action must be taken against this powerlessness, but it must be done in a controlled manner or else the individual is wrathful.

The individual must have courage in facing adversity both natural and unnatural, and must have self-control when trying to perceive
and eradicate powerlessness.

As opposed to anger, wrath is absolute. Absoluteness rejects the nuances of any situation and opens up the individual to
deterioration if the individual cannot reason, control, or view things with a broad long-term perspective. Wrath is all or nothing
in the attempt to eradicate powerlessness. With absoluteness the wrathful individual completely disregards the nuances of power and
life, and completely disregards everything external to the self. Everything external to the self is seen as a threat to the
individual's power and therefore must be subjugated to the individual's power in retaliation. When an individual is locked into
wrathful thinking and acting, the desire to alleviate their suffering becomes insatiable. This leads to extreme behavior.

>> No.9769567

The insatiability of wrath deteriorates the mind and the individual clashes destructively with the external. The mind that is
insatiable for power is a mind of constant suffering with the individual incapable of enjoying life. It is a one-track mind hell
bent on destruction. There is no wonder or humor in this mind. The value of life, of both the self and others, plummets. With this
plummeting of value with regard to life, the individual is ripe for acting destructively in extreme ways. The insatiability forces
the individual to act extremely in the quest for eradicating powerlessness and obtaining power. There is seemingly no other way to
handle the situation.

Extreme behavior is behavior that is outside of what is productive and necessary for the preservation of society and life. This
extreme behavior comes in many forms, all destructive, which I will discuss later. The wrathful individual lashes out at
everything- the external, or even the internal. This individual does not care about the consequences of their actions. Control is
discarded, and more or all behaviors are acceptable, no matter how their consequences are played out into the planes of existence.
Time ceases to exist. The past is forgotten, the future is irrelevant, the only time is now, the only thing that exists is the
individual. Any attempt to regain control over a powerless situation that is not a forceful attempt to quickly remedy the situation
is perceived by the individual as dragging themself deeper into weakness, fueling the wrathful individual to seek power faster and
more forcibly. After a certain point if the individual perceives that all attempts to gain power are futile, the individual turns
to destroying everything that has made them feel the way they do. In the final form of the pursuance of wrath, the destruction of
things external to the self and the destruction of the self are intertwined in a complete loss of self-control and rejection of
life. If not destruction through wrath, the individual gives up completely on life and destroys themself through depression.

Wrath is on a spectrum, with some level of control and lower magnitude on one end and a complete loss of control and extremeness on
the other. Wrath fuels wrath, only control takes a person out of a wrathful state, so a person existing in a low state of wrath
will naturally delve deeper and move to the other side of the spectrum. There is a spectrum of wrathfulness in the seeking of
extreme power, in the seeking of direct destruction, and in a combination of both. A wrathful individual may easily overlap wrath
through the attempt to gain excessive power with wrath by destroying. An individual tends to first seek all of the power they can
get and then realize any futility and seek to destroy, but they are intertwined.

>> No.9769574

Wrath as Power-Seeking:

Wrath through power seeking is on a spectrum of destructiveness. Some inconsequential power seeking through wrath is not that
destructive, while other extreme forms of wrathful power seeking are highly destructive. Inconsequential power seeking through
wrath leads the individual more easily to highly consequential wrathful power seeking.

Wrath does not have to be a violent destructive physical act done in one instance. It can be a long drawn out affair in setting out
to control and dominate others over a lifetime. Power and control come in many forms. Examples of the power an individual seeks
excessively may be monetary power, political power, or the power to shape people's thoughts and actions with or without them
knowing it. The wrathful person seeks extreme monetary power, political power, or influential power because of the control over
other people that becomes possible with it. The wrathful person uses these forms of power to obtain more power, and they use the
more power to obtain more power. Wrathful people do not use the power they have in influencing people to help those people self-
actualize, they only use their power to increase their power even further at the expense of others and to control others for the
sake of their own power. The excessive power-seeking in one person is the suffering in another.

Greed is a form of power seeking and insulation from the world and others. Greed and power seeking both neglect anything external
to the individual, whether it is other people or ideas that bring people together, in the attempt to gain power over the given
situation. The wrathful greedy person disregards others, exploits others, and hoards their power. This person feels that if they
hoard enough power they can gain control over their powerless state of being, yet no matter how much power an individual attains,
it is never enough power to compensate for the objective meaninglessness of existence. Hoarding and excessive power-seeking are not
the remedy to objective meaninglessness. Due to their ignorance, the wrathful individual still continues their pursuit of power to
no end. Living a life of frugality and cooperation aligns a person with the path in attaining happiness in meaninglessness, as you
will see later.

Attempting to gain all power leads the individual to power by direct destruction. Power hungry individuals are very likely to be
externally and self-destructive individuals in the first place. This is because these two scenarios are of the same nature, wrath.
Power-hungry individuals may destroy in order to further their power or they may discard seeking power in control by seeking power
in the relinquishing of control and acting in pure destructive wrath. Excessive power-seekers lack a real sense of self, and lack
the necessary type of power in order to be happy, so they delve in self-destruction.

>> No.9769581

Wrath always leads to a lower value of life
and a lower value of life leads to more wrath. This is where the individual relinquishes all self-control and seeks only to destroy.

Wrath as Destruction:

Wrath is practically synonymous with destruction. An individual may react to a feeling of powerlessness by wildly seeking to
destroy. The source and facilitator of all feelings of powerlessness is the framework of existence; human beings are not all-
powerful. Something that exacerbates and "creates" the individual's feeling of powerlessness in any situation may not be known,
which creates a scenario that is ripe for the individual to lash out in wrath. If an individual has no understanding in how to
direct their anger in any concrete direction in order to alleviate the problem, they will devolve into wrath and destroy anything.

