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9705186 No.9705186 [Reply] [Original]

Hello /lit/,

I'd like to present my interpretation of Atlantis as described in Plato's Timaeus/Critias. According to Plato, Atlantis was a city that "fell out of favor with the gods and sank into the sea". The island became an impassable barrier of mud that blocked anyone trying to go there.

My interpretation of this is that the "island becoming an impassable shoal of mud" refers to the fact that once some idea is proven to be a lie, no one will ever believe it again, so it is impossible to repeat the same lie again and expect people to believe it. Thus no one can go there again - in this way Atlantis as Plato describes it seems to be more a figurative place, although it could quite possibly have been a real place as well.

So, Atlantis, whatever it was "fell out of favor with the gods", meaning that people became cognizant that it was all a lie, "sank into the sea", meaning that it collapsed as an empire, civilization and nation, and "became an impassable shoal of mud", that it leaves it's mark on people's consciousness as a lie never again to be believed.

A modern example of an empire, civilization, and nation that similarly "fell out of favor with the gods, sank into the sea and became an impassible shoal of mud" would be the Communist bloc - once people began realizing what a corrupt regime it was, the empire collapsed, and now when we think of communism we are reminded of all the atrocities Stalin, Mao, Pol Pot and like committed. There are plenty of other examples of this sort of pattern being repeated throughout history.

As for what the original Atlantis may have been, I would guess that it has something to do with cannibalism - people treating other humans as livestock for their consumption. It did take place 10000 years ago and if we were to think of what the most primitive vice is that is associated with the caveman era cannibalism seems the most likely.

Also, pic unrelated. That show is a bunch of BS but it did lead me to realize what the truth might have been.

>> No.9705189

didn't read
your gay

>> No.9705193

you should listen to this


>> No.9705253

Now the question is what is the modern incarnation of Atlantis?

>> No.9705257

I think Blavatsky had a theory that the mid-atlantic ridge was Atlantis, and rising sea levels covered it. It makes sense when you look at those pyramids in the Azores. (seriously, why would there be pyramids in the middle of the atlantic?) It also coincides with Graham Hamcock's theory of a comet causing a disaster on earth that drastically raised the sea level, and caused all those ancient flood myths. The Gobelki Templi recently confirmed his theory, and the estimate is around 10,500 BC when the comet struck.

It seems perfectly reasonable, but I'm going to give >>9705193 a listen since Manly P. Hall is much smarter than I am. What really puzzles me is the concept of 'hollow earth'. I don't know if it's just supposed to symbolize the underworld or subconscious mind, but the idea of some kind of subterranean city is fascinating. Anyone know anything about this?

>> No.9705307

It could be that since the past is buried in sediment, that if you dig down you see the past or something. Just like in that Ice Age movie.

>> No.9705332

Again, I think the "sunken into the sea" part isn't meant to be taken literally, or even that "Atlantis" even was an actual island, but rather a symbol of a civilization.

I think the "Atlanteans" may have just been a bunch of cavemen around the Mediterranean sea.

>> No.9705357

Didn't Plato write about going there?

>> No.9705361
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Atlantis describes the indo-Aryan civilization that existed before a meteor hit present day Arizona around 10,000 years ago and caused the sea levels to rise a couple hundred feet. The people then spread out and tried to recreate their civilization in Egypt and the Americas, which is where the pyramids come from, though it's possible that some of them were built before the flood.

>> No.9705368

In his mind perhaps.

>> No.9705378
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No, Plato was retelling a story he heard from his relative Solon.

>> No.9705412

From carbon dating of cave paintings, we know human beings have the capacity for "art" for at least 50,000 years. Say we have 25,000 years to develop architecture and a adequate level of civilization. That still leaves 25,000 years of unaccounted history. Now the ice age occurs and perhaps, with good evidence, a comet hit during this period could lead to massive flooding and the wiping out of the North American mega fauna. The flooding can be the inspiration for many different ancient folklore and cause civilization located on islands to sink beneath the ocean, for example such as gobeki tepi. And thus Atlantis was born.

