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/lit/ - Literature

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9738114 No.9738114 [Reply] [Original]

ITT: Your edgiest, most contrarian views on literature. Share the disdain.

>> No.9738118

literature is nice

>> No.9738120
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Philosophy is a joke.
It's for those who have nothing better to do.

>> No.9738121

the cat is plato
the dog is Nietzsche
your post is the koran

>> No.9738122

The Great Gatsby is completely deserving of it's reputation as an astounding work of literature

>> No.9738126

I agree.

>> No.9738128
File: 83 KB, 400x625, filters.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

here are my /lit/ filters

>> No.9738134

I think literally anything written by a woman or about faggots is wholly unreadable in any form

>> No.9738159

You're not an edgy contrarian, you're just dumb

>> No.9738161

I should get this filter for my browser if only to filter the word meme.

>> No.9738165

But that's the entire board, anon!

>> No.9738167

I don't think it's possible for women to understand Ulysses or Beckett's trilogy.

>> No.9738169

Vonnegut is an incredible author and Slaughterhouse five is one of the best books ever written

>> No.9738170

somewhat this

most philosophy is a mix of masturbatory bullshit and restatements of ideas you can already find in Shakespeare or Don Quixote if you're sharp. the great poets and playwrights tower over the philosophers

>> No.9738176

> filters "write"

Don't know how you even discuss anything with anyone here.

>> No.9738191

The Iliad
Moby Dick
Don Quixote
Crime & Punishment
Yukio Mishima
Joseph Conrad
David Foster Wallace
Franz Kafka

All of these fucking bored me. Can't believe this is what you pseudo fucks read here.

>> No.9738192

I'm not an aspiring writer, nor do i wish to be one.
I'm just a simple reader.
That's why i filter these writing threads.

>> No.9738196

add Jordan Peterson to that and that's basically mine

>> No.9738224
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it looks like this.

There's still about 104 threads being displayed (crude area calculation)

>> No.9738228

Can you post a screenshot of what your /lit/ catalog looks like?
Are there any threads left?

>> No.9738233

Some of them might be able to understand Ulysses, but if you told me that a woman understands Portrait of the Artist, I wouldn't believe you.

>> No.9738239
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Quite alot.
Much better this way though.

>> No.9738240
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You are the biggest faggot on this board, congratulations.

>> No.9738276

>The Iliad
>Moby Dick
>Don Quixote
>Crime & Punishment
>Franz Kafka

if you hated these what are you doing here. you don't like literature at all

>> No.9738289

I only enjoy engaging literature like A Song of Fire and Ice

>> No.9738309

Literature is merely a form of entertainment. Only pseuds see that as an insult.

Intellectualism is artistic poison. If it can be written out and clearly laid out in bullet points / lemmas, why write a novel to convey it?

Taste is subjective. Just because a load of citation circlejerk academia turboplebs or corporate profit seeking publishers say otherwise, it doesn't mean I care about the set of criteria they deem to be the objective criteria.

It's fine to give up on books at any time, even before. I feel dirty for reading books that were written for money even (and I'm not a lefty) and I think it's acceptable to skip those. Not that I do, I'm only illustrating that prejudices are perfectly fine, even ones such as that

>> No.9738315

You are almost certainly a faggot or even worse a closeted one. Fuck off

>> No.9738362

You must be a woman.

>> No.9738377
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You can't "write on your free time" while working on STEM like the greedy burgers here say every other thread. Art demands commitment, you're never gonna make it playing safe, you untermensch.

>> No.9738390

The best day job is something physical that requires little to no mental ability. Grave diggers, construction laborers, etc.

>> No.9738406

Voltaire said it, if you want a happy, fulfilling life: spend it tending to your garden

>> No.9738438

Japanese light novels, the kind that get turned into lewd anime, have more literary value than the books of authors who try to write shit with literary value.

>> No.9738466

David Foster Wallace could have won the Nobel prize if he didn't off himself.

