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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 26 KB, 500x360, Wise-Quotes-62.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
9763176 No.9763176 [Reply] [Original]

ITT we come up with aphorisms that sound """deep""" but really aren't

I'll have a go:
>We are damned to repeat our mistakes until we don't any more

>> No.9763184

All livings things on this world are alive, and thus deserve special attention.

>> No.9763439

>Everything you accomplish is a step closer to the best possible you
>When conflict arises, be the voice of reason and avoid it

>> No.9763493

We all end up looking like the pills we take

>> No.9763521

>Consciousness is merely unconsciousness multiplied

>> No.9763527

We're one race -- the human race.

>> No.9763536

Suffering is pain. Nothing more, nothing less.

>> No.9763541

if the world is against you, its their fault not yours

>> No.9763544

This is true though

>> No.9763548

We're one gender, the human gender

>> No.9763551

nature knows not a mercy,
to pray is to accept defeat

>> No.9763559

People don't think it be like it is, but it do.

>> No.9763564

I can disagree with myself, so I definitely exist.

>> No.9763571

The nation is an extended family.

>> No.9763588

Only once a nation fells its leader may the populace be and populace do.

>> No.9763591

Love others to love yourself.

>> No.9763615

You have learned to think of yourself as bad; now you must work on thinking of others as no worse.

>> No.9763901

It is true what is said, that there is no truth except for that which you hold to be true.

>> No.9763905

Black lives matter

>> No.9763912

Looking back, remember that every step was necessary to get you where you are.

>> No.9763913
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>> No.9763929

My thoughts are stars I can't fathom into constellations.

>> No.9763970


That's pretty good though

>> No.9764038

The difference between a good quote and a bad quote is the reader

>> No.9764123
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Depending on the circumstances in which we are born into, the capacity that we may hold to our lifes work may differ. And so I say, how can a lawyer or doctor be any better than a crackwhore?

>> No.9764136



>> No.9764150

You can count all the seeds in an apple, but you can't count all the apples in one seed.

>> No.9764180


>> No.9764190


But thats actually really good

why do these "come up with a shitty meaningless quote" threads always have the best quotes??

>> No.9764199

I sat for a minute wondering how the fuck is that good

Then it just struck me, holy shit! I wonder how you even pondered it long enough to think of it that way

And I really do agree it's very insightful actually

>> No.9764200

but technically you can't count all the seeds in an apple because those seeds will become apple trees which will themselves produce apple seeds, and on ad infinitum

>> No.9764220

>why do these "come up with a shitty meaningless quote" threads always have the best quotes
the /lit/ userbase might not be very smart

>> No.9764223

In one given moment the apple will have, say, 10 seeds
The "you can't count that" comes in play for the later part, you can't coun the apples in a seed. You think right, but the way I think is the same thing but for the seed, the seed may grow up into a beautiful tree that seasona fter season produces tasty apples.

>> No.9764237
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>t. brainlet

>> No.9764243

No I understand your point but argue that it should just be counted for an indivudual momenta nd not forever

But I suppose you're right in that I'm a brainlet, why treat the apple that way and then not do the same for the seed

>> No.9764379

Beauty is in the eye of the tiger

>> No.9764722

It's not that we are, what we eat, as much as that we aren't, what we excrete.

>> No.9764911

A broken clock is right twice a day, but a late clock is never right

>> No.9764922

Hard work is the hallmark of a fool.

>> No.9764924

I clothes my eyes and seize it

>> No.9764926
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>> No.9764928

All water is the color of drowning.

>> No.9764947
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>> No.9764985

Don't think about what you don't do, marvel at what you do do.

>> No.9765113

love is chemicals in your brain, not your water

>> No.9765145

God is real. If he wasn't real, how did the banana fit perfect into man's hand?

>> No.9765168

Split up, complex water. Let a simple man enjoy you.

>> No.9765175

I like this a lot.

>> No.9765195

Pain is a natural response to things that harm us. So if nature responds, why don't we?

