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File: 3.40 MB, 4032x3024, quran.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
9714695 No.9714695 [Reply] [Original]

What am I in for bros?

>> No.9714700

Some interesting ideas, but everything in it about earlier prophets is 100% fan fiction bullshit
Sufism is the only acceptable Islam

>> No.9714702

Desert boogaloo 2: Burkas & Durkas

>> No.9714704

Cause of the fall of the west

>> No.9714724

t. retard
The west is destroying itself and it's been a cannibal for at least 100 years now

>> No.9714853
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Whatever you say boss

>> No.9714890


>> No.9714943

John Bagot Glubb

>> No.9715027

By the looks of it you're in for The Quran, the core religious text of the Muslim Faith. Like The Bible you'll get something that will be more interesting in how it informs various modern day groups than it is as a standalone work, but like The Bible it'll be fascinating in that regard.

>> No.9715057
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>> No.9715066

>What am I in for bros?
Nothing interesting. Islam is a moronic totalitarian cult, a seventh-century version of scientology.

>> No.9715150

Ending up on a watch list.

>> No.9715814


I'm probably already on a watch list for all the loli hentai I've looked up desu

>> No.9715821

The Spirit of History vocalized

>> No.9715862

some ideological roots of a horrendous cult

>> No.9715872
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>> No.9715892

For roughly 400 pages.

>> No.9715897

Why would you willingly poison yourself with Abrahamic text in 2017

>> No.9715920

In 100 years it will be viewed as one of the most dominating books of the Western Canon, you should read it for that reason alone, anon. Besides it's an interesting book regardless.

>> No.9715923

"jesus? moses? yeah those dudes were alright, but I'm the LAST word motherfucker"

>> No.9715933

i mean, any islam is fine as long as you're not a 'lol this is the literal, indisputible word of god'

>> No.9715936

Wahhabism is bad
But yeah your overall point is usually valid and goes for most religions/sects

>> No.9715939


>> No.9715945

Nigger that is one of the most reinforced points in Islam
Have you ever read about quranic uncreatedness? The vast majority of Muslims believe the Quran is the actual speech of God

>> No.9715953

You're right but you basically aren't a """True""" follower of any Abrahamic religion if you don't believe that regarding your text of choice

>> No.9715954

>roughly 400 pages.

Confirmed for having never read it

>> No.9715961
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The cure is worse than the disease

>> No.9715962

The Quran/Koran
>Do not trust Christians and Jews
>Death to non-believers
>Sometimes let them live but they must pay non-Muslim Jizyah tax
>Polytheists are worse than slaves
>Polytheists are dirty
>Polytheists are terrible
>Srsly you guys, Polytheists are like totally not cool
>Don't take non-believers (non-Muslims) as allies, even if they're your father or brothers
>Kill those who stray away from Islam
>Fight in the name of Allah
>Go to fight if you are called to fight in the name of Allah
>If you do not fight in the name of Allah when called to do so, you will be "punished with a painful punishment"
>Allah is Merciful
>Allah is Knowing
>Allah is *Insert Compliment Here*
>It's totally cool to beat your wife if she is arrogant but refuses to stop being arrogant after you advise her and shun her from bed
>After your wife stops being an arrogant bitch then stop beating her
>Allah is Merciful and Knowing and shiz
>Menstruation is dirty and you should avoid your wife during it
>Go and impregnate your wife however you like
>Women are beneath men
>Go fight for Allah
>Don't take Christians and Jews as allies
>Polytheists like seriously totally suck
>Do not commit suicide or kill other believers (Muslims)
>Fight for Allah
>Christians and Jews is bad
>Except in like only ONE passage where Christians are ok but seriously Jews are bad
>Christians are bad
>Fight for Allah
>Beat your wife
>If you don't fight for Allah you will be shamed
>Lather, rinse, repeat

Any questions? I seriously have a buttload of passages written down on pieces of paper I never leave home without. It'd be a pain to actually type them out on here, but I have time. They're from the Sahih International version. There's literally only 2 passages that I found to be alright, but the amount of warmongering in general as well as hatred for other religions, it's staggering.

