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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 3.76 MB, 5312x2988, Book Stack June 2017.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
9717249 No.9717249 [Reply] [Original]

You know the format, post your stacks, rate/critique other stacks.

I also should have Thomas Mann's The Magic Mountain, Kobo Abe's Woman in the Dunes, and Osamu Dazai's No Longer Human arriving in the next week or so.

>> No.9717632
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Dear Diary!
I think I managed to meme my Japanese shelf to death.
(Jokes aside, the book on the right is pretty good, if a bit dry.)
pls rate

>> No.9718130
File: 2.95 MB, 3024x3024, IMG_20623423_1423908.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

more on the way

>> No.9718250

why tho?

>> No.9718271

> those editions with even worse book choices

are you, by any chance, an 8 year old girl with parents wanting you to read more?

>> No.9718272

Literally "reading isn't as important as gaudy, tacky shelves": the collection

if i visited your home i would probably convert to islam shortly after

>> No.9718275

fuck i dont care, it looks cool man.

>> No.9718282

like 5 of those books are worth reading what are you doing senpai

>> No.9718286
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>> No.9718292
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>> No.9718296

Hey, I have that same edition. Bought it in my weeb phase, too, and I actually got pretty far, all things considered.

>> No.9718299

> caring more about how a certain edition looks more than actually wanting to read the book
> paying excessively for the ugliest edition
> wasting money on shit lit

Nah, m8. They don't.

>> No.9718300

best post ITT. Jealous.

>> No.9718303

That Anime book was very useful for my dissertation on Japanese post-war cinema. Was very surprised that it detailed the rise in merchandising as well as the origins of Japanese animation as a whole, not just anime. British Film Institute editions are very useful and intelligently written.

>> No.9718310
File: 2.03 MB, 3264x1836, newbooks.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

got them at 50% off

>> No.9718314
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You didn't even get the best combination sempai

>> No.9718319

i got paradise lost of that edition
how much did you pay fot all that?
I love that edition

>> No.9718321

>Gray's Anatomy
Why would you buy something like that unless you're a doctor or a med student? Does Grey's Anatomy have an actual literary merit?

>> No.9718322

Obvious bait but it's only polite to respond. I wish penguin's hardcover edition of Schopenhauer's Essays and Aphorisms wasn't some gaudy pink but some like their Moby Dick look good

>> No.9718326

Not my first choice of edition but I personally prefer their more minimalist design over these ones: >>9718130

I own a lighter green/turquoise copy of that Moby Dick. Why were they half price, anon? Your girlfriend work at waterstones or something?

>> No.9718333

not that guy but the colour pink usually gives me a hard on, it's ridiculous it just has to be the colour on its own and then things will then start moving down there

>> No.9718348

Not even doctors would need such a gaudy edition. I really don't know why would anyone decide to make a fancy hardcover of a med book.

>> No.9718354

I unironically like a few of these.

>The Arabian Nights
>The Divine Comedy
>Grimm's Complete Fairy Tales
>The Complete Cthulhu Mythos Tales (not pictured)

>> No.9718360
File: 34 KB, 621x163, grays anatomy review.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Only reason to own this book if you aren't a doctor:

>> No.9718419 [DELETED] 
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>what are you doing senpai
Thanks for the (you)s, works every time.

>> No.9718421

Go do something better with your life. It's sunny today, go outside and play.

>> No.9718439

Satan has really let himself go since Genesis

>> No.9718465


Back in the 80's i used to keep my VHS tapes in cases that looked like those

>> No.9718613

Tell me more about this dissertation please.

>> No.9718763

Audibly lel'd - the Western decadence is too dank

>> No.9718933

>Tale of Genji

My senpai!

>> No.9718947

I really like the covers of these editions, we sell several of them at the book store I work at. This version of Moby Dick has caught my eye but I want to see if it is the British or American edition.

>> No.9719009

>our recent book about Anime with it's relation with Post War Japanese cinema is mostly about Japanese consumerism and the changing asian trends in cold war media and politics
>let's make it's cover a bunch of cute girls doing cute things
>but we're british film institute and making such a book cover may be deemed as childish and heavily misinterpreted with our book's context
>who the fuck cares

>> No.9719010

oh boy you are not in for a fun time, i studied Aquinas' ST for my final exams and only a small fraction of it is actually philosophically interesting
if you plan on actually reading the good bits, i would recommend buying J. Eberl's 'Guidebook to the ST' and using him as an indication of which questions are actually important in the grand scheme of Aquinas' work

>> No.9719130

Honestly, I'm not really into anime on a weeb level(I watch something maybe every two months,but never the "cute" stuff), I just like history of stuff, and I already read a fair bit on Japanese animation and comics, so why not deepen that knowledge?

>> No.9719147

Stop buying books and fucking read them. What reason do you have to purchase more than two new books?

>> No.9719155
File: 559 KB, 972x1088, book order.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Haven't received them yet, but these were my most recent book order.

I could read all the ones in my pic in a day, since they're mainly picture/art books.

>> No.9719196

It's funnier when the book is actually a deep academical work and not for simple enthusiasts.

>> No.9719234

Not him, but I buy books when I feel bad. In germany we call it "frustkaufen". Basically, it's just the habit people have to make themselves feel better by buying things they like, but don't need to counteract a bad day.

>> No.9719257
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Also got Sandakan, The Scramble for Africa and 2666 on the way (already read 2666 in ebook form)

>> No.9719285

>the miko
first book I ever jerked it to. absolutely awful.
>James Patterson
I used to read him when I was 12. Nothing but gore porn.
>the perfume
had to read that for school. Probably good, but I hated it then.

>> No.9719305
File: 82 KB, 636x960, 19858535_10212047628737687_1362913295_n[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Started reading just a couple of months ago, what'd you say about my beginner stack?

from the bottom up
The Stranger by Camus
Breakfast at Tiffany's by Capote
Swedish author who isn't very known internationally i believe
Steppenwolf by Hesse
Gravitation's Rainbow by Pynchon
Grapes of Wrath by Steinbeck
The Rum Diary by Thompson
Swedish author x2
The Waves by Virginia Woolf

>> No.9719360

It's pretty good. A bit strange that you got "Gravitationens regnbåge" in swedish though.

