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/lit/ - Literature

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9708668 No.9708668 [Reply] [Original]

Give me your essential 4

>> No.9708679
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>> No.9708709

>Introduction to Objectivist Epistemology
>The Philosopher and the Wolf
>Brave New World

>> No.9708835


>> No.9708870

Nice memes, faggot.

>> No.9708878

Cuck or kike?

>> No.9708881

Divine Comedy
Anatomy of Melancholy

>> No.9708916

Doubt you actually read all ofm

>> No.9708922
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>> No.9708927

i've read Ulysses and Divine Comedy. I'll get through them all, no worries. If it's just books I've read, Ovid exchanged with Turgenev's Sketches, and Burton switched out with The Recognitions. I just go with the "stuck on an island with four books", it would be silly if it were only books i had already read.

>> No.9708930

Slaughter House 5
The Stranger
Animal Farm
Lord of the Flies

>> No.9708936

So both?

>> No.9708947

Hölderlin - Hyperion
Alemàn - Guzman de Alfarache
Manzoni - The Betrothed
Chuang Tzu

>> No.9708955

My top 4 is a secret. That's just my style.

>> No.9708957


>> No.9708960

Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas
Human Action
The Book of the Five Rings
Good Omens

>> No.9708966

Infinite Jest
Gravity's Rainbow

>> No.9708970

I have a hardcover of Ovids Metamorph I have no excuse not reading it I guess I'm just daunted definitely on the top of my reading list

>> No.9708977

Invisible Man
Slaughterhouse Five
Things Fall Apart

>> No.9708979
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>> No.9708985

Complete Plato
Complete Shakespeare
Anna Karenina but In Search of Lost Time might take its place


>> No.9708988

Did u really read all those books bro

>> No.9709051

yes. Some twice, three times. I'm currently reading ISoLT though, as I implied.

>> No.9709053

Brothers Karamazov, Anna Karenina, Dubliners, and The Sun Also Rises

>> No.9709058

>Beckett's Complete Drama
>Shakespeare's Complete Works
>Ernesto Sabato's Abaddón el exterminador
>The Epic of Gilgamesh

>> No.9709065

Douglass is great, I wrote two essays on him for uni

>> No.9709068

What's this supposed to mean

>> No.9709135

That you read all that and still visit 4chan makes me feel, in order of what ide like to believe,

A) Ur lying
B) u skimmed through them
C) being a scholar hardly changes things
D) 4chan is actually an amazing place to spend ur time

>> No.9709145

>100 Years of Solitude
>The Bible
>Brother Karamazov
>Blood Meridian

>> No.9709152

He belongs up there with the greatest of all time. That he is so ignored in the American canon make me feel very suspicious

>> No.9709161

Metamorphoses doesn't seem like it'll be difficult. Older stuff rarely is difficult aside from certain cultural allusions that are archaic, but the language is usually not too hard to sift through. I usually just procrastinate reading stuff i know i'll like, and read things that i just want to read for reference or cultural relevance. i end up being unhappy with reading and have to force myself, only to go through the cycle of realizing that i need to read the stuff i like.

for example, i sat down with GR, fell immediately in love and just as quickly stopped reading because it felt like one of those books i will regret not being able to read for the first time. it's strange. i've decided i'm going to die soon or go blind, so i said fuck it and am just going to read all the treasures i've collected and if i have any time left, i'll spend it jerking off and shooting up pure smack.

>> No.9709173

The Iliad, The Idiot, The Brothers Karamazov, War and Peace

>> No.9709174


Gospel of John
Don Quixote
Brothers Karamazov

>> No.9709177

Suspicious that the nation that bends over backwards to accommodate blacks and make them feel important despite their penchant for violence and dysfunction is secretly repressing their cultural perspective?

I advise you off yourself, you virtue signaling cuck. Douglass is required reading in many places.

