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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 2.95 MB, 3024x3024, 1499261278384.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
9747932 No.9747932 [Reply] [Original]

Rate my shelf, /lit/.

Also, general r8 thread.

>> No.9747958


>> No.9747965

I hate it, it's cheesy looking. I would spit in your face and leave if I saw this crap.

>> No.9747980


>> No.9747983

Barnes and Noble collectible editions...You might as well be hording "collectible" McDonald's toys.

1.3/10. That extra .3 is because you at least have Plato, even though it's cover is completely distasteful.

>> No.9747984

I think it's cool . Bet it lasts for generations

>> No.9747988

You posted this in the last purchases thread, and no, you're not getting a (You) from me, nigger!

>> No.9748009

Get the fuck out of here you scum

>> No.9748010

This can't not be bait. It's like the reddit compendium.

>> No.9748014

Some look good, some stupid.
What really irks me though is the fucker had money for all those collectible editions but couldn't buy another fucking $30 library at ikea.

>> No.9748021

*meant bookcase

>> No.9748049


>> No.9748058

>all these summer fags not recognizing pasta

>> No.9748080

Feels like you picked those books only for their glittering covers.

>> No.9748092

do you ever read them/have read them all, or are they just decoration?

>> No.9748103

This was posted the other day in some shelf thread, guy said he gets those as gifts from friends who visit him.
Those editions are cringy as fuck, I own the Shakespeare one and regret buying it

>> No.9748116
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>> No.9748117

It's bait guys.

Serious question: What would you do if your son was diagnosed autistic and just wanted to play video games all day instead of reading books?

I'd end myself

>> No.9748119
File: 211 KB, 502x425, very embarrassing.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This picture taken 2016 and noone like. You posted yesterday and noone like. This picture post today and still noone like. This picture old dead meme.

>> No.9748138

>top left
Are you specifically collecting Reddit's top 100 books?
At least you have Jim Goad

>> No.9748160

>chan filename
>still getting serious replies
so, /lit/ is retarded too

>> No.9748221

>read me a story mommy

>> No.9748244

>cheap hardcover editions of classic books
>people lose their minds because they look tacky

>> No.9748269

Why is every copy of Infinite Jest posted on /lit/ in shitty condition?

>> No.9748293

Who else buys hardcovers and throws out the shitty artsy fartsy insert covers?

Solid color, plain text spines for patricians only.

>> No.9748300

>all those compilation books
Not a fan.

>> No.9748308

Because people throw them around and step on them. There are children here who think you have to ruin your books when you read them, so you have to destroy it to look smart.

>> No.9748309

I treat it as it deserves to be treated.

>> No.9748313

i've read it twice and its a paperback--idk what to say.

>> No.9748324
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>> No.9748331

I like them. Maybe because I live in a shithole where nobody read (italy), where edictions are shit, translations are shit and they never reprint anything worthwhile, but I find them cool as shit.
The only thing is, all those books are brand new, read them Op.
Btw, there are better edictions around? I wanted some good edictions of my favorite readings and the fundation trilogy, dune, and norse mith seems cool as fuck. Also lovecraft, a good tip for the chutulu mythos?

>> No.9748338

Puerile materialism.

Pretty sure there's a sub group of lit posters that just jerk off to these threads all day.

>> No.9748349

Too shiny. You are more concerned in looking pretty and neat than actually having culture and taste
Obliviously there is stuff with value there like Edgar Allan Poe and Sherlock Holmes, but overall is poser as fuck
>Grey Anatomy
fucking please

Also you only read fiction? what the hell?

>> No.9748359

If you have read all those books you will be better read than your average lit poster

>> No.9748408

Lovely/10 I bet youre a nice person.
I'm jelly of that GR, is it a legit first?

>> No.9748418

Looks similar to mine. Good taste. Get more Barth.

>> No.9748422

All shit versions

>> No.9748427

You can be autistic and read books all day, anon. Home schooling your child is the way to go, and don't buy him any video games. Fuck socializing, mold him into something impressive.

>> No.9748432

>I pay 10X as much for public domain shit because muh shelf a e s t h e t i c s


>> No.9748434
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I didn't really do any of it on purpose, an accumulation of three bookshelves over five or so years. Here is the first one.

>> No.9748445
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>two copies of M E A T

>> No.9748454

My gf and I both had one (;

>> No.9748461

What're those two on the top left?

>> No.9748465

I don't throw them out, but I do take them off. Solid colors are appealing to me as well. It looks more old skool.

>> No.9748467
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Shelf two. Sorry for the rotation I am phone posting. Shelf three is all my least favorites, not really worth posting.

>> No.9748498

M E A T?

