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/lit/ - Literature

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9760122 No.9760122 [Reply] [Original]

Who else here has read HPMOR? I really liked the parts where Harry posts his ideas on wizardry on r/hogwarts and gets a lot of pretty epic karma.

>> No.9760245

This was very big on /lit/ a few years ago. People were all for David Monroe/Voldemort.

>> No.9760306

The man writing this is clever, but this isn't literature. This is a fan fiction of genre fiction.

>> No.9760354

Where would fanfiction go actually?

>> No.9760378

/b/, /pol/, /r9k/ and /trash/ might be the only boards that don't explicitly rule it out

>> No.9760381

Sounds about right

>> No.9760388

Fanfiction is theoretically banned on /lit/ (although people talk about it anyway), but I guess /lit/erates could coordinate to make a general on /b/ or /trash/ about it.

It's an important work in online literature (it's the second best HP fanfiction besides My Immortal) and worth reading, but suffers from obvious flaws (near-Mary Sue main character, too much external infodumping that for that matter, isn't always correct). The (sub)genre it launched - "rational fic" has produced better works - Mother of Learning, UNSONG, Worm, The Northern Caves, the list goes on...

>> No.9760392

Isn't the LessWrong guy a neoreactionary? I hate those guys

>> No.9760399

He's a small "l" libertarian.

>> No.9760405

He (and most of the community) isn't, but there are still a disproportionate number in LW (compared to the non-/pol/ internet) because Moldbug and Ansimov used to post there.

>> No.9760462

i read this when i was younger, liked harry potter and didn't know science. most of it went over my head but i enjoyed it. is it worth rereading?

>> No.9760662

It's absolute garbage. If you want relatively bearable fanfiction try The Black Comedy, or Shadow of Angmar.

>> No.9760692

>any fanfiction

>> No.9760699

Relatively bearable, relatively to the rest of fanfiction.

>> No.9760946

He's an incredibly degenerate (literally in a polyamorous relationship) communist jew who doesn't actually do anything or produce anything other than pseudo-intellectual presentations but still somehow draws a living from donations to him.

>> No.9760983

He's not a communist you fucking retard he's a libertarian and he's living by working in a research institute at Berkeley not from donations.

>> No.9760988
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He's a autodidact who claims to be on a verge of solving all the world's problems, but as he says, he is too lazy to do it. And he has a cult.

>> No.9761026

He has a cult following because some of the most intelligent people of the world, including a fuck load of professors from the Ivy League and Oxbridge, and silicon valley tech billionaires are calling him more intelligent than them.

This man is reading graduate level textbooks in hard sciences for fun. He doesn't have a high school diploma, but is discussing research level maths in mathematicians e-mail list since the early 2000.

He's like the king of the nerds.

>> No.9761037

>The world's most intelligent man is a fanfiction writer


>> No.9761046


hit the gym fatty

>> No.9761058
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Even the AI section of O'REILLY includes a quote from this man

>> No.9761061

Intelligent people can delude themselves into thinking the most absurd things

>> No.9761064

And he's also a big anime fan.

>> No.9761096

god what a deluded idiot
diet and exercise and you'll burn fat, genius

>> No.9761105

He's trying to be funny. This is nerd "humor".

>> No.9761123

What anime does he like?

>> No.9761130

You have no idea.

>Given a task, I still have an enormous amount of trouble actually sitting down and doing it. (Yes, I'm sure it's unpleasant for you too. Bump it up by an order of magnitude, maybe two, then live with it for eight years.) My energy deficit is the result of a false negative-reinforcement signal, not actual damage to the hardware for willpower; I do have the neurological ability to overcome procrastination by expending mental energy. I don't dare. If you've read the history of my life, you know how badly I've been hurt by my parents asking me to push myself. I'm afraid to push myself. It's a lesson that has been etched into me with acid. And yes, I'm good enough at self-alteration to rip out that part of my personality, disable the fear, but I don't dare do that either. The fear exists for a reason. It's the result of a great deal of extremely unpleasant experience. Would you disable your fear of heights so that you could walk off a cliff? I can alter my behavior patterns by expending willpower - once. Put a gun to my head, and tell me to do or die, and I can do. Once. Put a gun to my head, tell me to do or die, twice, and I die. It doesn't matter whether my life is at stake. In fact, as I know from personal experience, it doesn't matter whether my home planet and the life of my entire species is at stake. If you can imagine a mind that knows it could save the world if it could just sit down and work, and if you can imagine how that makes me feel, then you have understood the single fact that looms largest in my day-to-day life.

>> No.9761134

Seriously? That humor's so dry it's indiscernible from the real thing, albeit more fluffy. I guess I should've figured he wasn't being sincere when he used "disprivilege".

>> No.9761157

>The actual Bayesian argument for God: summed over all of space and time, nearly all sapients are initially created by beings more powerful than them. With priors in the range of 1e40:1, how can you possibly be so confident in your own reasoning as to conclude otherwise in your own personal case?
- Eliezer Yudkowsky

This is also nerd humor. He's an atheist.

>> No.9761167
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>tfw too ignorant of mathematics to understand this

>> No.9761186

It's just stuff he read and thinks sounds smart so he interjects it into everything he says. The only mathematics related word I would call him is "degenerate"

>> No.9761205

I'll greentext it for you.
>this is the Bayesian argument for God
>most intelligences were created by other intelligences
>ours is probably the same

>> No.9761212

Is "1e40:1" just a really large number that's supposed to represent every previous generation of life on Earth, then?

