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9766483 No.9766483 [Reply] [Original]

Been reading "Food Of The Gods" alongside Carlos Castaneda's Don Juan books and I really find this stuff fascinating.

Can we have a thread about drug literature?

What are some of your favorites or books you think are must-reads on the subject?

>> No.9766582
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Come on, don't tell you faggots don't find this stuff interesting.

>> No.9766586

What is this book about anyways?

>> No.9766594

Peyote and Mesoamerican philosophy/mysticism basically.

>> No.9766597

Yes but it is, like, an essay-sort-of-book or is there a story? I realize that I could just Google this, I am aware.

>> No.9766603

Dude DMT
Dude Ayahuasca
Dude Psilocybin improves cognition
Dude Psilocybin microdoses improves depression
I used to like Terrance McKenna too

>> No.9766604

>Food Of The Gods
This is the single most morally repulsive book I have ever read.

>> No.9766608

Drugged by Richard Miller is excellent history of all sorts of psychotropic drugs.

Tihkal and Pihkal are must reads as well

>> No.9766609

First book is pretty much written as an Anthropology students investigations into Yaqui Indian ways of obtaining knowledge, I think its more or less nonfiction, its all supposed to be compiled from Carlos' notes he took during his apprenticeship.

I get the feeling that the books that come afterwards are mostly fictitious though.

>> No.9766612

>This is the single most morally repulsive book I have ever read.

Why? Christfag? I find it all very compelling actually.

>> No.9766615

>This is the single most morally repulsive

Shut up, organized religion scum.

>> No.9766690
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Why would God create/allow psychedelic plants to exist if he found their use/effects to be immoral/a sin?

Seriously, why do modern religions/governments have such a hatred for these purely natural things?

Did not God give all the plants/animals for mans benefit?

>> No.9766714

God gave all FRUIT for Man's benefit.

>> No.9766720

Yeah, no. You're wrong.

>> No.9766723

Not a fucking argument. I am so sick of the "dude" retort. You've trigg'd me so hard right now.

>> No.9766727

Straight edge fags are the fucking worst.

>> No.9766737

Pretty much all his "anthropology" has been debunked. You can google it pretty easily even though his cultists try to sponge it off the internet.

>> No.9766746
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This is a good book about "planetary doses" of LSD. Written by the guy who is in jail for allegedly doing just that. I may or may not be family so I may or may not be able to confirm the fantastic anecdotes from within.

>> No.9766763

>implying it doesn't for some people

Get a load of this guy!

>> No.9766766

There's a lot of fruits that have psychedelic substances in them so yeah fuck you kind of.

>> No.9766771
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I'm an old head. Been doing this stuff for the past ten years. Every psychedelic, every research chemical, you name it, I've done it. I won't pretend I'm no worse for wear. But I have certainly gleaned a few insights in the process.

Having been around the block a few times I have grown sick of fakers like Castaneda. I suggest Black Elk Speaks for some real Amerindian philosophy but if you're just into white dudes writing self-help with mild shamanic insights then check out Daniel Pinchbeck, goyim, at least he's honest like Mckenna :^)

>> No.9766773
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>> No.9766774

You don't believe in morals? Personally, I am disgusted that you could escape the psychedelic experience without realizing the value of some form of virtue ethics be their source eastern or western.

>> No.9766783

>>white dudes writing self-help with mild shamanic insights then check out Daniel Pinchbeck, goyim, at least he's honest like Mckenna :^)

Fair enough, I never said I bought Castaneda's story.

I just found it mildly entertaining.

>> No.9766784


>> No.9766787

Morals are a human construct you fucking mental cuck.

>> No.9766796

Wow. I am surprised a psychedelic user would think cuck is a real insult. You did read the Mckenna part where he talks about mushrooms causing giant orgies right? Sounds like man has been cucked for a while.

Morals may be handed down from tradition but ethics is objective. Surely if someone attempted to kill you you would consider it an evil.

>> No.9766803

Eh. Sorry. Didn't mean to come across agressive. I know a kid who swears by the more spiritual lessons he learned in the books but I have also heard from native sources that it should all be taken with a heavy grain of salt.

>> No.9766804

>Surely if someone attempted to kill you you would consider it an evil

According to Christcuckery you're supposed to let them and then forgive them for it.

>> No.9766809

I do in some cases. But I find posting ass on the internet as yourself to be morally more repulsive.

>> No.9766811

>I have also heard from native sources that it should all be taken with a heavy grain of salt

As should any spiritual "insights".

>> No.9766813

As the saying goes, "if you're a buddha in front of someone's path then let them slay you"

>> No.9766818

>ethics is objective


Ethics are a human-invented system derived from empathy.

>> No.9766823
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Morals are a very private affair that should only be discussed at home between two consenting adults.

>> No.9766824

>Seriously, why do modern religions/governments have such a hatred for these purely natural things?

Because they are a powerful threat to social order.

>> No.9766825

All the niggaz in this thread need to go read some Lewis and Chesterton.