>> No.9748501

I wish I had the thread where someone [you?] posted this and some guy ripped into that, saying how most bookshelves tell a lot about the person but buying all the tacky B&N versions of these didn't tell DICK about that person besides the fact that they wanted an AESTHETIC and how much they hated him/her

>> No.9748503

It saddens me that you're right

>> No.9748513

Either those are unread, or you take very good care of your books

>> No.9748516

Crop a little bit off either end before posting and it'll be oriented properly

>> No.9748518

All wrong and none have read the book. It's because of the end notes you fucking morons. Reading IJ involves flipping through pages at about ten times the rate of a normal book.

>> No.9748525

Thank you, anon! I will take your advice next time.

>> No.9748546

>Star Wars Trilogy

Nigga what the fuck

>> No.9748551
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>actually reading the end notes

>> No.9748558

And not one book by a woman. Saddens me but whatever, do you.

>> No.9748565


meme image/10

>> No.9748571

>all those hardcover books with shiny font
nice mang, did you select those on purpose?

>> No.9748572

Is The Instructions any good? I haven't read any fiction from the 21st century as of yet, so I'm looking for something good.

>> No.9748585

Some are unread, but i am analyzing as fuck when it comes to handling my books, so not as man as you'd think.

>> No.9748588

Yes sir it is. Best thing I own.

>> No.9748593
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fiction is a waste of time and brain power

>> No.9748598

Pretty nice, would hang out with

>> No.9748604

>Virginia Woolf

>> No.9748636


>long difficult books by old men

are you punishing yourself son

>> No.9748816

It's the only thing that excites me at this point in my life. I don't know what that says about me, but it's the truth.

>> No.9748818

Shit. *anal

I haven't gotten to that one yet, as it's a signed copy and I'm waiting to find a cheap paperback before I read it.

>> No.9749015

Nice everyman's. What are the loebs? You have the most I've ever seen on lit except for my own

>> No.9749036

How the hell did you upload such an enormous picture?

>> No.9749114

There's a Baseketball book?

>> No.9749119

Are these from the $5 table?

>> No.9749172

downscaling with irfanview


the magic johnson dvds? lol

it's been a weird ride

>> No.9749489
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>> No.9749495

Ep*c. Simply Ep*c....

>> No.9749509

LOL!!!!! Kek oh my gosh how terrible... Oh no... Wow. MY EYES ARE BLEEDING. This is some gross stuff, and now I need to go watch some fuzzy cat videos to stabilize my wacky eyes going wild from the cringe. YUCK! :( makes me wanna kill myself

>> No.9749510


This makes as much sense as fat kids. You have complete control over kids for 90% of their day.

>> No.9749513

Be a parent and take away his video games.

>> No.9749516


Fuking epic bro!! xDDD

>> No.9749522

Also kids learn by example and can be "tricked" into having fun doing worthwhile things.

A professor of mine back at school homeschooled his (then 10 year old) son and would get the boy excited to do math and read books because the professor himself would be excited about those things. The boy obviously wasn't totally on par with my classmates, academically or socially, but had a remarkable education already, and grasped at least some things that even we struggled with as ~20 year olds.

>> No.9749528

Haha thanks bro! I was only memeing there :) . Be sure to subscribe!

>> No.9749530





>> No.9749535

Can you clarify what you meant in your reply? You said "Fuking epic bro! Xd" (paraphrase); however, I'm having difficulties decifering what you're referring to when you're saying something is epic. I'm guessing you mistyped "fucking" and you're saying something is epic, as in huge, and you forgot the comma before "bro." Specifically, what I can't comprehend in your reply to me is in what you're regarding to as epic.

>> No.9749538

Holy cr*p! looool upvote reddit style! looool upvote reddit style! i luv cat videos. : 3 teh penguin of doom!

>> No.9749543

Some of them are good like Inferno and Paradise lost

>> No.9749561


Why do you have a problem with this, but not the other early pulp?

>> No.9749567

What editions are these? Because if they are marketed as "collectible" like those horrible Barnes and Nobles editions then they deserve to be burnt like a packet of crisps.

>> No.9749572

Hello kind sir!
I mean that
1) you're comment was full of "epic win."
2.) it was huge but also cool
3.) it was very kewl
k... thx and stay upvoted! : ))))

>> No.9749578


Illusion of just too, do you want to study for five more questions or five more minutes?

Everyone likes thinking they have agency.

>> No.9749583
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its a small collection, but its mine.

>> No.9749595

Do you really play Atari games still? They haven't aged well.

>> No.9749598

I mostly play berserk because its fun, but I've given up on video games recently

>> No.9749602

*browses r/the_Donald once*

>> No.9749613

Why is your Nortan Shakespeare green? I have the same edition of the same book but mine is red

>> No.9749614

But I am a puerile materialist, anon, and in fact, I do find something arousing about these threads, although not sexual (yet). It's something I know I have to fight because it is so pathetic, but I can't help it. I bounce back. I go to libraries and bookstores and just look at all the shelves. I smell books and remember their smells. There are some books I used to have that I don't have anymore and I miss their smells.
I look through all the different covers of books and debate in my head which one looks best. I save pictures from these threads.

