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/lit/ - Literature

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9697596 No.9697596 [Reply] [Original]

Write what's on your mind

I miss you

>> No.9697602

I like the posters here but think they're too vitriolic. It hurts my heart.

>> No.9697655

You keep doing what you're doing and you're going to end up as senile as your grandmother, calling out people for collaborating with the Germans in the 1990's and all other manner of nonsense. I guess you'll be happier when you fully abscond from reality.

>> No.9697663

My feet hurt.

>> No.9697664

Dont know where I am going in life.

>> No.9697678
File: 3.78 MB, 4256x2832, 3d13fdec9c0606f820d47aa44a1e2259.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm too old and not talented enough to be a rock star. I'm just gonna be another lawyer. I don't know how to enjoy my time off. It's the first night I have nothing I need to do really in months. I spent tonight shitposting, jerking off, and smoking cigarettes. When I'm working I always have huge lists of things I want to read/watch/do, and today I was just lazy for the first time in a long while. I even learned how to play a song today. Do I miss who I used to be? A wage slave? What field of law am I even going to practice? I want to be good at something. Everyone writes off being friendly and social. I feel like most people don't see it as a skill. I can't leave the house without running into someone I know. What am I going to do with my life now. I can't ever stick to something for longer than a month. Video games, miniatures, movies, tv, none of this brings me joy anymore. I guess playing shitty cover songs in my room is cathartic. But I'm not good at writing songs either. Oh well. tomorrow we go back to work. I need to stop stopping lifting. God damn. I need to stop stopping everything.

>> No.9697683

nice try, cia.

>> No.9697686

recently i received a letter from myself, sent ten years prior for a school assignment. it reminded me that whatever ideological changes i've undergone over that period, at my core i'm still the same insecure little fag i was in middle school. feels bad man.

>> No.9697688

I need to stop doing stupid shit that covers my comforter in blood. This is the second time this week I've bled all over it like a bitch off heat and I'm not going to care about finding out what it is I did until morning regret and pain sets in during a shower. I walked home with a shard of glass in my heel last time because I didn't want to take off my shoes twice. Ha, fuck, I'm retarded.

>> No.9697693

En los días más felices, cuánto deseo que estés a mi lado; me puedo permitir ser feliz sin ti, pero me gustaría compartirlo siempre contigo, te pienso mucho más cuando me siento bien.

>> No.9697695


Once a young lad of many romantic spats, I am now an old soul in a young man- surrounded by Dog, and Cats.

>> No.9697696

These threads are terrible

>> No.9697708

I'm the loneliest introvert

>> No.9697752


Did you know that when any given person shuffles a deck of cards that the specific sequence those 52 cards end up in will not likely be replicated even if thousands of card shuffling machines work every day for the rest of your life?

>> No.9697755

I hate being a pseud. Chansey looks like she is shaking that book even though it isn't a gif. Politics ruined my youth, I should have accepted that none of that shit mattered and just focused on reading and becoming socially adequate. I wanna switch my major from compE to spanish lit, and then move to argentina and be a poor writer.

>> No.9697772


Also, I've been out of school for a month and still don't have a job. I'm getting impatient.

>> No.9697786

>he doesn't know how to shuffle a deck back to its original state
next you won't be checking the new pack is cooler

>> No.9697796

Art theory is more interesting than art itself.
When reading a Moravia's short story I feel like I'm watching a scene of a Fellini's movie.
Obscure medieval manuscripts are delightful.
I'm reading a book about medieval food habits.
There's a book about the cultural history of smell. I wonder if they talk about farts there.
What's with people complaining with D&G and Derrida being fashionable? Same thing happened with positivism, structuralism and the likes, plus post-structuralism has been trendy for at least 30 years by now.

>> No.9697813



Yes, I'm countering you with a website called "boingboing"

>> No.9697815

In the span of a few years, my world view has fallen apart completely. I have clinical depression, which is an uninteresting fact itself, but what it has shown me has left me deeply conflicted. For instance, nothing at all retains its former sense of importance, and the only things which yield any pleasure are food and sex. And it's a horrible state, for sure, but even worse is the implication that no progress in knowledge or philosophy that I make will truly matter. Because my mind is perfectly rational right now, and I could do all of that as it is, but I won't because there's no pleasure reward from my brain. Therefore, when (/if) I do recover from this illness and pursue something like philosophy, my true purpose isn't finding out the truth, but rather making myself believe that I have because it feels good. Not to say that I'm tricking myself - it's just kind of depressing to imagine that after all that work, I'm still only chasing after a thrill.

I realize these questions more than likely won't matter once I'm cured, but they still bear down on me all the time. I feel a great urge to dissect my Depression closely, to have it pegged down precisely and approach it all rationally, but I lack the thinking power.

>> No.9697817


Yes, I'm countering you with a V-Sauce video. What are you going to do about it?

>> No.9697829

To improve thinking power you should try reading some philosophy.

>> No.9697833

That's true. Do you think it will help solve an odd problem like mine?

>> No.9697858


I don't want to be alive anymore but I'm too much of a pussy to kill myself. I wish I'd just get run over to be honest senpai.

>> No.9697878
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I am an introvert like many of you, however I have now accepted the fact that I will not be able to converse or gain acceptable social skills. I want to screen out society and culture, but it is very difficult for me to avoid the thoughts and opinions of others.

I often think of what I've said or what I have heard others say in the past. It's a harmful thing for me to think, so I consider being in a state where I do not listen to the commentary of others.

>> No.9697882

Formal education is a sham
Work is a waste of time that could be spent furthering knowledge or experience in a hobby
But then hobbies are just what we chose to invest ourselves in while we wait to die

I'm bread inside
One of these days I'll brill myself

>> No.9697901

>fourth grade math
>in response to card hustling tricks
look up a faro/weave shuffle and do it til you're good enough to tell an in from an out and where your cards are.

if you want to do a deck switch to take advantage of a dealer's shuffle technique, you need to make sure the temperature of the cards is right to not alert the dealer. if it's meant to be a new pack, it should be cold (called a "cooler"). if it's meant to be a pack in play, you'll need to warm it.

>> No.9697914

I actually have followed my dreams and tried to be true to myself. It's set me distinctly apart from so many people I meet. "Normies" isn't just a shitty 4chan meme, at least it isn't in my life.

Yet I'm also very happy.

>> No.9697923

I have 20 days to get fifteen costumes for an operette. I think I can do it. I really hope I can do it. I really like working, it makes me feel like I'm not a failure, and working in a theater fulfills all the requirements and more, of what I set for myself (CREATIVE OUTLET, always changing/always something different to do, not strict business setting (ie. not an office job), interesting, fun +lenient work hours, +can work from home) but I worry that I'm not cut out for it. I'm terrified that I'll fuck up. I have some mental issues, and a therapist told me once I'll never have a normal job and my dreams were impossible (she was a bitch and I dropped her. I might be mentally unstable, but I'm not retarded) and even though I KNOW she was wrong, I still can't stop worrying.

>> No.9697956

I wonder if I can sell this book I was given that I already have a copy of for a decent price.