>> No.9766827

>Endless conflict. Endless misunderstanding. All life is that. Great and little cannot understand one another. But in every child born of man, Father Redwood, lurks some seed of greatness--waiting for the Food.
>We fight not for ourselves but for growth--growth that goes on for ever. To-morrow, whether we live
or die, growth will conquer through us. That is the law of the spirit for ever more. To grow according to the will of God! To grow out of these cracks and crannies, out of these shadows and darknesses, into greatness and the light! Greater," he said, speaking with slow deliberation, "greater, my Brothers! And then--still greater. To grow, and again--to grow. To grow at last into the fellowship and understanding of God. Growing.... Till the earth is no more than a footstool.
The giants are bigger, stronger, and smarter, so they should be able to act without considering the effects of their actions on the little people, and if there is conflict it should be the giants who win over the little people. It's their right to do so because they are superior beings. It's the same sort of survival-of-the-fittest-based morality that is used to justify the abuses inflicted by the strong on the weak.
Then there is the communistic desire to impose the ideals of the giants (bigness) on all the world, by force if need be.
>"We will scatter the Food; we will saturate the world with the Food"
And also its blatant display of the hubris of futurism. Progress (growth) is held as the ultimate good and should be pursued no matter what, feasibility and consequences be damned.
If the Food were spread out to all the world, as the giants say they want, the world would become so overpopulated that mass starvation and a brutal struggle for survival would ensue worldwide. Everything would grow except the most basic resources needed for life: sunlight, water, and space. But hey, who cares about that, right? Bigger=better, so it'll all work out in the end.

>> No.9766829

any other thug niggaz here?
you guys like ja rule?

>> No.9766831

Ethics are a tool for achieving a good life (which should be divorced as a concept in your mind from mere pleasure or happiness). Whether you are platonist or stoic or aristotelian or yogi or buddhist you find the same lessons repeated. There is a way as Parmenides might say. A way toward truth and goodness and beauty.

But y'all are children and probably wouldn't understand. You probably think like the young Rimbaud, "one evening I sat beauty upon my lap... and I found her bitter and I reviled her"

>> No.9766833


Learn to summarize if you ever want to be taken seriously.

>> No.9766837
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>Ethics are a tool for achieving a good life

I've seen plenty of codes of ethics that engender misery as ethical.

>> No.9766842

If there are an infinite array of ethical system then there is an objectively correct ethical system. Which means you can narrow the infinite ethical systems down to two categories: the correct one and all the others.

>> No.9766855

>If there are an infinite array of ethical system then there is an objectively correct ethical system

what strange new logic is this

>> No.9766866

Its called bullshit.

>> No.9766867
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If the set of all answers to a question doesn't contain the correct answer then it cannot be the set of all answers because we can conceive of at least one answer it does not hold. If you do not believe the question of ethics can be answered then get off the board, listen to peterson and clean your room, ya filthy pomo.

>> No.9766887
File: 9 KB, 400x259, pjt-slavoj_zizek-2_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>If there are an infinite array of ethical system then there is an objectively correct ethical system

>We just need to believe harder

>> No.9766892


>Can God create a hot dog so big not even He can eat it?

So what's the correct answer to that? We just haven't conceived of it yet?

>> No.9766908

Various books by Wade Davis, especially as "One River" and "The Serpent and the Rainbow" (which was turned into a ridiculous horror movie by Wes Craven).

Also Davis's teacher, Richard Evan Schultes, who helped write "Plants of the Gods" (Albert Hoffman was one of the co-authors) and conducted several pioneering studies in ethnobotany on doin' drugs around the world.

The Schultes stuff is a bit more of a catalog/reference book whereas the Davis stuff is more of a travelogue focused on storytelling and personal growth through tripping balls about the globe.

I think in one of his books Davis tells a story about how Schultes used to give out peyote buttons to his undergrads as part of an "extra credit" assignment.

>> No.9766910

Faith is the key to all mysteries.
The theological sophistries in critique of defense of the Omnigod are hardly relevant to a prechristian thinker such as myself.

>> No.9766914


Ok so you practice ethical sophistries instead of theological ones, big whoop
Your stupid.
The content of the question wasn't the issue the logical structure of it was because in your previous post you apparently were not aware that the possibility of an answer to a question is largely dependent on the formulation of the question.

>> No.9766918
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>a prechristian thinker such as myself
I love this place

>> No.9766922
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4 years ago I attended a research conference on psychedelics with some female friends from my school and when I was there walking around with them I saw Pinchbeck and at one point I noticed him sort of glowering at me like he was jealous or didn't like that I evidently knew them. It was weird, he was like one of the last people I would have thought would be like that.

>> No.9766927

Well, there's really only two answers to your question assuming it's not incoherent so one has to be correct. it's really only problematic if you wish to retain god's omnipotence.

>> No.9766934
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I like these ones too. Not just psychedelics but all kinds of power plants.

>> No.9766980

>why would God allow other humans to kill each other if it was a sin
Really weak on the thinking there, brainlet

>> No.9766991

>Why would God create/allow psychedelic plants to exist if he found their use/effects to be immoral/a sin?

dude, this is the same god that damned all of humanity to death because some chick ate an apple, sounds exactly like something he'd do t b h

>> No.9766995

>planetary doses

oh thank god someone who's not scared to take a ton of acid, sick of all these microdose fags, do u know how much acid ppl used to take in the 60s compared to now? if someone says they are only going to take one hit i get fucking insulted to be honest, u want to trip with me and that's all ur taking? that's like saying we're gonna go out drinking all night and you're having 3 beers, like hell you are

>> No.9767039

Tbh i see that as consumerism taking over the drug culture, a trip is replaced by a few fractals and duuuuudeeeee im floating
Its probably an attempt to minimize all the horrors of a trip and to keep it a fun "mind expanding" influence which is just a fucking drug echo chamber
As for the microdosers id honestly punch somebody if they told me they were doing it i cant fucking stand the fags that are searching for THE nootropic or THE microdose combo that will save them from being useless sacks of shit

>> No.9767103

Why would you object to someone trying to improve themselves? Are you insecure about being a useless sack of shit yourself, or are you insecure that someone who isn't already a sack of shit could outperform you?

