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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 916 KB, 1024x683, jordan peterson.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
9703809 No.9703809 [Reply] [Original]


>> No.9703827

whoa...he revealed his full power level!

>> No.9703843

Reminds me that I need to fucking exercise already. What's the best way to get enough exercise in the least amount of time?

>> No.9703879

>/lit/ is for the discussion of literature, specifically books (fiction & non-fiction), short stories, poetry, creative writing, etc. If you want to discuss history, religion, or the humanities, go to /his/. If you want to discuss politics, go to /pol/. Philosophical discussion can go on either /lit/ or /his/, but ideally those discussions of philosophy that take place on /lit/ should be based around specific philosophical works to which posters can refer.

>> No.9703884

>You start to get stupider (wrt IQ) by 22.
fuck my train has passed

>> No.9703886
File: 8 KB, 246x232, 1366595577153s.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This isn't true right?

>> No.9703887

He's wrong

>> No.9703888

I hope to fucking God it aint right.

>> No.9703891

>he thinks youtube videos are books
i'm sure your mother thinks you're very smart, junebug.

>> No.9703899

But anon...

What is THIS?!


>> No.9703900

What's this book about anyways

is i self-help like his video lectures?

>> No.9703904

Brain peaks till 21, starts deteriorating afterwards.


It fucking is right.

I'm 23. Goodnight, sweet princes.

>> No.9703907

>Why have people from different cultures and eras formulated myths and stories with similar structures? What does this similarity tell us about the mind, morality, and structure of the world itself? Jordan Peterson offers a provocative new hypothesis that explores the connection between what modern neuropsychology tells us about the brain and what rituals, myths, and religious stories have long narrated. A cutting-edge work that brings together neuropsychology, cognitive science, and Freudian and Jungian approaches to mythology and narrative, Maps of Meaning presents a rich theory that makes the wisdom and meaning of myth accessible to the critical modern mind.

>> No.9703910

rest in peace

i never had a chance re-educating myself then

>> No.9703911


in the last 20 min that you browsed stuff you could have ran 5 km

It's simple, natural, doesn't take much time and you feel good after it

>> No.9703912


>> No.9703914

a book by a Jungian who wishes Freud could be right.

>> No.9703915

>I had it measured at one point.

>> No.9703924

>tfw broke the curve so badly when tested JP is jelly
I mean, I don't place much value on it, but the people who feel the need to make their youtube videos about their lower scores just in case the test is private like the rest of them really make me laugh. It says a lot more about personality and character to do that than it does about your IQ.
He surely knows his IQ drops every year since the test, and will drop more for every re-test.

>> No.9703926

I exercise but I'm still stupid as shit.

>> No.9703930

Exercise maintains IQ. It doesn't improve it.

>> No.9703931

see? case in point

>> No.9703933

oh wow, you mean he can assemble a cardboard box slightly faster than a normie? wow.

>> No.9704409

>he isn't smart enough to guess his IQ

>> No.9704432

Last two digits are your IQ.

>> No.9704436

last 4 are mine

>> No.9704443

>Brain peaks till 21, starts deteriorating afterwards.
prefrontal cortex is only fully formed at 25

people under 25 are literally brainlets

after 25 it's downhill though

>> No.9704446 [DELETED] 
File: 32 KB, 474x304, dude lets have 12 kids lmao.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>IQ d-d-doesn't matter!
shut up and eat your mud cookies, jamal

>> No.9704459
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>> No.9704467

le brainlet

>> No.9704482

this isn't a very common thing to happen m8

>> No.9704489

>above 150
wew lad

>> No.9704491

After months and months of shilling on /lit, I decided to watch some of Peterson's lectures.

Is it supposed to be a joke?
He basically says common sense stuff you would get from reading old latin adages. This guy's a fucking hack.

>> No.9704507

reminder that multiple intelligences is a liberal mystification and so on

>> No.9704515

he basically spouts right wing talking points, makes millions doing so, and calls himself a centrist

>> No.9704516
File: 137 KB, 640x461, 1490496289260.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>jordan peterson talks about his IQ
>it's on the 150 level
>b-but i'm not good at quantitative intelligence
>i-it's n-not that i'm dumb
>it's just t-that there a-are different types of intelligence


>> No.9704521

crystalline and dynamic intelligence are different things.

>> No.9704530 [DELETED] 
File: 139 KB, 261x306, nigger.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's extremely common when the white man's tax dollars aren't raining down.

>> No.9704570

Dude's been preaching a self-fulfilling prophecy for years. He's just that bad.

>> No.9704581

Like most academics, what he has down more than anything is the ability to remember tons.