>> No.9765236

2close2home fampai

>> No.9765248

Kek, almost sounds like William Blake

>> No.9765270

this one is great

>> No.9765275

If life is a chimney then I am the fire

>> No.9765276

I clench my fist and beet it
I lite my torch and burn it

>> No.9765303


>> No.9765700

I am the beast I were ship

>> No.9766449

The only difference between a bald millionaire and a street urchin with flowing locks is how much hair is on their heads

>> No.9766466

It's a dog eat dog world, and I'm the Chinaman.

>> No.9766467

Sometimes you have to kill a few crows before you get autism from the sun rays that exhibits modern rays of death like the valley that's in a desert or something like that and the dog licks an apple in that there desert with a pizza and the pizza says to the dog "woof" as that's the dogs language and crows know it to like almost as perfectly as both the dead dogs who died from heat stroke at a young age of 29 human revolutions around the equinoctial center of the earth's gravitational field that pulls down apples with the spit of dogs and werewolves who are men who were dogs who eat men because that's relatively simply what dogs eat relatively to the physics of mechanics of the universe n' junk and stuff

>> No.9766473

Don't try to run from yourself because you are always where you are.

>> No.9766478

>the crows are callin my name thought Caw

>> No.9766479

Sorry about this post. It's my autism.

>> No.9766489

pot eel

>> No.9766498

lel, this one really captures the spirit of what this thread was supposed to be about

>> No.9767023


OP is not a faggot.

>> No.9767046


>> No.9767055

Truth is true until it isn't

>> No.9767064

eternally btfo

>> No.9767066

Write what you think you'll know and eventually you will.

>> No.9767072

If you never seize the moment, then the moment seizes you.

>> No.9767119

If this all -- this life, the fears, the hopes -- is just going unto death -- then I am dying until I die.
And after I die I may live.

>> No.9767128

Every day you end up a little more dead

>> No.9767152

Life is like a penis. When you're young you want it to be long and full of glory, but when you get older you just want it to fuck off.

>> No.9767159

SJW detected.

>> No.9767165

that sounds like everyone on /pol/ though

>> No.9767169

True. I stand corrected.

>> No.9767188
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>> No.9767206
File: 430 KB, 744x732, FireShot Capture 38 - InspiroBot - http___inspirobot.me_.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

literally anything from inspobot

>> No.9767209

fucking lol

>> No.9767216

The boys from the hood are always hard. You come talking that trash, they'll pull your card. Knowing nothing in life, but to be legit.

And don't quote me boy, because I haven't said shit.

>> No.9767242

Instant gratification is only gratifying for an instant.

>> No.9767243

this thread is kekkin me hard

i want to say thanks to all your faceless anons for the laughs

>> No.9767252

i love this so much

thank you artfucker1996

>> No.9767711

I think that's actually the foundation of philosophy

>> No.9767714


these threads are always deep af by "accident#

>> No.9767726


kick ass and chew bubblegum tier.

>> No.9767731


is that the Queen?

>> No.9767750
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Everywhere is everywhere, nowhere is somewhere.

>> No.9767753

This is genuinely genius, anon. Please write it down, it encapsulates the potential that the next generation has.

>> No.9767757

Would download your mixtape if there was more wordplay like this

>> No.9767761

the basis of all science really

>> No.9768168

It's a dog eat dog world, and I'm the Chinaman
Tryna make it big, I spit lines more fire than
ever been spat before,
I've made mistakes again and again but then I didn't no more
This ain't no kicking ass and chewing bubblegum shit
Life is like a chimney, and I'm the fucking firepit

>> No.9768172

A correctly cooked egg smells not of sulfur

>> No.9768184

Everyone shits in the same hole.

>> No.9768191

What does that mean?

>> No.9768198

This is the water.

And this is the well.

Drink full and descend.

The horse is the white of the eyes and dark within.

>> No.9768202

The largest one can see themself is where their life seems out of their control.

>> No.9768214

Easy recipe:

"The best (x=object/concept) is the one that (y=performs the opposite of the expected or accepted function of x)

"The best meal is that which makes you hungrier."
"The best conversations are the ones where your mouth stays shut."
"A brothel can be holier than a church"


>> No.9768287
File: 13 KB, 610x256, really makes you think.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.9768297

Tread not through the blighted land, but cultivate it, for elsewhere does not exist.

>> No.9768304

The Chesterton quote model.