>> No.9697962

I cant stop crying

Why would I cry everyday for someone that doesn't want me in his life? I feel selfish

>> No.9698435

I thought the emptiness was from my own laziness, that forcing myself to make a change would magically makes things better
I thought I would be happy when i got a full time job and moved out
Now all I do is work and sleep and I still feel hollow
I want my easy degenerate neet mooch life back

>> No.9698458

How can I get some balls to kill myself?

>> No.9700295

Godamnit i have to wake up early tomorrow but I'm having a good time listening to music and browsing /lit/

>> No.9700499

that new jay-z album sucks, not a surprise i suppose, but ... basically it's not dionysus speaking through jay-z the rapper, but jay-z the late 40s rich guy talking, and well, if i want advice from an old rich guy i'll read a book by a fag like peter thiel or warren buffet or something, not listen to some rapper trying to sound like he has an mba. boring, and dull.

>> No.9700518

Why is my baby always crying it's like he just won't shut up. Fuck!

>> No.9700528

so hit the road and become a deadbeat dad, black guys do it all the time and liberals don't say shit, so you might as well too!

>> No.9700536

I'm sorry to hear that, Little Chandler.

>> No.9700537

Nah bro..I'm white.

>> No.9700624

so your wife went off to fuck tyrone and left you to take care of her kid? lolllll

>> No.9700825

ima a take a mothafuckin nap

>> No.9700842

ok within the last two weeks three black guys have been convicted of randomly shooting people to death in the street in separate incidents in my city...not one got more than 10 years, average sentence 7 years, one could be out in 5 with parole and time served...what the fuck, that "new jim crow" bitch needs to explain this shit to me because i don't see how someone can us an "undocumented handgun" to blow someones head off and leave them in a pool of blood on the street and you get to go home in 7 years? serious wtf dude

>> No.9700897

can i change the world?

>> No.9701396

This board....

>> No.9701407

i'm tired and i want to leave

>> No.9701538

Go to the doctor and get some Ritalin, you can't continue being a sick unfocused piece of shit your whole life.

>> No.9701553


are u talking to me? do i know u?

>> No.9701564

The only drug i need is pussy

>> No.9701571

Watched Jordan Peterson and now every time I masturbate I keep remembering him, what the actual fuck

>> No.9701588

He's gorgeous my dudes
He's rich as fuck
How did I land this and how do I keep it????? Tryna marry rich at 22 he has a corvette and 16 guitars bitchezzzzz I don't even have a dishwasher yet

>> No.9701678

>te pienso
You disgust me.

>> No.9701692
File: 118 KB, 800x1205, literally the first page.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh fuck the sister Grisha was talking about was Mikasa, he knew time gets fucked around with due to the king's memory, this fucking manga man.

You do.

>> No.9701700

End earth
End it now
The experiment failed
Hitler was right
He was just an underachiever

>> No.9701709

i hope you fall in love

>> No.9701713

Tell me about your father. Did he ever take you fishing? Did he, perchance, ever talk about Moby-Dick to you? Did he happen to have any coloured friends who he spent long business travels with? Did he likes puppets, toys? Do you ever get weird stomach aches, and if, have you any doctors on them?

>> No.9701717

Again? But the first time sucked for everyone involved.

>> No.9701739

oh that's it, all these conservative closet homos have a crush on peterson, im like who could find this guy insightful or appealing at all? now we now: repressed homos in red states

>> No.9701746

i hope you're there at the end of the space spiral where we all gotta go space cowboy ;~)

>> No.9701771
File: 126 KB, 496x750, tumblr_nyjdgrzyqD1spxwlto1_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's funny that -- all the models you might try to fit into are there so you won't fit into anything in the end, that -- for how generous, good, virtuous, great, correct and so on all those figures are, they only become pesterers and tyrants. So what's with you trying to become a "Buddha", so you might be ineffable, uncomparable... when you won't dare expose what you are, reject all that is around you? What are you scared of, that you don't move; or are you static because you lack that fear?

This world is truly an entanglement--so cut! like Alexander, and cut! like a film director.

Of course, there's such thing as an honest discipline. But how to get that? A leap of faith? A reversal of not "getting"... that leads you back into entanglement?

So dumb, this faculty of speech upon which great things are built. When it talks about things far away, it becomes entangled--fear begets fear. Frustrating, truly. Now --the pressure is set-- I wait for the punchline to come to me once again.

>> No.9701775

The decline of substance on this board is a mirror into our degenerate, regressive, retarded fucking era. We all belong in labor camps

>> No.9701777

>psuedy crap
>anime image


>> No.9701788
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I could have legitimately used a *daren't there, to suppress ambiguity. My apologies, Poetics.

- What's with the -y?
- That a videogame and a picture artist.
- You read too much into a Google search.

>> No.9701792

when was it good?

>> No.9701793

i need to move away from dc

>> No.9701795

My problems consume me, yet to my neighbor they're insignificant and small. I've tied myself in a shoelace knot—I just refuse to pull the aglet at the end.

An employee filed a formal sexual harassment complaint against me yesterday. He's male, and his virgin ears autistically reject lewdness. What a tattletale pussy.

I also started seeing a new therapist. She's hot. Call me Tony Soprano.

I'm currently high in a sober house.

My name is my name.

>> No.9701800

5 years ago before pepe was a nazi and every retard on the internet came to 4chan, 4chan always brought in weird people, but they weren't necessarily retarded

>> No.9701803

Before you began contributing regularly.

>> No.9701811

>not tying a double knot on your shoelaces
there's your problem

>> No.9701813
File: 180 KB, 797x687, qpKMj.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

All of 4chan's problems stem from trying *not* to be retarded. Have you seen what old memes were like?

>> No.9701816

reading through archives from 2010, seems about the same.

>> No.9701824

ah yes, the golden age of /lit/, before the morons came...

>> No.9701835


yo i wish /lit/ had lols like that, if that thread happened today some fag would start talking about how the (((hammer))) is a jewish invention or some shit, or that op is a numale trying to cuck us all or some shit... there's too many angry betas around these days, back then it was just austists lollin n shit, the only ass pained debate would be like marxists vs anarchists or some shit

>> No.9701857

classic internet bants

>> No.9701875

Really brave behind a computer =:O

>> No.9701883

"love is love" says the filter of snapchat story of a woman's face with whom I've had a dalliance with, but hung on for too long.

I find it comedically depressing how the world has its way with mockery, but I know it's all just me.

>> No.9701890

Fuck you, you PoS, you're everything wrong with the Spicosphere. Be RAE or be dead.

>> No.9701892

i'm in way too much of a comfort zone in my life

>> No.9701896

Call it cringe, I know, but man it's weird being aware of my illogical sensitivity yet still feeling the brute force of emotion.

>> No.9701904

I am ready to pick up multiple cardinals and cast them into Hell. Is this what Dante felt like when he was filling the Inferno with popes? I'm ready to rain damnation down upon a lot of men with red hats.

>> No.9701907

i have $3 in a my steam account, what should i cop? there's so much cheap ass shovelware on steam it's hard to know what's good without being a fucking nerd

>> No.9701913

"cop" a fucking soul you teenage waste of flesh

>> No.9701919
File: 47 KB, 613x585, judge.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

please no harsh judgerino

>> No.9701928

Jesus Christ. Why does everyone on this board try to sound "more smarter" with their word choice? None of it sounds natural. None of it is energetic. Worst of all it's boring, which is the worst sin one can commit.