>> No.9738474

Voltaire was a stupid liberal.

>> No.9738513

What does this even mean

>> No.9738527

So like, whats the fucking punchline to that comic strip?

>> No.9738538

Depends on what you mean by edgy.

I think academia is right about 100% of the time about literature, and I prefer the opinions of academics or well-regarded critics over anything said here on this board.

Literally none of you know what you're talking about, about anything you might be attempting to speak on.

Despite the fact that that's a pretty sensible opinion to hold, you butthurt queers lose your mind anytime someone insists there's authority that exists outside of your head canon.

>> No.9738540

Philosophy Isn't a joke, It's a monument to cognitive dissonance, at its best it's a grotesque frankenscience that warps pseudo-reality to fit its own narrative.

>> No.9738543

second post best post

>> No.9738548

I can tell you what I hate about this board.
When people use "philosophy" meaning philosophical works with no fiction in it. Like >>9738170 . It says philosophy is a waste of time because most "ideas" in it can be found in works of fiction. Well guess what, those ideas ARE philosophy too, you dunce. Or here >>9738191
including "Philosophy" as a thing in the list.
Do you think Philosophy is just writers that write exclusively non-fiction about their ideas? You don't know what the fucking word means.

>> No.9738554

or maybe you're splitting hairs and making assumptions

>> No.9738560

Explain how.

>> No.9738561

this board is, in fact, absolutely terrible and no one here seems to actually know anything about literary analysis. most discussion here boils down to "i like the book so its good" or "i dont like the book so its bad"

>> No.9738567


Literature is for people who are disconnected from real life.

>> No.9738575

the 'girl' used to be a boy

>> No.9738578

I think you must be retarded if you believe a light novel is more literary than War & Peace, you cunt.

>> No.9738580

whose to say what they meant by those brief words. It's not like they really elaborated

>> No.9738584

He says Philosophy is a waste and then goes on to defend fictional works which include that Philosophy as if they are not part of it because he is using the word wrong. He is literally wrong. I then went on to word that in my post.

>> No.9738589
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>> No.9738595

Any story can be made better with a sweaty fuck scene.

>> No.9738601

Whose to say what he meant by 'philosophy is a waste",he may have been referring to philosophical treatises and whatnot
you wouldn't know. You just picked the word up and threw a fit.

>> No.9738608

you sound autistic and in need of basic social awareness, senpai

it's ok we've all been there, it will get better

>> No.9738614

It seems inappropriate if the brothers in Death of a Salesman fucked.

>> No.9738620

How would he have meant anything else when by mentioning the works of fiction he does as alright he excludes them? He says you don't need to read philosophical authors because fiction can provide that for you. It's obvious then that by Philosophy he means non-fictional works.
Ad hominem.

>> No.9738626

Reading philosophy is for people who can't think about things without an outside opinion, and it serves no purpose. That's right, I said it. Philosophy is masturbation. Instead, observe the people around you and read psychology. Fuck philosophy, and fuck you. Fuck everybody.

>> No.9738639

The Greeks are actually complete shit and if i really would've started with them like you fags suggested i would probably have abandoned literature a long time ago

>> No.9738640

>it is wrong to have outside opinions to clear on or build on with your own experiences
Might as well not ask other people fucking questions.

>> No.9738642

I will never read Alice In Wonderland because that shit is ruined for me by Tim Burton fans, fat girls and lel so randum retards.

>> No.9738653
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Tried reading Infinite Jest three times now and I can't get past the first ten pages because of how repetitive and autistically specific the prose is. Doubt I'll ever finish it because of this.

>> No.9738654

>contrarian views on literature
You should only read a book if you want to

>> No.9738666

If an author's opinion on a subject in not absolutely nihilistic and he believes anything to have an inherent value to it, I will disregard it. It is fine to have characters like that, as people like that do exist, it's just the author's views that he reflects on the work that I'm talking about.