The most obvious form of wrath is acute rage involving physical or verbal aggression and destruction. Wrath is an all encompassing
feeling and state of being. Violence, murder, outbursts of extreme physical and verbal rage- these things come when a person's
anger, which has turned into wrath, has reached a pitch. In extreme wrath a rising of tense energy that originates in the front
center of the body flows up the spine to the base of the skull. The heart begins to beat at an extreme rate, the nerves of the body
fire, and the person becomes extremely on edge. The eyes bulge and look crazed. A person does not have to experience this exact
feeling in order to be physically wrathful, as wrathful destruction is wrathful for many reasons spoken about before. Though if an
individual is in that state of feeling it is certain that they are in a wrathful state.

Physical violence in itself does not automatically mean an individual is wrathful. The reason for the violence, and state of being
and feeling of the individual determine the nature of the violence.

If a person exists in a state of rage and does not act on it they are still on the path of destruction. By constantly being in a
state of rage ready to boil over, eventually the person will act on it externally, and if not, it will eat away at the person
inside. All internalities have consequences and play out into the mind of the individual and the external world.

Maliciously destroying ideas or societal structures that aim to lift humanity up out of absurdity to create and maintain an
enjoyable life is a form of wrath, whether it is destroying those ideas within oneself or among others.

>> No.9769585

This is the kind of dumb shit Kevin Spacey's character wrote in Se7en. It's like you read half of a Nietzsche reader and decided to write your own Serious Book.

>Anger becomes wrath and becomes destructive when one loses control, loses focus, and steps outside of what is productive and necessary for the preservation of society and life.

So wrath becomes destructive when one loses control, loses focus of their own interest and self-preservation. NO FUCKING SHIT. Keep posting more of your book, it's good for a laugh.

>> No.9769590

When a person gives up and
physically destroys, they are at the same time destroying the ideas of self-control and courage in the collective conscious. Ideas
that build a society may be targeted in wrath because they represent all that the wrathful person consciously or subconsciously is
against or does not care about. The wrathful person seeks disorder and chaos. With no regard for life, the wrathful person seeks to
destroy themself, which is the true underlying nature of all wrath; a giving up on life. Wrath is always self-destructive and is
the antithesis of building a meaningful and enjoyable existence out of nothingness.

Wrath leads to the cessation of life.


What if society or specific people are currently pushing destruction or pushing destructive tendencies and/or instilling
helplessness in yourself or other individuals? Society or other people may act in a destructive manner that may not be directed at
a specific person, but may directly or indirectly affect the person nonetheless. Wrath aimed to combat a perceived destructive
society may achieve something, but it is always destructive and will be less effective than fighting for a belief with self-
control. Wrathful actions always leave irreversible damage to the collective conscious and should be avoided at all costs even if
the outcome is the elimination of the original destruction.

An individual that wants to change a destructive system that inflicts powerlessness and suffering must not destroy the system in
uncontrollable wrath, the individual must use ANGER to DECONSTRUCT the system to get rid of it and pave the way for a better system.

The individual must have complete understanding of the destructive situation and then take the necessary steps in order to remedy
it. This may involve organizing many individuals to combat society-wide problems. Notice the key word being "organizing" as
collective organization is a key to building. A lone wolf individual will never be able to personally eradicate societal-wide destructiveness.

These individuals must not organize to act in violence if violence has not been taken against them. Violence, while much braver
than doing nothing at all, is the courageous, but messy and destructive way out. The courage needed to take violent action is
admirable and is the opposite of choosing to remain content with suffering and weakness, but it is misguided. Controlled and
organized violence or physical usurpation of power may be made as a very very last resort if people are subjugated to acute non-
physical destructiveness and there is absolutely no hope for any change to be made without violence being needed. If people are
pushed too far then organized physical force in order to subdue the destructor may be considered.

>> No.9769593

But wrath is ALSO power? Back the cart up, bucko and sort yourself out etc etc

>> No.9769595

Organizing people right into
physical revolution is not the answer. The true rule of building is to take aggressive non-violent controlled ACTION against
destructiveness. Controlled action is the key to building and stopping destruction, doing little or nothing in these areas is the
worst of all.

Oppressive societies and individuals that use physical force must be retaliated against with physical force in order preserve the
individual and fight against annihilation. Oppressive and destructive individuals who use physical force against a person must be
met with physical force if words do not suffice. Pacifism is not the answer in these situations.

The individual or group must always be ready to defend themselves physically, especially if it is highly likely that they will be
attacked against physically in the near future due to the defender's actions taken in order to eliminate the powerlessness or not.
A bold non-violent statement may entice the destructive entity to retaliate with physical violence. Making a statement and hoping
that a destructive entity will simply comply is naive. The defenders must be ready to push the limits and defend against annihilation.

After saying that individuals must not pursue extreme power, it is very important to say that an individual must seek and have
power, not for the sake of gaining more and more power, but for many reasons. The individual must obtain power and knowledge in
order to form a strong self. It is on the extreme end of the spectrum where power seeking leads to wrath and self-destruction. You
will see why power is needed in the next section.

Building is all about obtaining power in non-destructive ways. A great way to obtain power is to build relationships with other
people. With those relationships the individuals have the power to accomplish more, along with the power of enjoyment and
solidarity. The ultimate and greatest form of obtaining power is to seek the power of understanding. The truth-seeker and truth-
obtainer carries the most power in our meaningless existence.

In the next section I will talk about depression. Depression and wrath are of the same nature; a reaction to powerlessness. They
are heavily intertwined in an individual and may be present at the same time if not oscillating.

>> No.9769615

You are careless with your words. Think harder, illustrate better. Nobody is going to read text the author himself has barely considered.

>> No.9769622

What are you fucking talking about? Give an example you fucking idiot.

>> No.9769638

>Organizing people right into physical revolution is not the answer.

>take aggressive non-violent controlled ACTION


>Oppressive societies and individuals ... must be retaliated against with physical force

>The individual or group must always be ready to defend themselves physically


>> No.9769643

Offer a coherent thesis, pseud, then I'll offer my editor time. Free, even. Bye.

