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9759225 No.9759225 [Reply] [Original]

I was confronted today by some 40 year old ex-Chad at work who I could not quickly refute
without sounding autistic and boring.
He baffled me with this statement:

'You shouldn't be reading at your age. Being young is about partying and having loads of sex.'

I was stumped and agreed on its worthlessness just to get him off my back. I'm 21 BTW

What is the correct response to such ignorance?

>> No.9759229

The early bird catches the worm

>> No.9759232

To have loads of sex

>> No.9759233
File: 11 KB, 240x240, cool stirner.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just be yourself

>> No.9759234

You may be stumped because in a sense what he is saying is that knowledge from books isn't everything.--and that is true.

His statement is idiotic but you should give some tought to why you reacted the way you did.

>> No.9759235

>'You shouldn't be reading at your age. Being young is about partying and having loads of sex.'
So why are you not reading, grandpa?

>> No.9759237

ya brah, you should be sexing it up. Drop /lit/ and move to >>>/soc/, anon. You only liv once

>> No.9759241

Yeah, that's why I get bitches to hold my books while I fuck them.

>> No.9759242


I would note that being young is an opportunity, and that great achievements require great sacrifice. Then I'd ask him what he'd achieved besides "partying and having loads of sex" when he was young.

>> No.9759243

He's right, but the thing is anyone capable of having sex regularly already is. So if you're too ugly for sex, then you have to find something in life that makes you feel good enough to go on without killing yourself, and for some that thing, or one of those things, will be reading.

>> No.9759247

>I am at work. How the fuck do you think I am supposed to have sex here? I can see you didn't read much, because you'd know how retarded that statement was otherwise.

>> No.9759248


But I already had loads of sex, I was just younger.

>> No.9759258

well you can party, have load of sex and read
pretty /lit/ way of life desu

>> No.9759267

that one is good

>> No.9759268
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>>I am at work. How the fuck do you think I am supposed to have sex here? I can see you didn't read much, because you'd know how retarded that statement was otherwise.

>> No.9759270

>He doesn't fuck his colleagues in the work toilet

>> No.9759274

I used to wank in the work toilet but it was too risky

>> No.9759298

>tfw used to have a weekly wank in the gym shower

I would fap once a week only and it was on Fridays after my session. It was top tier desu. >tfw water streams massaging my dick until I cum pretending to be showering

>> No.9759304

Sex themes are always powerful "arguments" because sex urges are always there, whether you're 21, 31 or 61.
They diminish somewhat with age, but don't go away. So the sex you had years ago won't really keep you warm, you'll always want it now.

Saying I'd do this or that if I were 21 again is useless, because, well, you can't be 21 again and 21 year olds don't have the mind of a 40 year old.
I sometimes fantasize about how cool it would be if I could pass on the knowledge to younger people and make them "redpilled" instantly, but I don't think that's possible. Younger people are being held hostage by forces more powerful than my wise words.

>> No.9759340
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Hate to break it to ya buddy but older people are also kept hostage by an even more powerful force than hormones called determinism

>> No.9759354

you should have mocked him endlessly for uttering the phrase "you should not read" -- I think even a complete retard would know how stupid that is(also the reason I believe this story is fake)

>> No.9759362

Ask me how I can tell you have autism

>> No.9759364
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>'You shouldn't be reading at your age. Being young is about partying and having loads of sex.'
But I'm ugly and autistic and no one likes me chad senpai

>> No.9759367

>They diminish somewhat with age, but don't go away. So the sex you had years ago won't really keep you warm, you'll always want it now.

That's not really true. Once you're older it's really, really hard to get with attractive young women. If you miss your chance of being with 18-22 year old girls, you'll probably never get over it and it will bother you for the rest of your life. If you were able to get with them during those ages, it makes it easier to settle for older, unattractive women.

>> No.9759371
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>since when has being educated impeded someone from getting laid
would have been my response, but he probably said that because you look like a virgin and he saw you sitting there all melancholy with a book more than once.

Picture related

>> No.9759373
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I'm not OP but I'm 21, look 14 and my matches on tinder dessert me when they find out I'm short. I'm in community college. It hurts, I want to be a musician so I won't kill myself. I just started learning and if I get good. I doubt I'd signed. Haven't had sex in almost 2 years. Before that I was a virgin. My life is trash. I'm the funny guy girls want to keep around but not date. I haven't killed myself because I love my parents too much.

>> No.9759376

The greatest revenge is a successful life

>> No.9759383

>21 year old thinks his life sucks even though he already had sex at age 19

holy fuck get over yourself. and you actually get matches on tinder? your life sounds amazing.

>> No.9759385


>> No.9759396

>Being young is about partying and having loads of sex.

You should tell him that being young is about planning and working on who you want to be later in life, and then tell him that you can see where his attitude and habits in youth got him. It doesn't matter if he's rich now or whatever, his ego is fragile so he'll be very insulted that you suggested he's a failure despite whatever trappings of success he may have.

>> No.9759404

> Once you're older it's really, really hard to get with attractive young women
No it isn't. In fact it's easier since you're financially well off now and more experienced.
Woman get with older men. They prefer older men, and it's accepted socially.
>it makes it easier to settle for older, unattractive women
It's pretty sad that you think you have to settle. You must have fallen for some feminist propaganda and don't know what the natural age preference is for the opposite sex.You can fuck a 19+ at any age, and dating one gets weird at about 35+ but who's to stop you, and there are many out there who want that.

If you have money, are fit, aren't ugly as fug then you hold all the cards. Woman hit a wall around 27-30, men don't peak until their 50's.
If you get a woman your age, trust me, you don't have to settle for an unattractive one. With all 30yo pre-spinsters women running around who fell for the career-woman meme, didn't go anywhere, and are now scrambling to get a man and have kids before their eggs dry up you would.

>> No.9759408

Only a few matches not constantly. Never got more than those.

>> No.9759415

Stop being funny. Girls don't want a "funny" guy. Girls want a guy who is fun to be around, but not one who actively tries to be funny/make people laugh.
There's a difference between a chad and a comedian.

