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9720114 No.9720114 [Reply] [Original]

Unironically, why don't nihilists kill themselves.

>> No.9720124
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>> No.9720134

I'm actually curious. If one practices nihilism, why doesn't one just commit suicide right on the spot.

>> No.9720143
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because they dont care

not even suicide makes sense in a world of senselessness

>> No.9720145


"Killing oneself would imply the act to have a purpose, huh????xDxD?!!??" I don't think nihilism equals enduring the pain of committing suicide either. Most nihilists would take no guilty in enjoying junk food until death rather than going for it faster. We should perhaps even consider that most people claiming nihilism is applied to their lives, that they are actually living the absurdist maxim.

>> No.9720159

That's either hedonism or existensialism desu.
Surviving is pretty hard. Surely killing yourself is easier than enduring existance.

>> No.9720172

I think killing yourself is pretty hard too

Just surviving doesn't take that much effort if you live in the West

>> No.9720180


surving is boring and as easy as the viewpoint of nihilism

>> No.9720182

>Surviving is pretty hard.
Nihilists aren't scared... Why would they want to commit suicide ?

>> No.9720197

But why clothe, eat and provide shelter for yourself?
You have to get out of bed and buy food at the very least.
If you value things being "easy" it's not nihilism anymore.

>> No.9720212

>You have to get out of bed and buy food at the very least.

I don't have to get out of bed to buy food. I often do my grocery shopping on my phone on Ocado. Takes 5 minutes, choose delivery time & date, done. It's delivered to my door, and to the door of my flat if I want.

Life is *very* easy if you live in a modern city these days

>> No.9720223

1. Nihilism is not necessarily a bad thing. If life has no intrinsic meaning, you can still take value while going through it.

2. Suicide is rarely a rational, freely made choice. Most people who commit suicide do so under some kind of duress.

3. Because killing yourself will achieve and change nothing.

>> No.9720243

Why /would/ nihilists kill themselves?

They have no reason to.

>> No.9720254

If you believe 'hardship ought to lead to suicide' it's not nihilism anymore either.

You don't seem to grasp the complete neutrality of nihilism.

>> No.9720256
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The nothing that perpetuates my non-suicide is stronger than whatever belief you hold, cuck.
Take the black pill, reddit scum.

>> No.9720262

>Surely killing yourself is easier than enduring existance

>> No.9720423

Becoming an actual nihilist is very hard. You need to be actually kind of insane to be able to lose all will to do anything just because you're thinking in the shower "life doesn't really mean anything senpai".

>> No.9720428


Bazarov literally did kill himself

>> No.9720431

Why do you presume nihilists have no will to do anything?

I don't get this meme. Just because people do not think that life has any intrinsic meaning doesn't mean they can't enjoy getting their dick sucked or collecting stamps.

>> No.9720432


Reddit-tier post.
Accepting nihilism doesn't mean you lose all will it just means there's no longer any meaning in your actions, and there's especially no moral content to any of it.

>> No.9720433

>pablo honey

hey man it's their only good album, everything after that was try hardy sentimental bullshit for pseuds, as soon as white jazz professors cover your "indie rock" album, you've successfully crossed over into pseudworld

>> No.9720438

I think I'm misunderstanding what nihilism is. Is wanting or prefering something not assigning value to it?

>> No.9720441

If this life is a veil of tears and an eternity of bliss awaits you in the afterlife, why don't religious people just commit suicide?

>> No.9720442


>> No.9720448


No dumbass you can still be steered by external forces, much like every nihilist in every work of fiction ever.
Nihilism is closely related to absurdism.

The absurd occurs when there is a disconnect between subject and object.
The nihilist shares this disconnect because there is no longer any value in any object.
But that doesn't mean the nihilist simply ceases to exist as a subject.
In fact the entire gist of nihilism is the existential agony that results from the fact that he does not simply cease to exist as a subject.

>> No.9720452

That is what my dad told me he did. He said he came from work on friday and lay down on the ground and just stayed there until monday morning.
He told me he wanted to know how far you can go.
The only thing he found, is that you have to find happiness in all things. There is no intrinsic value.

>> No.9720458

>In fact the entire gist of nihilism is the existential agony that results from the fact that he does not simply cease to exist as a subject.
Seems like there's an easy fix to that. That's why I made this post. So nihilism is essentially not rebelling against the absurd in any way?

>> No.9720464


Your entire "fix" is goal-oriented.
"I should kill myself to solve this problem."
You're intrinsically placing value on the act of solving the problem. The nihilist values not even that.
You're like a coupon clipping house-wife.
You don't understand.

>> No.9720472

Maybe I should clarify. For me, choosing to not die is a choice we make by maintaining our bodies. I don't even mean actively trying to kill yourself, I mean something more along the lines of starving to death (surprisingly easy). Is inertia really the only thing keeping a nihilist going?

>> No.9720474

>pablo honey

oops i meant The Bends, their other attempt at the pop charts, there are some good tries to sound like american grunge on there that aren't too pretentious if unoriginal, better than the later "experimental" shit their fans think is good

>> No.9720486

Suicide in some religions is a catch 22. Life is suffering, and paradise lies in the afterlife. But if one attempts to hasten their way to said afterlife they are considered to have sinned thus they get "disqualified" from paradise.

>> No.9720490


Who knows dude, I would say that you are fundamentally incapable of understanding nihilism because your ontology presupposes goal completion as an inescapable choice.
"If I choose to not do A, then I am accepting and valuing B."