>> No.9719504

saved to my cringe folder
good christ the amount of money you wasted on this...

>> No.9719511

will I lose much of the experience not reading it in english?

>> No.9719522

lmao someone had to say it

>> No.9719599

Am I being counter-memed with people pretending to see this for the first time or is everyone in here really this new?

>> No.9719686
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R8 my stack

>> No.9719729

Reeks of /pol/ chart memes, but of that stuff Burke and Junger are great. Dune Messiah goes between Dune and Children so you might want to get on that if Dune ends up appealing to you. Everything else is pretty great, I love seeing people getting into Herodotus.

>> No.9719745

I have Messiah in my bag. And yeah, I got into the Evola meme due to suggestions from a friend, but ultimately found it to be disappointing.

>> No.9719756
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I, too, have recently started to read.
I previously took the wife out to eat, which cost $35, then found this little treasure at the local Goodwill and bought it all for $33.
There was also a copy of Moby Dick in this style, but I already have a paperback copy in my possession.

>> No.9719780

>is everyone in here really this new?

>> No.9719828
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Fuck me, forgot pic in last post.

Little gem at Goodwill today. $2, great condition.

>> No.9719880
File: 1.11 MB, 640x960, IMG_1613.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Tfw I spent all day trying to find Henlein MiaHM at my towns used bookstores and nothing

>> No.9719890


>> No.9719912
File: 1.92 MB, 4032x3024, IMG_2428.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Finally decided to get some books that actually looked good, instead of reading all the meme recommendations on this board

>> No.9719954

Demian is amazing, good choice

>> No.9719982
File: 2.08 MB, 5344x3006, yearreading.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Close enough, this is all the books I've read in the last year - alright, GR pushed me over by a couple of weeks.

In the pipline:
I, Robot
Iron John: A Book About Men
My War Gone By, I Miss It So

>> No.9720012

my man
underrated imo, cloud atlas (and to a lesser extent ghostwritten) gets all the attention

dune messiah is my favourite dune
also, I know it's a set text and all but I really love heart of darkness

>> No.9720030

most hardcore post ITT. most people read the abridged.

>> No.9720078

How much did you pay for all this?

>> No.9720091

I have that edition of Storm of Steel and its the neutered and sanitized version.

>> No.9720101

Thanks, struggling through the homoeroticism of Narcissus and Goldmund now.
Good to hear. I have the thousand autumns as well, read clout atlas and wasn't as amazed by it as I thought I'd be though

>> No.9720107

Those shitty books are like $20 each, and it looks like there's like 50 books. $1000 down the fucking drain.

>> No.9720123

I really recommend ghostwritten too. There are bits in it that are just OK, but most of it is virtuoso-tier imo.
Thousand Autumns is well written but far less experimental than his previous books, so I wasn't as fond of it.

>> No.9720136

Cool, thanks amigo. I'll put that at the top of my list to keep an eye out for

>> No.9720140

Oof. those Dostoevsky are Constance Garnett.
B&N reprints editions that are in the public domain, so many of their translations are old Victorian versions that attempt to make the work more "Anglo". It's always best to do a bit of googling before buying translated works.

>> No.9720175
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A nice mix of genres in this one. You should read East of Eden after Of Mice and Men, it's much better.

+economic anthropology, underrated topic

If you manage to read all this I'd be impressed.

You should read some of E.H Taine's accounts of the French Revolution after you've read Burke.

Finally have a copy of these 21st century masterpieces. Is Hypersphere worth getting?

>> No.9720176

Oy. Thanks for that. I suppose I will donate them again. Still, not all a loss for $3 a book.

>> No.9720177
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Stuff I picked up from my local bookstore that had a fourth of July sale.

>> No.9720191

Don't listen to him. Her translations have their critics, but they were the standard version of those works for a long time. They're perfectly readable, and some people even prefer them.

>> No.9720192

top of my reading list, excellent taste anon

>> No.9720221

How did you like dharma bums? I really enjoyed it, have desolation angels in my to read shelf.
But I get how Kerouac isn't for everybody

>> No.9720225

Actually I read East of Eden before both Grapes of Wrath and Mice and Men - EoE was probably my favorite of the 3. Should re-read it, in fact.

>> No.9720238

I'm very conflicted on Kerouac - I don't particularly like any of the characters, in fact I think they're all dicks. But at the same time, he captures something very...honest, so to speak. On some level I think I identify with him and his fascination of all the people he idolizes and portrays.

But yeah, I think I enjoyed it more than On the Road. I want to say it's more introspective, and quite melancholy at times.

>> No.9720241

Oh yeah, I picked up Bossypants at an airport for some comfy reading, but Fey's humor doesn't really come across well in book form. Can't recommend.

>> No.9720252
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Found these at a used bookstore in Miami.

>> No.9720257

For sure. On the Road isn't great, shame it's his most popular. Big Sur is probably my favorite of his as it's him dealing with growing old and realizing he's an asshole, all while going through alcohol delirium. Very out there, introspective, but honest at the same time. DB was fun, but I agree, most of the characters were pretty shitty, but then again all of his characters are based on his real friends so eh

>> No.9720259 [DELETED] 
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>> No.9720263

The dispossessed majority
more money than sense.jpeg

>> No.9720268
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>> No.9720275

Yeah, you feel so distanced from the characters, partly because of how unlikable some of them are, but also because their frame of reference is so different (at least in my case). I've heard it said that Keuorac should be re-read once you're older, because you'll recognize the people and everything from your own life.

Big if true

>> No.9720296

You dumb fucking brainlet. The Garnett versions are great please stop with this meme. You haven't even read a Garnett translation have you?

>> No.9720297

truly ugly

>> No.9720301

>not in latin

>> No.9720303

The covers do look tacky as fuck, but everyone freaking out about this needs to explain why. They're inexpensive hardcover versions of public domain classic books. Not much worse than buying those same books under the Penguin imprint.

>> No.9720310


>> No.9720320

Honestly, the Three/Seven/Five Novels shit trigger me the most.