>> No.9768346

will look out for this on /r/4chan

>> No.9768551


>> No.9768558

>le professional

>> No.9768580


>> No.9768586

breaddy glued desu

>> No.9768698

What does this mean?

>> No.9768718

this is perfect purple hair millenial bait. thank you.

>> No.9768747

Kick gum and chew aa--uuaahahahaaaasss???!!!?!!?!!!!hhhaaahaaahaahaaaaacccjfggjhf

>> No.9768761

Try and try again, until you are the flightless bird that becomes the pulpy stain on the jagged cliff.

>> No.9768772

There is no use in grieving past errors, as they made you exactly who you are today.

>> No.9768794

Live life without judgment and you will soar in a state of boundless wonderment. Judge and you will remain stationary, chained to your thoughts.

>> No.9769662

The only glint of optimism in my life is that I am me.

>> No.9769714

The best fat catholic cunt is the worst thin Lutheran penis

>> No.9769753

This is the kind of profound observation that green is making a living from.

>> No.9769768

Yeah? And I fucking hate myself.

>> No.9769797

A sturdy roof can support water... And sometimes feet.

>> No.9769915

"The biggest idiot could become the smartest man if only he believes in himself."

>> No.9769925

"Give me hell so that I may find heaven here."

>> No.9769960

Trusting is wanting and wanting is trusting

>> No.9770175

There are only two paths in life. The right one and a detour that leads you back to the right one.

>> No.9771418

Dogs and cats aren't so different after all.

>> No.9771501

sexuality is like wavelength

>> No.9771628

'deepness' is for pseuds

>> No.9771669

underrated, syntax makes it work

>> No.9771682

A horse who breaks its leg may not get up again

>> No.9771720

Even the sweetest apples turn to shit in the belly.

>> No.9771727

Life begins where the footsteps end.

>> No.9771729


yo dats mad deep brah

>> No.9771789

life is like a box of chocolates

>> No.9772221

For the rest of us it's called 'depth'

>> No.9772269

that's why the scare quotes are there.

>> No.9772292

>There's no such thing as an impossible thing; just things that have never happened so far.
I'm sure I can word this better though.

>> No.9772316

I like this one the best. Squawk.

>> No.9772340

I think, therefore I am oppressed.

>> No.9772346

>tfw anons joke aphorisms are better than my real ones

>> No.9772367

If you throw that seed down the drain your can write off all those future apples, thus bringing the count to a precise zero.

>> No.9772398

But a clock that runs late is righter than an clock that runs early because hey, the former was right just x minutes ago.

>> No.9772404

This is beautiful, alliteration and all.

>> No.9772406

"Everywhere you look, you're facing eternity."

>> No.9772414

Not to mention man's cock fitting so perfectly snuggly into another man's boypussy.

>> No.9772415

If you can see the future, you can also count the amount of apples in any seed. If you can't, you can't be certain that there won't be anybody down in the sewers to pick up that seed and plant it.

Think about that.

>> No.9772428

If life is a chimney then I'm a particularly fat Santa.

>> No.9772451

You mean from the same hole.

>> No.9772478


>> No.9772510

Wait, it's the other way around.

>> No.9773715

Fuck off bill.
Don't you have some cuck porn to "study"?

>> No.9773762


>> No.9773817
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>> No.9773848

gotta get them internet points to fill this void.

>> No.9773981

what if you're already an Emu?

>> No.9775047

Breathing: if we don't do it, we die.

>> No.9775085

A sidewalk in the worst condition is the only one you'll know you've reached the end of without looking down

>> No.9775119

>marvel at what you doodoo
slippery, smooth but cleanly intact, keratin-orange, comfortably damp afterfeel, beautifully coiled

>> No.9775143

A ceiling is only as high as the walls that support it.

>> No.9775147

Sometimes you need to fall on your face to see where you are going

>> No.9775152

This doesn't make sense without the context of the thread. Put the OP in there

>> No.9775170


A blind lamp does itself no favors

>> No.9775189

stick that silvertongue up my ass cause you needa eat shit

>> No.9775195

A => B

>> No.9775203

Anime was a mistake.