>> No.9705420

we /x/ now

>> No.9705426
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watching sga right now

>> No.9705504

Notice how in that show Atlantis is told as the protagonist whereas in Critias it is told as the aggressor, just like how in SG1 the ancient Egyptian "goaulds" are oppressing the whites when it was really the ancient Romans who fought shameless war after another against the blacks.

That show depicts pretty much the opposite of what really happened, if anything.

>> No.9705521

I don't know what you mean by "lie," where are you pulling that from? And the Soviet Union collapsed not because people "realized how corrupt it was," it had some serious economic and administrative issues which made it buckle under its own weight. The Russians knew the direction it was headed since the 20s, with all the people being marched off to camps, and could do nothing but ride it out.

>> No.9705531

That their reality was based on some lie. Whatever it was it had to have been false in some way, otherwise why isn't Atlantis still present today?

For instance, in the USSR, a society where everyone was supposedly equal, ordinary folks had to wait in long lines for basic necessities, whereas elite party members could shop at stores selling the good stuff.

>> No.9705551
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>why isn't Atlantis still present today?
You are aware that "sank into the ocean" isn't a metaphor, right? Do you know how many cities would be lost today if the sea levels rose 200 ft?

>> No.9705589

so is this 200 ft sea level rise the same thing remembered as the great flood?

>> No.9705608
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Precisely. Even the dates relayed by Solon match up with modern science to a T. I used to think it was just some fable but did a ton of research into it last summer. You'd be surprised how much information is available now about the ancient Aryan civilization commonly referred to as "Atlantis." It tells a pretty incredible story, but it's still hard to say for sure exactly what it was like. The temples and artifacts scattered across the globe point to the fact that there was some crazy shit going on.

>> No.9705612

Are you saying that anyone mentions "sinking into the ocean" is always speaking literally and not metaphorically just because it is possible for places to literally sink into the ocean?

Also, further signs of the possibility that the story is metaphorical and not literal can been seen in this passage:

>There is a story, which even you have preserved, that once upon a time Paethon, the son of Helios, having yoked the steeds in his father's chariot, because he was not able to drive them in the path of his father, burnt up all that was upon the earth, and was himself destroyed by a thunderbolt. Now this has the form of a myth, but really signifies a declination of the bodies moving in the heavens around the earth, and a great conflagration of things upon the earth, which recurs after long intervals; at such times those who live upon the mountains and in dry and lofty places are more liable to destruction than those who dwell by rivers or on the seashore

Source: http://classics.mit.edu/Plato/timaeus.html

>> No.9705645

We know way more than Plato ever did, and he was writing that nearly 8000 years after the fact. But it's a testament to the advanced state of the civilization in question that their record keeping aligns perfectly with what present day geology tells us about it. There's very little chance it's a metaphor or parable and new information about this civilization is coming out on the reg these days. Look into Graham Hancock if you want to get a general introduction to the topic.

>> No.9705799

>the ancient Aryan civilization commonly referred to as "Atlantis."


>> No.9705947

I prefer the Atlantis-New York-Babylon line of thinking.

>> No.9705993
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I prefer the
>lots of cities and lands got flooded or destroyed by events involving the sea at one point or another and these have all fed into Atlantis and great flood myths, looking for any one as a definitive location is foolish
line of thinking.

>> No.9706046

I like this definitely better than all these other prosaic literal interpretations. I like the cannibalism part as well, though I'm thinking of other avenues of such fundamental sin: perhaps it was incest, or child abuse and/or slavery of the most horrible kind (yes, I realise the Greeks employed slaves and did not observe modern age of consent laws).

>> No.9706173
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Reminder that the surviving descendents of Atlantis went to Egypt.

>> No.9706189
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surely it must be a metaphor and have nothing to do with the rising water levels of the bronze age.

>> No.9707493

>bronze age civilizations were measuring water levels and corroborating data

>> No.9707505

Why not? They were a lot smarter than we generally give them credit for. If they noticed that the water was rising, it is more than plausible that multiple groups would have thought to measure it. Especially if they were white males.