>> No.9759424

Explore the parts of life that interest you. I've started setting down the drugs and focused more on secluded study. You'll get tired of both either way

>> No.9759426

>he gets matches on tinder

You're already a step ahead of me

>> No.9759429

I'm so lonely I kind of catfished a gay dude into texting me. If he was a girl he'd be perfect. I have to break it off this isnt right nor am interested in experimenting. I'm not into traps neither. I just want someone to text whenever. I just want a girlfriend. I want companionship and late night texts more than sex. I feel like such a loser. My cousins shit on me, they think I'm gay baka. You'd think I look like the hunchback of norte dame. I'm very miserable person but I somehow hide it well. Women are awful, I never feel sympathy for single mothers. Don't compare to elliot Rodgers. I'm not entitled nor delusional. I go after cute girls not hot chicks.

>> No.9759434

I dont try to be funny. Im naturally funny.

>> No.9759440

It was only a few and never got a date outbof them. Nor more matches. Delete tinder long ago. Ive alresdy tried skout, POF and okcupid.

>> No.9759455

Have you tried going to the local club/bar

>> No.9759457

If you're going into music, you should really truly and honestly love it because it's a solitary pursuit, especially producing on a computer... It might make you even more of a sperg. You spend hours alone practicing, And if you're into crafting actual songs, you spend hours, even entire days working on it.

>> No.9759463

>dating sites
I would never expect to find a decent girl there. I don't mean just wife material, but even a fuck buddy. It just doesn't make any sense. Decent girls get tons of offers IRL.

>> No.9759477

that's hilarious

>> No.9759482

Closet faggot detected

>> No.9759491

Kill yourself. I bet you're a fat fuck too

>> No.9759519

>What is the correct response to such ignorance?
"Nice false dilemma you rancid swine"

Look at it this way. If he said "the sun revolves around the earth"" you would know exactly what to say or just dismiss him etc.. Certainly you wouldn't ask 4chan for good comebacks.

So ask yourself why that is. Instead of dwelling on how to get back at him take a step back and contemplate your reaction, evaluate your moral character and integrity of thought and action.

Why would the judgement of an ignorant ex chad matter? Even if you won't go on to party and fuck, you're here right now instead of reading and you're probably having power fantasies and so on. Why do you allow such a remark to have power over your mind and behavior?

If him being ignorant was all there was to it.. but it seems to me he was not so ignorant at all. In fact I'm guessing what the other anon said is very likely to be true. Younger me was in the same boat many times.

>he probably said that because you look like a virgin and he saw you sitting there all melancholy with a book more than once.

>> No.9759548

You should have replied that you read to not become an asshole like him.

>> No.9759549

Lmfao I don't want to do anything with a guy though. No girl will give me the time of day. Just using the dude for texting.

>> No.9759554


>> No.9759558

>Flirting with a guy on the phone pretending its a girl

>> No.9759589

Im not fat lmao

>> No.9759594

That is something only a fatty would say

>> No.9759595

Im not flirting though lol. Just vent and use as company. It's not right but it's not gay. Fools

>> No.9759596

>I dont try to be funny. Im naturally funny.

Are you deformed or something?

>> No.9759607

Lmfao im short and thin man. Wish i was fat cause then I'd understand why im single

>> No.9759610

Unfortunately no. Should be then shit would make fucking sense

>> No.9759611

How short?

>> No.9759613

"If that's what you did and this is where you are now how should that motivate me to take your advice?" while pointing at your Wal-Mart trainee caps.

>> No.9759614

>40 year old ex-Chad at work

What's his position

>> No.9759616

5'5 alot of these around my height. I don't fucking get why they want a tower to always have their neck sore looking up. Fucking bitches

>> No.9759625

Women don't think in terms of practicality. That's why they don't wear cargo pants, flip-up sunglasses and carry leathermans in fanny packs.

>> No.9759629

Wtf am i supposed to do man. Its a like a full time job not to go crazy

>> No.9759630

desu the guy who got the most pussy as a young lad is now an former alcoholic who sits around playing a shitty LOTR mmo and watching Skylanders while his awful harpy of a wife goes to work. Like this dude fucked over 100 women and has a picture of each one but now he's in a worse state than most /r9k/ virgins because his life is over.

>> No.9759639



>> No.9759661

His life is over because he got married?

>> No.9759671

a pedophile would tell you you were missing out if you never had 13-18. This argument is retarded desu

>> No.9759675

To this woman, yes.

>> No.9759682

The insecure virgins that flock this board are dumb as hell.

Look he was just telling you his experience and how he benefited from it, but really just partying and sex get tiring after a while. Where to you go from constant sex and constant parties? No where just the same old stories of how drunk one got or how hard they fucked "X". At least with reading you can expand upon your knowledge, learn different perspectives that you had never once considered etc. You can still have sex and go to parties and read what you want there's no shame. I know of someone who did nothing but party. Now he's depressed because no one invites him to parties any more, how vain and worthless is that.

>> No.9759692

don't listen to dumb normdroids

their monkey brains cannot comprehend that you can enjoy knowledge and works of art for their own sakes

they also approach sexuality as some sort of resource to be exploited when you have the chance, anxiously - as if the only thing that matters to them is the amount of pleasure they can squeeze out of every waking moment

the consequence is that when they grow unattractive and old they think their lives end and become depressed

>> No.9759709


How did his shit work out like that?

>> No.9759711

He is the engineering manager earning over £60,000 a year.

>> No.9759722

Holy shit. I've got an entry level position in a government service and I make more than him and I'm only 26

>> No.9759726

What gets me is that the 'bro's advice is negative instead of positive. It's not "you should be doing this", but "why are doing this other thing that I never wanted to".

>> No.9759727

Well he was a megachad that almost played college football, and while he might've fucked loads of women he never got over his college girlfriend who broke up with him. Then he knocked up a bipolar woman. Then she started physically and mentally abusing him when they got married.

>> No.9759732

Good for you but he gets decent bonuses from what I hear and barely does anything. He mostly walks around and tries to flirt with the hot young girls in the office

He is truly insufferable

>> No.9759754

But, Skylanders? Is that simply an example you came up with to make him seem childish or something he actually goes back to frequently?

>> No.9759772

He watches it frequently.

