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/lit/ - Literature

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9726633 No.9726633 [Reply] [Original]

i have a business job and make good money but not enough to raise a family on. if i had more money, i would never work another day at a job in my life. i want to go to business school to make more money. my parents think it is foolish since there's nothing 'i want to do.' they suggested academia since i'd be able to read a lot and sit around on my ass.

i said that it's super hard to become a professor, so that's not really realistic. is anyone here in a similar position or had to make a similar choice?

is becoming a professor in something humanities-related nearly impossible? im 27 and only have a bachelors in english.

what are some /lit/ jobs i could do that you don't have to get extremely lucky to find a position and make enough money to support a family?

am i thinking about this wrong guys? what is your literary life plan?

>> No.9726645

Someone should write a ya series about these two

>> No.9726665

yeah, sartre and beauvoir were both much better looking back then

>> No.9726668
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Anon, I don't think you should do anything that doesn't fundamentally interest you, at least on the career front. If you really don't want to become an academic, you shouldn't.

That said, it's not too late for you to go to graduate school. I'm older than you and I'm in the process of getting my MA in English Literature. My plan, I suppose, is to teach at a decent level while I write fiction and poetry, which I'm already doing. My dream is to be a great writer, one who is influential. This may be unrealistic, but I have delusions of grandeur. In the meantime, I'll teach.

>> No.9726687

>anon, i don't think you should do anything that doesn't fundamentally interest you
i don't think anything fundamentally interests me. there are things i like to do some of the time, not all the time, and those things change all the time. unfortunately, you either can't get paid for any of them, or it would require a ton of work/luck to get paid to do them. i don't think i could live without any money. working for money seems reasonable, but academia also seems like it'd be a kind of compromise - i'm just not sure that life of a professor like i think actually exists anymore, or is at all attainable.

>> No.9726691

why do you want to be a great, influential writer? just an aesthetic choice? how would you feel if it didn't happen?

>> No.9726724

The simple answer is that I LIKE to write. I feel fulfilled and completed by writing in a very fundamental way. Moreover, I've been told my writing is fairly good, and has gotten better in the last year or so. I therefore feel driven to be a writer, and if I'm going to be "a writer," I might as well be a great one. I suppose aesthetics play a role as well: I want to create something genuinely beautiful, and also something that communicates essential truth.

I suppose if it didn't happen I wouldn't mind, insofar as there's nothing I can do to alter posterity's opinion of me outside of just writing to the best of my abilities, and always seeking to improve. The judgment of history is a bit of a crapshoot, after all.

>> No.9726759

>i enjoy writing
>im good at it
>i want to be a writer
why do you want other people to read your writing? so that it makes money?

>> No.9726939
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I have always wante to write comedy, specifically in terms of television. I have never even written a screenplay, since it appears more tedious than enjoyable, an I have an exactly 0% chance of ever having a script picked up by a studio.
I write short stories instead. The funny part is that my short stories tend to be quite serious, bordering on melodramatic. So are the authors I most enjoy reading. But I have no delusions of being able to write comedy for a show, so I don't bother getting my hopes up and sending scripts to dozens of studios.

>> No.9726957

You don't want something recommended that doesn't take extreme luck, but what to pursue something that does so.

Just face, you were born working class and you're going to have to wagecuck for life.

Your dreams are no different to other people who want an easy way to get rich/not have to work. The system just doesn't work like that, there is no easy option.

>> No.9727275


>> No.9727292

>I have always wante to write comedy
good, we need more comedies. shit is so dry nowadays

>> No.9727321

my plan is to work menial office jobs i cannot stand, drink heavily, and take up self-flagellation

>> No.9727388
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I am currently getting a bachelors degree in law so I can get a decent public job and make good money for a living. After this is done, I plan to return to the university and study literature for real. I don't feel at all ready to write, let alone publishing an actual book. There's just so much to read, so much theory to absorb.