>> No.9767109

Define "improve"

>> No.9767142

Generally people who are into nootropics are cognitive optimizers, so improving as in optimizing your mental states to suit internal/external preferences and demands.

>> No.9767151

>to suit internal/external preferences and demands
So how can you call it "improvement" if it does not objectively improve anything?

Drugs are a tool, not a solution.

>> No.9767156

>drugs are a tool, not a solution.
And using a hammer rather than a saw to get a nail in would be an improvement, yes?

>> No.9767158

Not a micro-hammer

>> No.9767170

You can objectively quantify what you define as improvement. This can be done with recorded trial and error and meditation. Mushrooms can aid in this also.

>> No.9767177

The question is just nonsense, and nonsense doesn't even apply to God.

>> No.9767178

How can it be objective if it is a personal measurement?
Also, how can there be "error" in meditation? If you meditate incorrectly, you are not meditating at all.

>> No.9767180

>I don't like this question so I will ignore it
wew lad, that was a close one. I almost questioned myself and my beliefs!

>> No.9767181

Read some C. S. Lewis, fucking mongoloid.

>> No.9767186

Maybe you should if you didn't understand it enough to make a point.

>> No.9767187

>getting microcucked by a cisgendered ideologue

>> No.9767190

Well if your definition is insufficient for establishing objectivity then maybe your definition is weak.

Meditation isn't part of the trial and error, try a substance and later meditate on whether it served a positive purpose.

>> No.9767191

>Getting lost in the metaphor.
So this is the power of planetary doses.

>> No.9767193

No, you just made a terrible metaphor

>> No.9767201
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Let me try to get this past your fried brain-barrier.

>>9767039 implied that drugs can't offer self improvement.

Continuing this line of thought, >>9767151 said they were not a solution, but could be a tool.

Now I am saying that finding a MORE APPROPRIATE TOOL (i.e., better drug and dose for the right context) would be an IMPROVEMENT.

>> No.9767210

> >>9767039 implied that drugs can't offer self improvement.
That is incorrect. The point he was making is that people are looking for the "perfect" dose/drug instead of rolling the dice. You are implying that those same people are improving themselves by not pushing themselves. You are just as cowardly as the people you are trying to defend.

>> No.9767219


>he took a planetary dose of acid and all he has to show for it is planetary autism

>> No.9767222

>he hasn't done anything and all he has is an anonymous image board for Indonesian cartoons.

>> No.9767224


>he makes baseless assumptions about others because it consoles the ideology in his heart

>> No.9767226

Didn't mean to hurt your feelies lad :^)

>> No.9767230


>he rushes to get the troll face in before anyone else because that means he wins

>> No.9767234

I defeated you 3 posts ago m8. Just give it up

>> No.9767265

>waaah how dare you be annoyed by something
The tone youre taking with me only suggests that youre literally sweating bullets about buying questionable amounts of miracle powders that youve been taking for three days and hope theyll kick in any day now

>> No.9767309

Oh no, not an ad hominem. What ever will I do to defend the good name of Anonymous?

>> No.9767315
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I really liked this book.

>> No.9767332

how are you worse for the wear

>> No.9768594

I disavowed psychedelics after reading the Book of Acts on LSD and having a vision of 1st century Palestine, complete with lepers, tongues of fire, oration, and miracles.
If there's something of value in the psychedelic experience, books like the one in the OP are not going to help people utilize them. Institutional research into the actual properties of these substances is more valuable than speculation on the content of experiences that people who cannot attest to said experiences due to differences in time and place between contemporary researchers and ancient shamans.

>> No.9768727

Sooo... Is there no Mescalito teacher type character to associate with mescaline?

Because I've been seriously wanting to try it.

>> No.9769468

if you want to try it then try it. get a foot long cutting of san pedro and brew it into a tea. ingest the bitter shit and experience mescaline. there's nothing a teacher can do for you except trip sit you and/or guide you through the experience, but it's not something you should depend on. i've only had company while tripping 5% of my trips and while somewhat daunting at times it was a much more worthwhile experience solely because the "medicine" came at me like it was my teacher/guide. and all that really means is a part of my mind was playing pretend with my consciousness and making me feel as if a spirit was speaking to me. i can ignore myself sober but not when i'm tripping

>> No.9769502

I am so sick of that fucking twisted line of logic. You're essentially saying why can't got make something red, but it actually be blue????? Hahaha checkmate christcucks

But since you instead make it about weight it sounds like you're asking a straightforward question about the limits of his powers, and not asking why god can't fix paradoxes in a way that you can percieve.

>> No.9769729

It hasn't been the same poster, you autistic psycho-all-for-naut

>> No.9770144

sending love across/as time. whats your 'spiritual practice' situation like now? btw chekc out the web comic of Philip k Dick's 3/74 detailed in his exegesis. kind of similar

>> No.9770145

...You know that's by H.G. Wells and not Terence McKenna, right? although H.G. Wells was indeed kind of morally repulsive in his futurism, I agree.

