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File: 439 KB, 2000x1376, la-ca-mn-tour-david-foster-wallace-20150726.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
9707884 No.9707884 [Reply] [Original]

>The men in my life who love Wallace also love legions of stylistically similar male writers I’m not interested in (Pynchon, DeLillo, Barth). I began checking out of literary conversations with them altogether. Now, when getting into book discussions with a certain kind of man, I often say “I can’t read” as soon as possible. This is a pretty transparent defense mechanism, but it works for me, sort of.


>> No.9707894

Made it about 3 paragraphs. What a bitch.

>> No.9707904

>“The Dead” is cool; I never got into Faulkner
Christ how are these people allowed to write about literature? Nobody raised their hand and said, "Hey, maybe we would lend some authority to our publication if we didn't allow actual retarded people to write for it?"

>> No.9707917

Faulkner is shite

>> No.9707942

Come here, I am going to fuck you where you breathe.

>> No.9707943

DFW is shit. but to be fair, the author is just the self righteous, equally vapid female doppelgänger of those smug DFW reading white males. two slightly different marketing demographics. she probably conratulates herself for reading entry leve intersectional tripe like Junot Diaz or Chumbawamba Ngozi Adiche.

>> No.9707951
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>Chumbawamba Ngozi Adiche

>> No.9708737

i sorta agree with you honestly. but also i feel like i've met way more anti-wallace type people and maybe one sincere wallace fan and he isn't a dick at all. most people i know havent read wallace

also yeah, i hate how people do this and just try to shrug off something as unimportant or overrated because they either haven't read it or tried to get into it and didnt like it for some reason. like, "the dead was cool i guess but im gonna be aloof about joyce and pretend he doesnt really matter instead of letting people know i dont have the will to read him"

>> No.9708768

take a look at the comments if you want to marvel at the extent of rationalized man-hate and ressentiment in contemporary pop feminism

>> No.9708773

also with a dash of "thank you so much for teaching me mistress I promise I'll do better" numales present

>> No.9708777

>Coyle reads (X) a critique of misogyny
>Coyle congratulates critique for being (Y) accurate, incisive, compelling, emotionally effective, etc.
>Coyle knows Wallace's style is to (Z) point out the obvious, but in clever and socially necessary ways
>Coyle knows her feelings about Wallace can't be separated from her feelings about his followers
>I know his whole deal is to do X, Y, and Z, and he did X, Y, and Z well, but it wasn't for me and why do men keep thinking I might enjoy things they enjoy

It's almost like she suffers from the same lack of perspective that Wallace is critiquing, and her opinion itself is Wallacian in that respect, because she lacks the integrative complexity to imagine that a person who enjoyed a thing might think that other people might enjoy said thing.


>> No.9708781

she doesn't actually 'hate men'. such clickbait articles are a product of the modern content economy. people don't actually read these articles, they share them in social media as an elaborate ingroup signalling ritual.

>> No.9708783

I'm talking about the comments you illiterate
pot kettle black

>> No.9708794

you can bet about half of the clicks come from people 'hate-sharing' this shit

>> No.9708805
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>Now, when getting into book discussions with a certain kind of man, I often say “I can’t read” as soon as possible. This is a pretty transparent defense mechanism, but it works for me, sort of.

>"I'm gonna just make myself look retarded. Take that!"

>> No.9708816

>Chumbawamba Ngozi Adiche.

Had to google this, it's an actual name. Thought you were just nogging out for fun.

>> No.9708817

good for her, she has found out she doesn't like male literature. just like i found out i don't like female literature. hopefully she doesn't whine when i completely ignore eliot, austen, woolf, and whoever else there is.

how comfy it is to know that she would be hypocritical if she contradicted my disdain.

>> No.9708819
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>I often say “I can’t read” as soon as possible

Many a true word is spoken in jest~

>> No.9708824


>> No.9708826

Whereas actively participating in a thread, even though you're fully aware that the thread's sole purpose is to make you feel personally insulted by the entire other gender, is a sign of a healthy psyche.