>> No.9701929

we are the same heads with the same bees, but with different stories.

>> No.9701934

>vocabulary is bad

>> No.9701939

Bad syntax is bad

>> No.9701946

>using ten dollar words properly interferes with syntax

>> No.9701951

You write like a shit 2-bit fedora faggot. You also write boring trite, which your vocabulary does not hide.

>> No.9701963

>bitches about syntax
>uses trite incorrectly

>> No.9701972

Doesn't change the fact you write trite

>> No.9701977

nig, plz stop. you can't keep fucking up like this.

>> No.9701979

i thought you meant "tripe" but then you doubled down on trite, oh well it should be tritely, adverbs take -ly bro

>> No.9701984

Im the guy who wrote this and can you guys relax, if theres ways I can improve please suggest

>> No.9701987

>boring trite
if it made sense, it would pretty much be a pleonasm as well.

>> No.9701990

your word choice just doesn't sound natural, you can't force "vocabulary" you just get it from reading and it will naturally come through in your writing

>> No.9701991
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>All the undergrads come out of the woodwork

>> No.9701994

Read your work out loud. Read to other people. Pay attention to how good writing flows.

>> No.9702003

this is an example of bad advice. it sounds good. doesn't mean anything.
anon, try expressing your thoughts or themes in a simple way, very simple outline of the ideas. then, go through them individually, and see if they need embellishment. try at first to master a simple style, make it second nature. as you expose yourself to new words in literature, pay close attention to context, but don't completely rely on that. try to work them into your lexicon by learning their definitions and proper uses. if you are writing something and use a word that you second guess even for a moment, go and look it up, make sure you're not making an ass of yourself.

it's just going to take some time, but writing simply will help you start and find your voice, once you have a voice, you can say whatever you want with it!

>> No.9702006

Hey guys, thanks. I appreciate it.

>> No.9702007

"trying" to use vocabulary that is not your own serves no purpose except as an attempt to please graders, outside of school, no one cares

>> No.9702008

mmma rite wutdz on mein meind

future diving into the present, like a comet, orbiting promiscuously, never divulging itself, diving into myself

allow me and you

allow you and me to be whom we-et are et arhat are

nobody will know, besides you and i, there is only you and i, in this cosmic unfolding, the silent voice, of your lover, always waiting, for you, to divulge the darkest secret, the farthest region of your kingdom, bequeath it to the realm of light, we know you and i know me and you know me and i know you and we know each other, allow and allow and allow, the unfolding of the cosmic dance, always absurd, always something a little bit askew, like the tilt axis of the earth, relative to the solar cycle, 365.(25) days askew.... we must embrace the askew-ity of our lives as a necessary aspect of self

>> No.9702012

>t. unhelpful butthurt faggot
oh please. shut the fuck up.

>> No.9702018

ok keep sounding like a freshmen tryhard i don't care

>> No.9702021

you don't even know who you're talking to, bruh. i'm not the guy who wrote the sample text above. i'm some guy who's shitting all over your wrongheaded attempts to give advice. you can't even form correct sentences by yourself, and yet here you are, projecting yourself ad nauseum. to use a phrase you are familiar with, "no one cares" what you think.

>> No.9702025

ok carry on writing shitty prose u jejune faggot

>> No.9702026

i want to make sincere physical love to everyone in this thread

>> No.9702028

heh, ad nauseam.
anyway, you're a prick.

>> No.9702032
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>t. i was pretending to be retarded the whole time!

>> No.9702036

i love you

>> No.9702046

Even if I could fake confidence and talk to a woman, I'd be too autistic for them to like me in a lasting relationship. I'm doomed to be alone forever. How I could fake confidence 24/7 for the rest of my life, it's unthinkable.

>> No.9702050

you're not trying to seduce a female organism

you're playing sweet tunes for the creator

>> No.9702052

The death of a mentor and an article I read to take my mind off of him have lead to something amazing: exactly what my 'good news' is responding to. A decade in the process, and I have finally found that whale. Yet, I am now to go at this alone: where is my direction?

>> No.9702059

i realized over the last year or two that if i was really interested in relationships i'd probably be in one, i used to say the same excuses as you "too autistic", "not confident enough" and that sort of works, but in the end i just dont want to put in the work needed to maintain relationships

>> No.9702060

alone is not without beauty

to forgo relative relation
to forgo competition

you compete with you

allow you to be within you and you will blossom

>> No.9702069

What am I supposed to do at this point?

>> No.9702072

what you will


you dont exist apart from the whole of what is

you are the whole process of happening

you dont need to do anything

>> No.9702084

you'd be surprised how lame you can be and still get a woman. just think about them and what they want, then twist that to your desires, and subtly manipulate them into being your unconditional loveslave. after that, you just occasionally renew the oil and let them putter around you, while you demolish your future by reading trash, and eventually come to the beautiful realization that you weren't manipulating anyone, that she genuinely loves and cares for you, makes sacrifices for you, and that you don't deserve her.
then work on pushing her forward in life, push her towards her potential, because you're too afraid to do it yourself, and have to live vicariously through her successes and failures, if only to taste life. then you hope and pray she finds someone who will be wonderful for her, who will respect her and care for her while growing themselves, and you, you can recede back into solitude where you belong, obsessing over the conquest of your own spirit, tempering it to break off any tender connections and collapsing on a throne of waste, looking down over your domain as it festers, chuckling with intonations of potential resounding in your now very hollow mind, of those unheeded in their desperate attempts to siphon into you some slightest sense of purpose, of duty. oh the shroud, the cowl of misanthropy, let it rest light on my shoulders as i watch my legs turn black, watch the already dulling colors grow grey as my eyes cloud over, books long forgotten.

>> No.9702095

I liked some of this

>> No.9702098

after about one line i starting thinking "i wonder if this dude is in an emo band"

>> No.9702102

aww shit new Oh Sees song in my "My New Music Mix" on Apple Music

>> No.9702108

I feel as if my mind has become duller, it's not as sharp as it used to be....so that is why I, a simple anon whom wishes intellectual betterment, stand before you, /lit/

>> No.9702110

i'm glad.

>> No.9702115

While we're on the topic (the topic that is always on in these threads) I have started to feel like I am built for solitude. I am usually silent and being alone feels almost the same to me as anything else. Yet, I guess by simply being a person, I'll always feel a quiet longing for a partner (tfw no gf). Is it possible? Can one creature truly be made for loneliness?

>> No.9702134

yes. cherish it. you have never felt urgency or pain or suffering until you have opened your heart to someone, relied on someone, loved them. when you are torn apart, well, i must say that in my experience, you lose the sense of steady ambivalence to the world around you. i at one time cared so little for the world that emotions only manifested in anger or selfishness, but when i devoted myself to someone, it changed dramatically. i stopped being able to recede, to rest somewhere alone, because that's what it is, you're not alone. even when they're physically gone, their mind weighs upon you, memories, both pleasant and disruptive, will interfere with your solitude. you become so accustomed that it's almost as if you have no air when there is a threat of losing them.
i guess this sounds emo, but it's been my experience. being alone is in a lot of ways preferable because i am a weak person. i am the model of the underground man, the NEET. it would be so much better if i were to stop pretending i'm a lover. but i fucking can't. i won't ever escape. i'll be destined to work in a factory, my stupid dreams dashed by my own acedia. hollow yourself out, friend. you're free.

