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/lit/ - Literature

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9747242 No.9747242 [Reply] [Original]

ITT: We make fun of our favorite writers

>> No.9747308
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>> No.9747508
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We get it man. You did drugs.

>> No.9747536
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Probably just wanted to fuck his dad. Lord knows he wanted to fuck everything else. Yeah, wrap your tongue around those young boys' legs, you sick fucker. Get those little girls to sit on your lap, you infinitely filthy Jew. Twisted BDSM monster, fantasizing about slicing necks open like a goddamn serial killer. Wages for the service of evil is right. Singing his mouse songs in the depths of hell. Perverted ungefweveiser or whatever the hell it is. Deserved an apple to the back. I hereby sentence this devil to drowning. Too bad he died before he could meet up with a certain penal colony. Stuffed into the drawer of a laundry basket with his fellow ritual sacrificers of white Christian virgins. Vampire.

I'm having a bad day

>> No.9747647
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>Muh Zane Grey pulp is high lit

>> No.9747678
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5'0" manlet Steve Buscemi looking motherfucker who would've died an incel if he wasn't brilliant.
Sartre is what happens when you turn being a social outcast into a coherent philosophy.

>> No.9747700

filthy commie

>> No.9747703
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ulysses did nothing wrong

>> No.9747707

t. knows nothing about Sartre

>> No.9747725
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The reason you can write these childish books is because adult people sustain society.

>> No.9747735
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>tfw you realize Stirner wasn't a Stirnerist
>Stirner dressed up in nice clothes and spent time in the trappings of German academia when he wasn't teaching wealthy kids
>meanwhile he penned his fantasies about being the glorious egoist god of self realization

Stirner was a hypocrite desu. Its hard to take philosophers who can't live by their own beliefs seriously.

>> No.9747743
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Special snowflake, closet degenerate. Cared about nothing but his ugly wife's fat farts and ~Muh Art~. A sniveling little frail man with a lot of anger but too weak to do anything about it but lash out in his little books and letters. Turned his back on his irishmen and considered himself an englishman, a total cuck. His self-pride, autism, and bullheadedness was the only thing that kept him wasting his life away for 17 years writing one of the most terrible works of abstract modern art in history, Finnigan's Wake. No Joyce, constant references does not make something better, it just shows how autistic you are. You are lucky that faggot Pound ever even noticed you and turned you into the meme of the century.

>> No.9747750
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>> No.9747764
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Literally impossible

>> No.9747785

Being an egoist doesn't mean some le ebin Invader Zim world conquer meme bullcrap. For all you know he was a pedophile.

>> No.9747813

I never claimed that it did. Stirner's brand of egoism is so self-driven that any concession for the sake of social grace would stray one from the path. A true Stirnerist would be a wild man rummaging through the jungle for food, taking drink from whoever had it, and attacking sexual partners when he felt aroused. Denying these desires would be spooks, as they respect the trappings and graces of civilized society.
There has never been a true Stirnerist, at least not a famous one. His views are meant to push boundaries and broaden the minds of his students, not to form a working social philosophy.

>> No.9747855

That's bullcrap, there's no reason I can't choose to voluntarily sublate my desires to society.

>> No.9747912
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Embodied much of what he hated. Regularly derided the romanticists, yet was in many ways indebted to them. Criticized the philosophers for their tyrannical instincts, yet he embodied those too. Regularly expressed a desire for clarity in writing and thinking, yet was given to obscurantism when it suited. Delusions of grandeur, particularly regarding his fate and command of the German language. Regarding the latter, he thought himself the heir to Goethe - yet whether translated or in the original German, his 'masterpiece' (Thus Spoke Zarathustra) leaves much to be desired. Stated that his aim was to combat nihilism, yet most of his work served only to corrode any non-nihilistic values in much the same fashion as he accuses Socrates' dialectic of having done.

>> No.9747951

i'm tired of seeing the word cuck on 4chan, in literature, and in life. Everywhere I am, cuckoo, cuckoo, cuckoo. I feel like Leopold Bloom only I shouldn't because i'm in a confident relationship. Too bad I can't go a day without seeing or thinking about cuck, cuck, cuck. Anything I read has a cuckold. Anna Karenina, Ulysses, Homer, fucking MARTIAL, Ovid, Delillo, Hemingway, Steinbeck, the comments about Aurelius, Proust... I wouldn't be surprised if by re-reading the Divine Cuckedy i would find something. And don't even get me fucking STARTED on Shakespeare. Literally every play has at least a line mentioning the cuckold's horns one way or another (oh I marked them). Please somebody cleanse me of this mind virus. Thank God i'm at least half as manly enough as Petruchio or any Shakespeare hero or how Martial or Socrates or Aristotle or Epictetus or Sam Hyde would aspire to be, or else I would probably end up blowing my brains out.

>> No.9747957


>Turned his back on his irishmen and considered himself an englishman,

Good decision, the Irish are dogs.

