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9746825 No.9746825 [Reply] [Original]

I don't like nihilism anymore. It kills my desire to improve myself. What should I do /lit/?

>> No.9746959
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Ride the Tiger

>> No.9746972

>I don't like nihilism anymore. It kills my desire to improve myself.

Read Nietzsche, the sentence you posted basically sums up his whole philosophy.

>> No.9746981

Accept Christ.

>> No.9747006

Why would you want to improve yourself in the first place?

>> No.9747010

That answer is easy if you're not nihilist

>> No.9747031

Get the Oxford classics 'Selected Writings' of Thomas Aquinas or read the Greeks again.

>> No.9747045

Was evola gay?

>> No.9747051

>That answer is easy if you're not nihilist
One may very well believe they don't need to improve (anymore) to serve their purpose in this world or whatever spook they choose to chase.
Self improvement is a means to an end, thus my question.

>> No.9747062

He was a rapist of women.

>> No.9747087

They call that overcompensating

>> No.9747092

Post disregarded

>> No.9747096


>> No.9747100

>Self improvement is a means to an end
>whatever spook
Ego? Stop stirnerposting if you don't understand it

>> No.9747101

Realize that self-improvement is a means to an end. If you're a nihilist, realize that also means since there's no meaning to life and no afterlife, all you have is this life so you should do what you enjoy while can. The path to hedonism begins with self improvement and ends with a stable financial situation so you can blow all the money you want on pleasure.

>> No.9747117

>ends in financial stability ʳᵉˢᵘᶫᵗˢ ᵐᵃʸ ᵛᵃʳʸ

>> No.9747120

But if pleasure is meaningful you should always strive to improve in ways that results in more pleasure

>> No.9747136

No one said the path isn't treacherous.

With financial independence comes more time to read, more time to party, more time to indulge in whatever pleases you. And over time, self-improvement can become a pleasure as well.

>> No.9747143

not treacherous wasnt my point, not viable for most was more my point

>> No.9747257

That's a defeatist attitude. The odds are stacked against all of us but it doesn't mean we shouldn't try.

>> No.9747264

Why would you be a nihilist? It fucking sucks, my dude. If nothing matters, why not choose some way to live that doesn't make you depressed as fuck?


>> No.9747292

True but he completely failed to overcome nihilism.

>> No.9747322

I heard Jung wrote something about overcoming nihilism, and the value of spirituality in modern society.
I was thinking of reading "Modern man in search of a Soul", cause a friend of mine recommended it . Has anyone here red it?

>> No.9748570

this thread has left me with a lot to think about.

>> No.9748977

Why would I read Nietzsche if I wanted to improve myself, when there are six million better things I could be doing?

>> No.9748985

sounds like you need Nishitani Keiji

>> No.9748987

Nihilism didn't kill your lack of desire to improve yourself, being miserable did

>> No.9748995

"lack of", I fucked up here lads

>> No.9749001

this guy doesn't get it

>> No.9749007

Become a stoic

>> No.9749020

>How disheartening to those who uphold the myth of manhood based on muscles and metallic strength: this alone is the TRUE man, the ABSOLUTE man. He absorbs within himself the ambiguous virtue of the female. . . .’The Way that is the Way is not the ordinary way’ indeed. . . .
Evola, Introduction to Magic, "Serpentine Wisdom"

>> No.9749026

Read Kierkegaard.

>> No.9749034

Was enola gay?

>> No.9749046

Nihilism itself leads to being miserable.

It starts off well enough: oh man look at me I have rid myself of all the delusion of modern man and transcended the falsehood of what is surrounding me, until you realize the terror that actually is. Being wholly alone in your thoughts, in a world without meaning, with no-one to share that with. Even if you do come across a fellow nihilist, it's typically just a recipe for self-destructive drug benders, or you'll figure out that they're so self-absorbed in their own nihilistic worldview that they won't make a good friend anyhow.

>> No.9749101

Stop being a faggot. It's that simple

>Stop being a faggot by reading the biggest faggot of all time!

Don't listen to this faggot.

>> No.9749349

Tired of seeing this

>> No.9749361
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Six million you say?

>> No.9749597

You should actually read Nietzsche since you don't know what nihilism is. You don't get to opt out of it--nihilism is the decisive event of modernity. All values must and will devalue themselves until they're dead.

So what are you to do? What did the Greek dithyrambs do, which would later become the chorus of Athenian tragedy? Sing and dance. We are all undergoing a tragedy, so what else is there to do?

>> No.9749896


>> No.9750357

Read 'beyond good and evil' by Nietzsche my man

>> No.9750691
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Who here /hermit/?

I don't mean some basement dwelling autist jacking off to anime and playing video games all day but someone who has chosen to opt out of this hellish culture for spiritual reasons.

How do you spend your days? How much time do you spend with other people and what type of relation are they to you? Also what do you to develop yourself spiritually?

>> No.9750727

Wow, holocaust was a word that existed before 1945? Several news stories about the same Russian Jewish population refer to the number multiple times? Holy shit, the kikes mist be bamboozling us!

>> No.9750768

This OP. You mustn't understand nihilism in terms of a personal attunement toward the world but a fundamental way of being that is part of living in the west. Nihilism thus doesn't attune you to seeing the world according to your particular "empty" way of seeing things but rather the condition by which people see things as what they are in the first place.

Whether you "like" or dislike nihilism has nothing to do with whether or not you are being nihilistic. It simply is.

>> No.9750779
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Why does the (supposedly) most sophisticated board on 4chan continually fall for the most unsophisticated and poorly thought through philosophy on the planet?

You guys must be depressed. There's no way you guys actually become convinced of nihilism intellectually.

>> No.9750811
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calm down, friend

>> No.9750843

Confirmed for brainlet who doesn't understand nihilism.

>> No.9750982

They are jealous.

>> No.9751031

t. Jew

>> No.9751040

nihilism is retrded go outside and grow pair

>> No.9751051

I know that you worship satan, but can you please accept truth even once in your life?

>> No.9751068

Maybe try some New Age.
Concerning nihilism, I use it to detach myself from the whole drama of life. Every time I start caring too much about some bullshit, it's like a bucket of cold water

>> No.9751089
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and this

>> No.9752045

Get a gf