>> No.9720333
File: 14 KB, 226x346, 41g4xdI97tL._SY344_BO1,204,203,200_[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My recent purchases:

What we talk about when we talk about love - Raymond Carver
The Holy Roman Empire - Peter Wilson
The 5th Head of Cerberus - Gene Wolfe
The Phoenix and the Mirror - Avram Davidson

>> No.9720336
File: 110 KB, 960x1447, 9781409025474[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I pre-ordered this a few weeks ago

>> No.9720353

If you deny this you are a sick fuck. if you deny the truth of my words there is no help for you. Yes it happened as i said. Trauma Dolores woke up being raped by her husband who had not eaten in three days as to prepare for his suicide. Trauma Dolores went to work afterwards and ate chinese food at the parlor. She cut her hair and became Punk and walked down to downtown and ordered a frapuccino and wvoted for DONALD TRUMp. Yes. Yes. Yes. Yes. Yes. Yes. Yes. This is what happens in our society. This is why Trump got elected and if you fail to acknowledge it you are a SICK FUCK. I'm sick, sick of your lies and of your deception i'm also sick of that t-shirt you are wearing. You are not the man to wear plain white tshirts until you get this, we will not have sex. I pondered for a moment and walked down to the pond where i had been storing my jewels from the thievery that took place the days before. There was a man standing there who smoked a cigarette and he was thinking very heavily i figured about some heavy stuff. He wore a suit, a nice and fitting suite. He looked very well, groomed, clean, manly, had a very interesting face that told by itself a history. he eyed me subtly and continued to stare into the pond. I slowly moved up to him, my feet doing noise on the ground iirc. I stood there and looked at his ears which were cute, boyish somehow. I said: "Hello gentleman." he turned his head to me and i heard some bells in the distance. It meant the rituals in the city had begun. "Lady" he said and smiled at me. His smile was like the guitar of a jazz guitarist slowly introducing the dreamlike music soon to follow and developing further into a kaleidoscopic dreamscape. His smile was like the singsang of magical womans floating through the aether. It was termbling invisibly thus appearing standfast and selfassured while also showing the excitement that was working heavily behind the confines of the masked appearance. There is nothing more lovely than a mask which betrays the uncontrollable and often unknown feelings of it's owner. "What are you doing out here on a fine night light this? And all alone? It is unfitting for a beautiful woman like you to go all alone to a pond at night. You surely must be cold" He said, looking now at the pond, trying to appear somewhat disinterested, hiding behind ironic courtesy. "I have stored my jewely in that pond there. I robbed it a couple of weeks ago and now im tretrieving it." - He wasn't sure whether i was messing with him and had to laugh a bit and his face melted a tiny bit i think. He shrugged and responded "That is a good excuse to come out here and be thrilled by this beautiful pond in the moonlight." - HAHAHHAhA i laughed at this remark and smiled at him and he would also smile at me if not at that moment litttle frogs jumped out of the pond and played frogmusic like a highly skilled orchester and danced around us in sycnhronicity while the man had started playing a bluesharp in tune "grand jam" he sai

>> No.9720356
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>james patterson

>> No.9720360
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>not just reading aquinas' own concise edition

>> No.9720557

Those were a gift, not my choice but I will give them a try at least.

>> No.9720598

>The Evola Trilogy

Nice, my dude. They're not as interesting as you think they're going to be and honestly a lot of Evola's writing is just jumbled word salad that barely means anything. But they're still worth a read.

>> No.9720752
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So I started reading The Inferno for the first time and I don't know any of the references to Greek and Roman poetry. So I picked these up. Should I finish reading the Divine Comedy, and then read the others or read them before?

>> No.9720756
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A few months ago I started working for a local book store as a used book buyer. It's a pretty good gig and I got most of these books through that position. Most of them I got for free even (the best example being the Murukami. We couldn't sell it without the box so I got to take it home.) I found the copy of Paris Stories in a free library nearby. We have them scattered throughout my area and while they mostly contain shit, I still check them for gems like these. I'm pretty happy with what I've got in the past few months for spending as little as I have. I think I only paid for Death On Credit and the Lorca. Probably only paid around $10.

>> No.9720769

can i eat ur ass

>> No.9720780

>that toe

>> No.9720794
File: 6 KB, 251x189, smart doggo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Bought the first four volumes of The Familiar.

It's gonna be House of Leaves all over again except four times as long.

>> No.9720803

>painted toenail
are you a girl?

>> No.9720806

>Riding the Tiger before reading Decline of the West.

>> No.9720807

Exquisite. You'll be fine if the version of the Divine Comedy you're reading is annotated. Otherwise you could just look up the references online. However, I would strongly recommend the others as well, and once you've finished them, re-read Dante. Just my opinion of course, but I think you'll enjoy it more afterward.

>> No.9720809
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"12 maps" might be a meme pop history book; the subject was interesting enough that I was willing to chance the purchase.

How much did it cost you? IIRC, I saw that edition or something similar going for like $150-250ish on amazon. Very impressive.

Honestly I didn't like Skylark nearly as much as everyone else on lit seems to, but I hope you enjoy it. Was still worth the read.

Never read Dante but I recall some famous 20C writer (Borges?) suggesting that everyone read through the divine comedy once straight through, without sweating the references. But from what little I know, it seems like the Aeneid would be a pretty big deal to be familiar with.

Whatever you decide, I think it's worth noting that your question and response to it so far (buying those other books, questioning reading order) are great learning experiences. No reading plan is "perfect" so it's up to you to decide, e.g., how much background info you want before reading something so significant as Dante, how many times you plan to read it, translation choice, how many annotations to make, how many footnotes to read, how many commentaries to check out, etc. Whatever you end up doing, I hope it's a fun experience for you; IMO learning to wrestle with those logistical issues was one of my favorite things about starting with the Greeks, and easily one of the more valuable things I derived from doing so.

>> No.9720812

>Never read Dante
Meant to say "I've never read Dante" rather than "you should never read Dante"

>> No.9720930

>Not getting Aquina's wisdom through prayer
Christian LARPers get out

>> No.9721199

when I was a younger man working as artist, Grey's Anatomy used to be a meme for auto-didact art students. I never opened a copy, but I guess it could be used as such, or inspiration for exaggerated, fantastic creatures. Like Geiger's work.