>> No.9708828

cry more dude

>> No.9708831

>tfw condemned to the realm of the spectacle

>> No.9708833

nah, just that one chick and others like her. not all women are compulsively part of some club, sorting everything into black or white. if anything i'm not upset or even annoyed, rather glad that she revealed herself as a dichotomous person i'd rather not talk to. she does me and people like me a service. i appreciate the women unlike her all the more for it.

>> No.9708834


I don't really consider feminists to be women.

>> No.9708867
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>t. edgemeister

>> No.9708877

being an edgemaster shitlord beats being a soy fed numale cuck who's literally enslaved to ZOG

>> No.9708886

does it have to be one or the other? think outside the box.

>> No.9708891

haven't you heard? there's a race war coming, you got to pick a side already

>> No.9708893

I thought this was a pretty entertaining read. I don't agree with her on a lot of things, and the story about her history with being abused seemed somewhat odd and she only half-explained it at the end, but I found parts of it funny and it was well written enough that I found the point of view interesting. Good article.

>> No.9708896

>Implying there won't be several factions
you're gimping yourself with such shortsightedness. you're no less dichotomy bound than the chick being mocked in the OP.

>> No.9708897
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>It's a not an argument episode!

>> No.9709107

man I was already boycotting women authors and directors over the no males allowed screenings of Wonder Woman after this article I might make it a lifetime ban

>> No.9709118

Pynchon is pretty unanimously hated by women i have noticed

>> No.9709121

He's too Monty Python for women.

>> No.9709127

Any idea why?

>> No.9709157

Women hate fun.

>> No.9709175


>how comfy it is to know that she would be hypocritical if she contradicted my disdain.

Underrrated post. You can tell she'd be the sort to do this as well.

>> No.9709179

enjoy the dick! *all the homo

>> No.9709192

So she doesn't like it because she already knows about sexual assault and has read better descriptions of it? Kind of a weird reason not to go for it, but I don't blame her for having some bias against him considering his strongest recommender was someone who raped her with cocaine.

>> No.9709365

Every female academic was abused. It's their personal origin story.

>> No.9709369

Sexual abuse is the modern equivalent of academic fencing, except for women.

>> No.9709374


uh no? because dfw doesnt know anything about sexual assault besides that men seem to do it a lot, so what does she have to learn from that considering thats a lesson girls learn from an early age? she's pissed that a man has to write about that before well-intentioned dudes make the realization that men are shit, and the fact that to them this is like an epiphany is kind of really fucking annoying? it's just that this book is representative of the kind of liberalism that is espoused by cucked white men, who want to play feminism with the girls but don't really have a clue and think knowing that men are trash is literally all the work they need to do to be part of sjw circles

>> No.9709413
File: 67 KB, 400x399, oh bewildered ritsuko.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>The African Americans in my life who love Toni Morrison also love legions of stylistically similar African American writers I’m not interested in (Hurston, Angelou, Eillison). I began checking out of literary conversations with them altogether. Now, when getting into book discussions with a certain kind of African American, I often say “I can’t read” as soon as possible. This is a pretty transparent defense mechanism, but it works for me, sort of.

Nothing changes, does it?

>> No.9709423

>implying these people have any self awareness
if these kinds of obvious and witty observations could give these depthless people even the most remote revelation, we wouldn't have a damn problem in the world. their obliviousness is our suffering, my friend.
10/10 post though.

>> No.9709426

you write in uptalk

>> No.9709427

>having a literary conversation with a female

>> No.9709433

>be part of sjw circles

why would you want to do such a thing? that is, unless you are insecure and gullible or someone who likes to play games with people. The ring leaders in those sort of circles are not, as you might expect, those who score higher in the oppression olympics, but random people who know how to use ideology to their advantage. you might even get far as a fucking white male reeee if you are into affected displays of guilt. trust me I know.

>> No.9709473

Wow boy!
People get themselves so mad at themselves they don't know how to understand my main nigga Wallace!