>> No.9759773

A guy I know, who was also very successful with girls, used to play one of those games with elves on the screen, like WoW or whatever the fuck. Kinda breaks the whole stereotype.
But he's also very outgoing and not at all shy in public. And he's not a failure or anything, now he has a serious gf...

>> No.9759778

Then don't listen to anything he says. He's a fool. Stop worrying

>> No.9759803

Im in a weird position myself like that. Im 19 and part of me wants to do the whole fuck around thing (shag everything that moves) and the other wants an ordered life, a girlfriend to marry and to organise a life with so I can have 5 kids.

My first year of uni was kinda odd. I got some attention at clubs (probably since I am tall, wide and confident, but I am no chad), went on a couple of tinder dates with a foreign exchange student from shanghai ( we eventually stopped after she realised I wanted a relationship and she wanted sex before going back at the end of her masters), and had this one crazy kazakh woman who fancied me so much about 80% of her facebook photos were with me and would constantly message me at 5am. Still didnt have sex because the latter part of my personality dominated.

What the fuck do I do next year?

>> No.9759811

and loan
and family
and illnesses

>> No.9759824

this. you felt insecure though so you should go bang a slut or two so you can understand that it's a meaningless, vacant experience.

>> No.9759859

you are like me

im miserable also

>> No.9759877

It sucks. Meanwhile the guys who do get women TRY be funny and they get laughter cause she's trying to show interest. While we genuinely make them laugh with their headback. Yeah life is shit. I frankly dont know wtf to do

>> No.9759883

Why would both be mutually exclusive? Just don't be a turboautist who reads 8 hours/day and removes himself from social life and you're good.

>> No.9759888

Focus on yourself. Don't focus too much on finding the right girl and sample a few of em. You'll find the right one eventually.

Also if you don't go around and fuck some random girls you'll regret it in 10 years when you're tired of fucking your wife.

>> No.9759893

Had a similar situation with my oil worker uncle when I was a 20 year old NEET virgin. Guy was about 50, had been a hispanic Chad back in the 70s. He said I should be out banging teenage pussy.

I thought he was just a vulgar simpleton, and still think so almost 20 years later. Sex is part of the human experience, and having it when you're younger is just another thing. Do it if you want to, or don't. There is no good reason that you MUST, however.

>What is the correct response to such ignorance?

The correct answer is calling him out on his use of "should" infringing on your free will. Why the fuck does some dried up old Chad care about whats in your pants and how often you use it? Who the fuck is he? He's probably just trying to mentor you but, being an ape, doesn't have the skill for it. Just let it go. If he nags you again about when/how you are using your dick, have a zinger ready for him. e.g. i didn't know you cared this much about me, boohoohoo, etc. Don't let it seriously bother you.

>> No.9759898


It is a mark of want of genius to spend much time in things relating to the body, as to be long in our exercises, in eating and drinking, and in the discharge of other animal functions. These should be done incidentally and slightly, and our whole attention be engaged in the care of the understanding.

If such a one as he judges falsely, then he is the person hurt, since he too is the person deceived. For if any one should suppose a true proposition to be false, the proposition is not hurt, but he who is deceived about it.

The condition and characteristic of a vulgar person, is, that he never expects either benefit or hurt from himself, but from externals. The condition and characteristic of a philosopher is, that he expects all hurt and benefit from himself. The marks of a proficient are, that he censures no one, praises no one, blames no one, accuses no one, says nothing concerning himself as being anybody, or knowing anything: when he is, in any instance, hindered or restrained, he accuses himself; and, if he is praised, he secretly laughs at the person who praises him; and, if he is censured, he makes no defence. Melville noted very rightly that "the greater fool ever scolds the lesser".

if ever any talk should happen among the unlearned concerning philosophic theorems, be you, for the most part, silent. For there is great danger in immediately throwing out what you have not digested. And, if any one tells you that you know nothing, and you are not nettled at it, then you may be sure that you have begun your business.

>> No.9759899

fuckin americans

>> No.9759901

what you tell the sage old veteran of orgiastic delights is to fuck off. if he wants to live vicariously through you, he has chosen someone who has a different passion than his own. some men wish to bathe in the recesses of Dionysus' navel, and others read and write of the experience. yes, if what you intend to write is nothing but perversity and loneliness, i assure you that his advice is slund, but otherwise, you should experience the world in the ways you see fit. you know very well that what he said has nothing to do with you, hence the ultimate feelings of resistance.
don't worry about having an argument ready for any instant. the cleverest in the moment rarely are correct in the long run, and it typically reflects his ideological entreaty, to live for the present.

>> No.9759905

Im aware of that. Yes I enjoy solitude when I choose it like a hobby or whatever pkus im introverted. Any other nuggets of wisdom you'd like to share?

>> No.9759909

Wtf do i do

>> No.9759916

I guess it is. I remember my cousin once going "haha you get no bitches" and laughing. Ruined my fucking high so badly that day.

>> No.9759968

I would be willing to become illiterate for the rest of my life if I could just have one month with a qt young gf.

>> No.9759980
File: 833 KB, 800x1200, anzu.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

brainlet detected

step up your game kid. read a book, get to understanding people. learn how to tell a joke. have something interesting to say. the right girl will be attracted to this and let you jam her jelly roll.

>> No.9759986

wtf happened to anzu? looks like a crack whore

>> No.9759990
File: 17 KB, 240x320, 1497075321153.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Never say this r9k shit again. Your positive intellectual growth is everything and women are a passing meme until you find the right one.

>> No.9759991

that's not true, i'm too ugly to ever get a girl i'm attracted to. no amount of knowledge will change that. i read a lot for what it's worth (nothing).

>> No.9760004
File: 986 KB, 1548x1468, IMG_0762.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This >>9759233, just B.E. yourself

>> No.9760006

my entire life has been "intellectual growth", i read hours and hours every day, i have a pretty deep knowledge of a pretty wide variety of fields, can read french at a literary level, have read a great deal of literature and have many poems memorized by heart etc etc, whatever ... still i want to kill myself and life is meaningless and terrible, because no girl in the world actually cares about this stuff and will never look past a man being unattractive no matter his other qualities. i'd trade all this, and all future reading and intellectual development, for even a short, affectionate romantic relationship with a cute girl.

