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9761328 No.9761328 [Reply] [Original]

Why didn't Voldermort just use magic to steal a bomb and nuke Howarts?

>> No.9761341
File: 153 KB, 378x319, prickle34.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Simple. Because J.K. Rowling would be a lot less richer.

>> No.9761345

Probably some bullshit reason like "eeew muggle weapons"

>> No.9761346

because there are no bombs in his universe

>> No.9761348

Can you imagine the asshurt from her fans if she finished the last book with Voldermort just killing everyone in the laziest way possible? Surely as an artist she must see the value of things other than more money.

>> No.9761349

Because the sougflenuncklesoinsfklrs used a blocking magic potion to defeat the vloegermoeters which led to the magical defeat of all magic on nuclear warheads

>> No.9761353

Where did it say that? I'm pretty sure they have guns and other technology.

>> No.9761357

Why didn't Dumbledore use the eagles to fly to Narnia

>> No.9761358

Why didn't harry potter have any kind of wand control?

Literally letting kids run around with a deadly weapon

>> No.9761359

I'm fairly sure there are magical explosives in the Harry Potter universe. I think they're mostly used for entertainment however.

>> No.9761365

You can't just 'fly' between worlds on a bird, you need to go thru a portal. Also, Narnia doesn't exist in the HP universe because JK Rowling isn't Christian.

>> No.9761366

They did tho, kids under 17 weren't allowed to use magic. Read up on your Harry Potter folklore you fucking muggle.

>> No.9761368

I believe they were not taught deadly shit like the three curses and sectumsempra before they were of an age where they can understand that something like that will cause them to go to Azkaban or some shit.

But then again, having some wand control would make more sense.

>> No.9761369

This. Either Voldemort is opposed to nuclear weapons, or the wizarding world has put a powerful disarming hex on all nuclear weapons and we don't know about it.

>> No.9761374
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>Harry Potter folklore
The word you want is mythology you fucking moron

>> No.9761376


>> No.9761380

The Harry Potter universe is just our universe + a magical shadow world that exists undetected alongside the normal 'muggle' world. So everything we have in the real world, like airplanes and nukes, presumably exist in the HP universe, even if they aren't explicitly mentioned. The wizards just are very very insular so they don't think about technology a lot and see it as stupid, nor do they care about current events (e.g. they were only dimly aware of WWII). Still they do bring up normie tech every once in a while, for example Ron brings up stealing an aqualung using magic to be able to get to some underwater treasure.

>> No.9761388
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>Also, Narnia doesn't exist in the HP universe because JK Rowling isn't Christian.

>> No.9761393

Don't forget that they used radios. I think whatever technology they used was probably fuelled by magic rather than electricity.

>> No.9761398

Why did you make my shitpost sound like a slightly better shitpost?

>> No.9761400

I was translating for the uninitiated out there. You work is in print, anon!

>> No.9761413

What the fuck is a muggle?

>> No.9761419

It's the wizard equivalent of the word 'normie', or 'gringo' or 'landlubber'.

Basically it's a slur that can be used with mild condescension or more intense hatred.

>> No.9761421

someone who works at www.google.com

>> No.9761422

Ron was a young kid with friends who were raised by muggles, makes sense that he'd have better understandings of technology than voldemort who was an adult and already at war before nukes were invented. wasn't ron's dad interested in muggle tech or something, but amazed by all the new stuff? generational difference. they should make the books set post-series start to get really magic-punk.

>> No.9761427

In the mongoloid world of Harry Potter, written by a retarded bitch who knows nothing about how real witchcraft works, some people are suddenly born wizards (or are the children of two wizards, therefore always born wizards [I think]), and some don't. Most people in the world are not wizards, known as Muggles (in British) or as No-Maj (non-magical) in American slang.

As a practitioner of witchcraft myself (say what you will, I really don't care) It's not really a comparison of Umbanda and Wicca to the Harry Potter Universe that offends me, but the overall suggestion that in this universe some people are randomly born defecating magic and some aren't, as if they're a complete different species. It's like the HP universe can't choose if it is an innate attribute or a learned skill, so it goes with both at the same time.

>> No.9761428

Voldemort doesn't know how to work a bomb.

>> No.9761443

>weren't allowed to use magic

Yeah, just like people aren't allowed to kill others, doesn't stop them and doesn't stop the kids using magic when they aren't meant to

>> No.9761449

An actual forest-frolicking fairy posting about how mad she is that Rowling misrepresented her kind. Now I've finally seen everything on this site.

>> No.9761454


>> No.9761463

The HP universe is just borderline retarded. Any other universe where there is magic is better constructed. For example the Elder Scrolls has its own system of schools of magic that make sense within its lore and the rest of the world.