>> No.9727410

>bachelors in finance
>masters in finance
>PhD in finance
>set my own hours and pay working at the highest demand/lowest supply professor in the country
>finance is actually easy as fuck for me
>spend no time outside of teaching hours working
>spend entire life reading the worlds cannon
>finish world cannon
>write my life story
>die and leave everything to the school
>have business library named after me

>> No.9727455


I just need to find a mommy gf that loves literature as much as me and will let me be a househusband.

>> No.9727502

>BA/Masters in international relations
>enter foreign service and become career diplomat
>advance the interests of my nation, climb the ladder to an ambassadorship
>have a family with atleast 3 children
>groom children for public service, to be well read and exemplary
>maybe run for office, but content to pursue literary goals
>few pieces I want to write
>revive lost art of politician/historian
>write memoirs of myself and my family history, which I can trace to 17th century as it stands.

I'm still working on step 1

>> No.9727504

Well, partly yes. It's always nice to make money off of something you love.

Beyond that, I feel as though if you have something to say through the written word it's better to share it. If you've written something incredible it's better to show it to others, so that they can experience something like what you've experienced. I don't understand the idea of being a good writer and hiding your writing away. What would we have, as readers, if the majority of writers felt that way. I believe I have something worth saying to the majority of the human race. I believe I can guide others to the truth and show others a glimpse of the divine through the written word. If that seems arrogant, then I'm fine with being arrogant, but that's how I feel.

>> No.9727532

And what are you really doing? Shitposting on here and watching chinese children's cartoons while managing a measly 50 pages a week in a book?

>> No.9727539

not arrogant, just incoherent

>> No.9727562

I'm 20 so I'm getting my bachelors anon

>> No.9727581

How do you mean?

>> No.9727955

Nothing will come of it

>> No.9728013

He doesn't mean nothing because he hasn't ever experience an equivalent of how you feel about writing. It's the difficult to people who doesn't have a genuine desire to create anything because a need of creating itself.

>> No.9728174

I'm mildly money obsessed though I'm now 25 and I've never been to uni.
I know enough about myself to feel confident that I could make money. I can write, though there's obviously not much money in it. I could probably be in the UFC, even if I started training this old. I've fought and won more fights than anyone I've heard of irl.

I want to start a business, though I don't know what and I don't want to alone. I'd want to do it with a friend.

My life plan is to get my first car within the next few weeks (money saved, working one of the few jobs I've worked). Quit the job and go to JC for math and comp sci. And start building out my own unit in a warehouse loft my family rents out.
Do yoga, start meditating again, train Jiu Jitsu with a cousin that coaches, do DMT, start blog, spam dating sites.
- next few months.
I've tried yoga from a YT tutorial and it feels pretty amazing. My body was buzzing. I'm going to a studio when I get my car. In the past I've meditated to success. I've had some extremely intense experiences. From what I know about hallucinogens it's the feeling of intense pleasure that does it. Serotonin can make you trip.

I don't know if I'll ever make a lot of money at this point. I do know that I'd love to have a platform (business) that I could put a lot of energy, creativity, care into - though I don't know if I'll ever do it.
I do at least want to try, and to live life beautifully and fuck women.

>> No.9728190

You're 20, so this stupid idea is forgivable but you're not going to get a high paying job in finance with a cookie cutter degree from a non-target school

They're looking for STEM. I'm not lying to you on this. Read 'Money Makers' for a book-dossier on different jobs in the financial industry, and a few employees in each. Most have an engineering degree.

I've read that, More Money Than God (it's a brief history on hedge funds), Liars Poker, Predator's Ball (non-fiction on an infamous investment bank). And I've watched hours worth of videos from things like the Milken Institute.

From what I've heard, you can possibly get in an Investment Bank but they apparenly recycle low rung employees instead of promoting many. I'd do that, then get in a decent MBA program.

Learn Chinese, because why not.

>> No.9728215

>i don't think anything fundamentally interests me
If you're really 27 and that's true, then I'd just focusing on working as little as possible and enjoying life as much as possible. Finding hobbies etc.

You don't need money to be happy, and if making money doesn't make you happy then find something that does.

>I've been told..
I hate people that say that. It implies you're not confident enough that it's true to outright say that you're a good writer.