>> No.9707529

Jesus Christ. You really think there wouldn't be more records of this "real" place if it had really existed? Did it just spontaneously sink into the ocean, surprising everyone? Surely ONE citizen must have made it out alive to tell everyone what happened, to record it, and surely the people that took him in would have taken notice of it too.
Ancient people liked writing things down, often on stone.
Do you think the cave from the Republic literally existed too?

>> No.9707542

Get a load of this guy. Writing down historical records is a relatively new thing. Anything that happened would have been word of mouth back then, and not written down for thousands of years. And it was passed down, since every culture talks about a great flood that destroyed much life on earth. And we know that there was a great civilization that was lost to history. We're also finding new records and artifacts all the time, so it's entirely possible that we will find something detailing Atlantis or a similar civilization at some point.

>> No.9707548

The only references to it existing are like 8,000 years afterwards. But the Egyptians learned their religion from someone else, and that is likely the 'Atlanteans.' Considering they're most known for Alchemy, it's not surprising that knowledge of them would be confined to ancient priesthoods, ruling families, and mystery schools. We know very little about the Druids; don't you think ONE citizen must have made it out alive to tell everyone what happened? Now imagine trying a civilization that died out 5 times longer ago than the Druidic tribes.

>> No.9707551

'History' didn't even start until ancient Greece. Get the fuck out of here.

>> No.9707567



>> No.9707595

>'History' didn't even start until ancient Greece
Interesting Eurocentric point of view. One of the best Greek myths is the one about Zeus stealing Europa from Asia (Phoenicia to be exact). Your "Western" (European) civilization is progressing westward from the middle East, so your history starts in Asia

>> No.9707603

Wow, you have some insane pseudo-intellectualism going on there bud. It's almost like you missed his entire point.

>> No.9707617



Daily reminder that the Egypt was more ancient to Plato than Plato is to us.
Daily reminder that Egypt was shrouded in total mystery until the 19th century.
Daily reminder that in his Histories, Herodotus during his description of Egypt makes absolutely no mention of the Sphinx whatsoever, only because during his visit it was completely submerged beneath the sands.

That's Egypt and you're talking about a civilization that was even more ancient than that.
The legend IS the record.

>> No.9707632


>coastal towns and sea-faring civilizations weren't aware of rising water levels and changing trade routes

>> No.9707667

please, ancient Greek texts are mostly lost, we know nothing about them, their civilization is as mythologized to us as are Asian civilizations

>> No.9707968

European is synonymous with civilization.

In post-Atlantean ancient times, Europeans lived throughout the present day middle east, and semites (arabs and jews) were confined to a small section of the Saudi peninsula. Indo-Aryans began the civilizations in Mesopotamia and Egypt and those civilizations were later overrun and destroyed by the semitic tribes that from then on began spreading out. And literally the same thing is happening to this day. Our civilization is being destroyed by the exact same semitic tribes. You let in jews and give them power, they open the gates to their arab cousins to wipe everything out. The semitic tribes are purely destructive and have never built anything.

>> No.9709700

Clicked on this for Stargate

Fuck youself, OP

>> No.9709830

Atlantis was a real, physical city and your post is retarded

>> No.9710314

I dunno. They thought Troy wasn't real till until about 10 yrs ago or so.

>> No.9710345

>muh Aryans
>shares an image of several mespotamian carvings/designs being similar
>except one has 'ecuador' written on it
>neither of these cultures were even settled by the Aryans

Really makes ya fucking think eh anon?

There's so much that the Aryans actually left us (gee more than half the major languages in widest use today) and to be greatful for. They led to the development of India, Persia, Greece/most of Europe. It even looks like they were even the source of the Hittites/Neo Hittites/Luwian which adds the whole tradition of western coinage to their resumé to boot. Hell if [wilusa] turns out to be Troy, then there's already a lost city actually composed of Aryans or at least speaking one of their languges. But you come here, to a burmese snake charming board, and show me pictures of fucking carvings from one of the handful of influentian ancient societies that WEREN'T Aryan.