>> No.9702142

if you chill for a while the other person's presence fades from your mind, there was some girl i was madly in love with and wanted to marry, but i just sort of stopped staying in seeing her, and then staying in touch at all, and now i barely think of her, if i get lonely i tell myself i'll call her tomorrow, then i don't and the mood passes

>> No.9702145


However, I'm totally fine with it. I've never been sure about anything but I worked it all out on my own everytime. Don't see why I can't keep doing that for the rest of my life.

>> No.9702150


>> No.9702151

i am too weak to leave. it would have to be her. i don't really want to leave in the end, i am devoted.
i went to jail for a few times once, and she made motions of separation from me. my mind went blank with fear. i called out favors from everyone, ended up trading some precious things for bail money. fear just took over. i was always impulsive but this is something else. something that twists you inside out.

>> No.9702153

i had been to jail several times before, in fact a time in prison. nothing like that fear ever struck me. ever.

>> No.9702156

for me being locked up is easy because i don't care about anyone on the outside, it just became my life, i mean it sucked and i thought about going home every day but not like those kids that want to off themselves cuz they can't see their girl for a year or some shit

>> No.9702161

you would think it's just kids. it's no such thing. a bond is a bond.
i used to love being sealed in a box, with books, i read so much, don quixote, tolstoy, dosty, dumas, dante, etc. i still miss that concentration. but it won't ever happen again unless i drown myself in methamphetamines.

>> No.9702168

i wish i could lose my self in drugs once in a while, my life is so fucking square, all my friends are these little millenial shits that need to be home by midnight because they live with their parents etc. i suppose it's for the best, if i did a ton of acid right now i'd probably wander off in to the woods and die or something

>> No.9702172

i don't know what to tell you. i chose my path. hopefully yours is satisfying.
mine is in some ways. in other ways i miss living in the streets, sleeping in st louis ghettos, doing meth in the country, meeting all sorts of freaks and never sharing any connections, always observing and collecting. now it's all fading, being replaced. some kingdom is growing. hopefully God will guide me, give me willpower for once, dammit.

>> No.9702173
File: 59 KB, 835x390, Cz-KeveWIAEUkZ4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I was visiting my parents last weekend and they had another family over one day. They had three sweet young girls in tow. After they left I felt an immense sadness that they have to grow up and no doubt become corrupted in these fucked up times. Victims of their parents mistakes.

>> No.9702177

i think that's how people get addicted to drugs, drugs come with an instant community and social network filled with unpredictable and slightly dangerous people, once you get clean everyone just seems sort of boring, the only thing exciting to me is entrepreneurship it has the risk, the highs and lows, and some sort of community if you can find a cofounder or two, but that's the only interesting think i can see, otherwise i'm just running out the clock on life, which is ok, i'm not suffering or anything, but idk...

>> No.9702180

yeah, they might grow up to watch shitty japanese cartoon and post retarded images on literature forums, god don't we all hate degenerates like that, i know i do

>> No.9702196

What am I suppose to do forever? I see schizophrenics like Sam Hyde and I can't help but know that's how it's going to be - the success. I see threads like "why haven't you accepted god is mind and embraced idealism yet" and it's genuinely mind boggling to me. Maybe I'm stupid, but, what? Nothing is holding me together other than the sheer momentum of change itself. I just don't get what I'm suppose to do forever.

>> No.9702200

You don't do anything forever. You die.

>> No.9702211

I did something forever.

I feel like all there is to do is watch Rick and Morty. Obviously my brain has a more erudite opinion to say but this is just I *feel* man.

>> No.9702216

I feel like if you read Rick and Morty forever you'd get bored eventually. A good book you could maybe read forever, at least until you die.

>> No.9702221
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I like the way you think.

>> No.9702271
File: 23 KB, 326x326, autism hat.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I hate email so goddamn much. I don't think I've ever in my life sent an email to someone who wasn't family or a close friend and felt good about it. I always have to force myself to hit send. Even if it's something simple, I never know how formal to be or how much to write and it's seems like so much pressure. They scrutinize my words in as much detail as they want and it'll be saved on their computer indefinitely. I will drive across town to see someone in person to avoid having to communicate by email. Or just make a phone call, but that's almost as bad. I know this is autistic as hell, but I just want to talk to people face to face like a real human bean. I need to see how the other person is reacting to what I'm saying.

>> No.9702282

i wish i could stop using a toothpick so much. i absolutely wish i was burning some kratom rn (it makes reading amazing); or alternatively i wish it was morning so i could take some coffee with l-theanine. i want to read more communist literature so i can help raise class consciousness. finally im pretty nervous to begin college in a few weeks, i am concerned that i wont be able to get the classes i want to sign up for. i am an english major right now, but i think i want to change to CS because i dont wanna be poor forever. also i enjoy CS, maybe not as much as literature, reading, and writing, but still to some extent i do.

>> No.9702389

You can say whatever you like. I refuse to live this kind of life. A life under a yoke? Not a free life at all. No I don't think I'll take it. I think if rather die trying to break that yoke. I think I'd rather die than let you get away with this.

>> No.9702405

You burn Kratom? I always just eat it.

>> No.9702428

"burn" is a somewhat outdated term for ingesting kratom. it was popular for the purpose of hiding the fact that people were using it as a drug rather than a incense from the DEA.

>> No.9702432

Oh ah. Well i didn't think it was even illegal,

>> No.9702437

oh geez, sorry to stray from the original purpose of this thread. but it's not illegal the term was a weak attempt at preventing it being made illegal. hope that helps

>> No.9702439

Lol yeah anyway "write what's on your mind" doesn't make sense like what else could you write?

>> No.9702945

NEET for 4 years now. It's starting to get boring.

>> No.9702973

i terrorize and scandalize women, i don't bring them happiness anymore.

>> No.9702980

I literally don't desire anything, I'm not unhappy but I could lie down and never get up again easily.

>> No.9703057
File: 110 KB, 552x364, 1460847163242.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Should I get hammered or read

>> No.9703740

>tfw julia gfrörer will never be your mother and sit on your face

>> No.9703751

This. I want to become a singer-songwriter musician and ramble for a bit but I'm too much of a bitch to do it. Plus I'm a bad lyricist, bad guitar player and bad singer.

>> No.9703757

Spiritual awakening means going to hell and back. Don't trust anyone that tells you spirituality is all about happiness. You will pay severely for any progress you hope to make

>> No.9703765

Knowing my own potential, knowing what needs to be done to fulfill it, it is a great tragedy to keep slipping up in horrible habits.

>> No.9703772

>Go into a bathroom at a Tim Hortons to piss
>Fucking 16yo kids are trying to film their friend in the stall, who is shitting
>"Stop recording!" he yells at them
>"duud i ain't even recording" one says as he blatantly shoves his phone over the stall door
>I can see the camera application interface from where I am, and it's obviously recording
>Dude in the stall gets super angry and starts yelling at them

Maybe I should have done something

>> No.9704863

is it illegal to eat tater tots on the sidewalk?