If you want to be a writer, why in the fuck would you teach? Your posts just spout mediocre on top of mediocre lol.

From what I understand, being a renown writer - especially in today's age - isn't determined by your writing in a vacuum. It's you takes into account you as a whole. And you want to be a teacher?

>> No.9728240

Make money out of a greenhouse so I can read all day while the plants slowly grow.

>> No.9728934
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>Do yoga, start meditating again, train Jiu Jitsu with a cousin that coaches, do DMT, start blog, spam dating sites.

>> No.9728984

This site is genuinely poisonous and full of idiots with zero real world experience.

>> No.9728986

is this a joe rogan joke? if not, i have some advice

>> No.9728991

No but the jiu jitsu and yoga are definitely inspired by him.
I'm curious how you're going to have advice on something I probably have more experience with than you, but shoot

>> No.9728997

first quote you responded to here. completely agree. since college ive had this exact set up, a bizarre circumstance where im lost in the shuffle at a large corporation that pays me very well, but that, with not ambition, i am obligated to do almost nothing. i have taken full advantage, though i know this cannot last forever. maybe i should just do what everyone is doing in the moving into the wilderness thread. not out of misanthropy, or a diy subculture sort-of-place, but just because i think a life of experimentation and freedom would fit well in the woods.

if i had enough money, i would never work a day in my life. but i don't really care about the fruits of money. it sounds like a more extreme solution than it really is. my girlfriend would 1000% move into a cabin with me and our parents could foot the bill on sending any of our kids off to school.

just in practice, it seems so radical. my gf and i are typical upper middle class americans who went to good schools - our friends talk endlessly with pride about how much they work, friends we have had out entire lives. our parents are supportive. it's not that our friends would turn their backs, probably they'd embrace having a weird friend to talk about at dinner parties, it just requires a lot of courage to do something that almost no one you know in real life will understand. i no longer care much about that, though it depends on my mood. /blog

>> No.9729022

how mentally stable are you? how much money do you have saved up? i recommend bracketing all of your plans and booking a flight to iquitos. from there, take a boat upstream to a shaman's. i can recommend a place if you'd like. spend a week or more there, enough to do five or six ayahuasca ceremonies. before going, follow the dietary strictures and do daily meditation.

it sounds like you grew up poor with a ton of testosterone. it sounds like you still have a ton of testosterone. though it has a lot of benefits, it also demands action. i am willing to bet that if you took some sort of pill to repress your test, the desire to make money and be a business man would evaporate. you would learn that it is nothing more than a psychological spook driven by a biological imperative. when your test comes back, it could be used to other ends - your own ends - not in an egoistic or selfish way, that is just your own projection of what you think society wants - i mean deep down, in the creative nothing of the lacanian subject. ayahuasca will help you get there.

>> No.9729693

>lit jobs

own a bookshop

can anyone think of any others?

>> No.9729706

>owning a single screen movie theater that you choose the movies for (not new releases)

>> No.9729739

Great idea actually

>> No.9729746

teaching as well i guess

>> No.9729757

yeah, maybe id have people pay to be members or something. then id do month-long exhibitions of a director, an aesthetic style, or whatever. at the beginning of the month, people would make sure to come dressed to the nines, where i'd give a speech in a tuxedo about the exhibition and we'd all end at a bar nearby afterwards

>> No.9729765


>> No.9730338
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Work at Walmart and shitpost on /lit/ while daydreaming about writing for a living until I die of liver poisoning.

>> No.9730368

>i said that it's super hard to become a professor, so that's not really realistic
not really

>> No.9730381

Working part-time. Too much effort getting a career that is highly competitive and i have no chance of getting

I'd rather just have a shitty job where i work as little as possible

>> No.9730388
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>what is your literary life plan?

>finished my BA in philosophy and economics
>finished my MA in sociology
>actually iam working on a quantitative-qualitative study for a big german institute to make a living
>after that i want to do my promotion to become more advanced in the academic field
>after that i want to become either a professor or a some kind of specialist in my field to actually have an impact on society

>> No.9730485
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>>finish world cannon

>> No.9730581

Have a bar in the building. You win twoce brother.

