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9737013 No.9737013 [Reply] [Original]

How accurate is this?


>> No.9737069

If the humanist tradition is a a thirst for knowledge it's not unreasonable to look outside of European writers. It becomes a problem when inclusivity superceeds worth and, from what I understand and what other threads have discussed, that doesn't happen to the degree some conservatives describe. Ultimately, most English and humanities students aren't going into academia so their programs prepare them for the workforce. I imagine their example for UCLA is a misrepresentation of the curriculum. They likely have requirements for Brit lit or electives which can be completed with a Shakespeare course but they also require gender, race, and other courses more specifically. I guess the test would be to look at their curriculum and compare the number of "traditional" humanities requirements to new, progressive ones.

>> No.9737138


I have a BA in history and there was definitely an inordinate focus on "marginalized voices." I read A Narrative of the Life of Frederick Douglass three (3) times but never the Federalist Papers. We probably were assigned a few excerpts, but still.

>> No.9737184

>I read A Narrative of the Life of Frederick Douglass three (3) times but never the Federalist Papers.
That's the most insane thing i'e ever heard

>> No.9737188

The problem with inclusion is that you're simply cramming alien archetypes into a system built off of the evolution of white/european ideas. They can be incorporated but they must be incorporated with the knowledge that they are alien.

>> No.9737192

Does anyone NOT do this?

>> No.9737194

anyone who's self aware does, but it's not how it's taught in schools

>> No.9737203

>get taught the rebels
>don't get taught what they were rebelling against
>"that'll be $100,000 please"

>> No.9737209

Laughable video. It takes a perennial issue and puts it in a literally who's mouth. Anyone that this video NEEDS to persuade is far above a "muh Shakespeare" argument. The whole channel looks like cancer.

Different schools have different philosophies towards reading requirements. Shop around and go to a private liberal arts college if you want to have a strictly European focus. The conversation at large in public universities right now is focused on minority voices for some very interesting philosophical reasons, not just to push "le jewish agenda," but even then you don't have to go there. I wouldn't go to any school that has those UCLA reading requirements because that stuff doesn't interest me, but people are doing cool stuff with that kinds of research and it's what makes the university money because there's a lot of room for exploration. On the off chance that you do wind up at some public university like this, though maybe not with that many requirements, you should be able to choose your courses wisely enough to sidestep most of the marginalized voices stuff if you actually look at the course listings in detail.

>> No.9737212

I knew what youtube channel this would be before i even pressed play

discarded trash

>> No.9737215

>for some very interesting philosophical reasons
No, not really. Not enough to justify neglecting the teaching of the canon.

>> No.9737235

kid youre on 4chan, youre in no position to have such a strong opinion when you have experienced nothing of it

>> No.9737236

>>9737013 >>9737209

Prager University's videos are garbage, but it's interesing nonetheless to know their perspectives in order to avoid them. In this video, they fall in the same bullshit they blame the liberals of doing: being uncompromising and unyielding. although i agree that if you're studying english you're supposed to read shakespeare. papa bloom has the same complain

Watch these attrocities

>> No.9737237

Liberal arts have always been dead. They're memes.
>m-m-m-mm-muh shakespeare abloobloo hes so great becuz i sed so
Eat shit. Both of you types are asswipes.
Humanities are disgusting, humanism needs to rot. Systematics need to rot. Colonist nonsense needs to rot. abloobloo muh rome muh beloved mastah colonists we wuz romans n shieet

Academics ON ALL SIDES are absolute trash.
Delusional American nonsense. Disgusting Platonists. Disgusting sentimentalists.

I would unironically smack this woman if I ever saw her in the streets.

>> No.9737246

name your top 5 writers

>> No.9737249

The canon is a meme. 'muh greeks!' needs to find its grave already. I fucking hate Anglos so much holy shit.

>> No.9737251

Me fivefold.

>> No.9737253

It was women

>> No.9737259

>Not enough to justify neglecting the teaching of the canon.

You're probably right about that. Canonicity itself is an interesting conversation that sadly probably isn't being engaged by these kinds of programs either. The issue is that marginalized voices aren't being held relative to the systems marginalizing them, in much the same way that everyone wants to do deconstruction without reading philosophy. A major problem is that it's very difficult, probably impossible to group the canon within a definition like "white thought," which could be viewed with respect to all these other voices of "___ thought." Marginalized voices are somehow privileged in that they can be seen as uber-representative. Maybe that day will come, but it will mean even more splintering. In today's age of overly sensitive white people it probably won't ever happen.