>> No.9715965


>> No.9715968

fancy toilet paper

>> No.9715971

I wouldn't say that, there is a difference in the nature of claims made in the Bible and the Quran about their own nature.
The Quran is far more strict about how it should be interpreted, at least until you get into the esoteric layers of understanding bullshit that developed during the middle ages

>> No.9715976

truth. I guess I just think that the more 'true' followers of any given religion have already missed the point of every religion's point of strengthening the relationship between every person and their own spirituality. Having other peoples' interpretations influence your own basically keeps you from ever actually getting in touch with your god-side or whatever the fuck you wanna call it

>> No.9715978

Jesus have mercy on us, is this what kids are learning about spirituality these days

>> No.9715982


>> No.9715983
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>I seriously have a buttload of passages written down on pieces of paper I never leave home without.
By any chance, do you have autism?

>> No.9715999
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LOL essentially

>> No.9716028 [DELETED] 


>> No.9716066
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Are you sure you're not talking about the bibble?
Pretty sure thats a proverb.

>> No.9716069

A road trip to Syria.

>> No.9716072
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I was just about to ask...

>> No.9716100


>> No.9716143

So none?

>> No.9716212

A moronic version of the Bible. So apparently Muhammad was an analphabeth that received the words of god from the angle Gabriel. Someone else then had to write down what he could recall from memory. Now, imagine how disconnected and unorganized those writings would be. The Quran is exactly like that.

>> No.9716213

read the quran bruh

>> No.9716219

How to be a faggot 101

>> No.9716222

Ex muslim here
it's a fine book I guess but it gets kinda repetitive at times, I would suggest you to read Spinoza's Ethica instead

>> No.9716223

That's what the gospels are too.

>> No.9716323

pff, i`ve been reading it for a while, pretty nice alegories here and there, some bullshit like a ny other religion book, give it a try, some passages are beautiful, others off course are a fucking shame.

>> No.9716329

but dude, it`s pretty different if a say in plain english: fear god, beat your wife, kill the infidels, or to say the same things with allegories, thats the fucking point of it, not it`s true value (almost none) , it`s the way the phrases were constructed, if you read it like a literature work you can get valur from it, if you see it only as a believer or non believer off course it would be shitty, i`m atheist btw, but also like to critisize literature.

>> No.9716331


>> No.9716339

dude, you are the fucking worst reviewer, he is not asking for a syntaxis, the Quran has more value than the moral groundings. If you judge a lit work for itps moral value then a fuckton of great books are "bad" . You people cant understand for shit whats the point of reading.

>> No.9716473

i wouldn´t suggest read Spinoza`s ethica instead, i mean, spinoza will enrich his/her point of view in moral studies, but, maybe (like in my case) i dind´t read the quran nor the bible for moral guidance, just for it`s value as literature, fiction, call it the way you want.

>> No.9716525


The quran is like the cheap Chinese knockoff of the bible

>> No.9716554

>I seriously have a buttload of passages written down on pieces of paper I never leave home without.

Was it the 'Tism?

>> No.9716632

What do u like about Sufism anon?

>> No.9716778

It's the Godfather 3 of Abrahamic text.

>> No.9716828

You're such a beta. Islam doesn't care about you, and it's not going to change so that it does.You can complain about Islam all you want, but Islam won't care what you think.

>> No.9716850
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I think his point is religious fundamentalism is bad, Islam fundamentalism is worse Judaism and Christian fundamentalisms combined.

>> No.9716876

>Allah is the most merciful and forgiving
>You will burn in hell for eternity if you disbelieve
>seriously, I will burn your skin off with hot water, regenerate your skin and then burn it off again for eternity

>> No.9716979

Expect yourself to make shitty youtube videos and tldr comments on news sites about how you read two phrases and suddenly fell in love with the religion of peace then converted

I swear all western Islam converts are fucked in the head

>> No.9717070


>> No.9717087

I doubt there is many more competent English writers on the subjects of Islam and decline of empires both. Please though, explain how he is a hack.

