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File: 7 KB, 250x184, bullshit2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
9750461 No.9750461[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

The BBC has teamed up with Netflix to make a series about the history of Troy, and is supposed to be one of the more expensives series, at least of the year, with a total budged of a £50million and £6million-an-episode series.


Thoughts /lit/?

>> No.9750464

Oh no, I'm so triggered

>> No.9750468

Man its gonna be weird when they have to talk about this black dude's white skin and red, curly hair.

>> No.9750470

Stay in /his/ subreddit, shill.

>> No.9750480

Hector was a Turk.

>> No.9750481
File: 1.68 MB, 300x259, 1452728778005.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is this some sort of British practical joke?

>> No.9750484

Sure is. Why is the BBC trying to pretend that Achilles was black? Or do they just not care about historical accuracy.

>> No.9750487

British? This is the (((BBC))) we're talking about m8.

>> No.9750488

Meh, it's just a series, who cares? As long as the acting is good it should be fine, I guess.

>> No.9750490

I've been to 5 fucking boards and you post the same shit fuck off

>> No.9750496

>Or do they just not care about historical accuracy.
Why the fuck would you think they do?

>> No.9750498

Not to /pol/, they have to get offended and post 10 threads on unrelated boards about this garbage.

>> No.9750501

Why not adapt African myths and legend?

Are you really being inclusive by putting a random black dude in anothers cultural heritage? Or is this more of a social pat on the head?

>> No.9750521
File: 146 KB, 1024x819, troy_bradpittlonghair.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No worse than this desu

>> No.9750531


>> No.9750540

This is the annoying this about multiculturalism - as a plurality of groups increase, more and more areas of life are increasingly politicized and everything becomes an ideological battleground.

So now instead of just producing and watching a show about Troy, and focusing our energy on the actual art of drama and stagecraft, all the energy and attention gets divested into culture war shit.

You'll have the white reactionaries absurdly doing the whole WE WUZ ACHILLES thing, you've got the brothas wanting more representation and secretly getting off on sticking it to whitey, you've got their post-modern curators insisting that everything is interchangeable, and you've got the jews behind the scenes laughing the whole time, and then finally you've got the audience watching all of this crap and trying to stave off the growing sense of despair.

>> No.9750542

Because African or any kind of mythology outside of European won't make money and the bourgies prefer to produce garbage which is guaranteed to sell. This explains the millions of bland super hero movies we're getting from Hollywood right now.

>> No.9750548

Will probably be good, honestly.

>> No.9750554

Film of Palm Wine Drinkard when.

>> No.9750556

>it's another "the UK won't be White in another couple of decades" episode

actually good, it was kino

>> No.9750570

This is part of the ongoing jewish campaign to replace whites with nonwhites and make their culture indistinguishable. When you look behind the curtain of the BBC or whatever institution, you will find a jew promoting stuff like this. Some of it seems minor or harmless, but in reality it's an all-out assault and 100 years from now will any of the low IQ tube-hypnotized foreign inhabitants living among the ruins of Europe think Achilles was *not* black? That's the long term goal here. Jews have been doing this since at least Sumerian times, when the Indo-European inhabitants of Mesopotamia were replaced with semitic tribes (as is happening to the English people now) and their entire culture was replaced by semitic Akkadianism (as is happening to English culture now via stunts like this). This is what the jews have done throughout history over and over again to destroy the people they live among. They are very evil people and whites must wake up so we can stop them before it's too late.

>> No.9750572

Why did you even bother to type this out?

>> No.9750581

He's trying to educate brainlets like you.

>> No.9750582

To try to light a dead fuse in dumb fucks like you who can't think beyond your own short-term interests.

>> No.9750589

Yes Greeks are black. Homer was a rapper.

>> No.9750592


Pure ideology.
This is what I mean.
All appreciation of the art is gone. The show is just a pawn for political maneuvering.

>> No.9750596

Thanks for your valuable input /pol/, could you summarize it with a Ben Garrison comic too?

>> No.9750611

Man imagine being so stupid you couldn't see where all this shit is leading. Do you seriously believe there won't be a massive shift in demographics in Europe because of this shit? Do you not think it's going to fucking put economies and countries into the ground? Go back to redit and stay there you mouth-breathing retard.

>> No.9750620

Read a book.

>> No.9750624


>> No.9750626

>This is part of the ongoing jewish campaign to replace whites with nonwhites and make their culture indistinguishable.
You could make the same argument about making tv/film adaptations of african myths and legends, promoting their cultural heritage, making them heroes for white bois to aspire to and lust for

>> No.9750646

Can't wait to see Gyasi growing golden hair worthy of Homer's demigod

>making tv/film adaptations of african myths and legends
This doesn't appear to be the timeline where we see any of that happening

>> No.9750660

Jews are in charge of these institutions in our countries now, so they use them to promote nonwhites as our cultural icons and nonwhite (ahem) "culture" like rap as the epitome of cool. Because again this is what jews do. They are very hostile people, which is why we have to get rid of them.