So WHY do people insist on wewuzzing them? They DID great things already! Why sully their herotage with made up hoodoo bullshit?


>> No.9710374
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The implication is obviously that it was. There's plenty of evidence that Aryan peoples made it to the Americas and were responsible for creating the civilizational structures that so resemble those found elsewhere. It seems unlikely that those things (machu piccu, teohituacan, and even the statues on Easter island) were built by indios and in the early accounts they said they didn't. There is also consistency with Egypt, gobekli teki, etc. Not to mention populations like the cloud people who seem to have quite obviously been a lost tribe of the Atlantean civilization in question. These pieces add up to something waiting to be broken open, but the implications are too taboo under the current anti-white zeitgeist so they're actively avoided and verboten for research teams.

>> No.9710387


>> No.9710403

To be clear anon, if my autism was too strong to decipher, I was just sortof triggered by the aryan thing. Like myself and another anon mentioned Troy was an example of 'muh symbolism' until we finished excavations there too. I find pics like this one yoy shared a lot more compelling. Either these artistic/architectural forms are deeply ingrained in human thought/pattern recognition (pyramids are innately very stable and simple to concieve) or there's a culture that managed to disperse the concept all around the world.

Seeing as most of the places in greek myth ended up being actual representations of human cultures and pre Egyptian history is a mess, it very well could be that something like Atlantis existed. I'm just skeptical because of Plato's inclination to talk in circles/metaphor. And the 'we wuzzing' that people do with the Aryans/Indo Europeans aggravates me to no end.

As for Academia and how it stifles any novel research...I know from personal experience how broken that system is. Pursuit of truth is well and truly on the backburner. Like how there's actual attention given to 'black egypt' theories when Nubia and Aksum were RIGHT THERE. Add that to the fact that thought takes for granted that the ancients (plato and otherwise) were all mewling idiots and moderns can't conceive of anything beyond the narrow box of history that's been agreed upon.

tl;dr - I'm not convinced of Atlantis at the moment, but I'd be thrilled if it turned out to be real.

>> No.9710414

>I know absolutely nothing about geology: the post

>> No.9710428

Atlantis was a great land of riches and technology beyond our wildest dreams ruled by Black Kangs and Qweens. It was sunk into the ocean by white slaveowners who buried the truth and covered it up by stealing and burning the rest of Platos dialogue.

>> No.9710486
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>triggered by the aryan thing
"Aryan" is just an anthropological designation of people. Aryan peoples, for instance, settled in Persia and the word "Iran" literally stands for "Aryan." It's not all about muh notsees.

Plato is also just one part of this, and a less important one as time goes on. Remnants of the Aryan peoples associated with the ancient civilization commonly referred to as "Atlantis" have been found nearly everywhere, even in far eastern China. And there are -- surprise surprise -- pyramids in China, too. We don't know much about them since the Chinese government disallows any outside research into their potential significance, but that kind of says something in itself now, doesn't it?

There are many pieces to this puzzle, but when you put them together it's difficult not to see a pattern.

>> No.9711725


>> No.9711868

we barely know anything abut indoeuropean tribes that existed 2000 years ago, even major ones. what do you know offhand about the gauls?

>> No.9711905

>the 'we wuzzing' that people do with the Aryans/Indo Europeans aggravates me to no end

>being annoyed by the truth

>> No.9712037

The we wuzzing never bothers me because the disparity is so obviously large between European peoples and everyone else. From Mesopotamia to Egypt to Iran and India and likely even China, to the classical civilizations up to today, you see the same trend: European peoples create civilization, then civilization is destroyed by semites, Europeans blend into mud people, or both.

What people call "civilization" is literally a European construct. Other peoples are too dumb (blacks), too clannish and parasitic (semites), too lazy (mestizos/indios), or not creative enough / lacking in the Faustian spirit to make a lasting impression (east Asians). Only Europeans have the combination of creativity, Faustian spirit, honesty, and intelligence to build and maintain lasting civilizations, but our folly always stems from believing we can incorporate others without that civilization slowly crumbling away.