>> No.9721438
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is this a troll

please tell me it is

>> No.9721644
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>> No.9721654

omg those barnes and noble edition look like SHIT lollll

>> No.9721658

Not reading evola brainlet detected

>> No.9721671

Let me know how the book on Southeast Asia is. I'm trying to remember the name of a Scholar on Southeast Asia who worked a in native mail room for his studies, can anyone help me figure out this person?

>> No.9721690

gave me a giggle

>> No.9721715
File: 223 KB, 900x1600, ffff.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

quite meme, but I paid $1.50 for the lot

>> No.9721750

Pretty well memed, all in all then.

>> No.9721768

>A journey round my skull
Patrician choice anon. One of m favourite books.
How does it read in English by the way?

>> No.9721776

r u qt?

>> No.9722077
File: 709 KB, 1632x1224, IMG_0450.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw fell for the KJV meme

>> No.9722194

>Buying books

>> No.9722219
File: 2.24 MB, 3264x2448, 20170706_160223.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Teaching myself French + Arabic book called Zafarani Files in English about whole community in Egypt that has ED

>> No.9722228

Did you get these from a fucking landfill? Jesus christ anon

>> No.9722242

>/lit/ goes into used book stores and goodwill
>finds a fucking treasure trove of limited, out of print, rare editions of masterpieces
>I go into used book stores and goodwill
>shelves upon shelves upon shelves of thousand year old dilapidated second-rate pulp romance and shitty sci-fi novels

>> No.9722294

I bought most of them from Malaysia, so yes.

>> No.9722616

Where do I start with Pratchett?

>> No.9722626
File: 15 KB, 250x375, 786092b82b4e918eeb4467b05c9f90dce18bec64_hq.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>recent purchases
b-but I only pirate ebooks

>> No.9722627

Night Watch

>> No.9722628

Man, I'd love to work in a bookshop.

>> No.9722639

Depends where you live. Big cities correlate to better books available.

>> No.9722743
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>> No.9722871

Oooh. Well, the earlier and the later books are quite different, considering how much the worldbuilding grew. But I can strongly recommend Sourceries and Small Gods, they're both a good intro, and Small Gods in particular is oneof my favorites. There are a lot of "sub-series", book that focus on a particulars et of characters, I usually enjoy the ones with Death a lot. Night Watch and Thud! are both great.

The latest books aren't as good, which is understandable given the circumstances (Pratchett died of Alzhemiers.)

>> No.9722896
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Purchased from an Oxfam bookshop. The original price listed on the back is 80p.

>> No.9722901
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Rate, I could also take a picture of my recent kindle purchases since that's what I've been reading

>> No.9722958


(((Simon Sebag Montefiore))) is a GOAT historian. His books on Stalin especially you should check them out

>> No.9722988

Which one of Stalin should I read first? The red Tsar or young Stalin

>> No.9722990

How is the everyman's version of Ovid? I'm trying to decide between that and the oxford.

>> No.9723009

Everyman has a better translation than OWC. In my opinion at least.

>> No.9723011

sought after books don't stick around long. Like the used book store in my town doesn't even have a classics, philosophy, or history section because the university kids practically camp out the place, she just puts them on the front counter and they'll be gone by the end of the day.

>> No.9723015


young stalin first familam, his book on Jerusalem is his best work overall though read it too

>> No.9723213
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>not just taking physical copies

>> No.9723323
File: 440 KB, 980x1306, IMG_2156.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

got em at oxfam for about £3 each

excited for 2666

>> No.9723348
File: 86 KB, 1280x720, rps20170706_112534.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

same senpai, I live in nowhere so nearby thrift stores are bad

>> No.9723432

What are you impressions about the book of Joseph Smith?

>> No.9723627

what city bruh? My bookstore oxfam just has five hundred copies of Walter Scott and Trollope novels.

>> No.9723646

its more about frequency m8 you have to go constantly

>> No.9724063
File: 1.61 MB, 3264x1836, 20170706_182843.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is everything ive picked up over the last month or so. Finished notes and rogue male and some /sffg/ during this time. I started the wasp factory today but it's not pictured. I think underworld will be next

>> No.9724069

Wow you're Le Morte D'Arthur volume is huge. Does it have like 1000 pages of commentary or something?

>> No.9724072

No, i guess its just the complete works. There are 21 books in it.

>> No.9724087

I just pulled my copy off the shelf and realized it's ~1000 pages (~700 are the actual text), it's just printed on bible paper. My bad.

>> No.9724098

Have you read it? I was thinking about reading it with my 7 and 11 year old boys. Would it be okay for kids that age?

>> No.9724099

Why do so many of you read "I'm a lonely 50 year old woman who found this book for 80cents and have nothing better to do with my nights" literature?

>> No.9724112

I haven't read it in a long time, and don't remember it well enough to say how age appropriate it is, sorry mate.

>> No.9724118

What the fuck do you even mean by this, anon?

>> No.9724139

Anyone know if men without women is any good?

>> No.9724167

A few top notch stories, a few meh

>> No.9724999
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>guns, germs and steel
>buying pop history perpetuating myths of environmental determination

>> No.9725006

yeah im aware its a meme book but i need to read it to criticize it

>> No.9725008

Posting because I still want to see that dissertation on anime.

>> No.9725062
File: 313 KB, 1296x864, IMG_0544.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw I got a Kindle so I don't buy books that often

Started Odyssey two or three days ago.

>> No.9725270

It was about the depiction of the consequences of war in Japanese post-war cinema, mainly focusing on Godzilla, Kurosawa's I Live in Fear (with reference to his earlier Propaganda film The Most Beautiful) while also detailing war's influence on anime on manga, especially Barefoot Gen. Anon's BFI book was pretty fascinating and its earlier chapters about early animation provided useful for developing conclusions on the importance of animation.

That's fair enough, that book is a good choice for furthering your knowledge into the history of Japanese animation. I feel the title and book cover are probably misleading because it really does start from the very beginning of Japanese animation (I suspect many people either avoided the book not realising how brilliant it was because of the cutesy cover or people bought it, disappointed that it didn't adhere to their interest in super hyperactive moe anime).

>> No.9725278
File: 92 KB, 720x480, mark-frost.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I see that you finally bought my book, anon. Now you will finally understand the new season like I promised you. Now go on and buy another one for your friends to read!