>> No.9769683

Oh my fucking God, I didn't realize I was talking to the same person this entire thread. Just fucking chop it off already buddy, you are a lost cause.

>> No.9769695

Oh my fucking God, I didn't realize anyone could be this stupid. Just fucking chop your fingers off already buddy, you can't write.

>> No.9769713

>By constantly being in a state of rage ready to boil over

>suffering because the individual feels backed into a corner with no other options

Using these dumb idioms, then repeating yourself in plain language. Just put a tourniquet around your brain stem, famalam.

>> No.9769761

Ive noticed its got no reviews and the discussion forum has no posts.

Is its material novel or is it goal to repackage existing material in a better format?

What makes it the most important organisation of thought in history?

>> No.9769782

>implying destruction is inherently bad.
What if I destroyed Hitler? Checkmated, "philosopseud"

>> No.9769802

There is nothing else out there like this. You can say that in the beginning the core philosophy repackages Nietzsche, but it is better than Nietzsche and takes his work much further.

What makes this book so important is very difficult for me to explain. I have narrowed down all human nature to how we deal with powerlessness and the striving for power (a reaction to powerlessness, so it all builds down to powerlessness). We are born as non-Gods, and our entire existence is defined by this inherentness. I explain the necessary, most-complete, and most-true course for people and humanity as a whole to create an existence in which people feel the most right kind of power, and explain that people can either be destructive towards life, or choose the path of building. I explain in detail what is destructive and what is constructive perfectly-----that is part of why this is so important, if not for the initial understanding of the duality to begin with.

>> No.9769822

If an entity is inflicting powerlessness on a person (trying to kill you for no reason), the person should take the necessary steps in order to eliminate the source of the power usurpation (stop the guy from killing you, may mean killing him first) in order to preserve your life and obtain the necessary power if your power was destructively usurped.

>> No.9769907

>There is nothing else out there like this

Funnily enough it sounds like something Jordan Peterson would write right down to the importance of Nietzsche.

Have you had any experience with his work?

What makes this not another of those books that mix psychology and philosophy?

>What makes this book so important is very difficult for me to explain. I have narrowed down all human nature to how we deal with powerlessness and the striving for power (a reaction to powerlessness, so it all builds down to powerlessness). We are born as non-Gods, and our entire existence is defined by this inherentness. I explain the necessary, most-complete, and most-true course for people and humanity as a whole to create an existence in which people feel the most right kind of power, and explain that people can either be destructive towards life, or choose the path of building. I explain in detail what is destructive and what is constructive perfectly-----that is part of why this is so important, if not for the initial understanding of the duality to begin with.

When it comes to claims like this how would one go about testing or proving whether it is true or not?

How do we know your description of human nature is the correct one? Not to be dick but people have been claiming since ancient times to have done that to perfection.

>> No.9769927

Is Noonan a mod or something how do these not get deleted?

>> No.9769932

The only way for you to find out is by reading the entire book. That is why I wrote it.

>> No.9769939

Because this is interesting and important.

>> No.9769940

Tbh the Amazon blurb is quite pretentious.

"The greatest and most important organization of thought in the history of our species. Human history will forever be classified as this: Before-Foundation, After-Foundation. Groundbreaking understanding of free will, power, the sexual nature of man and woman, and what it takes to actualize society's potential in order to bring true happiness."

I think you just read some existentialist and Nietzsche and tried to write a self help book. Point to one "new" idea.

>> No.9769981

i'm not op but read the walls of text. it's just a guy writing in his diary, wrapping his head around rage. he goes on for paragraphs and paragraphs just describing the bleeding obvious, taking a stand, and then immediately contradicting himself

>> No.9769997

Next time you feel angry or "wrathful", ask yourself if the deepest origin of your anger stems from powerlessness. Now you are ready to deconstruct the powerlessness in order to begin to understand the necessary steps to regain or create power.

>> No.9770004

Now you can begin life. You're welcome.

>> No.9770016

>The only way for you to find out is by reading the entire book.

But is it something that can be falsified at all? Thats not something one needs to read a book for.

Still any experience or thoughts on Jordan Peterson?

>> No.9770026

Fuck Jordan Peterson.

Here is my preface. Maybe it will shed a little light on how I feel about OBJECTIVE TRUTH, which I guess is what is required for people nowadays in order for anyone to believe in anything. (AKA NO ONE BELIEVES IN ANYTHING ANYMORE AND YOU ARE ALL LOST)


In order to understand what I call "the duality of human nature" you must understand the difference between the words Truth and
truth, Wrong and wrong, and Right and right. Truth, Wrong, and Right are objective understandings of existence, an impossibility
given our current reality. The words truth, wrong, and right are subjective understandings of existence, and they are what we must
work off of. All words capitalized in this book when they should not be reflect their objectivity or more closeness to objectivity
compared to their lowercase counterparts. Objectivity may be the goal, but it is not the key to achieving that goal; subjectivity
is the key. A foundational philosophy based in subjectivity is the key to action. It is how you build and it is how you prevent
things from decaying."

>> No.9770042

>Fuck Jordan Peterson.

Whats wrong with him?

>Truth, Wrong, and Right are objective understandings of existence, an impossibility
given our current reality

Doesn't that contradict itself? Kind of like saying it is a universal truth that humans have no universal truth.

>> No.9770057

This stuff is boring and must have been wrote by a tryhard with the intent of using as much vocabulary as is manageable. I am so deep and intellectual. I understand the universe and human nature.

>> No.9770068

don't infect me with your filth

>> No.9770082
File: 106 KB, 645x968, wojakbrainletking.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Now you are ready to deconstruct the powerlessness in order to blah blah blah

Isn't deconstruction a form of destruction? Why does your powerlessness drive your need to destroy my worldview? Didn't you say violence must be opposed? Pic related, it's you.

