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/lit/ - Literature

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9723242 No.9723242 [Reply] [Original]

Is this book as insightful as /pol/ tells me it is?

>> No.9723309

/pol/ likes it because it confirms their idea of (moral?) decline
I don't think it is possible for a single person to deduce from history or so on the path of in this case the West

>> No.9723965
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>that cover
>abridged edition

>> No.9723984

Virtually nothing is as /pol/ tells you it is

>> No.9724053

Spengler needs to read Kant. More specifically, the problem of deriving moral value from history.

>> No.9724067
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What is the best edition of this? Does pic related pass?

>> No.9724073

This. Taking /pol/ seriously is something you should never do.

>> No.9724113
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No, but this is.

>> No.9724115


It's worth reading, but not because /pol/ says so. Spengler takes a lot of liberties - much like Huntington's Clash of Civilizations - in homogenizing cultures to conform to an interesting, but ultimately inaccurate simplification.

With all of that said, there's some excellent food-for-thought in reading up on Spengler's views of Math and Architecture as being culturally derived. That was, for me, the most interesting aspect of the work.

Also, the anon who mentioned you should read Kant is correct.

>> No.9724394

That one is abridged. Get a used copy off eBay, an old one from first half of the century.

>> No.9724412

Spengler's philosophy of history is highly interesting. He's right in the assertion that there are different high cultures who go through several stages before declining. He follows a more poetic approach though. I'd recommend reading him in conjunction with Toynbee who draws similar conclusions but works with scientific rigour and isn't as deterministic as Spengler.

>> No.9724415

Honestly, I think /lit/ is every bit as stupid. /pol/ has its preposterous Jewish conspiracies, /lit/ has its tards who think culture isn't worth preserving

At least /pol/ had the right opinions on the whole sjw thing. /lit/ held out as long as it could merely because that ideology is left of center

>> No.9724422
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SJWism is hardly left of center. They're fine with corporatism as long as they say nice things about minorities.

>> No.9724435

>They're fine with corporatism
Not really. It just happens that their hatred of whites is much stronger than their hatred of the rich. Sometimes they fuse the two, though.

>> No.9724457

Not in my experience. They mostly think corporations "championing" minority causes is a disgusting capitalist aberration, and rightly so.

>> No.9724461

bullsthit they do, sjw never saw a free trade treaty they didn't like

>> No.9724464

>preposterous Jewish conspiracies
What exactly is preposterous about believing in racial realism? Is it so absurd to think that a race (ashkenazi jews specifically) that has above average emotional intelligence might naturally be drawn to positions of power, where it forms a ruling class detached from the zeitgeist of it's host culture. That's exactly what the jewish question is.

>> No.9724466

Second this. I'm a leftist who loves Nietzsche and Heidegger and still loved this book

>> No.9724483

Spengler's criticism of Hitler was that he had an anti-elitism view of the German military as if that wasn't a justified view to hold.

>> No.9724487


Because race is just a social construct? Haven't you, like read Stephen Jay Gould yet? Ugh.

>> No.9724571

/pol/ here.
I don't really agree with cyclical theory, but if you reduce the cycle to its various stages it can be useful. It's helpful to find what causes societies to collapse, and in general history is important to consider in modern politics. Fatalism seems rather counter-productive as National Socialism takes heavily from Sorel's concept of Myth. The idea that your society is inevitably going to collapse is pretty much the biggest way to ruin a sense of nationalism.

Feel free to read him, and discern his works for yourself, but don't automatically assume he's right about everything. There are plenty of books that are probably more important in terms of learning political theory, but if you start reading it, and you enjoy it, then all the power too you. Though I would recommend getting a good knowledge of philosophy, history, and political theory beforehand.

>> No.9724602

>The important question is not how and why various historical epochs blindly displace each other, and which societies survive or decline, but rather whether this instinctive thoughtless mechanical process, this monstrous rhythm with which Spengler’s mind had intoxicated itself, can be overcome-- whether mankind will learn to determine itself. For reason and its .objective virtues make possible a rational and genuinely free organisation of the world. But for it to become areality it is necessary to abandon that contemplative pose, in secret league with disaster, which Spengler strikes. Mankind’s downfall will not be decided by "cosmic souls." If man is ever to come to shape his own destinies more effectively, it is not Spenglerian appeals to the "weakness of the self" which will help. Sympathising as he did with the alleged cosmic laws which rule mankind, he brought philosophy down to the level of astrology and responded to the horror which he had so keenly sensed with a superstition which could only facilitate it. It is this which has to be resisted, the will and urge, as in Wagner’s Wotan, to end all things

>> No.9724615

>/lit/ has its tards who think culture isn't worth preserving

Boohoo this board doesn't adhere to my provocative race politics that are based on yeems and webms of negros punching white people, it must mean they hate their own culture and are all leftists! Do poltards listen to themselves talk?