>> No.9770149

Dick said that Luke/Acts is an actual replication of reality as it was/always is. hard to explain. would love to talk further with u

>> No.9770185

Actually I also read the first half of The Divine Invasion during the same trip. I was raised Catholic and went to Confession for the first time in a decade two years after that trip and have had more meaningful experiences of the Mass, the Sacraments, and all aspects of Christian theology since the experience. I still struggle with sin, but I do so knowingly now. I have become a more conscientious person following more serious reflection on the Word which I have heard since I was a young child.
Dick's Gnosticism doesn't really jive with me, he's too intent on the absolute validity of his own personal vision for it to be ultimately meaningful for anyone else. On the other hand, his concept of the Black Iron Prison and his articulation of his theory of a holographic universe are fascinating as a form of Platonism. Had he more seriously interfaced with Hegelian thought, he might have been one of the great thinkers of the 20th century as opposed to simply being one of the great writers.
It has been remarked that a central aspect of all religion is the repetition of the events described in scripture and remembered in tradition. Dick brings this notion out in detail in his later work.

>> No.9770351

Quick response b4 im off for a long night hike: the VALIS triology is exactly as you described. And yes+ on Hegel(as far as I can limitedly see how this would work out), I actually really wished Dick read Derrida's Glas(he might have died before this was published), especially those marvelous pages on flowers haha. For some reason it also amazes me he wasn't obsessed with Hildegard's Scivias. will respond later hopefully but just in case i forget: willomight1@gmail.com

>> No.9771024

back. Yes religion is 're' + 'legere', bind together the human sea and the divine one over and over again: the mandorla/christ fish sign. A month ago I had an experience in St. Paul's in london where this was made obvious. Grace coming down through the top of my head exploding in the heart the Word was in me around me, water. Im very curious what you mean by 'struggle with sin', I dont entirely operate within a Christian framework(at least vocabularly) but Im very interested in what you mean by this/ how its manifested in your awareness. Im asking because although in my experience I subvocalize my path as surrendering in god and that involves really breaking my own will, its brutal but the only thing to do. But I conceive it more as revealing to myself the chinese finger trap that I am and using that awareness to turn towards the Real. I've never used the word sin though(maybe I read too much foucault as a teenager), I mean forgetfullness of God must also be a divine attribute in a certain way its just that Im choosing not to live that out anymore.

>> No.9771639

Lol Pinchbeck and McKenna are full of shit like all "entheogenic" PR pseudo-gurus. There is no America wide tradition of indigenous psychedelic use except for assault sorcery, drugging and making people suggestible/easy to indoctrinate. Don't believe any of those hacks. Or check out real anthropology of Amazonia, like Prof Neil Whitehead who studied witchcraft and sorcery in South America, or read the Florentine Codex from the 16th century - mushrooms were only used to drug victims before they were sacrificed/ritually murdered in religious rites.

>> No.9771673

In Darkness and Secrecy - The Anthropology of Assault Sorcery in Amazonia by Prof Neil Whitehead covers the use of Ayahuasca and other compounds in witchcraft and assault sorcery. Ayahuasca is not used for having "spiritual" experiences amongst the natives.

>> No.9771681

The Florentine Codex was written in the 16th century by a Catholic scholar who had many local informants among the Mayans.Written for the private reading of the King of Spain at the time, it documents the use of "psychedelic" mushrooms in religious rites - not for any sort of spiritual experience but to drug victims intended for ritual murder and mass human sacrifice.

>> No.9771683

Also "Dark Shamans" by Prof. Neil Whitehead covers more of the same subject matter.

>> No.9772038

You read one or two books about assault sorcery and think you can btfo all the rest of psychedelic literature? Not quite how it works. Pathetic kid...

>> No.9772145

Drug literature feels dated and is based on an inherently shaky premise. Its primary goal is to convey the meaning and magnitude of a deeply personal individual experience, but this comes with serious complications. Unfortunately, that also renders it nearly meaningless to anyone outside of the author themselves or perhaps a very small cadre of dedicated followers and enthusiasts. The work is alienated further by the fact that even if you have done a similar drug, experience can wildly differ from individual to individual. Additionally, there's very little compelling story, or even evocative writing to grasp onto. Action is rendered entirely literal in a desperate attempt to capture the drug experience accurately, while writing is dreamy and heavily based on description rather than metaphor, allusion, or even the most basic of literary devices.

Every work of this kind does a great disservice to its audience in a great way, and they, without exception, read like someone trying to desperately describe a dream to a waning audience, with all of the accompanying disinterest. There's a reason this stuff was only popular for a brief time and has only existed, when present at all, in wholly ignored niche pockets.

Please never write about literal experience, especially if it's centered on drugs or drug culture.

>> No.9772228

I have known God, but I have not ceased to be a creature of the flesh. I masturbate, I drink, I smoke weed, I feel lust, I lie, I deceive. When I say that I struggle with sin, I mean that my will to not do these things has not overcome the appetitive portion of my soul which desires that I do thse things. I know they are wrong, but I lack the strength of will to overcome them. But it becomes easier all the time to see why the wrong thing is wrong, and to feel the compulsion of the right thing as the right thing. This is spiritual growth: the path of atuning one's own will to that of God, even if in the process we stumble and fall back into the mayerial. Even at the lowest levels of Creation there is the possibility of redemption.

>> No.9772504

Are you Philip K Dick?

>> No.9772859

"Please never write about literal experience, especially if it's centered on drugs or drug culture." Why can't people write about what they want? Are you the literary police?