>> No.9749627

I recognize those garish, curtain-like patterns from Penguin Hardcover Classics. They're actually all right enough, binding and price-wise, just bizarrely designed.

>> No.9749628

I see you have the cheesey 80's editions of Tolkien. I'm disappointed I lost The Hobbit with comically fat Bilbo on the cover.

>> No.9749631

That cover of A Confederacy of Dunces makes me want to burn the whole collection.

>> No.9749641


>> No.9749667


Power to you for making it past the second Dune book.

>> No.9749693

Notice how how each book from left to right gets less tatty. Chapterhouse is in absolute mint condition.
It's the same with the Ender's Game series. Don't people realize that if the sequel is terrible that the rest aren't suddenly going to get better.

>> No.9749697

super colorful and mainstream and you probably haven't read much of them but you say you have for nerd cred. your collection is like the world of warcraft of bookshelves.

>> No.9749698
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>> No.9749706

I forgot to mention, The book between The Aeneid, and The Inferno is Humphries' translation of Ovid's Metamorphoses, and the book between the Republic and Two Treatise of Government is Aristotle's Politics.

>> No.9749714

Those barnes and noble collectible editions are disgusting.

>> No.9749744


Not seeing much wear and tear there, my love.

>> No.9749766

I try to be as delicate as possible. I'm a poorfag for the foreseeable future, and I do want these to last.

>> No.9749770

>6-7 dialogues of Plato
>no early German idealism
>straight to Hegel's phenomenology

but why

In all seriousness how do you not feel woefully unprepared for a leap like that? I don't intend this question as an attack; I've read all of Plato and a decent bit of Aristotle, but nothing modern, and my head has been absolutely spinning when I peeked into Kierkegaard this week on a whim.

>> No.9749772

Holy American.

>> No.9749780

Its easier to assume that everyone who owns a copy of Phenomenology of Spirit bought is as a meme, or just to flick through out of curiosity given its reputation as being impenetrable. Maybe he wants to read Kant's Critiques. He has covered a decent amount of required reading to tackle CPR.

>> No.9749786

Those 8 dialogues of Plato were more or less all of what my used bookstore had. As for Hegel, I had to pick it up, because there was a person right next to me was picking out several books for himself, and scattering them across the floor, many of which her german philosophers. Besides, I heard the Miller version was pretty good. I am still kicking myself for not picking up Aristotle's Poetics and Rhetoric when I had the chance.

>> No.9749798

Ive been lurking here for so long that I can immediately tell if a bookshelf is original or not.
This ain't

>> No.9749819

>Its easier to assume that everyone who owns a copy of Phenomenology of Spirit bought is as a meme, or just to flick through out of curiosity given its reputation as being impenetrable.

Ok that actually makes sense.

>I am still kicking myself for not picking up Aristotle's Poetics and Rhetoric when I had the chance.
Just buy the modern library "basic works of aristotle" or the 2 vol complete aristotle if you want to read a bunch of physical/biological shit.

>> No.9749849

That's just one bookshelf, anon. My favorites. Plenty of women authors stuffed in a drawer somewhere.

>> No.9749855

The crazy thing is these editions are always reasonably priced. They hold up too. They're the best quality you can get for the money so ignore all the edgelords in this thread swishing their capes at your collection. Fuck em.

>> No.9749870

I'm actually planning on buying both complete works of Aristotle and Plato when I have a consistent flow of income again.

>> No.9749946

My friend has given me a book whose spine cover is coming off; does anybody have any experience or recommendations with fixing a book cover? I don't really even intend to read it.

>> No.9749973

How's Sowell's Basic Economics? Thinking about buying it

>> No.9749983

It's pretty simple but you're just doing one so it might be a waste to get all the materials. Either go to a professional if the book is somewhat valuable or remove the spine and feed it through a document scanner so everyone can read it.

>> No.9750110
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Like in pic related? Go to a professional if the book's worth anything, otherwise don't bother, maybe glue it back on so that you can pick out the title on the shelf.

>> No.9750210

B&N Leatherbound Shakespeare spotted

>I have it too

>> No.9750325

Ordinali da Amazon.com o Amazon.co.uk you fag

>> No.9750330

Biased and politicized
t. MBA

>> No.9750386
File: 205 KB, 1200x900, waterstones-guildford-paulo-coelho-books.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pls. r8

>> No.9750588

How was he both a professor and homeschooling his kid?