>> No.9724622

Anyone who actually spends some time to seriously study the Jewish question will inevitably end up an Antisemite, but people prefer to stick their head in the sand instead

>> No.9724655

Not entirely true since there are plenty of whites happily participating in the Jewish exploitation of their fellow whites. Some have no loyalty except to money and power regardless of its source.

>> No.9724661

/pol/ shits up every board with their "opinions". /lit/ is superior to them.

>> No.9724721

When will you fuckers realize that /lit/ is the most pleb board.
It doesn't have to be this way.

>> No.9724733

>When will you fuckers realize that /lit/ is the most pleb board.

Then leave faggot. No one invited you here anyway.

>> No.9724768

You can replace "Jews" in your conspiracy theory with "capitalists" or "Germans" or even "whites" and it would work just as well, if not better.
This should tell you that your theory needs to be reexamined.

You like to imagine that Jews want to destroy white societies, but a much easier explanation is they just want to make money. If "whites=good guys" sells they'll sell it (as they did in early Hollywood). If "interracial porn" sells they'll sell it.

If you want to change this you should promote your own ideas, explain why they'd be better for your people.
Pointing the finger at Jews is a pathetic weak man way out. It's equivalent to niggers screaming white privilege, while leeching off white welfare.

>> No.9724782

>You like to imagine that Jews want to destroy white societies, but a much easier explanation is they just want to make money. If "whites=good guys" sells they'll sell it (as they did in early Hollywood). If "interracial porn" sells they'll sell it.

This pursuit of the almighty dollar that Jews have isn't mutually exclusive with the belief that they want to tear down white societies and reshape them.

>> No.9724794

Same applies for capitalists in general. Do I have to remind of all the non-Jews who are contributing to "degenerate" stuff? Why do you think removing Jews would make things better?
And what makes you think that European Jews don't consider themselves (also) white and want to live in a somewhat homogeneous white society? After all they're marrying whites, they live in white neighborhoods and so on.

>> No.9724805

You're precisely the type I had in mind, right down to the hysterical misrepresentation and suburban attempts wit.

>> No.9724823

No. /pol/ has shit taste in literature.

>> No.9724890

Lot of kikes in this thread who glance at /pol/'s catalogue and REEEE back their psuedo-intellectual havens.

If any of you took the time to actually go there and see what they have to say you might learn a thing or two. But by all means stay on /lit/ huffing each other's farts and "debating philosophy"

>> No.9724897

Of course whites are participating in the degeneration of society, I don't think there's any anti-semite who believes that many whites aren't culpable.

Many Jews do consider themselves white, but they never put that above their Jewishness. Their "whiteness" is used in order to push their political views.

>> No.9724915

>If any of you took the time to actually go there and see what they have to say you might learn a thing or two.

I've actually spent a very very long time in /pol/ in my degenerate years, enjoying nigger hate threads and country memes. You won't hear anything of value in /pol/ it's purely banter and shitposting. Anyone who takes any of it seriously let alone spread it to people who are actually well read and educated are the dumbest of the dumbasses and need to be imprisoned(figuratively)(/pol/acks have the mental capability of a 5 year old and would probably call me an a marxist sjw against freedom of speech if I hadn't put that (figuratively) in there.) If you honestly take /pol/ material to the heart please fuck off and do not partake in any serious discussions about politics or philosophy for the sake of yourself and everyone else.

>> No.9724943

I wouldn't mind /pol/ except for the dedicated stormfront shitposters who maintain their talking points as nauseum. Someone posted the the link to their page where they discussed tactics literally a psyop. Anyway I'm not even against fascism as such but I'd rather discuss it as a living thing, with heart and mind, rather than read the same stale shit over and over again.

>> No.9725071

/pol/ was never very intellectual, but since the big influx of Trump memers (about a year ago) it's become borderline insufferable.
The constant obsession with Trump, random Twitter posts and various "celebrities", it's like a mix of /b/, /tv/ and Reddit at their worst.

I agree with some of the sentiments on there, for example regarding "ethno nationalism" (roughly speaking). But a lot of posters are also really stupid/underage and unable to think critically.
Any time you challenge some popular opinion you get called a kike/shill/degenerate without any arguments.