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/lit/ - Literature

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9766472 No.9766472 [Reply] [Original]

Has there ever been a writer in history more comprehensively BTFO than this smug faggot?

>> No.9766476

His professional life is like a stroke in slow motion.

>> No.9766499

Who or what has btfo'd him?

He's sitting on top of the world -- indifferent, paring his fingernails, while scattered chittering chipmunks, who'll likely gather on this thread, murmur idle insults and cast loathing glances, all the while encompassed in the shadow of his brobdingnagian bum.

But mark this, anon. Whatever else is unsure in this stinking dunghill of a world, Martin's success in it is not.

>> No.9766621

He sure figured out how to waste a lot of people's time.

>> No.9766626
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>tfw never wasted a sec on my life on his garbage
Feels good to have superior taste genetically so I can smell garbage from distance

>> No.9766632

This. I've had a fulfilling time reading literature while losers are checking his livejournal everyday hoping *today* is the day.

>> No.9766664

Read the Prologue of the first book of the series that everyone is alluding to, and tell me it's not a great 15 pages of /lit/.

I double dog dare you.

>"We should start back," Gared urged as the woods began to grow dark around them.

Your precious manga collapses in dust before the throne of Martin's text.

>> No.9766674


Too bad the political soap opera stuff took precedence over the White Walkers alluded to in that prologue, though.

Personally I think they should win and take over Westeros, but that likely isn't as marketable as Dany banging Jon Snow on top of a dragon as the Queen of Queens, even though she basically did nothing Westeros-related for four books or so.

>> No.9766678

I envy you.

>> No.9766682

Reading the occasional bit of pulp isn't a crime. Martin is a middling writer but even he created something greater than the sum of its parts and even managed to have some flecks of brilliance. The later Theon chapters are genuinely amazing.

>> No.9766684


I personally enjoyed the Red Wedding. Anything that kills off that insufferably boring family of Mary Sues is great.

>> No.9766745

I've read a few of Martin's 70s-80s stories (eg, Unsound Variations) and his novel Fevre Dream, and therein he is a middling writer, albeit a solid, professional craftsman.

With GoT, the level of inspiration took a *huge* leap forward. He's not a *great* writer, but it's a little difficult for me to get my head around the jump in quality from a book he wrote in middle age, Fevre Dream - a rather nice but nothing special horror novel - to what he achieved in GoT -- a whole crowd of indelible characters, a bunch of great scenes, of great variety in atmosphere and tone. The level of inspiration flags over the course of the series, and it seems unlikely that he'll nail the landing, but he flew like an eagle for a time, over mountain and field, from very humble beginnings to very far from home, and that's something that damn few can say, or do.

>> No.9766754

>The level of inspiration flags over the course of the series, and it seems unlikely that he'll nail the landing, but he flew like an eagle for a time, over mountain and field, from very humble beginnings to very far from home, and that's something that damn few can say, or do.

I agree. I might not like how it turned out, but that's one thing I can't deny. I think his career could make for a good case study.

>> No.9766777

what did he do with to get btfo?
did he fuck up the books or something?

>> No.9766780


He likely won't finish the books. Not that there's any incentive to since HBO will wrap up the story with the show.

>> No.9766786

He hasn't been btfo'd. He's rich off his ass and living the high life as the celebrity king who invented a super-popular TV franchise. Finishing the books doesn't matter to him, its a TV show now. Its the absolute best case scenario for him, considering he wrote himself into a corner after the third book and struggled over decades to figure out what to do.
He's a mediocre screenwriter turned novelist who struck gold with a compelling story.

>> No.9766791


>considering he wrote himself into a corner after the third book and struggled over decades to figure out what to do.

I think most people already get that - they just wish he'd admit to it.

>> No.9766817

He just copied and paralleled history.

>> No.9766836

How'd he write himself into a corner? The red wedding?

>> No.9766862
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>ywn publish garbage genre fiction and win millions of dollars and fame enough to sodomize all the underprivileged women you can find while ballooning yourself into a gluttonous grave and cucking the entire world without a conclusion to your drivel
feels bad man

>> No.9766874


Paul Sergios ("One Boy at War") made a film called "Escape from Mediocrity" about his desperate desire to, well, escape from mediocrity. He never could, in this world, and few of us do. But Martin did, though some loathe to give him credit for this, preferring to damn him with faint praise.

His transformation of the rather modest remains of Hadrian's Wall into the towering, lowering Wall of the books reflects one such instance -- an alchemy of the imagination it would be unjust to reduce to a mere "just."

>> No.9766886

I think it's on track to be the most disappointing series ever written. The first few books are a are long and very interesting build up to something that is probably never coming.

>> No.9766888

>Too bad the political soap opera stuff took precedence

That's the best part though, I love that kind of dramatic, powerful, yet subtle dialogue riddled with deeper implications. It's entertaining and it's good story telling.

>> No.9766894


I'd agree to an extent. At this point, I'm just waiting for the inevitable nerd rage.

"THAT's it? All these years, all those books, all these seasons, for THIS?"

No one is going to like the ending, and it's going to get messy.

>> No.9766897

>considering he wrote himself into a corner after the third book and struggled over decades to figure out what to do.

That's an absolute meme. He is just lazy and doesn't have his muse to finish it. Same as Kentaro Miura from Berserk - he has been slacking off for like 20 years now because he is just bored of it. It has nothing to do with them being cornered or whatever.

>> No.9766902

He really isn't living the high life though. He lives pretty normally from what I hear.