>> No.9738671

Well then I'll never read.

>> No.9738672


see also: edgar alan poe, the brothers grimm, sherlock holmes, etc. luckily though those types don't venture much outside of these writers and YA fiction so my Kafka should be safe for another 5 years or so.

>> No.9738683

there's a difference between outside opinions and meandering, philosophical vomit.

You know how I "philosophize?" I think about things. I think about what people say and why they say that and what emotions are behind that, I talk to people, I look for patterns in what people write and what they did. I think- what's a reason why?

Philosophy is just that, except being a self important fuck. Do you think I haven't already explored all the famous philosophical standpoints of famous philosophers? Of course I have. It's not HARD. It's baby shit. CHILDREN ask these questions. I can't respect people who have to READ about things to have ideas about them, jesus fucking christ. Thought is an inherently human trait. Just- fucking do it!

Stop using outdated people as a crutch to lord over other people. Everybody fucking does it, everybody thinks. And they ARE outdated.

>> No.9738691

>You know how I "philosophize?" I think about things. I think about what people say and why they say that and what emotions are behind that, I talk to people, I look for patterns in what people write and what they did. I think- what's a reason why?
Yes most people do that.
>Philosophy is just that, except being a self important fuck.
But what you just said you do is literally Philosohpy. You even said you are philosophizing.

>> No.9738721

darren i know you're on here so if you see this stop posting infinite jest memes on facebook, nobody thinks you're funny and nobody thinks you're smart you fuckin pseud and stop bringing it up in conversation too fucks sake

>> No.9738731

Calling someone a "pseud" is not proper criticism.

>> No.9738732

>But what you just said you do is literally Philosophy.
Yeah. But I'm not spending hours of my life reading 500 year old assholes rehashing basic thoughts and then telling everyone I'm so smart for doing so.

Maybe I wasn't clear: I'm making a distinction between "philosophy" in the academic sense and "philosophy" in the general, thinking about things sense.

There's also a difference between reading philosophers because you're interested in how they thought and reading philosophers because they're so smart and have new ideas.

People talking about kierkegaard and Kant and Nietzsche pisses me off. Not because they're famous philosophers, but because people seem to use them as crutches.
>"Nietzsche thought that, so it's smart and I'm smart for reading Nietzsche"
Philosophy is the act of thinking. There's a difference between "reading philosophy" and "reading how to think"

Maybe I'm not making sense, but it's something that really pisses me off.

I think understanding people is the most important thing a human can do, because everything we are as a species stems from that. Understand a person good enough, and you can circumvent arguments and tragedy. But that knowledge comes from talking to people, interacting with people, fighting with people- it's an active endeavor, and it takes your whole life to do. It takes listening to people you really do not agree with and watching people you hate. It takes effort and dedication and no one will ever figure it out.

But philosophy? Philosophy (in the academic sense) is the opposite of that. It's the antithesis of everything I believe in. It's reading what a bunch of people wrote hundreds of years ago and taking their word as gospel. It's saying, this guy said something smart, so he knows what he's talking about, so I'll believe that and won't put any more thought into it, because he's right and I'm smart because I read it and understand it.

I'm sorry. I'm just... really passionate about this and I try really hard. And then I come to /lit/ and there are snobbery threads and /pol/ fucking everywhere.

tl;dr: people watching is more philosophical than reading philosophy.

>> No.9738752

Philosophy is the thinking man's game. Go mix some cement pleb.

>> No.9738769
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Truth is subjective but I value statistics over rhetoric. Also don't believe in god.

The most favored books by academics are merely those that are hard to read or reference old works scarcely anyone cares about anymore.

The non literature mediums are plagued by people who desperately want literary fiction but are afraid to actually read it and shit up every other medium with misguided, mismatching opinions.

>> No.9738780

american lit > english lit

>> No.9738787

I was going to critique you, but then half way through I decided it was a waste of time. You are unironically retarded. This isn't a lazy cop out response. This is the truth.

