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File: 84 KB, 539x671, fc5979b9d7f2ef359fd60166b89c92a1--thrasher-girl-boujee-makeup[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
9741733 No.9741733 [Reply] [Original]

living under late capitalism or any other form of all-encompassing materialism means not living at all
we never get to experience reality, only its mediated simulacra: denied subjectivity
we aren't actual individuals, but biological machines devoid of autonomy: you are not you, you are a vessel full of glossy-pink images of decaying culture, beamed into your consciousness 24/7 through a LCD screen

>> No.9741742

It's true to an extent but with every guy who wakes up in his Matrix tube and forcibly pries himself out of unconscious existence, and has to sit up in the tube and go
we get a little closer to reforming a post-tube civilisation

People are already figuring out how to climb down the tubes and reappropriate the hoses and we're going to go out in the decaying ruins of the old world and make a fort

>> No.9741766
File: 138 KB, 640x426, fairy-ring.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You need to take the /x/ pill, Anon, and realize that the supernatural, the mystical and the paranormal, never went away at all. You need to realize that our contemporary materialistic civilization actively chooses to ignore the transcendent despite ample avenues of evidence.

Come chill with the saints and the angels and the fairies and the ghosts. We're cool.

>> No.9741775

Haha, don't know bout you bud but I'm living my life to the full. Sorry yours is so disappointing.

>> No.9741777

normie pleb

>> No.9741794

This is only true for the lower classes and not at all for the upper.

Download the movie Song to Song and imagine life as Fassbender's character. Imagine the life of a tech CEO. Or a billionaire's kid.

Skip to 30:25 and watch for a couple minutes.

It's no wonder why the very rich seem to live healthy lives.

I want to learn to live that way. Not rich and paying for a top of the line attractive 35 year old female medical PhD to suck my dick by my roof pool, but at least managing to enjoy life as much as I can live it.

The mystical guy itt sounds like a faggot but I think he has the right idea. Realistically it's about maintaining a sense of play in your life. It keeps neuroplasticity, slows telomere degeneration, and can generally make life feel livable. irl community is also prob a nice to have

>> No.9741804

Exchange that link for this

>> No.9741810

You really did nail /x/, down to the "there's tons of evidence bro you're just too naive to understand it" stuff. bravo

>> No.9741851
File: 24 KB, 500x376, decebal-hotel-ghost-56a6ecdd5f9b58b7d0e58ae5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

People take photos of ghosts all the time, Anon.

>> No.9741862

People take photos of your mom's dick every single night.

>> No.9741921
File: 222 KB, 640x453, Young_theodore_kaczynski.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

take the tedpill

>> No.9741986

your projections fuck you up so much, i dont even need to insult you anymore

>> No.9741992

>implying capitalism is the problem
>implying modernity is not cancerous from day 1
>implying the reformation wasn't the cancerous outgrowth that started it all
>implying christianity didn't contain those cancerous elements from the beginning

>> No.9741993

Whom art thou quoting?

>> No.9741996

Was this post written by a 15-year old?

>> No.9741999

>The biggest degenerates on the planet are all atheist
>"The problem is Christianity, bru"
Christianities problem is tolerance. Decadence happens to any prolific society and it boils up until collapse. You can turn things around and govern that decadence, but Christianity largely has a problem with doing that. Christianity isn't the source of the problem, comfort is. Christianity just doesn't actually do anything about it.

>> No.9742007

It's not our job to police the mores of a civilization. It's our job to call all people to Christ, and those that answer this call will answer it. "Many are called but few are chosen."

>> No.9742013

t. hoi polloi

>> No.9742015

>Christianities problem is tolerance
yes, and atheistic progressivism is just the last stage of that christianity, it's logical conclusion

catholicism was able to hold for a while because it still contained all the pagan values and traditions that the church had to absorb to be able to expand on its early stages, but it finally ended up following the path of protestantism who had shed all those values in its inception

there's no way back now because that is the scripture logical conclusion and the traditions have been eroded and lost so they won't save us now

>> No.9742016

>self-satisfiedly accepting that not everyone will "be chosen"
>not feeling infinite obligation to save everybody

Not very Christlike.

Never let your religion become a formula you are comfortable with, bro. Your heart should be pouring over for every person you argue with on the Internet, and the angrier and more defensive they make you, the more stubborn they are, the more you should see the good in them and forgive them and understand them. The more you want to say "no, no, in THIS situation, I'm actually justified in doing what is easy," the more you should resist that voice, and in resisting it, isolate it as the cynical, sinful side of humanity.

>> No.9742024

A formula I'm comfortable with? Don't put words in my mouth. I've argued about my faith numerous times. It's not my words but Christ's with which you must contend. I want everyone to be saved, but not everyone will be. That's a fact that Christ foresaw.

