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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 25 KB, 259x384, Child_of_God_poster.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
9767200 No.9767200 [Reply] [Original]

James Franco is a piece of shit.

>> No.9767203

Go to bed, James.

>> No.9767217


>> No.9767238


>> No.9767257

Best laugh since that blind anon poster!

>> No.9767273

How do you know OP's name is James?

>> No.9767307

Are you fucking dumb?
He's saying the original poster of this thread is JAMES FRANCO, i.e he is shilling for his own film.

>> No.9767526

Good post.

>> No.9767551

Has James Franco said he comes to /lit/?

>> No.9767555

He probably went to /soc/ after Shia LeBoeuf linked him to /pol/.

>> No.9767557


>> No.9767573


>> No.9767584
File: 16 KB, 337x253, heres-why-rupert-murdochs-tablet-newspaper-can-be-a-huge-hit[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

he has the film rights to blood meridian


>> No.9767590


>> No.9767612


>> No.9767718

Damn he's going to get lots of money for that one day.

>> No.9767866
File: 51 KB, 454x512, Judge.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you should check out the test footage

>> No.9767880

How does a man read a Cormac Mcarthy book, one who has inherited both the Melvillian and Faulknerian tradition --both authors known for the strength of their long and unwavering sentences that paint huge, beautiful pictures -- and decide "oh, I should use shaky cam and quick little two second shots jumping all over the place"?

Blood meridian should be at least an 8 hour long epic made of like 2 shot at most, just to let us drink it all in. The opening sequence of "The Revenant", where the Indians attack the camp in a single tale has given me confidence that this can be done -- in a better world Innaritu has rights to the film.

>> No.9767901

in a better world Bela Tarr comes out of retirement and decides to move to america and make existential and philosophical western films

>> No.9767938


> Tom Hardy
> Daniel Day Lewis
> Russell Crowe
> they could've been The Judge

Tom Hardy is the only one there seriously worth considering for that role

>> No.9767965
File: 42 KB, 650x433, 234789.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9767974

Got a link to it, fellows? All I can find are book reviews and people making short films inspired by Blood Meridian in their backyard.

>> No.9768008

I can't find it anymore. It used to be on Vimeo iirc. He must have deleted it, kek.

>> No.9768061
