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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 3.18 MB, 1998x892, pls.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
9766406 No.9766406 [Reply] [Original]

r8 the pol hol

>> No.9766408

I don't understand the point of just reading to re affirm your bias but not reading opposing viewpoints. You will never convince anyone by doing this

>> No.9766410

Id read most of them, except for mein kampf which is crap

>> No.9766411

everyone else is wrong. Molyneux told me so

>> No.9766414

10/10. I'm proud of you, boy. Cicero? Great choice. Great, great choice. Love you. I'm being sincere; I know it may seem like I'm being sarcastic, but no, this is sincerity. Good job getting Aristotle's Ethics too.

>> No.9766415


>The Niggemachean Ethics
>The Nigublic and The Nigs
>The Nig of History
>For My Nigionaries
>Against Niggers and Equality
>Mein Nigger
>Revolt Against the Modern Nigger
>Niggers Among the Ruins
>The Decline of the Nigger
>On the Nigs and their Lies
>Nigger Christianity

>> No.9766420


>> No.9766426

You think everyone has a 100%, solid understanding of the philosophy or politics they like? You're judging someone based on just a selection of his purchases. How do you even know these are books that are his viewpoint? Your logic doesn't follow.

>> No.9766435 [SPOILER] 
File: 3.46 MB, 2048x1536, 1500262923174.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

trigger warning for /lit/

>> No.9766440

A lot of people on /pol/ tend to post libraries like these in their reading threads. There are too many people who post almost the exact same assortment of books for it not to be a real trend. I assumed that this guy was doing this, yes. Obviously we don't know. Most likely he just found this photo on /pol/ and shared it here as bait

>> No.9766459

Not familiar with #1, #2-5 are pretty good, 6 and 7 ok but nothing special, 8-13 meaningless dogshit, #14 good.

>> No.9766490

I mean you got a few OWC so you're not complete shit

>> No.9766507

>console gamer

>> No.9766559
File: 1.22 MB, 2446x2679, IMG_0835.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

From what I've read so far Lolita>Been down so long>Dorian Gray
Im about half way done with origins of totalitarianism and it's incredibly fascinating.

>> No.9766740

Holy fucking shit the cringe

>> No.9766844

>TFW /pol/ is more patrician than /lit/.

>> No.9766846

Martin Luther was a Jew-hating degenerate and piece of shit. Straight up I'm starting to hate Christianity almost at the same rate as Islam. Fuck you all! You deserve what's happening to you in the middle east, stupid fuckers!

>> No.9766853


Tell me about it. Look at all that wrasslin' vidya.

Credibility shot to hell alone with that garbage.

>> No.9767110
File: 404 KB, 2048x1536, 1489033730999.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Haul, with these books I can tear down any leftist argument with simple and overwhelming logic.

Rate me.

>> No.9767115

Wow you're so fucking edgy I'm actually gonna cum

>> No.9767121
File: 1.01 MB, 350x262, 1305920845397.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm imagining the face the girl in the checkout line gave you and it's making me laugh much harder than I anticipated.

>> No.9767122

so whats your take on "the jews and there lies"?

>> No.9767123

dorian gray can suck dees nuts

>> No.9767127

Arrendt is great though, my thesis advisor was a huge fan and turned me on to her. You should check out her other stuff, equally as insightful. I'm glad she's getting more exposure than just Eichmann in Jerusalem now, even if it is obviously just due to the baseless "muh trump" buzz.

>> No.9767132
File: 81 KB, 550x413, 1453852076271.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>buying books from a physical bookstore
what sort of a normie are you?

>> No.9767135
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>> No.9767136
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>> No.9767143
File: 61 KB, 500x640, y.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9767161

CS Lewis would probably think you misguided for lumping him in with half of these fellows. You realize that actual, earnest, whole-hearted Christianity is incompatible with rage, right?

>> No.9767166

But my mom is christian and she is always mad at something.

>> No.9767189

It's not rage it's love for your volk :^)

>> No.9767213

decent/essential stuff mixed in with pseud shit like >yockey, LE SHOCK OF SHITORY, mein gu,pf and muh codreanu

>> No.9767220

christianity is a universal religion

>> No.9767525

> WWE pleb
> Xbox 360 pleb
> reads alt-right trump-core

Seems about right.

>> No.9767528
File: 71 KB, 240x312, plz no.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>halo literature

>> No.9767534

Lord of the flies is fucking awful. Literally read it yesterday.

>> No.9767537

Mein Kampf is boring. Also no gorilla mindset?