>> No.9730701

v good call

>> No.9730714


pedantry done right

>> No.9730723

This desu.

>> No.9730727


>> No.9730843

i work retail part time and basically only spend money on rent and food, and i don't live nor eat big. i've had some """success""" with short films i've written, getting shown at festivals and winning some stuff and such. right now i'm practicing writing feature length screenplays, i have a couple of attempts that i consider failures, but i'll get used to the length at some point. i'm 25 btw

>> No.9730899

want to read my script? i wrote it about a year ago, got some interest from producers, decided i didnt want to move to LA and sort of just moved on. but i think you might like it

>> No.9730919

>want to read my script?
nah i'm good thanks

>> No.9730950

I don't want a job I want to teach

Not sure if you read my post

And yes I'm just 20 and the plan is stupid but it's genuine at least

>> No.9730973

this is not remotely true

>> No.9730992

got anything at telluride this year my man?

>> No.9731007

Yeah what I've seen, that guys post is 100% bullshit

>> No.9731023

not clapistani

>> No.9731044

No I skimmed through it. I thought you wanted to get into the financial sector.

Except it's true, at least for America.

>> No.9731069

i work in finance. all my friends in college work in finance. i know a fuck ton of people in finance/banking. i can only think of one or two that have some sort of non-finance stem degree

>> No.9731076

He was right about finance professors being paid a shit ton. Very low supply and very high demand for them. I'm not sure where you live in America but anyone with a masters of PhD in finance is going to live very comfortably

>> No.9731103

>calls a kids life plan stupid
>provides 'reasoning'
>it's just false information pulled from no where
>"I just skimmed it"

You're to smart for /lit/

>> No.9731359

no, downvoted

>> No.9731479

What do you do?

But I didn't provide false information. There are only a few bulge banks and they're not interested in a finance major from a non target school.

From what I skimmed, I was under the impression he was dedicated to making a lot of money the financial sector. Not working for a bank in the mid west.

I heard top IB's largely recycle entry level analysts.

>> No.9731511

Nigga if you get a PhD in finance you're gonna make bank, working in one or not

>learn Chinese
Total shit advice

>> No.9731522

i work in private equity

>they're not interested in a finance major from a non target school
they aren't interested in anyone from non target schools. you dont have to be smart to do this shit, and its a pain in the ass to recruit from random spots. anyone who wants to do this job is a retard though; ive just been drifting through a "privileged" life along the path of least resistance - what i get for it is to spend 90% of waking hours slaving for shekels. unironically, money is for poor people

>> No.9731538

Is it amoral to be a finance professor? Tricking children into working every waking hour for money

>> No.9731540

the trick is to have poor friends so that you still feel good about yourself

>> No.9731571

who cares?

not really. the key is just to understand that it does not matter at all and life is to short to do this shit

>> No.9731575

When do you read anon

How much did you make last year

>> No.9731598

ive started working less since im going to quit, but i basically just didnt read. 120k +20-40k bonus. completely unnecessary. everyone here is obsessed with status. i think most people would take a lower bonus if it meant that other people thought it was higher.

>> No.9731618

>-but I have delusions of grandeur
realistically, this is a day-to-day sustenance the importance of which cannot be measured. keep up the 'work,' anon. let the future decide whether or not it's good.

>> No.9731688

Sounds not very comfy lad

We need a word for like anti-comfy

>> No.9731709

adjective: uncomfortable
causing or feeling slight pain or physical discomfort. "athlete's foot is a painful and uncomfortable condition" synonyms:
"an uncomfortable chair" causing or feeling unease or awkwardness. "he began to feel uncomfortable at the man's hard stare" synonyms:

>> No.9731982


>> No.9732006

I have made a fool of myself on this day

>> No.9733317

Become a professor of neurology. It's a very lit specialty in that there is often great diagnostic uncertainty that can be discussed, and that the diseases are often debilitating and/or fatal. This brings out the big themes of death, mortality, decay, existential fear, acceptance of decline, longing, fate, vanitas, and the foolish focus of modern humans on irrelevant details in the face of harsh cosmic certainties.