>> No.9704878

On (as in walking and eating from a container or something) or from the sidewalk?

>> No.9704883

>Listening to dreamwave while masturbating to softcore Yulia Nova videos
>Collapse into my chair after I finish and wonder if I should just abandon everything and buy a one-way ticket to Japan and live there until I eventually kill myself

>> No.9704935

eating from a container but not walking, just sitting down, in people's way

>> No.9705255

I just want things to be easy for once. I want my parent's business to go well for a fucking change, I want to stop chewing my nails, I want to get fit, I want to better my drawing and writing, I want to get better friends, and I don't even know where to fucking start.

>> No.9705266

dude, i just watch porn for like 5 hours while carefully composing an erotic email to send to some craigslist rando, then when i finally got off it was such a massive nut i might as well have been fucking, i collapsed on my bed and laid there smiling half awake for like 15 minutes, damn. i never usually do shit like that but i think i took so long because i was writing that email which lead me to consider word choice, and flow and transition between ideas etc. it was like getting off on my own erotica while porno sounds played in another tab...ok, im gonna need like an hour to recover then im gonna do some work from 1-4 or so.

>> No.9705281

I'm tired, please help. I'm not depressed, go away. Please stay, Leave already, I want to be alone. Get out. I just want to breathe and be eased out of somnolence. I want it to take me awash, bathed in ever-flowing speech. Don't care about me, don't show it if you do. You make me nauseous, you. Get out. Why did you have to exist? Why did you have to be? How are you? I'm good. I'm okay. I'm all right. I'm none left. I'm dissipated. I'm in despair. I'm no one. I wish I were someone else. I wish I were you. I wish I could simply, I wish I could tenderly. Grace. Hello says the carnival scooping up the bird remnants from Jalkara's rooftops, long legs hopping along tiled tilted roofs, looking at friezes long taken ot of their homes to be placed throwing their disks o immediate grounds. Rain says the man. Rain your pleas and stop the cover of your eyes. Drink says the man, drink the blind off your plied arms. Rub cement on them. Rub crisped cedar wood. Sit in flowers as to be one, closing petals ever-churning to some points calling at names out the window, smoking up whatever grain you've chosen to plant. Plant away, says the man. Drink water to better sweat it out, says the man. Scream, says the man. Scream to better be heard, to better learn and to say the world it wished to learn, does the sun to the world shine anew, or do you rather eat away at imposed twilights. Puke it all out, sweat it and piss it off. Piss off, shit out roaches and cock out the cocker and purview of starvation begs at the entrenchment of immaculate thought. Make your feet to be numbed and your toes to separate to grasp at rocks lying still atop your resting kiss, smothering the flame as a lover hasted on to consumption. Smell like urine, please. Eurgh. Stop with this incessant need. Don't flop.

>> No.9705283

What have you been doing?

>> No.9705286

I wish I could still make you happy.

>> No.9705288

read the thread bro he said he stepped in some glass when he was drunk and didn't bother to pick it out before he went to bed or something, that post is from last night

>> No.9705390

the nytimes has ANOTHER fuck op-ed memorializing Prodigy, give me a fucking break. The Infamous was a great album, but lets not get fucking carried away now, most of their other shit was totally forgettable, except maybe the two or three songs they did when they signed with 50 cent of all people in the 2000s.

>> No.9705401

fat of the land is my childhood brother, don't speak so fast. or read the nytimes, why would you do that to yourself?

>> No.9705408

prodigy the rapper from mobb deep u shitlorde

>> No.9705424

lol shit my bad, but still that nyt shit isn't good for you. get their old shit like dorothy parker

>> No.9705621
File: 543 KB, 950x875, takato_yamamoto.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That's Takato Yamamoto, a famous artist, you absolute fucking loser. I bet you think Hokusai is anime too.

>> No.9705626

>famous artist
>jap knock off of art nouveau

swear to god why are asians so fucking unoriginal

>> No.9705627


>> No.9705632

You do realize that the Japanese made HUGE contributions to western art? Including bright colors and non-centered focal points.

>> No.9705634

God is real

Repeatedly, I've had the urge to say "I love you" to every person I talk to. Even strangers. Obviously, that would make them very uncomfortable, so this is a thought I keep to myself. But it feels like it wants to come out, like a sneeze, or like a cat's meow, it's my meow. But I keep it to myself.

>> No.9705635

yes, i read the japonism section in my art history book ok, japs are still wack

>> No.9705637

fag of the century

>> No.9705639

I love you

>> No.9705641

Whack and unoriginal are two different things.
I won't deny the whack part.

>> No.9705706

I cant wait to get back into my old uni routines

>> No.9705751

The window of opportunity for me to become a legitimate intellectual has already passed, and the best I could hope to be is well read. It's upsetting.

>> No.9705753

Death of the reader

>> No.9705759

The vitriol is an attempt to fit in
Often exaggeration attracts attention worthy of reply it seems, something many people on 4chan learn

>> No.9705760

death of pages to write on and ink to pen and computers to click-clack

>> No.9705772

I Suck

>> No.9705775

I don't interpret receiving free samples as sticking it in arse. The intention is good: if the giver of free samples intended me to stick it in arse, I'd rather not conform; if the giver of free samples intended me to stick it in arse, there's suspicion they're mentally ill; if the giver of free samples was mentally ill, then they could've done who knows what to the free samples. Thus, the intention tells me whether to consumer or not.

>> No.9705781

we may consume, that is simply to imbibe the world around us

but this alone will not do

we must integrate alchemically inwardly transmute and distill and imagine another mode another image another story and give forth back in the furnace of our souls that which we found meaningful

perhaps you are against a one sided relationship with life, which is a proper against-ing to be

>> No.9705798

Bruh fuck that shit.

I'm not helping that barefoot slutkraut Keira Metz again.

>> No.9705914

too much to write, really, and to start to organize it is putting me to sleep. that's really the most effective medicine against insomnia, I think. Can't sleep? try to sort out your life. catalog your problems, sort them by

and there i'm off. if you start massive, thinking about literally every bit of your life you'd like to fix, or improve, or change, then about how to begin to tackle them, there's only two ways it can end: one is sleep, the other is, to use a stupid ass word, enlightenment. i'm hoping this can be accomplished as an amalgamation of who knows how many sleep-filled nights.

that was dumb, i'm gonna list things i want to fix now

i'd like to enjoy sex. not just with my ex, not just when i'm wasted, i want to have no inhibitions and be liberated and confident and not so fucking concerned about everything except enjoying myself. this also has to do with something else I want solved: I want to be less detached, to experience deep emotions (romantic ones, specifically) and convey them sincerely, fearlessly. not just to a girlfriend, either; i really really love my friends, and parents, and family and actually life in general, and i do a good job about always being obvious about how superb life in general is, but i'm always worried no one i care about knows how much i care about them. it's such an easy fix. crack my shell open and tell my family i love them everyday. text my friends when i'm thinking of them. instead i stay balled up, way up in my head all day, coming out to enjoy myself and take what's to be had but never to say thank you.