>> No.9767548


>> No.9767559

trigger warning for anyone on the entire site

>> No.9767720

You might be surprised

>> No.9767728

>Muslims are bad because the don't like gays and Jews teir


>> No.9767739

Probably bought all these just for bait/ 10
screencap stolen from /v/ or r/the_Donald/ 10

>> No.9767741

shit good shit good good shit good
shit shit shit shit good shit good

>> No.9767747

yockey is hilariously bad. demented ramblings in spenglerese with random Words capitalized

>> No.9767762

Thinking of getting in to Codreanu as well.

>> No.9767765
File: 22 KB, 512x512, 1448720573446.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

kerry bolton is a satanist who used to associate with michael aquino

why would he write the introduction to a book by a "christian" fascist?

>> No.9767768

But do you think that is any different with, say, anarchists, communists, atheists and primitivists? They tend to all read the same goddamn books

I bet the new environmentalist books I've read are a similar thing when I look at amazon or goodreads "who read this also liked"

>> No.9767964

>ain't no sandnigger gonna be killing our faggots

>> No.9767970

>3(three) copies of gorilla mindset
what the fug

>> No.9767983

can you please stop posting my bookshelf. thanks

>> No.9768136

I bought that same copy of the republic and it's fucking illegible. Best translation for sure (simpler and more straightforward than Allan Bloom's, uses more modern language as well since it was translated around 1995 iirc) but the print is so goddamn small.

>> No.9768252

>all those softbacks.

A lot of good selections there but for God's sake, buy hardbacks.

>> No.9768265

And many of these people will get extremely angry at you just for disagreeing with them. I was telling OP that he could do better at convincing and having conversations if he read opposing viewpoints that challenged his own views. Who knows though, maybe him and all the others who do this just wish to stay among like minded people and kill anyone who is not like minded

>> No.9768275


>> No.9768278

Who was your thesis adviser and what did you write your thesis on?

>> No.9768285

Equality is a false god and incompatible with Christianity

>> No.9768289

Y'all ain't fuckin doxxin me son

>> No.9768781

>indoctrinated for your entire life into some combination of neo-liberalism and marxism
>if you so much as LOOK at a 'right-wing' text you're only confirming your biases and obviously a brainlet
kill yourself


>> No.9768904

LOL, typical STEMfags
>an incredibly small testing group proved this is true for everyone

>> No.9768913
File: 276 KB, 971x977, 2543241-martin_luther.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

People actually read this tripe? The open internet was a mistake. Curate this noxious filth from the net immediately before it pollutes anymore minds.

>> No.9768929
File: 41 KB, 550x512, 1498918868219.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Holy shit
>All that Halo stuff
What in the fuck am I looking at

>> No.9768936

>Vox Day
Fuck the Rabid Puppies for turning the Hugos into a shitshow.

>> No.9768951

the weblink i posted is a page-long direct quotation. i knew the study existed so i googled it and pulled the first result. youre obviously not interested in learning anything otherwise you would have thought of that; either that or youre simply too stupid to learn. This is why universal basic education was a mistake: some people are simply meant to listen and do as they're told- it's for their own benefit.

its practically impossible to be more of a humanitiesfag than I am. Incidentally, I probably have a better grasp of left-wing political thought than you do.

>> No.9769180

> I probably have a better grasp of left-wing political thought than you do.
You definitely do because I have no knowledge of "left-wing" political thought. I'm a conservative

>> No.9769528

>he only reads books that confirm his already existing political opnions wich were formed on an anime shitpost board
srsly nice echo chamber my dear

>> No.9769543
File: 42 KB, 399x322, 1483485925736.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>No bible
>Martin Luther
If you want anti-jewish just read the new testament, you goober.

>> No.9769602

>The open internet was a mistake
you don't really believe that anon

>> No.9769930

I'm a NatSoc, but also a poorfag, and it's really hard to find good material. I've gotten Marx and Ayn Rand at used bookstores, but I would break down in tears of joy if I ever came across Evola. There's just a major dearth of far-right/third position literature out there, and it makes sense that people interested in that would collect all the books they could get their hands on. Liberals and Marxists should be more grateful for the fact that you can walk into Barnes and Nobel, and find multiple copies of Capital and even Ortega y Gasset. Amazon is pretty much the only way to get /pol-tier books, and it costs a lot more to buy it that way; in comparison to spending $3 on a used copy of The Road to Serfdom.

It's a strange feeling to know more about Libertarianism and Marxism than about your own beliefs.

>> No.9770284

Check out this /pol/ack's haul.


