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/lit/ - Literature

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9725969 No.9725969 [Reply] [Original]

When you come to the realisation that your inability to write great literature is not for lack of talent, it is because language is simply unable to fully convey the complex profound thoughts and ideas you have within your mind and that it will never be advanced enough to allow people to access your ideas in the written form.

>> No.9725975

>to fully convey the complex profound thoughts and ideas you have within your mind and that it will never be advanced enough to allow people to access your ideas in the written form.
Some people manage to reveal more through their craft and lexicon, that's what talent is. Don't rationalize your mediocrity.

>> No.9725980

Lmfao literally your entire existence is just a language. Every single one of those complex thoughts has the full capability of being transcribed by you, you just lack the intelligence to be able to do so adequately.
Probably because you blame the inability of your entire existence based on a 'flaw' you found within it. In coding, that's a called a bug. And the script sure as fuck didn't write itself.

>> No.9725996

So just make up the words you need you fucking pleb, where do you think they come from?

>> No.9726004

You're just shit mate

>> No.9726052

This seems to be the case. Increasingly so as I get older. I used to be really elaborate but now with every passing year my ability to transpose thoughts into written or spoken language is detiriorating. This first started when I was conscious of my thoughts but couldn't pin them down into a conveyable form. It was like tasting salt or seeing a specific color, I instantly knew what my thought was but I couldn't give it a formal expression. It was like another sense was needed to portray that thought. Not touch, not smell, not sight, not language. To me, it is clear today that there is another sense we have but that we cannot fully utilize. Once I started reading Christian mystics I only became even more convinced of it. If you look at their visions and how they manifest, that seems to be the sense we're lacking while in flesh. Once your flesh expires, your ability to convey your being in full is finally fully unlocked. That is the missing sense. The full scope of a person as a spiritual being and the ability to express itself in the most pure form without the cage of flesh obstructing that expression. Biblical revelation is a miracle in the sense that God made way through that fleshly obstacle (a result of original sin) to convey in full what He willed to convey to Prophets (and through them the human race here on Earth). Divine revelation is really what you are thinking of OP. It seems to me that it becomes obvious once you think it through.

>> No.9726080

try harder next time I mean jesus

>> No.9726427

Pretty sure you just suck ass at writing op

>> No.9726830
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You've never thought through anything in your life you fucking idiot

>> No.9727013


writing is a skill and a talent. it is difficult for some (untalented) people. you are one of those people. keep trying to put your innocuous observations about the world into fiction, pleb. or quit now. nobody will care either way.

>> No.9727030

fuck i know this overwrought prose style.

this is the dork who tried to prove the existence of God for the benefit of /lit/, said he'd take questions, then ghosted the thread when /lit/ proved he didn't know what he was talking about.

go away.