>> No.9750656
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that's very nice

>> No.9750661


>> No.9750719

My cover is red, but I think you're saying your actual book is red. I remember seeing a red 2nd edition? Might might be 3rd

>> No.9750798

Holy fuck this is a disgusting density of American pomo. It's fine to read all that but like try some other books too man

>> No.9750805


>> No.9750847
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I usually get hardcovers and I remove the jackets because it's like keeping advertisements on the shelf. A lot of the authors just went with shiny font, I guess, lol.

green loebs are

Greek Poetry
Diogenes Laertus
Quietus Smyrnaeus
Duo Chrysostom
Achilles Tatius

And the reds are
Juvenal and Perseus

Really want to start getting the blue covers, Rennaisance translation. Pic related. I didn't do the library for the colors, but I don't mind that Loeb collection is aesthetic af. Their translations are usually good too, I find. Really enjoyed Plutarch, Plotinus, Hippocrates, and Vitruvius.

>> No.9750856

>I usually get hardcovers and I remove the jackets because it's like keeping advertisements on the shelf.

Finally someone else who does this. Hardcovers are usually really beautiful under the gaudy jackets. Furthermore, it used to be common practice to do just that. Normally you'd throw away the jacket as you left the store.

>> No.9750893

I do that more or less lol, that is hilarious and a way better system. I am glad you are of like mind. The less plastic trash in my library the better.

>> No.9750937

No one else believes me that hardcovers with jackets are ugly. I pretty much exclusively buy paperbacks but if I do end up with a hardcover I always take off the jacket. It looks better, is easier to hold, and you don't have to worry about the jacket falling off or ripping.

>> No.9751049

I'm 400 pages into it and can say that you'll like it if you like people like Franzen, Z. Smith, DFW, etc.

>> No.9751077

r8? m8 more like h8

>> No.9751106

This is like 1/5 of the books I own, these are just the nicest editions I have and are also my favorites. You should probably read more.

>> No.9751114

r/books / 10

>> No.9751116

Is there a reading order for Barth?

>> No.9751141

>art of the deal

>> No.9751154

10/10 that covers the Canon

>> No.9751199
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bring the hate

>> No.9751215

>Paulo Coelho

Brazilian here. It sucks. Get some Castañeda and read that instead. It's the guy Coelho copied.

>> No.9751293
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He only taught one (pretty crazy) class (3-4 hour lectures twice a week in the evenings), to which he would bring his kid; the rest of the time he worked from home as a consultant and private investor. The guy was also heavily handicapped, had to drive a segway, and taught class laying down on a portable cot.

Sweet, very cool. You've got some niche stuff, which I think is exactly what Loeb is for. Were Hippocrates and Vitruvius really that good? I've read snippets of the former in Burton's "anatomy of melancholy" and turned down the loeb volumes of the latter at a used bookstore because it looked exhausting and dull to read. What made it interesting?

From what little I know of those guys, you may also want to check out Pausanias (haven't read him but I think he's in the same vein, printed by Penguin if you want to save money), maybe Pliny's natural history, and if you're really intense, Strabo's 8 vol totally incorrect geography.

Also dude I've been wanting to check out the renaissance volumes, too. I'm hesitant because it seems like such a huge can of worms to open, and at least as far as Philosophical commentaries on the Greeks go, the renaissance writers were a big step back then but now are just a speck on the tradition of classical scholarship; I don't know if it's "worth it," but it would still be cool. Pic related is one of the ones I've had my eye on. Also there's the even lesser known Dumbarton Oaks library editions for medieval works/translations. Might want to check those out too.

>> No.9751409

patrician desu senpai

>> No.9751458
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r8 my haul

>> No.9751467
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I've moved so frequently over the last 8 years that my collection has grown and shrunk so many times. These are pretty much the few that have survived every change and the ones I'll probably always hold onto. This is probably 1/5th of what I currently have but the rest are not as important to me.

>> No.9751476
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I definitely agree. I feel like I have a more nuanced understanding of "Greek mind" under the umbrella of works that they offer. I still have much to read!

Hippocrates is a slow read, but it is interesting to me because I am in medicine, and because at the time I had been listening to Aruveyda material, which is in fact "humor" medicine under a new name. Hippocrates had the western words for humor medicine. People in medicine are quick to do away with the old in favor of new interventions, but every day evidence stacks up in favor of tradition. Obviously there are some exceptions, by you get the idea...as for Vitruvius, I found it amazing! I can understand why it might appear dry on the surface, but what it contains was invaluable, particularly in terms of "harmonic science." I had been very interested in harmony, mathematically and musically, and how it played a role in the development of the past. Have you ever heard of A Pattern Language by Christopher Alexander? I had read his architectural works and it inspired me to go deeper into the topic. Vitruvius solidifies a lot of speculations that I had about harmonic architecture in clear terms, and with diagrams. Harmony is a cool way of looking at the world. I have heard of but not read Pausanias. I'll take that as a sign and check it out today. I had the Natural History somewhere but haven't read it, and as for Strabo, the same holds true - what's incorrect about it? I love to talk to anyone whose read any amount of these books. Way cool, man.

What do you mean about them being a big step back in their day, but a speck in ours? I mean, I sort of understand if you are saying that the commentary on Greek philosophy is much larger now? And perhaps more in depth? Is that what you mean?