>> No.9709186

I know what you mean about procrastinating on things you know you'll like. Like I know diving in I won't come out so I'm waiting to have time to deliver to it I dunno just one of the essential to read

>> No.9709198
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Easy there
He's obviously not suppressed but when you think of "americas greatest authors" Douglass isn't even close to being mentioned. That's all I meant. So why don't you buy a tampon and bleed somewhere else

>> No.9709217

>Suspicious that the nation that bends over backwards to accommodate blacks


>> No.9709220


The Odyssey
King Lear
Don Quixote

>> No.9709226

>post unironically uses cuck
Into the trash

>> No.9709241

I average 5 hours a day reading, and it's been like that for 2 years now. I am a full time student (finance and English) at a not-so-outstanding but inexpensive state university and so I have a lot of free time. To get to where I was today, near the beginning, I sort of faked it till I made it for the first couple serious forays into literature. I would read something I could easily digest like Steinbeck or Heller, and then tough it out through a Greek tragedian. Eventually I started to comprehend and re-read and voila-- 58 books read this year including plays and philosophical pieces.

4chan is not a great place to spend time but it did help kickstart a love for literature. I spend probably an hour on it a day, rarely ever posting, opening it up on my phone occasionally or on a desktop if I'm reading at the library or at home.

>> No.9709255
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>> No.9709262
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to be honest I feel a bit bad not putting in the bible but anyways.

>middleway through moby dick (reading group), thoroughly enjoying it
>currently re-reading the divine comedy
>have to re-read the iliad sometime soon
>have to re-read ulysses sometime soon.

probably after finishing re-reading the divine comedy I will read some book from my list, will re-read portrait of the artist, will read another book, and finally will re-read Ulysses. honestly excited to re-read it, I wanted to 2 days after finishing it...

>> No.9709295
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>the complete works

I'm getting the impression that these works aren't as daunting as they seem?

For example, I've wanted to digest Shakespeare's work forever. I usually get thru the first act of the tempest and then waiver off

What's the key to consistency
I want that key

Dream list would be

Complete works of

Man that would be awesome

>> No.9709318

this sounds kinda dumb but the more shakespeare you read, the easier (and better) it gets IMO. I had to read a couple of his plays in high school and didn't like them much, but a few years later re-read hamlet and read king lear and they blew me away. now have read a lot more and the bard is one of my favorites. if you don't like what you're reading I'd suggest switching up the play

>> No.9709338

I agree with you. I have read midsummer, macbeth, richard iii. But that's over a long period of time you know. The idea of reading his complete works/

I guess I'm wondering how long it took you all

To run through the complete works of author x

>> No.9709341

How long did it take u to read through Shakespeare's complete works?

>> No.9709402

Complete Malazan
Thus Spoke Zarathustra
Complete Shakespeare
Complete Fiction of Lovecraft

>> No.9709451

I luv u
>Brothers K
>Collected Eliot

>> No.9709548

Great, now I don't feel so bad about listing mine.


I've read half of Shakespeare's work several times over and I'm fairly confident the rest are just as good if not better. If I had to pick and choose the others, I'd say Tiers Livre, Don Quixote, and Moby Dick.

>> No.9709661
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>> No.9709683

For Shakespeare I had spurts of 5 plays in 5 days and then I would take a break. All in all a couple months. Plato was longer because I got burnt out after (I think Timeaus).


Idk my secret, but my first 20 years of my life were wasted on video games and partying so that's motivation for me to catch up. I no longer play video games, and even now most movies are EH. I meditate and exercise.

>> No.9709694

Snow Country

>> No.9709712

I'm honestly surprised by the depth of learning and range of wit Rabelais shows in his works. I went in thinking it was all going to be giants drinking and pissing and farting, like people think Moby Dick is just about whaling or that Don Quixote is just about a crazy dude running into windmills. These books are so much more than that. They're about life, about humanity, about the nobility of the human soul and the heights it can achieve.

>> No.9710089


hmm hope I fit in despite not being a pretentious cunt

>Treasure Island
>A Christmas Carol
>Red Harvest
>A Coffin for Dimitrios (maybe)

the other 3 are rock solid but the 4th is iffy, might have to really think about it

>> No.9710092

oh shit people are putting the Bible, I was just thinking novels. I'm changing my 4th to the Bible

>> No.9710099


>hmm hope I fit in despite not being a pretentious cunt

You're too dumb to see that your complex over not being seen as pretentious has now shifted over into a form of pretense as well.

gud 1 dum cunt

>> No.9710108

Journey to the End of the Night
Portrait of the Artist
To the Lighthouse

>> No.9710120

>gud 1 dum cunt


>> No.9710126
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I am the OP now.