Then what is more the people in neurology are very lit in that they are obviously smart but at the same time stupid enough to choose such a passive specialty that often really makes no difference for patients. It is to some degree a wasting of energy of talented people, much like literature.

>> No.9733577

man, i think a lot of us are in the same boat. no jobs are inherently meaningful to us, save maybe writing. the things that would be 'fun' would take too much effort to ever actually be so. we all want to just enjoy the flow of life comfortably and with plenty of time to read/write/learn shit. with technology, the options open to do this are changing regularly with some doors opening and others closing. we just want to know what's possible, otherwise wagecuckery starts to feel inevitable.

>> No.9733650

I'm a NEET and I plan to eventually kill myself because I can't find a job I won't hate every single second of it and the applications I do put out are ignored.

I dropped out of college for graphic design (was pressured to go) and the things I do want to study won't make any money which is necessary in our shitty capitalist society, so what is the point of going in debt for it when I could just fucking read the material and learn it on my own.

Fuck life.

>> No.9733762

Truth is that you need to choose a skill or profession early and work hard at it for years and decades. But the mongoloids that frequent these boards think it's artsy to be one of the a-litte-this-a-little-that people. That's why you won't be respected or remembered, and also why you won't ever feel satisfied. Because you lack dedication and commitment.

You ain't got the guts to do it and you know it. The kettle will get hotter and hotter very slowly and by the time you know you have to get out your prospects will be even worse.

>> No.9733867
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>the truth

>> No.9733885

I'm 22 and unfortunately, there's a lot of uncertainty in my life right now surrounding what I'm going to be doing in the future. I go to a really great university for my field (linguistics) that has a lot of big name professors, many of whom seem to recognize that I have a certain degree of talent and intellectual ability. That being said fucked up my grades and have like a 3.00 GPA. I haven't taken the GRE or any similar tests yet, but I imagine ill do good on those and probably get a near perfect score (like on the SATs). Thus, I'll probably be able to get into a decent/okay graduate school if I wan't, but definitely not any of the really big name schools.

Anyway, right now I'm trying to figure what exactly I want to do career wise. Academia seems like a bad choice, just because I don't want to have to move halfway across the country only to make $50K/year for the first 10 years of my career. I'd much prefer to be able to stay near my hometown of Baltimore and make a salary hopefully well in the six-figure range and be able live a comfortable life for the foreseeable future. The dilemma I currently face is whether I should try to go to law school and enter something like a combined JD/MA (philosophy) program and ideally become a corporate lawyer, or whether I should become a CPA and try to get into a Ph.D program for linguistics or cognitive science or something.

Basically I want a career as either a CPA or corporate lawyer, with the hopes of eventually becoming partner at whatever firm I happen to work at. At the same time however, I want to complete a graduate program (at least an MA) in a field I'm really interested in (e.g. philosophy, linguistics, or cognitive science) just for my own personal satisfaction, and so that I have the option of perhaps retiring to become a professor at a local community college, state school, or liberal arts college (which is what my father did).

Becoming a lawyer sounds more /lit/ sounds more /lit/ than becoming a CPA, and I'd probably be able to simultaneously work on a graduate degree in philosophy. The problem is, I should be graduating this upcoming year, but it's too late for me to take the LSAT and apply to law schools for next year. However, I could start an MS accounting program next year - so basically my options are to either stay in my undergrad program for extra year and add a double major, thereby giving me the time to apply to law school, or just start on my MS in accounting next year, become a CPA and hope that I doing so doesn't interfere with my ability to complete grad school in one of the fields I mentioned above. Realistically though, I think that a JD/MA provides a much more realistic road to both grad school in a field I'm interested in and steady career.

>> No.9733895

you should take mushrooms and think about why you believe your options for the rest of your one and only life are so narrow

>> No.9733921

The problem today is like *pulls number out of think air* 70% of readers are in it for a specific insight or a niche. And then the readers reader is now diligently staring at the tip of the iceberg and shouting "progress ahead! stay on course!"
Your best bet now is to write your memoirs using age resistant page and ink, store them in an incredibly safe area, and hope either you survive to spread your words, or that someone finds them after the world realizes it's not unsinkable.