>> No.9709474

I'm getting fed up with this meme

>> No.9709480

its almost like shes a woman aka a dumb cunt with no idea what shes talking about

>> No.9709493

>Chumbawamba Ngozi Adiche
exquisite post

>> No.9709584

I've never read DFW and as a rule of thumb everyone I've met who has read IJ has barely read anything else and just parrots popular opinions about DFW (muh sincerity, TV is a drug etc) with no critical insight. Nobody I know who actually reads a lot is a big fan of DFW. So whenever he's brought up i zone out.

>> No.9709719
File: 936 KB, 853x480, 1493461220027.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

uh yes

>so what does she have to learn from that
>she already knows about sexual assault

You're in agreement, so um, yes, ugh?

>she's pissed that

Oh dear, others learn at different paces

What a world. If only third impact would come

>> No.9709737

I read a lot and like DFW. I guess you don't know me though.

>> No.9709805

She outed herself as a degenerate feminist whore in the first two sentences.

>> No.9709837

>These men seem to think I’m saying the thing they love is bad, when really I’m just saying I don’t care about the thing they love.

why cherrypick that part OP? this is one of the next sentences and pretty much defuses/explains the article. and why would a woman be interested in the overanalytical ramblings of the male mind?

>> No.9709845

those aren't stylistically similar writers, they're just fucking black.

>> No.9709850

because women are a multifaceted entity that can have varying points of view based on their individuality?

>> No.9709853

this kind of person makes me want to ISIS just so we can bring about the apocalypse

>> No.9709862

all black writers are stylistically similar in a way ie. WE WUZ KANGZ, where the white women at?, hip hop ghetto slang

>> No.9709962

I don't really consider 3rd wave feminists to be feminists

>> No.9710017

Nah, those ones are more "My ancestors were slaves and you should feel bad about it"

>> No.9710027

>“It’s too damn long. Hipsters just hear that it’s good. If they actually read it they’d see that Wallace is a poseur.”

/lit/ in a sentence

>> No.9710162

/pol/ sure gets triggered easily. This was really obvious bait, they just can't help themselves.

>> No.9710210

should I presume that everyone who says "shite" is a potato? Or do Scottish people also say it?

>> No.9710214

>For a while, I was seeing a guy who really liked David Foster Wallace. He once forced me to do cocaine by shoving it inside me during sex.

Dis gun b guud

>> No.9710225

Yeah DFW could be a relatively likely candidate for someone who doesn't actually read to name drop but the odds are amazingly high that if you actually read and enjoy all of infinite jest you read quite a bit more than average

>> No.9710228

Higher and higher pitched as it goes on

>> No.9710247

I assume you're baiting, but nevertheless you made me reply.

9/10 fucking mad.

>> No.9710252

I 85% agree with this post.

>> No.9710253

Because of poopoos and peepees

>> No.9710269
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>> No.9710291
File: 46 KB, 432x507, 2017-07-03_03-07-30.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>he was talented AND good looking

>> No.9711300

DFW is bad. This girl is also bad.

>> No.9711314

I'd be willing to put money on the fact that anybody who says this either hasn't ever tried to read one of his books or couldn't get 20 pages into The Sound and the Fury and is still butthurt.

>> No.9711325

>Now, when getting into book discussions with a certain kind of man

>> No.9711357

>Another cockroach crawls through my hair. I lift its body, watch its legs wiggle. I hate to kill anything, so I flick him into a corner of the garage and look up from the cement. Johnny, Karl, Sean, and James fold over their instruments like skinny hunchbacks, fingers fumbling. A scream of feedback reverberates.
They suck, but their focus gets to me.


>When Johnny first asked me to come to practice, I couldn’t understand why he wanted me there. They practiced at his place, so it wasn’t like he needed a ride. He shuttled me through his house and into the garage, then asked me to stay. I wanted to say that I had shit to do—and I did: fires to start, strip malls to burn down, gasoline in the trunk of my car, ready to go. But I couldn’t say that to him, or anyone, so I stayed.