>> No.9737264

They challenge progressive educational hegemony. Even if they're sometime's wrong, their voice is absolutely necessary in an age where the Right stopped producing geniuses like Allan Bloom to challenge Leftist authority.

>> No.9737269

They challenge nothing. They are leftists you dope, they're ridiculous Burger sentimentalists. O! The Greeks! Yes! Genius...! eat shit

>> No.9737271

>Prager University's videos are garbage

>> No.9737274

They're a privately funded think tank pushing an agenda. As soon as I saw them pop up, I kept an eye on them. Then I watched for about a year as they gobbled up all these early alt-right/alt-lite figures who were mostly libertarian and Reaganite/neocon in nature. Even dissident feminists. Their job is to make everyone a Reaganite trickle down bitch-made serf of the business classes, who (brace yourself) control both the Republican and Democrat, both "conservative" and "progressive" parties and perspectives, and push each of those phony agendas selectively so that you'll never actually do anything to enfranchise yourself.

Useful, yeah. Sort of. In the sense of figuring out which of your allies in the battle against the hydra is really a hydra head in disguise, and strategically letting it wound itself. But in the end it's just the same hydra.

>> No.9737277

How do you understand the development of Western thought without understanding its history? You want to disconnect the intellectual progeny of these Western thinkers from any sense that their own ideas have a source and aren't just absolute, self-evident truths. You want to make these kids overly-confident intellectually.

>> No.9737287

>Western thought
Wow a meaningless fucking platitude
Wow nonsense systematics and side-favoring.
Eat shit, Platonist.

>> No.9737289

Fair point. If only the video had made this argument and not its baseless one.

>> No.9737290

Spotted the conspiratorial communist. You're no different from the people who see Jews under every rock. Yes, a libertarian voice is absolutely necessary in an age of socialist intellectual hegemony. Being a bitch to business is far better than being under the boot of a state.

>> No.9737296

your brain on postmodernism

>> No.9737308
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>an age of socialist intellectual hegemony.

>> No.9737322

prager "uni" aside, are you really not required to read shakespeare at ucla english lit? or is it just another bs by prager?

>> No.9737325

I'm not a post-modernist.

>> No.9737332
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>> No.9737334


That's why when someone comes along and says "Oh, liberal arts education isn't THAT bad" I can't just nod and agree, because I know how bad things are. Is it a literal indoctrination camp? No. Has it been seriously vitiated by identity politicking and biased scholarship? Yes.

I'm just glad I got out before Trump got elected because listening to even more liberal cant than usual would have made my blood boil.

>> No.9737337
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Seems like you didn't learn anything anon

I mean, God forbid you read the federalist papers yourself. How could you afford the inconvenience, what when you've got a 95pg book you have to read three times. Geez, I wonder how college hands do it in them fields and books. They was born to work, yes sir, by god, them their chained youngins now how to plow through them studies, pick off the answers out of a bushel of notes, milk their superiors dry with one tug after another in their bucket of hopes and dreams. When the sun sets over the campus, and the sweat drips down poor pupils tired eyes, they feel almost like a free people, and the bell tower clangs and the smell of hot food gallops and a stampede of chattering behind the stable doors of the cafeteria remind him he has 45 min before he has to get business administration with professor goldenberg who will fley a pound of his skin of he's late and without his homework.

>> No.9737342

Why are lefties so fucking insufferable?

>> No.9737347

So students pay thousands of dollars to ensure that they give themselves a good education in spite of their professors?

>> No.9737374
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>marginalized voices

>1. to place in a position of marginal importance, influence, or power

Nobody is "placed in a position of" insignificance, they just aren't significant. If they said something of significance then they would be recognised.

>> No.9737378

Yeah the world is a perfect meritocracy isn't it? especially back when people owned people

>> No.9737388

I can't believe I'm going to say this unironically, but here it is: it's current year, dude.

>> No.9737396

I sympathise with critical non-white vaginer studies, but it shouldn't be forced on people.

The academy should include and even celebrate stuffy old cunts who just want to read about how great the West is. It shouldn't be a training depot for a certain political ideology. It should be a potpourri of ideologies and perspectives.

>> No.9737397

Not him, but I would say the opposite

>> No.9737401


You'll need a brain, first.