>> No.9710235

Ur a faggot

>> No.9710244


wow rude

>> No.9710260

I bet you didn't read ulysshit. Most pretentious fags who post on this board about it, didn't read it.

>> No.9710462
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in fact, I have read it, my friend. believe it or not.

and it is the greatest book I have ever read, specially Penelope. the feeling of finishing the book, the mind of Molly, the lewdness...I finished it with a boner. only book that made me laugh out loud too, several times.

but hey, whatever you say, as "no one in this board read anything", and if "I can't enjoy it, noone can"

I am >>9709262

I have only gone through the "complete works" of homer, which was like 10 days for iliad and 5~ for the odissey, but I didn't read them one after the other, I took a "break". For joyce, I still have to read chamber music and finnegans wake. but to get through dubliners, portrait and ulysses was like 10 days for the first two, and about a month for the latter

>I want that key
the key to really digest and get out of the books as much as you can, I can only suggest you that you read it first time cover to cover, and after a while, re-read them, taking notes if possible. you get a lot more from the second time you are reading a book, seriously, I can tell you that re-reading the divine comedy right now.

>> No.9710466

Holderlin is a pretty good poet

>> No.9710468

fuck, meant to reply to >>9709295 as well

>> No.9710545


I know this sounds pseud af but I just love ancient poetry, will read the Iliad for the 3rd time soon

>> No.9710598

>Chuang Tzu
You can't be serious

>> No.9710611

Gravity's Rainbow
The Brothers Karamazov
At Swim-Two-Birds

>> No.9710614


>> No.9710617

>reading good books makes you a pretentious cunt
what the actual fuck

>> No.9710625

Ever read the tragedians

>> No.9710640

More than serious. The best the east has to offer honestly.

>> No.9710660

>implying it's not Mozi

>> No.9710705

see >>9710260

apparently some people can't stand the fact that there are some in this board that actually read good books

>> No.9710712

1984 is no longer relevant since fascism basically died with World War II and postmodernism.
Brave New World is much more "essential". Though I guess for ordinary conversations 1984 is much more reference-able

>> No.9710722

It's not

>> No.9710739

that movie packs a punch with its ending and i don't really care for that faux-indie YA fiction-esque cancer girl shit usually.

>> No.9710740

Okay, but in my opinion, you're wrong.

>> No.9710744

In my opinion, go fuck yourself

>> No.9710753
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>angry coz can't into Mozi
Okay pal.

>> No.9710852

That wasn't me btw

>> No.9710881
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>I can only suggest you that you read it first time cover to cover

I really should do this. I have been reading Ulysses trying not to let anything go under my nose, trying to pick up on all puns, references, allusions and I'm still just 5 pages in when they leave the tower for a bath. (And holy fuck this guy really did it) but dam I'm never gonna finish like this. So I see how getting the skeleton down first and then coming back to it would be a better way of finishing it. Have u reread Ulysses?

>> No.9710886


Where to start with Holderin?

>> No.9710890

Homer and Ovid?
Essential 2

Dam that's essential

>> No.9710962

- Mishima / Confessions of a Mask
- Homer / Odissey
- Sophocles / Antigone
- H. Thompson / Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas

>> No.9710965


>> No.9710975
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>hates memes
>posts a meme
aah the duality of man

>> No.9710986
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>duality of man

>> No.9710988


No, douglass is not that good. He wouldn't be known if he wasn't a black slave. His story is remarkable and he was definitely smart but to say he was one of the best ever would be a huge overstatement

And yes ive read his slave narrative. It's well written but not amazing

>> No.9711000

Crime and Punishment
The Brothers Karamazov
Moby Dick
Don Quixote

>> No.9711002

"My core" would be
the intelligent investor
figure drawing by Michael Hampton
the complete fiction hp.lovecraft
beyond good and evil

But I'm just your average lit poster not the lit poster many people pretend to be

>> No.9711049
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Songs of Innocence and of Experience
Moby Dick
Don Quixote

>> No.9711050

I'm not gonna write out why I think your totally fucking wrong, but you are.