>> No.9770309

m8 if you walked in to the shop and bought Mein Kampf you'd get fucking weird looks. No wonder

>> No.9770333

Half racist bullshit, half classical works. If you ever read them you'll see the harsh disconnect between the two groups.

>> No.9770378


What a waste of fucking time.

>> No.9770386
File: 142 KB, 400x372, 1432166114779.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Too. . .much. . .redpill. . .system. . .overload. . .failsafe initiated. . .

>> No.9770397
File: 30 KB, 324x499, 41jw1Qg4KpL._SX322_BO1,204,203,200_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

idk man the Joe Sachs translation is pretty based

>> No.9770418

Fake and gay - guy doesn't have Crippled America

>> No.9770425

you should be ashamed, but at least you are a meme

>> No.9770432

One of these days, if I have the time and money I'm buying three full sets of bookshelves and filling them with Dummies books just to make you go apeshit

>> No.9770439

troled :)

>> No.9770448

>Amazon is pretty much the only way to get /pol-tier books, and it costs a lot more to buy it that way
Do you live in bizarro world? Buying new books on Amazon is MUCH cheaper than buying them at Barnes & Nobel. I'm looking at Julius Evola's books on Amazon right now, and each and every one in new condition is priced below $20 (before shipping).

This, but it's an extreme example. You will get awkward stares just for holding any right wing literature in your hands, especially if you live in a liberal city. Brick and mortar stores will hardly keep any in stock because, conservatives, their target demographic, would be too scared to hold and be judged by other people waiting in the checkout line.

>> No.9770874
File: 1.14 MB, 3264x2448, dusty old books.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Found some nice old books for $4 total at my thrift shop.

The Shakespeare was published in 1930, it has the look and feel common to a Bible, thin paper with red edging.

The History Book was published in Kansas in 1936, so it ends right before the start of WW2. This book contains true history before the kikes got their grubby jew hands on everything and started re-writing it.

>> No.9770882
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Inside cover of the Shaky Sphere

>> No.9770891
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Another pic of Willem Shaky Sphere book

>> No.9771204

The uncensored picture of dorian gray? is that a porn parody or something?

>> No.9771283

Why pay more for hardbacks unless you're collecting?

>> No.9771291

Personal libraries should be hardbacks only. Paperbacks are throw away.

>> No.9771293

>btfoing yourself
for what purpose?

>> No.9771298

Why not both? :^)

>> No.9771555

are you me, OP, or have you raided my bookshelf while I was away?

Prove him wrong.

>> No.9771573

must be a canadian

>> No.9771609

>Don't know how statistics work
Tipical ignorant

>> No.9772196

Maybe one should first understand one's own opinions before venturing into the territory of opinions one disagrees with. That seems quite logical to me.

>> No.9772233

>reads Nouvelle Droite authors
>claims to be a Christian
Nouvelle Droite thinkers are neopagan esotericists who reject Christianity as universalist. Go on and read Venner. You'll be surprised.

>> No.9772239

>I'm a NatSoc, but also a poorfag

>> No.9772280

>read Venner
What was it Jean-Marie said of him again?
"Calls for battle, then kickstarts it off by shooting himself in the head. Good one, Dom."

>> No.9773593

My family usually gets me gift cards to B&N, so that's why I brought them up. But most of my books I have to get used from cheap book stores. Buying one Evola book doesn't seem like much, but to get the full schebang and have Evola + Guenon, it'd cost at least $100. That's only if you're really stingey.

What's the joke?

>> No.9773641

Maybe he's a Marxist reading opposing viewpoints you stupid faggot.

>> No.9773657

Is Codreanus book any good?

>> No.9773665

They did have legitimate complaints, though. Strawmanning some autists doesn't excuse institutions being warped into anti-meritocratic idpol worship.

>> No.9774836

Good books.

>> No.9776176

>not On the Jews and Their Niggers

>> No.9776885

4/100: Boring as fuck

>> No.9777378

Add "Two Hundred years Together" by Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn to the list.
Nobel prize winning book censored all around the world.

>> No.9777473

redpill level 1000/WOKE

>> No.9777588
File: 3.86 MB, 5312x2728, 20170719_112208.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here's what came in recently. I haven't done a post in a while, there's a few things that came before this that. But I figure I'll just do these.

The Folio Society Sound And The Fury is great, in that it has colored text that indicates different time frames in the book, which is apparently how Faulkner intended it, as he outright states himself in a quote. So I'm pretty excited about that.