>> No.9748018

jeez dude, i'd love to see what you'd write about your most contemptible writers

>> No.9748019

You sound like a mega cuck

>> No.9748026

is that unkle adams

>> No.9749437


Nietzsche fags put on suicide alert.

>> No.9749451

His philosophy is both boring and wrong.

>> No.9749649
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>Calls Finnegans Wake terrible
>Can't even get the title right

>> No.9749656

Mishima was a fag and thats a fact

>> No.9749677
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gay manlet

>> No.9749748

I laughed at this observation far longer than I should have.

>> No.9749785

Thank you! It's such a relief to see someone who likes him be honest about his glaring issues.

>> No.9749791
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You better whore yourself before you gore yourself.

>> No.9749792

Aint nobody talking smack about Main C

>> No.9749818
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Started the whole unabashed books about books about books trend. Too many fucking libraries. Too much sublimated fatalism. Literally none of his influences (save for a few Americans) produced something that wasn't up their own asses; on that line: way too academic, for someone who wasn't trying to be high brow. Too many witty aphorisms.

>> No.9749830

>Too many fucking libraries
For me, it was too many knives. And too many infinites.

>> No.9749865
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>muh sympathetic rogues
>muh hookers with hearts of gold
>muh neatly manifest soteriology
>muh dead child is a Mary Sue
>muh sentences of hard labor
>muh stinky monks and the dark night of the soul
>muh random characters introduced for the purposes of demonstrating that every human action affects others indirectly
you were blind without the light of St. Thomas

>> No.9749995

fucking delete that image

>> No.9750003
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You know what, Gene? I just don't fucking get it. I guess I'm just too stupid.

>> No.9751168

I don't know if you're an idiot or joking (I'm not that guy btw)

>> No.9751197
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>> No.9751204


>> No.9751206


>> No.9751210

Stirnerism isn't involuntary egoism

>> No.9752173

>It was the ultimate gambit of a short, ugly man who drank and smoked heavily, while squinting from behind his glasses with an all-seeing octopus eye
From the introduction to Satre's Age of Reason

>> No.9752238

This is the best post on /lit/ of this year

>> No.9752249

You forgot
>muh holy fools
>muh college students with theories that drive them crazy
>muh suicide is the only way out for atheists
>muh brain fevers
And the most important
>muh suffering to become one with god

>> No.9752253


>> No.9752268


>> No.9752281
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Could only tear others down, not contribute anything meaningful to literature or philosophy

>> No.9752298
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Too rational

>> No.9752303

I will never not laugh at the greatly deserved ridicule of this hack fraud. Why bother reading someone who couldn't even live with himself? The only sincere moment in the life of David Foster Wallace was when he kicked away the chair. The rest of his life was a lie, the New "Sincerity" was a joke whose punchline was the creaking of a leather belt around the rafter.

His literary career was a menagerie of self help lies told to keep his depression at bay - the audience pussy and drugs were the ghosts at that feast of hypocrisy. The depression was warranted because behind all the gimmicks and the self awareness and the bandannas was no discernible talent.

>> No.9752306


>> No.9752327

>Stated that his aim was to combat nihilism, yet most of his work served only to corrode any non-nihilistic values in much the same fashion as he accuses Socrates' dialectic of having done.
Ok this is just poor comprehension, the rest of your post was serviceable. but this is not true.

>> No.9752332

*teleports behind you*
cultivate your garden, kid

>> No.9752343
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Fucking finish your works and develop your theory, you fat, crypto-tankie piece of shit

>> No.9752659
File: 431 KB, 1200x1632, 1200px-L.-F._Céline_c_Meurisse_1932.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Complete fucking asshole. A pit of misanthropy and loating. Deeply contrarian to humanity and humans themselves, the only thing he likes is base vileness, 'cept for when it doesn't benefit him.

If everyone were like him we'd go extinct in a week. It'w weird he didn't like war considering how much he hates people in general.

Not counting actions or ideologies, just personal thoughts, he's probably the worst person to have ever existed, an anti-human personified. Céline is legit the fucking antichrist.

>> No.9752676
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we get it, you love Wittgenstein and hate Austria

>> No.9752714
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Tell me what to argue for Catholic Church and I will. Oh, you need philosophers to prove the immortality of the soul and the existence of God philosophically, without relying on theology, I'm on it.
>Meditations on First Philosophy: In which the existence of God and the immortality of the soul are demonstrated

>> No.9752746

It isn't graceful at all, its too blackpilled for most people to accept. Sartre was raw reality without the flourish and style most expect from philosophical works. And of course anyone trying to maintain any semblance of a positive worldview would reject it as demotivational garbage. And perhaps that's the healthiest approach. A positive lie that motivates man to succeed might be better for society than a miserable truth that wipes out all desire and meaning.

>> No.9752756
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We get it linen is expensive

>> No.9752768
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>> No.9752787
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>dude marxism killed literally 60000 gorllion people
>but people die under capitalism because it's not profitable to help them
>yeah but that's not capitalisms fault

>> No.9752812

I find it almost touching how people can be swayed by such a terrible pseud post. Seems like you've read the Nietzsche-article on Wikipedia.