>> No.9733924

this sounds like a cookie cutter "my goals in life" output that a yet to be invented AI would regurgitate

>> No.9733928

I think I have a pretty good understanding of why these seem to be my only options. I want the chance to study a field I'm really interested in, but I also want a career that offers me strong job security, income, and geographic flexibility (which academia doesn't). I want to be able to feel safe and financially secure in knowing that I can't one build a stable family who I can support and end enjoy. Right now I feel scared and alone and uncertain, and part of that is precisely related to drugs. I'd love to trip right now and come have a therapeutic and reflective psychedelic experience, but I'm literally 2 days into a 2 year probation sentence and around 3 weeks clean from heroin. I've had to leave all my friends and my former home behind in an effort to rebuild my life, whilst simultaneously working on my last year of my BA program. I just want to feel safe and secure, and to have a close circle of at least one or two friends or family who will always be there for me, but right now feel uncertain about my future and completely alone.

>> No.9733937

you're on the right track, heroin is pretty /lit/

>> No.9733956

I'm a composer and pianist. So far I've spent most of my free time hanging out with actual philosophers, writers and painters during the concert season. When I'm by myself and I'm not doing music, I mostly read philosophy.
I'm pretty sure I'll live like this for most of my life, unless economy crashes again. If that's the case, I'm in for a very comfy life.

>> No.9733959

I unironically know and agree. That's part of the problem. When I first got into heroin part of the reason was because I had naively constructed this romanticized image of heroin addiction in my mind build around the desire to view myself as an emotionally and existentially troubled intellectual. Unfortunately that was a bretty stupid decision, but at least I feel like I've learned a lot about sorrow, ethics, love and the human condition in the last two years, that I probably wouldn't have otherwise. That being said, before all this started, I was so much for certain about my future and everything seemed so hopeful and bright and promising and I had a clear idea of what I was going to do with my life (become a college professor). Now everything seems so chaotic and confusing and uncertain.

Anyway sorry for the emo blog post. The future just seems weird man.

>> No.9733970

Hey man, I'm clean from heroin for a full year now. I just started doing 12 step meetings about a month ago because I couldn't stop drinking in order to relieve the desire for heroin. There is nothing romantic about dope my dude. Lou Reed wasn't even that much of a junky. Burroughs wrote best when he was in remission from the disease. If you find yourself romanticizing it just think about how most junkies are living on the very margins of life, in no way bohemian, hurting themselves and their families and dying by the hundreds of thousands every year. Dope isn't even dope anymore, so cut up with fetanyl and other bath salt tier chemicals that the euphoria is minimal. Meditation is very good and also going to movies.

>> No.9733972

Trust me when I say this; you need to dig through your current depression and find your shredded confidence. Only the end is the end. What you need is a girlfriend--a lover. You need someone who you can dump all your thoughts, emotions, and even problems on with the added benefit of sex. If you let all your anxiety and loneliness keep piling up, you're going literally unconsciously kill yourself. You just need one person who you can give it all to, and then want to give them all too.

>> No.9733983

>From what I understand, being a renown writer - especially in today's age - isn't determined by your writing in a vacuum.

It's determined by you being a minority woman.

>> No.9733985

What about a therapist?

>> No.9734066

Why not someone who loves you for your problems for someone who gets paid to study them?
Therapy isn't bad, but maybe try a relationship first and then therapy as well. Or therapy first to get your footing, then a relationship.
You've just gotta keep moving forward though man. It probably feels like you're getting thumbed by the man, but really you should look at this as an opportunity to view your life under a different light. You never really suffer loss, only change. What you do with that knowledge can be a powerful tool.

>> No.9734235

Great idea, I'll stop by the gf store later today. Too bad I missed out on the half-off Independence Day blowout sale.

>> No.9734238

do an outward bound trip or something m8

>> No.9734575

academic librarian