I don't doubt I could beat him in a maths test. Any sort of debate, well, he'd probably annihilate me.

>> No.9704590

He may be good as a psychologist but in literary and philosophical terms it's pretty embarrassing

>> No.9704592

25 is the current consensus, but their is still a lot of debate and hope that we can stave off the downward trend. We're still living in the you can't grow new brain cells meme even though this has been proven false in people who exercise and have a healthy diet.

>> No.9704593


>> No.9704602

last one is mine

>> No.9704639

Remember boys it in his best interest to casually reveal his very high iQ.

>> No.9704642
File: 18 KB, 89x91, SORT.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

he was asked in the QnA

sort your resentment out

>> No.9704648

haha shit I literally got the same percentiles on my GRE so I feel a little better about myself. Peterson is a smart cookie.

>> No.9704662

I'll see you at the next spiral, space cowboy ;)

>> No.9704669

>has high IQ
>doesn't know how to read
He whined on and on about that Canadian bill, C-16, and complained that you would get fined or jailed for misgendering or wrong pronoun use. But there isn't a single sentence in that entire bill that even implies that. If he actually read it he would know that.

>> No.9704678

still hate speech though

>> No.9704682

Anon, I.. you're the brainlet in this instance.

>> No.9704686

No, it isn't. The only thing in that bill that says anything about hate speech is "hate propaganda", which has a very specific definition in Canadian law. There is nothing about misgendering in the bill. C-16 is just a modification on the human rights bill to add gender identity. So if you're trans, you can't be discriminated against for employment, for example.

Okay, then name the sentence that says that. Do it, dipshit. You can't.

>> No.9704695

It is true. Exercise increases blood flow and flushes toxins from your brain.

>mfw manlets are brainlets and exercising at the library does nothing.

>> No.9704697

isn't it hate propaganda to make a youtube channel with videos dedicated to stopped people from using gender pronouns because it's "marxist/post modernist thought control"?

>> No.9704701

>peterson didn't read bill c-16
you're a real retard


>> No.9704717

This is just a video of him reading out a letter sent to him. Hilariously, people also thought he was getting fired over that when he never was.

Why don't you just read that damn text yourself? You're on /lit/, a board supposedly dedicated to reading. It's literally less than a page long.


There isn't a single mention of misgendering or pronoun use in that bill. There is nothing defining misgendering or pronoun use as hate speech either. Peterson was bullshitting.

>> No.9704720

Isn't this guy supposed to be a babbling idiot?

>> No.9704723

watch more than a cumulative 30 seconds of the video, he addresses all of your retarded points

>> No.9704733

>This enactment amends theCanadian Human Rights Actto add gender identity and gender expression to the list of prohibited grounds of discrimination.
What is misgendering someone?

>> No.9704738

I had really hoped those IQ clickbait ads at the bottom of this site were just signs of the impending internet advertising bubble, but I'll be damned.

>> No.9704793

No, he doesn't, Peterson shill. He reads a letter, challenges the people who sent him the letter to a debate, and then plays footage of the Good, the Bad, and the Ugly

Discrimination would be refused from being hired in a government position because you're trans. There is nothing in the bill defining misgendering as discrimination. This is merely you and Peterson hypothesizing that it could possibly, maybe, be interpreted that way without any solid evidence. The notion that the Human Rights Commission would undergo an entire investigation simply because someone called you a boy when you feel like you're a girl is laughable. The government won't magically kick your door down and drag you to court simply because you said "he" instead of "she" once.

>> No.9704798

That's way too vague to claim it's banning misgendering people

>> No.9704970


the amount of ignorance in this pot really reveals the amount of people that don't read a shit and just fall for lit memes

>> No.9705019

The Canadian Government has already used it as reason to shut down spa's that have "Women's only" services that do not allow pre-op trasgenders to take part. Specifically, they shut down a spa (Or a gym? Doesn't matter) that had "Women's only day" and did not include crossdressing men under "women". So while it's not quite at "misgendering" it's a legitimate fear.

>> No.9705173

99 get

>> No.9705244

I'm gonna call bullshit on this, especially given that the bill was just passed

>> No.9705299


>people ask me about my IQ
>it's only aboot 150
>great now everyone is going to think I'm dumb
>there goes all my credibility, sorry guys

Does he not realize the average IQ in the west is barely pushing 100 now, if that?

Do you not realize that the average unironic /lit/ shitposter's IQ is about 90 at best?

Delete thread.

>> No.9705309

>this leaf wants to be our new cliff
jesus the girl who didn't read at all would be better.

