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/lit/ - Literature

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9718097 No.9718097 [Reply] [Original]

That book you never could finish, despite really wanting to enjoy it. What's her name?

>> No.9718099

the iliad

>> No.9718103

Got halfway through Wittgenstein's Mistress before I lost my fucking mind

>> No.9718112

Infinite Jest. I didn't find it amusing or enjoyable, although I can appreciate that DFW was clearly intelligent and tried to convey interesting ideas, but his way of over-analytical and over-descriptive writing just really became repetitive and off-putting. No doubt about it, a better editor and a shorter book would've made for a more worthwhile read.

>> No.9718114

every book ever

>> No.9718117

>plebs will be able to answer this

>> No.9718170


>> No.9718181

War and peace

>> No.9718182

Your diary desu

>> No.9718189


>> No.9718215

Genuinely embarrassed to share a board with you.

>> No.9718220

do people actually keep diaries on /lit/? what, do they forget what they did earlier that day? boohoo nobody gets me for being so brilliant and browsing 4chan 19 hours a day also i framed this put-down i posted online and they never responded which means i was right haha

nobody will posthumously publish that shit because its not literary in any form

>> No.9718235
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most of them

>> No.9718237

hi redit

>> No.9718241

i don't keep one because i don't care about my life but it's easier to think things through if you have to write them down in a consistent manner than if it's just a bunch of inconsistent thoughts in your brain that sort of make sense because your brain doesn't care that much about consistency as long as your belly is full

there's another level of extroverted retards that can only think by having conversations with other people so if they catch you they'll start throwing stuff at you that makes no sense and makes you want to kill yourself

>> No.9718259

I remember I tried to read Crime & Punishment when I was 16 - I was picking up a bunch of classics I wanted to read because I had heard how good they were but didn't expect that I would find them too difficult (and upon self-reflection I know I was a bit too cocky). I found the pacing to be too slow and didn't get much further than the first two chapters, mainly the part where Raskolnikov is sitting in the bar after visiting the old woman he'll kill, getting a lecture from the drunkard (who he later tries saving from being trampled).

I've read it completely now and I can say it's one of my favourite novels I've read so far. I wish I had more patience for it when I was younger but I suppose if I did even finish it back then, I probably wouldn't have appreciated it for its themes and character development. I would've probably wanted it to be edgier and more violent (I was reading quite a bit of the shock-lit shit at that age).

>> No.9718345

Gravity's Rainbow

i guess im just not ready for it yet

>> No.9718384
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It's only happened to me once, about three books ago. It was Cry, the Beloved Country by Alan Paton

>> No.9718402

On the Road: the Original scroll by Kerouac

Started reading it when I was an edgy little 17-18 year old and it shaped my approach to creative expression and prose, ultimately freeing me from being the autistic little sperg NEET that I was

About 177 pages in I put it down, tried reading it again a few years later and could NOT handle the edginess. It's too overwhelming. The pretention is too fierce familia, shit's a literal meme

I hope to finish it one day but I doubt I will, honestly

>> No.9718415

it's not worth the effort, m8

>> No.9718430

you're only ready for it once you've finished it

>> No.9718433

Is there anything I should read before I try it again, or any notes or something like that that might help?

>> No.9718436

The Picture Of Dorian Gray
Brave New World

Yes its just something about the writing style.

>> No.9718444


It's so fucking interesting, but I can't seem to finish it. It's not like it's difficult.

>> No.9718447

Our lady of the flowers

>> No.9718596

Naked Lunch. I found it insufferable and unreadable, but then again, I also tried reading it when I was 14 because I thought it'd be cool to show off with and that, after discovering HP Lovecraft, I was ready for big-boy books.

>> No.9718670

Really wanted to enjoy Dracula but I found it tedious.

>> No.9718675

Like, I kind of get it if you were expecting a horror novel after binge-reading some Poe or Lovecraft, but it's more like a romantic novel with elements of mystery involved.

Plus, it's very endearing imo, especially the unconditional friendships and bonds that develop between Mina Harker and her harem of guys trying to help her. Those friendships alone made me smile multiple times.

>> No.9718680

my diary desu

>> No.9720047

Mason & Dixon

>> No.9720062

Ulysses but I make it further each time. Last time I got to the part where they are talking Irish history at the newspaper office and it was just boring even though Dedalus was there.

>> No.9720088
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Madame Bovary

>> No.9720120

My wife sort of keeps a diary.
She scribbles down little things about the day or what she thinks about or a dream she had.
She forgets a lot of things and it has recently become worse. I fear she may be losing her mind.

>> No.9720158

I never really finished The Stand. It's not even that long a read, I have tackled thousands upon thousands of pages of King.

I only read pleb literature.

>> No.9720165


>> No.9720294


>> No.9720305


>> No.9720340

I like to practice my handwriting. I don't try writing outside of my legal work so its a fun exercise to either write down how I felt, what my day was like, or some random story or thought. Its a relaxing activity that promotes productivity and critical thinking.

>> No.9720349

The Lord of the Rings. I loved The Hobbit and The Fellowship but the middle of The Two Towers and its autistic, chapter long descriptions of plains and mountains kills me.

>> No.9720392

Not really, I mean you could read it along with a companion guide. But I just powered on through the first time.

>> No.9720497

Neuromancer is written so shit, finished though

>> No.9720514

A Game of Thrones

>> No.9721921

not surprising that a board dedicated to literature would host users who also like to write, my main man

>> No.9721936

It's fucking awful man

>> No.9721948

If you can't just fucking power through a book when you lose interest I genuinely believe you don't belong here.

>> No.9722024

> anyone disliking The Iliad

If you can't read Homer you need to leave.

>> No.9722796

deserve a (you)