I am particularly interested in the Renaissance works because I want a more overarching idea of the era. Like I said about the Loeb Greek works and the Latin works - reading a lot of titles gave me a more intricate view of the Age...I want that for the Renaissance. I also feel invigorated by the Greeks, and finding Renaissance thinkers showed me that there were a lot of people at that point in time who shared my sentiments. Not that there aren't any today. I think we might be able to find some classical gems among the works when they all come to fruition.

What do you recommend as far as classical scholarship goes? This has all been a matter of my own studies and interest, and I've been working from the past forward, so I don't have a total working knowledge of more contemporary classical scholarship. I've read a lot of Greek and Latin with some later philosophy and lit thrown in, Montaigne, Swedenborg, Milton, Spenser ext. I'd love suggestions from like minds. What about your pic related interests you?

As for Dumberton Oaks, I am all about that - has been on my list. One day I'll add those to my collection as well.

Cool to chat with you anon

>> No.9751555

Need more Pinecone

>> No.9751578

Thanks for the response, anon. I'm hoping to be both an academic and homeschool my kid, was wondering how other people navigate that. Sounds like he had a lot more going on though.

>> No.9751641

Make sure you read everything published before LETTERS before you read LETTERS

>> No.9751665
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Rate my stack, I'm leaving abroad and I have limited access to books I can understand

>> No.9751795
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>> No.9751803
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>> No.9751863
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Does anyone else just stack their books on the floor? I don't really see a use for bookshelves.

>> No.9752336

Why would anyone want to read some kurdish nationalist's insane ramblings?

>> No.9752379


Won't that just make it easier for rats to fuck up your books?

>> No.9752385

Just what kind of shithole do you live in?

>> No.9752394

>pretends to be living the /lit/ life
>doesn't live in a rat-infested garret

>> No.9752415

You aren't supposed to be here Rodolphe.

>> No.9752505
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>> No.9752508
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Also missing: The Corrections, Inherent Vice, Rabbit Angstrom Tetralogy

>> No.9753198
File: 2.93 MB, 1530x2592, cheapshelf.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I invested in the cheapest Walmart had to offer as my first shelf. Unsurprisingly, the flimsy particle-board shelves are bowing under the weight. Serves me right for being a cheap bastard I guess. It's only temporary anyways; it's easy enough to fix but it's not like I have any friends who will see it so I probably wont even bother.

Doesn't having your books leaning like that damage the spine or cover?

Pleasingly neat and nice shelf. I like the yellow.


It's a good start.

>> No.9753242

>buying books when you can get them for free on your iphone/ereader.
>not being able to instantly look up the definition of a word by tapping on it

>> No.9753263
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Sometimes though I don't know which is worse... The dust jacket...

>> No.9753273
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Or the the hardcover

>> No.9753319

>*Living in America starts playing*

>> No.9753333

I don't know about anon, but I don't want to strain my eyes and go blind by staring at a computer screen all day.

>> No.9753342

There are screen filters (flux, twilight, etc) and also most e-readers have those paper-emulation screens

>> No.9753374

>Abridged Monte Cristo

Pls go

>> No.9753396
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>> No.9753639

I'm in USA what's up

>> No.9753643

>consumerist general

>> No.9753666

a lot of flash and fancy nerd graphics for nerds like me and you

>> No.9753753
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A little of my own collection. We have a huge wall of assoted books of my parents and grandparents. Maybe 600 or so

This is mine, IJ is in the reading room, about 200p in

>> No.9753902
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b-be gentle

>> No.9754023

That's a good start, man, but you should stop quitting after reading 50 pages. I see those bookmarks.

>> No.9754044

My mans

that book is great. Though I don't like how he considers all social constructs to be "myths"

>Godel Escher Bach
Interesting, you seem more humanities based, i feel like this book is hard to really get all the points without a math degree and knowing some computer science too. What did you think of it?

could you list your favorite books in the picture that are too hard to read the titles of. I think we have similar taste

>> No.9754048

Were the top three shelves arranged by autism?

>> No.9754055

This is why I'm hesitant to post my shelf. Everyone will criticize the quality of my cheap bookcase and the random order of my books.

>> No.9754057

>Gray's Anatomy

Yeah, you just got them for the looks, faggot.

>> No.9754066


One day I will actually read the History of New Zealand that I bought on a whim.

>> No.9754069

People you don't know will criticize you. The horror.

>> No.9754071

My living room is wall to wall stacks of books on the floor. Eventually I will take a picture and post it in one of these threads. Most people that see all of my books think that I've lost my mind. For a while I was using a makeshift chair to read in that I fabricated with books.

>> No.9754089


"We made a treaty with the local, we then ignored this and developed the same way as any proper white country until civil rights reached us from America and we had to give a shit about the locals"

>> No.9754099
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Judge me lit

>> No.9754109

post it, you will become /ourguy/ the king of /lit/

>> No.9754116

How's Sexual Personae?