>> No.9705328

Nobody cares. It's just shitposters and idiots.

>> No.9705356

Fresh off the reddit boat, are you?

>> No.9705362

>i am smarter than everyone around me

>> No.9705481


>> No.9705563

Get over yourself. Dwindling down all his work to "self help" is insipid.

>> No.9705582

That's not true whatsoever. Maybe an enthusiasm for test taking and learning new things decreases but, at 25, I'm definitely smarter than the 17-18 year old me even though that age is when I built my intellectual foundation. A part of it is the idea that the world is so new, it causes you to seek knowledge. I'm sure neuroplasticity decreases when that's no longer the case, but it's been proven that neuoplasticity (and I'm also postulating intelligence, and an ability to learn new things) can be regenerated.

The map is not the territory. Correlation is not causation. As long as you're alive you can push yourself in whatever direction you want.

We know pretty much nothing for sure in science.

>> No.9705630

Rollin for wrinkles

>> No.9705648

What the fuck are these videos? Is he entertaining alt right trolls on a youtube live stream from the comfort of a dark hallway in his house?

>> No.9705676


>> No.9705681


>> No.9705729


>After University of Toronto psychology professor Jordan Peterson complained about what he called, "political correctness," having to use gender-neutral pronouns in class, and Bill C-16, students and professors alike spoke out. U of T students staged a "teach-in and rally" in order to "fight transphobia, intersexism, and nonbinary erasure in post-secondary education" and over 250 faculty members signed a letter associating Peterson's comments with "hate speech." Just last week administrators ordered Peterson to "stop making statements that could be considered discriminatory under provincial human rights legislation."

Even criticizing the bill is potentially illegal. This fucking country, I swear.

>> No.9705738

>last two
Probably correct.

>> No.9705748

You know 150+ is genius level, right?

>> No.9705758

Did Hitler have 150+ verbal intelligence?


>> No.9705770

I don't know, but Hitler almost certainly would have been in the 99th percentile in terms of intelligence regardless of how you feel about the man personally. So would Heydrich, Goebbels, Lenin, Stalin, as well as every major dictator and political or religious demagogue.

>> No.9705778
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>> No.9706090

What about swimming? Always thought it was better than running.

>> No.9706115

Thrice a week lifting, beginners routine. It will not take more than 45 minutes to an hour at least in the first six months. Do Starting Strength of StrongLifts 5x5. Godspeed.

>> No.9706134

They tested the Nuremberg Nazis. It's actually a hilarious story because Goering found out Schacht tested higher than he did, and demanded to take the test again. (They didn't let him). Only about half of them scored in the 99th, and iirc Goering though Goebbels was a retard long before that. Hitler wasn't the smartest of the bunch, but he was more affable than most. However, even then, it's unlikely he would be 150 in verbal, since even those that were highly tested amongst the rest, 143 was the highest score (Schacht's score)
Stalin banned IQ as bourgeois mind poison so it's highly unlikely he would score anywhere on the scale.

>> No.9706143

*thought Goebbels

>> No.9706386
File: 574 KB, 600x855, pasanen2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why is everybody so jealous of this guy here? Leftists here are either complaining about his wealth or now his IQ

>> No.9706534

>Why is everybody so jealous of this guy here?
I'll admit. He is smart and succesful.
What bothers me is that he can be so non-scientific in a scientific field.

>> No.9706552

How so?

>> No.9706572

Can you please stop shitposting about this man? You're ruining a great thinker for everyone.

>> No.9706586

>brain peaks at 25
>almost 100% of great literature was written by people older than that
>some by people in the late stages of life
Really sorts my self out

>> No.9706589

He does actually divide into science and non-science and doesn't let non-science slip into his papers at least
I am bothered by it because he is an authority and some people swallow the stuff he says without thinking about it or looking at other sources

And I am /sci/ minded so I read with the purpose of understanding things and so it bothers me that I put a lot of effort into it while certain intellectuals like Peterson don't

And I know I am not your typical /lit/, I am more like a /his/ and /sci/ person, but this board is usually more refreshing

>> No.9706594

he's a retard https://twitter.com/jordanbpeterson/status/405200126236311554

>> No.9706595

>I am /sci/ minded

No you're not. Let's be real here.

>> No.9706599

You're going to have to be more specific.

>> No.9706605

>I can dismiss a thinker wholesale because of some stupid tweet they made 4 years ago

This is what /lit/ has become.

>> No.9706607

why is he wrong?