>> No.9725282

These books are must-haves so you might as well buy them for cheap and with cool covers. I never got the whole ''reading basic novels is something bad'' meme on /lit/. I think everyone should read these books even if it is just to understand the impact they made. That and The Great Gatsby is undeniably an enjoyable novel.

>> No.9725302

Agreed. Never understood how someone could dislike The Great Gatsby.

>> No.9725345

Trollope is becoming as common as Grisham books in charity shops I swear

>> No.9725360

I can imagine the disappointed weeb faces when they see the text with small letters on the giant pages.
I like it personally. Feels like I actually get to know something instead of the popculture tier internet suff.

>> No.9725584

just bought On the Road by Jack Kerouac yesterday because I was surprised that I haven't read it yet...am I wasting my time? It just seems really pretentious like some fucking hipster wandering around having an existential crisis and acting like a pretentious (((intellectual))). is that basically the jist of it?

>> No.9725588

Enjoying Confederacy a ton


>> No.9725590
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,,,,,, haha forgot,,,,,, the

>> No.9725601
File: 1.10 MB, 1436x3910, IMG_4140.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Got this recently on sale

>> No.9725605


those books look like some doodoo my man lol

>> No.9725615

Is working at a book store interesting? I was thinking of applying too my local one.

>> No.9725675

You bought the entire boxset?

>> No.9725689


What country (?) are you from? I have never seen Penguins with this style of cover and they look quite nice.

>> No.9725745

Those are the "Little Black Classics"
Small books of various authors.

>> No.9725771

Yeah. I got it for around $50 plus shipping. A lot of these translations aren't in the public domain either, so they're not just cheap printings of free books.

>> No.9725816

They are quite cheap one by one new.
The boxset, I found quite expensive, as a foreigner. (It's probably around 70-80 bucks if I remember correctly)
That said, I have one and I'm quite happy with it.
Maybe I should grab more of the asian literature from it later.

>> No.9725879 [DELETED] 
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Quite exited about these badboys. Volume II coming soon

>> No.9726049
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Only started buying books this year, how'd I do?

>inb4 off yourself reeeeeeeeee

>> No.9726114


*Face palm*

>> No.9726131

get rid of the pratchett, tom clancy, dan brown, tolkien, and the nerd books on the bottom shelf and it's a decent start

>> No.9726198

>Dan Brown
>Tom Clancy
>The World is Flat
>The Case for Mars

>> No.9726274

Where in miami?

>> No.9726291
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From a couple months

>> No.9727046

Thanks. Almost didn't see this. Think you could maybe post your bibliography in the chat if you see this Dr. Anime?

>> No.9727103

>visual c#
True patricians use Nim

>> No.9727262
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>haven't had enough money to buy a new book for over a year

>> No.9727274

How do you have money for an internet connection and electricity bill then?

>> No.9727280



>> No.9727286

>Not blackmailing your mother into buying you books

>> No.9727589

Day of the rake soon leaf

>> No.9727625
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Gonna be buying some more soon.

>> No.9727668

what anime is this?

>> No.9727827
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>> No.9727956

too british for my tastes

>> No.9728499

>Edith Hamilton - Mythology
>Homer - Iliad (Fagles)
>Penguin Classics - The Epic of Gilgamesh
>Joseph Campbell - The Power of Myth

>> No.9728506
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Didn't mean to reply to you, sorry, m8.
If you're reading John Milton, you might also want to have a look at John Donne's poetry. It's also puritan, and it is pretty decent. For contrast, you could read some of the Chevalier Poets.

>> No.9728512

No, not substitute drama teacher dude weed lmao Trudeau, the other one.

That's kind of what I figured. The Clancy/Dan brown was given to me by some relatives, desu I haven't even finished them. Pratchett and the meme books/bottom shelf I got at a sale for $0.25 each. Get what you pay for I guess.

Any recommendations for non-fiction then, since my current collection is trash?

>> No.9728513

That's Re:Creators. If you need convincing, the Black Lagoon guy wrote it.

>> No.9728753
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>> No.9728826
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>thought shakespeare's head was a weird eyeball for a second

>> No.9728829

I also want to see what Dr. Anime used for sources for his dissertation.

>> No.9728876


You should have gotten the Big Black Classics L.O.L.

>> No.9728886

>buying new books
Fuck the book kikes, just go to antiquarians/used goods stores/Salvation Army/etc.
This way, given enough time, you can find all the classics and any number of esoteric gems, and you're only really barred from new releases. The only new books I buy are course books, other than that I've been off the grid for almost four years.
There are also private sellers, and you can buy in bulk for cheap if you find something like a widow/widower getting rid of their books in anticipation of their passing, it's fucking gold and you can even flip them. Right now I'm sitting in front of five boxes filled with books, one of which contains a six-volume work worth around 900$, bought cheap off an old lady bless her senile heart.

>> No.9728903

>Fuck the book kikes

You obviously enjoy reading books, so why don't you want to sometimes support the industry and authors who create and produce those books?

>> No.9728929

what does /lit/ think about dazai's no longer human?

>> No.9728942
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I live in Denmark, books are crazy expensive, I'll be able to buy them when I finish my education, but still the major publishers here are part of a system to which I don't really want to contribute. In trying to maximise profits, they (e.g. Gyldendal) now use cheaper materials than before, not just for their ''''inexpensive'''' paperbacks; only reprint titles that sell well, meaning a lot are suddenly hard to come by outside of antiquarians; and their catalogue of translations is less nuanced, more English, because translators of English are a diamond dozen. The last bit is self-defeating because the spread of English also means a lot of Danes are able to buy better, cheaper books off Amazon in the original language. I try to support more 'niche' publishing houses, but these are quite expensive.
tl;dr: fuck the jews

>implying support of the artist

>> No.9728959

How much does a typical ~300 page paperback cost in Denmark? In krone.

>> No.9728982
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>i need to read it to criticize it
that's where you're wrong, friendo

>> No.9728987

honestly i'm just glad i found anything at all. second hand shopping is so often fruitless for me, living in a small town.

thank you very much for the recs! it might be a little while before i dig into milton, but i'll take note of those for later on.