>> No.9717123

So you're already a muslim then? Haven't you already read the Quran?

>> No.9717145

That's metal af.

>> No.9717151

Okay, okay:

don't gimme that >translations

>> No.9717175

Thats literally what Islam is

>> No.9717189

It's what any uncucked religion is.

>> No.9717195

Some outdated moralisic bull

Pretty much like the Bible

>> No.9717196

Well my copy is around 400 pages.
Are you including the Hadiths?

>> No.9717199
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>> No.9717223

Why so many shitty replies? I thought there be /pol/ and /r9k/ siding wih mohamed

>> No.9717594

it's just basic hermetic gnosticism my guys

>> No.9717815


>> No.9717844

Fight those who do not believe in Allah or in the Last Day and who do not consider unlawful what Allah and His Messenger have made unlawful and who do not adopt the religion of truth from those who were given the Scripture - [fight] until they give the jizyah willingly while they are humbled. (9:29)

Men are in charge of women by [right of] what Allah has given one over the other and what they spend [for maintenance] from their wealth. So righteous women are devoutly obedient, guarding in [the husband's] absence what Allah would have them guard. But those [wives] from whom you fear arrogance - [first] advise them; [then if they persist], forsake them in bed; and [finally], strike them. But if they obey you [once more], seek no means against them. Indeed, Allah is ever Exalted and Grand. (4:34)

[As for] the thief, the male and the female, amputate their hands in recompense for what they committed as a deterrent [punishment] from Allah . And Allah is Exalted in Might and Wise. (5:38)

The only good thing in this book is the charity.
And it's not a great book, this book is not a incredible literary experience.
(Sorry for bad english)

>> No.9717911

Sufism is islamic mysticism...

---> into to the trash it goes

>> No.9717958

Good post actually.

>> No.9717972

>ignoring Ahmadiyya Muslims and Mu'tazili

Sufis are cool anon, but they're an elite group. Ahmadiyya are cool and more accessible.

>> No.9718110

feels = reals

>> No.9718807

Pull your tongue out of Muhammad's asshole - talking about the shittiness of a thing is first step in getting rid of/changing said thing

Also, calling someone beta has so many embarrassing connotations, you'd do well to avoid it

>> No.9718829


>> No.9719158

literaIIy reddit: the book

>> No.9719184

you're in for suicide if it was up to me

>> No.9719208


>> No.9719240

The Quran is the central text of the Religion of Peace. In the Quran you will learn the joys of diversity and respecting the opinions of others, so long as those opinions do not espouse hate. Muhammed PBUH was the founder of feminism, and as such your western imperialistic ideas of oppressing and objectifying women will be thoroughly refuted by Allah's divine prophet.

>> No.9719255

kill yourself

>> No.9719283

Islamophobe detected. Get an education, bigot.

>> No.9719291 [DELETED] 

No you fucking didn't
get killed you lying nigger :D

>> No.9719300

Go back to /pol/, jackass.

>> No.9719324
File: 24 KB, 386x275, 1496056320355.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

shut the fuck up cunt islam has to go

>> No.9719341

dude he's trolling you get a grip

>> No.9719342

Casual racism is not accepted here, fool.

>> No.9719347

>muh pisslam is a race

>> No.9719406

I've entertained your puerile stupidity enough. Begone.

>> No.9719409

What I'd like to see is Islam belonging to the past

>> No.9719426

unless thats in arabic, haram.

>> No.9719754

what interesting ideas?

the only idea in it is there is no god except allah and all other kinds of monotheism/non monotheistic religions are going to hell.

if you think that's interesting then you're pretty lame

>> No.9721319


>> No.9722753


>> No.9723093

The koran is an impressive collection of text that gives great insight to a time we will never experience again(thankfully). That said, it should never be taken as some kind of history lesson and god forbid a moral compass. It won't change shit about anyone's opinions on mudslimes, they are still shitty barbaric sand rats.