>> No.9760009

anzu is beautiful, fuck you. that pic is without a wig or kawaii makeup. fake bloody nose. she's just getting older and maybe stressing a bit about life, but she's still an adorable neurotic qt. i am afraid she might be anorexic tho :( dunno for sure. god save the anzu.

>> No.9760016

Why is wojack in that getup?

>> No.9760022

>i read a lot for what it's worth (nothing).
get the fuck out of /lit/ then.

you are placing extraordinary value on the pleasures of a stanky pussy, which is just an organ attached to a tiresome old brat. if you are rich in knowledge but poor in poon, find some currency that can buy what you want: get fit. take care of your body and spirit. your face will show the difference. once you have this coin, make the transaction.

>> No.9760024

>I would note that being young is an opportunity, and that great achievements require great sacrifice.
Generally reading a lot isn't a big sacrifice, unless OP was reading books about mechanics or computer programming or the like this comeback falls flat. If he was reading for pleasure it doesn't make sense.

He should just say that different people enjoy different things.

>> No.9760027
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So? My life sounds even worse than yours does. And I would never cry about it to other guys as much as you're doing right now; even when anonymous. You shoulder the weight and keep going.

Don't be a pity party poster. I hope you start to work your shit out in time, truly I do, but don't be this sort of poster.

>> No.9760045
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>He should just say that different people enjoy different things.
Haha oh wow Anon so what, you don't enjoy fucking?

>> No.9760089
File: 152 KB, 800x1200, anzooou.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

qt posting to clear out all this depression

>> No.9760093
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>just be yourself dude, get out there

>> No.9760095

These aren't mutually exclusive.

>> No.9760100

Her references are out of control.

>> No.9760323

Where are you living now anon? Are you working / have any friends you feel comfortable talking to / hobbies?

>> No.9760670

it's not either/or. when i was younger i basically just lived out of my car so i could read, write garbage stories, and cram in as many life experiences as possible

>> No.9761362

At home, retail job, piano. Few friends

>> No.9761407

My dad was like that when I went to college. He told me to focus on partying and sex. Unfortunately I wasn't successful socially enough to really make it work. People who are social successful do so without appeal to vague philosophical luddism. Embracing this stance also turned off the qts who I might have actually been able to connect with, since women especially rigidly define themselves according to viewpoint. Pleb chicks aren't going to automatically fuck you either, since learning pleb talk is like learning a whole new language, and your chances as a newcomer are like that of a foreign exchange student, it's painfully obvious when you don't know the lingo.

I ended up with shitty grades and not much to show for it, except I guess no STDs so that's something. Moral of the story is, don't listen to frustrated middle aged men.

>> No.9761415

The truth is that studying now means you wont be a bum when you are 40

>> No.9761450

>thinking you need a comeback
get unspooked

>> No.9761623

why are people complaining they get no matches on tinder? im a fat fuck and still get some matches

>> No.9761799

Because no matches = lonely, jab to the ego and dry dick

>> No.9761809

>Kissless virgin

What's wrong with me, /lit/?

>> No.9761822


Nothing. There's literally nothing wrong with being a virgin. Stop caring about it. If you can't get a roastie, just find some hobbies for yourself.

>> No.9761833

He's right. By 21 you should already be a distinguished intellectual. Reading happens from the ages 5-20, everything after should be about refining theories and working professionally (and partying, since you'll be able to now without hindering your growth of knowledge)

>> No.9761859

People who can participate in hookup culture by 21 already are. And those who can't try to improve their condition by gaining as much knowledge as they can. Becoming cultured and/or rich have been viable sexual strategies for a very long time.

>> No.9761867
File: 136 KB, 333x500, IMG_3632.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>'You shouldn't be reading at your age. Being young is about partying and having loads of sex.'

I can see how well that went for you my friend

>> No.9761879

>'You shouldn't be reading at your age. Being young is about partying and having loads of sex.'

As if I don't read Aristotle to my sluts

>> No.9761881

It's not like they're mutually exclusive. Just replace the time most chads would spend playing COD and watching GoT with reading.

>> No.9761885

> tfw too perverted to have sex with real women
What's the point when they don't even have dicknipples

>> No.9761891

>'You shouldn't be reading at your age. Being young is about partying and having loads of sex.'

Class propaganda has never been so shamelessly honest

>> No.9761895

> if you're so good at being young, why are you old?

>> No.9761910

That's a good advice. He says he's the funny guy, and he wants to kill himself because he gets rejected. That's such a wrong attitude.

Placing so much value into pleasing others and being accepted is unproductive. Just look into yourself and work to improve and become the most perfect person you can be. It's not that difficult and you're not dumb. If you make progress, the social acceptance will follow.

>> No.9761913

I wish I was born either gay or a woman. Imagine living in a world where your access to intimacy had absolutely no barrier. You didn't have to fear losing the one relationship you have, or worry about the person you love being able to take your children and half of your wealth on a whim. Being an unattractive straight guy is synonymous with being completely alone.

>> No.9761914
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Pls don't kys

>> No.9761918

I'm not that guy, but the 'focus on yourself' advice is such bullshit. If your problem is your genes, the pleasures of young love will pass you by and you'll never be able to experience it.

>> No.9761922


>> No.9761944
File: 87 KB, 370x580, IMG_4027.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw our culture tells us that love is a normal part of growing up that everyone experiences
>tfw our culture tells us that it's the most wonderful thing imaginable
>tfw you grow up looking forward to the time when you'll snuggle up to a woman and watch tv for hours on end
>tfw no one tells you that "love" is just a sentimental way of describing physical attraction
>tfw everyone talks about income inequality, but no one tells you that your genes can stop you from experiencing something as fundamental to your psychological well-being as sex
>tfw we're all just animals under the dominion of natural selection
>tfw people with superior genes are better than you are

>> No.9761949

>He is the engineering manager earning over £60,000 a year.

He's an expert on PowerPoint and Excel

>> No.9761950

Genes sure can make things harder or easier, I'm not denying that. But for real, it's possible to snatch a girl if you are shorter or a little asymmetrical. Compensate for the things you lack, by improving where you can.