>> No.9770092

The worst thing that comes with the rejection of animalistic behavior and power-seeking is sexual degeneration. In a strong society
there is a strong polarity between the sexes with men being dominant and masculine, and women being submissive and feminine. But of
course with free will, and a society that allows for complete freedom, anything is acceptable. But why should our polar animalistic
nature be retained? Proponents of unrestricted free will ask why is it desired for men to remain men and women to remain women when
these creations can be dismantled and replaced with something else? Why not continue with our society in which more and more men
become feminine and more women become masculine? Why not take it to its conclusion with a new humanity where all women are the
masculine beings and all men are the feminine, or a new humanity comprised of androgynous things?

Our base polar nature should be retained because it is a base guideline to work off of and use as a mental and social anchor, because
it is practical, and most importantly because it is necessary.

If the sexes are to be scrambled, this causes immense confusion and suffering. I'm not only talking about suffering with regards to
social break down, I am talking about acute mental suffering due to the fact that the person's mind is grating immensely against its
true biological nature. Our minds are fragile things and need all of the help they can get from base anchors to work off of in a
meaningless existence. The biological polar nature of the sexes is a base mental anchor for individuals to work off of in creating a
social structure that forms an individual mental structure.

More importantly, our biological polarity is practical and actualizing. We must harness our biology, not grate against it, distort
it, and weaken it. Let men be men and women be women and let them do what they do best. Women are not meant to be men and men are not
meant to be women. I do not say this in a religious context, but as a matter of reality and truth. The polar nature of man and woman
WORKS. Why destroy something that functions extremely well in creating happiness and productivity? It is hard for men to cultivate
masculinity and it is hard for women to cultivate femininity. Yet the rewards are great. People today shrink away from anything that
requires effort. Women think men have it much better and want to be men. Men think being a man is too hard and want to be women.

>> No.9770094

The most important reason for the preservation of masculinity in men and femininity in women is because it is NECESSARY. Social and
societal breakdown will occur otherwise. When you tell men it is okay to pursue masculinity and at the same time that it is okay to
pursue femininity, you are going to get some very confused people. You are also going to see, over time, the discardation of
masculinity in favor of femininity, because it is far easier for a man to relinquish control and power and pursue weakness and
submissiveness. On top of the fact that it is completely destructive for a man to pursue weakness, society needs masculine men to
keep it functioning. The world is a harsh place and we have not reached our current civilization through weakness. Women contributed
to the formation of civilization with their support and counterbalancing of pure masculinity, but it was men who forged civilization
out of nothingness with their masculinity. Civilization must be continuously maintained with masculinity. Humanity must use
masculinity to survive, civilization or not- especially without a civilization. If for some reason it is collectively decided by all
of humanity that the poles should be switched or that there should be no poles, society is done for. The period of transition would
be so counterproductive and destructive that humanity would not recover. It takes a strong well-constructed and upheld polar nature
of man and woman for society to be on the path of building. As you will see later, the destruction of the polar nature of humanity is
the destruction of the family unit, and the family unit is one of the most important elements in the creation of a strong and
continuing society and enjoyable life.

Before getting to the creation of a strong family, we first have to look deeper into the nature of sexuality.

Sexuality has to do with power, or the individual's exposure and reaction to external and internal power. The individual can either
be sexually dominant or submissive. Humanity's biology is one of sexual dimorphism in which men are the dominant sex and women the
submissive, but with free will anything is possible. Environmental factors play a role in a person's sexual development, but in the
end it is up to the individual to cultivate the right nature.

Homosexual men are averse to masculinity, most likely having had bad experiences with overly masculine men or overly harsh women
that subjected the man to fear and powerlessness. Men who are homosexual were likely to be exposed to extremely masculine men
(father) counterparted with an extremely submissive mother in which the child would turn to. This manifests later when the child is
exposed to masculine boys in which the child feels inferior and turns those feelings into sexual submissive feelings towards the
boys rather than trying to be masculine himself.

>> No.9770099

The child then turns to approval from his girl peers, just the same as when he
turned to his mother who would provide comfort from the domineering overly masculine father. Men who are homosexual may also have
had a weak and feminine father in which the child learns and mimics, and never understand the importance of cultivating masculinity.
The homosexual man becomes adverse to the harshness of competing for women and the difficulty in cultivating masculinity. The
homosexual derives pleasure from being submissive to more dominant men, the path of least resistance in grappling with his
inferiority and difficulty. Homosexual men relinquish all self-control. This is why they are likely to be hedonistic and pursue
casual sex. The "gayness" of the homosexual is a lack of understanding that a man must be courageous, have self-control, and that
true happiness does not come from being overly gay and happy all the time to protect from the harshness of existence, but comes from
accomplishment, self-actualization, overcoming, truly connecting with others and so on. Homosexuals artificially pretend that
everything is great and project this pathetic gaiety onto others. In the certain kind of flamboyant gay man these things can be seen
the easiest. These projections and the man's feelings of inferiority, especially regarding masculinity, reflect the man's inability
to grapple with the demands of existence and the cultivation of power.

Men who are "bears" are hyper-masculine and because of this expose themselves to masculinity's fragility and ability to be rejected
in favor of deviancy. Hyper-masculinity fosters a snapping of the mind, because it is an extreme state of being that is taxing on the
mind and is not objectively necessary. The hyper-masculine man will reach the state of extreme masculinity, realize that even in that
state of being there is still always weakness, and turn on this weakness in exploring the subjective free will.

Homosexual men tend to be perfectionists, which explains a lot of their nature. A perfectionist man finds faults in his character
easily and exacerbates these faults as objective and absolute truth. For example a homosexual man may have felt that he could not
compete with other men for women because of a sense of inferiority. Being a perfectionist, or absolute-minded person, the man's
inferiority manifests into a rejection of his masculine nature in which he is not worthy. The man delves into what must be absolutely
true- he is inferior to other men and must be submissive to them, and this desire to be submissive grows because it is the path of
least resistance. The man rejects the pursuit of women altogether and relishes in his pathetic state of submissiveness by becoming
friends with women rather than pursue them sexually- something deep down the man truly desires but suppresses.