>> No.9742025

Wow, so deep...

>> No.9742028

So what are you going to do, proselytize whatever branch of Christianity you belong to? You sound like Jehova's witnesses, to be desu.

>> No.9742038

Too deep for you, evidently.

>> No.9742042

I'm a non-denominational Blake-reading barely-Christian. I don't really care if the latest Catholic trendsters on 4chan successfully win their daily flamewar with Internet atheists, because that's the substance of their religion for them, and not the actual mystery of Christ.

I just know what the power of Christianity really is, how that mystery attracts truly sensitive and spiritually active people once they realise that Christ is the single most interesting "Urgrund" there is. You're not going to attract those people by being doctrinaire, sloganeering Catholics. Like it or not, your moment to attract them is passing you by, and the more syncretic Jehovah's Witness type movements are benefitng from it.

I know a lot of people who would be perfect for revitalising the Church, and I watch every day as they become gnostics or even Muslims because the Catholics around here are all self-satisfied and feeling like the big man on campus because their stock has gone up a few points during the current collective spiritual crisis. The Catholics around here are jerking themselves off over being able to act like >>9742024 and have people actually listen to them for a change, but they aren't noticing that those people are listening for a moment, and then walking over to the gnostic recruitment stand.

>> No.9742043


>muh materialism
>muh subjectivity

Do the world a favor and fucking kill yourself OP. You obviously don't like it here.

>> No.9742052

Isn't the point that you escape the ideology of capitalist consumerist ''enslavement'' to create your own arbitrary moral value system and spend every waking moment trying to attain the highest possible good you can think of? We've always been the same machines, surely. I don't think it's capitalisms fault. Every age has people spouting about mindless automatons. Just be glad that you think you aren't one, that's quite a big deal to staying sane.

>> No.9742054

>transcendent ghost
>visible on camera

Pick one

>> No.9742057

Go back to r/philosophy or, better yet, kill yourself.

>> No.9742086
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>he doesn't embrace the hyper-real

>> No.9742097
File: 40 KB, 424x512, theideaoflatecapitalismislaughable.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>late capitalism

For how many more centuries will we have to cope with this stupid meme?

>> No.9742110

unnatural living
we should be forever in the great outdoors hunting and exerting ourselves and being free
logos is the death of mankind

>> No.9742120

I'm a newfag and I'm catholic. I'm not a bible thumper but I believe in my faith. I'm actually really interested in what you're saying, could you elaborate?

What do you mean that the stock has gone up during the spiritual crisis? I didn't even realize there was a crisis of spirituality. I didn't even know we were becoming arogant.

>> No.9742128

I was raised in a very traditional christian enviroment, for some reason we were taught to stay conpletely clear of any calvinist belief. Lots of people cant handle the truth, not all will be saved. Its Christs proclamation.

>> No.9742239
File: 6 KB, 191x264, 2Q==.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The moment where the Romans gave some power to the plebs was the beginning of the decline.

>> No.9742248

You will be happy to know they didn't do that then.

>> No.9742299

We should kill the rich and seize their toothbrushes.

>> No.9742307

The rich don't have or use toothbrushes, they have their teeth replaced every year

>> No.9742379


We should kill the rich by making them choke on their teeth and eliminate money.

>> No.9742450

Is it you Baudrillard?

>> No.9742455

How much debt have you accumulated?

>> No.9742466

High school tier
You should lurk more OP

>> No.9742487

This is a good normie LARPing attempt tbqh.

>> No.9742519

Taking a walk outside while thinking of mediated reality is really something. Looking at the road, the houses, cars, trains and so on...

>> No.9742539
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>> No.9743623

capitalism is cool

>> No.9743653

We never got to experience actual reality.

Do you even ding-an-sich?

>> No.9744086

The structure of everyday life under late capitalism, from within the digitized and accelerated cultural experience, is so highly regulated that true creative energy is more often than not stifled, if not altogether forgotten. Such intensity, accelerated-pace, high expectations, burgeoning uncertainty, and doubt are new inventions for human experience. The constituents of this particular technological, industrial era bring existential implications undisclosed until it is nearly too late. Author Charles Eisenstein speculates that creative energy exists in most of us but, instead of being expressed, gets burned up in addictions, or channeled into obsessions, compulsions, hobbies, nervous tics, excessive exercise, overeating, work and the like.

We can reasonably assume that culture develops most exquisitely when people have free time. When the hours of each day are spent towards mere survival, there is little energy left for self-actualization. Subsistence living cannot possibly give birth to the paradigmatic shifts in culture necessary for our flourishing in the face of automation. It is not uncommon for the most radical, transformative epiphanies to strike you after smoking a spliff. These ideas, the products of our imaginative potential, must be taken seriously and granted cultural value if we are to move beyond an economy of subsistence to embrace an economy of existence.