Like, rich people don't get women because of their looks, but because of their success.

>> No.9761957
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>> No.9761958

The problem is that success itself isn't under your direct control. The temperament and intelligence that success require are also genetic, and the opportunities needed are predicated on one's luck. If by some miracle I do become successful, it'll be at an age when young love is no longer available to me. It will have passed me by.

>> No.9761964

Illiterate detected

>> No.9761966

>The temperament and intelligence that success require are also genetic
Nice excuses, loser.

>> No.9761969

What if she were a whore?

>> No.9761972

It's not a crutch, it's an acknowledgment of reality. I work out, read daily, speak multiple languages. I'm trying to make money to increase my value to women, but if it were as simple as simply doing it then we'd all be rich. There's also something utterly alienating about having to work this hard for something lots of men get for free.

>> No.9761976
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>My dad was like that when I went to college. He told me to focus on partying and sex.

Yea! Fuck a bunch of young impressionable, confused but hopeful kids and leave them with something like a degree- I mean memory!

>> No.9761983

Sure, but struggle and hard work only increase your chances for the better. It's the fucks that say "i was made a worm, so i won't work towards changing that" who really piss me off.

>> No.9761986
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>> No.9761988

It's just venting. Plenty of people who complain about their worthlessness and inferiority do so as a release, not to excuse their laziness.

>> No.9762002

Who else /crythemselvestosleep/ here? I've gotten to the point where I don't even think about sex anymore. I fantasize about the smell of a woman's hair as she rests on my chest, or the smile and eye-contact of a homely redhead.

>> No.9762040
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>> No.9762108

How about the smell of her breath when she spills secrets that shatter your idealization of her

Or worse

She's the exact girl of your dreams and you know that nothing less than your hole life and attention is required to keeping her locked down

>> No.9762118

The pain of shattered illusions is preferable to the despair of being alone

>> No.9762133
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Confession: The happiest I ever been in my entire life

>be 18
>discover Plato, Aristotle, Bacon, Voltaire, Kant, Schopenhauer, Neitzche, Spencer, Dewey, Bergson, Santayana, Durant
>month of Ramadan, fasting 30 days
>decide to no fap/no porn too

By the end of that month I had gotten a bj from a uni chick and met my long term teenage qt gf. It was like by the end of the month I was wreaking with supremecy, self understanding and sweet semen

>> No.9762141

Don't have sex before marriage anon.

>> No.9762160

Women don't follow this advice, so it's pointless. Nothing is sadder than a virgin guy marrying a woman who's been with 30 men.

>> No.9762180

That is not sad because of him, as he sticked to his principles, but because of the woman that didn't.

>> No.9762184

reading -is- fucking stupid
I wish I never learned to do it

>> No.9762185

Trust me, it's not.

>> No.9762196

I have my suicide planned out. I'm waiting for my sick mom to pass before I carry out with it. People who've never experienced complete isolation can't possibly understand what it's like.

>> No.9762201

literally go talk to someone?
yes, we know - being on the fucking literature board - that all communication is imperfect. that's some basic bullshit right there. but that doesn't mean you can't enjoy the privilege of trying

>> No.9762205

im ugly and unkempt so thats not really any option

>> No.9762206

I mean, I agree that this happens. Just find a really religious girl. They're rare but they exist.

>> No.9762224

I have spoken to people. Therapy doesn't solve the problem of having to face the prospect of experiencing the physical and mental decline of aging completely alone.

>> No.9762228

You should convert to the Catholic faith. You will find community and a purpose. I'll be praying for you anon.

>> No.9762235

Therapy? lol
Just go talk to someone
Yes, they make other people like you. Other yous definitely exist. You're just too selfish to accept that shit, and you probably hide behind irony and apathy to avoid changing

>> No.9762241

I don't understand your advice. I talk to people all the time; it doesn't fix the problem of coming home to an empty apartment for nearly a decade.

>> No.9762245

The fucked up thing about suicide is at the end of the day it's an exercise of free will. you have to *choose* to kill yourself and if that's what you *want*, you have to remember that going into it, and that although you may think that you're being driven to hang or shoot yourself, at the end of the day it's you who's deciding and for all of those who are affected by your suicide they will in one way see your suicide as something you yourself wanted

This is an interesting example of "You know what you want, but do you want what you want? You know

I think desires get so fucked up sometimes where we lie to ourself by forgetting something we already know to get what we want.

I hope you've tried therapy

If bait, 9/10

>> No.9762253

>there are people that will never experience the rush of being horny sixteen year olds fucking around with condoms because life fucked them over

Puts things into perspective but I'm not sure which one

>> No.9762261

Then don't live alone dumb-dumb, this just sounds like self-pity even though you're probably making this up

>> No.9762264

because you're not doing it right, clearly
if you don't have a few people you can invite over for drinks or out to bowling you're not trying hard enough
I can set up a time next week for nine of my mates to come over and LISTEN TO A NEW ALBUM
that's called "making friends"

how can you kill yourself if you haven't even had the opportunity to gloriously fuck something up yet

>> No.9762273

What people need to understand about the suicidal like me is that life is inherently stressful. I don't mean stressful in the traditional sense of anxiety-producing, but that it requires constant effort. Having to work, buy food, take care of bills and health problems. These are all inherent to being alive. And having to go through the Sisyphean effort of living without the prospect of any sort of contentment or happiness in the future is a very acute form of suffering. Being alive actually hurts. I don't want to become resentful of other people, so I'd rather just end it before I get to an even darker place.

>> No.9762294

I thought I was the only one that did this

>> No.9762295

I'm 25 and I've never even touched a condom or a woman. Life is unfair in so many respects that the people who complain about income inequality as being the end-all be-all of life's unfairness seem hopelessly privileged to me.

>> No.9762296

>effort of living without the prospect of any sort of contentment or happiness in the future
>the prospect
>the future
Explain how u know the future

>> No.9762297

youre such a pussy

>> No.9762303

Being a pussy would involve me blaming women or society for my problems. I'm blaming myself.

>> No.9762304

My advise is to despair + acceptance
In my life solutions only arrived after losing all hope (with regards to a specific problem).