>> No.9723241

>is the literal word of god
>you're not allowed to dispute a single verse or else you'll get assassinated (true story)

>> No.9724582

Only Zahiris believe this and they are virtually non-existent. Even Wahhabis do not believe this.

>> No.9724588

Epic reddit meme, my fried xddd

>> No.9726207

Literally there is a Christian governor in jail right now in Indonesia because people edited what he said to make it seem like he criticized a verse.

>> No.9726660

Indonesia? You mean the place where they beheaded 3 Christian high schoolers in 2005, none of which had even reached 18 years of age yet? Allah is ever merciful, thanks to Prophet Muhammad for blessing the world with the religion of peace...

>> No.9726853

what a sad existence

>> No.9726986

the english translations are all shit and have a lot of mistranslations
its (literally) god tier poetry in arabic

>> No.9727584

I deal with a lot of Liberals, and they tout Islam as being a religion of innocence and peace while Christianity is some sort of bane on society that causes all the problems that have ever been problems. Shouldn't be surprised that presenting those passages didn't help at all. Ultimately, I no longer associate myself with them. Just resorted to name-calling and an inevitable escalation of emotions on their part. Quite typical of the left, but facts don't care about feelings, so neither do I. I still keep them with me in case someone tries to say that Islam is a religion of peace. Not going to shove my pieces of paper into their face, but a friendly "actually, you might be surprised... I've got some passages here from the Sahih international version of the Quran if you're interested." Sort of like I'm a missionary, except instead of spreading the teachings of a religion to promote it, I spread the teachings to teach my fellow civilians of western society the truth about Islam.

>> No.9727605
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>its (literally) god tier poetry in arabic
I highly doubt an illiterate sand warlord is to credit for the top achievement in the Arabian lyrical tradition. Couldn't it be that it's only considered beautiful because scholars and poets picked it as the standard?

>> No.9727620

You're doing great work anon. Keep doing what you're doing. You are a friend to the west and thus to the sane and civilized people of the world.

>> No.9728917


>> No.9728943

lots of dry legal shit and bitching about jews who distorted the word of god

>> No.9729210

Thanks. I'm in Canada... and we are in desperate need for the mass-distribution of red pills. I'm trying to do my part. We cannot have Trudeau j.r. as our Prime Minister any longer than we have to. I hope to have a vote of non-confidence like the Libs tried with Harper back in the day. I went ahead and voted for him once again and we had a Conservative Majority Government... good times... I miss Harper...

>> No.9729212

There are parts that are genuinely poetic in an orientalist sort of way, but also a lot of old-testament-but-worse type of stories

Not worth it, honestly

>> No.9729225

>Thats literally what Islam is
Sunni Islam, or more likely ahl al sunna islam
History is written by winner and I can't believe how many faggot can't see through

Look up on the "mutazilite god attribute controversy" those guys literally redefined some verses to be taken metaphorically only because it did contradict the cosmological argument (Aristotle's one)
People who call themselves Ahl-Sunna didn't like it and in the end they won (Al-mutawakil) and from that you got sunnisme

But in no way it was the standard islam

>> No.9729226

Literally a more brutal and ham-fisted version of the old testament

>> No.9729230

The english translation reads like someone had lost their bible and tried to write down bits they remembered.

>> No.9729245

>Are you including the Hadiths?
wew lad

>> No.9729271

Ahmadiyyas are as Muslim as Mormons are Christian. It's ultimate heresy tier. Not that I would care.

>> No.9729801


edgelords in their natural habitat. happy redpilling autists

>> No.9729837

Both are extremely nice groups in my anecdotal interactions with them.

>> No.9729856

I thought it was pretty cool but mostly I liked the bits about Jonah and the other Christian boys I already knew a bit about. A lot of it was really confusing to me. I struggled with the constant convictions about the truth and absoluteness of the words themselves and that sort of thing, I think that is what makes most religious texts offputting to me, but it's not worse than the bible.