>> No.9775210


The tiniest mouse is smaller than the largest elephant

>> No.9775346

If all knives were blunt all backs would be bruised.

>> No.9775399
File: 521 KB, 1767x1211, 2onXM.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You are a tree, not a leaf. You are a forest, not a tree. You are the earth not the forest. You are the universe, not not the earth. You are both the murderer and the murdered. You are god.

Can anyone comprehend the meaning of the above? You must try acid/shrooms to understand.

>> No.9775433

All is possible, I binge on an orange. I rhyme the unrhymable, I do the undoable.

>> No.9775455
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>> No.9775459

If my love for you was an ocean, would you drown in it or continue clinging on to your ex's sorry ass.

>> No.9775472

If you don't stack up on your semen, you might turn into a heathen

>> No.9776670


>> No.9776672

what the fuck
even the filename
oh God.

>> No.9776677


>> No.9776707
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boi tf u say mane

>> No.9776718
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this thread is totally radical my dudes

>> No.9776886

The worst thing in your life gives you the most joy

>> No.9776960

>There are no impossiblities, only things which have yet to happen.
Better, anon?

>> No.9776972

i read this as "blacks"

it was funnier that way

>> No.9777060

The greatest strides start with baby steps

>> No.9777111

It is better to be blind and pretend you are not, than it is to be average and pretend you hot

>> No.9777349

"It's not over until the fat lady sings"
Untrue, says I, for there was never a fat lady.

>> No.9777388

Risen' up!

>> No.9777389

When you're far from someone , you can't tell if they are irunning towards you or running away

>> No.9777418

These read 100% like Coelho/Murakami/Żulczyk.

/lit/ can be rad at times.

>> No.9777434

Don't let the brainlets fool you, this thread is fucking gay.

>> No.9777474

you dont have to be an extraordinary person to start something,but you have to start something in order to be extraordinary!!!!

>> No.9777478

One's brain contains not one's own knowledge but knowledge it has itself have collected.

>> No.9777487

if you are what you eat then i am word salad.

>> No.9777490

i played harmonica with her teeth

>> No.9777855

Equal opportunity does not mean equal outcome.

>> No.9777871

Everything its incomplete.

>> No.9777889

Sounds like a line from Xavier: Renegade Angel

>> No.9777929

Scooby-Doo can doo doo, but Jimmy Carter is smarter.

>> No.9777966

In jail no one cares if you're the Buddha.

>> No.9777980

Fools and tyrants are very alike, they try to alter the facts to fit their opinions, which is worrisome if you're a fact that needs altering.

>> No.9777989


>> No.9777999

Are you enjoying your time at Stanford?

>> No.9778016

You don't need to take acid to understand transcendence.

>> No.9778487

I really like this one desu.

>> No.9778501

>what doesn't kill you makes you stronger


>> No.9778808

The best muumuu is the one which hides nothing.

>> No.9778817

t. probably a leftist

>> No.9778858

It's not OC of course:
I can do that too:
>Passwords are like underwear: they should be private, and you oughta change them once in a while

>> No.9778977

Change is inevitable. Dump your bf

>> No.9778981

Whatever is done from love always occurs beyond good and evil.

>> No.9779037

Nothing matters to you most until the moment it matters the least.

>> No.9779041

Teleport behind nothing-personnel you kid(v.).

>> No.9779050

At the end of your life, you are lucky if you die.

>> No.9779123

Life is means to an end.

>> No.9779266
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good thread
would read again

>> No.9779269

life is 10 what happens to you and 90% how you react to it

>> No.9779275

Just be yourself :^)

>> No.9779302
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well done

>> No.9779326

The probability of an apple seed producing a tree that makes edible fruit is astronomical. All apple trees are grafted, you jackanape.

>> No.9779358

I see so all seeds past the very first one which made the first tree have been useless then?? Okay thank you now I am enlightened oh my oh me thank you

>> No.9779359

the worst thing an ex can do is be worth getting back after its too late

>> No.9780629

isn't this true though

if it was A implies B and you had B and then assumed A, that'd be the fallacy.

>> No.9780640

But I don't look red

>> No.9780730

>not recognizing vinceposting

>> No.9780743

>what are vaulted ceilings?