>> No.9773095

It's not literature at that point, it's you telling a story. Feel free to write about whatever you want, but if you write about YOUR experiences rather than translating them in some way nobody will enjoy your writing both for what it is and for the (mediocre) story it tells.

The fact that you're picking a fight over this already means you're too egotistical to see what you're doing wrong and to correct it, but maybe this will sink in somewhere down the line.

>> No.9773107

Everything ever written is based on experience. If someone can translate any other experience into a universal story then why can't they do the same with psychedelic experiences? You're absolutely pants-on-head retarded, my friend.

>> No.9773248

No that anon is right. Just because you can write about anything doesn't mean you should. But go ahead and ignore us and jot down a flash fiction about babbys first trip. Just so you can see the look of boredom on your reader's faces.

If you haven't done drugs or you're not willing to write about them and are just arguing to make a point then you are the one who is retarded. The intoxicated mind has never produced anything of merit.

>> No.9773540

I just was casually scrolling, seen this, third that, he's right.

>> No.9773554


I'm very interested in this topic. Can you give us a bit of a summary of the main points regarding "assault sorcery"?

I'll be forever grateful.

>> No.9773639

Revelations was written on shrooms.

>> No.9773810

it's the fruit of the mushroom that makes you trip, ya know.

>> No.9774455
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Hmmm... The fleshy part of a mushroom is called the fruit/fruiting body.

>> No.9775622


check this out brother

>> No.9776124


What you say is largely true although Henri Michaux's 'Miserable Miracle' is an exception.

>> No.9776324

>the intoxicated mind has never produced anything of merit.
lmao-ing at your fucking life right now

The entire Robert Anton Wilson catalogue.

>> No.9776481

You sound upset babe. Why would I read some druggie hack and think he's going to be more insightful about this strange and wonderful universe we inhabit than Plato or the early Church Fathers, or any number of insightful thinkers from the centuries that precede ours? There is nothing new here, and that includes ideas.

>> No.9776666

>nothing new under the sun
>therefore stop reading new stuff
I don't think you really got the message right, anon.

>> No.9776689

Nothing wrong at all with reading new stuff, but hack pseud psychedelic sophist gurufags aren't usually that insightful in my experience, ymmv though. Nice quads shame you wasted it with shitty fallacious arguments, better luck next time.

>> No.9776889

The Illuminatus Trilogy
Prometheus Rising
All of Pynchon

Not strictly drugs but if you're on this path The Perennial Philosophy and The Outsider are probably the two best.

>> No.9777724
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Just finished "Food Of The Gods" now onto "Doors Of Perception".

>> No.9778050
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>29Then God said, “Behold, I have given you every plant yielding seed that is on the surface of all the earth, and every tree which has fruit yielding seed; it shall be food for you; 30and to every beast of the earth and to every bird of the sky and to every thing that moves on the earth which has life, I have given every green plant for food”; and it was so. 31God saw all that He had made, and behold, it was very good.

God basically told us to be vegan stoners.

>> No.9778069

gotta stay productive bro we got apps to make :^)

>> No.9778078
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>> No.9778085

The answer is obvious: But can make a hot dog he can not eat and still eat it, since he is beyond logic.

>> No.9778131

you know it's a scam?
i read both.
castaneda and mckenna are so full of shit
just take acid and read RAW

>> No.9778159

> McKenna, his brother Dennis, and three friends traveled to the Colombian Amazon in search of oo-koo-hé, a plant preparation containing dimethyltryptamine (DMT).[5][25] [23] Instead of oo-koo-hé they found fields full of gigantic Psilocybe cubensis mushrooms, which became the new focus of the expedition.[5][6][12][26][23]

>In La Chorrera, at the urging of his brother, McKenna was the subject of a psychedelic experiment[5] in which the brothers attempted to bond harmine (harmine is another psychedelic compound they used synergistically with the mushrooms) with their own neural DNA, through the use of a set specific vocal techniques.

>They hypothesised this would give them access to the collective memory of the human species, and would manifest the alchemists’ Philosopher’s Stone which they viewed as a "hyperdimensional union of spirit and matter".[27] McKenna claimed the experiment put him in contact with "Logos": an informative, divine voice he believed was universal to visionary religious experience.[28] The voice's reputed revelations and his brother's simultaneous peculiar psychedelic experience prompted him to explore the structure of an early form of the I Ching, which led to his "Novelty Theory"

Literally insane.

>> No.9778218

Honestly, I've been trying out microdosing recently and I think it can be of good use to whoever wants to use it cretively or maybe just to enhance a party where they can't trip at. I wouldn't call it dropping acid though...
But I agree with you anons, being scared of taking a ton of acid, or some really strong acid, is rather dumb for whoever's into taking acid at all.

>> No.9778301


>> No.9778315

>this is what drugfags actually believe

>> No.9778762

Some top-tier nonsense right here

>> No.9778820

OP you should know that Castaneda is a total fraud.


These are great, just finished Gnosis. Shame Pendell is dying, but he seems to be working on some final masterpiece.

>> No.9778841

>There is no America wide tradition of indigenous psychedelic use

Except there is, faggot. Maybe you should study a subject before you declare yourself an expert. Mesoamericans chomped on mushrooms the way we drink beer. The same thing actually happened GLOBALLY, even the fucking English peasantry brewed psychedelic beers.