>> No.9761470

He could just kidnap a technician and use a truth potion to have them explain.

>> No.9761474

So in the end, did JK Rowling take "inspiration" from this movie or what ?
I mean what are the odds that both of them are called harry potter, are wizard and live in a fantasy world with shitty creatures and the like ?

>> No.9761518


Or, you know, it could be a fictional book about magical school for kids.


>> No.9761527
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Because Brazil has no nukes

>> No.9761529


Are tou implying thatthe harry potter books are fictional? I highly doubt that their existence is some sort of elaborate hoax.

>> No.9761540

>Christian magic

>> No.9761559


this is the funniest post I've ever seen.

>> No.9761573
File: 36 KB, 400x396, 1484862307001.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

why arent there any descriptions of sex in hp universe except gayass copypasta

>> No.9761586

maybe because it's a book for kids?

>> No.9761631

>being the kind of autist who jerks off to HP fanfics

>> No.9762445

Hey get fucked buddy.

>> No.9762466

Because they'd use some magic to disable the nuke or some shit like that

>> No.9763059

"And then Harry woke up in his bed, under the staircase."

>> No.9763083

Using muggle technology would be against his aesthetics.

>> No.9763087
File: 569 KB, 1623x2886, plebpotter.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

because rowling is a hack and neglects to fill even the simplest of plot holes such as your example but then again, what did you expect from the writer of one of the dullest franchise in the history of movie franchises? Seriously each episode following the boy wizard and his pals from Hogwarts Academy as they fight assorted villains has been indistinguishable from the others. Aside from the gloomy imagery, the series’ only consistency has been its lack of excitement and ineffective use of special effects, all to make magic unmagical, to make action seem inert.

Perhaps the die was cast when Rowling vetoed the idea of Spielberg directing the series; she made sure the series would never be mistaken for a work of art that meant anything to anybody, just ridiculously profitable cross-promotion for her books. The Harry Potter series might be anti-Christian (or not), but it’s certainly the anti-James Bond series in its refusal of wonder, beauty and excitement. No one wants to face that fact. Now, thankfully, they no longer have to.

>a-at least the books were good though
The writing is dreadful; the book was terrible. As I read, I noticed that every time a character went for a walk, the author wrote instead that the character "stretched his legs."

I began marking on the back of an envelope every time that phrase was repeated. I stopped only after I had marked the envelope several dozen times. I was incredulous. Rowling's mind is so governed by cliches and dead metaphors that she has no other style of writing. Later I read a lavish, loving review of Harry Potter by the same Stephen King. He wrote something to the effect of, "If these kids are reading Harry Potter at 11 or 12, then when they get older they will go on to read Stephen King." And he was quite right. He was not being ironic. When you read "Harry Potter" you are, in fact, trained to read Stephen King.

>> No.9764113

He was a purist, all magic or nothing.

>> No.9764195
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>real witchcraft

>> No.9764628

I want to kill the person that made that picture, we have to keep the gene pool clean.

>> No.9765394


>> No.9765458
File: 1.71 MB, 360x200, peter-pan-hook-reference.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Why didn't Voldermort just use magic to steal a bomb and nuke Howarts?
Step up. Here's a better one:

If Potter is a british citizen and if there's mandatory school for all british citizens of school age, how come he can just up and skip mandatory muggle school?

Me too.

>Perhaps the die was cast when Rowling vetoed the idea of Spielberg directing the series; she made sure the series would never be mistaken for a work of art that meant anything to anybody, just ridiculously profitable cross-promotion for her books.
Film and literature students of the future will closely scrutinize Spielberg's films, the HP films and books and draw a sad conclusion about what they could have been. ;_;

>hating on Stephen King

>> No.9765468

why didnt anyone ever use a fucking gun? no wizard has the reflexes to counter-spell a bullet

>> No.9765507

Its as >>9761380 said, wizards are a very close knit community that don't take interest in the muggle world. Wizards disregard muggle technology as they see magic as the superior alternative, which is pretty elitist if not just poorly thought out by Rowling. When Sirius Black is reported to have escaped from Azkaban (not sure if you have any knowledge of HP but it was a big deal in the books) the wizarding community was only alerted then what guns were as it was said that Black had got his hands on one. In fact Ron's Dads interest with muggles and their alternatives to magic is seen as a niche hobby or even a tad obsessive to the people that know him. In short, wizards as a whole don't know how effective guns are.

>> No.9765678

Fucking faggot wizards. One Navy SEAL squad could take over Hogwarts in less than 1 hour.

>> No.9765710

Why didn't they just send eagles to eat Hermione out in her sleep?

