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/lit/ - Literature

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9721001 No.9721001 [Reply] [Original]

when Bloom goes, who will defend the canon?

>> No.9721007

Doesn't matter, no one in academia cares what he has to say. I majored in English at a "public ivy" and wasn't required to read a single book from his list.

>> No.9721015

We can defend it, Anon. Together.

>> No.9721016


No one. There's no reason to read literature anymore since the world has changed at a fundamental level. Reading Shakepseare or Jane Austen is just plain useless, and if you want entertainment there's no reason to go for the easier pleasures of pulpy genre fiction.

>> No.9721018

I just looked at his canon today. Why is there no Livy or any other Roman historians?

>> No.9721025

Except academia is precisely what he is defending the canon from, Mr. Anonymous Lurkmoar.

>> No.9721028

Describe this fundamental change for us.

>> No.9721035

/lit/ will, acadamia is oudated in general and needs serious reform this century

>> No.9721038

>public ivy

kek retard detected

>> No.9721049


Most people work 70+ hours a week. When you come home from a long hard day at work, no one wants to unwind by reading a boring old novel. You wanna play some video games. No one cares if it's not high art, people need to relax. Also, to stay successful in your work and social lives you need to know and see all the latest movies and tv shows, and knowing about boring old books just doesn't impress anyone. You will be ostracized and eventually fired from your job.

>> No.9721050

Does anyone find it peculiar
The fact of a Jewish gentleman defending the West's canon?
One would expect him to defend the canon of his tribal affiliation's proponent's writers
That being the MArxist, FEminist, FReudian schools he rails against?
So what is the nxt step?

>> No.9721060

>Most people work 70+ hours a week
lmao what. the average is way lower than that in every country. In the USA I think the average is around 40 hours per week

>> No.9721065

People have always had to work. People have always indulged in cheap entertainment. You read literature because you want to. Not for something to talk about at the cooler.

>> No.9721081

People in the 19th century literally worked 100-hour weeks. There were factory workers who would pay someone to read Das Kapital aloud to them as they worked. Do you really think Indian peasants in 1800 or American factory workers in 1935 had more leisure time than the average person today?

>> No.9721087


Not everyone was a peasant. The lower classes had to work a lot, but if you were rich you didn't have to. And if you were born into a rich family it was okay that you didn't work and you could read books all day. Nowadays you can't be rich without working 70+ hours a week and if you're born in a rich family you have to move out and get a job and you get no inheritance money.

>> No.9721089

Crashing this plane

>> No.9721097

What makes literature boring? Why can't reading Shakespeare be relaxing?

>> No.9721130

>Most people work 70+ hours a week.
Chinese detected

Also, what makes you think it's the masses who keep the flame of art alive. It's precisely the masses who have degraded art to the point where it is at because they asked it to serve them. Rather, it is they who should serve us.

>> No.9721151

Ah, why do I even bother coming to this board

>> No.9721153

>boo hoo it's so hard being rich these days

>> No.9721155
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>This entire post

>> No.9721173

Not that eunuch

>> No.9721186


The funny thing is, the last refuge of actual learning is likely to end up being various mid-tier state schools in conservative states that are under less pressure to bow to PC demands to destroy the canon and start teaching POC instead of Shakespeare and the Greeks.

>> No.9722407

Unironically this.
t. Student at a relatively moderate campus in a Red State.

>> No.9723798

>Cannon is Dying
At least it can give us all a sense of purpose.

>> No.9723803

>Most people work 70+ hours a week
What poverty-ridden hellhole are you from?

>> No.9723820
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>> No.9723829
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He must have been making a joke about the image of Bloom with an actual cannon.

>> No.9723831

Bloom is like King Lear. Senile old man at death's door who can only watch as his kingdom is torn apart. Literature is irrelevant in the 21st century. No one's going to save it, and eventually the last copies of your favorite literary masterpieces will be forgotten in some back room on a dusty harddrive.

>> No.9724050

Its sad but youre right.
Look at poetry, its not so much dead as unthinkable.
The average person now cannot read the canon even if they want to, they lack the education in things like classics, history and the bible, to even try. Might as well be hieroglyphics.

>> No.9724059

I'd rather see the entire world burned alive.

>> No.9724075
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The canon won't be worth defending.
When Bloom goes the airport novels of today will become canon.

>> No.9724090

Brothers, I will see you in the fray...

>> No.9724095


Fuck. That was meant for >>9721015 you bro.

>> No.9724109

Because Shakespeare was a actually a black slave girl and I refuse to read anything from not only a black, but also a woman

>> No.9724117

Us being psueds right jackass

>> No.9724134

the canon is being defended perfectly well, just not at the ivy levels. there are plenty of smaller, private schools in the US studying literature without descending into the pit of despair that is artistic marxism.

although if i had to guess, i'd say that the best scholarship on western literature is probably happening in non-western countries. people who look at the text as text and not part of some larger cultural struggle will see the beauty more easily than those who are stuck in the middle of the debates. india probably has some pretty dope Shakespeare scholarship going on that isn't even translated into english.