Just gonna leave this here:

>> No.9711062

Security Analysis is better

>> No.9711105


>The silver trump of freedom had roused my soul to eternal wakefulness. Freedom now appeared, to disappear no more forever. It was heard in every sound, and seen in every thing. It was ever present to torment me with a sense of my wretched condition. I saw nothing without seeing it, I heard nothing without hearing it, and felt nothing without feeling it. It looked from every star, it smiled in every calm, breathed in every wind, and moved in every storm.

>The man who is right is a majority. We, who have God and conscience on our side, have a majority against the universe.

Freddy just wiped out the entire American cannon imho

>> No.9711118

He just rehashed Sartre desu

>> No.9711156

10/10 bait

>> No.9711195

Douglass 1818-1895
Crooked eyed 1905-1980

And that u knew the cuck attempted to talk muh freedom suggests u might be half srs and fully retarded

>> No.9711197

Start with the greeks

Not even kidding

>> No.9711207

A lot of people would disagree, but mind would be:
>Gravity's Rainbow
>The Sot-Weed Factor
>Women and Men
>Light in August
Those are the 4 that hit me the hardest and changed the way I read the most.

>> No.9711211

>hit me the hardest and changed the way I read

That's all that matters desu

>> No.9711218

I agree, which is why I try not to let the /lit/ charts or top lists change my decisions in any way.

>> No.9711221

>moby dick
>the catcher in the rye
>and their eyes were watching god
>leaves of grass
my life goes to shit on the regular. these books are my inspo to pick up the pieces.

>> No.9711577

>>and their eyes were watching god

I never dun herd dis an now I'm een luff

>> No.9711601
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>> No.9712304

>not to let anything go under my nose, trying to pick up on all puns, references

yes, thats exactly what mean. first time just read no-stop, just try and enjoy the ride. if you keep going like this, you will not enjoy it and will probably drop it before page 100. then the next times you read it, you do it with more attention to details, taking notes and looking things up. reading a first time more "relaxed" will also help a lot the next time you read because you will know where is each part, what is to come, etc. no, i have not reread ulysses yet, but I have read other works and know this to be true. I plan on rereading it soon though. happy reading anon, hope you enjoy it, its a magnificent experience

>> No.9712525

The Painter

>> No.9712546
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Live long and prosper

>> No.9712571

I have read Ulysses twice this way and I know it to be true also. Even if you barely pick up on anything, the next time through you will start to get it. I also suggest reading Ulysses annotated side by side for as long as you can stomach. Seeing the illusions for what they are will really help you understand what Joyce was trying to do.

Also, read a couple other difficult works in between the first and second reading because you always wanna challenge yourself.

>> No.9712615


>> No.9712651

Hey man I think you're cool and thanks for posting that. I loved Douglass's narrative, too. Currently reading Epictetus right now and it's pretty wild thinking how many incredible people escaped slavery and used their freedom to help others. I think I saw a quotation from Toni Morrison today that read "The meaning of freedom is freeing other people" or something. Pretty powerful stuff.

>> No.9712661

I have the annotated tome but the constant to and fro from cover to cover gets irritatingly mechanical. I love undeetsatinding tho. Don't get me wrong, I love it. I don't think I would have had such pleasure reading Lolita without the annotated version. But there is a part in the beginning of Ulysses when I Stephen dives in (snot green sea, wave white wedded words, fergus rules the brazen cars, his mothers belongings) and I felt it pick up all of a sudden and I knew I couldn't stop, I had to read that whole part without stopping, and though there were allusions and references it was beyond that and I loved it and at the same time knew that I couldn't go on reading it like that.

I am resolved to jog through it, get the skeleton down, then begin to add the guts

>> No.9712735

godspeed. the first time I read it at many times I was a bit stunned. Even without understanding things completely, I had good out-loud laughs, and I barely even knew why. 1 expression, 1 way he used the word, a simple minimal detail could trigger a good laugh. joyce is the man. also I have to order finnegans wake. have any of you read it?