>Tools and lawnmowers lined the walls, a moldy blanket in one corner; amps and instruments and pedals and wires clustered into a rat king in the center of the floor. The garage door didn’t even work—something about a broken spring that Johnny refused to fix. So when Johnny said, “Make yourself comfortable,” I wasn’t sure what he had in mind.

>I sat against the wall. They played a song, all heavy distortion and down tuned guitars. It sucked. Johnny’s body hooked into a C-shape, his eyes focused on the frets, on his fingers, his red-orange hair fluffing outward as he bobbed his head. I watched his face as he forgot I existed, as his body reformed itself into a house on fire: a house I could never enter. Burning buildings make terrible homes, but I’ve never wanted to live anywhere so badly.

Staring at the boys, I felt suffocated by my bones and organs and skin, claustrophobic inside myself, incapable of immersion in anything. After two songs, I had to go.

At Wendy’s, I ordered french fries and ate them in the parking lot while listening to music that didn’t suck at maximum volume. Some kids banged on my window and screamed at me to turn it down, but I just slouched further in my seat. After finishing my fries, I drove about fifty miles north, got off at a gas station, bought a cup of coffee and turned back. I drove for hours. My mind sparked hot as a trick candle, off and on and off and on and never quite cutting out.


The latest work, Girlfriend, by Deirdre Coyle.


>> No.9711383


>> No.9711475
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Wrong picture

>> No.9711510

she blatantly dislikes "men". I'm sure she has male friends but it seems the general sense of male-ness is offensive to her.

>> No.9711734


>> No.9711743

Shut up, nigger.

>> No.9711815

this thought exactly. do people not need to qualified anymore? literary writing that is nothing more than a snarky diary entry

>> No.9711912

coulda sworn it was from Spongebob or something

>> No.9712018

>muh rights
>why won't whitey accept me
>we wuz

Pretty close, really.

>> No.9712074

this story is about a girl lacking interiority
she's jealous that the boy has an inner life

>> No.9712103


I call it the millennial question mark. Passive-aggressive and immature. Just like millenials!

>> No.9712222
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She writes shit like this, but thinks she can criticize anyone at all?

>I wanted to say that I had shit to do—and I did: fires to start, strip malls to burn down, gasoline in the trunk of my car, ready to go.
I want to vomit

>> No.9712332


It's like the extravagent and rebellious lifestyle she imagines for herself when she's actually eating fries in the Wendy's parking lot feeling empty.

>> No.9713446

>So I’m going to do one of the many things which, as a non-male writer, feels terrible, and I’m going to talk about my feelings.
It feels bad to read a book by a straight cis man about misogyny. It feels bad when this book contains some relatively graphic depictions of sexual assault. This is par for the course, when the course is reading books and the par is the Western canon. What feels worse is having this man’s work recommended to you, over and over, by men who have talked over you, talked down to you, coerced you into certain things, physically forced you into others, and devalued your opinion in ways too subtle to be worth explaining in an essay (as in the interviews, where the hideous men are the only characters we hear from). Either these Wallace-recommending men don’t realize that they’re the hideous men in question, or they think self-awareness is the best anyone could expect from them.

l m a o

>> No.9713522

I'm not a big fan of DFW, but David Foster Wallace is Cervantes compared to this shit

>> No.9713724

>start reading IJ solely because of how much people bitch about it
>it's pretty good

everything worked out

>> No.9713740

potatoes have better taste. it's probably a LARPer who wishes he was a potatonigger

>> No.9713756
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>Western Canon

No, no, my dear. Quite wrong. You may only choose one of the phrases preceded by a green angle bracket.

>> No.9713782


That's not true.

Get out of your bubble m8

>> No.9713835
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That woman is a insufferable, but she has a point: every single DFW reader is essentially the same person. The differences are superficial, just quirks, but the essence is always the same.

>> No.9713856

that's so fucking retarded when you look at what you said literally, as in what essence literally is. Youre saying nothing and all of that is projection.

>> No.9713888

Damn, that offended you, didn't it?