really not sure what's got me going on about sex lately. what i'm reading probably has something to do with it, and now as my friends are exiting the single life, it's occurring to me how much i'm missing out on. everyone loves fucking, so why don't I? it's not like i never do. was with my first girlfriend almost two years, and we had sex last month and it was great - though only because (hypothesizing here) I'm still so comfortable around her. it is familiar to fuck her.

that's why i think why becoming more emotionally expressive will help: sex, as i see it, is ultimately a manifestation of pure desire, and if i can't tell someone what i think about them, there's no way in hell i can show them.

falling in love is an easy solution - i've been open with exes before, some more than others. except i think i'm afraid of falling in love. i really like to feel in control of my feelings, and i like routines, and don't like surprises. that's basically a recipe for avoiding love at all costs. i wasn't always like that, either.

when i got to college i was eager to love, so when it happened it was fast and terrifying, like grabbing each other's hands and taking a deep breath and sprinting full force into a massive, light-eating cave, no consideration given to what we'll smack into, what beasts could eat us, what awaits at the end, if it exists, only giggling and blindly frolicking and hoping there's no

>> No.9705930

I shouldn't worry, I should just have fun

>> No.9706424
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I think the reason I read so much is because I can't find any interesting emotional conflicts and change in my life. The world I see every day seems stale and sterile. When I read, characters have meaningful days, situations with real tension and poetic beauty. That never happens to me. Most days are exactly the same. When I took shrooms I suddenly saw everything as poetic beauty, I told my friend that I was analyzing the lines of my life for allusion and metaphor and that we had been baptized in a fire alarm. But I think it was just me finding what I wanted to find.

>> No.9706465

My mood keeps switching, some days I feel great and positive about my future other days I feel like shit and don't leave the house.

>> No.9708013

I'm in love with my cousin.

>> No.9708057

are you that hill billy guy who's always bitching about cultural marxism and liberal cuck universities and shit?

>> No.9708080

No and why do you want him to fit into your stereotype so much? Stop being a resentful bitch.

>> No.9708201

You sound like a pretentious faggot. Your vocabulary is pleb-tier but you still can't use it properly. You're mixing together archaic and non-archaic sentence structure randomly to try to look smart. Cut the bullshit, don't write about yourself (because you're a boring sack of shit), and don't worry about it if your writing sounds too common, just focus on clarity.

>> No.9708309

>"Normies" isn't just a shitty 4chan meme
can confirm. Nelly everyone I've ever met it's more like livestock rather than a person.

>> No.9708346

i just want to get married lol
probably need to meet a girl first

>> No.9708360

This also

How old are you?

>> No.9708372

I'm dating a girl right now that's really into literature and modern art and also kind of a weeb. She's really cute too. Sooooooo...are you guys just losers or what's the deal with all of the misanthropic bullshit on here?

>> No.9708378

I'm in love for the first time in my life, /lit/.

>> No.9708391

What is the point of writing in the age of information when less than 1% of people read? Is literature done for or has it transformed into moving pictures? Is academia the last bastion? No tradition can be saved consciously because tradition is supposed to transform from generation to generation, "keeping" tradition the way it is is actually wrong. The only keepers of tradition are the illiterate villagers, extinct in the first world, which is the reason the West is losing identity. There is no collective people. This stresses me out.

>> No.9708395

Are there any books with idoms, phrases, adverbial clauses, adverbial phrases.
Or words that normally don't mean a thing, means that thing together with other words.
You know "sayings", connotations and shit.

As a non native speaker of English, I find myself limited in this regard. Sure I get what they're saying, but I can't say them myself.

>> No.9708402

She'll crush your soul sooner or later, good luck.

>> No.9708404

let us know when she goes mad and bites your dick off

>> No.9708413

lmao i hope you enjoy that sandwich your mother brought to the basement anons

>> No.9708460

I would probably kill myself desu.
Took me 22 years to get rid of my emotionless sperg personality.

>> No.9708474

i found the one
we are so alike, yet she is better than me

i find myself smiling everytime our eyes meet

she wants me
i want her

>> No.9708481

Tell us about her, fagtron.

>> No.9708487

It happens to everyone, and it's a valuable lesson for men to be pragmatic when it comes to women or else they are going to hurt you and use you.

>> No.9708492

what do you want to know

t. blog anon

>> No.9708493

Put it into the perspective that everyone has felt this feeling.

>> No.9708495

that everyone has felt the same feeling doesn't make the experience trivial for me

>> No.9708497

The Sailor on the Seas of Fate was great. I'm looking forward to starting the next book.

>> No.9708511

The point is to evaluate if they're truly genuine.

>> No.9708519

how do you determine meaning from nonsense? So many things that I used to think were meaningless tautologies or just people trying to sound deep now have meaning to me today, and vice versa with things I thought were meaningful years ago. Does it just constantly shift around? And yet I know that not everything can have meaning by default. How do I develop discernment in this area?

>> No.9708522

You start with the Greeks.

>> No.9708536

what makes them special though? I just recently got into philosophy by way of Jung (inb4 but he's not a philosopher), moved on to Heidegger and Wittgenstein.

>> No.9708546

They are the foundation of Western philosophy?

>> No.9708558

i usually never post in this board
but i really wanted to sincerely say that this is very well written, great job

>> No.9709238

You say you're on the pill, but you also say you love the idea of being pregnant one day. I say I trust you, but I don't. What's different is that I'm excited in not trusting you.

I am very self destructive.

>> No.9709261

I want to plunge head first into a big pair of titties

>> No.9709268


as if boys don't do it just as commonly

in fact late bloomers do it more often because they realize they're now on top of the world and wanna taste 10 pussies ASAP

>> No.9709301

You are going to break her ribcage, not recommended.

>> No.9709305

Typical woman response: shifting the blame and ressentiment.

>> No.9709308

Kys, loser

>> No.9709313

thank you, really.

>> No.9709314


I'm a bi guy who is dating a girl and who is friends with multiple girls, so "no"

most of the female friends I have were the ones who "broke the heart" of their longtime boyfriends by either cheating or just leaving them. Usually it's the pathetic men who will counter by saying "Wahhhhh I'm gonna kms".

>> No.9709325

>I'm a bi guy
So a de facto woman then?

>> No.9709331

you son of a gun, you stole my dwarf fortress meme!

>> No.9709356
File: 224 KB, 855x855, Apparition_still_Harold_Bloom.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I probably get more pussy than you and I actually prefer dick, stay mad bud :)

>> No.9709358

Im molding my dead grandmother into the perfect grandma in my mind who is the only person i believe would understand the current issues im dealing with right now. My two friends and roommates seem to be losers that take advantage of my kindness and money. Why did i catch myself wondering what the ramifications of a roman candle up my mouth would be? I should set up a therapy appointment tomorrow. I really liked Paris When it Sizzles

>> No.9709359

So you're mentally ill. These are the words of a madman!

>> No.9709366

Ah, so you are one of those paid shills (or a baiter). Have a good night.

>> No.9709375

>Im molding my dead grandmother into the perfect grandma in my mind who is the only person i believe would understand the current issues im dealing with right now.

I do this with my dead (since I was 18, not too long ago) grandfather even though when he was alive, he never spoke more than 10 words to me even when we were near each other, and my dad told me how shitty of a dad he was to him.

But he was also a physicist and had amazingly patrician literature and music tastes. I think other than how secluded he was, me and him were very similar.