>> No.9712993

I had Joseph Campbells key to Finnegans Wake- the fact that an introduction to a novel can hold more sauce than most novels is enough praise for FW

I opened it before, read the first few lines, smiled and returned it. I dunno what to make of that collection of pages. Is it a book? I'm like high level cryptologist but entry level scholar so I might have to go through the canon before I give the wake a shot

>> No.9713009
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>> No.9713345

Where do I begin with him
I read The Obstacle is the Way which might as well have been coauthored by him. It's interesting think how much of an impact he had on Christian thought in general

>> No.9714530

Moby dick
Don Quixote
Anna Karenina
The Iliad

These are my favorites out of what I've actually read.

>> No.9714540

Discourses. Then keep Enchiridion around for quick practical advice.

>> No.9714554

Brothers Karamazov
To the Lighthouse
The Sound and the Fury

>> No.9714587

>fascism basically died
We're living in it. The Germans lost, Fascism won.

>> No.9714634

>Blood Meridian (McCarthy)
>As I lay dying (Faulkner)
>Rituals (Nooteboom)
>Steps (Kosinski)

>> No.9714643

>The Rad Shoes
>Anatomy of A Burger

Don't get

>> No.9714660

human all too human
in search of lost time
pornography (Gombrowicz)

>> No.9714676

>hating on based Frederick Douglass

>> No.9714699

>We're living in it.
Who's "we"? The only fascist government I can think of right now is Erdogan's Turkey

>> No.9715093

The red shoes
Anatomy of a murder>>9714660

>> No.9715402

Thanks buddy

>> No.9716458

love that movie

>> No.9716477

That's inspiring, man. Thanks

>> No.9716767

Divine Comedy
Le Morte Darthur
History of the Peloponnesian War
The World as Will and Representation

>> No.9716805


>> No.9717320

nice choices
From what I've read through:
Moby Dick
War and Peace
Swann's Way
Anna Karenina

>> No.9717425
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I choose five of your diaries my friends

>> No.9717441


>> No.9717445

Damn that cat looks weak. I could sweep kick it no problem and it'd tumble over like a stack of bricks.

>> No.9717464
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say that to me irl and see what happens

>> No.9717592

Don Quixote
The Trial
Beckett's Trilogy

>> No.9718260

Thanks. I need to get to war and peace soon. Considering how much ive enjoyed tolstoy i would guess it would be a new favorite.

>> No.9718794

I don't understand why TSAR is held to such high regard especially compared to some of Hemingway's other work.

>> No.9719731

I'd also recommend his short stories. I almost replaced Anna Karenina with The Devil.

>> No.9719798

Essential 4?
The Bible
Complete Works of Shakespeare
The Republic

My favourite 4?
Heart of Darkness
Animal Farm
Brave New World

>> No.9719809

The Catcher in the Rye
The Sun Also Rises
Gone With The Wind
Diary of an Oxygen Thief

>> No.9719830

Those lists are suspiciously "correct"

>> No.9719980
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Labyrinths - Jorge Luis Borges
The Three Stigmata of Palmer Eldritch - Philip K Dick
The Book of the New Sun - Gene Wolfe
Feynman's Lectures on Physics - Richard Feynman

>> No.9719990

Way to ruin your list

>> No.9719992


>The Republic

>> No.9720918

On reflection, I probably should have said the Marx-Engels Reader rather than Capital. But Marxism is a fundamental school of thought in almost every social science discipline and perhaps the most important ideology behind 20th century history. So yeah, I say that it is essential.

>> No.9721471

Mine would maybe be

>Journey to the end of night - Celine
>My Struggle - Knausgård
>Dr Faustus - Mann
>Man without qualities - Musil

Then again, I have read nearly no Northern American literature, just some classics like Melville, Twain, Faulkner etc

>> No.9722467


>> No.9723367


>> No.9723621
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Top 4 films

>> No.9724276

I read ivan first which was amazing. I will finish all of his work eventually

>> No.9724356

Books that have impacted me the most so far:

The Sun Also Rises
Catch 22
The Bible (Ecclesiastes in particular)