By that I mean: If you are fat, you will only lose weight to the point of becoming healthy after losing all hope of ever losing weight, surrendering.
If you despair about romance, the same applies.

It is similar to the case of couples who try to have a baby for years, fail, try a lot of treatments, fail, decide to adopt a baby, the pressure for having a baby is gone, and a few months later the woman finally manages to get pregnant without even searching for it.

>> No.9762305

fucking chicks is like getting money, you have to really want it, and of course it's more difficult for some people than other depending on circumstances, in other-words life's not fair but that doesn't mean you can't still get some wins, most people that bitch about never getting laid or never getting money don't really put much effort in, i know i put minimal effort into getting laid and i have to deal with the results of that, which is to say getting less than i'd like, but at the same time i'm not trying to go out tonight an blow money when i could just stay comfy shitposting and writing code all night

>> No.9762308
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>writing code all night

>> No.9762315

Hope for the future is a limited resource, my friend. It doesn't last forever.

>> No.9762329

I had a roommate for a few months. He got laid every week, which made me even more suicidal.

>> No.9762336

i'm usually not that sympathetic to "can't get laid" whining, but that situation will definitely get the self-loathing going strong

>> No.9762346

Eliot Rogers is obviously a horrible monster, but learning that he heard his younger sister get fucked in her room when she was a young teenager made me feel a little sympathetic.

>> No.9762395

>be a child and have all of your needs and wishes fulfilled by both the state and your parents
>become an adult and realize that everything from then all requires an inordinate amount of hard work, and success often depends on factors outside of your control
Reality is hitting everyone in this thread very hard

>> No.9762406

grow up

>> No.9762414

Yeah, that's what I'm telling people in this thread to do

>> No.9762425
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>What is the correct response to such ignorance?
Responding at all suggests an equality of peronshood between you. I would at best offer a disdainful glare.

>> No.9762460

Achilles and the tortoise

>> No.9762486

oh shit i finally get that comic, he'll never get to the end of the recursive acronym and he'll never get gf

>> No.9762499


>> No.9762514

more proof germany should've won ww2.

>> No.9762556

Are prostitutes worth the risk?

>> No.9762583


>> No.9762625

What if you're turning 30 and have never seen a vagina?

>> No.9762657
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>ywn meet a hooker with a heart of gold

>> No.9762698

He's right. No point in being alive if you can't have sex. Book are for people who are unhappy with their real lives.

>> No.9762724
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Depends. Find one who seems chill and get it over with. Get her to give you a few pointers so you can go out into the world with a bit more confidence. Or become wizard and rep the set. You decide.

Women are a meme btw you probably have some pussy pedestal mentality going on still so go see a pro and get some skills then get past that pedestal mentality. Being a nice guy is worth shit all if you are bad in bed behind all the niceties.

>> No.9762737

>bad in bed
No such thing. If you get a woman to bed you've already succeeded.

>> No.9762759
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Start off with this tradition mating ritual to get her cooter all soppin wet.

Fawwkk yeahhhh.

>> No.9762761


>> No.9762796

Why are there so many male losers nowadays? Is it because women are no longer expected to be monogamous so they congregate around the most attractive men at the expense of the average man? Or are men just shitier now?

>> No.9762803

I'm reading so I don't end up like you at forty.

There you go op, best comeback.

>> No.9762806

Imagine being a skinny, 22 year old white woman. That has to be the easiest life anyone in the history of the world has ever experienced.

>> No.9762807


>Is it because women are no longer expected to be monogamous so they congregate around the most attractive men at the expense of the average man?

Not the whole reason, but a significant one. The amusing thing is that all these proud western feminists who do this have basically subconsciously declared that they prefer an eastern harem style of living. I'm not particularly bitter toward guys getting more play than me but it is funny when you think about it.

>> No.9762818

Tfw you think about it and realize that they have an easier life than even the Roman Emperors. It's actually kinda disgusting.

>> No.9762824

Women prefer that. They'd rather be slaves to a conquerer than the equal partner of a mediocre worker. It makes sense from a genetic perspective. A woman's reproductive cycle is limited, so she'd rather get the genes of a dominant man (even if it costs her attention and resources) than be taken care of by someone who'll give her mediocre children.

>> No.9762827

Woe is the life of a normie.

>> No.9762833

Roman emperors were often warriors themselves, and always had to deal with insurrections. A woman gets all go the sexual freedom of an emperor without any of the political burdens. It's really amazing.

>> No.9762835


I'm not trying to state otherwise. It just makes it funny when you consider this fact in the light of their so-called "feminist liberation". They toss themselves right back into the binds of genetic determinism because they desire it by instinct.

They chain themselves all over again and continue to blame men for it.

>> No.9762851

It's not a chain. They have biological urges, and feminism is a method of allowing them to fulfill those urges. To us men the notion of being a sex slave to a rich, dominant person is disgusting, but to a woman that's as pleasurable as a 16 year old virgin would be for us. 50 Shades of Gray isn't women fantasizing about having less power, it's about them fantasizing about having the power to eschew unworthy men.

>> No.9762860


>It's not a chain. They have biological urges

Kek? Now you're talking just to talk.

>> No.9762864

Being free do fulfill your inherent urges is the opposite of being a slave.

>> No.9762876


>I'm not led by an inherent biological urge because I playtime LARP a sense of power around it as if it's my choice now

>> No.9762886

that made me spit out my waterlmfao

>> No.9762907

>He's an expert on PowerPoint and Excel
That reminds me a bit of me. Not that I earn that much, but I pretty much defaulted into it.

I love Excel. It tells you what is what. It can detect the most wonderful and horrible things.

>> No.9762921

>Im naturally funny.
Can you be more clear on that? Are you saying that your life is full of funny accidents like slipping on a banana peel and being chased by bees?

>> No.9762964

The most fun people aren't the Chads. They're very boring and will probably just make dick jokes or something. That said, you're also a pseud.

Some of the most fun I've had was screaming about monism in Christianity while seeing how fast I can finish a cheap bottle of wine.

>> No.9762966

Women are disgusting by the time they're 18-22. You're delusional mate. You're already settling, and you aren't even aware of it.