>> No.9754121
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O-okay anon. 1/2

>> No.9754122
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>Gay and Catholic

>> No.9754125
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>> No.9754128

I bet it makes the sex better

>> No.9754129

not him, but dank af

>> No.9754134

Haven't started yet. Bought it a few weeks ago at a second hand bookstore since it was cheap. Looking forward to reading it.

Not even a bad read. Pretty patrician desu.

>> No.9754293

Ah, that makes sense about Hippocrates if you're in medicine. I may give him a shot, as I've been enjoying Burton's "anatomy" a lot for the past few weeks. Actually I think you may like it, as it's also written in the "humor" era of medicine, with still pretty sophisticated psychology building on/around it. Also super cool about the harmony angle; I haven't read that Alexander book, but I'll check it out. My perspective for antiquity has always been the human one: I started college studying physics and ended up studying economics; it's only in the last two years that I've started looking into the humanist perspective of history. That's one of the reasons I'm more willing to read "wrong" science à la Aristotle, since it still shows us what our thoughts used to be, how they formed, and how our modern thoughts came from them.

Strabo is, from what I can tell, just wrong in the same way most ancient geography is wrong, i.e., probably crudely chopped up into Europe/Africa/Asia. But also from what I've seen it's also some local histories and legends, in the vein of (if you've read it) the first 5ish books of Diodorus' history. Basically Strabo seems "curious" but at least for me isn't interesting or "valuable" enough to be read consistently.

>saying that the commentary on Greek philosophy is much larger now?

Yeah exactly. The rediscovery of Platonism was a huge deal for the renaissance, but it's been literally centuries since then, and analyses have not only plowed ahead, but been more aware of their origins, i.e., the earlier eras of analysis (e.g., ancient neoplatonism). If you want a cool, brief (~50 pages) survey of Platonic scholarship from Plato to 20th C, check out the final section of the "bloomsbury companion to plato" (I think the ebook, which is piratable, is called the "continuum companion to plato"). Renaissance scholarship is a notable part, but Plato especially has had so many reinterpretations, especially modern ones, that I hesitate to put too much effort into one era of analysis.

> I also feel invigorated by the Greeks, and finding Renaissance thinkers showed me that there were a lot of people at that point in time who shared my sentiments.

That's actually a great point. I feel the same about the Greeks/Romans, so it could make sense that writers who felt similarly "reborn" by those same ancient influences would, themselves, be worth reading.

>What do you recommend as far as classical scholarship goes?
What are you looking to get out of it? Do you mean commentaries on antiquity? IMO most of the historians are self-contained if you read them carefully, Plato could use some secondary sources just for opening your eyes to the kind of issues Platonists have tackled, and Aristotle needs a mountain of commentaries. If that's what you mean and you want some recs, let me know; I've read all of Plato and so far have spent ~5 months on Aristotle, and am getting increasingly comfortable navigating secondary lit for both of them.

>> No.9754301

Yeah he was borderline savant level of intelligence, but I think homeschooling is totally doable for most people. Ever read Montaigne's essay "on the education of children"? It's just broad strokes really, but I think it suggests a lot of big steps worth considering, like finding and coaxing out your kid's natural gift(s) rather than compelling him/her to study exactly what you and everybody else studied. Check it out if you get the chance!

>> No.9754306

identify the loebs pls

>> No.9754313

Konichiwa to you too.

>> No.9754387


Yeah because plastic isn't biodegradable.

>> No.9754469


You're conservative but conscientious, not /pol/ at all, possibly because you yourself are something of an outsider.


floor made out of popcorn/10

>> No.9754474

2/10. It seems too deliberate. I would doubt you'd actually read any of that if I walked into your house and saw that.

>> No.9754550

Cute cat.
Also. Gee Bill, how come your mom let's you have TWO copies of The Sun Also Rises?

>> No.9754555

how else do you arrange books if not by height and visual similarity

>> No.9754749

Yes, yes, yes. Also reading order for Plato and Aristotles please.

t. starting with Plato soon

>> No.9755168

Finish Light in August! It's fucking incredible.

>> No.9755856
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>> No.9755858
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>> No.9755955

>nothing but genre fiction
2/10 at the very most

>> No.9755963

Not even good genre fiction

>> No.9756097

>GF likes the look of these editions
>don't want to be a dick and call them tacky

>> No.9756216


There's nothing wrong with reading fantasy or sci-fi books people.

>> No.9756225
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>> No.9756230
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My bookshelf. : )

>> No.9756240

>george eliot

>> No.9756594

there's plenty wrong with it being the only type of book you ever read.

>> No.9756602


>> No.9757240

IMO there's no ideal reading order for Plato. Chronology is still not certain, and between different dialogues there's always overlap between different subjects of philosophy (aesthetics, ethics, etc.). Pic related is Copleston's traditional grouping of the "eras" of Plato's writing, but IMO you would do just fine literally going start to finish, page by page, in the Cooper complete Plato.