>> No.9770103

I hope your book sells and you make a mint. Then you can go to college and learn what the fuck you're talking about.

>> No.9770104

Women who are lesbians can be two things:

Dykes are adverse to masculine men because they were exposed to powerful men and developed a feeling of jealously for this power,
along with a strong aversion to masculine nature. These women are wrathful. They then try to become men because they feel that they
should and CAN be just like men. They want the power of masculinity and they absolutely do not want to be subjected to any masculine
power. Masculine women most likely had a weak feminine father or no father, or were brought up to be one of the guys.

The "soft" lesbian is adverse to masculine nature but does not want to become a man, and would rather be submissive to another women
then God forbid be submissive to a man and his penis, the symbol of his masculine nature (His tool of sexual power).

The transgender person is a person that takes the pursuance of their deviant submissiveness or dominance to its logical conclusion. A
person may delve into bisexuality, then homosexuality, and there is nothing stopping them from pursuing trans-sexuality. In fact the
mind will follow this destructive path because it is the path of least resistance. People support transgender people because they
believe that because someone CAN become transgender, they SHOULD become transgender. It is destructive to be transgender and it is
destructive to encourage transgender for the sake of the creation and preservation of the self and society, especially regarding the
preservation of masculinity. People are not born transgender; they become it. The genetic makeup and/or parental predisposition and
early parental influence does have a large effect on the individual's probability of becoming transgender, but the notion that a
person is simply born that way is wrong. Included in the genetic makeup, a person could be born with certain characteristics that predispose
the person to pursuing a deviant path. For example a man can be born with low testosterone and feminine features so he is more likely
to pursue homosexuality or become transgender. A woman could be born very large and masculine so would be predisposed to being a dyke
or transgender. It is important to always follow the biological nature of masculinity for man and femininity for women no matter what
the inclinations of the genetic makeup are.

A reason why a person would pursue sexual deviancy may be because they desire the attention and feeling of being different or
special. With the breakdown of social anchors and lack of social curbing, the deviant person recognizes the possibility of being
deviant and pursues this deviancy without any repercussion, gaining all of the sympathy from clueless supporters and attention from
anyone else.

>> No.9770112
File: 2.00 MB, 245x207, 1496311228891.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Homosexual men are averse to masculinity

>Men who are "bears" are hyper-masculine

>> No.9770122

The next paragraph explains your situation-

"The acceptance of the cuckold is the end of masculinity and society. When society deems the cuckold acceptable, men turn to its
nature because it is the path of least resistance. The cuckold develops and derives a pleasure in being emasculated. The cuckold
desires for their woman in their relationship to sleep around with other men of a higher sexual prowess. Proponents of free will
argue that it is good for men to pursue cuckoldry because they are getting what they want, pleasure, without harming anyone. A deeper
analysis of the situation reveals that the pleasure the cuckold derives is superficial and that a deeper depression is destroying the
individual, just the same as any hedonist. The cuckold takes pleasure in their own destruction. The destructiveness of the cuckold
situation is so acute because it acutely destroys masculinity and the family unit. Say men of sexual value five relish in their
inferiority to men of higher sexual value and pursue cuckoldry. You still have a society with men of sexual value five and higher
pursuing masculinity and building society, but what is stopping the wave of cuckoldry to continue until men of sexual value nine
desire to be cuckolded by men of even higher sexual prowess. It will continue until the last masculine man on Earth gives up or when
civilization collapses, which is something much more likely to occur earlier.

With free will, there is nothing Wrong with being sexually and biologically deviant, but there is something wrong. The allowance of
complete free will opens up a society to the destructiveness of the slippery slope and the adverse effects of more and more people
becoming abnormal, discarding masculinity, and discarding the path of building.

Controlling our sexuality structures our mind and society and balances our Power and Animalistic Spectrum."

>> No.9770131

I hope writing all this out helps you somehow. Tbhwyfamily you sound like a domestic violence case, or a passed-over Army officer with anger problems. You write a lot, describe a lot of cases, but none of it is insightful. I'm glad you can put your feelings to paper and sort it out. Good luck buddy. God bless.

>> No.9770143
File: 335 KB, 717x559, sexualp.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw a lesbian cuck has more to say in half a page than you do in an entire thread

>> No.9770172


Wonder is the most important foundation in exploration, understanding, and building.

Life becomes not worth living if it loses its mysteriousness in the eyes of the individual. We are ingrained with a sense of wonder
from birth, but may ignore and "lose" this feeling with time. Other things, or everything, get in the way of the individual in
feeling a sense of wonder. Yet life will always be a dream at its core and the individual must realize this. Perceiving the world
with wonder intertwines the individual with the universe, and curiosity sustains life, because life is not worth living if
everything is known. We must strive for all-knowledge but accept and enjoy our sense of wonder that arises in being a human being,
ignorant of life's unanswerable questions.

The powerlessness that comes with meaninglessness creates all of the suffering in the world, but from the same meaninglessness we
have wonder, which makes life worth living.

This entire book may seem like I have set out to put humanity into a box, restrict it, and make it submit to a rigid set of rules,
but I believe the exact opposite is true. With my organization of thought I believe I am not restricting humanity, but providing a
foundation for humanity to explode off of into freedom and exploration. With knowledge comes freedom from the servitude of ignorance.

With wonder comes a passion for life. The individual is infused with the spirit of exploration and life resembles an adventure
rather than a burden. A human being is meant to explore. It is in our nature.

Exploration creates excitement. It implies continual and never ending newness, which is what our universe has provided for us. Life
is constantly changing, never stopping, and is never capable of being understood. Children perceive the world with complete wonder,
and we are always children of the universe.