>> No.9779172

Cool thanks for the lesson in debunked fraudulent anthropology. >>9771681

>> No.9779317
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>>In La Chorrera, at the urging of his brother, McKenna was the subject of a psychedelic experiment[5] in which the brothers attempted to bond harmine (harmine is another psychedelic compound they used synergistically with the mushrooms) with their own neural DNA, through the use of a set specific vocal techniques.

>> No.9779332
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>mfw I read that LIFE Magazine article about anthropologists tripping with nahuatl-speaking tribesmen in Mexico and thought it was cool but then I found out the entire journalism industry is a psyop and always was
Sometimes I feel like a bad trip I had was actually my brain being reprogrammed by nanites installed by the CIA to make me into a sleeper agent for the deep state. But there's a 99% chance that this didn't happen.

>> No.9779343

Psilocin (the active component) in largeish doses causes religious experience, which cures depression. It also permanently changes personality to more open and creative.

>> No.9779350

Well, plants told the South Americans about their weird drugs...

>> No.9779355

>causes religious experiences
>cures depression
>changes personality
>more open and creative
What the fuck do any of these phrases mean? Protip: NOTHING, you're a mentally unwell hippie.

>> No.9779380


damn bro...that post gave me feels before ever Katy Perry was a thing.

>> No.9779382

only a 99 percent chance op, you're further down the rabbit hole than you think, I was the one who installed them, I can't say who I am right now, I don't even have time to use proper grammar, just remember, there are more of us out there, and the TRUTH, will be revealed, just remember to keep watching alex jones and stay woke STAY WOKE!

>> No.9779391
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>> No.9779424

>What the fuck do any of these phrases mean?
They are measurements used by scientists on the field of psychology.
Openness means less reflexes in thought. The instant rejection of a new idea? Gone.
It also means the synaptic connections change, with more links. The barriers we have for thought are reduced, the filters of the subconscious are lessened in power and amount.
Creativity means quite a bit. Especially if you are an image of the Creator. It means something aside from the routine, aside from the usual. It means action, voluntary action with an aim. To express.
In some sense, it is the purest worship of God.
> you're a mentally unwell
> hippie.
No. Besides, I've never done shrooms. I've read about them. I tried to hunt them, but the locals are too good, I need to go further.

>> No.9779428

>Besides, I've never done shrooms
Take it from someone who has: you have no idea what you're talking about and you should shut up.

>> No.9779431

>Besides, I've never done shrooms
Take it from someone who has: you're completely fine, keep talking.

>> No.9779432

I'm talking about the measured effects on control groups.
>Take it from someone who has: you have no idea what you're talking about and you should shut up.
Are you sure?

>> No.9779447

I'm pretty sure, yes.
Are you qualified to interpret the data from the studies you cite?

>> No.9779455

>Are you qualified to interpret the data from the studies you cite?
I'm repeating the interpretations.
>Are you qualified
Now this is a foolish question. I am more qualified than those who banned the substance.

>> No.9779475

>I'm repeating the interpretations.
Are you qualified to do that?
>I am more qualified than those who banned the substance
If that were the case then you would've legalized it by now, judging from your previous posts. You haven't done that, have you?
Your reluctance to say that yes, you are qualified, does nothing to convince me that my assumptions about you are wrong.

>> No.9779553

>Are you qualified to do that?
By what standards? Mine? Yes. Yours? Who cares!
>If that were the case then you would've legalized it by now, judging from your previous posts. You haven't done that, have you?
I can not interact with other people and their tremendous fear monsters.
>Noo, it's ILLEGAL, it can't happen

>> No.9779557

>Yours? Who cares!
I'm the one asking the questions here.
>I can not interact with other people and their tremendous fear monsters.
>>Noo, it's ILLEGAL, it can't happen
I do not understand what you're implying here.

>> No.9779568

>I do not understand what you're implying here.
To change a law of this sort, I need to defeat propaganda and 'spooks'. The fact that law is against me tells quite a lot. It's a substance that makes people see and experience things of many sorts. 9/10 tell it is the single most important experience in their lives.
So why ban it?

>> No.9779576

You still haven't answered my question about your qualifications to interpret the data whose interpretations you claim to be quoting to my satisfaction. Are you or are you not qualified in a meaningful way to interpret this data or make proclamations about it? Why are you better off making decisions about its legality than those who decided it ought to be banned?

>> No.9779579

>You still haven't answered my question about your qualifications to interpret the data
What constitutes as qualification? Consciousness? Knowledge? I have both.

>> No.9779582

>Why are you better off making decisions about its legality than those who decided it ought to be banned?
They didn't tell me why they banned it. It is dubious to say the least. After all, it was legal until 1950s, and we suffer collective amnesia to everything beyond that.

>> No.9779721

Are you referring to the LIFE article that documents Gordon Wassons' trip to South America to find the Amanita Muscaria? If you are referring to a different article I am unaware of it and would be most interested to read!

>> No.9779732

>I have both
Neither is the right answer.
You still aren't answering my question, I'm assuming you're just stupid and am going to stop replying to you.
I think it's the article described here https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Seeking_the_Magic_Mushroom but I read it a few years back and can't remember it very well. This seems to match what I remember, though.

>> No.9779792
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Why are straight edgers so triggered by drugs?

>> No.9779828

Because they've been conditioned from an early age to despise something they don't understand.


>> No.9779873

>he spent $21.95 for written drug trips when you could go to erowid.com for free

>> No.9779898

>Implying I give a shit

>> No.9779906

Ah cool that is the article about Wasson. Seminal.

