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/lit/ - Literature

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976229 No.976229 [Reply] [Original]

Did anyone see this book on Colbert last night. Some bitch wrote about about not having sex for a year. This made me rage. How does /lit/ feel about it?

>> No.976239

This is like someone complaining about not having filet mignon to a bunch of starving Ethiopians.

Fuck this bitch.

>> No.976241

Wow I'd fucking kill myself if I didn't have sex for a year.

>> No.976238

One year? Pshaw! I could do one year standing in my mother's basement.

>> No.976244

What a goddamn slut.

>> No.976256

Attention whore

>> No.976264
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Ist his just on /lit/ or what?

>> No.976270
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Well I like Post-Structuralism, and stuff like thatw hich sometimes might not be as direct as ie Rawls, but for me it has much more impact.
Youk now Fouclat, Althusser, Lacan, Badiou, iŽžek..

I kind of "hate" Rawls because of Kymlica and his Modern Political Philosophy; an introduction where he tries very hard to prove that Rawls maybe with a bit of Dworkin is the best thing since sliced brea dor something...

>> No.976286
File: 169 KB, 4192x612, 1274167797365.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well ,the issues of Cahtolic vs Protestant that were the basis of the Gunpowder Plot are aslo the basic issues that led to the English Civil War, and the actual beheading of Charles I.

So if you do want to bring up the later successful regicide, you could profitably link it to Macbeth's famous soliloquy in which he contemplates the acto f regicide and its consequences: "if the assassination could trammel up the consequences, nad catch, with his surcease, success: that but this blow imght be the eb-all and the end-all here..."

Except the whole point is that he knows it's not.

Similarly, the back-and-forth of Catholic and Protestant in England---starting with Thomas More getting beheaded, and running up to Charles I getting beheaded---shows that Macbeth is right in tersm of where he goes wtih this argument: "we but teach bloody instructions which return to plgaue th'inventor".

In other words, the blooydi nstruction taught by Guy Fawkes (regicide of aP rotestant kin gin the name of a Catholic majority) is directly responsible for the over-reaction in the opposite direction (when Cromwell and the Puritans succeed in their regicide, for a king thought ot be too Catholci in sympathies, on behalf of a Protestant middle-class which may be a minority but holds a mjaority of the mercantile power in the country)

>> No.976303

No sex for a year?

Please. I'm on a 21-year streak and you don't see me writing a book about it.

>> No.976308
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>> No.976313


Maybe you should. There are a distinct lack of books focusing on sex-less shut-in types.

>> No.976323


I'd call it "The Game" and it would be about how to stay in and play games.

>> No.976328


My exact words when hearing Colbert say who his guest was and what she wrote about:

"Who fucking cares?"

>> No.976336



>> No.976338

Honestly every single guest they have is shit. I have no idea why, when the show is so top billed.

>> No.976362

The good guests go to Stewart. Colbert gets the second tier.

>> No.976375
File: 87 KB, 2036x236, 1276017816445.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If the spambot psots in this thread then it's a dummy head.........heh heh I think i found the chemo

>> No.976389
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>> No.976406
File: 70 KB, 3356x148, 1272432808947.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Holy fuck.

Like, holy fuck. Spam, spam everywhere.

It's a battlefield.

Pic to make this post literature related, one of the few books I've read front to back.

>> No.976416
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>> No.976417
File: 141 KB, 2468x652, 1270618922802.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hey /lit/

This was posted on /v/ just a few minutes ago and I was wondering if there wasa nother tier list like this elsewhere on this board with more books. Always looking for something new ot read.

>> No.976466

Like it's hard for women to go without sex, fucking cunt could go for decades.