>> No.9729010

It can't all fit into the photo, and there's more on another shelf but I just got this complete set recently for 80 euros

>> No.9729015
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Forgot photo

>> No.9729024

You'll maybe have to be more specific, but a really cheaply made one will be at least dkk 100-150 (but often closer to 200) if it's a new release of a classic author, occasionally less if it's a popular book whose copyrights have expired, but actual new releases are more expensive and vary a lot. I stress the cheaply made part because they usually provide a minimum of editorial history/annotation/etc.
For example, I used to have a copy of Kafka's Castle without any information how the errors/unfinished parts had been translated or where they were. I have a copy of Goethe's Werther which doesn't say if it's the 1774- or 1787-Fassung (I've established it's the newer, inferior one).
Generally I'd say the price doesn't match the quality here, but thank protestant Christ that I know English and German now.

>> No.9729043

Woah, that is really expensive.

A new average quality paperback in the UK is typically £7 to £10

>> No.9729051

Uff. But honestly, I think that's pretty standard- in Germany at least, the new release hardcovers cost about 24 euro on average, but can cost up to 35 or 40 if it's anything other than a novel. The trick is to never buy new books, ever. Even the second hand shops are pretty expensive, considering- 3 to 15 depending on what you're buying and how nice they are. (I have a very pretty edition of The Once and Future King that I actually shelled 15 euro out for, used)

Paperbacks are usually 10-18 euro. Books are a really weird phenomenon- they have terrible resale value, but are also ridiculously expensive at new price. It's a lot better than it used to be, of course, but good god. Discovering used books and amazon changed my life.

>> No.9729058


>> No.9729142
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Just copped these from a second hand bookshop in Belfast

>> No.9729177
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Guess which author they had a sale of

>> No.9729205

vanity fair

>> No.9729330

It seems you fell for the norton and EML meme too

>> No.9729420
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Some partly sorted stuff.

>> No.9729506

That's one ugly ass foot

>> No.9729531


lol. wuz waiting for this. theres a screencap somewhere of op

>> No.9729553


i always get triggered by french editions not printing on the spine in a way that conforms to english editions. good finds.

>> No.9729731
File: 1.80 MB, 4032x3024, IMG_1341.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Always wanted to read Churchill.

>> No.9729733

I will have picks in a few weeks, but I have several things arriving in the mail.

The new translation of EDEN EDEN EDEN (Vauxhall&Company)
Folio Society - A History of Western Philosophy by Bertrand Russell
Franklin Library - Collected poems of Steven Wallace
Norton Critical Editions - Blake's Poetry and Designs (Paperback)
Fishboy by Mark Richard (Hardcover)

Recently arrived in the mail
Collected poems of Langston Hughes (library binding)

>> No.9729737

I see they had three of the worst covers in the world for sale.

>> No.9729753

Oh, I forgot. They're also giving away free copies of A Portrait of the Artist as a Young Man when you buy something in folio society right now. So I got that too. I already have an everymans library copy, but I don't mind having doubles of a book if it's a nice edition.

>> No.9729832

goddamn these are ugly

>> No.9729868

Hello. If you fellows are still around in this thread, my main sources were:

Donald Richie's The Films of Akira Kurosawa
Matthew Edwards' The Atomic Bomb in Japanese Cinema
Stephen Prince's The Warrior's Camera
Traditions in World Cinema (Linda Badley, R Barton Palmer, Steven Jay Schneider)
Japanese Cinema: Texts and Contexts (Alastair Phillips and Julian Stringer)
A New History of Japanese Cinema by Isolde Standish
Akira Kurosawa's Something Like an Autobiography (he offers some insight into Japan's American occupation and censorship laws at the time)
Studio Ghibli by Colin Odell and Michelle Le Blanc

I made reference to the films: Godzilla (Honda's original), I Live In Fear, The Most Beautiful, Sugata Sanshiro, Barefoot Gen 1 & 2, Grave of the Fireflies.

I would share a little but the dissertation clocked in around 30 pages and I'm keeping hold of it in case I ever get the chance to publish it.

>> No.9729877


I haven't bought anything in fuckin forever with the exception of Ligotti's songs of a dead dreamer/grimscribe (which is only ok, so far)

Use your library, kids

>> No.9729910

Genuinely, anon. The Iliad, Dracula, Tolkien, Joyce and Hemingway are pretty good for a newfriend. Not that I would tell you to get rid of any books, buddy, but maybe try to steer away from Tom Clancy and supermarket store-core and try a little more like The Odyssey, The Aenid, some Gene Wolfe, some Yukio Mishima, etc. Can't say much about the bottom shelf but that French dictionary seems cool.

>> No.9729915

those are the best McCarthy novels, anon, although try getting Blood Meme and Border Trilogy too, they're fantastic as well. No Country For Old Men is good but if you've seen the film then you've also basically read the book.

>> No.9730496
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Went to a library summer sale. On later googling it turns out The Jungle has an "uncensored edition" with several more chapters, so I'll probably upgrade that one, but TRoLB is hard to get hold of in good condition so I'm pretty pleased overall.

>> No.9730594
File: 1.52 MB, 3264x2448, IMG_5068.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My read next stack

>> No.9731258

I like the covers, I think they're actually good. They're embossed, cardboard, and are made from good material

Plus the colour schemes and general rear design are great too

>> No.9731261

I already own blood meridian, the road, all the pretty horses, no country for old men, and the gardeners son. I just need to finish the trilogy now

>> No.9731362
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>> No.9731395

Should have went with Fitzgerald.

>> No.9731495

At least Germany has the major publishing houses like Reclam/Suhrkamp/dtv/etc., their paperback student editions are great and I make sure to pick up a good amount of them whenever I visit.
One German publisher with cheap hardbacks is Anaconda, but if you only take one advice away from this site in your life it should be never to buy any of their piss poor piece of shit books.

I'm mostly fine with almost only buying used books now, the used books are often nicer anyway, but it sucks when you see some actually new that you want.

>> No.9731512


but also this

>> No.9731786

Naw Fagles is cool, especially with with the Knox notes.

>> No.9732155
File: 102 KB, 1080x922, 19800857_10213829492838075_737952754965878238_o.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just salvaged these from Goodwill. Not bad for 20 bucks.