>> No.9737404

woah you leftists dethroned god for this? for the worship of the victim, the shrieking, the snivelling the pathetic victim? There was a time when men aspired to greatness, when instead of the umpteenth diversity novel about a queer hiv+ disabled PoCWoC Transvestite white leftists consume in order to feel wordly, oh so progressive and tolerant, we had shakespeare and goethe.

>> No.9737408

Wow, this is without a doubt the worst thread I've seen on /lit/ in probably years. Good lord.

>> No.9737412


lol ok neetchee-lite fagtron

>> No.9737413

I for one, find nothing more hateful than the hateful screeching of 'marginalised voices'.

>> No.9737415

you gonna cry about it like a woman?

>> No.9737439
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Do you feel victimized???? GOOOD!

>> No.9737444

sif your opinion on the subject matters fuckwit >>9737415
fite me cunt

>> No.9737480

>tfw you study derrida
>tfw you see some battered old white woman defending a "great humanist tradition" that never existed

how the fuck is it that the greeks understood that philosophy was not a mentor imparting rhetoric to their pupils only for them to keep regurgitating it, but instead a dialectic, that true knowledge is created in the interaction between pupil and mentor. that we only learn from interacting with ideas.

the people in this video are comfortable with people learning a canon but don't want to understand why there is a canon, or what it means for a canon to exist.

>> No.9737489

Great hypocrite that you are, you in your first paragraph cite manners of learning and dialogue not created through a dialogue with Derrida but through regurgitating his own philosophy!

>> No.9737490

/lit/ can be great. and it still is great. However, the times I've seen it turn to shit are when politics is brought up.
why is that?
it's a rhetorical question, I know why.
just chill out with retarded partisanship.
even if you're baitposting it's still shitting up the board

>> No.9737511

derrida is not infallible, but his notion of deconstruction is very helpful in questioning canons. forgive me for not being able to talk to a dead man, but philosophy should be treated like a constant conversation with dead people, anyways.

>> No.9737521
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but there are some things you can't question. derrida just jewed neutered Heidegger's ideas, imo. seize the great Dasein, anon

>> No.9737609

>not going into classical studies
>not being completely autodidact
it's like you wan't to be a failure

>> No.9737651
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>> No.9737681
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>I think that if what is called "deconstruction" produces neglect of the classical authors, the canonical texts, and so on, we should fight it. ... I’m in favor of the canon, but I won’t stop there. I think that students should read what are considered the great texts in our tradition. ... Students could develop, let’s say, a deconstructive practice--but only to the extent that they "know" what they are "deconstructing": an enormous network of other questions.

>I’m in favor or tradition. I’m respectful of and a lover of the tradition. There’s no deconstruction without the memory of the tradition. I couldn’t imagine what the university could be without reference to the tradition, but a tradition that is as rich as possible and that is open to other traditions, and so on.

>Logocentrism literally, as such, is nothing else but Greek. Everywhere that the Greek culture is the dominant heritage there is logocentrism. I wouldn’t draw as a conclusion, as a consequence of this, that we should simply leave it behind.

>> No.9737684

It's a cringey video, but the point still stands.

Most people today, even university educated, are completely ignorant of the Western intellectual history.

People who argue for "marginalised voices" simply don't understand. The West was built by white men. Peripheral voices are just that, peripheral. If you don't like it, then you're welcome to fuck off back to your own country.

If you went to a Chinese university, and said there were too many Chinese philosophers, you'd be rightly fucking laughed at.

>> No.9737693

Why would I care what some pseud thinks?

>> No.9737697
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>I think that people who try to represent what I’m doing or what so called "deconstruction" is doing, as, on the one hand, trying to destroy culture or, on the other hand, to reduce it to a kind of negativity, to a kind of death, are misrepresenting deconstruction. Deconstruction is essentially affirmative. It’s in favor of reaffirmation of memory, but this reaffirmation of memory asks the most adventurous and the most risky questions about our tradition, about our institutions, about our way of teaching, and so on.

>> No.9737699
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>implying even a tiny fraction of the student body will read anything, literally any book, if it's not assigned.

It's not my education I'm worried about, you dunce. If I thought that the average student would find out about these books on his own why would I be on /lit/ complaining about the state of humanities education?