From what I know of Aristotle (only 1/3 of the way through him), there's even more of a reason to follow the complete works in order WITHIN the boundaries of whatever you want to study. So if you want to study Aristotle's physical theories, the traditional ordering of the physical treatises is what you want to follow: physics->de caelo->generatione->meterologica->de anima->biological works

With that said, you don't have to read all his physical works. So if what you really want to get to is the metaphysics, you could probably just read organon->physics->metaphysics. If you want to read his ethics, you could probably read organon->two ethics/magna moralia.

So it boils down to what you want to read in Aristotle. If you want to read it all, read it all in order of the Barnes 2 vol complete edition. If you're going to only read some things, DEFINITELY read categories/de int/both analytics; MAYBE read Topics/Soph. Elench. If you want to dabble in Aristotelian physical theory, at least read Physics; any physical treatises beyond Physics should be built up to, in order, starting from Organon->Physics. Seriously, he builds on himself so immediately that you can't even read a relatively minor work like meteorologica without having first read the (prior) similarly minor work de caelo.

IMO the biggest difference in Plato/Aristotle is the method you use for reading them. I read all of Plato, taking lots of notes, making my own summaries/comments, and only after I finished him cover to cover did I spend a few months reading commentaries. I think that's a pretty decent approach, especially if you read carefully and take good notes.

That is almost certainly impossible to do with Aristotle. Within 40 pages you will need a commentary. Aristotle is not poetic, he is not literary, he is not dramatic, and his writings were arguably never meant to be read. Every time you read a treatise (still taking notes), immediately read a commentary on it. Maybe you're smarter than me and don't need it, but for me I was lost almost right away, and only managed to stay above water by spending literally like double the time reading commentaries as I did on the actual texts. Finding reliable secondary lit will be harder for Aristotle than Plato, as A is not so widely read, and, especially for the minor works, is basically only ever read and really studied by scholars; consequently a lot of the commentaries are really tough for a casual reader.

1/2, next post will be a few recs for commentaries on P & A

>> No.9757307
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Forgot Copleston pic

Plato lit I would recommend:

-Copleston's "history of philosophy." Section on Plato is maybe 150 pages. Gives you broad strokes of P's major philosophical developments. Not too in depth, not comprehensive, but very readable and helpful. Great start to your commentaries.
-"Bloomsbury companion to Plato": Probably the single best, modern overview of Platonic scholarship, period. 50 pages of bio/historical background on the pre-socratics, Socrates, Plato, and Greece; I think 150 pages of summaries and quick commentaries on each dialogue; 50 pages on P's methods and tools he uses in the dialogues (e.g., Socratic irony); 50 pages on the history of Platonic scholarship from Plato to the 20th C. It's a total of like 200 very short (~1-2 pages) essays from as many different scholars. Introduces you to a lot of high brow stuff you can dig into if you want to do so later.

-AE Taylor, "Plato: the man and his work": Only book-length treatment of all of Plato, dialogue by dialogue. A bit dated, but perfect for the casual reader. Is built on and referenced often by more modern commentaries.

-Cambridge companions to (1) Plato, (2) Plato's Republic. Selections of essays of varying length, quality, difficulty. Most are good, some are great. Read them all. They're far more specific than anything mentioned above, so read these last.

There are a few others but they're not as good, as major, or as approachable. Read the above and you'll have a great grasp of what's up, and can take any further steps on your own, if you feel up to it.

Aristotle is harder and less fun to read about. At least when you start (i.e., organon, physics), I'd recommend reading as much secondary lit as possible, but my favorites so far (gonna give you one for each text I've read so far) are:

-Kenneth Telford's commentary on categories/de int. Read this ASAP to figure out wtf is going on. You will be totally lost without it. (secondary recommendation: clarendon aristotle series (oxford press) commentary on the same two texts)

-Notes in the Hackett edition of prior analytics (secondary rec: clarendon series notes on book 1 of this)

-Aquinas' commentary on posterior analytics (secondary: clarendon series)

-Aquinas' commentary on Physics (secondary: oxford classics intro; tons of commentaries on Physics are too advanced for a new reader)

-Loeb edition of De Caelo for chapter notes, diagrams (minor text; not many commentaries)

-Clarendon series edition of/commentary on de generatione et corruptione (minimal lit exists for this treatise; loeb edition will have notes)

-Malcom Wilson's "structure and method of Aristotle's meteorologica"

I just finished de anima so I can't rec anything further. In general: Always try to find an aquinas commentary (dumb ox book editions) and read it before anything else; loeb will always have notes, but they're expensive; clarendon is expensive and very hard to read, but for minor works you often don't have a choice.


>> No.9757345
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R8 me

>> No.9757362

Art or architecture major? Nice quality books and subject material but too far outside of literature for an accurate rating. 8/10.