I place humanity as the creators of our own existence and with this it may seem that any concept of a God has been discarded. My
philosophy does not discard a God, but rather enhances the possibility of there being higher powers. If there are higher powers, I
believe these higher powers may have helped create us, but do not have sway over our actions and lives like any conventional God.
Free will, and free creation exist. I believe these higher powers must be beings that wonder just as we do. These beings may exist
under the same pretenses as our duality of human nature. The higher powers may have helped create us in order for us to exist under
these identical pretenses. Regardless of anything, humanity must always consider the possibility of powers beyond our
understanding, just as we consider and know that there is knowledge beyond our understanding.

>> No.9770201

How many books have you managed to sell so far OP?

>> No.9770939

Yes, so in this case destruction is ok, not building.

>> No.9770947

What is most interesting is your attempts at plugging yourself, the content here is trite and seems very superficial. I can't see anything important, except for you and your success. This is why your book wont speak to anyone else, it's like your get rich and famous quick scheme. So easy to see so.

You have a panacea appraoch that is outdated and simplistic.

>> No.9770956

Hook my up with a PDF op. I can't read long texts on 4chan

>> No.9770964

This is all a big prank, right? Like a sort of smashed out philosophy book that anon tries to sell on 4chan wholeheartedly.

>> No.9771533

This. I'd read it for the fuck of it but I'm not paying

>> No.9771920

Man I'm really starting to feel bad for OP. There was an event posted on facebook where he was supposed to present his bookie at some indie bookstore and it said one person was going. I don't even want to picture that scenario.

You have my pity and I want to help you out OP. The problem is I don't really know what to tell you. I just cringe reading your shit.

>This entire book may seem like I have set out to put humanity into a box, restrict it, and make it submit to a rigid set of rules, but I believe the exact opposite is true. With my organization of thought I believe I am not restricting humanity, but providing a foundation for humanity to explode off of into freedom and exploration. With knowledge comes freedom from the servitude of ignorance.

What is that trite aphorism. What is that. Ahhhhhhhhhhh. Are you not aware of how lame and indecisive this whole paragraph sounds? Why are you saying what you believe instead of being confident in your arguments and saying "My organization of thought provides a foundation..". Have you not argued for it elsewhere? Then don't say it. People don't care about your grandiose expectations, you are not an established authority, MAKE A CASE.

>I place humanity as the creators of our own existence and with this it may seem that any concept of a God has been discarded. My philosophy does not discard a God, but rather enhances the possibility of there being higher powers. If there are higher powers, I believe these higher powers may have helped create us, but do not have sway over our actions and lives like any conventional God. Free will, and free creation exist. I believe these higher powers must be beings that wonder just as we do. These beings may exist under the same pretenses as our duality of human nature. The higher powers may have helped create us in order for us to exist under these identical pretenses. Regardless of anything, humanity must always consider the possibility of powers beyond our understanding, just as we consider and know that there is knowledge beyond our understanding.
You're doing it again. Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh.

Your prose is full of faux pas. You are redundant. Then you repeat what you just said. Then you package folk psychology and truisms in scientific formulae. This is extremely painful. You must change everything. Stop talking about your feelsies and beliefs. Why do you always talk about what you believe in? Argue for it or don't say it. Lay off the nietzschean buzzwords. Read more. READ MORE. Get into psychology. Start with the Greeks. Work on your self esteem. Stay safe.

Love you.

>> No.9772062

No offense dude but this is stuff undergrads drink a six pack and come up with. You just wrote it down. Nietzsche did it better and you have to stop shilling it. I also think as much as you imply that you have some objectivity, the answer you put forth about powerless rage or whatever isn't even accurate. I think that objectivity and capital T truth are great, but I think your book might just be a pol meme or r9k.

>> No.9772070

As much as he argues for objectivity and Truth his indecisiveness seems to contradict it. He doesn't stake a claim, instead its like he is figuring it out as he goes.

>> No.9772078

>be me, with freewill and a free creation and a deistic higher power but hands off not all knowing
>be me, arbitrarily restricted to biological constraints and cannot age

>> No.9772176

>we are not all knowing, and we experience the
>knowing, and
>, and

Why though?

>> No.9772324

None of you pathetic faggots understand what is going on here. This is really sad. I feel bad for all of you losers.

>> No.9772331

Life is meaningless and absurd. We have free will, we are not all powerful, we are not all knowing, and we experience the universe
with a biological framework and consciousness. I have discovered that due to this inherent structure of our perceived existence, we
follow two distinct paths. The duality of human nature is this:

Every single human feeling, thought, or action at any level of experience or awareness can be categorized under two equally valid
but opposite reactions to the absurdity of the universe. Rejection and destruction or acceptance and building.

Simplistic approximations of the duality are:
The path of destruction is hopelessness and the path of building is hope.
The path of destruction is unrestricted individual freedom and the path of building is discipline.
The path of destruction is ignorance and the path of building seeks to understand life.
The path of destruction leads to extinction and the path of building leads to survival.

Neither reaction to our perceived existence is "better" than the other. It is vital to understand that these reactions are
philosophically equal and justified avenues of experience and that these reactions permeate through every moment of our existence.
The reactions can have different magnitudes or effects on our lives and the lives of others, but at their core is the same duality,
unchanging no matter how miniscule or consequential the instance.

These infinitesimal reactions can be viewed on a polar spectrum with complete destruction or building at either end and everything
at a certain level of one or the other between, but they can also be viewed as two distinct paths when viewed over a longer period
of time. Changing paths from building to destruction can be done in an instant with a powerful thought or action, but leaving the
path of destruction for the path of building takes much longer, requires tremendous effort, and the path of building must always be
upheld and maintained. The path of destruction can simply end in you killing yourself, while the path of building means living a
deep life of creation, searching and experiencing what life has to offer. Remember that even if you are on the path of destruction, it is always possible to fight out of it and get on the path of building, although the deeper you are in destruction, the harder it is to get out of.