>> No.9738791

What's left? You've blocked out 90% of this fucking shit board

>> No.9738800

Well I think I understanding what you say you dislike now, but it's something so specific I don't think I've ever come accross people like it.

>> No.9738859

Yeah you can make out he has zero experience with academic philosophy.

But then my department is very analytical so I might have a different experience.

>> No.9738865

Isn't France basically the only country left where departments aren't 90% analytical?

>> No.9738875

Same guy as above

>It's reading what a bunch of people wrote hundreds of years ago and taking their word as gospel. It's saying, this guy said something smart, so he knows what he's talking about, so I'll believe that and won't put any more thought into it, because he's right and I'm smart because I read it and understand it.

Who the actual fuck does this? What kind of an academic would approach philosophy like this? I think you've been speaking to too many pseuds.

We are speaking about /lit/ though so alright, I'll try to leave professional academics out of it. Your post itself seems to target philosophy generally as a discipline as opposed to philosophy as it is approached by your average /lit/izen but I'll assume we're just talking about the latter now.

Alright, so even if you're not an academic and reading philosophy as a hobby (as someone on this board would) I'd STILL say taking anything as gospel in philosophy is completely antithetical to the entire point of philosophy. This is true in my entire circle of friends, in which I'm including not only those who aren't philosophers but also those who aren't academics at all.

>> No.9738890

You have a good point, on second thought (see above) I guess that guy has more experience with very casual hobbyists as opposed to academics, or people with a formal education in philosophy, or people who take philosophy more seriously, basically anyone for whom philosophy has more relevance as a verb than a noun.

I'm thinking of the kind of people that quote Aristotle and Nietzsche on Facebook and think that in itself makes what they say hold more weight?

Only way I can make sense if what he's saying because having the kind of approach that guy seems to think people have entails a lot of ad hominem.

>> No.9738911

I've noticed when people on /lit/ talk about philosophy they really mean cultural studies/critical social theory.

>> No.9739063

Your opinion is shit.

>> No.9739140

Don't you guys discuss "philosophy" as in "what people in my university's department of philosophy teach" though?

I remember I used /lit/ to stir up some discussions on Kant's prolegomena and it worked out alright a couple years ago. Place is utter shit for analytical Phil but people used to be decently read on philosophers more firmly established on the philosophical canon.

>> No.9739183
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>It's another "Brainlets complain because they can't into philosophy" episode

>> No.9739191

We had a good series of threads that were based around Nick Land and Moldbug but delved into Deleuze, Negarestani, etc. but they made /leftypol/ very nervous and got invaded to death.

>> No.9739231

A faggot in this thread literally filters out the words "nihilism" and "Nietzsche".

>> No.9739281

philosophy is a dumping ground for people who couldn't into science/math or art. literature is a dumping ground people who couldn't into poetry or music

>> No.9739300
File: 48 KB, 500x495, tumblr_inline_nt0vfexkpK1spsojg_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>People confused by FUCKING NIETZSCHE
Out of all the hard to get philosophers such as Hegel or Heidegger (and hard is even exaggerated) someone is confused by the most entry level philosopher of all times

>> No.9739355

But all of those things have Philosophy in them.
I guess >>9738911 is right.

>> No.9739410

>Hegel and Heidegger not hard
>Academics debate them literally ever since they were published
>different interpretations everywhere
puh I'm glad people on an anime forum have totaly figuered them out
I bet you are one of these people that think Nietzsche is entry level while thinking he is a nihilist

>> No.9739413

You can write well with minimal reading outside a few books on literary structuralism and the creative process.

>> No.9739427

You really gotta bone up on your category placement. You're embarrassing in three ways.

>> No.9739431

>projecting this hard

>> No.9739529

>being so easily [TRIGGERED] you have to filter out reality
They weren't kidding about >>/pol/ needing safe-spaces worse than >>/lgbt/

>> No.9739531

>>filtered liberals
>>didn't filter republicans or cuck

Found the cuck, also I like the constant name dropping in the Iliad, except for book two.