>> No.9757975

Holy shit man

>> No.9758308

I thought the meditations had a nice cover

>> No.9758615


maximum patrician taste

>> No.9758762
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>Loeb collection is aesthetic af

They certainly are.

>> No.9758790

my love for you is like a truck

>> No.9758841

whats up with the gigantic oblomov? shit's almost as big as ij right next to it. also, i'm jelly of the velvet underground & nico in the top left

>> No.9759205

Thanks a ton. I wish I had a friend IRL to kind of guide me through these works or rather give a platform for discussion.

The way you approach these works is what I've been doing so far and it has been a good way to digest these works I think. I didn't understand a lot in the beginning but I think reading the sources first and then afterwards reading introductions, articles on the internet and commentaries helps me.

I've ordered Aristotle's Poetics recently because someone else recommended it for getting a better understanding of ancient plays and poetry. Have you perchance read it? Can I just delve into it without having read any Plato or Aristotle before?

>> No.9759620

>all those different editions of the dark tower
Also what the hell is that thing beside the nivea creme?
>inb4 book fleshlight

>> No.9760425


>giving your hard earned shekels to ta-nehesi coates

good goy

>> No.9760633

I'm always tempted to pick some of these up. They've mostly very nice. However, they just aren't worth their price tags.

>> No.9760656

This is the fashion victim equivalent for /lit/

>> No.9761432
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no h8 pls

>> No.9761439

I had to ascend from plebdom. Forgive me. To the left: a cutout piece of a french book my girlfriend gifted me. To the right: a tablet and a glasses case.

>> No.9761452

my fleshlight is hidden in a drawer, anon. I'm not a total degenerate.

btw, jealous:


>> No.9761456


>> No.9761625


>> No.9762116

If that's really you then your SF books are in a dire need of a better home.

>> No.9762139

dem loebs got me diamonds.

>> No.9762265

Personally I enjoyed the first 4 books in the series. God Emperor is worth the read

>> No.9762318

God Damn I fucking love Everyman's Library hardcovers

>> No.9762639

>Iceberg Slim PIMP
patrishun as fuck desu

>> No.9763303

DUUDE, You don't happen to be my supplier, eh?

>> No.9763309

That hardcover looks absolutely fine.

>> No.9764185

>I didn't understand a lot in the beginning but I think reading the sources first and then afterwards reading introductions, articles on the internet and commentaries helps me.

Yeah there's always a bit of "lag" between starting to read a new writer, and starting to understand him, his angle, etc. That's just part of the game; glad you're managing to keep up with it.

Haven't read Poetics, but if I were you I'd give it a shot for sure. It's very influential (if disputed) and it's only like 25 pages long, at least in the complete edition. You can probably read it in an hour, two at most.

>> No.9764290


>> No.9764314

meme shelf
>well-read world of warcraft genre fiction
what are you doing nigga?

>> No.9764393


>> No.9764425
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>How do you read so many books?

>> No.9765182

>what i read in between browses of r/askreddit

it's crazy how boring these choices are. i know it's bait but the idea that someone exclusively reads reddit memes is a bit depressing

>> No.9765294
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Hi guys, /k/ here. What do you think?

>> No.9765328

>WWE games
patrician desu

>> No.9765400

>someone actually paid cernovich money
I know this is bait but I still got triggered hard

>> No.9765526
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Gotta have that sweet, sweet leather.

>> No.9765532
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>> No.9765539
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>> No.9765546
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>> No.9765607
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blast me /lit/


>> No.9765610
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>> No.9765619
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>> No.9765620

>Rate my shelf, /lit/.
Awesome - You rock!
But your pic needs a spoilertag with a warning, or you will give a heart attack to the moronic pseuds.

>> No.9765627
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>> No.9765630
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5/6 final one

>> No.9766636

>no actual /k/ books, just /pol/ books

>> No.9766658

How much did all that cost?

>the god delusion
>christopher hitchens
Rest is okay. How is "We the Drowned"?

>> No.9766670


Cute legos

>> No.9766850

I can't get over how tacky leather-bound books look.

>> No.9766931

>Deltora Quest

I marathoned through that whole thing when I was super sick as a kid now whenever I see it I feel like I'm gonna die

>> No.9767342

>no Storm of Steel
>no Hatcher's Notebook
Noguns please go

>> No.9767362


Sowell, i commend you. Have you Tried Bastiat The Law?

>> No.9767502

I bet your apartment smells of rich mahogany

>> No.9767503

Why are people so allergic to beauty and quality?

>> No.9767515

not so much that as half the shit in leather binding is garbage and i wouldn't have it on my shelf. whereas anon has it because it "looks good."

>> No.9767918

you need at least one gun-related book to fool me, anon

>> No.9767953

Okay, but why wouldn't you want to have high quality versions of the books you like that people could still read in 300 years?

>> No.9767978

>the god delusion
Fucking fedora tippers. Is it 2011 again?