It's hard not to project yourself onto dead people who should've been closer to you. Gotta resist the daydreams.

>> No.9709379


I see you are staying very mad. Have a good night yourself though

>> No.9710109

After two gruelling years of constant hard work I have the money for a mortgage deposit. The dilemma I face is that I must move away from my current town to be able to afford, thanks to the very things that /pol/ warned me about, the house of prices has doubled since 2015. Brexit can only be a good thing for the white British man, but I can't wait forever. My only option is to move further north where I fear I may regret moving to out of boredom.

>> No.9710157

I want to die
Too scared though
Sick with ailments
Then there is this pressure
Ah, I can't write for shit
I want to die

>> No.9710179

I have two essays to finish in 3 hours

i want to sleep

>> No.9710873

I try to escape it bbtutt ssssssssssahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhfgshfgsfhsfjkdhkbnht k

>> No.9710880

there is no way to escape it, the only option is tpgothrough

>> No.9710885

..........uuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu ;_;

>> No.9710888

I'm going to be so tired tomorrow.

>> No.9710977

Maybe if I hate myself hard enough I'll stop being such a shit quality human being.

>> No.9710995

Compared to the people in this thread, I'm doing fine. I still don't know what I want to do in life though.

>> No.9711020


actually underrated

>> No.9711022

Once they finally drain my ballbag I think I can get back to living

>> No.9711027

I don't want to go to work but at the same time I kind of do because there's air conditioning there.

>> No.9711108

My grandmother, her brother, and now my father have all suffered from Alzheimer's Disease. Since the disease is hereditary, I am feeling way less inclined to have children. I don't want this gene to spread.

>> No.9711566
File: 79 KB, 503x631, 1398877422955.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

im trying to find out why im so anti social towards this guy, maybe I just dont like him even

im so unfair

>> No.9711636

I wanna sniff V cards because they shower them with the most delicate perfumes.

>> No.9712087

I should probably start figuring out what to do with my books when I move.
Carry all of them with me? Or maybe just some of them? Carry them to my parent's place? Give them away? Try and sell them?
Decisions, decisions...

>> No.9713028

I need help
I need help
I need help
Why does this happens to me

>> No.9713041


>> No.9713100
File: 1.13 MB, 1473x1800, HomSkulls.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What are we, and if I find out, what then?

>> No.9713113
File: 62 KB, 520x527, 13078992_f520.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i need to stop looking at these threads

>> No.9713114

I deserve to suffer but I also don't want to

>> No.9713117

Kill me
Please please

>> No.9713119


You can fight it.
You can fight it.
You can fight it.
It happened, now you have to take control.
You can.
You must.
You will.

>> No.9713152

that's basically the lyrics of a spanish song I heard the other day


>> No.9713163

what happened, anon:(

>> No.9713166
File: 339 KB, 1024x770, 1495951364002.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anahata (Sanskrit: अनाहत) or heart chakra is the fourth primary chakra, according to Hindu Yogic, Shakta and Buddhist Tantric traditions. In Sanskrit, anahata means "unhurt, unstruck, and unbeaten". Anahata Nad refers to the Vedic concept of unstruck sound (the sound of the celestial realm). Anahata is associated with balance, calmness, and serenity.

>> No.9713168

I really need to write something meaningful about my view of the current social state of my country (not the US) to vent off some of my ideas.
However, I fear that I will try to stop myself unconsciously because some of those ideas can ostricize me from certain social circles or that I will try to write something that seeks the opposite, social acceptance. I need to fight myself to put my truly honest view on the topics.

On the other hand, I really want to put my ideas out there and discuss what I think with others for once. I want to feel good and lift my soul by arguing and characterizing what I think, giving my thought form, I'm tired of staying away from discussion because people just use Facebook and reduce everything to insults and vague ideas, and then likes decide whether your opinion was worthy or not. I want ideas to clash and develop them.

I'm not brilliant though, I don't think I'm certainly right about what I will write, but I just want to stop having these debates with myself and putting them out there.

>> No.9713173

why am i so terrified of intimacy

>> No.9713176

I'm a stranger to myself.

>> No.9713180


>> No.9713190

Tell me more anon

>> No.9713208

are you me anon?

>> No.9713213

oh fuck off you bitter asshole, people are trying to be wholesome and emotional for once in this shithole and you're trying to ruin the moment

>> No.9713215

I constantly feel like my life is never going to go anywhere. Perhaps it is just my crippling self-hatred. I can never see myself as coming out on top of a situation, despite how I usually make it out alright. Why the fuck can't I have any confidence in myself, any confidence that I won't be a complete fucking failure forgotten with the masses?

>> No.9713218

I'm gonna read a few short stories by Mark Twain and then go out for some late night junk food.

>> No.9713220

I'm not him, but I think he means that *real* spiritual development means a lot of self reflection and analysis of what you do. I will try to explain it from that vein.

Sometimes, when you look at yourself you will see things that you don't quite like, hell you might even see demons you were not conscious of, also you might neither like the people that are around you, so you have to make an effort to change and that also requires a lot of discipline and sacrifice, sometimes even acting against your percieved best interest (we lie to ourselves a lot). You have to alter your lifestyle and do unpleasant things, like abstaining of habits, creating new ones or putting yourself in situations you are uncomfortable with. In the end you learn and grow, but in the short run you will suffer a lot, and hell, even the rewards aren't as material and on your face as you might think. Not many people will tell you that you have changed for good (although those that do might be valuable people), some might criticize you, maybe you will see very little progress considering the effort you thought you put.

Anyways, I hope that's what he meant.

>> No.9713237

Life seems so blasé. A majority of people really think these things are important. This world bores me.

>> No.9713263

Just saw Baby Driver. I really liked it, and the cinematic style is pretty cool. I can't really tell if the bad white robber returning every five minutes was annoying or not but I'll admit it the movie had me on my seat the whole time. I'm a little disappointed that they didn't particularly develop how Baby got into his business with Doc, bar the brief mention that he stole from him. I mean, why did Baby do it? The excuse that "He's traumatized so he's a criminal!" is a little too much of a cop-out for me. I'd give it a solid 7/10 overall. Good soundtrack, good cinematics and good character quirks make this a pretty good action gem.

>> No.9713270

Need to get another book written. It's been too long since my last one; I'm falling behind. Need to get back to work.

Why does your feet hurt, anon? Been going on walks lately? If so, that's good. Me too. Remember sunblock though; got fucking sunburned recently but thankfully not TOO badly.

>> No.9713272

Try writing.One day read, one day get hammered, and then one day write. Or read/write and then get hammered afterwards at night. If I could afford to get drunk every night, I think I would.

>> No.9713278


just fyi


was me trying to be nice to >>9713028

and I was going to just ignore you but some other kindly anon >>9713213

said what I didn't even bother

>> No.9713360

I am so completely possessed of a revulsion against willful action as to be made tangibly ill when pushed into a scenario that requires I be open or earnest.
I cannot imagine myself a total human.

>> No.9713385


Yesterday I dreamed that I was walking around in an old plaza where I used to play as kid. A small black and white dog bited me in the eyelashes, a little bit of blood was coming out of it. My hands were getting full of a little bit of blood. A former lover of mine came to me, but stared ther with an insolent pose. Not talking, not bothering. Just observing in a non-partial look.