>> No.9724158

The "canon" was a bloody terrible idea in the first place.

>> No.9724164

Our Cambodian dress weaving community is the hope of future academia.

>> No.9724193

This is not a good post.

>> No.9724235
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>> No.9724246

The average person never had the education to read literature. Actually, in most epochs they wouldn't even be literate. Point is, literature has never been "popular". You can still learn Greek and Latin. You can still read books. In fact, in a world of cheap paperbacks and ebooks, self-education is really only a matter of motivation. This abundance of information would have been unthinkable in Shakespeare's time. Geoffrey Chaucer, who lived in an age before printing, had only 30 books in his library, bought at considerable trouble and expense. And so on. Stop whining.

>> No.9724998

Praise be upon us and kek as well!

>> No.9725010
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>Why are you evaluating my place in the canon first?

>> No.9725054
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Count me in

>> No.9725060

But the people that actually read were above everyone else. That's not true anymore, literature is dead anon, accept it.

>> No.9726774

What have you done to defend the canon today /lit/?

>> No.9726795

What were the 30 books that Chaucer owned?

>> No.9726928

pop/commercial lit is complete separate from serious literature, just like art film and commercial films

Just because commercial books reign doesn't mean literature is dead, it's always going to be a niche and specialized pursuit, just like any other artform that has become accessible to the masses

>> No.9727006
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>le army

>> No.9728088

Bumping because I want to know this.

>> No.9729858

Does anyone have a list of these?

>> No.9729870

This is just a bad thread. Check out the thread shitting on Wittgenstein, it's much more redemptive

>> No.9729956

This. The problem here is that jews are middle eastern authoritarians who think they have a right to police/oversee the goyim, so their tribal brethren promote people like Bloom as cultural overseers to ye and ne what is good and bad (for jewish interests). There's nothing special about Bloom and anyone who advances the idea that this jew is an authority on white literature should be immediately viewed as suspect, and likely jewish themselves. Jews have obtained an inordinate amount of power within our nations in the post-WWII era and have made themselves our institutional arbiters in every field, from banking to news to film to academia and to the literary industry. This has coincided with the decline of those fields and their merger into pure propaganda ventures, because jews have no interest in promoting our culture, but instead subverting it and using it to promote their own groups' interests. This authoritarian behavior is the reason why jews have never been welcome in one place for very long and a primary reason why whites must work together to remove them from our societies, to stave off the cultural rot that has accumulated since they gained influence.

>> No.9729989

70+ hours a week is an obvious exaggeration but your point still remains. A lot of people today don't realize that before the industrial revolution people had much, much more leisure time. The technology that was supposed to liberate us from work has only further enslaved us. Leisure is the basis of culture, people.

>> No.9729999

It's a very simple plan in my opinion. You can see he quietly removed ancient Greek and Latin authors from the canon. Whoever will come after him will remove anything pre-Industrial Revolution etc. till nothing "classic" remains. Basically a literary false flag.

>> No.9730011
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this is the new canon:

>> No.9730019

ill tell you to stop wasting your life caring-ill say that you only live once and have no control even if what you say is true. and then youll tell me im a jew trying to trick you into living your own life, not some spooked out shit that you angrily filter every experience through. you truly have won a victory

>> No.9730059

Right. Jewish behavior of this nature can be seen going back millennia, and it's best understood in evolutionary terms as the group struggle it is. They try to dismantle the host culture and weaken the power of the host's male population. Hence why, with Bloom as our literary gatekeeper and with jewish domination of the publishing industry as a whole, we see a subversion of the western canon and a new culture with "less white males." They view us as their enemy, so we are justified in viewing them as ours and removing them before they cause more damage.

>> No.9730072

>wordpress blog post from 2 years ago
Oooh I'm so steamed about degeneracy!

>> No.9730074

And I'll tell you to use proper grammar if you would like to have your opinions taken seriously. Your demoralized point of view is equally as harmful as the actions of the tribe being discussed, and there is no shame in whites desiring to protect their culture and society from the outsiders working to undermine it. We are obligated to do so.

>> No.9730085

>taken seriously
your a fucking faggot
also a fucking brainlet

>> No.9730108

Do you think anyone is going to take what you say seriously if you can't hit the shift key, use periods, or develop actual arguments? Are you 14 or just comfortable with others believing you are and bypassing everything you say as a result?

>> No.9730161

yikes mate

>> No.9730354

>Nowadays you can't be rich without working 70+ hours a week
Only if you're some absolute moron who tries to get rich in a waged position. Being a capitalist, even from scratch, is only hard until you can afford to pay someone to whip your workers for you. Truly the upper middle class is full of morons.