>> No.9739533


Russians are overrated

>> No.9739555

>I think academia is right about 100% of the time about literature

But academia spends 90% of it's time arguing against itself...

>> No.9739578

First chapter is the only thing good about it anyway.

>> No.9739583

>nothing better to do
>unconsciously having value judgements dictate the worth of things around you and having them speak through you

Of course ur an idiot

>> No.9739585

With every book you read your mind and thoughts and personality become less unique and original and more consolidation of institutional powers ("gleichschaltung" in the language that has all the best words). Congratulations on getting one step deeper into the hive mind.

>> No.9739724
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>> No.9739731

>/pol/ not filtering zizek

>> No.9739933

i'll add to my filters

>> No.9740016

Add "literature" while you're at it.

>> No.9740075

Joyce scholarship is the tale of the emperors new clothes

this, reality is what it is

>> No.9740081
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>> No.9740086

Camus' style of writing fucking sucks

>> No.9740100


>> No.9740115
File: 51 KB, 413x478, dow.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Careful now, all of politics or critique in this day and age is solely based on whether the individual is a pseud, cuck, liberal or SJW.

>> No.9740122

>slam poetry
Literal fucking cancer. I hate to classify it that way, because it has potential, but I have yet to see ANY of that potential realized. It's great as a form of therapy, but terrible as poetry and EVEN WORSE as performance art.

>> No.9740183

>truth is subjective

how so? I'm interested in seeing what shapes this view

>> No.9740200
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Woman suck at any form of art.

>> No.9740205

Blood Meridian is just a Zane Grey pastiche typed while shitting on the toilet.

>> No.9740217

A march occurs. This is a fact.

One person sees it as a women's right march
Another sees it as a pro-baby killing rally

Both truth

>> No.9740243

Filters a\re just safe spaces for 4chan.

>> No.9740263

>I've only been here since 2016!

Seeing the same shit year after year is tiresome.

>> No.9740268 [DELETED] 

The Wasteland by T.S. Eliot sucks.

>> No.9740283

To say "reality is what it is" implies you know what is real in the first place.

>> No.9740288

The Wasteland by T.S. Eliot sucks.

Except the part where he says "I will show you fear in a handful of dust"

>> No.9740761

The Witcher books are great dark fantasy novels.

>> No.9740774

Not liking popular books just because they are popular is pure autism.

>> No.9740850

All modernist poetry is total, degenerate trash. That includes Eliot, Pound, Pessoa, WCW, Neruda, Plath etc. etc.. It's all ugly, offensively ugly and unnatural. I despise it all. It all reads as if in 1918 young poets started hating beauty.

>> No.9740904

>being this sheltered on 4chan
wew lad

>> No.9740922

This. They probably attempted something basic and gave up.

>> No.9740928


WHOA NOW, you can't just say that on /lit/ anon, how else will you fit in!?

>> No.9740936

rely maks yo think . . . .

>> No.9740982

How am I wrong?

>> No.9740987
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Those ffing comics from this one trannie are so depressing, and they're only valuable in a thread dedicated to ripping them apart so at least we can laugh a bit.

>> No.9741047

Oh yeah, forgot "leave this board", "critique", "redpill", "brainlet", "slam poetry" filters

Thanks for reminding me.

>> No.9741062

if a lion could speak i could understand it

>> No.9741071

shakespeare is the best example of post colonialism invading on culture, especially in the usa. schools need to stop teaching shakespeare

>> No.9741076
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The Bible is not interesting as literature

>> No.9742421

im done with /lit/

>> No.9742427

its true
'I don't understand philosophy so i will say it's stupid'

>> No.9742428
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>> No.9742458

Nietzsche and Heidegger are worthless.
That statement is edgier here than in the real world.