>> No.9766904


Normally I would agree, but I think it was handled very poorly. I also couldn't stand the Starks. IMO they were just insufferably boring and I couldn't stomach anything to do with them.

Dany was okay till she ended up written into a corner, I guess.

I gave his work a fair shake but it just isn't my cup of tea. I think ASIOAF is just way too cartoony for my tastes. You'd expect the Lannisters to be twirling their mustaches. I liked the Stannis/Davos stuff, but everything else was one collective meh to me.

>> No.9766907


It looks like he'd rather talk about the NFL on his NAB, then wonder why everyone is complaining. IIRC he's a Jets fan. In that case, he's one hell of a masochist and it's no wonder ASIOAF is as bloody as it is.

>> No.9766916

The few times I've checked his personal blog, he talks about all the other various shit, but never about his books. It really doesn't take a genius to figure out that he has been bored of ASOIAF for a long time now and he is just forcing himself now to finish the books, on account of the backlash that he will receive if he does not, and his legacy. You can quite clearly see that he is a man that just wants to live the rest of his life having fun rather than writing books. And that in turn has an effect on the quality of the story.

>> No.9766925

>It really doesn't take a genius to figure out that he has been bored of ASOIAF for a long time now.

You'll run into the fanboys who insist that "you can't rush art" and all that stuff, but I think most people generally have reached this conclusion. They just wish he'd admit it instead of trying to dick them around all the time. I think he's just waiting till the show finishes before he finally washes his hands clean of the series and moves on.

>> No.9766929

He's said many times in interviews that he would like to write 30 more books and what not. Also he said that at this point the only thing that will satisfy anyone is the finished book, because he has released several chapters and done readings and it was just never enough.

>> No.9766941

It's kind of sad. If the series never became super popular he could have stopped writing without letting down millions of people. He would have disappoint the fans he did have but it would be on several scales of magnitude less than what he's on now. He's obligated to finish now and can't escape to die peacefully.

>> No.9766952
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don't remind me
motherfucker better end the shit before he dies

>> No.9766953

That didn't stop Frank Herbert.

>> No.9766973


Fuck KJA and Frank's son for ruining Dune.

>> No.9766981

>His transformation of the rather modest remains of Hadrian's Wall into the towering, lowering Wall of the books reflects one such instance -- an alchemy of the imagination it would be unjust to reduce to a mere "just."

>"Shit I want something like Hadrian's wall, but that actual wall in kinda disappointing. WAIT! What if I make it really big, like really, really big, and--oh fuck--MADE OUT OF ICE! You've done it again Georgy boy!"

>> No.9767024

>Same as Kentaro Miura from Berserk - he has been slacking off for like 20 years now because he is just bored of it.

I wonder what amount of effort and consideration it takes for you to denounce as laziness the ongoing masterpiece that is Berserk. His entire fucking life has been devoted to it. You people make me fucking sick with your easy judgements about things you seemingly know nothing about. Way to go with the shitty flow.

>> No.9767050

It's easy being a consumer, isn't it?

>> No.9767059

>the ongoing masterpiece that is berserk

You act as if Berserk has been readable since Guts got his traveling party,

>> No.9767061

>Superior taste

>> No.9767062

I'm lucky my brother only gave me books 2-4(those were the only ones he had), I was supposed to get the first one myself but never got to it and now i'm grateful I never did.

>> No.9767069

>waaah i need a constant supply of rape and suffering to keep me entertained

>> No.9767070

Are you implying that piece of text is particularly good?

>> No.9767076


>> No.9767081 [DELETED] 

>The later Theon chapters are genuinely amazing.
I'm glad someone else acknowledges this. A Ghost in Winterfell was strangely wonderful, a haunting piece of imagination in an otherwise unremarkable series.

>> No.9767085

I'm not saying that specific line of greentext is particularly good -- it's there as an identifier for anyone who wants to read the Prologue, which I do think is a top-tier slice of genre fiction. The Prologue to the first book is basically a short horror story, and a damn good one.

>> No.9767196

It's plain but evocative and economical. It is good. The first chapter functions as a stand alone horror story as another anon expressed
if it occurred to two disparate faggots it must be true

>> No.9767236
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>> No.9767269
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the man birthed the first masterpiece of our times

>> No.9767355

jfc how delusional can you be? berserk hasn't been any good for 20 years now and you call it an "ongoing masterpiece"

>> No.9767450
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wrong website. you need to leave. you don't belong here.

>> No.9767452

the golden age arc was a masterpiece but yeah berserk has been daycare for a couple of decades now.

>> No.9767464

The rest was promising but it turned into a generic dungeon party show. I could not feel more dissapointed when, after the anime, i started reading the manga and got the part with the faeries.

>> No.9767472

>animeposter still clinging on to the idea that he's anything but a deluded minority
You don't belong on /lit/.

>> No.9767476

I don't have any thought on your opinion since I haven't read it, but my friend showed me some absolutely amazing pages from the manga so at least it's still got quality art going for it.

>> No.9768056

It's not like the show spoiling the books matters anymore since he will never finish them.

>> No.9768082
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absolutely no one forbids you avatarfagging and cutesy text mannerisms, but acting elitist about anything while watching anime is top hypocrisy

uguu baka weeb retard

>> No.9768103

I spent £60 (normally $120, was in the sale) on the entire series only to later realise that I didn't want to read this and only bought it because my parents and siblings telling me that its good from the TV show. Went back an hour later and get refunded.