>> No.9762976

You're risking some serious paper cuts.

>> No.9762981

You need to go back. You aren't even being subtle about it.

>> No.9762986


>That said, you're also a pseud.
>Some of the most fun I've had was screaming about monism in Christianity while seeing how fast I can finish a cheap bottle of wine.

What a quick 180 into total irony. The lack of self-awareness in this post is crazy.

>> No.9763000

The risk is that there's a burnout, because you can't even masturbate. You gotta be focused on other people. All the time.

>> No.9763019

Damn when he say that

>> No.9763027

That's not pseud behavior. Pseud behavior is obsessively reading while complaining about microaggressions online. OP is the same sort of dope that complains about how a man looked in the general area of her incredibly exposed chest. He's a fucking engineer too, so I bet he was reading Ready Player One or something in preparation for the movie adaptation.

>> No.9763034

I'm just witty and a good shit talker. Fucking autists

>> No.9763048


>That's not pseud behavior. Pseud behavior is obsessively reading while complaining about microaggressions online.

The level of denial you're under right now is immense: you call OP a pseud then display the very same behavior in the same post, only to spaz out and do the exact same thing all over again in your next post.

>> No.9763060

t. pseud

Is that Sun Ra that I hear? Is that bourbon and tobacco that I smell? No, nobody is impressed by your 'academic' image.

>> No.9763072


It's amusing watching you post. See how you think. Wonder at the obvious pitfalls and points of indictment that you habitually seem to fall into even when you're specifically trying not to.

In only three posts you've already managed to become the biggest pseud in this entire thread. Quite the feat, by the way.

>> No.9763076

It's kinda fuckin true. The glory of a man is his silver head and the glory of a young man is his strength, but just keep reading but don't let that get in the way of enjoying your youth. You only bloom once, and then after that there will be time to discover the secrets of the universe.

>> No.9763082

*tips fedora constructed entirety out of nippon steal folded 9001 times*
Nice rant, keikaku man.

>> No.9763091


It's clear that you're a younger poster. One with a massive complex over being as pretentious as he is, yet one who still lacks the years of maturity needed to stop being quite so pretentious.

This is literally topic of discussion you're posting about and yet you still can't help yourself. Don't you even see how badly you've been tripping over yourself this whole time?

>> No.9763099

I'm 29. Good lord are you falling into the strawman.

>> No.9763112

OP, the more you read, HOPEFULLY, the more you learn about the reality of your life. Your direction and recognition of opportunities will grow with your expanding perception of the world.

When I was your age (I'm 33) I started reading again. My friends didn't read. As I grew older and had a habit of being autodidact, I gravitated towards opportunities as well as stayed clear of brainlet. A long story short I'm a senior programmer making a lot of money, more than my old friends, because the effort I put in self teaching myself stuff in the beginning.

Look, go out and try to get your dick sucked every weekend, but don't give up on reading.

>> No.9763114


Are you serious? I've been thinking that you were probably some really pretentious 17 year old /mu/ tourist this whole time because that is how you post.
>super sarcastic Sun Ra namedrop from nowhere (such effortless command of le culture!)

If you're 29 and still posting like this then you are even more pretentious than previously thought. God damn are you ever a faggot.

>> No.9763123

Are you oblivious to irony?

>> No.9763152


>you see the thing is I was only pretending to be a try hard wanker all along! well r-rused, right?


>> No.9763179

You've confused me calling you out as a pseud by associating you with Sun Ra, who by your own admission is popular with 17-year-old /mu/ pseuds. Then you proceed to call me a pseud.

>> No.9763206

The more you obsess about what you "ought" to do or have done at any age, the more miserable you will be. There will never be a moment when you will nut and suddenly think to yourself "Oh boy, in this very moment I have become an accomplished and masculine individual who lived well". Desires are insatiable, there will always be regrets and urges that will never really go away. Just relax a bit and stop taking it all so seriously.

>> No.9763243


I called you a pseud for even thinking to namedrop Sun Ra for absolutely no reason in the first place. Oh, and this
>Some of the most fun I've had was screaming about monism in Christianity while seeing how fast I can finish a cheap bottle of wine.
which still remains the most try hard line posted in this whole thread by a considerable margin.

>> No.9763254

That isn't name-calling. Sun Ra isn't obscure. Irony is beading off of you.

>> No.9763259

>what do fedoralords listen to?
>what do avant-teen fedoralords listen to?
Sun Ra
You fucking pseud.

>> No.9763278
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So you've created an entire strawman who is apparently a fedora jazz listener who listens to Sun Ra that you can attack so you don't feel quite so foolish for proudly declaring that you have fun screaming about monism in Christianity while drinking cheap wine like a fuckin cringe try hard.

Is that it?

>> No.9763298

If you had just laughed at him and said "I just like reading man." you wouldn't have this problem.
But you're an autist. When in Rome, do as the Romans do.

>> No.9763317

>party and have sexxxx
It is that for plenty of people. However that would be a void life and empty shell of nothing. You don't generate anything, You don't be anything. You don't know anything. Doing solely that you become the mass of nothingness.

I can't comprehend this modern youth and adolescent culture that is being immediately associated with running headless running to bars and booze-taverns just to forget the misery they live in. This is a malaise of society and menace of culture.

This sexual liberation disgust me with all its chastity and degenerate drinking. Maybe it is just me but in the long run this causes nothing good. But the question lies, when the fuck did it become normal to set everything else aside and focus on fucking girls, dumping them, going to the next like a pity animal controlled by its biological urges. This paradigm shift of youth is more of destruct to this media following hip and tacky humanity and there is no end in sight.

>> No.9763328

Can't tell if this is satire


>> No.9763350
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You're the same try hard pseud in that other thread that is refusing to follow up on his nonsense posturing over Kant, aren't you? I know it's you lmao.

>> No.9763358

Not entirely.

See focusing only in sex and joys of alcohol is nothing but mere side effect of boredom. There are better ways to fulfil this idleness but it has become a social norm and more acceptable to get mashed out there and fuck other people.

What is this? It is the result of mass media creating pornographic material for masturbatory use like some Ford factory. It is way too much accepted way of living and spread of thousands of sex induced songs since the lyrics behind those can't either put something more meaningful there or they on purpose hit the sweet spot for money.