>> No.9779917
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Anyone go full occult after taking psychedelics? It's my shame in life. I was once a philosophy major but now I read mystical bullshit. I no longer even take psychedelics but can easily induce similar states through mind alone...

>> No.9779928

Nothing wrong with studying Neo-Platonism bro

>> No.9779933

Occultism, paganism, judeo-christian-islamic etc. etc.

In all reality, its all the same shit.

>> No.9779944


You're lucky you only studied a pseud degree like philosophy, i know a guy who tripped all the time and got into occultism, but he was a math major and went into the deep end on that basis. numerology is very important in ancient mysticism

>> No.9779954

These are just the sort of deep and nuanced insights you can expect from a entheogen user.

>> No.9779957

>Anyone go full occult after taking psychedelics?

no, but i'm super paranoid, anytime i see anything i assume it's some kind of viral marketing

>> No.9779960

I'll insight your entheogen if you don't shut your fucking mouth.

>> No.9779964

How many times you travel down the rabbit hole m8?

>> No.9779967

There is actually lots of commonality between Maths and Neo-Platonism, a pop-sci classic called "The Mind of God" by Paul Davies touches on these subjects. Its short and easy to read well worth your time.

>> No.9779971

M-make me

>> No.9779978

Nice triple dubs. I got some sort of PKD-esque experience out of it. Was really quite cringy. I thought I was going to meet and marry the goddess Sophia like in The Divine Invasion. From what i understand this is a typical gnostic delusion. My gf gives me shit about it :c

>> No.9779979

maybe a half dozen times but i always took a lot sometimes acid and shrooms at the same time, sometimes liquid lsd fresh out of the dropper, etc

>> No.9779996

Ya. I needa go back and finish my degree and then look into some sorta mysticism focused grad school. From what I understand you can study Western Esotericism at University of Amsterdam (MA level Religious Studies). But it begs the question, what the fuck are you gonna do with it?

>> No.9780005

I like to read Count of Monte Cristo while drinking Kratom and vaping, just so I can experience his little pills.

>> No.9780007

i never had any kind of religious experience ever, the closest thing to anything ideological was a depressing anti-capitalist "bad" trip that got triggered by the pink floyd song "welcome to the machine" but generally i didn't have "good or bad" experiences, or anything ideological, was just an uneducated proletarian running the streets at the time, just had far out trips into the subconscious dreamworld, one time i did see those weird elf things dmt users talk about, fuckers climbed out of an oriental rug and sat on my legs and shoulders, i didn't know they were "a thing" that happened to other ppl at the time tho, later i heard dmt ppl talk about them and i was like holy shit i've seen those! but it was on lsd not dmt

>> No.9780009


Same thing you'll do with any humanities degree.


>> No.9780020

do a psychology degree where u can have a legal excuse to get lsd for ur research, screw philosophy

>> No.9780047

Is self-enrichment treated as a bad word these days or what? I guess it does imply some level of primary narcissism.
I'm actually quite scared of LSD these days. It sends me to a psych ward because I hallucinate a complete false reality. But it also showed me my current path so no hard feelings. "When you get the message, hang up the phone". Or else you might discover that the phone might actually be a lovecraftian entity taking over your brain. Happened to Nick Land too.

>> No.9780062


>what the fuck are you gonna do with it?
>probably nothing
>wow u r such a narcissist pls go

do you just not want to hear the truth? is that it?

>> No.9780070

>"When you get the message, hang up the phone"

good advice i say, i did psychadelics until i turned autistic, i mean i was just your standard normal awkward tween smoking weed, hanging out, getting laid, pretty normie, then did a ton of lsd, and then was like hyperconscious of every little nuance of everything for like a decade, took forever to get sort of normie again

>> No.9780075


you dont need a $50,000 degree for self enrichment. you will unironically learn more as an autodidact than going to a humanities degree. the mantra "those who can't, teach" is painfully true.

>> No.9780076
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>math major who got into occultism through deep math

He's probably far more interesting than you are desu.

>> No.9780080

Naw. I was agreeing. I was accusing myself of narcissism. Wish i was a rich fuck who could buy expensive books and join fancy men's clubs about these subjects. Oh well. I am just a poor student who will probably end myself when my parents pass.

>> No.9780081


Actually that was a bit of a needlessly asshole thing to say.

I'm sorry, babe.

>> No.9780092


he really is, he now works on experimental nuclear fusion and travels the globe. he cut ties with me because i literally cannot compete intellectually.

>> No.9780094

I was kinda the opposite. Lsd made me extroverted. Then it made me crazy. But mostly extroverted.
Ya. I'm living the magical hobo life right now. Still, academia seems cush (sp?) sometimes. I like kush.

>> No.9780096

Anon, that's not how this works on 4chan. You can't demand qualifications because we are anonymous and this site is not about bowing to authorities or sharing personal information. If you make the backbone of your retort "post your certificate" then you shouldn't be having the discussion on an anonymous Turkanese shit-sculpting forum.

>> No.9780101
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>he cut ties with me because i literally cannot compete intellectually.
damn... I know that feel.

>> No.9780113

I would be more likely to study it on my own time than actually pay for it in $$$

>> No.9780117

The ideal is to get paid to study.

>> No.9780121

Become a guru? I think Alan Watts wrote a semi-satirical how-to guide.

>> No.9780149

Naw. I meant a lot of schools offer funding for grad students. But I guess being a guru would work too. Idk. I always thought most gurus were bullshit. Wouldn't want to be a bullshit peddler.