The quality of these Folio books is impressive. The buckram covers feel very sturdy, and the pages are very thick. The only one I'm not happy with is the older 1980s folio society to the lighthouse (at least, I think it's 80s). I should have gone for the easton press to the lighthouse, that one seems much nicer. Other than that, everything is great.

Easton Press is amazing. It really comes down to whether or not there's a really good looking folio vs EP. Sometimes Easton Press looks better and vice versa. Easton Press feels so high quality, the pages are super thick (perhaps slightly thicker than folio society), and the gold guilt and thick covers with the soft leather just feels amazing to hold and look at.

I also got the new translation of EDEN EDEN EDEN from Vauxhall&Company. This edition is beautiful. It's a very sturdily bound book, with thick cardboard like paper as a dust cover for the paperback. I love it when publishers do this sort of stuff for their paperbacks.

Looking forward to reading all of these. I'm currently reading Lolita, that's been taking me a while. I'll try to get around to reading Dracula come Halloween time. I'll probably be "getting around" to reading the Odyssey and the Iliad for years. I would love nothing more than just to stop time and go into a trance with a big book like the Iliad, but I get anxious about spending half year reading a single book.

>> No.9777604

I'm surprised that bald fool Guyotat hasn't been getting more airtime on /lit/. Right up it's dirty pretentious alley. Possibly only Matzneff makes him look good and that's saying something.

>> No.9777897

The New Testament is Western and Universal ergo colonialism. The Greeks are our Old Testament.

>> No.9777972

To add to my last post. The EDEN EDEN EDEN book has remarkably thick pages. They feel like the sort of paper you'd find in one of the Folio or EP books. It's very rigid, the book needs to bent to be opened. It won't just flip open if you hold it sideways.

So yeah, the quality is impressive. I just wanted to add that note, because I hadn't opened it when I first took that picture.

>> No.9778002

>remarkably thick
>very rigid
>needs to be bent to be opened
>hold it sideways
You've been reading Guyotat all right.

>> No.9778021


>> No.9778080

Seconding this

>> No.9778160

Nice. I strongly recommend Pierre Hadot and Werner Jaeger.

>> No.9778169

old style hardcovers on <100 year old books weirds me out

>> No.9778276

That's because of your communist indoctrination through the post modern education system.

>> No.9778505

woke as fuck bro

>> No.9779254

>that name of the rose
anon please tell me if that's worth it? are there nice illustrations?

>> No.9779274
File: 21 KB, 312x499, kant.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Got this and On Deconstruction by Jonathan Culler.

>> No.9779285

There's no illustrations inside the book, but in my opinion this one is totally worth it. There's some pretty amazing designs on the cover and on the inside of the cover. It's really an enormous, beautiful book, and it's totally worth it if you like the design. The quality of the binding goes without saying, everything about it is top notch.

I love these screen print looking covers that they have on these folio books, I really want to get some of the folios just because of their cover. But I wouldn't do that.

>> No.9779297

Why would you read the meditations and the nicomacian ethics? What do those have to do with larpy traditionalism?

>> No.9779299

idk man i've got a paperback edition of name of the rose which had nice illustrations denoting each day so i think i might hold off on this 40$ book

>> No.9779304

>arete has nothing to do with traditionalism

>> No.9779308

I've heard sucking cock is a great way to cultivate proper arete. Is this accurate

>> No.9779313
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>> No.9779315

patently false, socrates was never known to suck cock

>> No.9779319

The sacred band of Thebes did and they shat arete

>> No.9779324

And? we can't all be gayreeks nor is there arete necessarily appropriate for our disposition

>> No.9779333

Well if we are to be true aristocrats of the soul, then we'd need to start having some nice buttsex. Strictly for the arete, of course

>> No.9779336

There's no indication that homosexuality is necessary for arete

>> No.9779340

We should be vigorous and make sure we cover all potential sources of arete

>> No.9779450

lust is a vice

>> No.9779460

This is glorification of the physical form, not lust

>> No.9779485

Evola is at the very least a head trip, make sure you read more Luther, Plato and Aristotle than just what's there.

>> No.9779487

This post gave me John McCain's brain.
wtf I love the Ukraine now

>> No.9779503

Like everyone else doesn't do it too, including you to an extent. Also, you immediately assume it's re-affirmation instead of continued exploration. Which makes me assume you have no actual point and are simply using it as a an excuse to denounce OP's reading choice, as OP's choice contradicts your choice, that which you perceive to be superior.

>> No.9779512

>implying lust isn't the excessive glorification of the physical form

>> No.9779521

>it's really hard to find good material
There is no good material.