But I do must say that I'm quite biased on this topic. After having sex few times I saw that it is way too much respected and talked about. It's just few minutes of pure biological control of your mind so you could naturally impregnate somebody. Now modern times have found a way of cutting the impregnation off and just enjoy the "pleasure". Now that pleasure is not much. If you can't have voluptuous passion to nothing else than sex you're quite reduced human being, I think.

Drinking is matter on its own and the excess of it is quite clear. Just because there is a bar or party around the drinking does not make it any better.

Combining these I think it becomes quite clear that there is a paradigm shift of social norms compared to hundred years backwards yet alone two hundred. I don't see this as good thing in any way. It is misuse of "free will" if the means aren't clear and the action purely indoctrinated and subconscious.

>> No.9763388
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Next time he says that, break his arms

>> No.9763420

>After having sex few times

Has it occurred to you that you or your partners might simply be bad at it?

>> No.9763478

Yes but the answer is no.

There was this one woman who was quite a nymphomaniac even to a degree that it was too much. Her mind basically went with "We made the pizza, now let's have sex to celebrate". Needless to say that seemed disgusting to me. It's not that she couldn't handle blowjobs but the levels which didn't involve sex, video games and shitty series of television were non-existent.

It was just too much of pure nothing that she was. It was even hard to talk to her if I didn't use some double meaning, which involves these fallos-sex-meanings, the slur of biological machines. It might seem sexy and romantic but it is just talking mind-boggling how much of the talk is without a real meaning. It was weird how solemn she was just with the intercourse and how some persons really just live the life of these "simple" things, this void.

After her I was more confident that it is waste of time to run after girls and sex. The enjoyment just doesn't fulfil the real desires that human mind can flex into. There is no good being thrall to physical thrills. The slight delight of masturbating, having a blow-job or shovelling your sexes against each other is so tiny measured with time or the dopamine when it comes to whole life that there is even no challenge to live without it.

Anyhow it is thoroughly weird the times we live in that there is just this pushing and forcing of having sex as much as you can and with as many partners you can denying the fact there is lot more outside of this.

Sexual revolution as we talk about it has had some intense effects to society and to people so much that people forget that as humans we have created much else just so you do not have to be an animal.

Sex is the only meaning to a lot of people on this planet and that I cannot dispute but this still doesn't mean that the whole life has to base on it and whole culture has to focus mostly on that.

>> No.9763506

Promiscuity is a dangerous game lads. After getting a q-tip shoved in my dick for an std test, I'm ready for monogamy.

>> No.9763530


>> No.9763538

I agree with you m8. Erich Fromm talks about how radical hedonism was previously the unphilosophical practice of a minority, the noble elite, whereas now it has become a philosophical and ethical norm for society writ large. Combined with capitalism, a system that depends in the maximal consumption of goods and services, you get exactly what we have now: millions of thoughtless youths drinking and fucking their youth away, with no real legacy to leave behind. I suppose things have probably always been this way, just with different circumstances, but it's worrying at times, especially when I see good, old friends becoming alcoholics.

I will say though that if you meet someone with whom you connect on an intellectual and spiritual level, you can transcend the purely genital and biological aspect of sex.

>> No.9763573


>> No.9763650
File: 7 KB, 200x250, afrojoyce.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

*farts in your general direction*

>> No.9763999

It's similar to the relationship we have with oxygen and money. If you have some, it's not something you think about too often. However, the absence of it will occupy your thoughts with increasing urgency.

>> No.9764706

But I'm ugly and no social life so I have no choice

>> No.9765173

I think the idea of sex is pretty gross and I dislike parties so why would I?

>> No.9765184

>I think the idea of sex is pretty gross
if ur not keen on stiggin ur willie in a moist gash how about a tight boi pussi lad

>> No.9765228

Your gay....

>> No.9765300

Nah, just want to remain socially conservative

>> No.9765313

Part of me wants to maybe im just too cautious or something

>> No.9765324 [DELETED] 

My internet is dogshit slow and it's driving me crazy

>> No.9765570

Why am I not surprised? Engineers are scum, and they're worse than the other STEM-autists by far. I've had the displeasure of talking to many of them, and I've found they lack any sense of intellectual curiosity, appreciation for beauty or passion for a higher calling. They're utterly brain-dead. They're like insects. I've listened to the discussion they have among themselves, it consists entirely of their work, sports and sex, though occasionally they might venture so far as to discuss the new Transformers movie. I'm not exaggerating to say that infants provide more stimulating conversation than them. What makes them especially repulsive is their extreme narcissism, the undeserved superiority they unremittingly exude, and their disdain for any non-STEM discipline. Look into their eyes next time you encounter one, you'll find there's no soul behind them. If I was given the means to wipe their existence from this reality I wouldn't hesitate, and I'd feel no more remorse than I would destroying a colony of worker ants. I hate them. Hate. Hate.

>> No.9766501

Do both, but have loads of sex AND make loads of babies

>> No.9766515

Tell him you read and fuck hipster chicks who are attracted to men reading. If you wanted to fuck party girls then you would party. It's all just a matter of taste. Sexual att e action is universal, but it comes in many flavors.

>> No.9766522


>> No.9766620

wow you caught me i tired so hard

>> No.9766726

>I party and fuck educated people desu it's called "quality of life" look it up, in a book, faggot

>> No.9766731

>Who cares, man? Just do what you want. You're being a drag.
>Whatever, dude. Seeya in class.

Literally that's all you had to do.

>> No.9766755


Wow you have actual autism so hard.

>> No.9766769

;c fewns hrt

>> No.9766776

Funny, like a clown?

>> No.9766785

>matches on tinder dessert me
Do they give you candy since they think you're a child or something?

>> No.9766790

this is hands down the greatest bait thread i've seen on here in a long time

holy shit 250 replies lmao. you cucks believe anything you read because you're insecure.

10/10 op srsly

>> No.9766793
File: 126 KB, 1182x966, 1495521114024.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>when your ironically detached display of autism is still just regular autism with a different hat on

Good work!

>> No.9766936

what's with the afro