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/lit/ - Literature

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9739559 No.9739559 [Reply] [Original]

>When you realize that Stirner is wrong
>Stirner tries to blast out all spooks as if they were demons when some are like angels, seraphs, cherubs
>Books are essentially spooks
>Language is inherently spooky
>world peace is a spook
>hope is a spook
>love is a spook

I am finite. It's only when I embody history, and the spirit of God speaks through me, do I belong to the infinite.

>"A sound man by not advancing himself • Stays the further ahead of himself • By not confining himself to himself • Sustains himself outside himself: By never being an end in himself • He endlessly becomes himself."

>> No.9739690

All of a sudden the meme dies

>> No.9739740

Welcome to /psd/ - Pseud General.

>> No.9739756

t. hasn't actually read stirner

>> No.9739766

god i love hitler

>> No.9739788
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Maybe if I pretend to have read Stirner then "refute" him online people will think I'm smart

>> No.9739910
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>Note here that this theory of self-consciousness as recursive intervention does not need a reified ‘self’ as the center of operations and commitments. It can be minimally cast as a patterning that has become capable of representing itself as a pattern, and therefore is able to manipulate and intervene in the patterning-process. As Brassier notes, this facilitates the jump from pattern-governed behavior (behaving because of reasons) to rule-governed behavior (behaving for reasons). Recursive intervention is a property of a process that does not need a ‘self’ to operate: once again, ‘self’ is merely a form of blindness arising from what is beyond the range of these manipulations.

>Nevertheless, destitution and dislocation from manifest reality also provides epistemic lability and motility: this is why alienation is freedom. The more we learn how to encounter cognitive content as opaque, the more we dislocate ourselves from intuitive homeliness, yet the more we expand the range of our mobility and ability to intervene in this very process. Brassier relates this to the ‘involuted spiral of absolute knowing’: with each gyre of the spiral, we become yet more alienated, but also increasingly capable of epistemic motility (freedom). To become truly free we need to sacrifice our self-models at the altar of abstraction. Thus: we ought to expedite this process of alienation because it grants freedom and expands the range of recursive manipulation… but it does so at the cost of sacrificing everything within our quotidian realities: everything human, all senses of naïve and outmoded ‘self’ and ‘reality’.

>> No.9740070
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>> No.9740164

That's not what spook means you mongoloid

>> No.9740576
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>u haven't read him

U got me!

>> No.9740589

Omg his picture just unnerves me. Like I look at hitler and immediately see that scene from Schindlers Lost where the children are taken away from their mothers. Gets me everytime

How could he kill 6 million, of however many, Jews back then. God humans are the worst.

>> No.9741285

you have to actually read things to be able to ironically shitpost about them retard.

>> No.9741313
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Read Mein Kampf bro.

>> No.9741703


What is this from?

>> No.9741838