The 2018 legalization of weed may shift our cultural and mental paradigms and automation will grant us unprecedented free time. This free time is both the poison and cure to our current existential boredom. Boredom exposes you to the chaos of life, it forces you to reach into yourself and decide what is worth extracting for refinement. To confront the dystopian image of hyper-standardized, automated society, we should remain open to new modes of sharing time and imagining culture. If we are creative enough we can learn to create meaning and collectively articulate what is means to populate a culture of existence.

>> No.9744108

>The structure of everyday life under late capitalism, from within the digitized and accelerated cultural experience, is so highly regulated that true creative energy is more often than not stifled
One line in and you're already mistaken. The problem with our hyper-connected society is not an excessive channeling and control of effort but its dispersal in a thousand directions - advertisements, hobbies, frivolous distractions (heh), a super-networked information environment where everything begs for your attention all the time. The end result being that very few people get any goals set or accomplished and could probably use less connectedness in their lives.

>> No.9744118

How do you separate modernity from capitalism?

>> No.9744169

My favorite thing is how people make it mean whatever they want it to mean. Shirt about communism? Late capitalism. Shirt about a meme? Late capitalism? Niche product? Late capitalism. How does fulfilling a market for a niche product like a moot-themed vibrator lead to the end stages of capitalism? What the fuck do people mean by this?

>> No.9744177

>Author Charles Eisenstein speculates that creative energy exists in most of us but, instead of being expressed, gets burned up in addictions, or channeled into obsessions, compulsions, hobbies, nervous tics, excessive exercise, overeating, work and the like.
>It is not uncommon for the most radical, transformative epiphanies to strike you after smoking a spliff.
>If we are creative enough we can learn to create meaning and collectively articulate what is means to populate a culture of existence.

These are unironically the funniest things I have read today.

>> No.9744194

Go live in a commune faggot yeah i didn't think so shut the fuck up

>> No.9744277

>not the great schism
>not the introduction of the filioque
>not the feud between Paul and Peter
>not the ascension of Jesus Christ into Heaven, depriving us of direct 3D access to God Almighty and his wisdom

step your game up

>> No.9744279

>what is a plebiscite

>> No.9744298

Nietzsche dumb dumb

>> No.9744316


What a terrible misrepresentation of the human condition, regardless of the time period. Don't worry, you're not the first one to get it horribly wrong. Consider this: under late capitalism, the grandest stage imaginable is set for humanity. There are trillions of stories unfolding in the daily affairs of humans, and any single individual can not only feel a huge range of emotion but actually represent ideas and motifs with their thoughts and actions. The possibilities are more endless than they ever have been at this very moment.

>> No.9744330

If you think this is being 'woke', you still have a long way ahead.

>> No.9744466

doesn't exist
only experience is real

>> No.9744648

>making ontological claims about what is beyond one's perception


>> No.9744716

ding an itch can't even be defined without it being a circular definition
you basically don't know what you're talking about when you say noumenon, you have a 3d model of an environment in your mind, which you call "external reality" and when you talk about thing itself all you're doing it referring to that model. to say that objective reality really exists is just saying you really like your model. saying that you live in the real world is just saying that you identified your perceived location on this mental map.
if you start with the reference frame of a subject experiencing qualia, the only reality is the experienced one and objective reality is undefined.

>> No.9744729
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The only way to experience reality is to die, you faggot.

>> No.9744735
File: 12 KB, 188x273, pyrrho.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Agreed desu, but we should be silent about that which we can not speak about, not negate it altogether, which is in itself a claim.

>> No.9744850

basement virgin

>> No.9745037

I remember when I still used to think this.
I'm sorry.

>> No.9745058

shes cute

>> No.9745064

maturity or resignation?

>> No.9745187

pure ideology

>> No.9745426

civilization is the problem. we aren't meant to live like this

>> No.9746433


>> No.9747317
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>> No.9747338

what kind of ethnicity is this? looks nice.

>> No.9747364
File: 37 KB, 1600x885, ted.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

somebody has to make this retarded joke

>> No.9747385
File: 100 KB, 900x508, plato-allegory-of-the-cave[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>we never get to experience reality, only its mediated simulacra: denied subjectivity

>unironically doing the 'late capitalism' meme

Do you think at some point in the past people weren't in the cave? Care to tell when this halcyon age was?

>> No.9747431

we aren't, though
we are lions in cages

>> No.9747457

>lions in cages
>undemanding welfare
if only

>> No.9747482
File: 493 KB, 1920x1080, 1499824278949.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

cool thread

>> No.9747499

>we never get to experience reality, only its mediated simulacra: denied subjectivity

in what sense is subjectivity 'denied'? Denied what, and for whom?