>> No.9750662

Stop going on redit and use that thing known as a 'brain'.

>> No.9750664

I don't really care that he's black (although I would've prefered a balkan/greek/macedonian type) but he looks to old Achill is supposed to be this young beautiful demi god that mufakka looks like he's 40

>> No.9750667

They should cast a fat, out of shape Asian guy as Diomedes. And an ugly fat-positive woman as Helen. And Nestor should have a stammer and suck at telling stories. And, screw it, have Patroclus survive the whole damnable affair and live happily ever after with Achilles in Mali.
Because screw being true to the text, only cultural posturing matters.

>> No.9750690

Right you are.
This comment is so irrelevant. Listen to what he says you stupid shill.

>> No.9750698
File: 194 KB, 796x1198, onto.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can't wait for the techno-commercial feedback loop to tighten up beyond the incorporation of meatcucks desu.

>> No.9750700


>> No.9750709

TV Always casts weirdly old men, are you sure you're not objecting to him because repressed racism?

>> No.9750717

How the fuck is shill applicable in any way?
Do you even know what the word means?

>> No.9750718

Don't forget Helen needs to be in a hijab

>> No.9750721


>> No.9750723

>upper left pic
her armpit looks like a vagina lmao

>> No.9750747

>not fucking armpits

>> No.9750769

delete this right now Hector was an Aryan nephilim

>> No.9750781
File: 12 KB, 214x317, MV5BMjE0MDk1ODI4NV5BMl5BanBnXkFtZTgwMTExMTE1MDI@._V1_UY317_CR131,0,214,317_AL_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Helena is white.
She gonna be B L A C KKK E D

>> No.9750790

It looks like Paris and Menelaus are white though

>> No.9750795

that's bcuz dey be evil n shiet mah nigga
ooga booga kill whitey

>> No.9750851

What a coincidence!

>> No.9750872


>> No.9750873

Speaking of which, I think /lit/ is gonna bitch even more about how villanous they'll make the Trojan heroes

>> No.9750875

You mean a cohencidence, anon.

>> No.9750877


This is literally black people appropriating white culture whatever PC is old news anyway

>> No.9750899

Imagine how much better this world would be without black "people".

>> No.9750909
File: 48 KB, 370x449, Carl_Panzram.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You don't have to imagine, just understand. Become the nigger slayer you know you can be

>> No.9750929

Blacks have nothing to do with the decision making here so it's futile to blame them. Blame the jewish creators and the white cucks going along with it.

>> No.9750932

>j-just following orders

>> No.9750935
File: 963 KB, 990x1146, helen.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They just released this production still of Helen.

>> No.9750936

>Blacks have nothing to do with the decision making here so it's futile to blame them.
They decided to accept the roles. Regardless, black people are awful and the world would be better without them.

>> No.9750963
File: 128 KB, 1080x1350, 18950118_1530449567000115_1052925814028369920_n[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is this supposed to be the most beautiful woman in earth?

>> No.9750980

If strong white men were still in control of western institutions instead of jews, we could have every African squatting in the west repatriated back to Africa by this time next year. Blacks are not the problem, jews are the problem. They are the ones bringing them in and using them as cultural diversity icons, and none of this will get solved until they're dealt with first. Keep your priorities straight.

>> No.9750997

>getting bald
>boring looked eyes
>shitty manly facil structure
>not elegant neck
>hair is too long
>tattoos (You do heroin too, whore?)
>bone are fucking big for her body it doesnt even fit her mass body, she probably is under her ideal weight
>waist is not attractive enough
hiding it with over expensible clothes is comprensible
>legs are meh
>she is too old
This is 6/10

>> No.9751000

i don't want to watch gay black men :(

>> No.9751007

Achilles is blond though

>> No.9751125

So this gonna be the first show with a homosexual partners protagonist?

>> No.9751153
File: 23 KB, 217x245, 1493153209234.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9751159

>Zeus should be a nigger too, according to imdb
But why didn't the article mention the black actors at all?

>> No.9751234
File: 39 KB, 590x350, Hakeem Kae-Kazim.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Behold the black-eyebrowed Zeus, king of the clouds!

>> No.9751244

who the fuck is cantenaus

>> No.9751540

This entire thing is a troll. I am yet to see this getting confirmed anywhere but on 4chan.