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File: 38 KB, 300x621, VIMES_by_questionstar.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
969282 No.969282 [Reply] [Original]

So are there going to be any more Watch books or has Terry decided that Vimes is too old to be awesome anymore so just found Vetinari another guy to terrorize.
Because that is bullshit.

Also general discworld thread

>> No.969307

Read Night Watch a few months ago.
Laughed until lungs hurt. Then laughed some more.

But that's the only one I read of the Discworld novels.
Are all of them that enjoyable?

>> No.969344

Yep, they are. All of them.

>> No.969394

This, so much.
I'm beginning to hate that sparkly bastard

>> No.969403

Damn it, now I'll have to go back and reread every Discworld novel from the beginning, because that's how great they are.

>> No.969432

honestly, i don't hate Vimes, but Lipwig made discworld interesting again after rincewind and the witches were a bit...unexciting...

>> No.969438

>I love books from the Young Adult section! O_o

>> No.969450

they're in the fantasy and humor sections of my library

>> No.969458

the first five or so are a little less great as the others.
Still rock tho.

>> No.969469

Dunno if age is the issue here, Vetinari is roughly as old as him and he's still appearing.
I tink it's either the son thing or TP just got tired of him.

>> No.969489

I want another Witches book.

>> No.969496

I think the next one is about Tiffany, I bet it includes Granny and Nanny as well.

>> No.969626

I think it's more related to Terry saying you can't do a story set in the city without it being a Watch story, and he's trying to distance things a bit so that he can get away with stuff there that doesn't have Vimes show up and be awesome.

Well, that and Alzheimers.

>> No.969641

He still appears now and then.
Angry as hell.

>> No.969643


Rubbish, first 2 books set the tone for the whole series
Especially the first part of the first book where things are basically explained as the start of a fire is brilliant

>> No.969645


It is, September this year I heard.

>> No.969656

Yeah but Vetinari moves with the times (or the times move with him, if you preffer that), while Vimes complains about things getting to complicated and fast.
He's basically becoming your granpa, nagging about how things used to be better/harder/manlier when he was young.

>> No.969661

i didnt read any of the books in order. at all. all the characters were fucking awesome. apart from that small gods book, i couldnt read past the first 50 pages, i just couldnt get into it

>> No.969667


Last book he took on A.E. Pessimal and found out the Imp from his Disorganiser can help him with paperwork
I think Vimes will be alright and stay ahead of the curve

>> No.969669

Well that's just your opinion man.
Imo he didn't quite find the tone the first few books, he was trying too hard to be Douglas Adams.
He said it himself that he wasn't that good of a writer back then.

>> No.969671

This is the book I started with trying to get into Discworld and I had the exact same experience. I thought maybe I should start with another one, so I started reading Thud and it happened again.

>> No.969673

try harder, Small Gods is great.

>> No.969678

Eh, there needs to be a looming doom of some sort for Vimes to be properly angered into action.
And knowing AM it can't be far away.

>> No.969681

i cant remember the name of the book, (lol, all the books are in my garage in a box, sad stuff) but the one where death becomes like a farmer and has a vacation, that was awesome :)

>> No.969690


This, Small Gods is my favourite stand alone book
And to the other guy, if you can't get in to "Thud" then there is something wrong with you

>> No.969694
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Maybe he FORGOT about him.

>> No.969696


>death becomes like a farmer and has a vacation

Death becomes a farmhand in "Reaperman" he doesn't get much vacation though, in any of the books

>> No.969716

I know Disney can create some really generic shit, but man do I wish they made a Discworld cartoon or something.

>> No.969721
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>> No.969732

thats the one :)

>> No.969739

there has already been a cartoon made, and PS1 videogames :3

>> No.969873

I know but animation is shit tier.

>> No.969916
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>implying Vimes will ever cease to be awesome

>> No.969980

What do you want DW fans, for Pterry to just keep writing and have an abrupt end to the series when he can't write anymore OR for him to plan an ending to the series and then just stop writing DW books, even if he could maybe write a few more

>> No.969993

Write till his fingers cramp and he starts chatting with the walls.
And then some.

>> No.970003

keep writing.
Truth to be told, I don't want there to be a distinct ending to Discworld, it would kill it.

>> No.970024


Couldn't agree more, I'd rather have 1 more book then a distinct ending

>> No.970033

guys, guys, he has Alzheimers

he won't write any more. he keeps trying to make his books social comment anyway. They've sucked for the last few.

>> No.970038
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>> No.970057
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I've seen some great fanart that makes me want to see it made into a top-tier animation so badly.

>> No.970111

keep on writn'

>> No.970126

Is most of Discworld fooking Young Adult fantasy bullshit? Or is there anything of worth there?

>> No.970154


Most of it is NOT young adult, but he has written some books for YA specifically e.a. Tiffany Aching books and The Amazing Maurice book
He has written more YA books outside the discworld universe though

>> No.970168


So wait, hold on is that supposed to be Sam Vimes on the left in that pic?
Can't be you'd think with the shabby clothing, but with the pic name and the subject...idk

>> No.970178


vimes is always scruffy and drunk. that's also in the style of the guy who illustrates for pratchett

>> No.970217

I was just asking because I've already started on Wheel of Time, have books 1-10 and the prequel. So if I like that series you think I'd like Discworld?