>> No.9766506

The occult

>> No.9766581

Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone refers to Harry going to regular muggle school.

>> No.9766642

If you keep using magic while underage then the magic government will swoop in and take your wand. In almost every case a kid's shitty magic isn't going to stand a chance against trained adult wizards

>> No.9766647
File: 338 KB, 1369x1183, 1434919301429.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>elder fucking scrolls

>> No.9766651


Her team of writers, editors, and publishers wouldn't have allowed it. Too big to fail.

>> No.9766653

It's most likely arranged to be written off as him going to some weird boarding school somewhere. There are undercover wizards in the muggle government and the Prime Minister himself is made aware of the existence of wizards upon election.

>> No.9767842

Man, that tier list is genuinely awful.

>> No.9767861

dude cmon now even voldermort isn't as bad as isis

>> No.9767910
File: 400 KB, 462x432, avatar.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>not posting the real way harry potter should have ended

>> No.9767967


>> No.9768014

>elder fucking scrolls
Is that a secret hentai manga only available to level 80 hikkowizards?

>> No.9768019

because his plan was to take over Hogwarts. It's the same reason why the USSR didn't just nuke any of their satellite states

>> No.9768023

He probably attached some sentimental value to the walls and brick of his Alma Mater.

>> No.9768025

There's something called "the trace" on all kids under 17 that tells the government if they use magic. It gets Harry into trouble in the 2nd and 5th books

>> No.9768039
File: 39 KB, 540x387, Stay in school.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>nuke Howarts?
He even assigned his most trusted lieutenant as prinicipal
Voldemort obviously working to make public magic schools better.

>> No.9768107

This scene alone has more panache and character than the entire Harry Potter movie octology. True Kino.

>> No.9768350

I agree. Wizards is an awesome film.
I find it interesting that the movie is so much about magic v.s. technology, yet Avatar uses the gun (technology) to kill Blackwolf. Probably reading into it way too much but I find it interesting.

>> No.9768395

Because Harry Potter is stupid shit written for kids. I like superhero comics though, don't listen to me

>> No.9768432

Wasn't it mentioned somewhere in the books that muggle electronics don't work near magical locations like Hogwarts and Diagon Alley?

>> No.9768437

I haven't watched it. I'm going to though, it looks really cool.

>> No.9768508

>picture of dorian gray not god tier
>brother karamazov but not dead souls/crime and punishment
>tolkien not high tier

spotted the pleb

>> No.9768548

I recognise this pasta, last time I saw it was on tv

It isn't fresh

Time for new pasta?

>> No.9768559

>Rowling isn't Christian
Uh... but she is, anon.

>> No.9768561

You are an idiot. It's an old bait image, and a very obvious one.

>> No.9768570

Its a pasta, AKA a pre prepared old post designed for trolling, getting (yous), Its been used for years, like the navy seal/marine pasta - not that I'm calling you new, maybe you've just never seen it before

>> No.9769043

Download it on keepvid.com so you got it for the future.

>> No.9769066

All of the wizards lack basic science education, so they didn't know nukes exist. That's the joke

>> No.9769080

That's bullshit. They still use muggle cars, muggle trains, muggle indoor toilets, muggle microwaves, etc. Their 'disregard' is pretty selective.

>> No.9769089

The only popular muggle stuff that they use is several hundred years old. Weasley is an oddball for using a car and the subway.

>> No.9769102


>> No.9769157

Come on, there's a lot of points you can criticize HP for but that one is easily explained.
Voldemort hates Muggles and everything Muggle, he is also a proud motherfucker.
Also, it's not his goal to kill everyone which a nuke would surely accomplish. He wants Harry dead and rule over Wizards uniting them against Muggles.

Check out Harry Potter and the Methods of Rationality. Fanfiction in dire need of editing but it's huge and I read it all and I had a blast. It's really good, despite all its faults.

>> No.9769681

>muh magical superiority

>> No.9769904

Technological devices don't work in Hogwarts, Harry was thinking about just stealing scuba gear during Triwizard Tournament but figured it wouldn't work.

>> No.9770076

>not having sex
lol its 2017 old man

>> No.9770083


>> No.9770089

>Check out Harry Potter and the Methods of Rationality. Fanfiction in dire need of editing but it's huge and I read it all and I had a blast. It's really good, despite all its faults.
You literally have autism if you believe this.

>> No.9770317

At the end of the day it's still masturbatory an fiction. There's little literary merit. But it's very enjoyable especially if you have a certain fondness for Harry Potter yet also acknowledge the flaws.
HPMOR starte out as a parody/subversion but at times the world, the lore and the characters are expanded with more respect for them than Rowling had.