You can accept the meaninglessness of life and go down either path. You can be at the highest philosophical understanding of the universe and go down either path. It is impossible to articulate perfectly why someone should choose to accept life rather than
reject it, but I will attempt to explain my personal decision. Always remember that the power of choice always rests on you. In
order to determine if you want to go on the path of destruction or building, you have to first ask yourself if life is worth living. Destructive thinking, which is not the only option, may cloud one's judgment on the worth of life though.

>> No.9772337

Life is completely meaningless and free will allows for people to act on the meaninglessness in different ways, all
funneling categorically into the duality: Destruction or Building. The path of building builds the collective conscious and
everything necessary to support it to enjoy life and discover Truth, while the path of destruction tears everything down. It is not
Wrong for people to decide consciously or unconsciously to ruin what others have built because at the core of why people build,
there is no absolute Reason to build in the first place. An absence of absolute Reason does not make destruction automatically
Right or building automatically futile.

In the duality something that is wrong is actually something that is destructive. Something that is right is something that builds
on top of our meaningless existence for a life worth living and strengthens people against destructiveness.

Fundamental individual destructive tendencies given our free will in a meaningless existence are a lack of self-control, cowardice,
a lack of wonder, and a lack of sense of humor. Without courage, self-control, wonder and/or humor the individual and society
disintegrates. A lack of those four things leads people to wrath, depression, madness, hedonism, and ignorance. These five major
ways that destructiveness occurs greatly diminish the quality of someone's life and eventually lead to the cessation of life for
the individual and humanity.

All of these reactions influence the collective conscious, which shapes the existence of the individual and humanity.

Individuals create the collective conscious and are created by the collective conscious.
Individuals influence the collective conscious and are influenced by the collective conscious.

Society is an entity that binds and directs individuals according to the perceived collective conscious. It is intertwined with the
individual and can create destructiveness in the individual.

Individuals create society and are created by society.
Individuals influence society and are influenced by society.

A fundamental way society creates destructiveness in the individual is the creation of powerlessness along with, or due to
encouraging the destructive behavior above. Society can destroy individuals by pushing wrath, depression, hedonism, madness, and
ignorance onto them, and in turn the collective society is destroyed itself. Everything is connected. An individual may have been
courageous and in control and possess humor and wonder if not for the outside force of society pushing the person to be
destructive. But remember, an individual may and should always strive to be on the path of building despite all of the wrongness
surrounding oneself if the individual chooses life.

Ways of Self and Societal Destruction:

1. Lack of Self-control
2. Lack of Courage
3. Lack of Wonder
4. Lack of Humor

These four things lead the individual to five destructive tendencies:


>> No.9772429

>None of you pathetic faggots understand what is going on here. This is really sad. I feel bad for all of you losers.
What u mean?

>> No.9773026

Lol is this the author himself? Someone screencap and put it on his Amazon review

>> No.9773070

Undoubtedly the worst book I've ever read. Gave up after 10 pages.

>> No.9773330



>> No.9773337

So many cucks in this thread.

>> No.9773406

You are just like your prose. Completely unaware and badly in need of some thoughtful reflection. Self-control, courage, wonder, humor... you have exhibited none of these qualities.

>> No.9773432

Section 4: A World Completely Off the Mark

Society, the great pillar that humanity needs to be true and strong in order to be on the path of building, is currently
ruinous, and a ruinous society puts humanity on the path of destruction. The collective conscious of humanity is wrong and this
manifests into a society that is totally awry. Humanity must unite as one collective force in order to actualize our potential. We
cannot be fragmented because a fragmented foundation will collapse.

There exist people in our society who seek to understand the world and fight for humanity to become actualized to its potential,
whether they are conscious of their nature or not. A person does not need to be consciously aware of specific things like "the
duality of human nature" or anything that I have said in this book in order to be a builder. Yet all of the efforts that builders
make in strengthening society mean nothing if the destructiveness of the masses washes away their contributions and drags humanity
into the pit and path of destruction. The root of all destructiveness is ignorance and this is what our ruinous society is built on.

Overwhelming destructiveness negates building, and an overwhelmingly destructive society seeps into those that build. People
who desire to build society up may consciously or subconsciously be aware of the decadence of its current state and may lose hope.
Even though it is the individual who chooses to be destructive, society may push and drive the individual into destructiveness.

The destructiveness of society may be so strong and entrenched that some people may venture deeper into destructiveness and desire
to push for the destruction of society in order to end their suffering and take society out with them in a complete loss of hope for
all of humanity.

>> No.9773435

Some people may believe that contributing to the complete destruction of society may end its reign quicker and a new society can be
built on top of its ashes. The wild destruction of areas of society or all of society may seem to be the right thing to do, but this
only sets humanity back. You can rebuild a society at any time; it does not take total collapse to do so. Total collapse brings
unnecessary suffering and waste. With total collapse you only drag humanity into total despair, and this is difficult to recover
from. Driving humanity into the deepest depths of destructiveness only makes it harder to rebuild. You can reconstruct a society at
any time and you can salvage all that is strong and beneficial while discarding all destructiveness. Deconstruction and
reconstruction in certain areas is far greater than the complete annihilation and rebuilding of society from scratch. Builders must
be firm in their ways and united in a collective force. Nothing will get accomplished, both in complete destruction or complete
building, if builders are fighting at the same time for the annihilation and salvaging of society. Those that desire annihilation
and then rebuilding are no longer on the path of building.

If society is to be strong, I call for every human being to rise from the slumber of complacency and ignorance and elevate humanity
to its potential until the end of human existence. If life is worth it for us, it shall be worth it for our descendants. If the
choice is made for humanity to continue, we shall exist for all of eternity. The collective conscious will remain in existence and
with it all of the lives of every human being that has ever existed intertwined with the future and destiny of our species.

People must take action. People must organize. Indifference shall no longer exist. The builders of our time shall no longer be
silenced and neglected. I have created this foundation for others to take the torch of truth into the future. I call for truth-
seekers to rise and carry this torch.

I call for the controlled deconstruction of many aspects of society, and a reconstruction of these areas in the way of building.