>> No.9713417
File: 186 KB, 800x845, DBlgR2CUwAAGtPE.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I just found out that they're changing the paper bills in my country. From today.ish and rolling out the other ones over the course of a year. I found it kind of weird since paper money is becoming rather antiquated in a world where everyone pays by card.

Also, I feel like I'm starting to find the right balance of time spent reading and time spent writing.

>> No.9713419
File: 38 KB, 669x960, IMG_1909.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

"If people looked at the stars each night, I'd bet that they'd live considerably more different -- once you look into infinity, you get a good sense of how small things really are." Our sun. Our home planet, Earth. You. People often look at these elements of the universe, and somehow it makes them feel insignificant. I wish people would consider this life thing to be more valuable. More valuable than the time which limits its experience. We know so little of the universe, but one thing is certain - it is undeniably beautiful. Isn't the ability to just experience this more profound than the black hole at the center of our own galaxy? More profound than the largest galaxy in the universe? More profound than the cosmos itself? We are all beautiful arrangements of dust and gas, occupying space and time, making choices, falling in love, reading, writing, thinking, stealing, murdering, hurting. With beauty, something must be ugly. For without ugliness, the beautiful parts of life would become dull. Unenthralling. And that, in itself, is beautiful in its own way. A strange, but beautiful way. I would never try to do something ugly to this planet or anyone trying to experience life, but ugliness is necessary to make something beautiful. We may need to remember that from time to time. To encourage us to not dwell on the little things. To truly admire ourselves, our insignificance, and our significance.

>> No.9713682

who wrote this?

>> No.9713692

So many meme-philosophers are considered "the red pill", it hurts.

>> No.9713697

I read that, too, didn't know it was translated to english though, since it's old af and not so well known.

>> No.9713701
File: 61 KB, 565x554, 👋😫🔫.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have to go to sleep
It's late, they will caught me sleeping at a late time, they will yell at me
I want to die but not because dying is dumb
I have to fix some shit
Normal shit but has to be fixed
And my groin hurts
I should also fix that

But now it's 6 am, how will I sleep well
They will swear at me
Fucking great

>> No.9713785

I killed a man in self defense but i still fear i am going to hell

>> No.9713795

first draft dialogue really fucking sucks

>> No.9713799

Also haven't smonked the green in 2 weeks and I feel no differant.

I also recently learned that Richard Spencer is an atheist. Don't know what to do with that info.

I should probably organize my room a bit. I have folded clean clothes on the floor that I didn't put away and they've been on the floor for about 5 days

>> No.9713814

First real romantic prospect in 4 years, first cold sore in 4 years. fml.

>> No.9713839

Fuck you, mom.

>> No.9713845

I must surround myself and drown myself in art; paintings and books will help me keep on track, and from then on, it's only a matter of time until the activity compounds into habits compound into my dreams. I will make it - it is my destiny to make it; it's inevitable, for I know the secret of time.

>> No.9714004
File: 433 KB, 2120x1192, 1495944566510.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I just want to have enough money so that I don't have to worry about money any more. But then what's next?

I'm glad my boss gave me a glowing review today. It almost justifies the amount of work I've been doing. He said he'd try and increase my pay after mentioning it to the board, but I don't believe him.

Why can't I get up in the morning? I wake up at a good hour but then I just decide to hit the snooze button and oversleep, which makes me feel just as shit as when I don't get enough sleep.

I need to try harder.

I miss her.

>> No.9714016
File: 383 KB, 640x647, 1496728199007.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I really hope these business ventures will both take off; at least well enough to be comfortable. Going back to university to pursue a degree is, and always will be, garbage for me. No matter how much willpower I try to summon to make it through just one semester of that propagandized bullshit, it always ends itself with the same cycle.

Attend class, understand the underlying topic and have an advanced grasp of it within the first week or two of class, continue attending class with newfound boredom due to intimate understanding of the concept being taught, lose interest in menial way of teaching, drop for non-attendance.

The takeaway is always sufficient, but never enough to 'earn' that ever important piece of paper, god forbid I actually learn something without some cunt funding some political sit-in signing off on it.

Regardless, at least I have a backup plan. $2,400/mo is more than reasonable in the Czech Republic. Even long haul truckers in the region only earn about $550/mo. I'll just retire there and funnel the money back through my US account, make sure to pay uncle Sam's annual bill, and funnel the remainder through the wife's foreign bank.

I suppose retirement doesn't sound bad as an alternative to this shit.

>> No.9714021

My guardian angel keeps making me hit myself on the top of my head and its getting scary.

>> No.9714030

>Why can't I get up in the morning? I wake up at a good hour but then I just decide to hit the snooze button and oversleep, which makes me feel just as shit as when I don't get enough sleep.
Same here, man. If I could figure out how to make myself get up, I could probably do a lot more with myself.

>> No.9714038

I just dreamt with you again

>> No.9714047

I just finished a small study session involving some basic music theory and a bit of grammar. Not bad for 10pm. I just hope that I wake up tomorrow with the same drive to read, learn, and play. I have finally reduced my time spent playing video games, and now I need to make sure that I actually use that time for something productive.

>> No.9715095

Dank memes.

>> No.9715692

I can't show my phimotic penis to a woman.

>> No.9715702

you need to fucking jack off and stretch it out retard, god, i hate these jewish doctors who go around telling people they need to chop half their dick off instead of telling them to go home and wack off until it stretches out, jesus christ "phimotosis" or how ever you make a noun out of it is the most bogus "ailment" known to man, although the fact that you can't figure this out on your own and instead have avoided sex your whole might show your iq is a bit lacking

>> No.9715767

the hole is pinhole size, tried stretching once but only got a nasty infection and got scared to death.

>> No.9715783

how does it not stretch when you get a bone and wack off?

>> No.9715801

It's tight as fuck

>> No.9715819

well of course it's going to hurt a little bit, i remember being a little kid trying to wash my dick and it hurt like hell to pull down the foreskin so i only got like half for years, and then at some point, probably when i first started getting erections, i managed to pull it all the way down and wash the whole thing i was like wow i've never seen the bottom edge of my dickhead before! how did u miss this stage of development? well good luck, it probably won't happen over night

>> No.9715836


>> No.9715878


>> No.9716529
File: 46 KB, 600x189, IMG_1913.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I literally wrote that myself.... not even joking. The quote at the top though, that's from a comic.

>> No.9716601

After heavy contemplation, a thought came to me. A thought so beautiful, well articulated, that I was amazed I could ever conceive anything that beautiful. I looked at the world with a deep sense of new found meaning, and as I focused on the beauty of the world around me, the definition of the thought slipped my mind. All I had left was a feeling, but nothing solid to fall upon on, and thus the feeling faded.

>> No.9716608

Staring at you, she confirmed her long held bias about the future she saw in you, a vision that repulsed her away from you in the first place.

>> No.9716629


>> No.9717113

I still thinking I should be loyal to my ex

>> No.9717119

Maybe try watching shows or movies. I think it may help.

>> No.9717343

I wonder if she likes me too. Through the nights of fun and contact, I want something she has, not for pleasure or being, but for warmth