>> No.970254


I don't particularly endorse the idea of DW being fantasy
It is in a sense, but it's so much more BEFORE it's a fantasy series, the fantasy is basically just window dressing quite often
And then again sometimes not
It's hard to explain, but I think it's safe to say reading one of the 2 series won't tell you jack shit about reading the other

>> No.970294


>vimes is always scruffy and drunk

The scruffy part, sort of in so far as Sybil and Willikins can't prevent it but drunk only in Guards Guards and on 1 occasion in Men at Arms after that never again
But since it seems that that IS Vimes I have to say he looks rather shabbier then is called for, for a guy that is the richest guy in the city by that time

>> No.970364


Well in that scene he WAS kind of half-dead and mangled because of a trip through an underground river full of spikey rocks.

>> No.970393

Pterry :) brings back memories, haven't heard that name since my fidonet/usenet days, i wish i had a fidonet number again... anyway, i have read every discworld novel more than twice, all of them are excellent. if you post here and don't "get it" you are either too intelligent or too stupid. IMO (there is not a humble one) pterry is the greatest fantasy writer of the 20th/21st centuary, he embodies all that is great in the fantasy genre amerifags won't get him because of irony, upper class fags will miss out on the working class ethos, proles will completely fail to understand the social commentary... you have to be smart to enjoy his books, but not too smart.

>> No.970440


Oh, right, hadn't thought about it being that late in the book
Seems weird though that the dwarf would have a toy cow handy when they are actually there on a mission to destroy evidence and all
I figured this was more or less set in the nursery, but I just realized there is no confrontation in the nursery in the story so that's out of the window too
Guess it's just some random thing thought up by the artist and we'll never have an answer

>> No.970487


Elitist much?
Seeing as how TP is one of the best sold writers of the past 10 years I guess there's lots of juuuuust smart enough people out there

>> No.970493

Enjoy your shit fantasy nerds.

Grow up will you?

>> No.970521
File: 117 KB, 400x300, neeeeeeerds.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>fantasy nerds.

>Grow up will you?


>> No.970536

the word you are looknign for is egaletarian.

>> No.970537

fuck off, troll
that's just, y'know, how he's re-telling "Where's my cow?" while brutally murdering all those dwarfs in underground cavern; kind of illustratory joke, get it?

>> No.970545

p.s. best selling does not mean good, see twilight.

>> No.970540

OP, you a psychic by any chance? I just picked up the last Discworld book the library had that I hadn't read yet, and I come on here and I see this.

>> No.970542

egalitarian, you meant

>> No.970549

p.s. best-selling does not mean shitty, see Discworld

>> No.970554

Small Gods = Best one, in my opinion.

>> No.970556

could be , bu i wouldn't be elitist enough to be a spell fag.

>> No.970561

New to Pratchett here, if one were to be interested in this Discworld thing, what book should one start with?

>> No.970563

discworld sells because of quality, twilight because of hype, big difference.

>> No.970566

Same here, mainly interested in the Night Watch series. Possible to read as a stand alone I presume? What title is a good start?

>> No.970568


>best selling does not mean good, see twilight.

Nope but I was referring to

>you have to be smart to enjoy his books, but not too smart.

Pay attention to the "enjoy" part of that statement and then realize he's sold god knows how many million books
So the elitist fuck was basically saying all those people, who enjoyed his books, were just smart enough but not too smart
All of them juuuuust smart enough to "get" it

>> No.970570

all of them, while drunk, with a dildo up your ass.

>> No.970574

>can't write properly
>gots his mistakes fixed

>> No.970580

and what is wrong with that, niggers don't like TP, nor do intelligensia snobs, ppl who like TP are smart enougn to get it, but not so smart they shit unix.

>> No.970581

Guards! Guards! was published first, and then just go with publication dates. This applies to all series

>> No.970589
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>> No.970623
File: 64 KB, 500x376, DWreadingguide.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Personally I'd at least read the first 2 books he wrote and then try and gauge which series spoke to me most and read the books in that series

Rincewind and the wizards: Basically about travelling and seeing different parts of the DW (Rincewind) and University education institute (wizards)
Witches: most fantasy like of the series, about magic on the DW and usually about Granny Weatherwax going up against some fearsome enemy helped by the other 2 witches in her argument, eh I mean covenant
Watch: some basic whodunnit stories with background of the growing Anhk-Morpork city life
Death: Hard to say what these are generally about, some thoughts on life and death, some parodies later also including his grand daughter (of death, yes, weird as it seems)

>> No.970630

You're a bro, bro.

>> No.970635
File: 139 KB, 960x720, DWreadingguide.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I'm sorry for the terrible quality of that pic, I got a better one here

>> No.970658

Thanks, my eyes aren't what they have been.

>> No.970814

I basically love the shit out of Vimes and the Watch novels, they're the entire reason I'm as interested in Discworld as I am. I always have a soft spot in my heart for "Guards! Guards!" since it's the first, but "Night Watch" and "Men At Arms" are also brilliant. IMO though, if you're interested in reading the Vimes/Watch series, you should just go ahead and read them all. Things make much more sense that way, and none of them will make you regret the time you spent reading them.

Also re: "is it fantasy?" -- I think it's become more satire than fantasy, but it definitely began as a heavy mockery of fantasy tropes, so I don't think you can just dismiss its roots entirely.

>> No.970930


They are indeed all good
My personal favorite "Feet of Clay" because it is the most honest to god whodunnit and you can actually puzzle along with Vimes and the boys
And Angua *rawr*