>> No.9706614

yes it is
but that's not really an option for most people
and it takes more than 20 min

>> No.9706643

>No you're not. Let's be real here.
Not entirely, no. But you are assuming based on limited information. I seek for information with scientific backing, that's what I mean.
I don't want to argue about this since we are on /lit/. But namely it is Jung. Psychology has moved beyond that.
There is more of that kind, such as the interpretations of movies and talk of chaos, dragon etc.

Maybe it is unfair to single him out for it, but I do it because of him being a scientist.

>> No.9706662

Psychology hasn't "moved beyond that". Experimental psych and psychoanalysis run parallel to each other.

If you read Maps of Meaning, you can see how he goes through multiple levels of analysis tracing how his ideas appear at each level. It's very biologically oriented.

>> No.9706666

why would /lit/ be jelly of JP? most of /lit/ is european which is what leafs wish they were. if anyone's jelly it's probably JP

>> No.9706669

>believes things are true because it's pragmatic that they'd be true
how lenient of you

>> No.9706683

You're probably just trolling, but that is what many philosophers effectively think.

>> No.9706687

Just fucking do it.

>> No.9706694

i am not trolling, moreover i double dare you to demonstrate to me right now that this position isn't the indefensible garbage that i think it is. if there is no principle by which things are true, if there is no process to reach knowledge, then you're just being self indulgent with yourself.

>> No.9706704

What utter shatovism

>> No.9706715

I'm not going to defend it because I don't necessarily believe in it, but there is a whole tradition of philosophy based around this idea (in varying strengths) with heavy-weight philosophers behind it. It's not light-weight philosophy.


>> No.9706734

if you can't defend it then shut the fuck up
why are you emotionally defending it if you can't actually intellectually defend it
are you a fanboy
do you have this little self respect that you would sit here and tell me that i'm not being polite enough to this philosophy you don't even understand because so called heavy weighters take it seriously
do you have any mind of your own

it would be pragmatic for jon to believe that the sky rises in the east and sets in the west therefore the sky rises in the east and sets in the west
it would be pragmatic for dan to believe that they sky rises in the west and sets in the east
therefore the sky rises in the west and sets in the east
i have used pragmatism to reach two mutually exclusive conclusions

>> No.9706739

Peterson's certainly no Carnap nor Quine. I'd put him with Dewey alright, in that his most famous system's been replaced.

>> No.9706742
File: 19 KB, 520x414, Christopher_Langan.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>implying people with high IQ cannot be retarded

>> No.9706749

Boyee /lit/ sure does have a boner for IQ

>> No.9706753

its only the most consistent factor in the outcome of your life on average.

>> No.9706758

And trait conscientiousness

>> No.9706759

ability to delay immediate gratification is the strongest indicator of future success

>> No.9706762

this is associated with high g

>> No.9706766

And maybe conscientiousness

>> No.9706790
File: 325 KB, 255x174, HELP.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>why would /lit/ be jelly of JP?

He's a successful rich smart tall white guy with a happy family. He's literally got it all.

Also I sure am jelly of those numbers.

>> No.9706879

>wanting to be normie
/lit/ doesn't want that shit. It'd make for a terrible novel. Where's the gay drug fueled orgies interspersed with over paid whores serving ever stronger wine for games and philosophical deconstruction? Has this man not read the Greeks?

>> No.9706887


>> No.9706903

Do other people think he sounds like Kermit too?

>> No.9706916

Sour grapes. You can't be a successful productive person with a happy family so you give up and become a degenerate.

>> No.9706924

>high g
High G note?
High levels of acceleration?

>> No.9706955

t. idiot who doesn't know that on every board shitposters are the most informed and old frequenters of said boards

>> No.9706961
File: 337 KB, 400x327, comfy mujahadeen.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

these things always give me mad goosebumps

>> No.9706967

Whoa, you are on dangerous waters there chum!


>> No.9706973

I'm so fucking smart. :^D

>> No.9706992
File: 65 KB, 300x250, 1498204930634.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Und Niemals erlahmen; und Niemals ermüden; und Niemals verzagen; und Niemals verzweifeln.

>> No.9707011

Top kek.

>> No.9707043

>ability to delay immediate gratification is the strongest indicator of future success
Reading this blew my mind because not only is it true but thinking about the inverse explains so fucking much. It explains why I'm such a loser, why people cheat on completely decent, loving and attractive partners, why the poor will have a dozen children, why despondent and unambitious millennials are reading less and less books, why lottery tickets are overwhelmingly bought by the poor etc. etc.

This 4chan post really changed how I look at life.

>> No.9707054

I'm smarter than this canuck.
Stupid pol memes

>> No.9707057

i have a very high ability to delay immediate gratification but am dumb as rocks

>> No.9707071

You're probably a lot better off than any equally dumb people however.

