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/lit/ - Literature

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9719263 No.9719263 [Reply] [Original]


So in december my dad asked me to read the hitchikers guide. Before this I was catholic but not too devout. About halfway through the book I started to seiousley question god. By the end I was an athiest. No depression or religion switching involved, this book converted me.

Good job dad, that was the best book I will ever read. Maybe one of the best works of literature our species has ever produced.

I came out to my mother, who is apparantley an athiest. ALOT about her makes sense now. Her mother and my grandmother is an athiest too. We talked about the universe, mike pence and the sort. She thought my dad suggesting the guide was hilarious.

This is how elon musk became an athiest too apparantley.

If I ever become president I will be sworn in on the hitchikers guide to the galaxy. It encompasses my beliefs like a bible.

>> No.9719279

cool story bro

>> No.9719555

underage b&

>> No.9719567

/lit/ b8, but r/books front page material

>> No.9719572

It's why I keep coming back here despite the never ending shitposts. I really can't take discussions on other sites seriously knowing that the person I'm arguing with might number Harry Potter amongst their favorite books or never have read the Greeks.

>> No.9719580

Wow, it's like you're in a cool club and that sucker of your dad was left behind! ha!

>> No.9720121
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>We talked about the universe, mike pence and the sort.

>> No.9720132

>came out
>as an atheist

>> No.9720948

>the universe, mike pence and the sort

>> No.9720956


>> No.9720968

From a kid's genre fiction book haha wow

>> No.9721209
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This is unironically one of the worst posts I've ever seen on this website. Congratulations.

>> No.9721223

the first book is terrible, but it gets even worse, this book sucks and you should keep your way out of it

>Isn't it enough to see that a garden is beautiful without having to believe that there are fairies at the bottom of it too?
what is literature, or at least douglas adams shitty book, but to seeing fairies on a garden? i fucking hate this book so much i'd rather read harry potter

>> No.9721327

Awesome that you have a cool-ass dad that recommended Adams to you, but stop identifying. Being atheist doesn't make you cool. Reading an awesome book might, if you weren't such an asshole about it.

>> No.9721330

Congratulations, Mr. Kardashian.

>> No.9721331

Enjoy a lifetime of failing to fill that void.

>> No.9721425
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He'll be fine as long as he thinks about it and reads the right stuff.

>> No.9722549

>basing your belief system on comedic sci-fi

wew laddie

>> No.9723086


this. well-crafted, OP.

>> No.9723104

I honestly can't tell if this is from r/books or if it's original content.

>> No.9723589

It is the mark of an educated mind to be able to entertain a thought without accepting it.

>> No.9723733

this thread makes me uncomfortable

>> No.9723877

what kind of bait

>> No.9723890

I'm really glad my pubescent verysmartness was ignited by the Bible rather than this reddit shit. At least when I grew out of it I had the foundations for reading good lit. Enjoy the r/books reading list OP.

>> No.9724070

apparently you haven't quite exited that phase yet

>> No.9724127

The Hitchhikers guide is what turned me off to reading for ten years.

So, I knew it was bad, but I didn't know it was so bad it could make you disbelieve in God and goodness.


>> No.9724131
File: 1.41 MB, 280x210, 1499377179765.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Rot in your own filth, you pagan fuck

>> No.9724341

Don't worry. When you read Gene Wolfe you will repent and be Catholic again. It is the spiral we take to reach something higher.

>> No.9724366

Unironically, this is the best fucking bait I've read