>> No.9732224
File: 109 KB, 720x779, IMG_20170708_212638.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just finished Beware of Pity and watch the Grand Budapest Hotel. Pretty excited to get into this.

>> No.9732381

I'm a man, so....

>> No.9732434

Why would you own this? Why would you spend this much time in your life reading Karl Marx?

>> No.9732439
File: 1.90 MB, 4128x2322, 20170629_091444.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nice Mrs. Dalloway, just got that edition as a gift along with Blindness and Beloved.


>> No.9732443
File: 2.33 MB, 4128x2322, 20170708_201000.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

2/2, an early birthday gift I received today

How is Journey to the End of the Night? The name always intrigues me

>> No.9732450

These hardcovers are nice until you realize they're so fucking cheap, the sticker on the back peals away the design. I was pissed when I got that copy of schopenhauer's essays and that happened to me.

>> No.9732503

I actually decided to read Death on the Instalment Plan first. I'm just about done with that and I'm really enjoying it. Celine is really biting and the humor is pitch black. It's great! I can't wait to read Journey.

>> No.9732517

Damn. My charity shops just have a lot of James Patterson and Chicken Soup for the Soul books.

(Who's the author on Gnostic Gospels, by the way? That one looks interesting.)

>> No.9732533

Gnostic Gospels and The Gnostic Paul are both by Elaine Pagels. I read books she wrote on the Gospel of Thomas and the Book of Revelation before, and I enjoyed them quite a bit. Recommended author, though I haven't read these books yet.

>> No.9732606

You gotta blow on stickers with a hair dryer to melt the glue first

>> No.9733087

Infinite Jest (https://i1.wp.com/ellenpronk.com/wp-content/uploads/2015/12/david-foster-wallace-infinite-jest.jpg))
American Psycho (https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/736x/73/75/bb/7375bb6472da4368fd0a2c980fb49c60--easton-ellis-american-psycho.jpg))

/co/ and /a/ tier
In the Shadow of No Towers
Pluto 3-8
What a Wonderful World! 1-2
Eightball Complete

>> No.9733358

That's true. Reclam is a gift. Just the concept of Reclam is a thing of beauty, but I usually end up with dtv, but that's not a surprise, considering they're probably the biggest house by a huge margin. I also kind of have a soft spot for some of their covers. What even is that? Coated paper with a fabric texture?

>> No.9733514

I really enjoy the Anaconda books. They're incredibly cheap in comparison to a lot of publishers and oftentimes have good translations (I'm a fan of Johann Heinrich Voss' translations). Iliad+Odyssey for 10 Euros and a collection of ancient Greek plays for 5 Euros? I can't even find most of their published works anywhere else to be honest desu.

>> No.9733911

Yeah I often opt for dtv as well, they might be slightly more expensive but they hold up much better than Reclam or Suhrkamp in my experience (I also really like their covers).
I want to like Anaconda because they publish a lot of interesting works very cheaply, but the ones I have are littered with obvious errors, like misspellings or commas inside of words. I had an Anaconda Kafka's Castle, though after having seen what little effort they put into proof-reading I wouldn't trust them with an unfinished work like that (I'd at least like to be sure the errors in the book were Kafka's own). The material they use also feels a bit cheap, but I guess that's with due reason because they really are very cheap.

>> No.9733953
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Please, help me decide what to read next. I'm at a loss, been on a reading slump lately. Lowest book is a collection of Italian surrealist short stories.

>> No.9734102

Just buy a Kindle, danskjävel.

>> No.9734318

Easton press - lolita
Folio Society - waiting for godot
Folio Society - In Cold Blood
Folio Society - Thus Spoke Zarathustra
Easton press - Brave New World
Folio Society - As I Lay Dying
Folio Society - Yeats Selected Poems
Folio Society - Catch 22
Folio Society - To The Lighthouse
Everymans Library - Notes From Underground
Folio Society - Dracula

I will post pics when they arrive in a few weeks.

>My post from a couple days ago
The new translation of EDEN EDEN EDEN (Vauxhall&Company)
Folio Society - A History of Western Philosophy by Bertrand Russell
Franklin Library - Collected poems of Steven Wallace
Norton Critical Editions - Blake's Poetry and Designs (Paperback)
Fishboy by Mark Richard (Hardcover)

I also got a free copy of A Portrait of the Artist as a Young Man when I ordered a book from Folio Society.

>> No.9734343

kjv bible
the intelligent investor

>> No.9734438
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>> No.9734447

If you like Ego and His Own, read German Ideology by Marx. It's basically an autistic reaction to Stirner.

>> No.9734505
File: 448 KB, 2048x1152, 20170709_121923.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Good finds!

>> No.9735619

>Folio Society - waiting for godot

Please link me as I cannot find this on their website

>> No.9735886

I got it new on amazon for a pretty good deal.

>> No.9735964

>Easton press - lolita
>Folio Society - waiting for godot
>Folio Society - In Cold Blood
>Folio Society - Thus Spoke Zarathustra
>Easton press - Brave New World
>Folio Society - As I Lay Dying
>Folio Society - Yeats Selected Poems
>Folio Society - Catch 22
>Folio Society - To The Lighthouse
>Everymans Library - Notes From Underground
>Folio Society - Dracula
>I will post pics when they arrive in a few weeks.
>>My post from a couple days ago
>The new translation of EDEN EDEN EDEN (Vauxhall&Company)
>Folio Society - A History of Western Philosophy by Bertrand Russell
>Franklin Library - Collected poems of Steven Wallace
>Norton Critical Editions - Blake's Poetry and Designs (Paperback)
>Fishboy by Mark Richard (Hardcover)
>I also got a free copy of A Portrait of the Artist as a Young Man when I ordered a book from Folio Society.

Folio Society - The Name of the Rose
Folio Society - The Odyssey

I really want to get the folio society Iliad too, but I suppose I suppose I have to limit myself now. Time to save up again. It's been an epic satisfaction to go on a buying spree like this. Just having all this anticipation, saving my money and calculating what books I will buy; then deciding all at once that I'll just buy everything I can think of getting, in order of most importance. It makes it worth while staring at the books on my shelf, holding them; there's hardly anything I love more than good books, and high quality audio equipment.