>> No.9729979

I take one issue with the screen shot post. The first time that Muslims and Islam were forced to admit their house was not in order was during the Reconquest of Spain, the marked point being in 1212 with the battle of Las Navas de Tolosa and then the Mongol advances against Khwarazmian Empire, which held Bukhara. Bukhara was considered a center of Islamic learning and purity. Eventually the Mongols would reach and sack Baghdad which was a major turning point in Islam alone. All of this happened in a roughly 60 year period.

>> No.9730097

The LDS is pretty much a money making machine, the great salt lake temple visitor center is staffed entirely by hot women from around the globe trying to get you to convert.

>> No.9730123

Taqiya is for when your life is threatened you nigger, the correct usage of that concept doesn't involve whatever subterfuge you are implying it is used for

>but it is still used that way

>> No.9730167

By any chance do you have an email? I have a muslim friend I debate isalm with quite often. She believes its the religion of peace. It would help me a lot to have someone educated on the topic

>> No.9730479

I was talking about regular Mormons in the Midwest. I don't give a fuck about the actual church.

>> No.9730522

Oh bugger, I suppose. Sketchy sharing an email on this site, but you or she can contact me on the same email I provide for readers of my books. jnmorgan7@hotmail.com

The pen name for my books is J N Morgan. I've got 6 self-published, a 7th on the way, and I do intend to include the 'Islamic teachings' in one of them eventually. I will likely end up writing non-fiction in time.

>> No.9730539
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>literally agree with everything

I don't see your point

>> No.9730573

>trilogy of zombie survial genre fiction
>gun fetish book
>knock off Fifty Shades smut
>book solely alcoholism and divorce
>majority of books in the 50-100 page range
Tell me why I should take you seriously again?

>> No.9730610

>trilogy of zombie survival genre fiction\
Fair enough, yes.
>gun fetish book
You could put it that way, and I plan on a sequel.
>knock off Fifty Shades smut
I do write some smut, but I don't think I pander to Fifty Shades, or if I do then I do so unwillingly because I've never read her stuff.
>majority of books in the 50-100 page range
Incorrect. My zombie trilogy are all books over 50,000 words, meaning they're all novels, and in 5x8" format they are all well over 100 pages. my lame erotica is also, to my knowledge, over 100 pages.The book I'm working on now, my 7th book, WILL be a novel, so your assessment that the majority of my bookes are 100 pages or less is incorrect unless you expand the size of my books to a rather large purportion.

Anyhow, I write what interests me, and what interests me happens to interest others. I've made around $3.00 in the last 2 days. Doesn't sound like much, and you can mock me for it, but I am on my way to becoming a full-time author... what can you say of your life, anon? MORE RUM!

>> No.9730805

Alright thanks I'll shoot you an email in maybe like a week

>> No.9730860

>Sahih International
Into the trash it goes

>> No.9732724

Can't believe the bait that people are falling for in this thread!

>> No.9732725

Yes but it's still bad theology

>> No.9732770

alot alot alot of repetition, it's a pretty short book but it could have been alot shorter if they had not repeated everything 5 times

>> No.9732782

Abdullah Yusuf Ali

>> No.9732809

Four good ones are:

Muhammad Abdel Haleem
- Easy to read, translator is a professor of Islamic studies in the University of London

Arthur J. Arberry
- Often praised for capturing the poetic aspect of the original arabic, translator was a scholar of arabic language

Muhammad Asad
- Always highly recommended by laypeople and scholars, translator was a linguist and Islamic scholar

Abdalhaqq Bewly & Aisha Bewley
- A less well known translation but praised by academics. Translators are Sufi scholars, but the translation itself is relatively balanced and unbiased.

That's an official Saudi translation which means it has to conform to their specific theology, I wouldn't recommend it if you're interested in the original meanings of the Quran.

>> No.9732815

Lol, this

>Praise be to Allah, the most benificent the most merciful
>Who is like you Allah, you are so awesome
>Praise be to Allah who made goddamn everything
>Allah is amazing
>Thanks Allah, you're really super super incredible
>Allah, just fuck me now, my butthole is facing Mecca

>> No.9732869

Nah, the gospels are more like a bunch of retold stories organised into narratives. They're a lot more coherent than the Quran.