>> No.9779569
File: 30 KB, 532x640, s-l640 (1).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is this book? I want it to be good so I can get this badass edition. Look at that fucking cover with that font on the spine. That's stellar. Metal as fuck.

>> No.9779597

Is this book good*

>> No.9779613

Btw, I was wrong. It does have illustrations.

>> No.9779963

pls post

>> No.9780014

probably because his books are impossible to find

>> No.9780018


Yes, it is book.

>> No.9780021

I have that same edition of the stories of Kafka. I found aphorisms by the same publisher for 19$ but I didn't buy it and now I regret it.

>> No.9780022

It's a folio it's going to be great

>> No.9780041

The Schocken books are all available for purchase from penguin's website. You'll almost certainly be able to find them on amazon.

>> No.9780199

They have some nice designs all right.

>> No.9780677
File: 514 KB, 1400x2157, 91T4YiAew4L.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

About to start with the Hermetic Tradition

>> No.9780687

Protip: supplement that with Burckhardt and Holmyard.

>> No.9780806

>Projecting and/or not understanding wanting to understand something in a deeper level
r*tererd who doesnt read detected.

>> No.9782032
File: 2.22 MB, 4224x2368, IMAG4129.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Currently reading The Gospel According to Jesus Christ.

>> No.9783004


>> No.9783401
File: 53 KB, 600x600, lolita-top-10_1_produs-600x600.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've been interested in getting it for a fuckton of time. Imagine my happiness when I found out that it's actually sold in my city. And imagine my anger when it's available only with the atrocious >pic related cover.
And there's no way of getting it shipped here.

>> No.9783414

>Imagine my happiness when I found out that it's actually sold in my city.
You're surprised that your city bookshop is selling one of the most popular books of the 20th century? Do you live in North Korea?

>> No.9783656
File: 3.24 MB, 4160x3120, 15005963707631323672655.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9783693


7/10 I guess

>> No.9783934

>amazon doesn't ship there
strong doubt

>> No.9783951

Where the fuck do you live

>> No.9784142

>implying that collection isn't full of opposing view points and not an incoherent mess

>> No.9784156
File: 90 KB, 432x768, DE4GSyhVwAA2q6A.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

lmao, 10/10, only needs a based black guy for your wife

>> No.9784165

>with random Words capitalized
It's the Germanic Worldspirit lifted from the Earth Ball and Distilled into the Prose of the Philosophy, ok mom?!

Yockey is actually interesting though, easily the most forward-thinking and intelligent figure of the American far right.

>> No.9784176

>interest in radical revolutionary thinking

>> No.9784188

That's also why he's been the only one translated into French, as it happens.

>> No.9784195

weeb / 10

>> No.9784196
File: 69 KB, 953x730, yikes.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>The Irrational Athiest
>SJWs Always Lie
>Halo books

>> No.9784214
File: 76 KB, 400x500, Yockey-in-Handcuffs.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And now his legacy is to be used in esoteric nazbol shitposts, what a life.

>> No.9784230

Well, no much has changed since Carto jumped on the bandwagon in the 60's or whenever, only the medium. Still, his work is is print, and his name is out there, unlike many others , and that counts for something.

>> No.9785002 [DELETED] 


>> No.9785034 [DELETED] 

I thought since it's so controversial it wouldn't be available but it was actually sold by the biggest library network in Moldova.
^^^ It actually doesn't. (Or am I wrong?)

>> No.9785039

I thought since it's so controversial it wouldn't be available but it was actually being sold in pretty much every library with a site.
^^^ It actually doesn't. (Or am I wrong?)

>> No.9785101

You should get essays on idleness.
It's very readable desu.

>> No.9785705

Fuck me sideways only now I've realized I haven't mentioned where I'm from. It's Moldova. Jesus Christ.

>> No.9785881

Is that you, Varg?

>> No.9786629

Cerno is a Jew

>> No.9786675


Stop liking Japan

>> No.9786943

Give source.

I think this is my fetish.

>> No.9786984
File: 126 KB, 960x1280, be6f4e61-f08e-4114-9c3d-5f891c20f58a.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why are art magazines so filled with advertising? Fuck me. I swear, it's a 200 page mag with almost half of them being ads.

>> No.9787136

you're a meme but nice been down so long and ada or ardor

>> No.9787529

I dont like "Japan", I like Heian literature you fags would have fit right in, it's pretty much /lit/ heaven where patricians make literary reference an laugh at plebs that don't get them.

>> No.9787580

>right/left dichotomy

The only future is communism. Capitalists, Nazis, etc should be shot.