Society must be made strong and true in these areas for the actualization of our species.

>> No.9773481
File: 159 KB, 1057x885, 2017-07-18 13.48.32.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Look at these unmusical, uninspired shapes. So needlessly repetitive. It's nauseating.

>> No.9773520

This is rubbish Sean.


An economic system that aligns with and harnesses the core nature of human existence and rejects destructiveness is needed for
humanity to be on the path of building.

This system would recognize the need for each individual to obtain power and would harness the individual will to obtain power, but
it would involve rejecting excessiveness in extortion and hoarding. To combat excessive power seeking through hoarding, people in
power must allow for the offloading of power in money and ownership to others that deserve it, along with consumers rejecting
businesses run by excessive power-seekers. Power cannot be offloaded to those who do not deserve the power though. These are people
who will relinquish all responsibility from themselves and will not work hard or work at all.

All of this achieves a balance in the power spectrum, the key to building.

The economic system I have created that strives for complete building is called Conscious Capitalism. It is beyond capitalism, and
it is beyond any economic system ever devised in the history of mankind. It is beyond any system because it supersedes rigid
structure and is based in personal choice, cooperation and nuance. This economic system is individualism and collectivism
intertwined in their strongest forms."

So you are the best philosopher and economist? No chance.

>> No.9773773

Let me write a blurb on the back.


>> No.9773821

read Aristotle's rhetoric you fucking pseud

>> No.9773831

sounds like you're 18 and you just read a phil book for the first time

>> No.9773849
File: 113 KB, 582x688, 1480881869906.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you have some serious narcissism problems. sage

>> No.9773863

you can't write about sex if you've never even had it

>> No.9773888

More like Sean POOnan

>> No.9773986

This has piqued my interest. Who has influenced you besides Nietzsche? I am getting some Ted Kazcynski vibes from all the posts (which is a good thing, I am a major fan of his manifesto).

>> No.9774283

I knew there must be one sane person here. I am a big fan of Kazcynski's manifesto as well, and I believe my book is similar but is more all-encompassing.

Beyond Good and Evil by Friedrich Nietzsche
Meditations by Marcus Aurelius
The Way of the Samurai by Yukio Mishima
Industrial Society and Its Future by Ted Kaczynski
On Suicide by Emile Durkheim
The Unsettling of America by Wendell Berry
The Art of the Commonplace by Wendell Berry
Small is Beautiful by E. F. Schumacher
Walden by Henry David Thoreau
The Complete Short Stories of Ernest Hemingway
Jack London
HP Lovecraft
HG Wells
All Quiet on the Western Front by Erich Maria Remarque

>> No.9774289
File: 42 KB, 452x604, sean goonan.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is this you?

>> No.9774303

Is this a meme?

>> No.9774378


Hey Sean, really enjoyed the whole book, which is why I can't really say any particular section is my favorite; as they're all really quite important given today's stifling emotional and intellectual climate. The ideas presented are crucial to "freeing" young minds raised in the manipulative school and socio-cultural system.

Do you plan on taking your ideas to, for example, established Youtube "stars", or local college campuses to spread them further? It would be excellent if this book, and the ideas therein, were to reach a larger audience. Unfortunately, many people would only be exposed to them through a more plebeian format such as the two I listed. Any interest in doing so?

>> No.9774451

I really appreciate it.

I do not know how to get the book out to any audience, because I can't think of any particular people in any particular area of society who would be interested and ready for it. I am definitely looking now to start actively pushing the book, something that I have not done yet in the past 8 months since the initial publication. Why haven't I tried pushing it yet? - I think it would fall on completely deaf ears.

Please contact me, I'd love to hear your ideas.

>> No.9774472


my fave response. You got cucked into publishing your diary. Your lack of substantial response demonstrates your own fragile masculinity. You can't take criticism. You are weak.

>> No.9774521

>Wrath is destruction and destruction is power.
>Wrath is extreme power and extreme power is destruction."

What the fuck, are you shitting me?

>> No.9774527

Jesus Christ return to reddit you unsufferable faggot

>> No.9774540


You would be surprised at how many people, especially young adults and disenfranchised middle-aged folks, have been silently waiting for a collection of ideas like this. Quite a few people view "getting into" philosophy as a deep, daunting task; so a relatively short, concise, to-the-point book is exactly what is needed to ignite their personal fire of rejecting the falsehoods of modern society and learning.

Many individuals subconsciously know these ideas to be naturally self-evident, but have never been able to accurately put them into thoughts or words. I believe if you simply started pushing for interviews (for a groundwork example), your ideas will be wholeheartedly recognized by those who unknowingly anticipate them, and you will eventually be invited to speak publicly to spread them further, among many other opportunities. Obviously, popularizing any groundbreaking philosophy cannot be an overnight thing; there will have to be a "build up" of interest and momentum, which can indeed snowball into a full-blown movement. Having a fresh, new perspective would attract quite a few young people as well.

Do you have an email you can be contacted at?

>> No.9774627


>relatively short, concise, to-the-point book is exactly what is needed to ignite their personal fire of rejecting the falsehoods of modern society and learning

That is exactly what I was going for.

>> No.9774687

Loony bin samefag

>> No.9774869
File: 315 KB, 1000x1100, 1290674710169.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Your mind is in the right place but your delivery isnt. A book alone will only ever reach academic types who generally are fairly impotent and isolated.

What you need is to further condense it and present it in a way that regular people can easily commit to reading or learning about.

Some examples -

A pamphlet - (there is a reason why censors in old Europe payed most attention to them whilst letting books slide) look to the popularity of the 30 page communist manifesto.

Infographics - pic related

Youtube videos- here is an example of a style that could work -


And yes all of this will take time and money to do right but thats the price of getting your ideas out there.

>> No.9774888

I've thought about writing a pamphlet for a while now. I think I'm going to go for it. Kind of hard to condense an already simplified and condensed 123 pages, but I'll do it. Thanks for the advice man.