>> No.9707089



Long abandoned. It's a pseudoscience.

>> No.9707094
File: 20 KB, 299x299, 1428253303900.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Are lit prepare for thits?

>> No.9707132

I doni't know. If I'm not enjoying life and am dumb, then am I smarter than "equally dumb people" who don't delay gratification?


>> No.9707169

>he thinks Socrates wanted Xanthippe more than Alcibiades
even Xanthippe didn't believe that. if you want to marry and be a boring normie, feel free, but you're basically not /lit/ at all then. enjoy computer programming or whatever you wind up doing instead of philosophy and poetry.

>> No.9707172

Stop associating yourself with Socrates you worthless fucking self important degenerate.

>> No.9707180

Tell that to the rest of /lit/. They love Freud and Lacan.

>> No.9707182

lulz Xanthippe's getting in her cake smashing mood. must be upset her husband's interests are smashing boipucci and philosophy before being a normie husbando. it's okay, bitch, you got weaving to do, leave the learning to men and whores.

>> No.9707188

>he thinks Socrates was a straight family man
Wilde too, no doubt.

>> No.9707204

>/pol/ is hoping becoming a leaf normie family man will be appealing to /lit/
I'm not sure that's appealing to anyone, anon. If you really need to shill leafs, be like the rest of /lit/ and shill Delaney

>> No.9707209

>I'm a worthless fucking self important degenerate, so was Socrates dude I feel so close to him I'm so wise!!

>> No.9707218

>I'm really upset /lit/'s gay
I know, honey, it won't change canon.

>> No.9707223
File: 81 KB, 1236x720, 1467485320314.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh you're homos too. I really hope we find a cure for your condition soon.

>> No.9707254

>he doesn't know how gay western canon is
>despite Proust, Woolf, Wilde, Burroughs, Saki, Mann, Isherwood, Barnes, Doolittle, Whitman, Gide, and Genet happening within 60 years of each other
>despite all the Greeks
>despite Caesar himself
>despite poetry
man, you either came to the wrong place and need to leave, or you're looking for gay rape.

>> No.9707270

do you think nietzsche secretly wanted the d which subconsciously sabotaged his attempts to get the v

>> No.9707297

>he hasn't seen the femdom pictures
not all degenerates are gay, some just want a lady to horsewhip them without intercourse

>> No.9707301

hahaha you posted this on /sci/ and no one responded fucking nerd hahahaha and now you post it on /lit/ and STILL no one's responding to you you little bitch get FUCKED

>> No.9707309


>> No.9707557


>> No.9707614
File: 127 KB, 1148x1149, thinking-clipart-3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Racist conservative who scams people for a living and is incapable of reading bills has an IQ of 150

>> No.9707684
File: 36 KB, 1280x720, 137572906_1280x720.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

hes also fucking huge

>> No.9707715


>> No.9707725

For you.

>> No.9707786

Nobody cared who I was until I sorted myself out

>> No.9707963
File: 212 KB, 800x444, 2D4Nd1R[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


This is what patricians practice

>> No.9708059
File: 76 KB, 1200x1169, IMG_1131.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>take IQ test
>ranked in the 99th percentile in two areas
>total IQ of 110
what did they mean by this?

>> No.9708547
File: 120 KB, 316x320, 1497766588590.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>infinite spacial IQ
>78 social intelligence

>> No.9708555

All of you already know everything there is to know about IQ and you're all indirectly posturing.

>> No.9709758

Well I posted it here first and I was just trying to start some shit because honestly I'm not a fanboy but Peterson's definitely not a retard. However I thought it was such a good post it deserved its own thread on the Langan meme board. Needless to say the mods did not see eye to eye on this matter however.

>> No.9709782

in op's video peterson says he has a "business partner"...why would a psychology professor have such a thing? is this "business partner" the one behind all this viral marketing spam across the net?

>> No.9709818

>Peterson reveals his IQ
>"Uhhh... I don't know it.... but it's up there!"

>> No.9709831

he has multiple jobs. he isn't just a professor

>> No.9709838

obviously he has aspirations as an e-celeb or you wouldnt' be spamming us with this crap every day

>> No.9709843


>> No.9709913

This. Unless you really give a shit about being ripped, just run and do some push-ups and pullups on a consistent basis. Running helps clear your mind, you can do it anywhere, it is free and quick, and it gives you better abs than most fags on /fit/.

>> No.9711518
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>> No.9711989
File: 41 KB, 500x333, 4801477-9668593355-large.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


bring me evidence of one (1) occasion in which this faggot has said anything even remotely racist.