>> No.9742463

Abolition of Man doesn't make any damn sence

>> No.9742471

hey dude how about go fuck yourself

>> No.9742472

'Here' is always real.

>> No.9742477

does anyone even dare bring up slam poetry here without irony?

good list of filters btw except pynchon you fucking cunt

>> No.9742517


>> No.9742573

I give props to anyone that would just outright admit that they just don't understand it. That's a big level of honesty though.

>> No.9742611

right now my reading of books is fuelled by a need for eros
but soon it will be replaced by a need for agape

>> No.9742779

Worst post I've read all week

>> No.9743578

>i don't believe in god
>truth is subjective
but if you did it would be true, right?

>> No.9743829

Have you read any contemporary philosophy? The whole point is to use older thinking as basis for coherent communication. Without common language that rich tradition gives us it's extremely hard to discuss philosophical questions. I didn't start reading philosophy to feel superior but because ordinary discourse failed in sufficently encagin with these subjects.

>> No.9743852

Parmenides and Zeno were right.
All philosophy done after them is just a butthurt denial of reality.

>> No.9743920

Just something to pass the time that's all it is.
you will not get anything new out of it that you already don't know.

>> No.9743931

>can't handle one single spat of banter
>quits the entire board
Do you need a tissue?

>> No.9743946


"Real" literature died a slow, painful death beginning in the early 1900s and dying by the 1950s. Genre fiction died in the 80s.

>> No.9743953


An absolute relativist can simply choose to believe anything and it is no more or less true than any other belief. A true skeptic understands that the scientific method does not produce facts. When you accept both of these statements you will understand why moral relativist secular humanists are literally fucking retarded

>> No.9743970


>> No.9743980

t. oblivious

>> No.9743982

Anyone that likes James Joyce is a pretentious moron and most likely a shitty person. Especially if they like Finnegan's Wake.

>> No.9744044

I don't see how anyone genuinely believes this unless if they are a moron themselves.

>> No.9744068


>> No.9744122

I'm incredibly smart (IQ of 130) but I believe it. Joyce was pretty shit.

>> No.9744160
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>> No.9744165

The only difference is whether truth is a function of the mind or an inherent force floating around somewhere. It's not like I don't have beliefs or think that others can't be wrong, I just don't pretend truth is a cosmic force like some bible thumper.

>> No.9744293
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>> No.9744295


>> No.9744536

The beat poets and everyone after are shit. Prose poetry is worse than shit.

>> No.9744935

DFW is a real fucking pussy when it comes to lobsters.

>> No.9744948

women can't actually into critical thinking
they just act like they can

>> No.9745265

I'll post same as last thread, I automatically think lesser anyone who favours Dostoyevsky over Tolstoy.

>> No.9745459

philosophy = vague as fuck concept that you can phrase and fit to various things in a number of ways
philosophy = body of works considered to be philosophical
they were referring to the latter definition

>> No.9745483

you can literally casually write in your spare time, even if you're virtually a slave, stop romanticising and self-limiting

>> No.9745507


Like 99.9% can't. But if you think 100% can't you are an actual pleb and not worth listening to.

>> No.9745542
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books are finished. video games are peak of artistic expression.

>> No.9745625

anon here, I agree with 99.9%

>> No.9745629

Breaking Bad had a meme episode about the word "Kafkaesque." If that didn't break ol' Franz into the mainstream, you should be safe

>> No.9745635

I agree with this, and with listening to music. I'm just becoming and amalgam of Harold Bloom and Piero Scaruffi, the more media I consume

>> No.9745640

Have you tried reading FW aloud? It's very fun

>> No.9745643

>Prose poetry is worse than shit.
Read Three Poems by Ashbury

>> No.9745858

The novel went out with the atom bomb. 99% of postmodern "novels" are shite that used a rigid form in a changing age. Pynchon and DeLillo wrote shitty indie movies with half assed political implications.

Vonnegut is patrician.

>> No.9745861

I think we could be friends, Anon.