>> No.9738727

Apparently I'm the first person in this thread to even look at UCLA's major requirements. You do have to take "breadth" courses but only 3 classes in 3/4 of the categories Gender, Race, Ethnicity, Disability, and Sexuality Studies; Imperial, Transnational, and Postcolonial Studies; Genre Studies, Interdisciplinary Studies, Critical Theory; and Creative Writing. That's 3 classes in fields that are important to modern English studies. You're an idiot if you think an English major taking critical theory, Novels of the British Empire, and a woman's lit class is being forced into a liberal indoctrination scheme. They're very benign and informative classes to anyone with critical thinking skills. As for Shakespeare, they offer THREE courses on Shakespeare to fufill your middle English course requirement. That's not including the upper division credits you can fill taking the other two after your first one. So this video is very misleading as you only have to one class in three different "breadth" fields (which aren't bad at all) and you can take as many Shakespeare courses as you fucking want. Just because it's not an explicit requirement doesn't mean students aren't going to take him.

>> No.9738757

Jesus is a worshipped victim

>> No.9738762

>libertarian voice is absolutely necessary in an age of socialist intellectual hegemony
Wew lad.

>> No.9738770


>> No.9738775

Independent study skills are an important part of university education, yes.

I agree with this but in my experience nothing was really forced on us. I did art history where there was an obligatory 'what about minorities' or 'what about women' question in a list of possible essay topics but the majority of them were standard academic art history.

>> No.9738929
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Embrace the inner greatness of national socialism. Postmodernism denies that inner greatness for victim worship.

>> No.9738958

maybe the 'great humanist tradition' never existed, but postmodernists seem bent on replacing everything that is true and good about the past with self hatred and prostration before everything that is weak and defective, before disease, perversion and marginality. Derrida specifically said 'deconstruction' whatever it may mean, was expressly designed to somehow prevent annudah shoah and save oppressed victims from phallogoeurocentric rationality. where has that gotten us? today the west stands before the cliffs of oblivion. We can either sink into the depths or rise to the stars. It is up to us to reject the resignation and spinlessness of the postmodernist, it is up to us to embrace greatness.

>> No.9739757

the racism, misogyny and toxic unexamined whiteness on this thread prove why critical vaginer studies should be forced on people

>> No.9739805

Jesus was not a victim. No relevant theologian would ever call Jesus a 'victim'. How could the King be a fucking victim?

>> No.9739878

read Girard.

>> No.9740579

I'm try to avoid taking political sides, but threads like this make me shoot to the right.

>> No.9740615

Where are you now?

>> No.9740628

Maybe you should shoot into your right temple

>> No.9740647


>> No.9740654

My Little Pony is patrician desu

>> No.9740665

i don't like kekistani faggots, but i really can't stand the mass of shrieking victimhood that is the left. take the so called 'lgbt community' for example, i doubt they are even capable of rational communication. these people are mentally ill, they won't be satisfied until western civilisation is done with and replaced by fat positive beyonce twerking extravaganzas. even then, i doubt they will be satisfied.

>> No.9740692


>> No.9740772

I don't read frogs, sorry.

>> No.9741230


when your only concern about having a political leaning is that theres too many fat chicks behaving in a way that wont ever effect you you're doing it for the wrong reasons

>> No.9741238

I liked the kekistanis until I realized they're all redditors
I won't be associated with that filth.

>> No.9741413

Just went to UCLA's course catalog:

There are queer and disabilities classes, but there are also a lot of Bible and medieval classes. Honestly, the early chicano/a lit 1400-1920 class sounds interesting.

>> No.9741434

>missing the point this hard

>> No.9741436

It's amazing that people sit down and watch this crap.

>> No.9741445

>prager U

>> No.9741451

I eventually looked at it and explained my thoughts here >>9738727 . It's not a bad selection and the major requirements aren't ridiculous. If people actually took the time to fact check they wouldn't be so butthurt.

>> No.9741475
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Excited at first, but looking at their other videos it is clear this is another thoughtless, shallow ideologue echo-chamber which seeks to polarize and disrupt the critical thinking of the masses through common fears.

>> No.9741509


In third world countries, when you study to become an English teacher, all you see is Grammar, Phonology, some Pedagogy, and classic literature.

>> No.9741951
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>> No.9741959

Some of them are shit but other vids are legit.

>> No.9741969

*sniffs* I can smell the Ressentiment...

>> No.9741975

Probably because /leftypol/ decided that /lit/ was it's new home. Fucking commies ruin everything they touch.

>> No.9741989

This is the absolute truth.

>> No.9742012

It's just a matter of looking at where the funding goes on the universities to see that the humanities are dying - but I do agree with core argument from PragerU though. It's all the bullshit academia that now infest the university.

>> No.9742034
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hahaha oh wow

>> No.9742048


Filthy dumb, reddit scum