>> No.9735973
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>> No.9735979
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>> No.9737633

What's war and war like?

>> No.9737705

>journey to the end of the night came today
>it's the fucking white cover with the nigger hand on it instead of the black cover with the weird white ring-headed figures like I ordered

Fucking amazon

>> No.9737738

Love me some Murakami

>> No.9737758

oh boy...here we go

>> No.9737762

This isn't /r/Books.

>> No.9737771

OP here. I'm almost done the 3rd story in it and I'm happy with it so far. The first story "Drive My Car" was alright, but the second story "Yesterday" was absolutely great in my opinion. I'm almost done "The Independent Organ" and I like it too. I got it as an Advanced Reader's Copy for the paperback edition but it's good enough that I would have bought it.

>> No.9737798

I wanted to buy that new murakami but the local bookstore are charging 35 dollaryfuckingdoos for it.

>> No.9737800


>> No.9737831

i have that Bible! One of the most beautiful books i have ever seen.

>> No.9738026

>Montefiore's last non fiction book The Romanovs 1613–1918 (2016) has been accused of containing gross historical errors.[17] For example, the book claims the Russians attacked Stockholm by walking across the frozen Baltic Sea whereby Sweden had to cede Finland to Russia, which ,of course, is not what happened at all.

Yes Simon you sure shilled me.

>> No.9738332

I think without exaggeration it is the best book I've read in twenty years.

>and it really was extremely sudden, the way it struck him that, good heavens, he understood nothing, nothing at all about anything, for Christ's sake, nothing at all about the world, which was a most terrifying realization, he said, especially the way it came to him in all its banality, vulgarity, at a sickeningly ridiculous level, but this was the point, he said, the way that he, at age 44, had become aware of how utterly stupid he seemed to himself, how empty, how utterly blockheaded he had been in his understanding of the world these last 44 years, for, as he realized by the river, he had not only misunderstood it, but had not understood anything about anything, the worst part being that for 44 years he thought he had understood it, while in reality he had failed to do so; and this in fact was the worst thing of all that night of his birthday when he sat alone by the river, the worst because the fact that he now realized that he had not understood it did not mean that he did understand it now, because being aware of his lack of knowledge was not in itself some new form of knowledge for which an older one could be traded in, but one that presented itself as a terrifying puzzle the moment he thought about the world, as he most furiously did that evening, all but torturing himself in an effort to understand it and failing, because the puzzle seemed ever more complex and he had begun to feel that this world-puzzle that he was so desperate to understand, that he was torturing himself trying to understand, was really the puzzle of himself and the world at once, that they were in effect one and the same thing, which was the conclusion he had so far reached, and he had not yet given up on it, when, after a couple of days, he noticed that there was something the matter with his head

>> No.9738376

Oh so you're just gonna keep the secret to yourself? c'mon anon.

>> No.9738400

lel I remember that guy, it was hilarious.

>> No.9738514
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R8 me senpai

>inb4 one of these things is not like the others

>> No.9738726

>Thucydides, Burke, Maistre, Guenon, Evola

Good taste, my friend. But this anon is right. >>9720806

>> No.9738744

If this was your son what would you guys do?

>> No.9738825

>Dover Thrift edition of Nietzsche

>> No.9739973
File: 15 KB, 214x255, Dont make trouble.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not going to lie, I would buy that copy of Dune in a heartbeat.

>> No.9740366

The important thing is the words between the covers you fucking queeeeeeer

Btw I just started reading Nietzsche today and it's already fucking with my perception of the world

>> No.9740471

>those tacky BN editions
>too much color for my protestant sensibility
>clutching my cheeto stained dog-eared Penguins

>> No.9740485
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>> No.9740490
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>Btw I just started reading Nietzsche today and it's already fucking with my perception of the world

>> No.9740505
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Bought these today

>> No.9740548

pls b my bf

>> No.9740658

This is the most patrician stack I've ever seen in one of these threads. Good shit.

>> No.9740698

Thanks. The whole stack was very affordable at $30. The Oddysey was the cheapest $2 and Faulkner was the most at $6.

>> No.9740896

>£3 each

fuck that's expensive

>> No.9740911

Fite me irl

>> No.9740923

Wait are you guys dissing the translation? I don't give a shit about having a pretty cover like half the fags in this thread, or having some dickhead's opinion to read in the intro, but if the actual translation is trash then I'll consider getting another version.

>> No.9740962


Hasn't the River War been edited to remove some of the anti-Islam stuff? Some British guy went to jail just for quoting it in public.

>> No.9740967

The wonders of Britbongistan

>> No.9741204
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Meme purchase #1

>> No.9741210
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Meme purchase #2

>> No.9741303

He was arrested for harassment and refusing to leave private property whilst quoting the book, not for the quote itself. Not such a catchy headline, though, so it wasn't printed in truth.

It hasn't been edited.

>> No.9741370

not a women in tha bunch. yall gay or something?

>> No.9741409

any of yall got Russian lit?

>> No.9741414

pristine quality satanic verses

>> No.9741418

What is les justes

>> No.9742092

>basic /lit/core
spotted the pleb

>> No.9742098

Currently I'm in a postgrad program studying Marx and plan to stay at the university doing the same after I finish.

>> No.9742117

Very nice, who publishes it? Dietz Verlag? How much did it cost? I'd like more Marx/Engels myself, but new collected editions are pretty expensive so it'll probably only be after I finish my education

>> No.9742271

Women generally can't write for shit

>> No.9742296


>> No.9742310

Did you just assume the gender of ancient authors?

>> No.9742511

It's a play by Albert Camus. Quite honestly I had no idea what it was but it also was a dollar.

>> No.9742538

good haul

joseph campbell is great

>> No.9742589

Woolf, Plath, Atwood, Carol Ann Duffy... do these names suffice, sir, or must I pull out the emporium of files of /lit/ women writers, you hound!

>> No.9742608

Fair enough, I'll give you Woolf and Plath, but Atwood and CAD are trash in my humble opiníon. I dunno, I just can't relate to female authors anywhere near as well as I can male ones.

>> No.9742660


>> No.9742998

Thoughts on "The Structure of Scientific Revolutions"?

>> No.9743241
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