>> No.9780221

I feel you, man. Sometimes, though, I look at how much money some fraudulent ass-clown like Deepak Chopra is making, and I just want to say "fuck it. I'm going all in." Goddamnit, what am I doing with my life?

>> No.9780246

A placebo won't work unless you believe in it, anon.

>> No.9780308

I'm looking for the perfect pill to swallow.

>> No.9780371

I thought you were going to make one yourself?

>> No.9780942

>They mean nothing
What does {nothing} mean? Why can't I ignore your 'nothing' and keep my 'something' untainted by it?

>> No.9780956

>Neither is the right answer.
Knowledge is not a qualifier? Heh, you seem the type to care about my ability to push buttons and not my ability to think. I can do both. I know you are trying to claim that I have neither, but that's arrogance. You know very little about me, but make wild claims.
>You still aren't answering my question
I asked you many times; what constitutes as a qualifier?
You didn't say. So I'm the World Emperor.

I've played with my mind. I can reach a high with just breathing. I've had sober religious experiences.

ps. Why did the UN ban psychedelics?
>It's dangerous
Compared to any other drug, this is false.

>> No.9781846

>religious experiences
Uh? Subjective experience the subject cant explain using natural laws? It isnt that hard to explain
>cures depression
makes depression go away
>changes personality
makes the personality of the person in question different than it was before (the subject took shrooms)
>more open and creative
just google it. Creativity and openness are hard to explain, but it basically boils down to how well you are able to come with new useful ideas.

>> No.9782191

A little bit of both. I am like a crow picking up shiny things to collect for my nest. Assembling my own philosophy by exploring those of others.

>> No.9782308

Kratom is fucking awesome, my man. Do you make it into a tea?

>> No.9782539
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>> No.9782589

Yup. He has been proven to have been ordering books in the library at the very times he claimed to be in the field, on the very subjects he was supposed to have been researching in the field..

>> No.9782669

Flesh became a thing after Noah.

>> No.9782710

>not being an Adamite

>> No.9782852

But I like my racial destiny.

>> No.9783411

How does one avoid having a bad trip?

>> No.9783423

don't be insecure or depressed basically

>> No.9783431

Or smoke Salvia.

I learned that the hard way, spooked me away from hallucinogens for quite some time.

>> No.9783462

Just generally speaking, or at the moment of using a drug?

>> No.9783477

be a dumb naive normie

>> No.9783482

just in general, like something depressing could have happened to you the day before and won't really affect you if overall, like you might have some epiphany that the thing that was bothering you is nothing at all, but on the other hand something that you weren't really conscious of that was bothered you for years could suddenly come bubbling up to your consciousness and really fuck you up, like some old childhood trauma that you now realize explains why you're autistic/beta/anti-social etc. oh, also, if you have any kind of defense mechanism you've built up in your mind like some resentful ideology or any kind of sour grapes, they might suddenly stop working and you can no longer fool yourself and you get really fucked up, it's hard to predict what could happen, sometimes different things on different trips, one time you might think about death and just see it as a transition back to some cosmic continuum or another time you could look at death and see it like total destruction of everything you've ever valued, etc. you really can't predict, but remember as long as you don't spook yourself into thinking "i'm having a bad trip" and labelling your trip, in a couple minutes or hours or whatever since time is different in trips, you can change moods, so you might get paranoid and depressed for a while then suddenly your mind swings to something else and you get euphoric or whatever, just do it and don't worry

>> No.9783531


eat properly and exercise. bad trips are caused by reactions in your body.

also dont be a pussy

>> No.9783591

No way of knowing. You might have a mystical experience. Or you might be tortured by demons and forced to kill yourself to escape the hell you have inflicted on yourself. C'est la vie.

>> No.9783878


read 'The Psychedelic Experience' by Leary et al

>> No.9784857

Eat right and exercise. Makes a big difference.
In the end you won't know what problems you have until you do it really.

>haha woo this is legit
>haha feeling good, woah this is intense
>(mind to your ego) haha anon you remember that time you did this and reacted this way?
>(mind) your character is just that, a character you play to all the people around you! (looks at self in third person)
>thoughts race million miles about your experiences and how theyve shaped you etc etc
>cant come to logical conclusions about any of it because the mindfuckery doesn't allow too much rationality
>anxiety and paranoia intensifies

You can turn it all around though. If you just let it flow through you and be at peace with whatever it is you can turn a bad trip into something really special. If you're in a room with some really close friends its much more avoidable.

>> No.9784867

>>(mind to your ego) haha anon you remember that time you did this and reacted this way?
>>(mind) your character is just that, a character you play to all the people around you! (looks at self in third person)

this is the most insane part of lsd, one time i was alone in my room trying to sleep, and my mind couldn't pick a persona, like i would start thinking like one friend was there, but then i would switch and start thinking the way i think when some frenemy kid was around, then the way i act when cute girls are around, and so on, it was like dude, i'm alone but i can't get back to myself

>> No.9784873

That's because there is no self.

>> No.9784876


>> No.9784883

i think that's the appeal of 4chan the anonymous and uncensored format helps u get closest to your authentic self possible

>> No.9784920

everyone thinks ppl who kill themselves on lsd did it because they had a bad trip but what if they could finally break free and ascend, maybe they had a good trip

>> No.9785349

If anything 4chan exposes that you just function on different modes of LARPing imho desu senpai

>> No.9785688

Really? Because from reading his books, that's exactly how I would expect him to act.