>> No.9780750


>> No.9780752


>> No.9780757

it's not "deep"

the funniest ones in this thread are tautologies/analytic truths

>> No.9780758

its on the same level as but teach a man to fish ...
its ok but not incredible.

>> No.9780761

The only thing worse than being wrong is being right

>> No.9780773

The truth isn't out there
It's right here

>> No.9780778

Don't move so much after eating because even
your dick vomits after moving too much.

I'm not very good at this

>> No.9780792

there is no such thing as truth, only untruth.

>> No.9780799

instead of pushing a wheel up a hill, let it roll down the hill

>> No.9780804
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they say every dog has it's day, Ray, but i'm a goddamn wolfe

>> No.9780841

don't stare at holes or you might become a hole or something lol

>> No.9780913
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Love is like a flower
It blooms and it dies
Sometimes it grows back
Sometimes it does not

>> No.9780927

You, sir, have clearly not tried drugs.

>> No.9780936

The worst storms are completely still.

>> No.9780940

That happend to me.

>> No.9780944
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>> No.9780945

blood may be thicker than water but without water there is no blood

>> No.9781583

Yes it's not amazing but to me my impression was that it was just very stupid and empty then you go back and think about it and it actually has something of substance so I was a bit surprised

>> No.9781945

All men are creations of both science and religion. Therefore, racism is wrong.

>> No.9781962

the hands that once held down my shoulders now clap for me

>> No.9781984

Fear not the unjust life, fear the unjust self that fears life.

>> No.9781989

Satan and God both spoke man's words

>> No.9782344

as above so below is the phrase for that

>> No.9782484

underrateds from first 1/10 of thread

count all the seeds in my jizz

>> No.9783603

If you never look inside, how will you know if you're alive?

>> No.9783613
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>> No.9783633

Only the illiterate can find the dumb in wisdom.

>> No.9783652

The more you fap the clearer your mind.

>> No.9783654

The reader is the true writer.

>> No.9783663

Before you judge, remember: we all weigh the same when in space.

>> No.9783666

The dog is a better liar than the cat.

>> No.9783696

Sperm is the germ from the worm that spurns.

>> No.9783931

Good one but i think i heard it before.

>> No.9784044

Yeah. I'm pretty sure there's something nearly identical in the Aphorism section of Marriage of heaven and hell

>> No.9784053


oh Satan

>> No.9784099

it's reddit of the conchords
good one

>> No.9784143

If you believe everything you hear you'll be right eventually

>> No.9784163


>> No.9784184

>five days
it's a staple of these threads

>> No.9784192

Taylor killed the bird

>> No.9784768

These made me laugh out loud and wake up my cat well done sir

>> No.9784773

This is MUCH better than this >>9763929 for the thread

>> No.9784827

we are as baby ducks.

>> No.9785360

whether the gods are inside or outside makes very little difference to whether there are gods

>> No.9786222

Wisely chosen words often go unsaid.

>> No.9786226

To mature, one must become as sophisticated as a beehive

>> No.9786235

Don't be afraid to make mistakes. You were a mistake too.

>> No.9786251

>My interaction with girls tbqh

Nothing can stop you as long as you don't get behind nothing.

Once there was nothing, but twice there was once.

When it won't go down, just pull it.

>> No.9786255

OP is a faggot, cast into the eternal flames of 4chan.

>> No.9786315
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This capricious content

>> No.9786331

That was actually 8/8 m8

>> No.9786528

What doesn't kill you has failed it's purpose

>> No.9786712

You best start believing in ghost stories,
Because you're in one...

>> No.9786739
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>> No.9787028

This has great potential but need to be more grandiose. Maybe something like "The sky is only as high as the men who carry it" and if you really want to make it facebook tear photoshop the quote over a picture of Atlas.

>> No.9787323

Use thusly instead of therefore

>> No.9787330

How does one smile like that? His mouth is upside down but he seems to be smiling.

>> No.9787370

Small, round, bright coloured? Pretty sure it doesn't actually mean anything though.

>> No.9787418

It's better to shit your pants than to die constipated

>> No.9787437

>all the people in this thread who don't understand what an aphorism is
behead all tourists