That's simply not how a nihilist thinks about anything, and actually I would say that no one assigns value like that in their actual lives.

>> No.9720498

one way out of toiling for life in the fields and factories of your betters is always to get smoked in a war defending the fields and factories of your betters, man they really get catholics coming and going, is the pope a jew or what?

>> No.9720500

Could I "trick" myself into thinking about nihilism by assuming all things have equal value? If not, why?

And you're right. I don't understand nihilism - it's why I made this thread. If you don't want to spoonfeed me, I'd be more than willing to read some lit or essays on the topic.

>> No.9720502


Nihilism isn't a logic puzzle it's an existential condition.
You either know about it or you don't. You're treating it like a math problem.

>> No.9720506
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What for? It's pointless.

>> No.9720509

kys pleb

>> No.9720513

/mu/ has taste about as good as /fa/ keep thinking you're cool bro

>> No.9720520

Maintaining the body is the default for organisms. It is suicide that would be the active choice. Staying alive is a habit, an instinct, the status quo.

There's no reason to believe organisms require ideology to persist. Non-human organisms do perfectly well without.

>> No.9720526

Is it like faith that I can't approach it with logos? Because so far I've been able to understand absurdism/existensialism through reason. There has to be some way of at least empathizing with it even if I don't understand it.
I've done 20+ day fasts. I could pretty easily starve myself to death desu. If I just decided that eating isn't worth it.

>> No.9720543


>still trusting muh reason

Dude philosophically you're like 300 years behind nihilism. You might go your entire life without catching up to it. I'd say just forget about it.

>> No.9720551

>implying I need to read Kant or N-Dog to understand nihilism

>> No.9720562

>I've done 20+ day fasts. I could pretty easily starve myself to death desu. If I just decided that eating isn't worth it.
I'm not saying people are incapable of suicide, I'm merely saying that it's not the default. The vast majority of humans has a tendency to keep on living for as long as possible instinctively, regardless of ideology. This does not require justification since it comes natural.

You may have suicidal tendencies and project that lack of a will to live on others and think that people require good reasons not to let themselves die. But most people do not need good reasons at all, if any.

>> No.9720563


nah man look up school of life on youtube they will get you set

>> No.9720569


nihilism is a transcendental philosophy the nihilist's choice or non-choice to live or die has absolutely fucking nothing to do with natural instinct
why am i surrounded by plebs

>> No.9720594

I think you're assigning value to acting like an elitist shitposter. I'm fine not being spoonfed but at least give me an essay or a starting text to chew on.
But then you're assigning value to what comes naturally.
1. Isn't this just absurdism?
3. And not killing yourself will achieve or change nothing either.

>> No.9720597

>using the word transcendent means that humans are magically outside of biological reality

The point is, people do not need reasons to live. Life precedes reason and will outlive it as well.

>> No.9720606

>But then you're assigning value to what comes naturally.
Not at all, it's just that it is the case regardless of value. Plants don't assign value to growing towards the sunlight, they just do.

>> No.9720609

To summarize. If actions have no value, how do you choose which one to take? And when you solve that problem, why do most nihilists choose to take paths that seems to be fairly normal (natural?), for the lack of a better word.

>> No.9720617


>muh omnipotent biology

you're the 21st century version of a jesuit lol

>> No.9720623

They're too afraid to kill themselves.

>> No.9720625

>To summarize. If actions have no value, how do you choose which one to take?
You just do what you like. Lack of meaning doesn't mean you can't have a preferred ice cream flavour.

>And when you solve that problem, why do most nihilists choose to take paths that seems to be fairly normal (natural?), for the lack of a better word.
Why wouldn't they? They're still human beings.

>> No.9720631

>muh humanity outside of biology

you're the 21st century version of a gnostic lol

>> No.9720639

I am unable to seperate liking things from assigning value to things. Where am I going wrong?

>> No.9720644


>Why wouldn't they? They're still human beings.

holy fuck dude please just stop responding

your explanations of nihilism are like when the media co-opts radical ideas and then trots out neutered middle-class versions of them for consumption. i've never been more embarrassed for /lit/

>> No.9720647



Start with the Greeks.

>> No.9720814

holy fuck dude please just stop responding

your edgy lower-case response reminds me of a teenager's who's read Nietzsche for the first time

>> No.9720917


ok niggers please give me your definitive list of books on nihilism which are worth reading

>> No.9720951

Why would someone who has no beliefs feel the need to end their lives?

From where does the existential crisis arise if they do not believe their existence has a purpose?

>> No.9721061

Read Cioran

>> No.9721096

Killing yourself is hard and people tend to try to stop you, why not just wait anyways lol

>> No.9721098


>> No.9721103
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Some do. Most like myself prefer to do it slowly.

>> No.9721411

How much junk food for LD50?

>> No.9721771

Nietzsche - start with either The Gay Science or Beyond Good or Evil
Like, probably 20 years of overeating to get a heart disease. So about 30 tons.

>> No.9721791

Why would we? I won't speak for any other nihilists but my nihilism hasn't led me to depression. It's only led to more enjoyment and less guilt.

>> No.9721794

Could you answer these posts [>>9720609], [>>9720639]?

>> No.9721812

>Nietzsche was a nihilist
Sure is pleb in here.

>> No.9721814

He wasn't a nihilist, but his works are a great way to understand nihilism.

>> No.9721845

based ocado delivering at 6am