>> No.9761224

"one with 40 zeroes to one" odds

>> No.9761235

More like all of intelligent life on earth we know of.

>> No.9761242

If you look into the future all sapient beings (with subjective experiences) will come from human engineering (AI) or AI engineering so from other more powerful beings. If you apply a Bayesian formula you can see that this is implying that we were ourselves created by another more powerful being (a god). This is a joke about theology, bad Bayesian theory, bad futurology as well as bad philosophy. Nerd "humor".

>> No.9761252

It's especially bad because the AI we create is likely to be more powerful than us in every way imaginable.

>> No.9761256

Totally bro, like we won't have to work anymore and capitalism will finally be abolished

>> No.9761265

Yudkowsky was actually making fun of this argument back in 2009.

>> No.9761269

Good goy, keep this up and the probability that you will be tortured by a future AI in a simulation forever will be diminished

>> No.9761279

There's an overwhelming likelihood that that's already happening right now

>> No.9761292
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>So the question is ‘please tell us a little about your brain.’ What’s your IQ? Tested as 143, that would have been back when I was... 12? 13? Not really sure exactly. I tend to interpret that as ‘this is about as high as the IQ test measures’ rather than ‘you are three standard deviations above the mean’. I’ve scored higher than that on(?) other standardized tests; the largest I’ve actually seen written down was 99.9998th percentile, but that was not really all that well standardized because I was taking the test and being scored as though for the grade above mine and so it was being scored for grade rather than by age, so I don’t know whether or not that means that people who didn’t advance through grades tend to get the highest scores and so I was competing well against people who were older than me, or whether if the really smart people all advanced farther through the grades and so the proper competition doesn’t really get sorted out, but in any case that’s the highest percentile I’ve seen written down.

This is just sad. The man is a walking example of the dangers of narcissism and the overvaluation of intelligence.

>> No.9761302

It's better than Harry Potter.

Sequences on Lesswrong is worth a read. I've read it three times through; it's about as long as five novels put together, according to my kindle. Funny thing is I had to take a logic and reasoning course in uni, and it was babby tier pathetic compared to Sequences. I breezed through and made the professor think I was some sort of prodigy.

>reading graduate level textbooks in hard sciences for fun.

Is this what it takes to be recognized as a genius? Okay, where is my cult and million dollarydoos? All of /sci/ are geniuses now, eh?


Thing I dislike about Bayesianism is that it uses math to write it out when it's just plain common sense. The math is some exclusive barrier and status signal. The actual content is not hard to understand, and once you learn it you learn it for good.

>> No.9761311

He's not narcissistic, he simply don't give a fuck about being seen as narcissistic.

>> No.9761318

>he simply don't give a fuck about being seen as narcissistic.

That doesn't rule out him being narcissistic though

>> No.9761321

This is because he's only talking with genius. He's in the ivory tower of academia.

>> No.9761322


He reminds me of my autistic cousin who thinks he's smarter than everyone else because of his STEM degree.

>> No.9761324

with geniuses*

Yudkowsky is actually smarter than everybody else.

>> No.9761337

He was told he was intelligent as a kid and with time he started worshiping his own intellect as the highest virtue.
Also you can see that in how he thinks everything he can understand he can control; >>9761130 he thinks he can rewrite his own personality because he read a book about psychology, sustain a polyamorous relationship because he knows how relationships work and just disregard the emotions, also how thinks an AI could shut off a human with just a string of words. The guy is a complete caricature.

>> No.9761342

there's always someone smarter

>> No.9761350


Then why hasn't he accomplished anything of note?

>> No.9761361


You're not even smart enough to recognize bait

>> No.9761379
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I never claimed to be smart

>> No.9761444

everyone on 4chan claims to be smart(est)(est)

Is this some sort of an anti-rational r9k movement?

>> No.9761469

subtle kek

>> No.9761765

It's e-notation version (as it typically appears in calculators/computers) of scientific notation:
1e40 = 1*10^40 = 10,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000
the ":" just indicates a range between 1 and that number, as in probability

>> No.9761796

It's like they condensed everything I hate about the West into one package. Impressive.

>> No.9761871

We know he's seen Haruhi and Ranma 1/2 at least.

>> No.9761897

I've not seen anyone who actually has a better grasp of the biases of human reasoning than him though. He say a lot of absurd pseud shit, but he still actually backs himself up by providing proper examples of how to overcome bullshit when he does have something significant to say.

>> No.9761903

He's too smart to accomplish things.

>> No.9763146

He's like a Chris Chan but instead of pokemon and autistic drawings, he has harry potter and autistic bloggings. They both have a cult and don't produce anything of value.

>> No.9763456

What do you hate about the West? A-and are you not from the West?

>> No.9763464

>They both have a cult and don't produce anything of value.

I like his anti-P-zombie argument and haven't seen any better.

>> No.9763479
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Actually the anti-rational movement (I wouldn't call it that) comes from /sci/ and is slowly infecting other boards. I think it started with gorilla posting (usually about IQ) and the concept of "the brainlet".
There is now a lot of talk about the superiority of autists and Ashkenazi Jews (in terms of IQ of course).

I'm afraid these extremist ideas could swallow 4chan awhole. I've already seen posts about "the need to exterminate neurotypicals". I am hoping Angela Nagle will investigate this, so we can put an end to it before it is too late.