>> No.9712262

I don't know if this is shitposting or legit

>> No.9712290

That's the reddest of the redpills, homeboy.

>> No.9712321

it's incredible how you mention the chinese but then fail to remember them as the apex of world civilization until the british empire. interesting.

>> No.9712365

I've lived in China and know them and their history well. Their civilizational accomplishments are underwhelming compared to the hype people like yourself are wont to give them and there's a good deal of evidence that the Indo-Europeans who settled in China gave them their initial jumpstart. Chinese historians and archeologists, even as recently as this year, have implied as much based the evidence they've uncovered.

>> No.9712368

Yea, they made a terrible gamecube game in it.

>> No.9713019

>Europeans may have brought horseback riding and bronze-making technology to China as well, Anthony says. Mair notes that such theories make his work politically sensitive in China, where scientists and government authorities assume their ancient culture unfolded without foreign influence.

>Mair suspects that the Xinjiang corpses are ancestors of the Tocharians, who lived in China during the first millennium A.D. and were depicted in local wall paintings as red-haired, sword-wielding knights from Europe. Tocharian represents the easternmost branch of the Indo-European language family and probably emerged, at the earliest, about 3,000 years ago. It bears more resemblance to Germanic and Celtic languages in Western Europe than to branches of Indo-European in regions closer to China.


Semi pre-poz article.

>We wuz ayn iz....
The arbiters of civilization.

>> No.9713506

To make the long story short, Atlantis is the garden of Eden described in the Bible. Adam and Eve were its first recorded rulers. A great deal of the Genesis is a mixture of anecdotes about the lost continent.

Atlanteans were the "sons of god". The civil war of Atlantis was the war in heaven, them tapping into nuclear energy the sin that brought about the "wrath of god" (annihilation) and so on.

The great flood was the tsunami caused by the break-up and sinking of the main part of the continent. People were "banished" from the paradise-like island continent, which became uninhabitable and moved "east of eden", meaning the Mediterranean region and Africa, east of the Atlantic.

Atlantis predates the Genesis by thousands of years, the stories lived on in the oral tradition, evolved and became adopted by the neighboring cultures.

>> No.9713520

This is no more plausible than the story of the Fall being unironically true.

>> No.9713597

expand on this please

>> No.9713602

Atlantis conspiracy theorists are on the same level as flat earthers

Learn to take a parable as analogy

>> No.9713604

Came from Egypt

>> No.9713622


>> No.9713638

This is the pea-brained perspective of an unlearned man. It's absurd and anti-intellectual for those who haven't examined the enormous amount of evidence we have of the ancient civilization in question to proclaim it to be the result of a parable. More unfortunate, however, is when those people try to spread their anti-intellectual ideas to others. I used to think it was just some fable, but then I actually studied the evidence.

>> No.9713658

Perhaps Atlantis really was a spaceship in another galaxy then.

>> No.9713671
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Lol ... I'm not the guy spouting the nuclear-biblical nonsense above. And one needn't make such in reason to understand the ancient civilization for which there is an enormous amount of evidence.

But who knows...

>> No.9713690

*make such a stretch in reason...

>> No.9713872

"Troy is just a myth"
"The Trojan War never happened"
"Nothing in the Iliad is fact"

the Bible gives a literal location for the garden of Eden dumbass.

>the fall never happened
get your ideology out of here

>dude we already know everything and any text that doesnt conform with our current, tenuous, understanding of world history is just a metaphor or fairytale lmao

>> No.9713924
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>Critias literally ends before the actual war part between Atlantis and ancient Athens (which is literally set up like the city in the republic)
>the whole thing is about why a good city triumphs over a corrupted city (or why a good man will triumph over an evil one)
>"hurr Durr is Atlantis reals???"

>> No.9713959

plato recognizes inevitable decline
atlantis was a model state as well, it simply devolved

>> No.9714741


There were definitely floods. There may have been advanced civilizations before we thought. Atlantis is a possibility.